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Show f i I THE BEAVER COUNTY NEWS .... W. L. Elswick, MILFORD Editor and Manager The ORCHARD FROM DEATH FEAR ATTACK BY SAVED ON JURY Tl GALLOWS SMC BANK MYSTERY UTAH STATE NEWS UTAH i Idaho Board of Pardons Commutes Death Sentence of Self Confessed Murderer to Life Imprisonment. son of Adrien of Neiihl Is dead as the result of being kicked in the head by a horse. i Boise, Ida Acting fill tin l Six townships, ciuiiprisint; lmi.onu made hy Juig acres of land In Box Elder county, Wood ai tin- - time Miiiiiirt wan pm will be thrown open to settlement on lioliiifril. the Idaho Mute board i f partin July 23. cumnnCeii dons on Wcilic-ielnAccording to an order from the feculence of Hairy tinhud to imprispresident, the lienr Hitcr Nation al onment fur life. Orchard was forest will in future be known as thu to In cxcritird on July J. Cache National forest. two iI.in?- - uOrchard was am-hiemur T!i of state board of land commis- tter (he i at Caldwell sioners last week purchased $29. wu and a few wei i.s later, wni worth of lieaver eonnty scliool lioiids, tearing 5 per cent iuteresl and matur- coiilim-i- l in tin' Idaho peitiieiit : ny, cnnfi Kfei il ills guill to James Mrl.ir-lauing in IHllS. of till a pioneer resilient IillkerMil) delect iw A. J. of Sail Luke, was kicked hy a horse agency, at tin-- Mime time rburgim; Mr. liiul ini was employed to commit il.r Inst week and fatally Injured. 1'endlcton was 7U years of ago, and Clime by ollieetsi of Ihc Western l '( craf ion or .Milters. As a rosin I or Im was a blacksmith. or confession, ( It titles H. Moyer, prrsi Several horses in the vicinity fedi--;- l ion ; William it Brigham City have been killed by or- ileltL or Ihe i am owustiter. scrrciury-lrHaywood, of of health der the stale board I), l'ellilinne, all of pitiiif, ing to the fact that they were af- w etf- arrested in t li.it city and hrim-iflicted wilh glanders. to Idaho lii answer Id tlm charge of Along a strip n 1 laud about clirhii-ellldietllicfils wire reltirilefj murder, miles long, traversed by the Salt Lake Route, between Xeplil and Juab, uuuiiisl them and John Situpkiits, a about one million bushels of wheat member of the executive board of thu fedeiulion. Simpkins inninil and is will bo grown Ibis year. u still fugitive; Haywood and 1'eiii-bonWallace, the son of John A. Ward, were acquitted after memorable met with a serious accident at Wilin which trials Orchard lohl a s;ory of In soma lard, while loading hay. wholesale assassination which shockhis und fell from load the ha log way ed I lie world. Following the (lials of was broken Just above the ankle. tinit ml case I'eililuuie discussion Is being Haywood Considerable was dismissed. Moyer against given the suhject of having the railOrchard, who was indicted roads entering Salt Lake allow all paswlien tiller ills confessengers traveling through the eity the sion, stood arraigned uinl the court directmule, stop-veor two of a three days privilege ed that a plea of not guilty lie entered. His case was continued from Brooding over an Indictment hy tba term to term until April in of this federal grand Jury (or alleged coni year, when his case was called at land frauds caused the Hiilclile of Theo- Caldwell and lie ask".! permission in dore O. Schulte, a well known young his plea. Tlte court granted Insurance man and abstractor of Salt lint ami Orchard pleaded ieities( Lake City. guilty to murder lit (he first degree. For using the L'nlteil Stntes malls In pronouncing the sentence of dentil for illegal purposes, Dr. 12. H. Iayne, u week hiler, Judge Wood a practicing physician of Salt Iiko that thi hoard of pardons City and a man 70 years old, will servo rommulc (lie sentence. In making In two years at hard labor the gov- tills recommendation Wood Judge Kan stated that lie was ernment prison at lirmly convinced Assurances received from schools thill. Orchntd had told tin whole am! and colleges all over the state lndl-cat- exiici t rut li at till trials of Haywood that the exhibition of edu- and lfllllioim mu flint lie was therecational matters at tho Utah stats fore, for the service in had rendered lo clemency. fair, to bo held In Salt I,nke City tile state, entitled Orchard, to the last, wus opposed to will be much larger than October having the sentence of court Inter ever before. fered with. Only the day before the men of business Park Some of the hoard of pardons took up his case he City are working hard to have the expressed to his attorney the hope s that that efforts to save ldiu from the Idolfat railroad pass through would fall. town, as they are well aware that jhls mining comp would he greatly helped, EAT8 PIE WITH HIS KNIFE. as would a number of other towns la Summit county. Jacob F. Jacobson Nominated by Alfred F. Heaton, the young man Minnesota Republlcana for Governor. charged with tho murder of Mary St. Paul. The Minnesota RepubliStevens, of Onlervllle. Kane county, can convention on Wednesday nomiover to district been bound the has rourt for trial, and will lie confined nated Jacob F. Jacobson of Madison a the atate penitentiary until court for governor, adopted a platform Indorsing the work of the Chicago conconvenes, August 4. and pledging the parly in Minvention E. Emerson of Shoshone, Colo., while walking along the track near nesota to continue the work of mil Becks Hot springs, was struck by a way regulation. Mr. Jacobson's name was presented to the convention hy Lagoon train and killed. Emerson was who former Congressman Eddy. iscnrcb hound to Ihc brick yards. in of work, and evidently did not Item aroused laughter when he said; Tin only reflection anyone lias been able the approaching train. cust u f ton our candidate is that lie The board of land commissioner! to eats pie with u knife. He Is a rough lest week paid to tile contractor $l,SiMJ rugged, natural man. We eoiihl nut well for sinking a experiment have him any different if we would, In Cedar valley. Water was struck in and we would not if we could." the well at 180 feet, hut none was encountered after I hut. Tho flow at 180 SHERIFF THREATENED LAWYER. feet, however, Is abundant. While Christian Jensen of Dewey Trial of Steve Adama Productive of Exciting Scenes. was mill I telling bis horses from Colo. O. X. Ilillon Grand bolt a ol the Junction other plow day, sulky lightning struck tho outlit. killing two leading counsel for Steve Adams, on horses Instantly und knocking another trial here on (he charge of murdering and Jensen down. Jensen was badly Arthur Collins, appeared Indore Jus bruised and hands and feet lacerated tire of the Peace Sweeney Wednesday Cliero afternoon and liled a charge agalnsi Mary lA'han, n kee Indian, who is an uetlve exponent Sheriff C. A. Fit --.pat rh'k of Telliiriili. of the anti-racsuicide proposition ol alleging that Fitzpatrick had threatPresident Roosevelt, called upon Got ened him with a revolver. The enernor Cutler last week. Mr. Lehac counter occurred, according to Hilton, claims to he the mother of twenty vdien the two men met at the on (heir way to the court room. one children six boys and fifteen Sheriff Fitzpatrick waa brought before girls. Through the efforts of the chamber the jiisl.ro. disarmed and placed under of commerce, the Civic league and bonds of $1000 pending further hearmembers of the local Are insurance ing of the charge against him. teard of Ogden, fire Insurance rates CLARK HEADS DELEGATION. pd dwelling houses have tieen reduced bematerially, affecting a saving of From Montana and Asse tween 312.0(10 and $15,000 yearly to Will Support Bryan. elates policy holders. The Hutto. Montana atate DemoMrs. 11. K Cress, of Portland, Ore., at iloseman on committed suicide In her room In an cratic convention Ogden hotel, because her husband Wednesday Instructed the delegation had deserted her, leaving a note re- of six to tho national convention at questing her to return to her parenta. Denver to vote for William J. Bryan nomination as The despondent woman took carbolic for the presidential add and was dead before medical aid long as the name of the Nebraskan fa could be summoned. before the convention. Former United Stall's Senator W. Friends fear that William Fry, a farmer who recently disappeared from A. Clark heads the national delegaa point near Denver, has met with tion. the ethers of which are T. J. foul play In Salt Lake City. Since ha Walsh of Iwls and Clark county. left his heme to come to Salt Lake Walter S. Hartman of Gallatin. W. K recently, they have heard nothing of George of Yellowstone, former GovMm. and are asking the Salt Lake pm ernor H. Ik Smith of Flathead, and U. 8. Ford of Cascade. lice to locate him. from incurable Suffering stomaif: Stole Mail Pouch at Kantrouble, William Taylor, an early set- Negro Who sas City Gets Caught tlor of Utah, 74 years old, committed F. .E. McMillan, chief nldde In Salt Washington. City, sending a bullet Into his abdomen, death re- inspector of the poslonire department, sulting from internal hemorrhage. has been notified of the capture ann Taylor lived alone, his lifeless body arrest at Monroe, Mich., of Charles being found by a neighbor. Stevens, alius Charles Ravage, a neIn a spirit of lerlty, a crowd of gro, In connection with the recent young men one night last week placed roliliery at Kansas City, Ma, of a $50.-00a cow In a cell In the city jail at Mt. through registered pouch of mail Pleasant, hut the authorities did not from Los Angeles to New York City. appreciate the joke, and half a dozen The negro was identified by a photoof the offenders have been arrested. graph and officials of the postofflee de Two plead guilty and were fined $30 partnient assume that he is the man The others demanded trial. wanted for the alleged robbery. d -- ri,,m-meiuialici- Fn-mon- Troop Being Rushed to Torreon, Mexico, to Protect City from Misguided Mexicans. o - r. recoiti-iiu-iulf- d gal-low- 60U-fn- d e poat-ofllc- e 0 Winslow, Arlx. Two trainmen and a were killed, a score of were more or less severely injured and a portion of the California Limited, the Santa Fes fast overland train, was derailed and wrecked Monday night when the train, while running fifty miles an hour, struck a wide pap in the track, caused by the burning of a bridge near Hardy, twelve mill's east of here. Fireman Thomas and Engineer Cur-ri- n are believed to have made the discovery that the bridge was burued a moment before the engine readied the gap. A blast of the whistle startled tli passengers an instant before the engine, mail ear, diner and a combination cur were precipitated into a dry arroyn six feet below the level of the mad bed. The Cullman cars did not leave the track. The bridge, which was sixty feet long, is believed to have caught fire from the spark of a passing freight engine. panKf-iige- American Residents Preparing to Send Their Families to the United States, 8ince Situation Has Assumed Serious Aspect. asnu.-.feliialii- I Fire Started by Passing Freight Train Causes Grim T ragedy on 8anta Ft in Arizona. El Paso, Tex Fifteen hundred troops have arrived in Torreon to protect that city from the expected 1st 8, attack hy the ayid Americans are preparing to send their families to (he states for safety, tiecrirdiiig passengers to nqiorts brought here by on the Mexican Central It is reported Unit Ihe revolution- ists hart attacked the village of Ma tainorus, Coahuiki. about fifteen nilh-- t from Torreon. mid have occupied that Iowa. Oflldal advices relative tc tiding troops to Torreon say tliai v.ith the forces stationei airctidy there tin town is impregnable." in Chihuahua there is considerable a a 'ui tinning the citizenry, and from twenty tr l nurds miml'cring twenty-fivsoldiers in a single patrol are continually passing through the Uriels. A great many extra polled have been sworn in to do guard duty. Both jails of Chihuahua are protect-u- i bv reinforced guards, and troops .'re sltilionetl on tile roofs of public ieii'dings. The olfleors In command f lie troops at Cliihinliiia have, bv rnerhil orders, been quartered with he'r men in n i ill ness to respond to tin emergency call. e UNCLE SAMUEL. SPENDTHRIFT.. States Spends SSO.OOO.OCO Than Comes Into Treasury. W:i:liliigiiu. Tim forthcoming of tin treasury receipt" liiul i ;ieiii!iiir'S for the fiscal year Uiterl Mar te'i-iiM-n- a 1008, will show off in ilv receipts as with Ihc year 1007. and a .lii'ii ii ::u, .nki.l frilling rumpared lame Increase in Ihe expenditures. The excess of expenditures over receipts fer year will approximate which has been exceeded only twice since tin civil war. In 1894 there was a deficit and In 1809 there v:is another of a litllo, over $89,000,. 000, and In each of the four Intervening years the receipts fell considerably below Ihe disbursements. Again in 1904 and 1905 there were shortages or $4,177,009 ami $23, 900, outl, respectively. The total receipts this year will he shown to hnve been about $599,009.-40or $04,000,000 less than for the Customs receipts fiscal year 1907. will he shown to have fallen off about $04,000,000 from those of 1907. while the receipts from Internal revenue sources will he abort nearly $M,090.-000- . 0. TORNADO KILLS SEVEN. r per-mii- is After a Session Covering Thirty-eigh- t Days and Examining 125 Witnesses at a Cost of $1,000, Grand Jury Makes Report In Cele- brated Salt Ioikc City. Case. A. W. Bril of Colo. Theodore was on Saturday ilicsrn teinixirary clralrmnn of the Democratic national convention hy the committee on convention arrangements. No selection was made for the permnnei) chairmanship, this matter going ovos until the meeting of the full niitiona committee can be held. The names most prominently mentioned in this connection at present are Henry D. Clayton of Alabama und Judsmi P. Harmon of Ohio. Governor Joseph W. Folk of Missouri and Senator Joseph W. Bailey of Texas are also strongly favored. Other appointments made by i lie committee convention uti arrangements and which will unquestionably be made permanent, were as follows: General secretary, Urey Woodson of Kentucky. Assistant general secretary, Edwin Sefton, Washington. 1). C. , Sergeant-at-armsJohn I. Martin of Missouri. Chief assistant sergeant-at-anns- , J. C. Fenn of Indiana. Chief doorkeeper, Eugene W. Sullivan of Illinois. Parliamentarian, X. D. Crutchfield of Kentucky. Chaplain for opening day. Right Rev. Janies J. Keane, archbishop of Wyoming. Denver, California Nelson, s g thirty-eigh- quail-publi- i photo-figura- c vapom-graphl- s Crown Prince Mixed Up In Conspir Mexico's Internal Troubles. acy Against Montenegro. City of Mexico. The Internal trouCettinji. The trial of thirty-sibles In Mexico which developed soma prisoners ehnrgeil with revolutionary days ago along the northern border of petlvily in connection with the dls the republic have developed serloua covcry of a score of lxunhs here Iasi features. The storm center is around year, and during which sensatlona' the city of Torreon and In the country was adduced involvlnj between that testimony place and Jarral, where Crown Princo George of Servla, In i bandits are operating In conjunction Montenegro, re with the Insurrectionists. Government conspiracy against suited In six of the accused belnj to the scene. Alcondemned to death, three to life in troops are rushing soldiers have federal 1,500 . twentv-sovenready inelud prlsonment. and the garreinforce to Torreon reached Ing five former rahlnet ministers, tc terms of Imprisonment ranging from rison there, and 200 more have reached Juarez. lx to twenty years. Sheriff Shot Soldier. Walker Will Be Brought Back. Helena. Mont. Itolla Duncan, dep New Britain, Conn. Word received uty sheriff, shot ami probably fatally here from the state department at wounded Thomas Rahey. a member ol Washington by Treasurer E. N. Stanthe Sixth infantry stationed at Fort ley of the Savings bank of. New BritWilliam Harrison, Henry Sunday ain, states that the supreme court of night. The shooting happened Just Mexico has decided agulnst the apas the last people were going home peal of William F. Walker. Ihe abfrom the Eagles' picnic, which wai sconding treasurer of the bank, who held at Central park. A number ol has been fighting extradition. The tho soldiers and citizens got Into a Walker be turned orders court fght and the deputy sheriff tried to to the 1 k ,ed States authorities. separate them, with the result that overIs It expected! ,iat Walker will be In was Four shot. soldiers other Rahey were taken to the county Jail. custody of V ilited States authorities within five days. Have Hard Luck With Wireless. to Decide as to Misfortune has Washington. at Jury May be Chosen Thaw's Sanity. tended the effort of the government te White Plain. N. Y Harry K. complete tho chain of army wlreles telegram stations in Alaska which H Thaw's chances for a jury trial as to was hoped would he In operation by his sanity appear to be very bright next fall. The coinmi rclal vessel cap At the conclusion of argument before rylng the wireless equipment for ths Justice Mills Monday afternoon ths I believe it should be station at Nome recently ran Into an justice said: Iceberg, the hold was flooded, and the only a matter of time when this man electrical equipment damaged. With- ought to have a Jury trial. I am not out the Nome station working, ths prepared to say whether It should bs rhaln of wireless stations has a now or later." The Judge then ordered break which cannot lie spanned by ths that Thaw should be detained in ths stations on either side. Poughkeepsie Jail and adjourned ths cus to July 13. ! Cashier of Jordan State Bank Accused of the Theft of $106,250 From Salt Lake Bank. cashier of the Jordan State bank, was on Tuesday indicted by the United States graud jury, charged in six counts witli having abstracted money from the reserve chest of the Utah National bank on or alKiiit January 9. Nelson is the cashier of the Jordan State bank, at ltiughani Junction, an Institution which had close biHnesa relations with the Utah National. As tile agent of the Jordan bank and also of the Utah National he had access to the latter .at all times, being in possession of the keys to the outer door ALLEGED MIRACLE IN FRANCE. and being familiar with the ronthiiuv-tionof the vaults wherein were the Hailstones Said to Have Borne Imago chests containing the money stole. On of Virgin on Surface, certain days in the month Nelson Reiiiiremont, Franco. A diocesan transferred large sums of money from conin lsslini has been conducting an the Utah Nutlnnal to the Bingham Investigation at Reiiiiremont of an al- Junction hank to lie used In the transOfficial stenographer. N. V. Blum-lierleged miracle, and. having heard 107 action of the banking business of Washington D. C. general of affirmed It the reality witnesses, of the two concerns. According to the tin supernatural event. Durlug a STATE SHIP SUBSIDY. jury's findings. Nelson also transferred In the month of May hailwhich sums were of not mcncy large stones were picked up, it is alleged, Intended to he used in the conduct of Louisiana Spring Scheme to Help Out on their of ihe virgin ltnrlng Ininges Domestic Steamship Line. the general business of the surface. Contact with the earth had two concerns, bunking lint by Nelson himself. Orleans. The New question spill them In half and on the smooth One of these sums was fer $lui;.250, whether Ixmisiuna slrili grant what inner surfaces were the miraculous another $5ii,ti(u and still another is in effect a slate ship subsidy bill $5,009. pictures. will be acted upon by the assembly The crand jury lias labored t Local Catholics eonslder this pheweek. The object of the grant days on the bank robbery ease. this nomenon a divine nr 'and a rebuke a be will steamship comwit125 lint more time than During In vetoing a to the municipal to tlio conserve to organized nesses pany, been examined. have The cost promised procession la honor of the to tile will exceed $1,999. Misslssiupi valley states In general, government virgin. The secretary of the Academy Should Xt Ison he eonvictol on each and to IiMisiana in particular, the cf Sciences attributes the phenomeof the counts and receive the maxi- ruiva ntMgi- - tn be derived from the c l or non to mum sentence, he would he imprisoned Ianama canal. impressions of certain medals struck for sixty years. A domestic steamship lino Is proin honor of tho virgin. Nelson himself says that It Is ail a as the means of securing the posed mistake, anil that his indictmeiil is an commerce. The capitalization is to FIGHT FOR PROHIBITION. outrage, lie protests his innocence of be ?10.0,,0(in. with the privilege of participation in ilte theft, but declares increasing tn $59.(111(1,099. Effort to be Made to Have Prohibition that lie has beotj made Hie scapegoat The subsidy feature is to consist of for others. Plank in Democratic Platform. of the property of tlrfs excmpt..ii On January 5 it was discovered that from all rtate taxation Denver. The fight over the the combination lock on the reserve corporation 1923. To make the Incorporauntil Democratic In the In chest the Utah National bank was tion of the company effective, a conplank platform Is not the only struggle in not working properly. The chest was stitutional amendment will be neceswhich the committee on resolutions forced open by experts on January 14, sary. and possibly the convention itself may and it was announced that the reserve chest had been looted, the bank Se Involved. Taft Will Take Rest. officials placing the loss at $43,090. It developed on Monday that the pro- Later Washington. It Is Mr. Taft's intensum it was announced that hibition question Is to be brought to taken was $106,250, but that the tion to remain at Hot Springs until difthe the front, and a desperate effort will ference between this sura and $13,000 shout the 1st of September, when he be made to have a plank declaring In had been made up by some of the will go to Cincinnati to take np In Its favor placed in the platform. chief stockholders. A number of the earnest the work of the campaign. The Prohibitionists will be headed employes of the bank have been un- Some of his friends have urged him by James Weaver of Iowa, who de- der suspicion, but the detectives em- to take a brief sea voyage in order manded of the recent Democratic con- ployed had failed to make out a ease that he may obtain absolute rest for bevention in that state that it declare In against any one. Theon grand jury or ten days before he enters April 22. took eight gan ils investigation favor of prohibition. a recess from May 16 to June 16. and upon his arduous campaign duties, but no has yet been reached on brought In the Indictment against Nel- thatdecision While PLACED 8PIKES ON TRACK. no date has been point. 30. on son June filed a fixed for his formal notification of the Nelson, being upon Train Wreckers Cause One Death and bond of $10.91)0 for his nomination Tor the presidency, it Is appearance bethe Injury of Twenty. fore the federal court on November 1. likely to be on the 28th or 29th of Deadly Twister Strikes Minnesota Town, Unaccompanied by Rain. Clinton, Minn. A tornado struck this town nt 5:35 o'clock Saturday afternoon, killed seven people and inHazleton, Pa. One man was killed some seriously. jured twenty-five- , were injured Twenty houses, a printing office and and twenty passengers at Lofty, on the mountains, twelve two churches were blown down. The tornado, which was unaccom- miles from here, eariy Saturday, by panied by rain, started three miles the wrecking of a Pennsylvania pashi north of town, destroyed two farm senger train, wlrfcli is believed housi-that were In its path and have been deliberately derailed by swept over Clinton, whleh has about the spiking the tracks. The tracks 409 people. where tho accident occurred extend A Chic'i'rn, Milwaukee Jt-- Rf. Taul Wli-i- i along the side of the mountain. was ihe mixed train Just pulling inio tracks ihe left cars toppled they the station ns the s'orrn struck that town fifteen ftvleht cars wen blown off th over on the mountain side of the hack, as was also a passenger coach roadway. Had they fallen on the op All seventeen people. containing poslte they would have gone down a were inlured. among them Father Kea steep embankment of more than fifty vey of Fracevllli. Minn. feet x Californian Will Call Delegates to Order at Great Gathering of Democrat at Denver. July. Evidence of Prosperity. Duhuqne. Iowa. Following nr. the heels of the announcem'nt a few days ago of the Illlno's Cunral railroad that 8.000 men on the various divisions would be put lvu1; to work. 40b employes of the Milwaukee road, particularly men laid off In the shops, were on Tuesday put. back tn work. r They return to tho shops on a schedule and six days a week. These changes are looked upon here as a teal evidence of tho return of prosperity. They mean that the rrop outlook over Hip country, despite the storm areas, is first class. Japan Opposes Direct Line. Toklo. Regarding the recent announcement that Japan would Inter-pos- e no objection to the construction of the Hsimlntun-Kukmnerailroad, the enterprise being fostered by the Chinese government, it is now officially explained that tho ar.ncuinrrinent did not apply to a direct Hue between these points. Japan Is rraily to aid in any project looking to the building of a road to connect Fukumen with somw n point on the line of ihe South railroad, thus affording rail and between Fukumen connection Masked Men Kidnap California Gir1 for Ransom. Fresno, Cal. Constable Arnold of Coalings on Tuesday notified Sheriff Chittenden that Monday night two masked men burned the barn of Adolph Domengine, a wealthy rancher, near that town, and when the family rushed out of the house after the alarm had been given they kidnaped his daughter, 18 years old, declaring that they intended to hold her for a ransom of $5,090. The two bandits were later captured In the hills and Miss Domengine restored to her parents. Owner of Newspaper Net Responsible 'for Libelous Article. San Francisco. The suit for criminal libel brought hy Detective William J. Burns against M. II. De Young; proprietor of the San Franrlsco Chronicle, was dismissed by Police Judge Cabanlss on Saturday. Jndge Caba-nls- s stated from the bench that it having been shown ihat as De Young was absent from the city at the time the alleged libelous artlrle was published, he could have had nothing to do with Its publication, and the case against him therefore was dismissed. Gray Can Have Second Place. Denver. Although candidates for the nomination for on the Democratic ticket are numerous Soldiers Guard Tomb of Cleveland. Princeton. N. J. Hundreds of people visited the grave of Grover Cleveland in Princeton renietery on Sunday. Mrs. Cleveland, accompanied by little Richard and her daughter, went ten-hou- n Man-rhurta- Hslmlntun. and despite the fact that their number Is likely to be largely Increased before a choice Is actually made, it ia the general opinion among such leaders of the party as are now here that if George Gray of Delaware will declare hia willingness to accept the second place on the ticket he can have it. Joslah Marvel of Wilmington, Dei., the manager of the Gray presidential boom, will not, however, give his consent. to the cemetery before 7 o'clock, where Mrs. Cleveland stood for some time beside the graves of her husband and daughter, Ruth. A member of the local militia stood guard at the grave throughout the night and was relieved In the morning hy another guardsman. Building Collapsed. Minneapolis. Two men were killed and three were seriously Injured Tuesday afternoon in the collapse of a brick street livery stable at South, which was being torn down. C. W. Hardy. 22 South Eighth street; George Johnson. Wllntar, Minn. Of the Injured, Joel Benson, whose skull was fractured, may die. Seven others were slightly hurt. When the accident occurred fourteen men were working on the building. The front part of the roof cared In, hurling Hardy and Juta-aoto the pavement. Died In Endeavor to Broaden the Field for Cotton. Chicago. According te letters made public here, Tllden R. Wakely of Chicago and H. D. Everett of New York, who are reported to have perished at the hands of hill tribes on the Island of Negros, in the Iflillippines, were martyrs to an attempt to benefit the people of the cotton belt of the United 8tates. The aim of the two Americana was largely to ascertain whether the tree cotton or long staple of the Philippines could be introduced into America. Forty-sevent- n flower-strew- n |