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Show a XMTZl JZ n i- -i w u-- n nj-- Ti m Li l ii Pi a n .a a it a e m s 'g"irtm U 0 s ii V V In i y Sale Fraught uiWconomic Possibilities H It have an immense stock of summer goods which we will not carry over and we realize that in order to clean them but we must sacrifice on them. When we say we will not carry them over we mean every word. of it. We are going to offer our entire The room is needed stock of Dry Goods, Furnishings and Shoes at prices unbelievable. for the Fall Goods which have started to arrive and you need the goods. Our policy is to open up each season with fresh goods, thus leaving our stock fresh and clean each There is not unseasonable or shopworn merchandise in this sale but all Good, Seasonable, Up-to-Da- te ATKIN'S H ilUUUfil GREATEST SALE IN OMR HISTORY and if extreme values continue to speak to the people of Milford our object will be complished. Goods on every hand. Every piece of summer merchan-wPyllo dise will be closed out regardless of cost. COME TO during this sale and revel in Bargains. We aim to make this the This is OPPORTUNITY positively of the year. the GREATEST sacrifice on only a few articles to get you to our store but everything in the above mentioned lines must go, and you have got to get them. Realizing that the people of Milford demand the best goods obtainable we are putting in the largest and most complete line of Fall Dry Goods to be found south of Salt Lake and in order to make room for these and clean our stock up we are compelled to cut goods down to nothing. t It t ac- MONEY-SAVIN- G Economy demands that you join the throng that .will t We do not It rj RESPOND TO THE ANNOUNCEMENT The very nature of the sale demands the confidence of the public. Happy conditions prevail with us during this sale brcause price and material both suit the customer. 4 3 . |