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Show T i mam mm VkllVill IWII BUTTE !L FINE SPECIMEN in I1ITI1 CASE Defense Bring Witnesses to Prove That Broken Kail Caused Wreck of Burlington Train. For Flood to Subside. i niiiinn afu-sea Mont. laitinu elm:! rifled tin: rnurt Oil Muu (lay in tin1 trial of IjoiiIs Ferris, tin l!i:i ii-- , r sti-i- Italian ranch hand, fur the The Evicted People Find Shelter for Themselves and Their Belongings .and Are Waiting Time When They May Return With Safety. ni t)i( e.iriMiouiul Darlington ; on llio (light of May I. art-ckiu-f exiiiv.n Tha again Introduced expert lienee iliut here was uu dyuaiiiite ln-ii- I do t-- x plosion. Snooks, who lives on the yardt of tho scene oi the explosion, was the first witiiol railed try tin- - defense on Monday. It testified that upon arriving at tbs wreek, lie found a broken rail at tbs point at wbi'-- tlie locomotive left tha .rack. Mrs. Snooks, his wife, fed to the same rffc-t- . Doth declared that t lie re was no smell of powder Tony Harris, at one time Northwestern Cornish stylo wrestling champion, also said that there had been Harris Is a iii dynamite explosion. minor, lie made the big sensation of the day when he stated that scarcely i moment afii-- r the explosion ho met Henry Hoskins, a null clerk, hobbling beside the wreck. Hoskins; had been Harris asked Hoskins liitilly bruised. wlmt bad happened ami Hoskins said lltorc was a broken rail, which had mused the Ixtller of the engine to Hoskins told Harris that he MI the train run on the ties several came. mrds before t ire explosion Harris said that Hoskins sued tha oad for ll.onii for Injuries received, tut that the suit was coin promised pit, In a few davs. Ilc.iklns resigned lurrlciily and left ISulte. He cannot te found. Hal within 1"0 Kansas City. The great Kaw-M!souri flood, whic h has almost rrachH tta crest, drew hundreds of thousaudi ot sightseers to the bluffs the flooded bottoms on Sunday. The water has done all the damage that Is In its power. The railroad yards have been evacuated; the packing houm-and business establishments have vacated their lower floors; Armourdals has been entirely abandoned by its X3,0t)0 Inhabitants, and water Is running twelve feet deep in Us streets 'Theta is no excitement anywhere, th evicted people having found shiter for themselves and their movable prop erty. There Is nothing to do but to wait for the tide to turn. Officials and business men of both Kansas Cities express a determination to put an end to the annual floods The great difficulty has been that two states having two city governments, the United Slates government, tlires counties and numerous Interstate railroads are Involved. During tho past year the United States has declared the Kaw a navigable stream. Tlili gives the war department authority te order the removal of the Union l'sclllc and Missouri Pacific low bridge's, which obstruct the river and cause tlis overflow of Armourdale and the stockAny yards at every high water. scheme of raising the banks of the Kaw would involve elevating tlie railroad tracks. One measure proposed Is to cut a canal across the point ut land where the Missouri makes its big bend to the east. This canal would carry the Missouri overflow from a point above Kansaa City to a point The city offseveral miles icials of the two Kansas Cities are cooperating in steps to control the rivers. e s In 8up Opened for $1,500,000 for the plies Army. York. Rids for $1.5011,00$ New for the Ifni led vorth of supplies hates nrin.v were opened at tho army About mlldlug here on Monday. bids were received and ,ll( successful bidders will supply the army with what is probably tits largest cpinnlity of supplies ever pur rlnised by it nt one time, under pracl coudltbms. The awards will bo mart! ns soon as the bids have been thor cuglily examined by the depot quar IN PHILIPPINES. te'iuaster here. preference belnf given to orders of American manufan General Appropriation Bill Carries 16r uro. Practically everything thnl army men need In the way of cloth 800,030 Pesos. Ing and suppling is to be purchased. Manila. After many extended and apparently hopeless conferences, the Big International Bank to bo Removed Insular commission and the 1hlllppluo to United States. assembly have Anally arrived at an Ixtndon. At a special meeting hers agreement upon the general approprior pn Monday of tho shareholders of thd tlon bill, which it la believed both the ixinrion, New York and Boris bank, commission and the Assembly will which has a capitalization of limited, ratify. The compromise measure ap- f 3,000,000, it was decided to volun-tartl- y asthe propriates 16,800.000 pesos, liquidate the concern. The sembly making a concession of nearly will be sold to a new bank, to 1,500,000 pesos. be called the famdnn and Parts NaThe appropriations agreed upon In tional Bank of San Francisco, which the as same the are bill the practlcaly s to be incorporated under the laws actuul expenditures last year. The of the United States with a capital the to commission declined to assent 90 cent of of 500,0(10. $2, Nearly rcductlou in salaries and the consoli- the capital of the bank per now being dation or some of the bureaus, as pro- wound up is held In California, and posed by the assembly. Tho personnel the desirability of the reconstructing and of the various bureaus depart Pf the company under American laws jnents remains unchanged. jms been urged by the larger atock jinldcrs. to Go to Canada, Bids STRONG ON THE PROPRIETIES. How Could She Be Expected to Perfect Stranger? Ad-dre- ss Owing to the prevalence of pneuA traveler In the mountains of Tenmonia and the great mortality which nessee had been stowed away in the attends its ravages during the winter best bed the cottage afforded. Late and spring, several boards of health In the night he was awakened by the In northern New Jersey have been tak- voice of the paterfamilias addressed ing measures to protect the citizens of to the daughter, who was entertaining their towns from the disease. The company by the fireside. health board of Washington, N. J has Mandy, growled the old man, la published a remedy which la said to that young man there yit? be a sure cure for pneumonia, and Yep, pap. other health boards are looking Into la he got hia arm around yer the matter with a view of having the waist? same thing published for the good of Yep, pap. the general public. Tbla la tha pubYou-al-l tell him to taket away." lication aa it haa appeared In the par Aw, ye tell him yerself, pap," repera of Washington: plied the girl. In a dull, lifeless voice. Take six or ten onions, according "He air a plumb stranger to mo. to size, and chop fine, put In a large Success Magazine. spider over a hot fire, then add the same quantity of rye meal and vinegar enough to form a thick paste. In the meanwhile stir It thoroughly, letPresident Roosevelt fe at tha head of the American Biion society, the ob- ting It simmer five or ten minutes. ject of which la to preserve the animal from extinction. An effort le to bo Then put In a cotton bag large enough made to establish In this country a herd that shall be at least aa fine as ono to cover the lungs and apply to chest collected by several prominent Canadians, who have some 500 In captivity. aa hot aa patient can bear. In about ten minutes apply another, and thus continue by reheating the poultices, and In a few hours the patient will be out of danger. This simple remedy n has never failed to cure this fatal malady. Usually three or four WOMAN WOULD ADOPT that they belong to a church and can applications will be sufficient, but conRICH liiive many people vouch for their tinue always until the ADULT MALE. perspiration honesty. starts freely from the cheat This rem100 widow Tho has found less than edy was formulated many years ago The End of a Long Life. that will be given further con- by one of the heat physlciana New Is Worth About $100,000, All of Which own is her sideration. Perhaps it England has ever known, who never Will Go to Fortunate Man on I have seen faces of women that fancy that guides her, or it may be lost a patient by the disease, and won Her Death Mjny Applicawere fair to look upon, yet one could Intuition that causes her to reject his renown by simple remedies. see that the Icicles were forming tions from Farmers. ninny of those that would have been heart. around these women's A Bare Possibility. tin- - choice of a man under similar clr St. Joseph, Mo. There are nearly Holmes. communicaIn his diary, which la Incorporated the eumsiances. Among 5,000 young men In America, any one tions are a number from young wom- In the Life and Letters of Sir Richard of whom is willing to become the Did you ever see a pretty girl who the great Greek who ask the widow to change her Claverhouse Jebb, en know she was pretty? didn't adopted son of a rich widow, 45 years mind mid adopt a daughter instead oi scholar recorded a flash of his own wit uld, who says the one she adopts will most a A of is she which them ask that few of a son. appealing variety. not he required to work. a daughter as well as a son, At a dinner at Cambridge Sir RichA widow whose home la within three adopt and make up a family of three. ard, then Mr. Jebb, took In a young miles of the city called on William A. One of the applicants admits that he woman, who got through the first Ziemendorff, humane agent, and Btated course with little conversation. Sudone child, but say to him that she wanted to adopt a n, is mnrrled and has will not let his relations with them denly she startled him by Hying, in he blond preferred, between the age? of his relations with the the most unprovoked way, while she 23 and 25. The woman Is said to be Interfere with, was still dining with apparent good mother. adopted and other possessed of real 1 have not appetite: ot such a good opinion property valued at $100,000, but has "Prof. Jebb, do yon think women 1 had before I had read as no near relatives, her husband and humanity die of a broken heart? ever The widow. these lutters," said the son both being dead. "Perhaps other organs may have of those applicants may be Intentions The story was given wide publicity but somehow I don't know why something to do with it, he proffered and since then letters have been min- good, in reply. Youth's Companion. they do not make a favorable iming In scores to the humane officer me. on each day. He has received letters from pression Internal Revenue Collections. She had not believed that more than New York, New Orleans, San FrancisThe term internal revenue" has would In men America co and Montreal, Canada, and from a dozen young been restricted In its meaning to such She for themselves offer adoption. many intermediate points. In all he revenues only as are collected under has received about 6,000 applications, thought the young American spirit the Internal revenue bureau conShe hai was proud and haughty. many of the applicants sending their learned that 5,000 of them are willing nected with the treasury department, Hunof locks hair. and photographs and does not Include all revenues that dreds of them have stated that they to live without work, and she is likely are, properly speaking, from Internal more. as twice from hear to many are good looking, although the widow sources, that Is, from sources other did not specify that the successful apthan duties levied at the frontiers IS OLDEST WEATHER SHARP. plicant Bhould be a handsome youth. Thus, upon foreign commodities. The fact that the woman desiring m moneys arising from the sale of publlo adopt a son lives on a farm Is taken Dennis Horigan Nestor at the United lands, from patent fees, or the reveto mean that she wants a farmer for a States Naval Observatory. nues of the postal service, are not genThe back 1b the mainspring' of son. At least 2.000 of the young men womans organism. It quickly calls erally known aa Internal revenues. who have applied state that they are Washington. Dennia Horigan. who attention to trouble by aching. It farmers or have lived on a farm. la connected with the United States New Chart Corrects Errors. with other symptoms, such as tells, The other applicants are divided up naval observatory, is perhaps the oldThe great practical utility of the nervousness, headache, pains in the among many occupations, and some of est weather man in the United States. magnetic survey made In the Pacific loins, weight in the lower part of them have no occupation whatever. He has been keeping tab on the weath. ocean by the yacht Galilee since 1905 the body, that a womans feminine One admits that he is 50 years old, er for 51 years. Is shown by a new magnetic chart, organism needs immediate attention. but says be looks younger. In such cases the one sure remedy Long before the weather bureau from which It appears that the charts Tell the widow that If she will was established Mr. Horigan was previously used by navigators In the which speedily removes the cause, pacific ocean were erroneous along and restores the feminine organism adopt me 1 will spend the money she making observations at the observroutes to the ex- to a healthy, normal condition is She atory night and day every three some has,H writes a St. youth. may not want to adopt a son with hours, noting the temperature, the tent of from three to five degrees, that inclination, but I notice that the' barometr'c pressure, the nature ot and the errors at times were systesons of rich men and rich women the clouds and the direction of the matic. Errors of this magnitude are VEGETABLE COMPOUND spend It as fast as their parents can winds. He was appointed under the of importance in practical navigation Mrs. Will Young, of 6 Columbia of President Bu- where the Indications of the oompau hand It out to them, and I think I can administration Rockland, Me., says : Ave, 11 hit a gait as fast as the best of them. chanan, in 1857, and has been in the should be as accurate as possible. 1 troubled for a long time with s of the applicants say they service ever since. dreadful backaches and a pain in my Is now He an In old man, yet fair Water. Water, Everywhere. are poor and want a home, and others side, and was miserable in every way. During the flood of 1903 an old I doctored until I was discouraged and say the money is no consideration to health, considering his long service never get well. 1 read them, the' widow having stated that and the fact that It Included night darky living In the East bottoms thought I would E. Vegetable her adopted son will Inherit the for- work. He came from the old coun- awoke one morning to find his what Lydiahad Pinkhams done for others and Compound tune nt her death. The widow's name try In the '50s and settled In George- premises four feet under water. decided to try it ; after taking three Is being suppressed. She is not seek- town, then the most Important part Later he was found by a party bottles I can truly say that 1 never felt of the of district Columbia. the about rescuers of humane officer yard so well in my life. walking ing notoriety, the He was at the old observatory In prodding Into the ground with a fishsays, and he will not subject her lo the Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, when Capt. M. F. Maury left tc ing pole. He was asked hls purpose. 1861, to those be desiring Import unities of writes to Mrs. Pinkham: Fa., In the civil war. He the south Join said he, Good gracious, men, severe backaches, and had adopted. I haB served with many naval officers Ah pressing-dow- n very pains. I could not sleep, what do you think Ah am 1 did uot know so many young men d well and haa no appetite. Lydia E. Pink-ham- 's am tryln to find mah would be willing to be adopted, she and scientists, among them Commanwatah." der Admirals of Da can a Ah Glills, Maury, mahself Capt. so Vegetable Compound cured me depall git said to Mr. Kiemenilorff when he and made me feel like a new woman. livered to her the first hatch of appli- vis, Sands, Rodgers, Rowan, Shufpldt, TWO TOPERS. Franklin, Belknap, Pythian, McNair, FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. cations, consisting of more than 2,000 C. II. Davis and and Profs. For thirty years Lydia E. Fink-haChester, letters. 1 had looked aronnd among A Teacher's Experience. Vegetable Compound, made all the young men of my acquaintance Hall, Newcomb, Harkness, Eastman, and Skinner. from roots and herbs, has been the and did not know of a young man Frisby My friends call me The Postum standard remedy for female ills, who would suit me for an adopted son. writes a Minn, school teach- and has positively cured thousands of Preacher, Chicks Hatched In Tool Box. That was the reason I asked that a I preach the gospel of women who have been troubled with because er, Six weeks ago a work- Postum suitable one be found. 1 am overPittsburg. I go, and have displacements, inflammation, ulceraeverywhere 1 whelmed by these letters, and shall man In the Pennsylvania repair shops been means of liberating many tion, fibroid tumors, the irregularities, make no effort to answer any of in Allegheny left two dozen eggs In an coffee-po- t slaves. pains, backache, that them. It Is possible that I may be a abandoned toolbox In the roundhouse Eiriodio so I don't care what they call me feeling, flatulency, year in making a selection, for when Steam pipes go through the box. All long as I can help others to see what nervous prostration. 1 have selected one I shall make every over the eggs a heavy layer of soft they lorn by sticking to coffee, and possible Inquiry about him and know coal soon settled. Three weeks ago 14 can show them the way to steady for a certainty that he is the one I sooty chicks arrived. It waa found clear brain and general good want before 1 complete the adoption. that the steam pipes kept the temper nerves, health by using Postum. Many of the letters are hardly ature of the box at 103 degrees. ReWhile a school girl I drank coffee legible, and the grammar and orthog- cently a second batch of 20 chlcka ap and had fits of trembling and went Another through a siege of nervous prostration, raphy are noticeably deficient. A peared, sooty but healthy. small proportion of them show busi- batch la being prepared. Bom among which took me three years to rally ness ability, and most ot tho appli- the clanging noiaea of the roundhouse from. mouth end body Keeps the breeth, cants depend mainly on the statement every chick, so far discovered, la deaf Mother coaxed me to use Postum, entiepticelly cleanteeth, end free from unbut 1 thought coffee would give me healthy germ-lif- e and disagreeable odors, - - -strength. So things went, and when which water, soap and tooth preparations I married I found my husband and I alons cannot do. A were both coffee topers, and I can germicidal, disinfend deodorsympathize with a drunkard who tries ecting ising toilet requisite Animals Carry It Away,, but Nativei By that time the camera had becomi to leave off hls cups. of exceptional exwarped and twisted out of all form, a Always Return It to Grave. At last In sheer desperation I cellence and coon-oma result of repeated wettings, and it bought a package of Postum, followed Invaluable In was left a of lieu on tombstone th An Town. Cape amusing example directions about boiling It, served It for inflamed of native superstition is relntei in a dead man's grave. The present corre with good cream, and asked my hus- throat and nasnleye, and letter to the Cape Times by a traveler spondent of the Cape Times cams band how he liked the coffee. utarins catarrh. At across the In the course lonely grave who has lately returned from a long We each drank three cups apiece, drag nnd toilet trek In Portuguese West Africa. Some of his travels, and found the dilapi and what a satisfied feeling it left. Our atom, 50 cents, or by mail postpaid. two years ago the Cain newspaper dated camera still 1?. Its place. "Mj conversion has lasted several years he native me informed guides, a to says, hand camera to Laigi Trial Sample arranged supply and will continue as long as we live, e Barclay, a member of an ex- that the hyenas carry off the camera for It has made us new nerves are with mi.ltn an azauTv" boos uiht east pedition that was about to proceed about twice a week, and that as soon steady, appetites good, sleep sound THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boston, Mm, overland from the Transvaal to the as the natives miss it all the men and refreshing. west roast, on the understanding that round about turn out and scour the "There's a Reason. Name given by VA VTFH 'OfMi 1K t Iran plumb ina, bnrklariiuc. rlreirieiljr. Hr., he should forward any photographs he bush until they find tt. They firmly Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read work -- no bmik. Two UimUof all art protlia artnal secured for piiblli ation. Unformnate-ly.-Barcla- y believe It to be an important part ot The Road to Wellvllle andivided mol', work turn. Hook of In pkgs. wntfiw. HJU hi Hill paid. I' MON Hdl't'l. up the white man's burial rites, and that siicciimbi-to read the above letter? A new TKAIiLS, l'JU to I JS Saul V. Lot Angeles, lulifuraia. Ever fever In January of last year, and was vengeance will be wreaked on the one appears from time to time. They N EW LAW ohialnng ' burled ta the w ilds by bis companions. tribe should tre camera go are genuine, true, and full of human WIDOWS'81" by JOHN W. MORRIS w, WIDOW WANTS SON PROVIDING FOR SOLDIERS. too-ofte- falr-halre- d . LAW-MAKIN- as-pe- much-traverse- d LYDIA E.PINKH AMS Fairbanks New York. Work la being nished 8ULTANS SOLDIERS REVOLT. on the new battleship Now Hampshire at the 'Brooklyn navy yard that Four Thousand Troopers Accept Md alie may be ready to leave here Satlal Hafid aa Sultan. urday on her trip to Quebec to honor The details of the revolt Tangier. the Prince of Wales on hie visit to pf four thousand of the troops of Rul Canada. This will be her first ocean tan army at Kasr-Bl-K- e trip and the navy department has as- blr lias been received bore. The au) signed Captain Cameron McR. Wins- tan's troops were going from Tangle! low to command her. Special quar to Rabat and upon the arrival of 101 trrs are being arranged for pf Muial Halid's horsemen, the sok Fairbanks, who, lb Is said here, diers, despite the protests of their of i will go to Quebec as the special rep (leers, mutinied, anil proclaimed rcsentative of lresldent RoosevelL Hand as sultan. The officers were u Two-third- Vice-Preside- Mu-In- pmdi HOT ONIONS FOR PNEUMONIA. Dread Disease Robbed of Ite Terrors by 8imple Remedy. OF WATER T6wn of Arcourdale Abandoned and 12,000 People Are Waiting OF THE BISON VI IIVI1W dog-gone- prisoners. Big Battleships Assembling for Long Cruise. Runaway Auto Plunges into River. York. Four persona were New San Francisco. Assembling of the warships of the Atlantic fleet In San frowned when an automobile carryFrancisco harbor, preparatory to the ing a pleasure party of six sped down street, and bounded beginning of the long homeward voy- West Fifty-sixt- h age cross three great oceans to from an open pier Into the North has begun. Only rtver. The machine turned over in Hampton Roads nine of the fighting vessels are now Its plunge from the pier, holding the r in row, but at Mare Island lour victims fast in their seats. John was carried Into navy yard and in drydock at Hunter's Rniler, the chauffeur, the machine, but manwith tho river ot craft Point are twenty-fiv-e fighting free himself and swim to various kinds, some of them among aged toJohn Notnn. one of the party, the number which will make the long safety. jumped from the runaway machine ad voyage. t neared the end of the dock. Modiclno. Blood for Heart Yaquis Refuse to Give Up Arms. Havana. In the town of Alacranrs. Nogales, Ariz. As predicted In the Victor Navarre, a negro lad arrested on June 12, on the charge of complicity In tha dispatch from Hcrmnxillo of Indians a the Yaqul body large kidnaping of Louisa Valdes, a white to child who recently disappeared from pcmlded there for several weeks to the of surrender terms discuss 1 er home, haa confessed that the girl Monwas the victim of a band of Brujos, Mexican government, refused on demandas arms their to up give day or negro wizards. He said that he and one of the wizards named Mar- ed. and negotiations for a peaceful are broken off. at least in, who also has been arrested, en- settlement of the censortered the house and abducted the girl, temporarily. Because Mexwho was murdered for the purpose ship established over news from of using the blood of her hesrt to ico cm these negotiations, no details following the refusal to surrender cure au old negroes of consumption. been received. Powers Given a Great Reception. Stage Robbers Captured. Barboursville. Ky. The news that Nev. After a pursuit ot Rawblde. Caleb rowers had been pardoned by and Bliss, charged-witWalters two days, Wilson spread Governor rapidly of tin? Rawhtrle the robbery crowds and the country large through on Monday In. were captured stage, of collected at the stations Pennington Gay, Mlddlcsbnro, rtncvllle and their tent on the outskirts of this stage was held up ether points through which the train place. When the Wells-Farcthe strong passed Sunday. Mr. Powers shook Saturday, fled in the direcwas taken. box They of friends. At kith thousands lands were hotly pursued ATtemus, where Powers used to live, tion of Schurz and of hv ihe stale polleo and sher-posses of committee met s was train the by doubled robbers Iffs. back for The K,0 citizens. The crowd here was tho the purpose of securing a team which welcomed ever perthat any largest they had loft, and entered Rawhide son to Barboursville. a circuitous route. man-of-wa- o 1 indices-tion,dizriness- ,or TOILET ANTISEPTIC CAMERA AS A TOMBSTONE. y. -- It-sli- Interest. Waadlucuin, D. Ot i |