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Show GREAT DAY IN HISTORY MIXES AND MINING; , The npsHsne Jswslry matters vat, sTGERARD CHAPMAN . S? S 's ? t s. Oh, moren you .Could thin A bullytsannon made of hr you blin geTvaKe-,minute thatI Pout ,ouryc,ock Yofiet Ill hitetfHiinty!clothcs p . cr IMIirT'CMlKMCC grab kjtin out behind thebarn n light,my WAS fJT HEAL To TnE COMTIMCNTAk - iNfQfn- cm 4T. br.CLANATION Thejuir cqngm Cicrcii's VK W punknzjj? nothinwidujsek wont near he restvtj that alogy cii Tnclcpenclcncs Rail V V V Bui, gi DEED which neither Fiance mr flngland, Greece nor In Independence Hall. .iX&j Rome, ever witnessed was VA?i2 in the citu of riiiladelplila: a deed that cannot he matched In the hlstonj of the world. That old Hall should forever he kept sacred as the scene of such a deed. Let the rains of heaven distil gcnilu on its roof, and the storms of winter heat sofllu on its door. As each successive generation of tliuse who have been hendilcd Lg the great Declaration made within its walls shall nuke their pilgrimage to tliat shrine, mag theg think it not unseemly to call Its walls salvation and ILs gates pralsc.EJivarJ Event!. Is possible to hold Fonith cf Jllly (TldlM'lilillMH 111 till KllilllllW r (lie structure which k:iw li lilrtli anil signing of t In or Iiidpeiiiltuci,l the ini'f.t putfiit doctrine for freedom In (ho history of the worlil, ami the nation linn not Ignored tliH opportunity. There are many patriotic Amerl-ranwho make It a duty on July 4 to journey to IMillnili'liilita. a pilgrimage to the ahrlne of llhcrly, there to raise their voices In thanks and rejoicing for the great deed that waa there acrniniillshed. Hlnce that day, now distant 131 years, when Charles Thomson, rising In hla chair, read for the first time (he Anal draft of that momentous document which Thomas Jefferson wrote, but which underwent many changes before meeting with the Anal approval of the delegates to the continental congress, not an Independence day has been permitted to pass without a proper celebration In the puhllc square back of independence hall. Presidents of the Unltod Slates, senators, representatives. Justices of the highest courts, and even foreign have poured forth their eloThe quence at liberty's cradle. municipal authorities of the city of Philadelphia are careful to see to it that aotuo distinguished man Is always on hand as orator of the day. The pomp of military circumstance has sometimes been called upon to lend prestige to the occasion, and thn beat musicians of the land have been proud to play patriotic airs In the shadow of the steeple where hung the bell (hat so singularly fulfilled the pro photic mission assigned It 24 years before to "proclaim liberty throughout the land." The location of the hall lends Itself to purposes of public celebration. There Is ample room, both front and back, for the building elands well bark from the pavement, so that a large company can gather In front. In tbo rear, the beautiful Inden donee square, there Is still more space, and thousands ssseinble to listen to the orations, and hear the licrlaratlnn of Independence rend. This lattpr Is reiilly the distinctive 'nature of Fourth of July celebrations In Independence square. The tiav would nut seem properly observed with this omitted It Is a notable record of wh'ch "very American may be proud that uot a Fourth of July lias j ;o:s--since ere have been u nation, without the in uaaln spired words being ulti-rothe air that heard them first. The tall trees standing In the historic square must by this lime know every wo'-- IT 1 a d t- - nr heart. The flrat reading of the declaration was that by Charles Thomson. (, ecretary of- congress, when lie the completed paper to lh- - nen who had framed it Thomson lid not, however, read the deei.vation Tom the balcony of Independence br.i! 0 the people crowded outside to hoar for the first time In what terms the colonists should tell King (icor-ithat his coutro of the 13 colonics was at an end. That privilege was reserved for John Nixon, a prominent member of the committee of safety. In honor t f the occasion, delegates lo the congress filed out In the July sunshine to listen to the sacred words. Later, long years after, Kdwtn Forest, the most noted of American whose love for patriotism sml the Inatltutlons of his country was deeper even than his regard for the stage, stood on the same spot, and on a Fourth Of July morning read the words of Jefferon. as no man has read them before or since. A great crowd was c rr-tor- Tot. (Youll ilnr-adin- g wa-- t eliccrt-- 'isee - You jest fee-4her- e: somCffoTs, WVlftreak tne blacksmith An Sq6ot thcmxalarouncLtfie town: Then tberell' lbe?hi!.'don,t doubt. present, perhaps tin- - largest over sembled, and the actor during and er happeiT'wfien whatll, ' K '' ' It uctsht ,0ark. asaft- Afore eah4Jtouse well set again and onedownA wrwder in, again. Finest esteemed tin Declaration of Independence ns the best single piece nf composition In existence, valuing It even above his beloved ShakPspearo. Two years after the first Fourth of July, there occurred a celebration In Independence square thnt had a special significance. The advance of the Itrltlsh, and their occupation of Philadelphia during the winter of hud forced congress to leave the Quaker city and go to York. After the evacuation congress returned July 2 and a grand celebration of the recurrence of the promulgation of the declaration was held, In which' nearly the entire population of Philadelphia Joined. Chevalier Conrad Alexander (Ward of France, the first minister ever accredited to the United States from nny isiwrr, was an Inter ested spectator. During the centennial in Philadelphia there was naturally a notable demonstration, and no less a person than Don Pedro, emperor of DruzII, sat among these who cheered the sentiments that had sounded the downfall of monarchy In this country, und were finally to take his throne from the ruler of Drazll. In later years, another representative of a foreign country was the central figure at Independence square. Wu Ting Fang, Chinese minister, spoke there with fine eloquence, and mnde one of the best speeches credited to him In his many felicitous utter aners In this country. The anomaly that he was the envoy of one of the most absolute of monarchies dhl not prevent the celestial from painting In most graphic phrase what the venerable building stood for. During his first administration, 0 rover Cleveland, president or the I'nlted States, came to Philadelphia one Fourth of July and, standing on a plat form raised on the s(uure, appealed to the young manhood of America thnt the great lessons of 1770 he not (snored. Samuel J. Haiidail, Judge Kelley, lien. (Jrant. Lewis Cassidy have also figured prominently In Fourth of July colrbralii'iis there. During the adminis'ia'iun of Mayor iirw ick. himself an orator of genuine was made the cT's. every of notable ilemnustra'lous to which were Invited men of witional fame Under the direction of tin governor of Pennsylvania a work of incalcuiahle Interest lirs been finished at Valley Forge park by the gta'o. Valiev Forgo las a close relationship with Independence day, ami the old camp site has proved a Mecca oa July I to thousands of Americans who come from all ever Mho union to pay a tii'iii'e to fa'hers cf the United States who sirTete.i ,in. dh ,1 on Mi's filstrric spiq. Pncih-aMthe entire she has been reserve 1. A chapel has been erecte-- on the spot where a prayer. Washington was At the moment Valley Forge ark comprises about 173 ttercs. It Is properly policed and cared for by workmen, who-- e duly It is to keep the roads aud the entire park In perfect order. Puhllc Interest has kept pace with the work. On Memorial day ,303 persons registered at the headquarters, and this Is probably not one fourth cf these who were In the park. Anywhere front S.t'itO lo 10.000 Americans will fittingly celebrate July 4. l'.u'S. by going over the ground, on which their forefathers under went the that made indo pendencr possible. arhe dinl Strain out .'WtY?o ikX 1777-177- SwjVthe Fourth But Ma sezl1ercy me! Oh, geHT 1 suffi-r-ng- s concentrating mill Is Just on the Muldoon propcompleted being erty at Halley, Idaho, the machinery for which Is now In the depot at Bellevue, from which point It will be freighted as soon as the roads will permit. There will also be Installed a modern electrical plant of 150 horse power. The Tamarack mine holds the distinction of being the deepest mine in the world, and is the deep level" of the Michigan copper country. There are five shafts on the Tamar rack property, two of which are practically idle. No. 3 shaft Is about 5300 feet deep, intercepting the lode at a vertical depth of 4185 feet. William E. Galllgher, the big mining operator who recently purchased control of the Reliance company at Tena-band reorganized the proposition as the Gem Consolidated, was in Salt Iake last week, buying machinery and equipment for the mines. It is understood that Mr. Galllgher proposes to operate the property cn an extensive scale. It Is said that upon the ranch where the new oil rig of the Juab Oil company is being erected, a farmer once When he had drilled for Water. gained a depth of about 300 feet, black, thick material oozeil out of the hole, each time the drill was removed. The. farmer gave up drilling for water and had the IioIp plugged up. Some people are of the opinion that the material which oozed out of the hole was A 1 A-get- tin Fourth ledge soon. The Nellie Mining company at Ho rueshoe Bend bus a force of men at work cleaning out ihe long tunnel, preparing for a rigorous prosecution of development. The plant of the Warren Refining company, at Warren, Pa., owned by C. W. and M. W. Jamieson, was destroyed by fire during a storm last week. Loss, f 100,000. Judging by tire returns from the more Inijxirtant mining centers, the production of cual lu the United States during the current year will not equal that for 1907. At the present time Florence, Nevada, has no custom mill. The best in the line of a gold extractor la an old arrastre. Thus far during the jirqsent month this produced $2,000. Preparations are uiiiIit way to begin sinking the Easter shaft at Pearl, Idaho, about July 1. It is the Intention of the munagement to sink to the 3u0-fulevel and then crosscut for the ledge. The salaries aud incidental expenses of officials of the American Smelting & Refining company have to been reduced $730,000, according Daniel Guggenheim, chairman and president of the company. Thn old Red Cloud mine at Hailey, Idaho, with a record of having produced over a million dollars. Is now In the hands of a strong Salt Itke syndicate and will be opened in July, when a large force of men will be put to work. SI Ilford Is all agog with excitement over some wonderfully rich strikes that have been simultaneously made In a number of mines In the Star district. A strike has been made of ore that shows 70 per cent lead and 30 ounces silver. Just at present the question of wages is causing some trouble at some of the mines nt llailiT. Idaho, and some of the properties are closed on this account, hut It Is expected that this matter will soon be adjusted satisfactorily to all parties concerned. Since the first of June the developments in refined copper, from the standpoint of production and consumption, have been entirely in favor of lower prices, but the speculative maneuvering has been strong enough to actually advance the domestic market. Within thirty days shipments of ore will begin from the Hercules mine, near Burley, Idaho. A force of fifteen men has been put to work on the property, and the force will be Inas soon as creased to seventy-fiv- e practical. This promises to become one of the richest properties In the state. Why youre so set on gettintffcfirgi An blisters, I cant see. But shucks who cares for things. A boys ma never learns As how he has jest loads o fan all those burns! . when at eve he wandered home, tired aa he could be. He aald: "I love the Olorloua Fourth, "Tla a day what jeat aulta me." And Aa I 100-to- n o, Br MAUD WALKER ftri'cnirkera WITH many In hla matihi-s A "Dip, blp. And on In bla hand; pocket; Iiiii ruli!" on til imnn-iiH- e THE ONE DAY. akyruckct. tonfua; Thus little Hilly wandered forth Most Joyously to trv To celebrate In ttie right way Th Clnrlmiv of July. 81zi! Boom! Bang! You cant get away, So you may aa well stay To the big show. It will positively appear But once thli year. Promptly at midnight The red light Begins to burn And no one dares turn It low Until the last firecracker has been ex ploded. Hark, children, the day la loaded, Acd you'll know (t when you see It Unions your car muffs fit Pretty quick. It is the reflex action of the big (tick. The only nnd original grand aggregation of noise. Come and bring your boy a. AN EXPLANATION. ' 111- - l 1 l On the Glorious , ; j tr. Me fell In lir.e behind Tb.it pi ivd Mleil. Wl -. Then lo the Ceiehr.i'.inn t'lricinda lie niari'l .l vritli g.ilhinr tread; Anil lisiened wllie a inidiiiiia Man V "il-.- e lvri lnr.iiioii n.il. Then lame the pltn1- - dinmr Spread ,r.eaih a rrest oak tree; And little Hilly me h.a l,;i Wlulo the band played "Liberty." And ail the rest the day waa apent In making fun nnd noise: Shooting tola of (Irevrsckers off With all tha girl and boys. '-'-V oil. General Manager Oiilie of the Amalgamated Copper company properties has issued an official statement concerning the fires in the Anneonda nnd St. Lawrence mines, misleading statements concerning which were sent from Butte. Mr. Gillie says tha? the blaze which has hern raging continuously since IPSfi. is no worse than it has been several times before anil that there is nothing alarming in th situation. hind nnd Hltie-,- ' lie snng to help the noise along, Tbonsu the wuini be r.ver knew. i:- to dis- s red-flgg- er Mfmakes llfrtlm at your posal, Froa of Charge, when you Sinking hat been resumed on tbs deal with us Wo are particular Alexander shaft at Pearl, Idaho. about pleaalng you. The Lucky Itidge leasers at Pearl, Idaho, have struck some good looking ore In their crosscut tunnel. 7u Dewey expect to strike their Gee, dont 1 wish the Fourth wuz For I cn hardly wait Until the days jest catch up with That blame date. I got a lot o fire-work- of la Why is Fourth of July anyhow, Eddie?" er you see Christopher "Why Columbus or George Washington discovered It In 1492. an' ao we don't bave no srhool on that day!" It looks now as though lOS would be the banner year for the old Mineral Hill mining district of which Halley, Idaho, is the commercial center. Old properties that have been Idle for years are being worked and new development is npimrcnt on all sides. About 8.000 acres of coal land in Monterey county. California, about 20" miles from San Francisco, are about to be developed In nn extensive manner. Most of 'he coal of this section is lignitic in character, but this tract Is SHtd to contain a vein of fuel. According to the statistics collected directly from the producers in the I nited States. Canada and Mexico, and the statistics of Henry U. Merton - Co. for the remainder of the world, the total production of copper in 19"7 was 723.S07 metric tons, against metric 'ns ill 1906 Ai- 7X5-Y- 170 ATN St SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. CHILD, COLE CO. BROKERS SOLICIT YOUR PATR0KA6E Our facilities for handling your sveount unexcelled. Wo make liberal advancaa on all Utah Stocks. 100 Atlas Bleak, Salt SALTAIR La k City. UTAHS FAMOUS WATERING PLACE. Canay Island at tha Witt. Plnaat Bathing in tha World. Lafiaal aal fiaMt Dun Hmt ui bn Mwic la ik kilx Held. Bud il MM. Bicrch Racu Ivin wnUr- Fa racnlin ud planii to Stluir. Train ntry 4$ nito - ILL HEALTH AND MORBIDNESS. Unfortunate Result of Intense Passion for Sympathy. One of the tendcnclea of I!1 health la to make one morbid. People who are constantly thinking about tlielr ailments, worrying about their troubles, suffering pain, often develop a morbid passion for sympathy. They want to tell everybody of their aches and pains, to describe their symptoms, says a writer. Have you ever known a woman who has acquired Ihe doctor habit, a woman who loves nothing in the world quite so well as an opportunity to tell the doctor of her ailments? She has poured them out to unwilling ears, to forced listeners, till she longs for some one who can really appreciate It all, who sympathizes with her in her troubles; so he sends for the doctor or goes to see him. This becomes almost a mania with some women, who have few outside activities to divert them. Their minds naturally revert to themselves and they think of their unfortunate condition until they become saturated with the poisoned thought. RIBTYPEWRITER CARBONS, BONS, for all kinds of machines; writ PEMBROKE STATIONERY CO.. Salt Lake City. Essentials of a Great Man. You can not substitute any epithet for great, when you are talking of great men. Greatness Is not general dexterity carried to any extent; noi proficiency In any one subject of human endeavor. There are great astronomers, great scholars, great painters, even great poets, who are very far from great men. Greatness can do without success, and with It. William Is greater In his retreats than Marlborough In his victories. On the other hand, the uniformity of Caesar's success does not dull his greatness. Greatness Is not In the circumstances, but In the man. Arthur Helps. The new law offices of State Representative Harry J. Robinson are in Mercantile Block, Salt looms lake City, Utah, to whom all whs are in need of legal advlco are referred. 102-10- 3 Gypsies and Animals. The gypsies are nearer to the animals than any race known to us in Europe. They have the lawlessness, the abandonment, the natural physical grace In form and gesture of animals; only a stealthy and wary something In their eyes makes them human. Arthur Symons. "Rest Cure" In England. "Sleep and be beautirul! Rest and preserve your charms!" That Is what wise Englishwomen are saying to themselves nowadays and what they are doing most religiously. Many make a point of lying down for hall an hour before luncheon and before dinner, or after eating. If it suits them better, on a couch heaped with cushions. And to make the rest sweet the cushions are filled with fragrant herbs and flower petals. Some very dainty women have cushions packed with rose- leaves. lot render tops are used, too, nnd pine needles, which have always been famed as sleep inducers. Some women Insist that hops, loosely stuffed In the cushion covers, are the best thing to make one drowsy. - Lumps of Fat The humps of camels are mere lumps of fat and not provided for in the framework of the skeleton. When the animal is In good condition, the humps are full and plump. On a long Journey. where food is scarce, the humps are entirely absorbed, the skin covei Ing them hanging over the flank like an empty hag. Rivera and Men. Little riven eeem to have the Indefinable quality that belonge to certain people in the world the power of drawing attention without courting it, the faculty of exciting Interest by their very presence and way of doing Henry van Dyke. Where Ivy la Beneficial. Ivy growing ovef the walls of a house renders the structure cool In lummer and warm In winter. It also keepi the wails dry. It is. however, very destructive to woodwork, forcing .he Joints a; art things. |