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Show DERAIL RflERCHANDI One Price to It II rnn Never Undersold All man, one who appreciates the niceties man people usually mean a By a III LI V and appropriateness of correct styles. This sort of man gets favorable comment, attentive consideration and preferences. The most noticeable thing about a mans dress is his hat. Our hats have an individuality which appeals to discriminating men those for whom the best is none too good. They bear the impress of originality because many of the processes usually entrusted to the machine are accomplished by the trained and skillful hand of an artistic workman. II A TO nMIO lUIl nlTM well-groom- well-dress- ed ed We give 5 Votes for the Goddess of Liberty with each $1 purchase m Sfc Work on the new building at tlie Try a Sunday dinner at Hotel Atkin The interior of the Milford Pharmacy Iiaa boon repaiierod and decorat ed thru B. B. B. Y. U. has been started and and Restaurant. Everything the l week. Thia is a decided improve-- j will be pushed along aa rapidly as market affords is served in the most ! LOCAL AND PEBSONAL D0IN6S possible. About thirty men are now on the work. Dan FVivunoii has tire material on employed the ground fur tlie erection of a neat H. J. Walker went to Zion Wedneslittle cottage, on hla lot eaMt of l)r. day night to see about purchasing a Burtons residence. new barber chair etc. lie returned was accompanied n this morning and J. E. Swift has tendered his as earthier at the freight utllce by Mrs. Jas. McDevitt and daughter. which will take effect as soon as he District court is in session at Beaver pan lie checked out. this week aud as a result a number of Dr. Burton and II. C. dale were our citizens are at the county seat The docket is quite out iu the hills prospecting Wednesday courting. and we understand they struck .some heavy and it may require a week or two to clear it up. good looking propositions. incut to the store. I Henry Jefferson made a liUsim-S- trip to Caliente yesterday. 11. T. Hanks and wife are spending a days In Zion this week. Mori; Stoddard wont to Beaver Monday, returning Tuesday. The best of every thing is served at the Hotel Atkiu and Restaurant. tf fi-- 4 resig-natio- Mrs. McCarrell visiter! the workings at the Htalwart property Thursday. Mrs. Austin of Newhouse came Our Telphono number is 283, ('all down Wednesday and left on the us up when in need of the best print-inevening train for Salt Lake to take in the big Eagle oelebraUun. Verse Bardsley went to Halt Lake The band dance at the opera house Wednesday night for a few days out- last Friday night was a most successing. ful and enjoyable affair and the boys Rachel Moore is confined to the realised a neat profit from it. house with a well developed case of as the Will Dotson, crackers, measles. boys call him, was in Milford this For the best ineals and good ser- week calling on the trade in the invice go to the Hotel Atkiu aud Res- terest of the National Biscuit C'o. taurant. services will be The usual Found Three Yale lock keys. held at the M.Sunday E. chapel next Sunday. Owner may have same by calling at Subject of sermon in the evening will this office. be Lessons from History of Rahab. Frank Grimes went to the Lake It is a now who will question Wednesday night to take part iu the be our queen for just Tothe Fourth. celebration. Eagle morrow night at 10 o'clock will settle Dr. F. M. Foster came down from tlie question. Vote early and often. Halt Lake Sunday and spent a couple Contractor Mclntire Is rapidly comof days in Milfoni. pleting the modern cottage for Mr. If you want your advertising to and Alls. Ochs, and the building will bring results you should contract for bo ready for occupancy in a short g. time. space with The News. Shirley Atkin lias returned from The Milford Lumber Co. has decorAnn Arbor and will spend the summer ated the harness on the deliver)' teams with a neat leather sign with silver vacation with his parents. headed brads, containing the name of Mrs. Pete Johnson o Newhouse the firm. returned last Friday from an extended Mr. Lisonbee, of the firm of Packard visit with her sister in Cnllfomia. St Lisonbee of Burbank, was looking Fainter Earle is busy with a force after business interests in Milford of men this week tainting and decor- Monday aiul was a pleasant caller at thia office. ating the home of Mayor Bardsley. Chas. Smithson returned Monday The little daughter of Air. and Mrs. I). A. Tanner has an attack of the from a three weeks visit in Los measles and is confined to the house. Angeles. Charley says lie had a great time and would lilted to have stayed Fred Varcow now haa the first coat much longer. of paint oil the bell tower and will Billy Mcllale says he will bring start putting on the last coat at once. tlie burros down from Frisco on the A. J. Sorensen went to Salt Lake Fourth and enter the hose race with them. Come every City Sunday night to confer with the little bit helps. along Billy architects on the new bank building. P. B. McKeon was attending to No Job of printing is too small and business matters at Beaver Monday, none too large for us to handle in the manner. Call us up by lie left.for Salt Lake City Wednesday most telephone and well come for your night. work. Phone 283. Have your calling cards printed at Mrs. Greenwood and Mrs. Murdock The News office, and you w ill get the latest thing in both cards and type returned from Roosevelt springs Wednesday. The ladies are considerfaces. ably improved and had an enjoyable For sale A White sewing machine. time at the springs. As good ss new. Enquire oi Mrs. Itobt. Limb, one door south of Mm. Mr. Morrison, who has been employed as electrician at Newhouse, Dennys. resigned his position and passed Dos. Hick inan is building au addition through Milfoni Tuesday . evening to ills residence on Main street which enroute to Halt Lake. makes a great improvement in tlie tV. F. Cottrell left Monday evening property. for Huntington, Oregon, to join his J oli u Kclllm is erecting a modern family and visit for a couple of weeks lottugchi tlie south part of town. with relatives. Mrs. Cottrell and The house will be constructed with children will return with him. cement blocks. Attorney Geo. B- - Greenwood was Bids for llio erection of the addition here Monday representing the creditto the school house will be opened to- ors in the settling up of the Majestic morrow evening aud the contract affairs. Mr. Greenwood was attendwill be awarded. ing court at Parowan last week. te 6-- Lost One door key, some place beThere is no need of sending out of tween Hickmans and Clines store on Milford for any of your printing, as Main street. Flutter please leave at The News is prepared to handle all The News office. kinda of work promptly and at right Call us up, pnone !W 3. A very enteresting meeting of the prices. J .F. Tolton and Prof. Hickman Eagles was held Wednesday evening at which time a class of eight can- accompanied by Prof. Cummings, didates were initiated. After the superintendent of the L. D. 8. church initiatory work refreshments were schools, passed through Milford this served and a genera good time was week enroute to Beaver on a tour of had by the members. inspection. Kirs. Anna Glenn left Wednesday night for an extended visit in the east. She will be absent for about four months during which time she will visit Chicago, Kansas City, Cleveland, Ohio, and several places in Iowa. Attorney Harry Fennemore was a Milford visitor Monday. Mr. Fennemore had just returned from Parowan where he had been attending court, and came to Milford to assist in the settling up of the Majestic affaire. The program for childrens day at M. E. church last Sunday evening was very impressive, appropriate and well rendered. The children rendered their parte in an excellent manner and most pleasing to the large number who attended the services. the II. C. Gale has ' purchased the Horace Elmer property at the corner of Main and Center streets, and will take possession of same in a few days. Mr. Elmer is erecting a new cottage at the North end of Main street and expects to have it completed shortly. The several lawns about town, which were put in this year, are coming to the front in good shape, That grass will grow nicely here is clearly demonstrated by these lawns and it is to be honed that others will follow suit and seed down their yards to grass and clover. Sunday services at First Church of Christ Scientist of Milford are held as follows: Sunday school at A. M. morning service at 11 o'clock, cveuing service at 8 oclock. Subject of lesson June 21st is "Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force. eduesday evening experience meeting at 8 oclock. We are in receipt of a letter from the Caliente Gun Club in which a challenge is issued to the Milford club for a matched trap shoot. The challenge comes from Messrs Powell and Fuller of Caliente and we understand they are both crack aliootre, but they will have to go some if they can beat the Milford boys. Arrangements are being made to a glove contest at the Milford skating rink on the eve-niof the Fourth of Julv. The go will be between Joe McC'loxky and Conroy, both of whom are reputed to be (uite clever with the gluves. The main mill will be preceded by a couple Pf preliminaries by local sports. Among those who were guests at the Armstrong hotel this wpek were W. D. Elwell of Boston, President of the Majestic; Mr. Smith of Boston; J. M. Bailey, a prominent attorney of Boston; aud Mr. Chase a mining expert and geologist of Denver; C. S. Gilbert of the Salt Lake Route, and Joe Cook a popular grocery salesman from Provo. pull off ten-rou- ne i tasty manner. 4 l.at week we stated that the tract for the construction of the bank building had been awarded to a Mr. Radibau of Sait Lake. Thin was true but upon presenting articles of agreement for tlin contract, a mismider standing arose between bank officials and the contractor. As a result the contract was awarded to tlie next lowest bidder, who was A. J. Sorensen of Milford. Mr. Sorensen went to Salt Lake to sign up on the contract and everything is now in readiness to begin work. Tlie Imard of trustees of Milford school district No. ft, has issued a call for a school election to be held on Monday July 13th. This election is held for the purpose of electing one member of the hoard for a term of three years. The electors of the district should show sufficient interest in this affair to get out and vote for a person whom they believe will best satisfy the people. Study the situation over and select someone for the jtosition who will look after the interests of the sehools. The Milford Lumber Co. has installed two hundred feet of two inch hose and connected a standpipe to tlie water mains, for fire protection. The town has no fire plugs on the Btreet the lumber yard is on and would be greatly handicapped in event of fire, therefore the Lumber Co. decided to put in its own fire protection, and at the same time is generous enough to place the hose and fire plug at the disposal of those living nearby. In view of tlie fact that the town has no connections on this street it would be no moie than right for the board to stand at least a portion of the expense of putting in the standpipe, so long as the Lumber Co. propose to place the protection at the disposal of those properties within reach. Heroic Dead "Fair Dscsnt, One of the Carnegie hero commissioners now In New York recently made g visit to Canada to Investigate He the story of Sandy Ferguson. learned that Sandy had Jumped Into a river filled with floating ice, swam a hundred yards, rescued a drowning boy and after a great struggle got him to shore. As a result of his cold plunge Sandy was stricken with pneumonia and for a long time hovered between life and death. In the course of his Investigation the hero commissioner visited Dr. Cameron, who had attended Sandy during hla illness, and from him heard the story in all Its detail. Do you think Mr. Ferguson performed g really heroic set? the commissioner inquired of the doctor. I klnna ay, said the doctor. Then, after a pause: But it was fair decent o Sandy." Item for Psychologists. Thomas Flood, of Philadelphia, Pa., who is critically ill with typhoid fever, called loudly for his wife at six o'clock the other morning. There's a man in a cellar over on Dickinson street with a rope trying to hang him- self. Mtpp Mrs. Flood, think ing he was raving with delirium, tried to quiet him. Then he became wildly delirious, but the woman paid no fur-ther attention to him. At ten minutes after six o'clock Mrs. James Sullivan, who lives on Dickinson street, started As she stepped from the downstairs. stair she felt a band brush her face, The light she carried showed her the body of her husband hanging from g beam. Saturday night about nine o'clock a fir alarm was turned in, and the way the fire boys got out was a caution. In junt four mid wushalf minutes from the time the bell first rang, the Water was turned on the fire and the hoys ma.de a run of four blocks hnd laid 2M of hose. 1 1 was a practice Two Halves. run for the depart meut b;t the boys a lot," remarked Slocount IKiks Were there with the goods aiul strtUd what they could do in case of ppy. About half the good I get from actual service. dinner is the look of things. Js, 20 All right, Mr. Sloay." replied Mrs. Bordem. We'll just give you two looks in future." MILFORD, UTAH CAPITAL We Transact STOCK i General $25,000,00 Basking Business Start a savings account now and have something laid away for old age, We pay interest on time deposits. Dont take any chances on losing your money when you cgn dpposjt n a good, sound, conservative bank. Use for Laurel and Sunflower. People who live In damp localities, particularly near undrained land, in France have discovered a simple remSuccessful edy for damp situations. experiments have shown that it is possible materially to improve the atmosphere in such neighborhoods by the planting of the laurel and the sunflower. The laurel gives off an abundance of ozone, while the sunflower is potent in destroying malarial conditions. These two, if planted on the most restricted scale in a garden or any ground close to the house, will be found speedily to increase the dryness and salubrity of the atmosphere. C. J. MclNTIRE Contractor and Builder MILLINERY Sr? Milford, Utah Be Well Dressed I have the most complete millinery stock ever brought to Sounthem Utah, and am prepared to satisfy the most fastidious tastes. I also have a splendid line of dry goods and mens furnishings. I am soiling J7 l,2c gfoghgms gt 15p per yard, and all calicoes are going at three yards ior too. Call and examine my stock and get prices. MRS. G. O. FORGIE I want to figure with you . on your Mason TKDovii Cement Wort a Specialty MATHEWS J. A. INGOLS MINING You can do it a small cost by aclrctiuz a suit from MATHESON (Boobs anb motions Estimates Cheerfully Ghen. ENGINEER U. S. Deputy Mining Engineer THE TAILOR , Member of Wchanom three hundred nf tho rhufcest j Lmericin Institute of Mioin and Utah ' Boo. Summer Samples Engineers of Engineers Mineral Location Surveys. Mine Examinations and Reports Oil, Coal and to choose ' Suits nisile to order by the popular tailor-inhouse of ED. fi Jeffaraon a, Whone State Bank, of Beaver County tf con- from. V. PRICE OnUr 4 uil now from MAT1IK-SO- S the Tailor. Shop one Mock vast of Jcirenun's stum. . . VTA If MU.yiMli. I C. M. & S. Co. Office at Martin Terrace Mg'r. Majestic Ilione Milford, - 6-- 3 - Utah |