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Show proposed Floyd. Maybe he's not feeling well. In his room the two callers found Cleland pacing the floor with a worried look on bis face. It was anything but a cordial welcome which be gave them. "Not 111, I hope," said Floyd. We'd missed you for a couple of days and ihought wed look you up. Havent cut us out, have you? To tell you the truth, fellows, 1 haven't felt very cheerful since I made that losing. I'm ouly a salaried man, you know, and can't really afford to play that kind of a game, even If my aalary is a big one. It Isn't that I'm worrying about just now, though, for I've got a chance to get more than even. My conscience will hardly let me do It though, and besides I've got to have more money than Ive got to put the deal through." Buck up, and tell us about It" broke In Solomon. And say, kid, don't let your conscience put too much weight on you. Throw It away and get rid of (he handicap, but don't do anything to get Into jail. I don't mind telling you that there are two or three places in this country right now where 1 don't want to go for fear the Jail doors would ojH-quick to get me. Our friend here Is a lawyer. Let him advise you. I wonder If I should tell you? replied Cleland, brightening perceptibly, polished actor that he was. Yes, go ahead aud out with It. returned Floyd. You know we lawyers hear some strange stories now and then and can't afford to be loo particular as to our clients. "Well, I'll tell you on one condition, That condition Is agreed Cleland. that you come In on the deal with me. I haven't got enough capital to put it through, anyway. There's no danger In it, and It's a sure way to make a big haul." Doth Floyd and Solomon agreed to come In on any deal where they could c Green Goods GamblingJOHNinIRVING DAY By Gamering the Gold by a Unique Method, Originated and Practiced by Doc Floyd What's the game, Floyd?' Inquired Jack (iolaud who had visited his friend's room in the hotel ten minutes after they had reached the big liroud-wahotel. Well, old top, you know what we was the reply. are on here for, You've got to sell an order of green goods to some one. Yon are lucky because Ive already found your man fur you. It must be some one, so why uot our friend Solomon? He's already delivered himself." The trio met In the lobby of the hotel a few moments later and Solomon Insisted on having just one drink before they paned company fur the day and then also Insisted that they dine together that evening. The only dissipation Cleland would Indulge In that evening after dinner was the theater to which he consented to accompany Floyd and Solomon. Afier the theater, however, Floyd was indeed tho gay man of law away from home fur a good time and he put Solomon through auch paces as to endear him to the heart of that boisterous person. This journey through the tenderloin was followed by another. Solomon liked the gay life hut was beginning to have a pain in his pocketbook, so that when the third evening after his arrival in Gotham, Cleland proposed another game of cards, saying that he wanted revenge for hla loss on the train, there was ready consent on the EKE'S hoping that you get even, alderman." Ioc Floyd rained a goblet of sparkling burgundy, acrotta the brim of which be glanced and ainllcd at the member of the High Hollers' club who was host at a dinner be was giving in part payment of a bet that there was not a man in the country with $3,000 who could bo bvuien out of that amount on the ancient "gold brick" game. Thu dinner end of the bet was merely a paltry aide issue for the big had also wagered $3,000 and lost that, too. Doc Floyd had asserted that even In the twentieth century the timeworn green goods game could be worked. Have you got the nerve to tell me that you can put over the old green goods thing," was the amazed demand of Alderman Mehanty. "I'll bet Just one more bundle of $5,000 and again a dinner for the crowd that It can't be done. Why the biggest sucker in the country would take your flash hank roll sway from you if you tried to work that. Well, maybe be would," returned Floyd, but I'll Just bet you it can he done and will let Cleland do the rough work and I'll just go along to oversee It. I may have to And the man, but I'll let Jack do the trimming." And I'll take half of Floyd's end of the bet that they put it over," broke la Col. lowh-once more. Is It a y n only have about $7,000 to my name, so I will hsve to get some one to go In the deal with me. You two can come In for $3,000 each. Are you on ? And wait a minute, you needn't agree right now, but meet me at ten o'clock In the morning and go with me to the Nineteenth National and see my friend for yourself." The two agreed to meet Cleland on And the morrow and said good-nigh- t. what do you think of it? Inquired Floyd as ihey went down on the elevator. "I'm a little afraid of it. Well, lets look into It, anyway, reIf there's a chance turned Solomon. to pick up some easy money, I want It. On the following morning they were convinced that the deal was a good one when they went to the Nineteenth National with Cleland, and visiting the safety vault section of the bank, nn-- t Danny Roberts ns thst young man came out of n small compartment In bis shirt sleeves with a package of papers in his hands and n pencil behind his ear. Danny looked the part of a busy clerk and they heard him whisper nervously to Cleland that it was all right." He added that he would be at the appointed place at precisely 12 o'clock. The appointed place was a small dingy office of a dilapidated building on New street. Cleland explained that It was the office of a friend who dealt In curb stocks and was seldom In, but allowed him free use of the place. The trio were waiting when Danny Roberts, carrying a suit case, entered. He immediately took from the case two packages, exactly alike in appearance and as to outer signs and seals. Quickly cutting one of them open, he disclosed large bundles of money. It took a half hour to count this out and ascertain that there was $30,000 In the lot. Fifteen thousand dollars in large bills were placed in the handa of Danny, who hurried away. In five minutes the old bills of perfectly good money y bet? It is. I'm game for I another try," replied the alderman. How about It, Jurk? Cun we do It? guired Floyd of a tall, cold eyed dyspeptic lookliig person who hud sat silent, sipping his wine aud pulling a big cigar throughout the bantering conversation. Jack Cleland merely grunted his assent. He was tho one pessimist of tho parly, hat always dependable and a handy mun to have in any deal. INE OLD HISTORIC PITCHER. Possession of a New Yorker and Boars Good Likeness of Early Hostslry on Lake George. Boston. Charles H. Sherman of Glens Falls, N. Y Is the fortunate possessor of a fins old englleh pitcher made many years ago, which la of especial Interest Just at this time owning to Champlain centennial. The pitcher, which e In perfect condition, was produced at the Mlddlce-borpottery In Yorkshire, and bears a remarkably good likeness of the old Lake house, one of the most famous Limited trafu which was leaving the La Salle street station, Chicago for its 18 hour spin to Now York. The big engine throbbed and the long train of rolling palurea slid out of tho shed without u Jerk or tremor, as.ensily oa a trim sail bout propelled by a gentle breeze. At the forward end of tho train, tho buffet car, a comfortable small club on wheels, already was more than half Ailed with passengers. Seated on one side of tho car Doc Floyd was contentedly puffing a cigarette while on the opposite side of the aisle. Jack Cleland pulled at a strong cigar, and neither man glanced at or seemed to know of the presence of the other. All wan quiet save for the businesslike conversation of two showmen. The vestibule door opened and Into the cur came Solomon Rosenberg. wise man of tho west In which section he had Imbibed the air of freedom in and manner. Acquaintances are almost as easily made In the smoking car of a train as on shipbonrd and here was Floyd not 20 miles out of Chicago drinking with a person whose natural proiiensltlea for butting In" with strangers could not be overcome. Within ten minutes after they hud met, Solomon lluseti-berwas narrating the story of the most recent hiipiH-nlng- s of his lire and riding to a swift and certain fall. Oh yes, Solomon was u wise one. He knew It and was proud of It. Floyd had listened to ills talk and wondered the while, whether there was a chance to take some of Solomon's easily gotten wealth and also lower his stock of courclt. He concluded thnt It might be well worth while to cultivate hla new acquaintance. It was at least worth trying, so he ordered another bottle which further mellowed the tulkatlve oue, whose tones by this time had disturbed a commercial traveler who sat near him running over columns of figures In his sales book. The traveling man appeared slightly annoyed as he glanced toward the wine drinkers. Suddenly he seemed to think of something and placing Ids memoranda In his jiucket he tunied to Floyd and his companion and asked if they cared to kill the lime with a mall game until the call canto for dinner In the dining car. Sure," was the reply of Solomon, . answering for Floyd as well as himself. My friend and I will play if dig tip some one else. you'll A telepathic thought seemed to travel from Floyd to Jack Cleland who was looking at the party from the opposite side of the car. The ethers to notice his presence at also the same time and It apimared a mere chance that he was invited to make the fourth man In the game. The play was not resumed after dinner, Cleland saying that he had lost about all he could afford, but the party stuck together and wheu it came time to retire for the night, Solomon, Floyd and Cleland had all agreed to make their headquarters at the Hotel Astor during their stay In New York and see more of each other. The drummer had tuld them that his home was in the city hut that he hoped to look them up durlug their stay. Products Libby's Vienna Sausage Is distinctly different from any other sausage you ever tasted. Just try one can and it is sure to become a meal-tim- e necessity, to be served at frequent intervals. Ubbym Vienna San just suits for breakfast, Sage fine for luncheon tnd satisfies is at dinner or supper. Like all of Libby's Food Products it it carefully cooked and prepared, ready Ubbym Great in White Kitchen - hosteirles of earlier days, on the edge of historic lake George. Lake George la connected with lake Champlain, and la one of the most beautiful sheets of water In the United States. As seen on the pitcher, one not only obtains a view of the lake, but of Prospect mountain, which looms largely in the background. The picture Is done In various colors and it la further decorated In gold and white. The pitcher la 11 Inches high. So far as known, it is the only specimen In existence, for St the time It was made, only two were ordered by Mr, Tucker, the owner and manager of the Lake house. One of them was given to s friend by Mr. Tucker, Immediately following its arrival from England, but to whom haa never been discovered. The other Mr. Sherman obtained not long ago, from one of Mr. fort George. The ruins of fort Tlcondereroga are on the waterway connecting the two lakes. STATUE OF AMERICAN INDIAN. Cyrus Dallin's Work Awarded the Gold for Sculpture at the Paris Salon This Year. Medal the cleanest, most scientific kitchen in the world. Ths Lake Georgs Pitcher. Tucker's relatives. In Its early days the Lake house could be reached only by means of the stage route from Glens Falls. The building waa tom down nine years ago, and while there are other hotels on the lake, there Is none on the Lake bouse site, which ie not far from old A boll clanged, a gate slammed and the conductor and a belated passenger climbed aboard the Twentieth Century Food o Other popular, ready to seivs Libby Pure Foods are: Beef VmalLoaf Ohow Chow Mixed Ptoktmm Write for free booklet, "How to make Good Things to Eat", Insist on pt your Llbbya grocers, 111 Ubby, Mohetll Ohloegn Ubby More Than Two Million Users NO HONING NO STROPPING ACC A BELlAni.R fllOMPT GoId.Tb". Outdsnd mivrr.llJQ: ffekL Hilrer ndM Him initat.Comrr. SI JO. Gold ind mrka. Write fur tier swlllne an bone OUDEN ABSAX CO, ISSSUertrtaM, SmuM Thompsons Eye Water YOU NEVER KNOW YOUR LUCK. Boston. The accompanying Illustration la a reproduction, enlarged from a photo taken In Paris recently of the tatue that won tho salon gold medal for sculpture, the only one awarded an American artist at this exhibition. This success of Mr. Dallin's is one of the most notable of hla career. The tatue has been seen by few Boston people, only those having had that privilege who called at his studio at 1 She Yes, they are engaged. know she refused him twice, but ths third time he proposed she accepted him. Her Husband Served him right sM-ee- The Force of Habit. One of the campers had done something peculiarly idiotic, and the dean aid: "Dick reminds me of Thomas colt. What about Thomas' colt? asked Dick, cheerfully. Why, the dean responded, readily, where I lived In Maine when I was a boy an old man named Thomas He once put out to raised horses. pasture a colt, which had been fed from Its birth In a box stall and watered at the trough In the yard. The pasture lay across a small river, and In the middle of the day the colt swam the stream to go up to tha barn-yar- d for a drink of water." Youthe Companion. g IT TOOK HALF AN HOUR TO part of tho westerner, who proposed to see a sure and quick profit, and asked were divided Into three packages ot make some one else pay his expenses for particulars. equal amounts and tied up Into neat if he could. Cleland already had found parcels on the It's iMTfeetly simple," explained t te drummer telephone number and Clelund. I once did a young fellow a desk. Just at that moment there was invited hltn to dine and Join them In good turn and kept hltn out of a lot of knock on the locked door of the ofauother little friendly game. trouble. He's the trusted messenger Again Solomon won, but his win- lu the Nineteenth Nutloual hank here fice and Cleland slammed down the waste nings were small. The salesman, also, now. This bank is the clearing house top of the desk and kicked the was allowed to carry away a few dol- for a lot of smnller hanks and also paper underneath before he went to lars for his evening's .work. Floyd, gets the biggest part of the city's de- answer the summons. It was only a customer looking for however, made s heavy winning and posits. They get thousands of dollars he remarked, as he refriend, my Clchind lost $2,000, playing with the In old and dirty money every week turned and raised the top of the desk, to conn's that recklessness feverish which they turn In to the suhtreasiiry the average loser at cards. The game on Wall street, getting new hills In re- disclosing the three neatly tied parYou fellows had butter take ancels. broke uu when the salesman turn. Tills young friend uf mine has and separate. We will bundles to have your would quit been the messenger and made the exnounced that he meet at the hotel for dinner. all aud get a few hours' sleep before He says they never even changes. at his place of business. the sealed packages of hills that open Solomon and Floyd, acting like two a went off to his room with he takes to them and which have been a agreed to take separate take to even ronsplrators. grouch, refusing certified to by the officers of the bank. to their hotel and uptown conveyances drink. Solomon, however, The subtreasury simply i) K'g the night-caand drink to tlieir later meet there to to invitation Floyd's uceepted readily amount on the hark of the restaur- aud forwards it with a lot of package good luck. take in some of the similar Two hours later, when Floyd had ants. bundles to Washington, where the old not put In appearance. Solomon began town If left our has friend wonder and dirty money is never roomed, but nervous. He was afraid somefeel to remarked just ground up and destroyed, He has without saying good by. had happened to Floyd and Clething uf ter Doe two to days Floyd Solomon thought the whole plan out and says hut for another half hour he land, the poker game in which Cleland hud he can substitute a phony package for not suspicion anything further, did He to had not his one Floyd. old with money the the bills In It. He lost then he suddenly decided to go to lias to have some one lu the deal with and room and appeared since that time. his investigate his newly wonder?" replied Floyd. "Let's him, for he would never dare to try to wealth. acquired inquire of the clerk at the desk and gel rid of the old money. I saw him yelled Solomon when he Slung! he will undid the see If lie's gone." Acting upon this sug- this afternoon and and found a tightly parcel McCIc-lutiMr. learned make his to that have regular weekly trip, bound gestion they of tissue paper with a package the name under which Cle- and the package already U made up dollar hill on each outer side. And land was known to them, was still In with $30,000 In good money In it. All never once thought of the old green town, and Vn fact was lu his room at he wants Is half for nis share and 1 goods game! ran give him $13,000 in $100 and $300 that moment. (Copyrtubt. by W. (t. Chnpmnn.) Lei s go op and see what alls him," cleau bills and take the package. 1 iCupj right in Grunt Hn lain.) paper-boun- Cle-lan- p t siH-mc- 1 1 I I THIS.' COUNT d d roll-to- p To Orient. Primarily and as Its etymology shows the verb to orient means to set an object In exact adjustment to the east, thence by a natural corollary to set It true with all the cardinal points of the compass. Then In the derivative and topical signification It Is used to describe the attitude of a Spirit. mind duly adjusted to any standard of Arlington Heights. It was exposed at knowledge, morals or life. the Natlonol Sculpture society's ex hlbition at Baltimore last year, and was taken by Mr. Dallin when he went to Parla last September to complete Every package of hit huge Soldiers' and Sailors' monument for Syracuse, N. Y. It suggests vastly more than It directly depicts, little book and herein, perhaps, lies Its power Had Cyrus Dallin done nothing else, Tid-Bi- ts he would have deserved well of the made American people. Dallln'a The Appeal to the Great Post Toasties Contains a with Scientific Note of Interest. The readiness with which low forms of life accommodate themselves to altered environment, shows that they are capable of being trained or educated to a certain extent Stahl has shown thnt a certain plasmodlum flees when sprinkled with salt, but If the alt be added to the medium gradually the organism accommodates Itself to the new medium. Purposeful action Is manifested by plant! as well us by animals, and by both unicellular multicellular. Toasties. A couple of dozen recipes Of fascinating dishes, A help in entertaining Home folks or company. Pkgs. JOc and 15c At grocers. |