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Show MOO Cedar City, Utah The Branch Normal School offers ihe following Courses to the Young People of Southern I. 1. A Four Year Normal Course Utah A General High School Course 3. An Engineering Course 4. 5. A Domestic Science Course A Literary Cousre The Library facilities are ample, the Laboratories are equipped with the most modem apparatus, the Shops are supplied with a new stock of lathes, forges, motors, fan exhaust, shaper, milling machine and all the modern machinery for the modern shop. The Domestic Science is fitted with all modern conveniences. This is ihe School for the Youth of Southern Utah G. W. DECKER, Principal 444 444444444 air until dry, then ' pres as usual, j Water will fall off as from the pro4 verbial ducks back. One ran use a 4 '.suit treated in this way on hunting Dennis Pluck left Sutunlav fur a Ideal Hardvall Plasters and Fiber Portland Cement lri(M and in a driving rain, and route visit with his fatuity at Oasis. much Life Insurance has done and is doing to pre-- t home dry. It does not destroy or $ Andrew (lochran returned to witli the ventilation or injure serve and perpetuate American Homes? Already it has with hia family and is the fabric in the X Saturday those of beneficiaries the slightest degree. three dollars billion to more than again at his pout as manager of the The X paid as here costa quantities given old those who have attained Cactus Club. Hu has Hpont three about 20c and will age and 4 who- have died, or to successfully watermonths at iiis old home in Scotland. enjoyed the fruits of their own financial foresight. proof an overcoat and suit, or in Mrs. Pierce gave a aocial party Saturday evening to a number of tier WhnirMir mvl Krttll Healer in He Wit There. Newhouse frieuda. Whist and pro; Are you the editor that takes in greaaive Euchre were indulged in Tor IS A LARGE FACTOR in this preservation of American a few hours after which refreahmenla society items?' inquired the caller, 1 homes. In solidity, earning A moat enjoyable an undersized man with a timid, apwere served. power, and fairness of dealing Doors and -- Windows Lumber, Mouldings, stands unexcelled. and hail was Insurance Lime Life this is a Model by every one and the pealing look in his face. company the man at Yes, sir, replied the guests voted that the hostess was 4 To hold a policy in the Union Central is to be a member of an I ran take in any kind of desk. in the art. perfect culinary association of more than one hundred thousand persons, organized items. Wliat hare you?" for the protection of a much larger number, who in case of Superintendent Morris of the Cupric Why its this way, said the rail-eMiniig Timbers aid all kiids of Building Material Horn mine Tom of and lleese the is honest to No man be otherwise would lowering his voire. My wife helpless. ca amity Silver company, visited the Cupric gave a Hwell party last night and Im himself or to his family who fails to carry a good safe insurance properties Sunday. The formation wiinnR to pay to have Uie reiwrt of policy. The Union Central offers you the best at the most at this property has changed to the affair put in your paper. reasonable rates. indications of iron and ei-pe- r We dont charge anything for and thr dump is now well tilled udishing society items, olmerved X THE UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. with tliis ore. Work is Iwing piiHhiditi,e inan at the dwtk d 4 W. L. ELS WICK. Rlliolnt Aocnt. MiLFOHD. Utah takiug the is tl.e fered it aud and ly over. day night CilJF. and Hull Lake it Hrtitt UUl.. Ilah. IClXNKY.di-nA(ft..31lM1 looking manuscript 4 JOHN J. intentiou l.i continue with a good Thats alright, was the reply. Builders' Hardware, Lath Blocks and Pickets 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 force of men until the ore bodies are You dont understand. I wrote this 444444444444444444444444444 4 44444444444444444444 4444 reached. myself, and I put in a line or two that X Mr, llafstick assisted his dis- says The recent rains have given the X life ami tin- hills are, grass U.e way I want it to 4 o..l coming green again. TI... Sevier e 1X0 X I don't care if it costs a Like valley was overrun with liens il .liar a line. I want my friends to X of sheep last, winter wllieli pulled til) 4 to 444444444444 norge, that I stlii grass out l.v the ns, is and .mark iknow 444444444444444 444 44444444444444444444 4 -' ,B 4 Hxrhange. Manti killed while The tl.e sage. 4 4 l.erdsn.eu will have to look elscwln-Rings Little Liver Tills small, X for range hereafter and leave tl.i and easy to take. Sold by 4 pleasant range to leaver enmity cattlemen Milford 4 Pharmacy. I When returned here last April then X t was m.t gra.w Films developed and pictures printon my ram-l4 THE 4 burro ami m, pack aiiimas ed and finished at homo by KUwtck, leel a 4 PAINTER 4 iii for illy, in Still lids valley X w is full of deer and hut 4 The Cough Syrup that have killed 1.1.1. the grass so X ride the system of a cold bady It. li these iniinials bad o look FOR ALL KINDS OF 4 for otl.er iuHfures ami evm a burro by acting as a cathartic on the IF ITS TI IERE WE'LL FIND IT 4 lias t.. rotor I., eating cactus for an bowels is 4 limine' Office and F.abratory opposite exlslen.-4 in the wilder. 4 Miilonl. ft all phono ill M: ikh I.akk Hji i.. 4 4 444444v4444444444444444444-4- NEWHOUSE Bmt ISurr (flmtistitmft ffiauc DOINGS TlOV 11 NTew-huiM- P t - uUyc g lUttmt (Srntral ffitfc NMlfovb Xumbeu Co. 1 t r, , Rock Springs and Castle Gate Coal tcr-mp- r I prof-rapi- j . n" - reiii-wi-i- l g 4 1 i SEE sl.-uc- umI.i-Io- 4 4 4 t EARLE 4 44 tin-bee- 4 1 0ra L House e 4 4 BAR COSMOPOLITAN Ukynoi.ii, Iproirietor (i. I). Agents tT III Mlfll.T 'igars, and we alao h;i mil the ..... Choicest of and Liquors I Tines good p.ml Out bar room la lil't il up in conm'cti..ii billiard tabha and aim w-l- Slltil ANI HATH It m Take eight i ll .eesnf sugar of lead, eight ounces of mwdeled alum and wo ami one htlf gallon! of lukewarm water, fays Womans Home for April, ''Mix in a tub and let stand for twenty four hours. Stir llinmugbly w lii'ii lir-- l. mixed ami occasionally for Ihe licit hour, to dissolve Hie ingredients. '(Vsti the garPen is the original laxative cough syrup, ment suit or dress, contains no opiates, gently moves tha of woolen or cnttqn mutc'!al, i.iwels, carrying (lie cold cfl through tha LAXATIVE I Coiti-iiauin- love'-i-oal- , mid - t M . sx Wal e Cloth Water Proof. .nr hour.. alim-sldr- FULL LINE OF PAPER ALWAYS ON HAND E 4 WALL am Iwci.ly-- f Guaranteed to give channels. stufactiun or money refunded. Milfonl Pharmacy, Mi'ford. 1'fah. natural c :4 4 : 4 444444 44444444444 44 444444 4444444444444 any-lliii- .g Take nut, let drip until idont wring i hang in the 4 4 ii COUGH SYRUP KLl'At) and Sign Painting x $444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Hxcltislve 4 The News Tells it All |