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Show we Interfere with a la hla effort to preserve life, elace the life he took could not be restored by his capture? But my last thought that night was of Lady Edith and the look In her brown eyes as she held the little key. fellow-creatur- SERIAL STORY TUEEd SMUGGLER Illustrations by Ray WJters isui, iyr J. Jk L'mminmM 8YNOP8I8. Three girls Elisabeth, Oabrielle and Elise started for Canada to spend the summer there. On board steamer they were frightened by an apparently demented stranger, who, finding a bag be! to one of them, took enjoyment In scru tinising a photo of the trio. Elise shared her stateroom with a Mrs. Oraham, also bound for Canada. The young women on a sightseeing tour met Mrs. Oraham, awaiting her husband, who had aanxiously mania fur sailing. They were introduced to Lord Wilfrid and Lady Edith. A cottage by the ocean was rented by the trio for the summer. Elisabeth learned that a friend of her father's was to call. Two men called, one of them being the queer-actin- g stranger on the steamer. The girls wers "not at home," but discovered by the cards left that one of the men was Elisabeth's father's The men proved to be John C gland. and Gordon Be teas told of the search the Mrs. hat her Aot the happiest. ghe learned that the Grahams ana Lady Edith were acquainted. A wisp of yellow. hair from Mr. Urs- ipocke Mrs. Graham's hair was black. During a storm the young women heard a crash In the basement of the cottage and a moment later Mary Anne, their woman servant, entered, her arm bleeding. To assure them there was no danger, Mary Anne descended to the basement alone and quieted their fears. Ledy Edith told the girls of a robbery of Jewels at the hotef Fearing for the safety of her own left them In a safe at tlie gms, she Hr. Gordon Bennett was properly Introduced, explained Ills queer actions, returned the lost bag and told of mysterious doings of a year liefure connected with tlie cottage. Exploring the cellar, one of the girls found a sphinx the exact counterpart of which Imth Gordon Bennett and Lady Edith were found to possess, also. Elise, alone, explored the cellar, overhearing a conversation there between Mary Anne and a man. He proved to be her eon, charged with murder. The young women agreed to keep the secret. I.ady Edith told a story of a lost love in connection with e CHAPTER IX. My lova Is like a red. red roae That's newly blown In June; My love Is like a melody That's aweetly played In tune. It was a baritone voice, so clear, so strong, and yet so sweet that involuntarily we stopped talking and listened until the end of the verse. Where Is it? I questioned. 1 think. said Gordon Bennett, it must come from a boat; it will round the point presently. We were walking along the beach, and had wandered farther than wo Intended, almost to the point of the island, In fact, and, quite tired out, I had seated myself upon a rock to rest a while before going back. I wish be would slag again, I remarked; dont you? Well, no," returned my companion; to be frank, I would rather have your undivided attention. Why, please?" 1 suppose It la because I was born with a aelfiah disposition. Listen! I exclaimed, aa the song began again, closer this time, with every word distinct and clear. 80 fair la ahe, my dearest daar, 80 much In lova am I, That I would love her all my life Till all the oeaa run dry; Till all tha seas run dry, my dear, And rocks melt wl the sun The boat was quite near now, and the song ceased abruptly as the alnger stood erect and waved hla hat cheerfully; a white paraaol In the stern alao beckoned Invitingly. they are waving Why, I said, at ua. It Is Graham, said Gordon Bennett, briefly, and your friend Lady Edith. thought, although as I looked at Mr. Graham's ruddy face and heard hla careless laugh I quite understood that he would generally live up to what ha said. And I had a quick recollection, had too, of the package Elizabeth opened; was that caused by a sudden impulse, I wondered, and had he ex tract ed his full measure of satisfaction out of it? Lord Wilfrid was waiting on the dock when we landed, his cap pulled down over his eyes and hla manner the reverse of cordial. 1 have looked everywhere for you, Edith, he said. You did not tell me you expected to go sailing. , Did you make up your party this morning? He looked at Gordon Bennett aa he spoke, and paused for a reply. aald It was quite unpremeditated, In fact, your alater that gentleman. and Mr. Graham were kind enough to pick ua up a good bit down tha beach and give ua a lift home. Waa any one else with you? I took a short sail with Mr Gra1 ham, Wilfrid, aald Lady Edith. am sorry if you have needed me, but I thought you intended fishing this afternoon. She looked steadily at him, and ha But lowered hla eyes Instinctively. hla face, as ha watched Mr. Graham push off and sail away, was heavy and lowering, and bis fingers twitched nervously. Mr. Graham la I aald. Llaten singing again. He waa standing by hla sail now, the light of the sun full upon him, apparently unconscious of tha picture he made. And I will love you still, my dear, When all the teas run dry The words of tha old song died away, and I turned to my companions. Let ua go home, I aald; but Lady Edith and her brother had already sone So it is. I was genuinely pleased, for I could see they wanted us to join them, and I was more than willing to avoid the walk home. Get aboard, called Mr. Graham, aa the bow grated against a rock. You n. the sphinx key. CHAPTER Vllle Continued. I could not think of anything to say, for at critical momenta my vocabulary always proves Inadequate, so I merely took her hand and stroked It gently. I dont know why I have told you this, she said, but you have all been so good to us that we are no longer We all have graves in Yours has not come yet, and I hope it may be long deferred; mine is still green enough to he painful when I visit It. Forgive me, dear; you look quite sad and. Indeed, I am not worthy of so much sympathy. You are very brave, I said, admiringly. I do not show the white feather to the world, that le all. But tell me about Mr. Blake, whom I met here the other day. Who and what la he? I could tell her very little, for Mr. Bennett had proved uncommunicative about hla friend, and beyond the fact that he would be here for an Indefinite period I knew nothing. But do tell me, I remarked, as she rose to go, has Mrs. Bundy heard anything about her jewels? Not yet. Poor old aoul, she la It la generally quite heart-brokebelieved a detective la in the hotel, posing as a guest, but he does not seem to be making any progress. I feel perfectly comfortable about my few possessions, however, thanks to your goodness. She went away then, and I sat alone In the hammock, thinking of the two secrets I had learned that after-- ' noon, and watching the glow of the setting sun, which turned some sails pink and others pearly white, as the boatloads of merrymakers sailed home. After a while Gabrielle and Elizabeth appeared, rather the worse for wear, and Inclined to be Indignant. They had not enjoyed themselves; the shops were no good whatever. Lady Edith had been unable to go. and there bad been some misunderstanding, for Lord Wilfrid had not met them at tlie time appointed. Altogether, the day,had been a failure, and it was not until a good dinner had calmed their aggrieved spirits that I began to relate my own experiences, giving the history of Mary Anne with as much pathos as I could manage. remarked Elizabeth, Of course, we ought to discharge her. It la not pleasant to think of a murderer being concealed In the house.!' exclaimed GabriGood gracious! What are elle, in an alarmed voice. of her you thinking of? Think waffles. Oh. I was not going to do It; I only said that we ought to. She la too valuable to lose, especially If he really is going away. So we told Mary Anne that It was all right, and we would allow her son to escape as be had planned. She was pathetically grateful, and promised never to allow him on the premises again, so we felt quiie comfortable about him: and. after all. whv should In Which Yellow Wins GREAT SEAL Affixed Only to Papers Signed by the President. By Will Levington Comfort iCopirislit. by J. U. Llplncutt Co.) You would have to see McConachle the dark: I hope you had a pleasant History of Its Development Down to the Preeent Time Franklin's Objection to tho Eagle as tha National Bird. to catch the power of the saying that funeral, playmates.1 he whs just as mean as he looked. Washington. Galllard Hunt, chief Sodom was raw that night; new He liHd a head like a quinine cap- as a wilderness and bad had as hell. of tbe division of manuscripts, has sule. and as full of gall. Ills skin Mac's gold had spun and frazzled our Just completed a historical sketch of was grayish-brow; his eyes were like nerves generally. Drink and hate the Great Seal of the United States, dead cinders if you let him alone, came In. It wasn't like old Sodom. the sketch telling of tha various stages but they blew red when his temper We'll get out at dawn In the of development through which the seal was turned on. A wild-ca- t had got mornln', Wesley an early start, Dld- went before the one now In use waa the back-throon his other features, sey suggested. It waa midnight then, finally adopted. so you needed a field glass to pick and When the continental congress Bliiikey Gile was aa busy serving them out. The rest or McConachle as the Kicking Horse Rapids. made the obverse of the great seal the dewas squat shape und gorilla arm. Sodom was sick and old the next national arms It Intended that the common use We Sodom folks havent got any feelInto should vice pass Mollie Burns' breakfast morning. ing against a man's looks If hla heart languished. The gorge was filled with among the people, ae the flag had la God's little garden, but McCuna-chic'- s like the flag, tbe arme at dead, sticky heat, and Mac's memory done, and, met with first wasn't. general approval, which waa blackened eonsiderable for his soon to an acceptance of It For ages and ages the Mammon gave place came An Idea In hiding goldgenius ae an emblem of the power and sovCanyon and Sodom had known this to me. of tbe United Statee, which The old river-mothDldsey, I said, Bcnle Isn't mak- ereigntyIt above criticism. loved him, If we didn't, and had shown placed we-all are ing H at the shanty, an' Not all the fathera of the republic, him her choicest streaks of yellow for on We're here. rock virgin craping years. He was richer than anybody the wrong hump. I'll bet Mar used however, were pleased with the selecaa the national emIn our part of Arizona, and no bank, hla old claim up the river for a cache." tion of the eagle blem. When the badge of the Order of Yin, circus, or bar ever profited A in thunder ao If you're sure, why the of the Cincinnati waa smile's worth from tha turnings of his don't you go there and find It? Did made Society In France In 1714 It waa object pick. We all believed that aey snapped. took his winnings back to the way ed to by some because the displayed I guess I will If that ; nature, cached them somewhere In you fcl about It, I aald, cold and eagle resembled a turkey. the gorge or under his shanty. He "Fpr my part," wrote Benjamin never got drunk nor married, and the ragged. nt Franklin, January 28, 1784, to hla But I didn't go up the river cache didn't leak. Maybe we were to " daughter, "I wish tbe bald eagle had Itllnkey G lie's, feeling in not been chosen as the representative rough on McConachle at times. half-hi uf savage and empty. A One blazing noon when Sodom was of our country; he does not get his liv111 I In a heard slid Hlinkey'a, v sitting scratching away at the claims and the gorge; then another. In a few ing honestly; you may have seen him on some dead tree, where, too perched meditating on the soothing night Of minutes they brought up Andy Craig seven-uto fish for himself, be watches at Bllnkoy Giles red-eywith a couple of bullets In his lasy fountains, there came A sudden boom shoulder. Andy had expressed an from up the gorge, and the shiver of In personal terras dinplaslng opinion air which dynamit? always pushes to Tom cf Steep. Hidden treasure garthrough the cut. This was nothing, nished with red-eyCHAPTER X. Is the most simIf there are any who, like Mrs. Gra- for McConachle had a way of using ple and direct braln-polsoknown In ham, dislike salt air and object to the powder when things were slow; only, or out of doors. constant Intrusion of the ocean, this Bertie CoCtton came In to dinner with Sodom Is sure renewing her the word that MrConachle'a cabin narrative will not Interest them. I remarked. youth," would know the sputter of bacon no She'll renew It on Mammon water, Looking back upon It now, It seems to me that everything we did that more unless somebody else moved if she don't behave," Bllnkey obIn. Bertie futherninre testified that served. summer. Indeed, almost everything Shes gettln so you can't we thought and said, was in somer a cursory search here and there about trust her with likker. way connected with the sea. And per- tlie late McConacbie's claim had un As I look back on the next five haps this la not so strange after all, days, I always wish I had a better since we looked out upon It from every forgettery. Every little while faithwindow and its murmur was never ful Memory hands me a fresh episode absent from our ears. from that cluster of sorrows, and f It was Gabrielle who originated the see my bright companions and self plan of a supper on the rocks. Gabrirushing to and fro In the ways of elle was great In originating, but we darkness. The spirit of brotherhood used to tell her she liked to watch was as missing from Sodom in tlinari other people carry out her Ideal. She days as Tom Steep's Mexican poodle. sat In the hammock and urged her Every dewy eve T would vow to search no omre for the corrupting lucre, now project, while her hair blew about her ears and her book slipped unnoticed to go back to peace and my played-ou- t .. from her lap. claim, picking up. my old warm We will ask the Campbells to Jdln' relations with Dldsey on the way; but us, she aald, and Mr. Bennett and the gold would dutch me fresh In the Gahlard Hunt Mr. Blake of course. pearly morn, and the madness thereAnd tbe Grahams, I added. of. If you like; the tone waa not enThat fifth noon there was a yell the labor of the fishing hawk, and, thusiastic. I must say ahe gets on from Tom Steep. He had had a dream when that diligent bird has at length my nerves; she Is so mysterious." in the night. Toni's soul Is on the taken a fish and Is bearing it to hla Gabriella dislikes secrets unless she surface, any way. Like a pack of nest for the support of bis mate and be to a to them. She starved dnga, we piled on to him, young ones, the bald eagle pursues happens party now returned to tbe subject with relustful to get our fingers In the gold-- mad him and takes It from him. With all newed vigor. ih vlls all: Dldsey and 1 at war; this Injustice he le never In good It is full moon, you know. Think of "Look Thar! Ha Whispered. Andy Craig groaning unattended In a caste; but, like those among men who the water dashing over the rocks, and shack up the trail; Mollie Burns cook- live by sharping and robbing, be la covered bits of pulp that had a hu- ing grub which nobody had time for; generally poor and often very lousy. the fire well make out of driftwood. "Spoons, forks and napkins for all man look to the extent that the late and Bllnkey Gile discriminating aa to Besides, he Is a rank coward; the lit-ti- e those people, ruminated Elizabeth, McConachle waa human. kingbird, not bigger than a sparwho was fit to take hla drink. Poor to Bay nothing of things to cat. It The mourning was brief and then Sodom! we weren't true to her those row, attacks him boldly and drives him out of the district. He Is therewill bo a lot of trouble. all Sodom descended on to Mac's Ave days! fore by no means a proper emblem No trouble at all. Just get Mary claim and started plugging for the wasn't It the It wasn't treasure; Anne to put some things In baskets. cache all except Thlgley, the saint cache. Tom had only struck a root. for the brave and honest Cincinnati In fact, Gabrielle paused a moment of Sodom, the only living monument We pulled back ashamed and relieved. of America, who have driven all the before breaking the news. "I have al- of Peter Dudd'a gospel. Thlgley, un- And no one spoke. Just then 1 hap- kingbirds from our country. Tbe eenl Itself has, of coune, a very ready asked Mr. Bennett; I met him In touched by the epidemic, was gather- pened to look at Dldaey's face. The the village when I went for the mall, ing up the fragments. Presently he light had gone out there. Mad, utter limited use, which la strictly guarded and it suddenly occurred to me It began intoning mercy on the remains. mad and our hearts were still at by law. The secretary of state le Its would be nice to do this Those were doleful doings in the red large! He waa tearing up toward the custodian, but even he has no authoriOf course after this startling dis- rock cut, with Mother Mammon Gomorrah rim of the canyon, hla Jaw ty to afflx It to any paper that does not closure It was Impossible to demur tinkling and Sodom's gentle villagers slipped and streaky white, hla eyes bear the president's signature. In 1803 Chief Justice Marshall, In further, and Elizabeth rose to the oc- changed to a pirate crew. It all made wi'd. Mis hands tightened on my casion. me feel as If 1 was far from home, arm like Ove seta of ice hooka. delivering an opinion of the supreme " l,vk thar!" he whispered. (TO BE CONTINUED.) and headed wrong. court, used the following language relI limki-i- l and saw McConachle, as ative to the zeal. It may be considD ye member, Wesley, lmw we UNABLE TO 8EE THE FUTURE. rode old Mac out o' town on a broom In living flesh, smiling that twisted, ered applicable to all Instrument! to handle for kickin' Tom Steep's dog? peaked smile and dangling hla legs which the seal la affixed : English Statesman Deover the gorge. The signature (of the president) le Dldsey questioned. nounced Penny Postage. "I guess I'm even with all you play- a warrant for affixing the great eeal "Yep, I said. That reminded me I could to the ful gents," he said, sortly. commission, and the great aeal Of all the wild and visionary that the dog referred to had been abbut my heart Is only to be affixed to an Instrument longer, 'a' away stayed sent our from midst for several days. heard I ever schemes of which have overworkin' which Is complete. It attests, by an "And how we doctored his bacon took on hurtin' t' see jju or read it Is the most extraordinary. mean act supposed to be of public didn't then An' you way. this I notoriety, That was the official comment made and plug tobacker with capsicum nothin' by your Jokes on pxr old Mac. the verity of the presidential ' signaby Lord Lichfield, postmaster general while he was down to Socoro? You ain't had at heart just prankish. ture. of England, on Rowland Hill's proposal Yep, I said. some so I come back. It Is never to be affixed till the We sure was ongenlle to old Mac. I used to Joke to establish a uniform postal rate of a We commission Is He slid down into our midst. signed, because the sigpenny throughout the United King- Who d' 'a' thought he'd 'a' blowcd felt him, and he was there. Didsey nature which gives force and effect to dom. And that was at a time within his head off this way? was the flrRt to speak. the commission is conclusive evidence the memory of some men still living, Thlgley praying so close brought You put It on us right, Mac, he that the appointment Is made. only 71 years ago. Despite Lord Lich- out these reflections. The commission being signed, the said, huskily, "an' we 'predate It fulfield's condemnation of it, the scheme We sure wasn't neighborly, I said. some; Imt what was thrm remains subsequent duty of the secretary of was within three years an established A full hour passed before Didsey scattered around tbe gorge we took state is prescribed by law, and not to fact. And men who In their childhood hpoke 01lt Thlgley was quiet, for ymir'n? be guided by the will of the president letj might have seen and read the first sodom was turned loose on Mac's That thar livin' material? Coma jle s to affix the aeal of tbe United ters ever sent from one part of Eng-- ,.ialm Ilke a net of ,f.mon. There I recollect that States to the commission, and Is to land to another for a penny may this j Wusn't any love running out of our t' think of It, Didsey, was cornin' In from record It. Tom dog Steep's year sec and read lettera sent around ; hearts. Socoro dissipations, an' did venture a At the present time the seal of the the globe and practically to every part "Do you s'pose folks are all dead little too close to that fuse leramo United Stales is affixed to the comEnglish-speakintbe tlie world for when they get splintered like old see missions of all cabinet officer and same small fee. Tho achievement will .Mac and all? Didscy quosWe hold Steep off. I felt a bard, diplomatic and consular officers who be not only a most impressive rebuke of j jnneij ghost hand settle on mine. It was are nominated by tbe warm , short-sightethe and timorous admin-president and ..,.m not a on m.ta Didsey's. rrilft confirmed by the senate; all ceremoIstrator of two generations ago, but , Thl , . wasn't cussed a fool, Wesley,' Ive been nious communications from tbe presialso an equally Impressive demonalrafi() .tarna, ,RTlnrnnt nilpthl Let's go over to our own dent to tbe heads of foreign governhe said. -lion of the constantly accelerating iRllton im on th, ol f (ll1 fl(,Bll ments; all treaties, conventions and progress of civilization. , wat thlnkin', Wesley. If poor old claim." We were lying together in the little formal agreementa of the president Mac could see us now, he'd he paid for cabin that night. The Mammon had Word Failed Him. with foreign powers; all proclama- and ail as 0the when to me sins, sleep, He viz a cowboy, and some com par pretty near talked tions by tbe president; all expquatnrs stive strangers had stolon his horse. Thlgley says, he suffered at our bands. Didsey suddenly burst out laughing. to foreign consular officers In the UniWhat's eating you, pal? I said. Ills friends rallied round him, and, Only, it would sure make his ghost ted States who are appointed by tbe 1 was Just thlnkin' of Thlgley heada of the governments which anxious to give blm every chance, squirm some and make signs a whole they trundled up a barrel for him to stand lot If any of 11s got warm to the callin' down inercy on all that was represent; to warrants by tbe presicache.' treaaure he Tom mortal of on while he gave out his views on the Steep's dog, dent to receive persons surrendered It was full dark when we quit. chuckled. matter. He was known as a gifted by foreign governments under extraswearer, and a large audience had Bertie Cotton was still threshing away waa Imposed the dition treaties, and to all miscellasentence A novel had and of the in the ruins shanty, assembled In tbe hope of hearing someneous commissions of civil officers apother day up in Windsor, Ont. The thing special. He got up on the bar- dug a trench and various cisterns governor Sandwich of the jail, having pointed by the president, by and with rel and looked round him. Then he on the premises. a Judge, waa the advice and consent of the senate, with conflict into come " tlie who's got "Button, button, jlrew a deep breath, and, with a sigh, declared guilty of contempt or court whose appointments are not now esclimbed down again. Didscy railed ns we passed. Boys. he said, Jlrected by law to be signed The Utile man swore unctuously. A and was ordered confined In his own peciallya different seal. sadly, it's no use. I cant do Justice ten for days. In prison minute later he called after ua In II - r. p e e n , strangers, nor even mere acqualn tances; and my heart la still ao heavy sometimes. our hearts, tHE out of It It seems the simplest thing to do. It was rather a dangerous theory, 1 ' we women. The Singer Stood Erect and Waved Hie Hat Cheerfully. can do It, If you don't mind stepping from one rock to the other. We can do It easily, I replied, If Mr. Bennett will give me hla hand to steady me." Would you not rather walk home? Mr. Bennett's voice was certainly not encouraging, but I ignored it, for I wanted the sail. called Lady Come, Mr. Bennett, Edith; we have plenty of room. I have been spending the morning with Mrs. Graham, and we went out for a sail Just after lunch, but ahe could not be persuaded to join ua. I said, aa I took Mr. GraOh! ham's outstretched hand and stepped Into the boat, which wobbled unpleasantly. It la awfully nice after you get In. It la a bully day for a sail, he returned, hla face glowing with the I only pleasure It had given him. wish you would talk a bit to Mrs. Graham and get her to come out just once. She has no Idea how fine It is. My wife, he explained to Mr. Bennett, who had followed me Into the boat, baa an unaccountable aversion lo the water; and ahe will not trust herself on It, even with me. remarked Mr. Bennett, Indeed! She must condemn herself dryly. to a good many hours alone, for I notice you are out constantly." Oh, yea; we agreed that I was to go whenever I rhoHe. She does not wish to keep me at home, and we quite understand each other on the subject. You were singing, I said, as the sail filled and the boat cut through the water; won't you please go on. I had no idea you had such a lovely voice. do sing Yes, Bald Lady Edith; again, Mr. Graham. It was quite lovely. and you must not be selfish with such a talent. So Mr. Graham sang again, and we listened entranced, for his voice was very melodious, and he sang as the birds do, with no apparent effort or of his charm. Lady consciousness Edith In the stern kept her face In tlie shadow of her parasol and said but little, yet I saw her eyes grow misty, our conversation and remembered about tbe little gold key. Was she thinking of the man she loved? I wondered dreamily. I'll land you at your own dock, he remarked, as he steered for the And I'm sure I am very grateshore. ful for the nice things you say about the songs. I sing because I like to sing Just as I yield to every 1m pulse whenever I can get anf pleasure - Short-Sighte- d i 1 1 g d - , ,' but-tno?- |