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Show MARK We are now occupying our new shop and cold storage, and with our ice plant, three refrigerator rooms and other modem facilities we are better prepared than ever before to furnish you with the Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Fish and Game Our facilities for keeping meats are unequaled in Southern Utah, and our customers are always served with the Best Meats fresh frcm our cooling refrigerators. There is nothing we cannot furnish in the line of Choicest Fresh and Cured Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. Our line of Groceries is the best and most complete in Milford and we always give our patrons prompt service If dissatisfied elsewhere, come to us and get the most of the best for the least. and courteous treatment. XTbc Beaver Count? IRcws THE PEOPLES rAPER Published every Friday afternoon by BEAVER COUNTY NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY at Milford, Beaver County, Ctah. TIiIh office paper waa entered at Milford, Beaver an aituated in the richest in'niu, diatrict in the great Commonwealth of Utah and ia the metropolis of Southern Utah. She ia aurruunded hy valuable farm lauda and ia adapted to stock raising, fruit trowing, etc. Milford ia the gateway to the great Dixie fruit diatriet and the famous Virgin oil llelda. Milford ia One Year Six Mont ha f2.00 I RATES: Three Months 60c 1.00 I Hampie Copiea sent free on request. made known on application. ratea Advertising EL8WICK, HARDWARE We have added to our large Merchandise Stock a complete line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware and can furnish you with a aeeond elaaa matter June 1, 19(18, at the poet Utah, unirr the Aet of March 3, 1870. SUBSCRIPTION News, news, news! Its enough to.' of the animals per head. At that, a man the blues. Nobody mar-- 1 they probably have not increased the give and broken ried nobody dead; nobody price to anything near the valne of an arm or a head; nobody come in to ' the aheep. talk of the crap; no one got boozy But beyond the incidental difference and started a scrap; no one got run of opinion which we are sure can in for taking a horn ; nobody hurried be adjusted by conferences between and nobody born. Oh! for a racket, a riot, a fuss! something to come in the owners and the members of the and kick up a muss; someone to stir board liea the fact the revenue sys- up the peace-lade- n air; somebodys tem of the state needs reforming. comment to give us a scare, someHere ia only one. "incident. There body thumped within an inch of his run off with anoth r are others without number. The life; somebodysomeone to come in ai;d man's wife ; not seem the beat county plan jdo pay up his dues; anything, anything, assessor. Tli0 ntate at Urge ia the just so it's news. And individual owners sufferer. never ran secure the justice to which ' Pay your subscription to tho News rea until are entitled general now and get a set of those knives. they form haa been provided by the We have just made arrangements whereby we can give the Biaverj WASTE Edltf r ar.d Manager , AND EXTRAVAGANCE County' News and McCalls Magazine for one year for (2.00. Subscribe now and take advantage of this offer. A large percentage of the failures in mining Pinesalve, carbolized is good for operations can be traced directly to Mismanwaste and extravagance. who has money to in vest lietter opDm'I Ever Wcikci. in dele factor also vital a Tain't no i se to burrow trouble when portunities than Beaver county. Why agement of a outcome the ultimate you've got a stock on hand; men with money should invest in ciding ' Take the tail o' the procession if you wildcat mining enterprise, and the result, mining propositions when can't git next the band; is a total loss to stockgenerally, can got in on the ground floor on I.nnge ahead; don't never weaken; they holders and investors. Mismanage good legitimate properties in Beaver keep a atifflsh up or lip, hand in hand with waste and An if rare n trouble crowds you, county is more than we can under- ment, but one reaqveeze the harder on your grip. stand. If those who have the cash extravagance, can have matter how valuable and Face the world with resolution o the want something that is really good sult, no promising the property of the comproper git there kind; they should come to this county and be. When the clouds are rollin' blackest, Mismanagement take hold of some of our good, solid pany may don't forget theyre silver llued; makes itself apparent In due time, unitin' for the sunshine lyin mining propoaiUona. Keep but it may be months, and even yean I jest eyond M e fog. before the company become! awake An' yer bound to get there easy as IE YOURSELF One reason why so many to the fact that there haa been gross off a lop. Exchange. girls and boys, men and women, too, waste and extravagance at the mine is because they try are uninteresting, Boost aiul you'll alway. lie happy. and mill, and, when this fact ia demsi hard to he like somebody else onstrated, It will generally be found Knock, aiul youre sura to lie an raMier than lie content to remain that the loee, through these sources, himself or herself in life. In nature exile ami relegated to the rear. would, could the error be corrected you don't aee an oak posing aa a or retrieved, amount to such a goodly Don't be a all your life willow, or a black duck as a yellow aum that, if on hand at the bank but get on the I ousters wagon and leg, or a horse as a cow, or a lllly as a ready fur disbunement, would mean rose, or a lilac as a peony, or a dog help to build up your town. an acceptable dividend for anxious as a cat. Be natural and yonll lie aharaholden. What do you know shout the ideal all right. Many a girl without the A visit to mine and mill will demweather that this land of sunshine slightest talent fur music is running onstrate the reckless that is ail lowers is leinj blessed withf a piano when she should be making continually going on inwaste almost every Them is no country on earth that can lunne's or bread ; and many a boy is In the west. Atone mining camp anywhere near equal it. studying fur a learned profession place a car, costing fifty or a hundred whose sphere is the ma dollars, has (rper gone over the dump and Tl.rre is no question but that Mil- chine shop or mill; many a man is no effort has been made to recover it, ford is t ne of the beat towns in the splitting up churches who ought to be and there it remains, year after year, state hue in order to keep her at the doing good service in some institution until it ia a perfect wreck and loss. head of the list it will he necessary for of learning, teaching or working on a new has displaced Ferhape equipment all to get in line and do some good farm, and many a woman ia trying in mine or at and the mill, machinery boosting. vain to be a leader of aociety when old is taken out and left to the action Hera It ia now over a month since she should be a model housewife in of the rain and sun nnMl it Is absolutethe celebration of the Glorious Fourth her own home. ly worthless. All kinds of tools and and the report fiom the committee machinery, which might be successhas not yet been published. If the SHEEP AID In various portions of the fully employed later on, or sold for tate meetings of sheep something, to the second-han- d money has not ail been collected yet IKE TAXES manwhy not make the ieiort ami show owners have lieen called to protest go into the junk heap, and delicate that such is the case and thus let the against the ralsa in the valuation of and Intricate equipment, very costly people know wliat waa done with the sheep, which has been decided upon to begin with is allowed to be scatmoney which waa collected for the by the etate hoard of equalisation. tered around, subject to destruction Owners of sheep should not assume, and even celebration? theft, unUl the time comes however, that the atate board wlshee when it ia wanted, and then an order Aa yet we haven't seen anything to discriminate against them, or that is fired into the company for a new doing in the way of cleaning up the members of that body have any supply. sireets and putting them in a sanitary special prejudice against the sheep Home of these losses may be trivial condition. Are we going to be satis- interests. Bill it has seemed pretty in their nature, ami hardly worth fied with allowing the tilth to accumu- clear that there waa variance between at the time; but, In the aglate on the thoroughfares of the town the actual number of sheep in the noticing run up into the thons-and- s gregate, they or are we goiug to get busy and make stale and the number returned for of dollars, and would mean Milfori a model town ho far as cleau-line- n taxation. much if they could bn applied to mine is concerned? It ia up to the It is Impossible fur the etate hoard and equipment, or paid board to issue instructions fur to go behind the return of the county development out in velvet money to those who the cl. suing up of the stieul and assessor. They have no means of are entitled to some' recognilioii jn when that order is issued tits Isiard knowing how many sheep are owned the mining game. Miming Reporter. should also tee to it that it is com- 'by different men. Having become plied witli to the letter. they have, that the You can Islieen get a set pf knives free, understated, they consisting of one bread, one rake and Thera is no ountry n earth that can aecur a an approach to just assess- one pearing knife, by paying a yean oTers the man who works or Ike nan ment ouly by increasing the valuation subscription to the News. Do it now. bum. It penetrates the pores, draws Sunday services at First Church ot Christ Scientist of Milford are held as follows: Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. morning service at 11 oclock, even- :: ing services at 8 oclock. Wednesday evening experience meeting at 8 oclock. For Sale A new residence, modern in every wky, lot 60x115 feet, beautifully located on Stoddard St. f 1275. J. W. Ball, Frisco, Utah. Pineules are for all kidney, liver, bladder, rheumatic and urinary They assist in separating salt and water with their poisons from the blood. They act promptly. Sold by Milford Pharmacy. com-plaint- a. POST OFFICE HOURS: On week days from 8 a. m. to 7 p. in. Money orders and registery business closes at 6 p. m. sharp. On Sundays office open from 8 until 10 a. m. All mail and chicken wire, Stoves, Ranges, kitchen utensils, and everything in MINING AND FARM IMPLEMENTS i. No order too small nor none too large for us to handle promptly and at lowest prices A Rendezvous for Stylish Misses and Women T LAW Licensed Abstracter siwt Notary Public Investments Law Fire Insurance .Real Restate A BSTHAIPS OK T1TI.K Qualified under rules of laud department to certify abstracts in patent proceedings. I Bank Milford, Utah Umees ToltonBuilding, Block, Beaver, Utah ATTORNEY-A- ' We are offering a vast wealth of coloring, suggestive and summer, in all the popular shapes and at designs, prices that cannot be beat for of spring F 1 1ST K Ar I LLIN E R Y We invite you to call and see our charmingly de- Remember we have signed spring and summer hats. in trimmer our a millinery department first-cla- ss See our splendid line of ginghams, calicoes, dress patterns, trimmings, notions, ladies and childrens shoes Mrs, G. O.'Forgie When you get through figuring with the other fellows go a GREENWOOD GEa T HICKMAN & SONS leaving for the East and West must be in by 7:20 p. m. and for Beaver, Newhouse ana Frisco, mail must he in by 8:16 a. m. moaa-liac- k Sec Bbattbev$ and get the RIGHT on your building work. PRICE C HUNTER, M. D. H PHYSICIAN AID A. R SURGEON Office at Tanner House Utah Milford v HARRY FENNEMORE Attomey-at-La- w Will practice in all courts of the state Beaver, Utah! On Account QHAS. C KIZER Notary Public All kinds of legal blanks, location notices, proof of labor, etc., always; on hand. Notary work promptly ami accurately attended to. Oxford bldg. C. . Mclntirc of the 6. Contractor ! I Milford Utah A. R. Eicampnent the Salt Lake Route WILL KELL ROUND TRIP TICKETS TO SALT LAKE FROM to ONE 11 INCLUSIVE FARE FOR Tickets Good j j We also have a large stock of wire fencing J out inflammation, and is nealing. It is also good for cuts, sores and bruises. Hold by Milford Pharmacy. . Anything From a Stove Bolt to a Gasoline Engine C. M. TEMPLE, Agent Milford. Uloh AUtHST Slh AT THE ROUND Returning August 17th KENNETH !. 1 TRIP C. KERR. A., Salt leUkeCily |