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Show r Remember that handle more Fresh Fruit and Vegetables than any other firm in Southern ' Utah headquarters in Southern Utah for all kinds of is w and Fancy till irooenes all kinds of FRESH, SALT and SMOKED M EATS, Fresh and Salt Fish, Chickens elc. Strawberries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in their Season..... it ' ' l l Start a nice lawn at ft spring. We have beautify your yard. Tetc frl 6 Hbc Denver County TRcw Published every Friday afternoon liy a BEAVER COUNTV NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY at MiJfonl, Heaver County, Itah. Milford i. situated in tin' rlclieat mining dintric 1 iu tho great (Vinmnn-- 1 wealth of Utah and is tho inelniMilw of Southern rtali. She la surmuiuUd hv valuable farm lamia ami ia udaphnl to stuck raising, fruit growing, etc. Milforlt ia Uio gateway to the great Dixie fruit diatriet and the fammrn Virgin oil flelda. Six Montha RATES: Me Three Montha Sample I'tipics aent free oil request. Advertiaing rntea made known on application. I Editor and Manager V. L. KL8WTCK, One week fnnn next Monday, July i:tth, ia the date act for holding the aeliool election In Milford, and it ia the duty of every elector 'to be on hand to exereiae tho right of suffrage. The place to fight your battle la at the election, ho if there ia any d iaf action with the okl board, all the voters ahonld be on hand to see that tlioae are elected who will lent nerve in-N-at people. neat it will lie accomplinhed without any great amount of trouble, aud it will lie buni iide tax payera of lleaver county who will do it, and not a lot of who are trying to knocker retard the progreaa and growth of thia great metrupolia of Southern Utah. County acats have been inov from towua with ed in the liolda them than haa UKin atronger our neighboring town, Beaver, upon the county aeat of thia county, and thd knowledge that they have no atrong hold upon the aeat of county government ia what makea Bro. sore when the removal ia Fraxer hinted at. Never mind, Bpo. Fraxer, that aoiiicthing youve got to get use to. iat Tomorrow, the great American In dcjiendcnce Day, the Fourth of July, will be celebrated in Milford in a patriotic American apirit. It will lie a gala day for thia metrupolia of Suutncrn Utah ami the emblem of liberty, protection and freedom, tin glorious Htani and atripea will lloat from every houHetop in the city. The The Beaver Prena in commenting ia occision for the on an article which appeared in the program arranged fail who ail excellent one and thoae Beaver County New a couple of to celebrate with na will have misaed weeka ago, aaya: the treat of their livea. Milford ia the "toughest town in tho atale, not barring Salt take. It will not be until after the town The conditiona existing there are a of Beaver haa jiaaned over tho great diagruco to the people of Milfonl, to more especially to divide for many yearn, th it Milford the iicoplc, and officials of the county and inoat of the will have entered the gate of tho all to the ntate, and if P. B. McKei n forgotten pant, Brother Fraxer, at.d ia after a job in the legialature, he long before We are exiled upon to eould not find a better way to bring sing at ihe funeral of the atalnlcaa himself liefoi e the ey ea of the public. city of Beaver that polished marble To start with we will ak Bro. court house will adorn a picturesque Frazer to read that old Bil lieal Haysiot on Capitol hill In Milford. When ing, Let he who ia without ain cast to move the count) the Brat sUne, and then see if lie,, we are n-nl- y . louldcr of public thought in a ponition to ciHt that are not going to nay that norally jierfect, becauae moral standpoint there are many corrupt feature in the everyday life nf Milford. But we will eay, and wit hnut fear of contradiction,1 that moral corruption in Milford ) rapidly lieing overcome by the good citizens nf thia proaperoua little city. It occur to na if Bro. Frazer would take the trouble to look arouh'd hia own home town a little he migt ttnd that conditiona there are niucl),more diagraeelul than lie found them in Milford. We dare aay that within the pant fifteen montha the itioral record of Milfonl haa been on a much higher plane than haa the record of Beaver. In thia period of time there haa been no aeduetiona fn Milford. j and uaing M r. Fraxiera ,(Own paper for evidence, Beaver cannot aay the name thing. Our advice ia, Bro. Frazer, that you have your own garments clean before you attempt to purify other. In Milford we have 1pm Crimea and depmlationa committed, and leaa work for our police department than any other railroad-minintown in the xlate, and we venture to aay even 1pm than Beaver. There ia no denying that we have gambling in Milford, which of courae la nothing particular ly to our on dit. We have aaloona, j i g . . . i implements to care for your garden we j j (Barry -- UTAH CAPITAL STOCK Tmuet i fj Bros... Janiilton-BBrow- n 'American Sentleman and 'Jfmerican fBadg 0 H and a choice line of flt (Slothing all, at prices lo suit Jftso Boys Suits, is ages from to sixteen years c.fii three$Q7 vu, IU citi-citlze- ns State Bank pf j BeaverCounty V a complete line of the famous ipr sllen , and Cadies furnlsfiinqt drugs, notions , etc. A Wi seed. ...Barton ; also full line of garden fear not. Milford citizens are perfectly capable of taking care of the morality of the town and we will not call on the Beaver Proas for assistance, aa the town of Beaver needs the services of that valuable paper. So far aa Mr. McKeon ia concerned, if he is looking for a job in the legialature on the strength of hie reform movement, and ia promoting the movement from a righteous and apirit, he should receive the support of the good moral of the community. But if he ia promoting the movement from a el Rah and spiteful spirit, there would be little use in supporting him. Aa to hia worthiness and qualifications for the job we have nothin to aay. MILFORD. Lawn hose; Utah . the same an Beaver ha, which are legalized by' the licenAn granted by the town, county and national govern- ment, but we have not a aingle aaloon that ia not conducted in an orderly manner. True there ia a tough element that usually follow a line of railroad and loaf around aaloona, that occaaionally drift into Milford, but we have a chief of police who knows how to handle thia claaa of people and we have very little trouble from thia aource. There la no time day or night that it ia not perfectly safe for a lady to paaa along the streets of Milford, and without fear of being molested In any way. And we rise to auk Bro. Frazer, can you aay the same of the stainless town oi Beaver? From all reports we hear from your direction x THE PEOPLES PAPER $2.00 - l.tKl THE LEADER We are agents for a Los Angeles firm for FRESH CUT I LOWERS. Roses and Carnations a specialty. that will grow and SUBSCRIPTION . Hoes Rakes and Shovels Lawn Seed One Year . are You need garden JEFFERSON your home this a I lie We Also Hardware, Tinware, Crockery, China and Glassware the leaders in general merchandise in Southern Utah. ft New and Fresh Stock of Groceries EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK IS SALE DAY WITH US Get Our Prices before Buying S25, 000.00 Brnnl Buliit Bisiiess Start a savings account now and have something laid away for We pay interest on time deposit. Dont take any chances on losing your money when you can deposit in a old age. good, aoun conservative bank. If You Like. The News, Send in Your $2 for Subscription |