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Show The General Demand of the of the WutLl hu alwsy been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy of known value; a laxative which physicians could sanction for family use because its component parts are known to them to be wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, acceptable to the system and gentle, yet prompt, in action. In supplying that demand with its excellent combination of Syrup of Fig and Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies on the merits of the laxative for its remarkable success. That is one of many reasons why Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given the preference by the To get it beneficial efTccts always buy the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Trice fifty cents per bottle. Well-Inform- Well-Informe- d. TIME TO HU8TLE. WHERE SHE HAD THE BULGE. SEWS SUMMARY who lived seal Mount Vernon, 8. D, was struck by lightning and killed during an electrical storm. Twelve deaths from drowning were Town News N ew :eiirted from the different beaches one Form. n New York City and vicinity iay last week. As the result of a passenger train oik-- ' wreck near Baton Rottge, man was killed and fifteen injured. leveral seriously. William Waldorf Astor has given 85,000 to assist the British school at type who can only dawdle iu the waAthens In carrying on Its excavations ter, and who shriek terribly when they iu Laconia, Greece. are overtaken by n wavelet nine A bill to prevent the drinking of ln Inches high, and these girls positively toxlcatlng liquors on passenger trains neglected by ihe lieurh gallants. The in Ijouislana has been passed by the idolized gill uf l lie period is the girl Louisiana legislature. who knows how to swim In hordes. It is reported at Tangier that Mulal A couple of years ago five New llafid, the insurgent brother of Sultan has been proclaimed sulYORK. The proprietors of York gills, ail of them crack swimNEW York natitorluins for women mers, tan of Morocco at Mogodar. figured in a lot of swimming School The International Sunday exclusively have been getting the matches down Heiisuiihurst way. t'an-docompels the statement that every convention, held nt Louisville l:sst money over here of late, and the week, decided to hold their next con- swimming lust met ms who give pri- one of these five gills was us homely N t n, or homelier. Rut. h vate lessons In the swimming pools as vention in San Francisco in 1911. fore the end of that year every mothGeneral Hell, chief of staff, U. S. A., of wealthy homes are get I ing rich. The New York girls have got the er's daughter of these five homely has ordered that the new special bullet. being in an experimental state, swimming hug. New York girls are girls, hut erack swimmers, mitrrie.l a, shall not he used iu the national the observant ones, you see. Their wealthy husliaiid. Thus, and for the impetus to the swimming observation bus taught them that the match this year. who knows how to swlnt tiling for young women. seaside girl 104 years, grew Henry Miller, aged This siiiiiiuer we may expect to read hit, tired of life at Harrodsburg, Ky, and well and grueefnlly is invariably atroua kimekout, with the not to dozens of accounts of swimming young say takcommitted suicide last week by sered clement. There is women pulling drowning youths out ing Paris green. He was one of the In the make-u- p of the male something biped that of the surf hv their Kpitlucks. "after oldest men In Kentucky. causes him to hugely admire the girl they'd gone down for the third time." wa A man Moreland named who knows how to swim. and ho on. Won't the youth thus drowning in the Yellowstone river near of this, when you get yanked from Hie briny have to turn Take notlcp Hillings, Mont, being thrown from a down to the beaches thia summer, and around and marry the girl who resraft by railroad rlprapplng. A com- you will that the swimming cues him? Well, won't he feel obliged, perceive panion narrowly escaped drowning. girl who can daunt lessly breast the In miuninn gratimde, to marry her, President Roosevelt lias appointed breakers is always surrounded by a whether lie turns around or not? John C. O'lJtughliu' of Washington as buucli of admirers, even If she be a He certainly will! There'd be nothsecretary to the American commis- girl several leagues removed from a ing else for hint to do! Perhaps these sion to the Japan exposition at Tokin suiierior pulchritudinoslly. Right close New York girls don't know a trick or in 1912. His salary will be 85.010 a to her you will see girls of the beauty two or three! vear. Geo. Willoughby, a prominent mcr hunt of Prospect. Wis, who shot an. killed his wife on March 22, throw ' surd. too ridiculous. They are making himself on the mercy of the court an Newport tin laughing stock of the has been t sent cured to life imprison-mcountry nt. "I would have our society made A tornado passed about five miles mote I exclusive, more dignified. northwest of Mountain ljikc, Minn, would have it harder to be accepted. farm dozen a at least demolishing I would have it so that just the l.tiiiues. killing one child and woundof mere money would nicnn of whom some of scores ing persons, little without birth, breeding, good AM of So tired says Newport. tuny die. manners, intellect. I Mrs. is Fish. It Stuyvesant hoi and D. Mrs. William Watkins What is New York society? Deadly, spoiled. We are not l daughter were drown- dead, haireii. most of the time. The average dinner We there shall this Hummer. going Cal. ed In a canal near Long 'Reach, Is a bore. It Is thought the child fell In and the travelIn in Europe instead. What do we find Tin tired of being a ladder myself. now? Climbers? Yes, Newport tc mother was drowned in attempting sure. In to be to wants who fact, it Is unwise to be a ladder. 1 Anybody get rescue her. Into and has enough money have helped many of them climb it; I society Secretary and Mrs. William H. Taft only has to go there for four or five have bad all the experience I want. will close their home In Washington and he or she will get Into so- Those people who have climbed are years acwithin the next two weeks and, And they are just the people the most unkind to those who have ciety. companled by their younger son, j who have spoiled Newport. helped them climb. Thats only huCharles, will go to Hot Springs, Va, We find a lot of people there who man nature. Why? Because they for the summer. think that money makes the lady or jrant to kick the ladder when they get A son was born to Queen Victoria ol the gentleman. We find them strug- up. They hate the people who know Spain on June 2. Queen Victoria, gling to get Into what we call society. their secrets. They have no use for formerly Princess Ena of Battenburg, And they get into it, too, If they are the ones who have helped them climb, and King Alfonso were married at willing to take the snubs and the In- because they know how it was done Madrid on May 31, 1906. Their first sults which are dealt out to them day and might tell. sen was born on May 10, 1907. after day. I've seen plenty of It. "Nobody will catch me being a ladThe city of Wu Chow, China, is in"Nobody is more tired than I of der again. I prefer to meet my friends undated by the abnormal rise of 70 these funny little people who think front above they did not have to feet In the Fu river. Many casual-- ' themselves queens. They're too ab climb up. Neither did I. ties are reported and much damage has been done along the river banks, which are littered with refuse. Leon de la Grange, the French aer a robin's egg blue and one uf a fine, oplanfst, last week at Milan surpassed glorious, eye filling red. They were nil previous records by flying for six-tucked and girted around the slender teen minutes and thirty seconds. Dttrfigures of their wearers as rlosely as was from that time machine his ing the tights on the sausage, and the tec to eighteen feet above the ground. balmy sportive breeze front the Aa Russian inventVassily Rcliikoff, tlantic flapped back the peculiar, slit or, has arrived In America to exhibit like opening in the skirt and revealed his new motor boat to the United such ankles, Hitch silken hosiery, as Slates government. He asserts that LONG BEACH may claim the would have made Jove himself come of the of scene the being with power he can maintain a speed of thirty-on- e miles an hour, first parade of the slieuth skirt" in down from the high Olympus and as York, laris was first in all the sume the form of a manatee on a floods have occurred New Heavy world certainly, she always Is and barnacle, or some other savage throughout the valley of the West river and its tributaries. Inundating Chicago may have beaten us only liy a as he was wont to do in time past, the the large cities of Wu Chow in thw length or maybe a couple of lengths, better to set. but the real thing appeared on the "They are 'nianniquins' from a Fifili Kuang Tung province. The loss of life and damage to property Is reported to new boardwalk the other afternoon at avenue modiste's," said Waller Long Beach and the camera fiends folthe proprietor of the new be enormous. lowed in coveys. Casino, standing on the broad veranda A sheriff's posse from Flagstaff. The new boardwalk, the widest and "I have seen them before. They are Arizona, last week broke up a gang the largest In the world, what you rail new cloak models. In prospectively nf thieves In the North San Francisco was thronged from morning until late Paris It was two 'mannlquins' who nf miles north mountains, twenty In the evening, and It was here that were hired to show the new gowns at Flagstaff, arresting three alleged rustlers, named Wiley. Taylor and Bates, the redoubtable "sheath skirts made lie Longcliamps race course, and It is (he same here. with over 100 head of horses in their their appearance. A Mrs. Osborn, The three young women, wearing jKissesslon. dictating to an The Republican congressional cam- Elinor Glyn, might aptly describe Immense plumed hats, paraded up and these get-upThis poor chronicler Is down, and were Joined by a party paign book will be out unusually not of their which arrived In an automobile and six Bpliere. this weeks year, probably ecrly There were three one of gray, one had dinner In the Casino. sooner than it was Issued four years ago. The proofs are practically corrected up to date on such matter as tan be handled before the Democratic :on vent ion meets. he or she can prove the contrary. In pleas Judge Philips. In common no other country in the world. It is court of Cleveland. O.. last week, pointed out not even in Russia are granted a mandatory order compellpersons against whom there Is no ing the Municipal Traction company ground for suspicion treated as they the same to give good service and are hy Uncle Sam's representatives. rate of fare to the town of East CleveHow much better they perform this land, a suburb, as is enjoyed by the task abroad is told in a disagreeable Cleveland. of city striking way hy Dr. Henry C. Rowland John Mitchell, former president of that the tide of European ;in his description of a trip across the United Mine Workers of Araerlra, NOW Is its flood, the Europe by motor boat. On arriving hi last week gave out a letter declining usual numberapproaching uf complaints from trav- Iarls the writer and his companions for a candidate to become political elers as to the needless ill treatment were approached hy two jioHte cus office and Indicating that he will beif come Instead the head of the trade they suffer from the Inquisitorial 'toms representatives who usk-of American cuHtonis in- the travelers carried any contraband. agreement department of the Na- methods are spectors beginning to lie heard. (n being assured that the only ur ticnal Civic federation. The registered mail pourh which Ktorles of enforced payment of duties tides were a few ctgarettes for per contained 850.000 in money and 810(1,- - on articles of value purchased in the sonal use the inspectors politely raised United KtateB which the owners have (heir lints and 000 worth of diamonds and Jewelry departed, in x,. to register before leaving York the procedure would have neglerted stolen from a mail car at the Kansas the country arc common, and are first to make tin travelers swear to a City depot on tire night nf June 0. j lias been found by a switching crew matched by other stories of damage to statement of their iwissesslons and in the yard of the Rock Island costly fabrics by rough handling of ilien to seareli their trunk, or pus their garments before the throngs on sihly to go through their poeVeis and railroad In Kansas City, Kan. make them strip, just to show rlin An unsuccessful attempt was made the piers. The greatest complaint is not against tho sworn deelaration was not to hold up an express car carrying the examination, tedious and vexatious 1eved. 84S.OOO In money and Sl.onfl worth ol 111. Th as it Is. hut against the manner in near station. jewelry, I.ynrh An expensive gown sometimes enttrain dispatcher saw the would be which it is conducted and the altirobbers creeping along In the grass tude of the inspectors, who treat every ers a multitude of sins when the gennesr the station and signalled the perso1 as a probable smuggler until erous husband should be wearing It. I motorman to put on fell speed Stmuel Fridley, Musings of the Metropolis York of Outlined in Brief ; Gotham Girls Are Learning to Swim Alxl-el-Azl- r Telephone Giri'e Great Opportunity to Get Gloriously Even. said the to a New "Well, 1 got even to llie boss the oilier girl at the telephone er cell! Suicides In Natal. The abnormal Buicide wave which Is passing over this country has been made the subject of very serious thought, and it is well that It should be so. In Natal within the past four weeks there have been three suicides of Europeans, which, on the basis of population, is four times greater than the suicide rale in England and Wales, a deplorable state of affairs Indeed In Durban a few weeks ago it was stated that suicides were taking place at the rate of one a day. Natal Witness. In a Morocco Harem. Every woman in the harem has hei face decorated in the most curious manner. The practice Is to elongate the eyebrows to the ears and to embellish the chin with iittle points of black In contrast with the men, paint. their complexions are very fair, as they are shut within walls and ar never exposed to the sun. In a Pinch, Use ALLEN8 FOOT-EASA powder. It cures painful, smarting, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. Its the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain rare for sweating feet. Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Accept no substitute., Trial package, FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Not Incurable. "That man is a poet." Too bad. Yes." How did you discover It?" I didnt: he told me." Then perhaps he may get over It." -- Nashville American. to Mothers. Important Examine carelully every bottle of CASTOKIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and sue that It Roars the Signature of In T"w For Over JIO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bojght. A Simple Remedy. tell you we cannot pass a law to disturbkeep doss from barking and ing people." law against Won't the ordinary barkers apply?" I Try Murine Eye Remedy For Red. Weak, Weary, Watery Eye Murine Doesn't Mnart Soothes . fcyel am. The 48 All Druggists Sell Murine at 5lk-tDollars Tape Rook in each Pkg. is worth in pwrv honw. Ask your Druggist. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Riches do not delight us so much with their possession, as torment us with tbeir lost. Gregory- Pane and llMTrw. name rm. at. Vltu.' cored t J r. Kline Untl X enre Krttim. Hens for KKKK K.IO trial boil l tbl Arch Street, K. 11 Kiln. Id, and treatise. ltr. ln Birthdays, holidays and weddings are what keep the average man poor. Mn WlnsMws Soothing Syrup. Tor rhlldreo teetblnfr, .often th. gun., redane. f SateimUoa. allay. p4a.aarMwlBd.olki. jOeabouteb People waste a lot of valuable time In foolish arguments. ' for Us." 8UFFERED FACTS YEARS. TWENTY-FIV- Her Limb Peeled and Foot Was Raw Thought Amputa. tion Was Necessary Believes Life 8aved by Cuticura. With Eczema have bren treated by doctors for five years for a hud case of eczema on my h g. Tlu-- did their best, but failed to mire it. My doctor bad advised mu to have my leg cut off. At this time my leg was peeled from the knee, iny foot was like a piece of raw flesh, and 1 hud to walk on crutches. I bought a set of Cuticura Remedies. After the first two treatments the swelling went down, and In two mouths my lug was cured and the new skin came on. The doctor was surprised and said that he would use I have Cuticura for Ills own putlents. now been cured over seven years, and hut fur the Cuticura Remedies I might have lost my life. Mrs. J. B. Renaml, 277 Montana St., Montreal, Quo., Fph. 20, 1907." 1 twenty Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish Tired of Newport . d.iy," des-L- , York Times writer. with him, all right. He ain't married, but he's got a best girl. His father owns a shoe factory over in Jersey, and rich in! Well, she called him up the oilier afternoon at Iter usual time, la Mr. Smith there?' she asks. In her most remain ickist voice. Yes,' 1 answers, just as honey like as she. 'It's liia wife wants him, isut It?' With that Miss Girl hung up with such a jerk my ear hurt. Smith goes around wondering why she does not cull him up. Every time he dart-- he says to me: 'Has any one called me on the 1 In'phone. Miss Limit?' And look as herent us a kid and shake my head 'No.' 1 tell yon, us telephone girls can turn 'Joy to the Bride' into NothMe in Doin' any lime we please. tithe-reasons- Kid Gee whiz, but er feller feels lonesome in de spring If he ain't got eashler that You know that had the nerve tu nuuplaiu of me Her Explanation. Ottn E. Kchaar, president of th re Wallers' club of New York, In cent argument on tipping, said to his opponent, sharply: "Your reply reminds me uf a woman's reply in a German court. This woman waa at cused of imibotiing her husband. The prosecuting attorney said to her: The You have heard the evidence. body contained enough arsenic to kill ten persons. What have you to say? the woman answer ad, 'My husband, was a big eater.' " j LYDIA E. P1NKHA No oilier medicine has Iwon so successful in relieving the suffering of women or received so many genuine testimonials as has Lytlhi JL 1ink.lin in Vegetable Ctnimiml. In every community you will lind women who have liecii restored to health hy J.ydia K. linkham'u Vegetable C'omjKimuL Almost every one you meet inis either been d hy it, or has friends who have. liene-Jite- e to-da- In the Jinkham laboratory at I.ynn, M;iss.,itiiy woman iiny day may gee tlie Jilcs ci ml Hilling over one million one Imiulivtl thousand letters from women seeking health, and hero are tho letters in which they oiKMily state over their own signatures that they were cured hy Lydia li riiikha in's Ycgctublt! Compound. Lydia li 1mkluim's Vegetable Compound has saved many womeu from surgical ujic rations. Lydia E. lTnkham's Vegetable Compound is made from roots and herbs, without drugs, and is whole- seven-year-oh- -- i some and harmless. The reason why Lydia R rink-ham- 's What Is the matter, Jack?" Vegetable Compound is so "Bootaoo! Catherine says she's desuccessful is lx.cause it contains incided 1 ain't her affinity after all!" gredients which act directly upon the feminine organism, restoring it Causa for Thanks? to a healthy normal eondit ion. a was at social one It gathering of Women who are suffering from of the mutual improvement societies which help to pass the shining (or those distressing ills peculiar to their oilier wise) hour In an edifying man- sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Iydia ner. A little singing waa to be indulged K. linkhams Vegetable Compound In by some of the members, and about to restore their health. down the program the name half-wa- j SICK HEADACHE u Sheath Skirt Appears at Long Beach i y of Miss Moleniy-Bruwfigured. Alas, however, when the time came for ber to appear a messenger arrived to say that the lady was Buffering from a cold, and, therefore, the chairman had to excuse her to the audience. "Ladies and geutlcmeu," lie said, I have to announce that Miss Brown will be unable to sing, as announced. (Hid, therefore, Mr. Green will give us A Kong of Thanksgiving.' " Stray 1 : : Positively cared by these Little Fills. They also relieve Dl trrwi (rain a ud Tnu Hnrt) reio-idEaling. A perfect , iJjraiK-pMi- fur i ; , j i Genuine Must Bear REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Monotony of Home Life. So many wives complain of the TOILET ANTISEPTIC Keep the breath, teeth, mouth end body rntiiepticeily clean end free from unand disagreeable odora, healthy germ-lit- e which water, eoapend tooth prepa ratioaa alone cannot do. A germicidal, disinfecting and deodor iiinf toilet requiaitc of cxoeptional excellence end economy. Invaluable lor inflamed eyes, throat and natal and uterine catarrh. At drufl end toilet tore, 50 eenta, or by mail postpaid. mo- notony of marriage. They envy women who write, paint or act, because they Imagine all these callings spell But any life can beinfinite variety. come monotonous if people allow it to be so. Wives who grumble at the dreary sameness of home routine for get that their husbands have to face the same tiresome monotony at the office. The only way to get out nf the "rut'' for wife or bachelor inald alike is to cultivate Interests and hobbles. Marriage Is monotonous only for those who make it ho. Complaints Over Methods of Inspectors Large Trial Simple " THE COFFEE IF The world is full of anonymous coffee: "Java Who returns your money if you i dont Salt Lake City, No. 27, 1908 I 1 em? DAISY FLY HILLFRl anni'fi ami Nil ItlfB. AlwolulHr MNiHil On the Country Picnic. hi nd, She hung she s.m-- I Mr. Manliering." "Really, -so-- so er "this-sudden" is niered. uvr, ip or Hv lull noiPiMl Jura Biiythtp. rfTra litiann rail tlvr. WatldBalrf OFBrarprMMftir h-- "Fur goodness suke," cried .Manner a Ing. "slop blushing bo. Here comes bull!" kilto Nfl(, rlran.i mimmtil, mntmieiil.i'liMtp. ViHBll Mil Ml YourrrrHerrHu'nsYoiirti.riMVif you don't like b v"'.mj's ! si ; fay Inm. j of thh paper dr. bay ,,ing toadver- like ' In--- D anything liaed in it. column, diould inifl upon hiving what they aik lor, refuting all uihOitLir. or imiutxxu. and Mocha. j pSSl rainco BYeSi" IxCdUCrS - W. N. U.. Signature Fac-Simi- le con-slde- s. : , Had They regulate Ibe UovrelH. Purely Vegetable, SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE The Pivot" Age. When is a man "old?" Is it s matter of looks, or feeling, or age, or professional custom? Walters, for instance, are held tu ho old'' at 50. But at that period of life statesmen, barristers, actors, bishops and judges are accounted young. Athletes of all kinds arc deemed old after 40 or 1 hereabouts. The hoard of trade regulations Hay that railway men and others an old" for their work at 00. r Old age pension scheme makers CD as the pivot Bge on which to hang their pains. Tho point is certainly a very debatable one Hearts of Oak Journal. t, Knit-n- , TbkIp In the Mniilli, Coal rd Tongue, Pain In tlia - TOHPIII L1VKK. Storks. i Iiizzlm-Mi- Ilnmhlr-e-s- muoi.ni ; I IUMI9I VMikfcHm lerwBfcly WIDOWS15" IlSKONS ,., NEW LAWotxalaad b JOHN W. MORRIS, Waaiilustua. IE fl. |