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Show ty' I P b VOL 1. MILFORD. BEAVER COUNTY. UTAH. FRIDAY. JULY 3. 1908 NO. 8 NOW READY FOR THE BIG MILFORD SOCIETY $2.00 PER RED WARRIOR HAPPENINGS BEAVER CELEBRATION AT MILFORD Streets of Milford are Lavishly Decorated with the National Colors Everything is Ready for the Big Day -- Mrs. Wm. A rmstrongre turned Tuesday morning from an extended visit with relatives in Salt Lake. Mrs. Carter is entertaining a number of ladies at a Kensington, at her home on Capitol hill this afternoon. Mrs. Fitzpatrick came, np from Pioche Sunday night to spend the Fourth in Milford. She is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burns during her visit here. - SHIPS New Ore Body is ORE COUNTY HIMES AND YEAR MINING Lice, Interesting Mining News Qalhetti from the Various vCining Districts of BeaCer County. Much More Extensive Thao was Expect- ed by the Owners 491 Senator J. L. Rawlins, who owns the Manases property, has put a force of men to work sinking a shaft. It ia the intention to sink this shaft to a of MIKE depth 300 feet. reprinted by the Newa as being authentic. Mr. Prichett says there ia absolutely nothing true about the report and that it should never have beeh said. . OFFICIALS VISIT THE Woodford and little The Majestic mines aspect to start N. A. manager of several SOMETHING WILL BE: DOING ALL THE TIME daughter arrived from New York City at the property , shortly Utaji andDunyon, operations Nevada the will and Work will Continue mining properties, spend Thursday morning Development after the Fourth. Only a small force among them summer with her pargpts, Mr. and being the Commonwealth be will on first bnt at later employed and Regular Shipments will nine in this came down from Mrs. Wm. Armstrong it ia understood that the force will be Salt Lake district, Guns at The Celebration Will Start With a Salute of Forty-Si- x Wednesday, to make' a ' be Made Bright Future increased to full capacity. A surprise party was given on Gene of the new finds personal Inspection Sunrise, and at 9:30 the Grandest Street Parade Ever Kirk Saturday night by his little dia have recently been made. Mr. for Red Warrior It is persistently rumored that a friends. Games were played fora stated that the CommoWitnessed in Southern Utah will be Pulled Off The consolidation of the Cedar and Talis- Dunyon few hours after which refreshments nwealth wsa looking especially good Official Program wiQ Tell You of All the were served. A very pleasant time As development work grogreases man properties. In Beaver county, it this time, for the reason that retbs new strike at the Red Warrior is Utah, is being considered. While tht mits are was had by all the little folks. on the level, Events of the Day. becoming more extensive and the management of the two properties while theooming the contact, Deon A surprise party was given on pointier which indications are that the body of ore do not affirm these reports, it is Kay Tuesday evening by his young is ft much greater magnitude than thought that such a deal ia not un- the drift was making and where the Tomorrow morning as Old Sol rises headed by the Milford band and a friends. The result are expected, ia fully 125 feet evening was spent in management had expected or likely. Mining Review. float carrying the Goddess of Liberty from the faro of the drift now triumphantly over the east mountains away refreshments and etc., games, playing ' 46 and thirteen little girls representing were served. The little folks report hoped for. Development work is ore. While thieoro is not guns will be fired as the opening ihowlng being continued at this property with John Foigie was out to the Nellie ae rich ae it is program of the big celebration to be the thirteen original states. had time. a expected to be at the very enjoyable having a view to ascertaining the full extent property this week and reports every- son shows by making so far it tact, palled off at Milford! As the sunrise After the parade the following proDr. and Mrs. Filmer and Bey. end of the ora body. A fifty ton car tf thing looking good. He says they salute is being fired Old Qlory will gram will be rendered at the opera way from the contact that the main , Mrs. 0. L. Anderson celebrated their ore has just been loaded and is now expect to open up the ore body ai be hoisted and unfurled in the breeze honse: itself should give up great point first wedding anniversaries last Friday reedy for shipment to the Pioneer any time and the indications are that of this land of sunshine. It is then Selection by the Band Invocation.... .Be v. D. E. Carter evening at the home of Rev. and Mrs. sampling works at Murray and will he Nellie group of claims will bool that the big celebration will be on out today. Returns from this ore become strong producers. He wet for fair. Solo, "Star Spangled Banner1 Carter. The color scheme was pink go The Hecla Mining and Milling combe received next week and Mr. enthusiastic over the showings at tin will made most a and and green pleasing arR. The committees have all the H. Barton News to Mivriti The pany, stated that he property and is well satisfied with tiu in the soft candle light. Both owning eight claims rangements complete for the carryBeading of the Declaration of In- effect was admitted to the list of .o show numthe were ouuty, of now sonic douc the expected shipment ievelupineut work Wm. Armstrong couples recipients being ing out of the elaborate program of dependence onor on the local exchange Wednesocvalues. The force at erous the on valuable this .here. starJiiig presents the day, and nothing will be left unSinging ...by the Glee Club casion. An elaborate its stock' now graces the and is now mine the work day, dinner centering just wedding done that will add to the pleasure of Knox Hon. W. F. Oration The now ore main the from but laid for 09 company la capitalised body, R. M. Johnson who has a lease oi; the occasion. Everyone will be givSinging, "America.... Audience was served and rovers wets shares of stock, par value ivr 400,000 on the were:' intends to and Dr. Those company ship onlj the old workings at the Horn Silvrn, eight. en 6 hearty welcome and if a good present Selection by the Band shares 175,000 ore will out be of which still which taken each, Mrs. B. C. Mrs. A. and the Rev. jl Filmer, L. D. S. Choir time is not had by all it will certainly at Frisco, is getting out some gooo remain In the lj Singing..... The comsuch nntil time Mrs a work and L. Anderson Bev. of treasury. development Beaver, be no fault of the committees. ores Tanner 10. Closing Prayer and will be ready to make shipBishop pany has $3000 cash in the strong , D. E. Carter, Miss Josephine Ander- jhe property is in shape fur beav The grand street parade will form ments in a short time. Mr. Johnsm AFTERNOON PROGRAM tox, and it is estimated that $20,000 son of Beaver, Helen bheiwuod ant mining. It is expected, however, use opened up a pocket within a feu worth at the opera house and start at 9:80 Music by the Band at 1:30 p. m. of ores are now in sight in the that this will be sufficient for the ieet of the surface which runs quit a. m. At the conclusion of the 60 yard race for boys 12 to 16 years $S W. L. Els wick. mine. ' Up to date the Hecla haa of two s?ary per month, On Wednesday evening Mr. ant shipment uigh in lead and silver. Mr. Johnson hipped in. $S00a worth of silver-leaparade the morning program, will be purse, first, second and third money is now figuring wiu ia well pleased with the prospects o. res. rendered at the opera house. The 10 yard race for girls 12 to 16 yean $2 Mis. W. II. LeWtlfe etier.tini'i' a iue company There has been canaiderable :f? Beaver River Power Co. fci his lease and feels second and . famous Milford band will appear for third money first, of number friends at whist a quite confident tha work done on the property. It oon-purs$, par. j wnh vliich to operate the he wiU open the first time in uniform, and will 100 yard race,' boys over 16 yean, $3 Jn honor of Mrs. WiHis ar.d Miss of .tunnels; 100 feet of V tarnish patriotic mnsie throughput prrsej first end eyn4irnyi Donald. Twenty us were p:eseni Vaeu made was strike the the day. The committees have liandAlMelJ Boys - and girls' races, 8 to 12 yean and five tables weie uaeJ. During Merritt wired vo members seats to be arranged chairman of Sports uhe evening punch v.&a terved ranged for shade end plenty ffew months sf , on the ground selected for polling ott committee and purses given ac- Misses Bell Willis and LePreie Mur- company who had just left I contract at t.Susman mine, the events. Plenty of free lemonade cordingly, for. which $10 is appro- dock. Dainty refreshments were few days before and Ing a 200 foot shaft, finished the will be supplied as well as good Ice priated. served by the host and hostess after On receipt of his to! net last Sunday and have turned water. In the afternoon the child- Potato . race, boys 12 to 16 yean, which the ladies were presented with Sandilsnds, Louis H, over to the company, workings rens dance will be given and also a parse S2. a beautiful boquet of pansies. In the Merritt, of the party shaft some good ore this inking grand free ball in the evening at the Wheelbarrow race, purse $1.50 whist game the two gentlemens Milford and after s were uncovered but the boys Local mining circles are beg In ing Sack race, boys 12 to 16 yean, and prizes were won by Mr.R. H. Barton the ore body e opera house. ed on through these as they were now to see why Beaver county was, Wires have been strung for the boys 8 to 12 yean, purse $2.60 and still is, so rejoiced over the reand Mr. LeRue, and the ladies prizes as more than satisfied with ly to rink the shaft a certain cent find of ore on the Red Warrior lighting of the streets at night, and Fat mens race, prize $1 value were carried off by Mrs. Goody and ing. The latter gentleman is si out ore and were not fL taking here but others returned the last night the line was tested and Fat womens race, prise $1 value property In the Star district. J. M. Mrs. Temple. The guests were: Mr. for shipment. fonnd to be in perfect working order. Broad jump, over 16 yean, purse 12 and Mrs. Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Duluth Tuesday. Reynolds, manager of the Hecla MinWhen the lights were turned on last Running jump, over 16 yean, purse $2 Temple, Mr. and Mrs. R. H.. Barreached this city yesYesterday morning W. A. Eaton, Loren Morrison came down from ing company, and he brings with night for the first time a loud cheer Clothes hanging contest, by young ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ingols, Mr. and president of the Red Warrior, arriv- Salt Lake morning, terday Tuesday morning and went him the latest word about this imed and Duluth was from went np from the hundreds of people ladies, purse $1 accompanied Mrs. Goody, Mesdames DeFord, who had gathered to witness the Climbing greased pole, prize on top Greenwood, Ochs, Willis and Miss by Mr. Pritchett, the mining expert up to Newhouse to look after things portant strike. That the Red Warat the Indian Queen mine. With the . spectacle. On tomorrow night the of the pole McDonald, Messrs George Jefferson, from Drover, They visited the new machinery recently installed at rior has made one of the feature finds streets will be brilliantly lighted, Catching greased pig, winner takes IL E. Greenwood, OBtler, Shirley property and found the ore body of in Utah of the is his canthe Indian . Queen a large amount of did year and he mining much been extent which together with the fireworks dis-- . the pig than hid no doubt harbors greater opinion, Atkin and LeRue. Mr. Pritchett stated ore ia being taken out and this pro- of the future splendid success of this 300 yard cow pony race, five to enter represented. plsy will be a pleasing sight. Is rapidly becoming one of the A very pleasant time was had by that it was the The committee was unable to arthree to start, purse $5.00 prettiest thing he had perty in chartbest this section of the country. proposition. of folks who the young party ever seen. These gentlemen were Mr. at the range for a special train from New Saddling and running race, rider to has the ore and it Red Reynoldsthespent Sunday house and Frisco on this occasion saddle and bridle horse, double ered the big tallyho last Sunday and enrouto to Wran gel, Alaska to look The Indian Queen Warrior, propepty adjoining but these towns will be well repre- cinch, run 160 yards and return and went out to Rock Corral. There were after mining interests and departed will only require a little time and the Moscow property on the north. no accidents of any consequence and on last money to make it a big mine. The shafts of the two companies mensented at the celebration, never- unsaddle, purse $5.00 evenings train. home returned the jolly party safely theless. tioned are exactly 1610 feet apart. Firemens hose contest, run 100 yards, in the evening well pleased with the la now The Red Warrior Lights Vera Tumtf Ol Mowitza The at the shaft The following is the official prowater 100 hose and feet of management drove lay get days outing. A number of things A number of the residences of the down to a depth of 160 feet and it is the shaft down to the Purse $26.00 gram of the day: level, happened during the day that would town were lighted up with eletricity the intention of the company to be- and drifted towards the north a disPBOGBAM Base ball game, purse $25.00. from this level. tance of eighty feet, where the rich Bnnrise Salute of 46 guns by John For the belt make-u- p of ragamuffin make very interesting reading for from the Beaver River Power company gin us as the the but the are being adopted sand carbonates were encountered same methods of public boys gave $5 will be Kirk and assistants. during the day a prize plant Sunday night. Tom Murtins The on we awarded. inside information the as were need at the that have so aroused local Interests residence at this H. W. terrace DeWolfei and property Flag Raising, at sunrise, by commitFor the best business house float a will respect their confidence and keep were is expected that and Warrior to Red it the first have the of lights. tee six boys under the direction prise of $25 will be awarded. among again In Beaver county. of E. C. Baxter. Steve Fotheringham marshal of mum. Those who were in the party Sixteen candle pvwrer lamps were the ore body will be out in a very "It Is beautiful ore, says Mr. Reywere: Mr.' and Mrs. Des. Hickman, used and they gave a bright, strong short time. Superintendent Merritt nolds. "It Is as clean as any I ever 9:30 a. m. Grand Street Parade, the day. Misses Nessie Skillicorn, LaVem which indicates that when the Informs us that it is the intention of mw. They have taken out chunks of Tanner, Gene Mstheson, Lucille Stod- light town is whole lighted by this company the company to increase the force at rock that will weigh 600 pounds or dard, Ethel Elmer, and Messrs Bert Curtis left last night for Denver Lockhart, George Jefferson, Ralph we will have as well lighted town as once and development work will be more, every ounce of it being shipRAILROAD HAPPEHIM6S where he will visit for a short time Pitchforth Joe Swift and Morrison any in the state. Power was fur- pushed along vigorously. ping stuff. There can be no doubt of Hickman. with his family. nished to George Atkins ice riant on the Red Warriors claim to being a Mrs. W. H. DeWolfe entertain e the same evening and the plant has J. D. Prichett was in from the mine mine, and I am especially glad of it, D. A. Thompson left Tuesday night Boilermaker Jas. Lundsford has rea Kensington Tuesday afternoon been running full capacity ever since. the first of the week and was a caller in addition to its being a great item at for Salt Lake to visit a sister he has at her beautiful home on main street Up until now the people have been at this office. Mr. Prichett emphatic- for the good of the camp, for the signed and gone to Ogden. not seen for 28 years. in honor of Mrs. Willis and Min Mc- without ice and during the hot weather ally denies the statement published reason that the owners and the man- - J J. W. Fell has resigned as machintwo Donald. The penny game was the many complaints have been made on in the Beaver Press a couple of weeks agement are fine fellows, worthy of ' a from returned Cottrell W. F. ist helper and will go to Idaho. weeks visit at Huntington Oregon feature of the afternoon and proved account of there being no ice to be ago relative to the Virginia Bell and success. One hears nothing but good1 a very interesting entertainment. had in the town. However Mr. Atkin Yellow Hammer properties wherein news now from all over Beaver county, Division Engineer John Shanahan with his family and friends. Prises were awarded to the ladies assures us that there will be no more it states that he is associated with for there is everything good happen- - a was in Milford a few days this week. Mr. Fred Varco has resigned his the greatest number of things need of c'nnplaint as he will be able these properties, and with regard to ing. Watch Beaver county mines j guessing Ed. Beckstron left Tuesday night position as car painter et the shops to to be found on a penny, and the first to supply all demands. the rich strike said to have been when the smelters begin taking ores. for Manti to spend two weeks with leave for England his old home, ) off Mrs. was Carter carried Tribune. made. The article referred to was by prise la his family. second. Deques!. won Mrs. while the Ingois Cland Morse and Joe Moore, left T. Beam and S. Smith left Wednes- yesterday for Salt Lake and northern A hansome cup and sVcer was As I am going east for post graduTho Milford Mercantile Co. has re-awarded to each of the UrtnlVrs. The ate work I request that all persons 8. J. Walker, the tonsolal artist, has day morning for Los Angeles to spend parts of the state for a vacation. ac- installed a fine bath tub at his shop ceived bids this1 week for the conscherie was me out their color settle to indebted fijriled pansy please Fourth. . the Wm. D. Smith, machinist helper, in the decorations wd alsc with the count at once. B. A. Filmer, M. D. this week and Is now prepared togive struction of a new store building. number of the a shop boys is taking a thirty day lay off and will refreshments. Miss Boll Villis am. Quite the unclean s good bath. A partition The building is to be 24x65 feet, one are going to Zion tonight to celebrate visit with his family in Los Angeles. Mrs. Musi Return tin Schuul Inks. . few choice wm put in and a room fitted up for a story, with piste glass front. A a furnished Ingols ' the Fourth. AU pupils of the Milford school bath room with hot and cold water number of the Milford contractor are 8. T. Moore moved from Caliente musical selections and little Irine Ben Joe of Boilermakers recitation who have books in their possession connections. This ia something that bidding on the job and among the McGosky, to Lj'nnwith880 Japs to excavate and Goody gave a couple were refreshments Delicious served belonging to the Milford School Dis- has been sadly' needed in Milford and bida is one from Mclntire ft Elmer for Dustin and Wm. Kieley quit the serlay track between Lynn and Salt Lake walker a cement block building. The convice this week. by Misses Bell Willis and LePreie Mur- trict are requested to (return same to there is no doubt' but Mr. F A Wilcox freight brakeman left dock and Mrs. Jefferson poured coffee. W. J. Burns on or before the 15th of will do a good business In this line. tract has not yet been awarded but It Car Repairer Chas. Clements re- for Caliente with the expectations of la expected to be awarded in a few Covers were laid for fifteen the guests July. New books will be need in the signed this week to take a position moving his family her, for the sum- were: Mrs. Willis and Miss McDonald Sunday services at First Church of days. schools this year and aU the old books at the Cedar mine.. Christ Scientist of Milford are held M mer. guests of honor, and Mesdames Jeffer- will be returned to the': publishers In at 9:45 A. M. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smithson have Machinist B. E. Eigle returned the Machinist Joe Nash and Robt. son, Filmer, Carter, Ingols, Goody, exchange for new one. It is abso- follows: Sunday school 11 oclock, evening taken a lease on the rooming house at service morning first of the week from a two weeks Fields spent three days at Tintio Clymer, Burkhermer, DeFord, lutely necessary that the school board service at 8 oclock. Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Buchanan and visit in Salt Lake. take possession of same about Junction this week repairing Shay Temple, Ochs, Greenwood, Stoddard, have all tho old books in order to evening expert dhoe meeting at 6 will 10th of the month. tho o'clock. make this change' and Wilson. Assistant Shop Foreman F. W. engine No. 61. Mrs. T. W. r -- 600-fo- ot . te . . ; a . . d , r --- ------ . , r - f' " - 117-fo- rt cross-cutti- ng Q-- T . . . . . . ' |