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Show I. Woodbury, Fotheringham & Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Meats, Groceries, Vegetables, and Grain Hay COURTEOUS TREATMENT OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT TO ALL j For the Best TKIlines, JSvanbics liquors, and Cigars, drop in at xforb Saloon XEbe 3. ; nocHula?, prop. ; Front Street, Opposite Fisseiger Depot Pool and Milliard Table Foreign Imported Liquors. in Large and commodious accommodations for the venience of tourists and traveling men nection. SEE EARLE con- fifty-eig- con- THE PAINTER FOR ALL KINDS OF UP-TO-DA- WALL Attorn TOURISTS KISS IMITATION FAMOUS STONE. AMlforb lumber Is announcement authorized made that a piece of the Blarney stone Is In New York and will be Only a during this week. few days ago I had occasion to speak to a friend who sent a relative in the west a Just as good" piece of Plymouth rock, says Julius Chambers in the Brooklyn Eagle. The last time I was returning to this country on a Cunsrd team'-- ' 'p ra we found that the London mails siz hours late at Queenstown and friend of one of the passengers, having a very fast yacht, had come down from Cork to say good-by- . As the voyager happened to be known to me, I was sskad to form one of a small party to ran up to Cork, where automobiles, not Jaunting cars, would tsks us to Bis rosy castle, about five miles northwest of Cork. We were guaranteed a sure return to the Cedrie before she sailed and I, with three others, took the chance of losing our passage money. Therefore, my knowledge of Queenstown harbor, the malls, a hasty drink at the Qussa'a hotel, a chat with the always pretty barmaids all of whom recognised me as a friend of the beautiful "Tottie" Fitzgerald, who had introduced her American millionaire husbaad to her, Mr. Dupont a mile's trot ia a Jaunting car, and a return to the ahlp with a handful of green shamrock. But this time everything was different steam The Corkonlsn millionaire' yacht carried us swift as aa arrow up the eight mllee of bay It appeared to be about the same distance aa from St George to Whitehall street to Cork. Wa landed near the spot where Cromwsll set up his flag and Marlborough went ashore in 1890. The tutos were in waiting and tha five or lx miles to Blarney esstle were run In n few minutes after we got disentangled from the narrow streets and the ewarmlng children. Cork la a city of 76,000 people and race euiclde lent chargeable to any of the famlllee, well aa a hasty glance would entitle me to Judge. Blarney caatle wasn't finished In the Cromwell days, in all likelihood. It isn't much of a castle to anybody who has seen tha real thing at Stir ling or half a dozen places that might be mentioned. It constate chiefly of one tower, with wings. In the wall of the facade, about 20 feet from the top, or, at a guess, 45 feet from the ground, n stone about the size of a bushel basket protrudes. It Is the real "Blarney stone! Bo far as I can Imagine, only anch persons as have been lowered In and the wild "boatswains chairs birds ever have actually kissed it Yet, I have had to sit and listen to many beautiful and truthful (?) women tell how they knelt to kiss the Blarney stone. I understand exactly what they meant They didnt know the real from the Imposition. The little village of Blarney has nothing to com mend it to the attention of travelers except this ci'tle. Therefore, a "Just as Harney stone has been placed in the courtyard of th? and for a trifling matter of sixpence you and 1 ma go into its sacred presence and press cur lips upon Its rough, clammy surface. It Isn't worth the money, because one isn't getting that for which he or she bargained. Tbe rock ll high in the wall and any other Blarney atone ia much the same M a duplicate at Plymouth Rock would be, set up In Riverside Park or Bowling Green. Tbe caatle was built by the Cromack McCarthy gbQut jMfl, or three yetrf before drum well slaughtered Ut Irishmen of the- - place, As iv pne sees it paly an ivy--. Cd ruin, centered . abot a battle mented keep. The famoua stone, at 1 have said. In the face of the wall, la aid to be&r tfcfl name of the founder W ? uld not discern it, although (nosi and Ivy may hava covered it An ht 1 1 Wholesale and Retail Dealer, in Lumber, Mouldings, Doors and Windows ca-.tl- Material Rock Springs and Castle Gate Coal Builders' Hardware, Lath Blocks and Pickets 1 isferGs.! McCarrel & Moore, JKCamgcn Good Saddle lloraes (or ladies and gentlemen. Divided skirts furnished for ladies. 30 ant Carcul Srtvcra Milford, Utah The News Tells it All 1 1-- For the best meals and good scr- the Hotel Atkin and Restaurant. If you urant your advertising i bring results you shonld contract f r vice go to space with The News. If you wantameal that will suit taste, you can find it at Hotel Atkin yo-i- Ore and Machinery Hauling Heavy Team Work a Specialty Telephone No. Beaver, Utah the state QEO. R GREENWOOD Contractor and Builder ATTORNEY-ATLA- W la sU the courts of tbo stats Milford. Visa Will practice Estimates Cheerfully Given. Milford, Utah A. F1LMER, M. D, EYES EXAMINED Office Honrs: 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. MILLINERY Bru (Boobs and by appointment. H, anb notions Blk Flatiron Phone 31 Milford, Utah C HUNTER . M. D NTSICIU AID SIIR6E0I I have the most complete millinery Office stock ever brought to Sounthern Utah, and am prepared to satisfy the Milford most fastidious tastes. I also have a splendid line of dry goods and mens furnishings. I am selling 17 ginghams at 15c and all are going calicoes per yard, at three yarns tor hoc. Call and examine my stock and get prices. at Tanner House Utah l-- 2c S. J. WALKER MRS. G. O. FORG1E TONSORIAL ARTIST The place to go when you want a smooth, up-to-d- I want to figure with you on your State Aftason KAorh Clift I Wort Specialty or Heir Cut also shampoos, hair cinging and everything in the barber business. Shop on First Street in Baxter Rooming house MATHEWS ass J. A. INGOLS Morg Stoddard Dray and Express Line MINING ENGINEER AU kinds of draping handled with care U.S. Deputy Mining Engineer and promptness Goods delivered anj pises is the town. Your patronage fo solicited. 'Member of MATHEWS Amricu laiiiMi al Miiii Eainetrs and Utah Boo. of Engineers Build you a Oil, Coal and Mncral Location Surveys. Mine Examin- Modern Home ations and Reports M'g'r. M Office ijestic O. M. & 8. O . at M u'bi.i Terrace Ph 1-- . Forgie Hotel 3 Cosy and Comfortable Llf isl. Utah ....R O O No job f printing is too small and ions too large for us to handle in the :nost manner. Call us np by telephone and w'ell come for your work. Phone 233. M S.... with hot and cold Bath In connection. ud-to-la-te fjefferaon a, 5PA one REASONABLE RATE do. 20 . Milford, Utah Comfortable Beds and Well Ventilated Rooms at the Clean, Baiter Rooming House phone o. 20 The of every is served r.t ne Hotel Atkin and thing Restaurant. 4 tf Our Telphone number is Call 283,print-inns up when in need of the best g. livers anb jfeeb Stables Goot Rioa MclNTIRE aw Will practice in all courts of tq-da- y Jfep-;- Milfrod Livery and J. e secretions and excretions gi.ei. d f jm cmmunicabie, diseases, such at lyph jid, taberculoois, summer complaint of infqnts, etc., and depositing tae material upon various articles 1 food to which they may find acces:!. Flies breed in manure heaps and other filth, being there recognized so maggots, AH uch ipaterjal should be removed qd kept removed frtm premises, and it is the duty of Health Officers to cause it to be done. Local papers should be request d to call attention to the subject s".a peoplfl Should hp g&Pd Vo t&opmte for thels own protection. There Is no Try a Sunday dinner at Hotel Atkin question bat that many lives may be and Restaurant. Evenrthlng the saved from typhoid fever and other market affQd W MFVed Ut the nosh diseases during the next four months tflsty tnnnur, 4 ti by intelligent and faithful precaution s.s directed against flies, 20 !.u 1 Mining Timbers and all kinds of BuildiHg C. e 6ianl Against the Fly Pest. The fly season will soon be here and J1 sickness and death may be prevented by needing the following timely jircular from T. B. Beatty of the State ioard of Health. Remember that ai junce of prevention is better than . pound of cure, l'o All Healh Officers: a seat., u i .hi .l 1 ..CuC.li X 'bill. Ui.i Ik- - 1.1 . C, lie pr. psjaJuii nf ht u.se flics au-- : t 'delude jUo.u fin'll UjuVm. a-luiaui-lin iwn l.'ia'i iljrro of datca-ifeeding uj Co. OF Real Thing Is Set in Wall of Castle, Forty-FivFact from Ground, According to Julius Cham-bo- r. hings. Ideal Hardwall Plasters and Filler Portland Cement JARRY FENNEMORE NOT REAL BURNEY When it comes to patriotism Milford has Beaver skinned four hundred ways for Sunday. Milford raised over ftfOO for the Fourth of July celebration while the stainless, saintly town of Beaver only raised the measley sum of 250 and that was not all paid in We may be tough1 in Milford but we are there with Jie goods when it comes to doing House and Sign Painting FULL LINE OF PAPER ALWAYS ON HAND If the editor of the Beaver Press called at the office of The News and found us out, it must have been on Sunday and we were attending church services. The News office is open every day from 8 oclock a. m. until twelve oclock p. m. except Sunday. We would liked to have met our brother from Beaver for we feel sure we could have enlightened him as to the the exact spot on which the court house will be built and also several other perplexing questions which seem to worry him. We are sorry, however, that during Brother Frasers visit to Milford he found the sanitary conditions so distasteful, but he certainly did not get np town, for the only place where such filth as he speaks of exists is at the garbage dump. Bo the editor of the Press must have stopped at the garbage dump or Indian camp on his trip to Zion. Its a cinch that the conditions in Milford cannot beat those of Beaver, and since our historic gravel day we have as good streets and alleys as will be found in any town that has not been incorporated more than four years. Beaver municipality was established in 1850 which makes her an incorporated city for the past years, and in such are streets and alleys yet her condition that a footman would mire down if he attempted to cross them without picking his way, and the alleys look a good deal like a scrap pile to a tin shop. The only trouble with Bro. Frazer is that he has not been out of Beaver for so long that the life and progress of a metropolis like Milford intoxicates him and he sees things that really do not exist. Give your attention to the cleaning up of your own quiet and peaceful home town Bro. Frazer, before volunteering advice to your neighbors. and Restaurant. r tt 4 llave your calling cards printed at News office, and you will get th pi latest thing in both cards and ty 1 faces. For sal A White sewing machine. . As good as new. Enquire of Mr-Root. Limb, one door south of Mrs. Dennys. 1; ; There is no need of out f Milford for any of yoursending a1 printing, The News is prepared to handle r!l kinds of work promptly and at right prices. Call us up, phone 283. JJeffemaona, Ydhone jIL 20 E. C. BAXTER, Be Well Dressed Prop. at s wnsll cod bj selecting s nit from Yon can do so MATHESON Located in the business center of THE TAILOR town, opposite the passenger depot We have ever three hundred of the choicest Summer Samples in active service in the barber business, c Over twenty consecutive years spW to choose from. Suite made to order hr the popular tailoring house of ED. V. PRICE Order a suit now from MATHK-80- 1 the Tailor. Shop ono block east of Jrffersone store. - UTAH MILFORD, Shaves S3 Up-To-D- ate LOANS AND I Clothing Made by Ullman & Company of Chicago, fit and quality guaranteed g CHAS. C. KIZERf VA jUni ipuniioi sq iuop vom gwnW'm i?i oqs |