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Show t r , i it- - 0 MILFORD, BEAVER COUNTY. UTAH. FRIDAY. AUGUST VOL 2. NO 14 Rev. and Mrs. Roy L. t'laik cf 'Denver, Colo., passed through MilLOCAL AND PERSONAL D0IN6S ford Tuesday on their way to Beaver where Rev. Clarke will take charge of Beaver Academy and as pastor of the Mrs. Harding left for Beaumont, M. E. Church. Rev. Clark comes the Calif., Sunday morning. highly recommended both as a teachConductor Maloy and family moved er and a preacher. into company house number 5 this It is no- -r over a month since the week. big celebration in Milford and there Ben Davis returned from Parowan haa been no report from the finance yesterday where he has been for the committee yet. A subscriber to the past month. fund says he would like to know when to went W. J. Burns Salt Lake that report is to be published. We few days cannot answer tha question but the for Wednesday night committee promises to have it ready sightseeing in Zion. in a short time. Jack and Dan Smithson went to M. Salt Lake last night to take in the The Ladies Aid Society of the F. W. will meet with church E. Mr. sights of the great city. Cottrell next Thursday afternoon at For Rent One 3 room house and which time a business session will be one 4 room house. Good location. held. It is desired that all members be present at this meeting as the Enquire of Mrs. Dan Ferguson.. work will be checked up and Mrs. L. P. Brandt and children left years the books, etc., will be turned over to for Denver last week where they will the new officers. visit for a few weeks with friends. It is expected that the grand lodge Conductor Cobb and family have officers of the I. O. O. F. Encampmoved into company house No. 1 ment will be here Monday evening for where they are now comfortably a visit to the local camp. At this located. meeting arrangements have been made for the initiation of a class of Mrs. Geo. Edelmau and children about ten candidates. All members went to Salt Lake last night where of the camp are requested to be presthey will visit for a few days with ent at this meeting. friends. While riding a burse yesterday There has been all kinds of prize evening the sstUile turned with little flrlghts pulled off in Milford this week Wilson Moure and threw him under but they were mostly moving pictures the horse. This resulted in breaking at the theaters. the little fellows arm above the Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B, Greenwood, elbow. He was brought to town and and Mrs. Keesee and daughter return- the fracture was reduced by Dr. ed Monday from a few days visit with Hunter and the lad will be able to be out again in a short time. friends at Beaver. Stflafk Attaining 6&i4 j CEDAR-TALISM- AN CUTS GOOD ORE Fissure High-Grad-e Vein Cut on 400 Level which Promises to Make the Cedar-Talis- -: man a Mine. After years of working in beds, cut occasionally by small Assures,' a large permanent fissure carrying bigb grade ore has been encountered in the mine. P. B. McKeon, one of the direct n of the company, says that it is by far the best showing the mine has ever had, and, in fact forma the first conclusive evidence obtained, that the company has a permanent mine. Several weeks ago a breast of ore was encountered on the 400 level which at first was taken for a new bed. But Dan Ferguson, the new manager of the property, upon taking charge, pushed the drive on into the ore to the west and soon discovered that he was in a well defined fisof sure five feet wide. the vein, Mr.' McKeon says is ore which shows chiystalized lead and chloride of lead in profusion, another is second-clas- s ore while the remainder is a heavy quarts showing no particular valuoa. In a winze ten feet deep the ore is as good as ever. The drift is to be continued westward to get under the first on the fissure, 400 feet distant. In Talisman ground, and finally to the contact, which is the source of the ore in both beds and fissures and where the really great ors bodies Work has should be encountered. already been started, as well, drifting for the fissure on the 600 level, where it is estimated to be about sixty feet from the shaft. About thlft. t'S of shlprfau: ore is on the doU. 4 44 ..JlSf the Intention t . as soon as teams can be obtained to haul the product to the railroad. Another thing that means money for the company is this: On the level of the Cedar shaft workings, a drift has been sent out a considerable distance in the direction of the ledge that will cut great this deposit sixty feet lower than it has been opened in the Talisman. This deposit samples 49 per cent zinc, and a purchasing crowd is ready to make a contract with the company to pay $26 a ton for the ore f. o. b. Milford. It is the intention, therefore, to reach the zinc ore bodies as soon as possible from the level, when another big source of revenue will have been provided. It looks mighty good for the i Cedar-Talisma- n One-four- th one-four- A. -' th gs . Utah-Unite- 6 1909 Depth. Copper company, oper-- ' BEAVER sting in the Beaver Lake Mining district, Beaver county, Utah, who was up from the mins last week, informs The Mining Review that gratifying! success is being met with in the per- form mice of development work. The shaft has attained a depth of 350 feet the iron ore in the liottom allowing very encooraging copper values. Work will soon begin south from the shaft, the exception being that twenty feet will take tlie workmgs into the vein of sulphide ore showing on the 1:20 level. A trial shipment of the ore from the 100 up will soon be made. The new pumping plant, installed to supply the property with water, is working most satisfactorily, as well as economically. Mining Review. cross-cuttin- CuMinweillk Open Stronger Ore Cupric Neariag Canted Where Resources g high-grad- e Shoot. citl-en- 236-fo- ot s ot 236-fo- ot Cedar-Talisma- 75-fo- 2U0-fo- MINES Relent With some extremely handsome specimens to prove his case. General Manager Morris of the Cupric company reached Salt lake City Monday morning from the mine, very much pleased with the present conditions at the property. The shaft is now at the level, and for some time past has been penetrating bunches of copper sulphides, each foot of depth bringing the management to a better condition. ' The ore is occurring in lime, and Mr. Morris says that there is every indication that the contact between the lime and granite is soon to be encountered in the working, st which point it is logier.1 for big ore bodies to make their He believes that tiie Cupric is not far from the stage where it will demonstrate the existence of a big copper mine within its boundary lines. 340-fo- ot Although It is working only a small force of men, the Commonwealth Mine company has in the last few week opened the best ore showing that it has ever had. Driftsrun north and south on a vein which was cut at 700 leet iu the tunnel have proven an ore shoot 200 feet long. Oil the tunnel jevel the values are relatively low, butt short raises ninety feet a part ha encountered ore of better grade. Assay returns from samples taken a week ago show values of 00 and 77 ounces in silver. 15 and 20 wr cent lead, 4 and 4.4 per cent copper and 20 per; cent and th) cents gold. These were average samples from a foot of ore. : The tunnel level at that place is 3f0 feet from the surface, and the increased strength of the ore shoot in the raises affords an excellent prospect of its opening into the large bodies of ore characteristic of the lime formation. sone-beaii- COUNTY AND MINING Lice, Interesting Mining News Qathered from the Various SiCining Districts of Beaver County. j New-hoiis- 1 YEAR J. McMulhn, manager for the; the men working the protos-itio- u to strike tiie body of ore where the most of the streaks combine within the next few feet. The proierty is situated northwest from Milford and is within 7 miles of the railroad, with one of the best ore roads in the state to assist in making the mine a success. The company haa ordered a lot of machinery with which to equip the mine, and a lot of extra men will be put to work at once. Provo Post. hope of Mnjestie Making Gud. prominent mining man who has recently made a thorough insjiection of the Majestic proterty says: Iu spile of all that I have heard concerning Majestic from interests connected with the property I was astonished at the large amount of valuable ora lying within easy working disUnce of the shaft and the surI believe that Majestic can bs face. Will Work tbc Old Rebel. made one of tiie largest producers in The old Keliel mine, iu Beaver Utah. It seems to me thst the new county, Utah, which has lieeu idle dues not yet reslize the management for near A third of a century, is to be full possibilities of the niiue. Thera opened up again by Matt Cullen. In is no doubt iu mind the shaft thst my the early dayn Matt Cullen, Dennis can be sunk and all development Ryan and Green Campbell took a for- work carried on with the proceeds of tune from the Rebel, with which they ora which may be taken out as the purchased a half interest iu the Horn this work is being done, though, of B.lver mine, from which they realisis a question whether it is ed millions. Mr. Cullen believes that course, it not better policy to finance this work his old love still has the making of a out of working and block out big mine, and is now putting tiie old the ore for a capital reserve so that when in property shape again. to the smelter are begun The Mining Review is informed shipments can be maintained at a steady they that the reconstruction and improve- rate. ment of the Cactus mill at Newhouse, I studied the formation of the ora Utah, is progressing rapidly, and that body pretty closely and I can say that n n the first unit ot 1, plant beyond question this ora comes up will soon go into commission. It Is a id that with depth It Jroii beljw anticipated that a greater saving of will no doubt show in larger volume values will be made, and that arand better values, Even a layman lie will to made rework could rangements tell at a glance that the ore tiie old tailings dump over tiie tables. never down from above through rained In the mine workings, it is reported, the action of auy geyser. enough payable ore is blocked out to The Majestic management have a keep the mill in constant ojieration very valuable asset in Manager Moffor three years. fat, who is considered one of tiie most capable mining men iu Utah. It was Mr. Moffat who developed the Beam Lake Ctaing In Ihn Print. mines to such a point that the There was a wild rush fur the Richsold above $20. Mr. Moffat slock mond, Palin A Anderberg brokerage office to pass on tiie samples of ore knows mines and mining thoroughly that were received from the Beaver aud he Is confident that tiie Majestic Lake Consolidated mining properly will soon prove itself a very valuable I believe now that the yesterday morning. Thou who pass- proposition. is stock worth nearer $3 thau ita presed judgment oil the ora pronounced it ent and that before a great price to be good, and from all quarters while will Uiink $4 the management Mr. to came congratulations Paint, who is secretary of the company. The a low price. level ora was taken from the and has all the ear marks of a paying Are you interested in California, proposition. The samples taken from Arizona and Old Mexico, if so, it Lite shaft ten feet almve showed 11 would be wise to write for full inforr cent iron, $8.00 gold, 9 ounces mation about the shortest line and er cent tiie best service from your point to silver, and as high as 12 copper. Tiie samples brought in yes- those sections via the SALT LAKE ROUTS, Utahs most popular road. terday were tested for copper only with the splendid showing of 31 Dont lie afraid to bring your printore was from taken cent. a The per ing to The News. We are prepared zone 15 feet wide with pay streaks, to do it promptly and in first class ranging from 1 inch to 8 inches wide shape at reasonable prices. We use all through it. These pay streaks are only the best stationery and can save rapidly coming together, and it is the you money on your printing. A apN-arane- The first number of the Rocky Mrs. B. L. Harrington retuned from Beaver Monday where she had been Mouutain Bell Telephone News has visiting with friends and relatives for reached our exchange table. It is a four column, eight page paper puba couple of weeks. lished by the R. M. B. T. Co. of Salt Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lonergan of the Lake. It is well edited and contains Ieia Theater came over from Beaver a The Antelopi Paint. great deal of interesting matter not Tuesday and spent a couple of days those in the service of the to only in this mining metropolis. (Tli Antelope Point Mining comcompany but to the public generally' pany, Af Elsinor, Utah, is pushing S , CL Mclitlre returned from s our alk There tniu among development' of its pn AiiLrumj night" when lie had a First Year High $,A.f!ou Antelope Point mountain, of establishing some been for ten days doing carpen School or ninth grade course in this ni i f Idles south of Vlackrock, Utah, ter work for the company. district this year. The plan for this sa yi lie Mining Review. Mr. Burt of the Trent A Wilson course is to put it on the tuition basis On Antelope Point ground there Film Exchange at Salt Lake was in the thus it would pay ita own way. are I wo parallel veins, one of which Milford Sunday paying a visit to the This it a very good idea and will he carr ee gold, silver aud lead, while the means of giving us this course the itlier is a copper proposition with moving picture shows here. The copper Mrs. Richard BkiHIcom and dragh-te- r permanently in addition to our eighth gold values present. Miss Nesaie went to Nephi Wed- grade schools after this year. ledg has been developed by a forty-foshaft, frym the bottom of which nesday night where they will visit While at Caliente last Friday T. shaft has been run on with relatives for a couple of weeks. Waddingham met with an accident a twenty-foo- t ore. the The vein is eight feet in Chas. H. Moore and family, who which resulted in the splintering of in tones and ore the width, ankles one his occurring bone of of have resided in Milford for some the small The main protu ?t of the bunches. was He And hia shoulder. dislocating time past, moved to Los Angeles the street when a weak mine is an oxide and carbc.nate of Sunday where they will make their walking up and copper place in the sidewalk gave way with copper, with gray copper home. him and he fell, which caused the glance present. It is the intention oi Teddy Wllden, who for some time Injuries. He is rapidly recovering the company to run a tunnel to Up past has been in the employ of Eb and will be able to return to work in the ledge at a depth of 200 feet. Tanner left the first of the week for a short time. The parallel ledge, further up t e Salt Lake where he expects to secure mountain, has h. en developed by s Jeas Hooper, bttt r known a position. incline tunnel and a Slats, and Miss Mabel Beard Thos. Foutain and Willard Pehrson from is vein in all ora. The shaft, e Music For Sale A Daynes-Beebof Ephrlam, in company with other tainly know how to fool their friends one to five feet in width, the metallic certificate credit for $90.00 good and keep a sesret. A couple of weeks values stockholders of the Gold Reef com- Co., being associated with the spar on tiie purchase of a piano. A barat Frisco the report was current that these in the ore. average assays going 10 to the visited property ago pany, rhia week and were more than pleas- gain if taken at once, Enquire of two young people were married but 12 per cent lead, 8 to 20 ounces silver, Mrs. Nora Williams. ed with the excellent showing and they so emphatically denied it that and $2.60 to $5.00 in gold to the ton. W. Mr. Mrs. C. the to no one thought for a moment that The company is working a small went and made Hubei at property. progress being They state .that the Gold Reef is Provo Tuesday night, Mr. Hubei hav- there was any truth in the report. It force and is getting out a small shij rapidly coming to the front and that ing been transferred to that place to now developes that tiie report was meut of copper ore. it will not be a very long time until take his old position as assistant road true and that the young folks were J. M Perry is president of the comunited in marriage at Beaver on tiie pany; Peter Rix, this will be known as one of the lead- master under Mr. DeForcL and and bride The 20th of groom July. and treasurer. Fred ing mines of Beaver county. Lee, Mrs. F. Lass well, stopped off in secretary came over from Beaver last night and The other directors are Chris Lee and E. C. Baxter, who for some time Milford this morning while enroute Mr. will make Milford their home, Chas. Heinhold, the latter being mine paBt has operated Lite Milford Bakery from California to Balt Lake and will as operator employed being Hooper disposed of hia bake oven and equip- visit for a couple of days with her at the Rex Theater. The News joins manager. Wm. Johnston, proprietor of the Johnston hotel, at Richfield, is ment to H. C. Gale the first of the daughter Mrs. K. C. Baxter. the host of friends of the J oung i,(.aVy stockholder in the company week. Mr. Gale moved the equp Frit Westenfeldt, who has been in extending to them best ment to his property on North Main playing tiie violin at the Rex Theater couple a lung and happy manied and wishes street where he will continue the for the past month or more', left this life. Not Lady Killer. business. He expects to be prepared for Beaver where he will morning Mr. Slathers, simme. tell They to supply the demand of the pubiic furnish the music for the Isis Theater. the fluffy young thing, that you pered Looking to the Futuro. with everything in the line of fresh are a killer." 4 quite lady Is e woith win Mrs. that Rev. to Carter went and She Anything baked goods and will have fresh They do me an injustice, uion my J I worth woiktng for. will and ning yesterday morning bread on sale at the various stores the He Yes, but the question Is, will word. Miss Giggles," responded on hand his old Mr. Baxter in company with his spend a couple of days there in the beau, laying gallant I to or will hare your father thaw out, brother Charley went out to the Star church work. Mr. Carter stopped oil keep on working for you after I've his heart and making a ptofound bow, few a before Frisco fur at hours "I catch em alive." goiug won jou? district mines wLere tin y have a conon to Newhouse. tract tor sinking a abaft. NOTICE. The sealed bids for the erection of That was a sort of a young cyclone United Hlsln Land Office, Belt Lake City. Utah. the new town jail were to have been which passed through town Wednes- July 16. iVuM. Milford, Utah, May 14, 1M I afternoon. It had sufficient To Whom It May Concern : To John Dailey, heirs or assigns: opened last night by the board of day la of Notice Utah Htnte the riven that hereby trustees but owing to the fact that force to lift a part of the roof off Dick haa filed in this office lint of lauds. selected by You .are hereby notitle I that I have the Raid Slate, under arctiun I ol the Ail of Con- - CXlCllilel $2INI.U0 in labor and im- - ' 4 the members of the board had so Kemps house and to carry away a urea, approved July 16. MM. ax Indemnity pniVClIieiitx, upon the Valli-View, of from amount lumber the much other important business which large j and Valley View No. 2 mining claims J E. half BW. quarter N half SB quarter Sec. lumber no yard. was there attention (OMSIHUllg of Sinking a appeared hy required their IU7. 31. T, IT B.. K. IU W Serial ccrtilicatij tiled Willi tin enmity J Mr. and Mrs. Evans of Bslllmcre, Copies of mid Until. no far as I hey relate to Raid meeting held. A year ago the town tract by rieacriiitlve RuhdiviNiona. have been recorder fur assessment for the year a board was anxious to meet every Ala. amveu iin niiuoru tne nrst oi me cnnHpiruouRir pouted in thin office triiiKierthin of lUOH, iii order to hold said premises bffvwwt hy the public week and even then called special week for a short visit with relatives. t(le )rovjjons 0f HH(.t jon 232 1, different is but it between Iiurinr Mina of the with period States, X publication of thin notice, Revised Statutes of the I'nit-emeetings Dorothy or They, in company time theernfler. and before final appioial being the amount required to hold 4 now and it is s hard matter to get the Williams, who is a cousin of Mrs. andanycertification, . under departmental lRe Mr omlinir 1W?. J tkm of A pill Si, IIW7. proteRlRorcoiitextHavuiuht members together for s meeting once Evans, went to Beaver where they the claim the Hmie to my of t Im iimiii or Ann " Within Yiliiftfy (lay from thp a month. However a meeting will visited a couple of days with relatives. Rubiliviioii bervinbeforr dmrribed. on the service of Mim notice, or within nine-- . rmund that the ame ia more valuable lor;,.. UAjH after ihe IlOlli e be held next week at which time the Are It) pUolit a than for aarfcultural purpow. nil! lie1'? in California, mineral interested you received and noted for report to the ycneral tlon )'OU fall r It fils to contribute will we then bids will be opined and Arizona and Old Mexico, if so it land office at Washiiurton. h. f. Ktiilnre ro to your proimrtim r.f hilt'll eXItCIldituri'N soon see thin p moving on the new would be wise to write for full infer-- ! owner ynur interest in the Jail. said claims will of the tracts ami tiw :nie the i.ro rty mation about the shortest line and Itirrenf, tomaram--ottorwii fra? from objection, will of tli bliWriher Uiulur Haul etUn A. M. Stoddard will leave tonight tiie best service from your point to , b, approved Hkn Tiiu.M-o- n. ISh. instate n,,ri,','rfor Balt Lake where he will visit for a;those sections via the SALT LAKE . . , , First pub. May 11, IHUM i i ROUTE, Ulalis most popular road 'Last pub. Aug. U, I'jtN Hi pub. a! i $2.00 PER 500-to- 000-to- . New-hou- se 150-fo-ot s-- -- vice-preside- t New-hous- I I 2 2 ICE CREAM IN PACKERS DERSONS desiring Ice Cream for par-- 1 ties at a late hour or at any time can order same and have it packed and delivered , i X t 4 t IM 1 ; i'" i i I i I BKsrtSsilE'S ; r i 4 4 4 ! : - i IlMlforb i lftbramacv ! F. MISCH, Psorr. Are in Business For Your Health." MILFORD, UTAH 4 |