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Show ' f t j : VOL. 1. . S v. 4 f i. NO. 6 MILFORD. BEAVER COUNTY. UTAH. FRIDAY. JUNE 19. 1908 $2.00 PER ;YEAR At the count this afternoon Miss EASTERN STAR DULY INSTALLED Matheson was leading in the race by 820 votes, with Miss Pitchforth BEAVER COUNTY MINES AND MINING a close second. The vote stands as 6rai)d Lodge Officers of Ladies Braid of follows: Kaoos Instate Chapter at Milford 2180 Gene Matheson Lice, Interesting Mining Neu's Qathered from the Various 1560 Ella Pltchfoith aid lasfall Officers. 900 Keasie Skillicorn 1 lining Districts of Beaver County. 400 Lizzie Ferguson 255 Lucille Stoddard Tuesday morning tbe grand lodge 203 Officers Arrive frem Boston and officers of the Order of Eastern War, Rath Moore ...J Ben Thompson and Will Goff who ing at the rate of eight to ten feet a EwiytMag Moving Along Nicely Hellen Sherwood.. with a number of lay members, ar170 are leasing on the lloosier Boy pro- day. Just at the present time, the in rived Milford infor 25 Martha Taylor the purpose of Square Up All Old Debts For the Celebration at shipped a ear of ore Saturday tunnel is in a rather easily broken stituting a subordinate lodge. The perty, This contest is proving one of the will no doubt bring them in material, henee this exceptional prowhieli visitors were met at the train by the moat interesting features of the comsome good returns. Against Company gress is reported. Nevertheless, the Milford the Fourth committee appointed for that puring celebration and those who have a ia doing well the work equipment sad were escorted to the homes pose favorite candidate will h ave to hurry on The shaft the is Mowitza to intended be that it should do. The face of the various memliers where they if they hope to have her win. Dont to a 200 sunk of of feet the is now in 565 feet-and tunnel the depth were entertained during their visit. fail to get in the game tomorrow and is work done contract. lieing This WILL by RESUME OPERATIONS Those who cable down to install the boost your favorite. contract was given to J. II. Lightner A party of stockholders in the MoCONTEST IS WARMING UP new chapttr were: Youll be lonesome if you dont R.L. Connelly, grand worthy itatron who is working a number of men on witza company arrived from Duluth come to Milford to celebrate on the the property. Kali Lake (Itv. of Sunday morning and made an inGlorious Fourth. Just read the folMrs. Gertrude flutton, grand worthy ibn 'of the projterty. The party spect lowing program and see whats going Claims are Paid Dollar (or Dollar matron, of Ogden. Duane Wheeler of Duluth, Minn., consisted of Alfred Merritt, president Much Interest is Bong Taken in to be doing. Mra, Minnie Haslett, associate has decided to locate here and and Operations are to be Reengage of the company, and Judge J. T. grand matron, of Ogden. PROGRAM the Goddess of Liberty ConMrs. Anna B. Marwick, grand con- in his profession as mining engineer. Hall, Thomas Handilanda, John E. Sunrise Salute of 47 guns by John sumed at the Property in Mr. Wheeler is a capable man and will Merritt, and Lewis II. Merritt all of ductress. of Salt Uke City. Kirk $nd assistants. Mrs. Creech, acting grand marshal, be a test and Voting is op in splendid addition to the mining whom are stockholders. They spent the Next Thirty Days. of Sal Lake City. Raising, at sunrise, by commitFlag interests of Beaver county. Sunday and Monday in company with "cUnS grand sentinel, Earpnt Now, tee pf six boys under the direction of Salt Lake City. Superintendent V. J. Merritt, looking of E, 0. Baxter. Mrs. lligson, grand lecturer, of Bob Tarbet was in from over the various properties in the Star the Kitty 9:30 a. in. Grand Street Parade, The Majestic people arrived from Salt Lake City. Mrs. Conpiu, acting grand warder, Clough Tuesday and went to Halt lake district and were quite enthusiastic headed by the Milford band and a Boston From all . indications Milford will as stated they of Salt Uke Monday moving on the evening train. He stated that over the showings of the mines. All have one of the largest crowds on float carrying the Goddess of Liberty would, by The News last week. The Mrs. K. O. City. of Salt Lake C t another clean-u- p had Kejej just been made tho gentlemen expressed themselves and thirteen little girls representing party consisted of W. p, Elwell presiMrs. Ryan of Salt Lake City. the Glorious Fourth ever experienced at the Estella Mill which proved more as confident of the values of the MoIn the afternoon the meeting was satisfactory than the first. in the history of the town. When the thirteen original states. dent, J. M- Bailey, one of the exwitza and Bed Warrior and instructed the guns are fired at surise the people After the psrsdp tjip following pro- ecutive committee and Mr. Bmith, a opened and initiatory work done and the superintendent to prosecute the from far and near will know that gram prijl bp rpndprpd gt the opera heavy stockholder, all of Boston. officers wore elected and installed. The Duluth Exploration Co., which work vigoruudy on these properties. ihp bigcplpbration in Milford is start- housp: The party left for Los Angeles WedThey were accompanied by E. E, At the evening session those exudi- - ceased operations last fall for lack of Chase, a mining expert from Denver, dates who were unable to be present ing, jpid just jjs pip pp'l jsrtejngtri-pjnpntl- y l. Selection by the Band nesday morning and will visit Rawfunds, this week Rev. P. E, Carter A meeting was held at tho office of in Invocation sip all old in- hide and other famous initiated and debtedness. W. paid oypf pgp jninprglizefi eaat-t- P pvro camps before J. Merritt received Solo, "Star Spangled Banner J. A. Ingots in the morning and ar- the woik fully to Duluth. Bixtecn the necessary funds the first HbWtydoving exemplified. returning Barlow Ferguson rangements made for oftjie settling all out- ww initiated and a number were week and at once pgtrlotie AWPm yoptfis will iae to settle Inof proceeded of Declaration the Reading claims he old taken in by demit. There are several the banner of freedom and let the standing against Wm. McIIale,the veteran prospector up the aceounta. It is not the intenWm. Armstrong dependence company. As a result all creditors candidate to yet bo taken in and tion to start refreehlng breezes of this sunny clime com- and miner of Frisco, waa in Milford at the operations Glee Club the by Singing were in full and the new com- sone other old members will get unfurl to the admiring eyes of cur .Hon. W. F. Knox pany paid Oration starts out entirely (rep from demit- from their chapter and deposit panys property, at least for the Monday en route to Beaver to attend patriotic citizens, the flag for which court. He is the owner of the Ban present. Audience debt, The officers gnd SiUeipg, '.iAmericp our fathers fopgfit $ijl blpd, the Expert Chase them with the Milford chapter. The Antonio mine which adjoins the Selection fiy thp Band visited the properties in company name .dnpled was Ruth chapter U. D, riorjoufi'fgrs n& ptrippe. lib is then and Carbonate properties. Rattler is Merritt St Choir with Engineer Ipgcls and made a Milford, Utah, and the L, D, Superintendent continuing pipt the good ppople rop tpnround-jp- g 10. Singing chapter ia how the work at the Red warrior of the San Antonio Mr. In speaking with Tgnper Pinfcpp Cloaiup frgypr towns will ppgfn to jtrrjvp to p$r-If- i thorough examination. They were duly organized and yUrM out in a stated Mcllale that he had a shaft AfffWWW paoupag all quite well satisfied with the find- most 1'romiiuir condition. Regular small force of men and the showing is 25 on the property PTfflPPlPPtby about feet down more m. ever. He than encouraging ings but had not yet decided upon a locating will be held on the first and tiia program cpjnplttoa tor this occa- Music by the Band at l:ao p. on an eight a and to had 12 ore the 16 to cut 50 good showing within race for the expects ledge years (2 definite plan of operation. Mr. Chase j third Tuesday evenings of each month boys yard sion. It is then that Milford will in copper, about $30 foot Aside next week. from work and second third vein, the carrying first, money. purse, is more extensivply in vpstigating tbe The oJlitvrs demonstrate to the outside world that vero elected ana is a conThis vein and lead. silver 12 Mr. 16 to yean (2 PfOpertlps and will make a thorough j inrH 50 yard race for girli Merritt a contract being done by she is the only real live town in t.are as follows: contact vein of Cactus the tinuation am for to second a third shaft considerable sinking in a feW pys. ern Utah, and that she know how to purse, first, report to i.410 company east of crosses and ' south and on this 100 yard has been $3 Elephant property depth given refi, fioyp pypr16 yean, her Engineer Insrol? fill go over the to L. A. Erickson, who has several canyon. As nearly as can be learned pjjBgorljjr carp fpf spd pptprtfin purse, flnt and sppopd money. on jus return from gait Labe ground 12 this vein is continuous from Elephant men at work. to years and blqck out the woffc s outlined Boys and gjrip1 japfs, fherp priU bp nP potrance fee to be to Cedar and is known to carry of canyon Sports from the findings of thp officials and gmngpd chairman pbargpd fpr participating in any ol as In past years some.grade-ore- , acknd high givpn from Letmt reporta compiittep the Indian pupps the report of Mr- Chase. If ig expect' (dcome W1 tfeg ttpPT like eight million dollars haa cordingly, foy whit)1 fiP i8 Sppr- ed that operations will be resumed at Queen in Beaver county indicate that thing p pptpr M wpll a8 tfee popip people. the now compressor and auxiliary air been taken out of the Rattler and some one of the properties within the prijw-- ' pomfprtM Potato liiEty pf Carbonate and smelted at Frisco. 19 Id to race, boys yean, next thirty days, but how extensively equipment recently installed is doing resting places will be provided for The San Antonio consists of eight 12. in a most intended for it work the or at which property was not fhjy the occasion, and an abundance of purse and is conttidcrd a valuable Wheelbarrow nee, purse fl.50 decided upon . Little nold ji learned satisfactory manner. Maragnr Evans claims good lemonade (not circus lemonade) Sack 16 12 to and race, boys yean, stated that the work was now progress- - property. tiis time but it will be supplied to everyone free. fromthg rfi1.??1 8 to 12 yean, purse $2.50 boya y was stated that the out float will of music, Sweet strains positively Fat mep y;p, prizpfl vafap proposed to T(wiupe Fork at a in Milford as a manipulator of the pnon thp brppifl thpugfiout tjipen-W- P Fat womens race, Grimes is doing Salt prizp $1 value as develand that egrly silYiwiipnpd ilgta tfcp posable "pasteboard and "ivory, was taken djy frym Broad jump, over lq yp pro, ptirse 2 opment v'ork wovld ha carried on to Pf thp Milford band, and this into custody by the detectives on the 1$ $2 considerable extent. parse oypf Running jump, to ypfti the piilps fllppo ia worth traveling charge of working the old fake foot Clothes Ranging contest, by young Messrs Elwdl, Bmith and Ingols bear. In this celebration the childMrs. S. D. Atkin is visiting relatives, race game on an innocent sucker last ladies, purse l went to Salt Lake last night. The American Fork this week. at fall. Of the affair the Herald has the ren, God bless them, have not been greased pole, prize on top two former gentlemen wiU return to Engine 3803 will be taken into the to say: overlooked, as numerous sports have Climbing a fur week the shops general coming of the pole Miss Ella Pitchforth went to Minors-vill- e following Bpstop, while Mr. ingols will return overhauling. been provided for their special bene"M. alleged to be one of the Levy, few visit a days yesterday for qyjpnpr takps home Saturday morning when it ia pig, grpaspd Catching worked a systematic dance who at bunco gang fit gn wpll a I It is expected that three more with friends. the cm J. I. Edwards that some plan of operation machinists race foot take expected force game will the opera house P Ul aftprepon. 300 pit eow to be the added Mrs. E. C. Baxter entertained the pony race, five to enter will be more fully decided upon. yard of Logan, here in a few dsys. saloon wellknown a In the evening the current from the keeper Ladies Aid society of the M. E. church to start, purse $5.00 three was arof out will $3,000, him Beaver River Power Co.s plant swindling Eleven Japs were laid off this week, yesterday afternoon. Saddling and running race, rider to DetecTaft is N.injled Ballot. afternoon rested by Fjrd be turned on and hundreds of incanTuesday but will probably be put on again the h saddle and bridle horse, double Misa Arbertine James came down tive Fred Shulz. Iivy is charged by - first of the month, Seestate that descent electric lights will brilliantly advices cinch, ran 15Q yard? gnd ypturp apd Telegraphic from Frisco Friday evening to visit the complaint which was sworn to rotary Taft was nominated for Pres-- MachinSljto B E E,K,6 .(,nt to Salt illupinate the streets. A grand free unsgfidlp, pprpP with Mrs. C. T. Martin. last Heptemljer by Edwards with house ident, on tho republican ticket, at the tyjll jviij bP giypn at the oppfp Wednesday to take in the big Firepipnli hose contest, run 100 yards, National convention larceny. A few hoursonafter a'iii at b? fnrplsb.pd by and tppsip Chicago yes- II, ( T. celebration. Miss LaVrrne Tanner of Nephi is grand $200 100 feet of hose and get water he was released arrest his lay fskffifcorns fapious tfio orchestra, terday on the first bgllot, The uom- - Machinists Joe Nash brought his in Milford and will visit several weeks Pune $25.00 ination Wit9 ffiade unanimous on a family down from Halt Lske Monday with her brothers, Kb and Dave TanLew is said to be a cousin of The big ptrpet paradp in the morn- Base ball $25.00. game, purse ner. Hutch- Cassidy, the notorious slid second ballot amid loud applause to Iwoome residents of Milford, ing will be one of the leading features For the hpst makp-n- p of ragamuffin daring road agent whose record as a which continued for several minutes. of tfio day and frll consist of the Foreman Cottrell is taking a lay off Bishop Murdock and wife returned train robber is probably longer than pH?8 Pf P will be a the during day pniform, tfilfofll bapd n fpll and has joined his family at Hunt-- to Beaver this morning after a weeks that of any other western criminal, awarded, visit with their daughter, Mrs. . II. levys home 1h in Beaver county, a float carrying the Goddess pf Liberty ington, Oregon, for a short visit. marshal of stpvp DeWolfo. Fotheringham where until recently he was the proKid thirteen little gifls representing the Kearns marie atrip toj "Micky of a saloon. day, the Ills original thirteen atat&Ft pity Mrs. Wilson Smith, daughter of Mr. prietor When ho was brought to the police addition to the school building to le lTpton Thursday all by his lonesome. oocBsion was. anc! Mrs. Dan Ferguson, will return station bv the officer, a "flash roll mayor and board of trustees, the erected at Milford, Beaver county,: Ihm't know what the Fill Hart the Lav Enforced. to her home in Provo tomorrow was found on the prisoner. This roll floats of various Are department, . in-Wm. D. Smith, maehujst helper, evening. will he reeeivpd up to and I tab, Milford to is a become That consisted of one or two bills wrapijed "dry citizens clowns and L189 asked for a business houses, thirty day layoff and eluding June 20, 1W, at the office of town and "lid that will the be newspajter rolled up. The Sunday with lxw to to visit in carriages. Angeles Miss (!orlett returned from a short of Trustees of Milford Board the so popcer-nedjy on, fjr 1? gambling Immediately following the parade there is little doubt. The red light School District at Milford, Utah. an excellent program will be rendered district is also to be abolished and Plans and siweiflcations may he pt the pppra house, including the ora- Milford is to become a model of 1 town, seen at the office of the Hoard tion of the day by one of Utahs rebid of Each district. Trustees said a for month. about P. a moral from B, standpoint. d orators, Hon. nowned riy1n'Aug-cheeko- f is )t the hfgd of the moveThe hal1 t?am 5h ont practicing wero Mrs. Wilson Smith of Provo and'jhirUw Itoylo Jnpr rented fheamonntof William F. Knox of Beaver, ?nd the McKeon is the pro- Edwards to do to itH a t.in.h theyll Miss Laura Ellison of Frisco. ment he and stated nd a ust gll these, niK,lt year ago. (,vi.ry of ndepen: reading of the Declaration billiard BertNieliols to two made the and liid, for saloon a the of a run town payable the up he all boys had called .jvi. upon came prietor Anderson several dunce by our noble townsman who The News that in Miss interested Fourth! is and School 011 Milford Josephine )iaiM District, thp treasurer, nmnsy the town and county officials in idown from Newhouse Monday after a!mjne. e is or. rather was, prior fought bravely for his oountry under to these matters and had also regard bidder will In nqnirel Thp and week's visit with Mrs. Harry Henson. asked j,jH footracing experience consid-wer- e the Stars and Stripes in the early Hie one half amounl hitS Piv ffr ccrk. V. A. she will lie tho guest of Rev. and Mrs. ,rwi tj,e Logan sporting authority. Judge Greenwood to call a grand jury of contract sixties, lion. William Armstrong. Right reserved to last price. of Tlio IiarticiUars of the swindling for the purpose indicting the!n.J(vt any r all of toe Come to Milford to celebrate and McKeon Mr. said the that is Jefferson entertaining game worked by Levy and his pals Mr. "youll be as welcome as the flowers gamblers. Mr. Fleckenstein, who has had aJ a Henry were favorable for the grand this afternoon, arc pretty well known to tlie people chances part-in May. of the overhauling of the Mrs. Willis of Beaver county and need no f charge her holllP sisters, but in case to be called, pothing Newhouse Sbay engine No. at , MlHN McDonald. The iiarlor was Interest in the Goddess of Liberty jury ' town this time. There was was the and dong fiy county spent Sunday at New house. contest increases rapidly as the him- - mwlo" alHWI 110 to take the that ba official9: proposed K Salt Deposits. Chilean time for ripsing draws hear, puring Great matter up with the governor. Hci l.evy and his pais working tho game The salt dcpcslia of (Idle are thr the week jnapy changes have occurrwifi but we cannot see why the Halt Lake he keep hammering awgy greatest in the world. The Sulai ed in the positions of the candidates, says "lid on the oflLers waited until this late date to fie until Mri gets tight. Grande mine In liio province of Tara - held Mestlames, Ingols, Di Me and it is hard to even guess who will ' That them. Is by matter make the arrest. ' Levys whereabout this with McKean jpto Of going miles south and east pans, about he the Winner Of the quernshlp, It a determination to spprcc heartily grium was certainly known to them all the suppress gambling of i,,,iiqm.. covers an area of Srt.iiot gm-- without saying. has been decided by the committee Bardslcy and Bu- - time. From a distance it looks as if stoddanl, of ill fame and insist that acres In the depth of 2T. feet. Thlr and houses Misses Eva williams, in charge that the vote will be posted force in Zion a the law is enforced. Inasmuch as the IhnIv of salt is marly pure and con of All tlie clerks in the different stores; chimin', ami Anderson and Ella llnten- - it took the detective at 5 oclock tomorrow afternoon for law ia on his side of the Josejihtne store beep have the dejisrtnn-ntout. tons 14.ttnn.onn.nnn of more their dreams. than year to come question there tains eidlid to Ange.les. iiereatUT all ings. the last time until the close of the ia little doubt hut he will like "dog eat looks whole in or enonch to supply the world's de tlii1 clerical work succeed The thr thing pertaining toI hem contest at 10 o'clock. Votes will be mands for many dorados. There arc sti.re havc"bit wouldnt at for Zisa. he Edwards "Pinched done is movement. will the Levy Mirthill hy dog sold at all the stores until 9 oclock several ober dciKisits in the interjm eh rksdepartment fnnn the Los Angeles office had he not lsen in tins on tho game we learn Lake Salt tho From )apcr that cover tap or three tinea the area We lose from Milfonl our genial () ' I sftfr whicji all votes piust bp fjst'si sure thing business himself. i A. Wilber. -that Marshall Levy, who la wellknown 20 of tbo above. tifyoae contest plosps. until bank tfip thp !T MAJESTIC WILL HAVE PAYS OFF BIG CROWD J St . - . - on i a r - , -- . I -- .. ! F - a4 i ppn-pan- ! ipstru-mspt- ff PWns j iil. - . dM 1 ' i , j silver-tongue- aUim ; ' j I I 1 Sort nhirt-wai- 1 thi-s- st e ;hitilrf'JnBl'riliB,eftortl!lir8rtirny ! j safs sssvajsrjrfeji: s - Is (. |