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Show T T ONE WOMANS ENDURANOB. Southern Woman 8uf!era Without Complaint. NORTHWEST NOTES MIXES AN'D Torture Racked and torn with terrific pains, nightly annoyed by kidney lrregulari- tlea, Mra. A. S. TwlrJ so., Columbus, Miaa.. suffered for ay8: The palna in my back, aides and loins were so terrible that I often smothered JwaSy At Dillon, Mnnt. Tow Taw '.or. a sa-on wa:ujKT. sLot nn,1 kilW r.eorpo SolirinK, a iostauraut cook, and thou ;iuiu:tied ruicide. Xo motive ia jiven. nre at Vuae.nt.T. Wash., practical-ave- , ty de.troyed the Pittock & Leadbetter lumber mill. Ioss $2o0,00u. The o the lire has not been ascer tained. Farmers of Washington will lose lurue amount of their grain crop this yar. owing to the fact that much of j j i ' 'm TnecZir I 1 -- tary to Grandma. Ethel ia of the mature age of five. Recently her grandmother concluded that it devolved on her to Instruct the child in religious matters. You must be a good girl, F.thel," Then you will go to heaven she said. when you die. Ethel seemed scarcely pleased with this reward for exceptional conduct. Don't you want to go to heaven? asked grandma, with a look of re- prooch. "Oh, I dont know, temporized I guess not. Ethel. Why not?" demanded grandma, severely. Because maybe I couldn't get out, answered Ethel. You wouldn't want to get out," replied grandma Oh, yes, I should," returned Ethel, with conviction. "No, argued grandma, "you would not. Why should you want to get out of heaven?" Why, answered Ethel, I guess I'd want to go and see you once In a Womans Home while, wouldn't I? Companion. Arizona. The stage between Fallon and i.aw- ' Nevada, was held up and robbed b" tw0 men on June 13, the robbers ' treasure box, curing the Wclis-Fargcontaining. It is believed, a good sum ,f money consigned to the banks and mining companies at Rawhide, The state board of prison cominls- sioners at Helena has abolished the prison contract system, taking ovei Conley &. McTague, the former prison contractors, their jicnUentiary equip ment at Deer Lodge, on a lease ol $4.2uu a year, appointing Frank Conley, warden, at a salary of 93,00(1 annually. Captain E. L. Blrthound, pioneer, do signer of the Georgetown loop, path finder on the Union Pacific railroad in its original surveys through a thous and miles of territory in Nebraska Colorado, Wyoming and Utah, and one of the first engineers of the lan ami railroad, died in Golden, Colo., j s yruptfffgs Sweet Girt Brought to Ask Time for Reconsideration. com- The Brokerage pany of Salt Lake City was forced to susiiend last week, as the result of overloading on stocks that had gono down in price. It now seems that a smelter la sured for the Spring Mountain district, Lemhi county, Idaho, capltallsta from Pittsburg having become interested In the project The old reliable Daly West, at Park City, Is to resume operations. Some few men have already been hired and by the first of July this great produce? will be again In the heavy ore shipping column. The gold production of the world In 1905 waa 9377.647,700, and In 1906, 9400.342.k00, an Increase of 931.694,000, or six per cent; in 1907 the yield was 9405,000,000, an increase of 96.(67,900, or one per cent. The annual consumption of gold In the industrial arts of the world ta surprisingly large and cannot be accurately determined, but from the beat available data it appears to he in the neighborhood of 9100,000,000. The week ending June 13 proved to be a most satisfactory week from the point of business transected on the The Salt Lake mining exchange. number of shares dealt in was 1,393,-994the selling value of which waa Davls-Kearn- h, meant agony. TLe Kail8alMjolurai10 RAllroad eom' creTonalemedWtokburn like Sd "i W hu:oi.lKJril,Pd last week for waa in an awful condition and doctors !'"n' he of buIldlng electrlc purpuM did not seem to help me. Doan's Kid-from Canon City' ral,way me benefltted Pilla from the first ney Gurd'n City. Kausaa. The and soon made me a strong and u,loradu- uPtny ia capitalized for 95,000,000. healthy woman.1 Land Commissioner Dennett and For sale by ail dealers. 50 cents a box. PoBterMilburn Co. Buffalo, N. Y. lAW CIerk Ballinger left Washington last week to make a tour of lnaiiectlon of local land offices and surveyors gen eral offices in Idaho, Oregon, Washing ton' Callfroil1. Vtah, Nw Mexico and Little Girls Remark Not Compline j M,aHT YET BE PERSUADED. MININOl EVixivf Senna 'Since you can lie no more than a lister to me." said the heartbroken young man. "will you not give me one kiss of farewell?" She assented, albeit coldly. And Mannering drew the girl to his heart, he pressed his lips to hers with a passionate fervor born of his despair. Afterward her head sank gently upon bis shoulder. Mr. she breathed, Mannering." this is all so all so new to me so strangely different from my expectations perhaps, if you would give me time time to reconsider " But. dear reader, let us draw a veil over the sarred scene. Exchange. INVALIDS SAD PLIGHT. After Inflammatory Rheumatism, Hair Came Out, Skin Peeled, and Bed Sorea Developed Only Cutl-cur- a Proved 8ucceeeful. "About four years ago I had a very severe attack of Inflammatory rheumatism. My skin peeled, and the high fever played havoc with my hair, which came out in hunches. I also hud three large bed sores on my back. I did not gain very rapidly, and my appetite was very poor. I tried many 'sure cures' but they were of little help, and until I tried Cutlcura Resolvent I had had no real relief. Then my complexion cleared and soon I felt better. The bed sores went very soon after a few applications of Cutlcura Ointment, and when I used Culi-cur- a Soap and Ointment for my hair It tiegan to regain its former glossy appearance. Mrs. Lavlua J. Henderson. 138 Broad St., Stamford, Conn., March 6 and 12, 1907." 9909,481.02. nets fentlyyot promptcleanses ly ontlie bou els, ue system ojjcctunlly; assists one in overcoming She stood gazing Into empty space. It Works. Once there was a struggling young author who was blest with many frlende, all of whom told him that he waa the coming great writer of the country. Bo one day a bright thought etruck How him. He said: "I will publish my book, and all my friends who admire it so much will buy my book, and I will be rich." So be printed bis book. And all of hie frlende waited for him to send them autographed copies of bis book. And so his books were sold as Junk. And ever after he didn't have any friends. Success. habit u al constipat i on nermnnently. To get its, oeneficiul ejjects buy tbe donuine. JigStrupCo. SOLD Blf LEADING DRUCdSTS-SOtfarBO- SIGK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pllle. They alou relieve Die trena from Pyupepale, la, .Duration and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect edy ft Dliilnma, Hair aa. llrowulneaa. Bad Tante In the If out h. Coal ed Tnugue, Pain In How's This? ne W offer One Hundred Iioiliri Rcwurl far Mr Experienced minora Just returned Mm of (.'ulorrS Uul cuunut bo eurod by Hull? from the new mining discoveries on Lourrb Cure. F. J. CHKNFT CO., Totedo, O. Hornet creek, alwiit twenty miles Wo, tho tuuUntfMd, but kn.'Oi K. J. Cliouer SariholMt lSraon. iuii believe l.liu perfertlr northwest of Council, Idaho, report It lu all bualnrau tniiMc.iluuu and flaaurlally do, TOHPID LIVKHi one of the richest strikes in the state. able io carry mu uy nbllumliiiif made ly LU firm. They ragulete tbe Howcla. Iuruly Vegetable a kiXNAx Waliiikii. MlUVIU, to $63 Assays show values of from 96 WbulCMIe l.ruuulvu, T.ilcdn, O SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICEe Hell'l Catarrh Cura la lakra l.ueruelljr, to the ton of free gold. the blnod and u.ucoua turfacec of Uto directly bjxiu inlessees have The cyetrui. Trtliunlcle cent free. 1'rlco IlMuleuar Genuine Muit Bear Out lie. Hold hr all llrunuliu. augurated an important deep mining taka UaU'c raudlr ftili ft auaiUpailoo. Signature project at their new shaft recently on vein Hills Mazuma on the Btarted Wrong Selections. the Therien ground, at Seven Troughs, doesn't that man get on In Why Nevada. The shaft is to be sunk 800 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Confidences. politics? He seems capable and Into 600 feet deep as fast as possible. Mrs. Gratnmercj- I married for love dustrious." The metallic mineral deposits of and it lasted only a year. Yes," answered Senator Sorghum; DAISY FLY KILLER Mrs. Park Pshaw ! I married for "he Is all that. But he showed bad Mohave county. Arizona, were known LASTS THE E when before we it all blew in as long ago as the early sixties, money, and TIRESEASON Judgment in selecting his opinions. It rich gold ore was discovered in what is months. Smart Set lost week. for dettnif thiifflies. Is Best, ing Murine Eye Remedy A preliminary estimate of 17,710, 00C has since been called the Moss mine, Try ud oru elm in I nr and NMUUl. Hold liyalft For lid. M'mk, Ynrr, Watery Eye. acres of spring wheat sown, or more about four miles northwest of Gold FITS. St. VitnV br lr. llrKlnn-r- . (bBleneriMi bf RoeuT amt Eye Ruin. Inn li.illlr null postpaid for 1. Murine fur FKKK than 631,000 acres more than last Road, near the old Camp Mohave trail. Send , Ia. The 4N All DniKiphU Sell Murine at JL U. aiinu. Ld, tblAn-lts. Nandi on In re, Ut KrftlJI condition rumor definite and the a is mining There ie cucli Ri.llaru year, placing worth i'lte Honk in I'kg. Mas tPBBfclfB'l. Vi winter cent 1 all 86 We Ile.ul Mail will wheat at it. June of circles that the Amalgamated Copper It's easy for a deaf mute to love a in every home. per our Eye Hook Free Write ua against 77.4 per cent a year ago, and Interests will soon be In control of girl more than tongue can tell. We handle ROOT'S Aek y.iiu- Drugeiet. WISE CHE-ILof rye at 91.3 per cent, as against the Utah Copper, Nevada ConsolidatGOODS at Root'a Muriue Kye Remedy Co., Cbiesgo. New agency. Cumberiand-ElMrs. Winslow's Soothing Syron. 93.5 per cent on May 1, la made in ed and companies, For children thn itunjn, twlucM We boy ear Inla. leethlns, auflca wind comthese in KcsbuUia. of cvllu. stock the June grain report. Von pay freight from Lincoln only. Catalog, allays pain, curs, through transfer Good manners are the blossoms of M. PLUMB, Mgr., 1929 N. SL, Uncoil, MIl State Police Officer Otta of panies now held by the Guggenheims. be it added, and, may sense, good truth the fooled are More by people A prominent Salt Lake mining man, Nevada, has been found guilty good feeling, too. Locke. W. N. Uw Salt Lake City, No. 25, 1908. of assaulting Carl Young and fined after a trip to Nevada, is quoted as than by lies. out counted to he I don't want 9100 and costa. The trouble grew saying: of continued 111 feeling between ths as a knocker for any mining region, two men, as Young has been violently but every time 1 go away from home opposed to the presence of the state I become more and more convinced police in Rawhide, and Otta in partic- that there is no such mineral country ular. Otts says he will appeal his anywhere as we have right here in case. Utah." From the Canadian border to MexRequisition papers for M. O. Reed have been issued by Governor Dick- ico there is not a more promising erson of Nevada. Reed has been mining camp than Pearl, Idaho, which in the state of Washington for has larger bodies of ore running from passing fictitious checks in Goldfield 98 to 940 per ton In gold and silver The Kind You Ilave Always Bought, and which lias been several months ago. At the time his than can be found in nearly any minIn use for over SO years, has borne the signatnre of crime was committed he escaped, but ing camp in the whole western minSeat- ing region and show a continuation in few a was arrested ago and has been made under Ills per-Sodays love work, must horse That with depth. Goldfield to returned will be and ALCOHOL S PEK CENT. tle, supervision since its Infancy. ude. 1 The Imlay Mining company shipped trial. for AVcgelablrRrpanilonErAs no one to deceive you In this. Allow so, Egbert?" "Why a car of fine ore from Humboldt Junt-as-goare hut sOntolngttefbodandlteuta Imitations and Many eastern papers are sending inHe's so attached to the wagon.1 All Counterfeits, to smeltei health (log Uk Suoacbs sudBowoi of of the and quiries to the papers of Reno, Nevada last Nevada,and the Ogden at ths trifle wilh endanger Experiments that week, developments 8hs Didn't Know Them. asking for particulars of the tragic Ex Children Infants and Experiment. against pcrlcnco i have been very satisfactory fol Infants Children Marion was toiling bravely upstairs, death of "Nan Harrison, or bettei mine month. Assays of ore at ths the past singthe to as Nan Sutherland, known in hand, ready paper and pencil show that the ore is growing I ask questions of the first person she er, at the hands of William McCaus-land- mine Promotes DignKonflrKiii more valuable as the south drift is no is was There lover. she her Jealous Just six, chanced upon. Being sent into the hill. iKssandRntomaln8KiitKr of the "Inquiring age, and thereupon foundation for the report that she Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, PareAt a cost of 92,400,000 the Tellurids Opium .Morphine nor Mineral Flore of life Patterson one's "Nan be to make endeavored every Is Pleasant. It might the goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Power company has completed Not Narcotic. a burden to them. dors fame. other Narco tie nor contains neither Morphine of Its Opium, unit first gigantic While at Reno last week Clarencs The first person she met waa Worms near Is on destroys its substance. Bear Its age river, guarantee. power plant JkjrfSUJkaaUlWB W. Mackay increased his other gifts Rridget, the upstairs girl. Bwldget, Wind and the Pocsr cures Diarrhoea this in Feverishness. and county, says It Grace, allays she lisped, "pweaee give me the to the University of Nevada by 938,- tello trecures the and Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, Constipation (Idaho) Tribune, JkUkUt-jkmb- ti in the afabet." Bridget repeated 000 for the benefit of athletes. Fifteen mendous resources of the plant will assimilates the Food, regulates the and It "And thousand is for a building for training Flatulency. them slowly and Impressively. be called on to supply power to mines Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. now, Bwldget," the child went on. I quarters and ten thousand is men in Idaho and Utah. The Children's Panacea' Tho Mother's Friend. track. Ths want the letters that are not in the tioned for a quarter-milAnother carload of exceedingly rich a for oi waa thoughtful afabet." Bridget gift is conditional on the raising ore from the Utah Mins me soul, darlin' 91000 by the alumni and the same "Bless moment: ALWAYS I Fish springs property was company's ApBfertRnnrdyforCflnsflpi-tlonchild, she answered, "I don't know amount by the students. sold in Salt Lake last week, under Sour StotoadLDlatrtai them." While driving near Reno, Nevada, controls showing 153 ounces silver and YVormsConvulshmsJevmsk the Signature of Mrs. George Winters shot and killed 43 per cent lead. There was thirty-eigSleep. end Loss Did. of ness Wife What a Dear Little J. A. Beatty, with whom she was ridf tons in the lot and widow had cornered The IkcSinsk SiJnaTO oT ing, took the laxly from the buggy and and the smelter issued a check for the wily widower. drove to Sparks and gave herself up. 93.875.51 in payment for it. Mr. "Ah, you should marry again. Mrs. Winters claimed she shot In sell j A wonderful mineralised ledge is NEW YORK. Primrose," she whispered in her most defense. Heatty was a business man attracting considerable attention like are Widowers tones. wife persuasive of Sparks and the woman is the among mining men in tbe Boise basin. meptM!;. bachelors they come home at night of Georg:' Winters, a son of the late This ledge, with its prominent surface in a heap. Theodore Winters, and toss iheir clothes all the prominent outcroppings of quarts, can be trae.-You should have a dear linlo wife to horse hretder. for hundreds of feet across the Mc,&uaranUtAwATtiicK3jj go through your clothes." Following a dispute over the title Kinley and Great Divide properties at In Over widower, the wily "Thanks," replied to a mining claim. Martin Lorenzo, Jupiter mountain. Assays recently VMS TV iMUfrNIT, UIVNMim Exact of went wife Copy Wrapper, shot and killed Jack obtained show values that run into tersely, "but my last I a prospector, TOJKdli.jA.TBBgS through them so completely that Dell, bis former partner on Happy the high figures. didn't have carfare in the morning." The uews comes from Great Falls, creek, in Nevada. Dell and met in the hills and a dispute ensued. Mont., that the electrolytic smelter Hell pointed his rifle ut liorenzo, de-- of the Boston & Montana, one of ihe ho would shoot, whereupon Copper companies, will daring Poor coffee has to be Uircnzo fired, toppling Dell from his Amalgamated ho closed down for two month!;, durthen walked to bis ing which time the. Boston & Montana horse. sold in bulk, it isnt worth two more shots mine in Hutto will remain closed, unfoe. A powder to bo shaken into tho shoes. Your feel feel swollen, filing prostrate into bis body. hot and get tired easily. If von linvo aching, smarting can be made to hanless arraimemonts packing. and makes new or Suit has been filed In the United dle the ore of the company at Ana-feet-- try Allens root-Ens- c. It rests tlio ' Your fjrrxrr returns your moi.ey :t you don't JJre.-iSlmes. It cures New in to usn Siates court in Rut to by JnsUre of con da. Five thousand men are af-it shoes ti'dit ; always euy we f I"1, like Schillings He and cullous nails the Peace Patrick Colligiui, represent- footed by the Mish rs, ingrowing swollen, lint, sweating feit, of Walkerville, asking the new and ull pow-- 1 and of h people The unions corns and compressor IlclicvtH ing plsnt gives Rest self jmin own Kjiots. This above all; to thine that the zinc mill of the lx Francs er drills at the Indian Queen coin- while you walk. Wo have over thirty cures as the It Comfort and follow, must it and h" true; by F. A pane's property in Reaver county went ' Sold by all Druggists thousand tesiimiTiiidd. Try it " it the day, bou an.l 'located upon the Ltxlng-fa.s- into commission last week, and the lelim rents. Don't arept any sulistil ute for Allens everywhere to any man. Shakespeare. Waikmllle, be foe work of pushing the tunnel will now Allen S. Olmsted, Trial jmckngo FHKIi A'ldrc-sslir1lry infrom operating, that he accomplished at a much faster clip pYt-enjoined Drnrn-Ytcihf Y. Office, N. trough, England. Kurojx-nli Le a y, than was possible by ihe old stylo Wolkervilln tuny once more become Scores of Kucci- -s Lrings imitations. mc'hnd of drilling. I'.t piaee of residence. A UWTWf"1 worthless imitations nro sometimes liSFrl.iw.iwli Within a radius of half a mile there daughter The pretty a. Tho t offered for sale. upon buying Allen's Foot-Eiisof W. - Raker, owner of a moving pic- are now three oil wells producing in tho beforo Twelve tho for feet public. years Original jmwder ture show at Moscow, Idaho, shot the Virgin river oil fields, in WashingAnnutd wiles over two million packages. Do not accept twice at William Martinson and Ira ton county, Utah. Two of the welis 1. Imitations Moreridge, two young "dandles, who are controlled by the Virgin Illver Oil I'ould new wlin never bo is and the the third an to company, make appointment sought for Allen's the plucky girl and her younger sis- well just brought in hv the 1sraffino Vi i gin Oil company. ter. Fool-Eiwand insi-s- t ujion having it siml'-ntat of the Utah the Twenty-fivand in 14 wages To saie cent packages i.O Allcn'b''oot-l'.ns- o is wild only in llemeiuber, Fame time control to some extent the univarsity have pitched their tents with bar trade mat k and facsimile signature label yellow . dust which troubles travelers Is the near the Yankee mine in East They wlil spend several weeks plan of M. J. Ruckley. general superthe mine and workings of of the Navigation, Oregon studying intendent Free Rumple of the who this vear proposes to allow weeds tin; new smelter of Tlntlc. ProfesKilil by all DrujnrWts everywhere for 25 cents. For TRUE Trial pocknt-iwMross Alim fl. Olmsted. Le Jioy, H. E to grow along the tracks wherever U sors T. C. French and F. J. Pack SANITARY k new invent kave charge of tbe party. is possible. j Frye-Sandif- ths-M- l Fae-Simi- le - Itln-aw- Kluu-'hl.n-- Snr.i1-SM.tl.- I F.'.UU i Mn-rt- llilad-llna- ee . 50i-te- . A to-da- - prt-ri- -. y Raw-hide- a , d nal sto-tlon- , od What Is CASTOR , It It hydro-electri- o MrW - lefc-ter- AfcwW-(MdAv- e A fa lead-silv- CASTOR A GENUINE . Sean ht one-hal- leap-yea- r The KM You Have Always Bought 30 Use For CIOT-.U- . IV, Lori-nz- COFFEE I F00T j : Ijorv-nz- ; , jK'i-vuus- , I ft-e- , j t j V shut-dow- j j ill-l- e li--" , Foot-Naso- . r i W i slxten-year-ol- wJ Im-m- i I- i o, e 2-- Tin-tic- e FOOT-KAS- HORN-PA- R, " Years |