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Show The band uniforms have arrived Mrs. Beard has .opened up a bakery Mrs. Sargent can fit you out with baker-- j and the boys will lie out In the big will and employed a flrst-elaithat at finest the prices Millinery LOCAL AND PERSONAL D0IN6S surprise you. Hpecial low prices for Fresh bread, pies, cakes, and all kinds j parrade tomorrow in full dress. The of baked goods will lie constantly uniforms are something fine and will a short time only. on hand and goods will bebak.. help the boys out wonderfully in ren1Sr,.ike,.t Fur Sale cheap A good three room Mrs. H. I). Atkin returned the dering music- - for the Fourth. house. Inquire at the Forgie hotel. of the week from a visit with relatives n"' "ver Harry King had an operation perand friends at American Fork snd W. L. Hardy is preparing to reCounty Superintendent Pryor waa on his arm this week by l)r. formed old model his barn convert and northern livery other pilots. over from Minersville yesterday. was made it into a merchandising establishment. 'Hunter. Tint Contractor Hmith has the Ferguson The harn is not now as a result of I blssted necessary for Mayor Bardsley and Frank Manure used being house, on the lot back of Dr. Burton's, some time ago. Harry drove out to the mines yesterday. will most passed a and be it purposes livery well under way and will have it com- valuable location for through the ordeal successfully and merchandising. P. B. McKeon returned from abusi-I- n in rapidly pleted in a very short time. recovering the use of his arm. IC. Itev. Anderson from returned trip to Halt Lake this morning. townsReed Workman, son of our The fire dejiartineiit was railroad Allen O. Hedges went to Halt Lake man Thin Workman, arrived from Halt Lake yesterday morning when-h- 'out for practice yesterday evening went to meet Mrs. Anderson' Hunday night for a couple of days visit. Theodore yesterday morning and will made k,ld ver 4 nn e is sister, Miss (Irat-Alexander, who in he Miss Jackson of Beaver was visiting visit in Milford for some time. ,reParinK r,ce to-from to few Denver a spend confident that with Mends in Milford the first of the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Light ner of coming weeks with the Anderson family at will How- off the week. carry they and left purse, came in Hliaunle Reaver, yesterday town laiys are figuring en- Dr. Filmerwaa called to Frisco Mon- on the evening train for Halt Lake J, D. McAulay returned from Long .ever the the will Fourth, where different. spend they lirt.ly day by parties at the Horn Silver Beach, Calif. Monday morning where mine. Beaver the in he County on been had account of the Fred Varcoe left last night for called Advertising reachit because News results, of his illness Mr. brings wife, McAulay Cornwall, England, where he expects Barlow and IJaaie Ferguson went 2S-- 3 to be united in marriage to a charming Call consumers. es the phone up stated when left Mrs. he that the McAulay to Halt Lake last night to spend rates. our ns about tell let and was much improved and was in no young lady of his native land. Aftei you Fourth. his marriage he expects to return to Thu big celebration will occur to- danger whatever. Toe Moore left last night for Halt America and will locate in Nebraska you'll bear (has. Morrison, wife and daughter where he will take take City where he will spend the morrow snd at sunrise up the ministry x ami of the salute the forty-siguns, passed throught Milford Tuesday for the Methodist denomination. Fourth. from then oh until late at night there morning euroute to Long Beach, Calif. , Alisa Banks went to .Miuersville will be something doing. win-rthey will make tlieir future Dr. and Mrs. Filiner will leave on Mr. and M rs. Morrison are old the 12th of this month for the east Wednesday to siend the Fourth with home. ,Moru initiatory work is in sight tier parents. of Frisco and arc quite well where thedoctnrwill take residents it is that end for tlie Eagles expectial in Milfonl. known course at one of the leading med-Tli- e he will candidates of class is another Miss Jennings of LaVai), 1'tali, 1(111 tering the usual services will he held at visiting a few weeks with her sister taken in soon. Se viral applications p 4IM mer will spend are now mi hund and more are in tin M. E. church next Hunday morn-- 1 Mrs. Ambrose Hedges. we,kH visiting w ith 4 sight. lug and evening. Sunday school at couPe 41 I,rook Forest near "',4t,v l4,urH Everybody is invited to help them1 10 a. in. reaching in the evening at engineer (ieorge Rhine went to Salt H r- - Fihner dot selves to the lemonade fiirnislnsl by nver- not expect : Lessons sermon of k to make o'clock, subject Lake the lint of the wi-et he isMiiiiiittoe tomorrow. before return next November. !to from History of Raliab. All are armiigciiients for moving his family He on hand for the big parade at to Miltonl. He will occupy tlie Angus cordially invitid to attend. Judge Nichols and family returned t:30 tomorrow luorulug. it will be But hanau house at the rear of Atkin's from a months visit Work is progressing nicely on the Tuesday morning the greatest event of the day. store. LaVerkln Springs. Tlie Judge was at new bank building and the cement greatly benefitted by the baths at the M. L. Butler, represfeiitiog an under-takinAle I lit in- - & Elmer are figuring on foundation is now finished and ready of the porch the full for the brick work. The contractors springs and returns home feeling like house in Halt Lake City, was the exu-usiohere this week calling on the trade. width of Angus Buchanans Main on this building will push the work a youth. He says that these springs street building and erecting a stair- as rapidly as possible and it will not are certainly fine and that the country if you want Die latest tilings in around LaVerkln Is as fine as will lie way on the north aide of the store be long until the money will be passacross Mrs. see found anywhere. The rheumatism Hargeut, just millinery ed over the new marble counter,' the street west from the lumber yard. building. has all disappeared from Mr. Nichols E. T. Hyde, who for the past three Fred C. Varcoe preached a very In- system and he will now get in tlie Most of the inhabitants of the city mouths has been the local manager teresting temperance sermon at the harness again and resume his old duof Hhaunte were in Milford Wednesof tlie Milford Times, has quit the job M. E. church last Sunday evening ties. day enroll te to Halt Lake to spend and returned to Halt Iaike. He has which was listened to by a most apthe Fourth. The following commercial people been succeeded by J. 1. May and 11. preciative audience. This will prodropped into town this week ana were Chaa. Clements and family moved B. Hargraves. Mr. lie tlie Varcoe last time will bably registered at the Armstrong hotel: out to the Cellar mine Monday where the pulpit in MUford as he Is Ous Anderson of Halt Lake; Mr. occupy E. and T. efficient the Banning, Mr. Clements has accepted a position now on the way to England where he Roberts, dry goods, Utica, N. Y. ; Mr. Hardy of Halt Lake; Laffayette accommodating express agent at this will remain for an indefinite in the mine. time Hanehett, general manager of the place, has accepted the position of Mrs. W. F. Cottrell and children cashier at tlie freight office and will Hunday morning a number of citisens Cactus mine, Halt Lake; Mr. Redwill return from Huntington, Oregon, assume the duties of that position to- of Milford were out with smoked government stock inspector, glass mond, Halt Lake; Mr. Winn Halt Lake; 0. 8. on the 10th, after a six weeks visit day. J. E. Hwift, who has held the and ot her devices taking a peep at the Martin and friend, E. Nightingale, position of cashier for some time with relatives. sun. of the J. A. Ingols set H. A. Munson and M. L. Butler of eclipse in his handed and past, resignation Wm. Mcliale, the veteran pros-jiect- same takes effect today. Mr. Hwift his traneit out on the porch and thus Halt Lake; Mrs. Michael and child of Mr. Patten, John Cox Mr. of Frisco, is here to participate made many friends hero who will re- got a splendid view of the eclipse. Newhouse; Leon, and Mr. Oenny of Salt Lake. to learn of his resignation. Joe gret a number took advantage of in the celebration on Uie jjlorloul lias not fully decided what he will do Quite Fourth, lie left the burros on the yet but contemplates a visit to his old Mr. Ingols kindness and took a look Jeffenaon a, IPhone 4o. 20 home in Kt. Louis. hill. through the instrument. ! oja-raliu- n : , ' e K1 j " e post-gradua- , ! i ! ! ' or ... te lourae I never would have mad thoX GUESSING femark If I'd remembered that added: , Fact la. youre craiy ai a loon. wouldnt INSPECTOR HAD NO ANSWER TO The whelp knew that I have said that had 1 remembered CUBS RETORT. about hia experience, and so bo gaxed at me without a bit of resentment fn Got He hia expression. How Relates Officer Army la that aoT ho said to me. All the Beautiful Setback from the I'm the only man on this resersame. o Young Quartormaotor of vation wbo has got a certificate that Western Post be la absolutely sane.' I suppose that wasn't a hot one! In an interchange of repartee, me right off my pina. There took It friendly or for blood, one can nearly wasn't a word to bo said la reply in always find some sort of answer to and the only thing I could do rebuttal, said an army officer of tho wasthat, slouch away and make for to I quartermaster's department, but some spot whero I could think quiet got tho Snoot flooring nt n western It over. of. post the other day you ever heard This cub In the quartermaster nt Deserved His Liberty. the western post Rather n daisy I The smartest lunatic who over young fellow, too, only eccentric. from an Engllah asylum aeema suspect that what alls him la that hes n to bo a Hadley man. a bit of a genius. offa frock coat, and ellk a hat this About two years ago young Wearing icer had a bad fit of sickness after hia re- ha walked Into a newspaper office In turn from the Philippines, and It af- Hadley and, after writing a thrilling fected his head. Ia fact, he had to itory of how to elude tho vigilant attake sick leave for six months and tendants at the Staffordshire county go to an Institution whero people are asylum, aaked tho editor to publish treated for nervous prostration. At It According to hia story ho waited the end of hia six months he was ex- for a ' foggy night and then, after amined by a board of army surgeons, loosening the screws In his cell winpronounced quite sane again they dow, descended to tho ground by a gave him a certificate to that effect rope ladder. He then visited Stock-por- t and he was restored to duty in tho and tho poor law officers to look quartermaster's department He was over tho lunacy law. After learning assigned to duty at thin western that a lunatic could not bo apprehended after 14 days of liberation unlesa post. lie isnt much of a bookkeeper, a fresh order should bo made out and his accounts got all pickled up a against him, he gave himself up to unwhile ago, and so after a lot of futile restrained celebration of the new year. correspondence the quartermasters He complained In hi atory that the department fired me off to straighten asylum system waa too prlaonllke and the cubs accounts out that It discouraged and depressed him. When I finished tho Job of straight Pet Dog Burled with Honors. enlng his accounts 1 proceeded as per orders to read a little place or two collie dog that Lassie, a high-brefrom the riot act to him. waa descended from an animal prlxed Youve got to take a brace, son, by Queen Victoria, waa Interred with I said to him, or they'll bo coming nearly all the honors usually accorddown on you like a thousand of brick. ed a human being In Baltimore, the They won't stand for another bunch other day. Lassie was a fine, large. from you. of messed up accounts Intelligent animal, and the pride and Youve got to get right down to It and pet of the neighborhood. Owing to keep these things straight If you lose the affection la which Lassie was held, a leg at the Job. unusual care was taken fn the dog's Well, he'a a decent boy, and all burial A slnc-llnebox waa made that, but when ho proceeded to give by an undertaker, which had been upme an argument about this gentle lit- holstered and had satin trimmings. tle lecture I couldn't help but call him. The box was hermetically sealed. LasHia Idea of It waa that the quarter sie was a direct descendant of Sailor, established the master's department's pet collie of Queen Victoria. Sailor method of having post accounts kept waa the subject of a poem written by waa all wrong, too laborious. Involved, Tennyson. complicated, and so on, sad he said he'd like to have the Job of revising Strayed or Stolen- - From my place LEFT HIM d well-know- d d the department's meth,-od- s, at the Commonwealth yeo-neck-e- d, ed Milford, Utah. DeWOLFE t one mine, as he called them. This particbrown horse called Frank which me. riled ularly I everybody knows, and one You're dreaming, youngster, rat-tailbay mare, branded OB or to daft him. Dreaming said on right shoulder. A liberal reward 'Then utterly forgetting that the will he young fellow had been out of his head animals. paid for the return of the Ralph Kxnyon, in a sanitarium for quite a apell of |