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Show Every loaf has the crown label. is headquarters in Southern Utah for all kinds of Groceries and Faracv Staple all kinds of FRESH, SALT and SMOKED MEATS, Fresh and Salt Fish, Chickens etc. Strawberries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in their Season U .li St'irt a nice lawn at JEFFEISIN your home this spring. We have FLOWERS. beautify your yard. THE LEADER full line of garden BEAVER COUNTY NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY at Milford, Heaver County. Utah. Mareli 10, 1771, (2.00 ITlirco Months IV. L. 50c 1.00 Sample (ojiies sent free on request. Advertising rail's made known on application. ELSWICK, l,ditor and Manager When the county seat is moved to Milford, which of course will lie at no far distant date, a court house will lie creeled of native marble nicely polished. This may sound like a fairy tail, but its on the square, Iteeuuse our friend llilly Mclfale, and hes Irish at that, has promised to furnish the material free, from his marble quarry at Frisco. Of courso "Hilly consulted Iho burros on the hill and the Hired (iirl before making the liberal proposition. i The indications are that this will lie a banner year in the mining dustry of Beaver county. Nearly all the properties are now working with results, and it is expected that within the next few days a force of men will be employed at the Majestic properties. All the old claims and li- ns against the company have been paid and the new officers are here to With the Moscow, Cedar, Hub, Red line the work at the properly and oilier Talisman Warrior, proiH'rties getting in the shipping class, and the Majestic mines getting back to business, there is little doubt but that the Star district will make an immense showing within the next few months. .V.ide from the mines the chances arc favorable for the railroad to largely increase its shop capacity at Milford, and it is more than likely that the hig irrigation project, which has lieen contemplate! for sonic time, will be started during the summer. All these will furnish employment to hundreds of men and will mean the distribution of a great deal of money in Milford u.id Beaver county. Let's get busy now and boost for a Greater Milford. i - AKXIVERSMY OF THE NATIONAL FLAG. laist Sunday was Day in this grand und glorious nation, but as i. v. as Sunday, the observance of the day was passed over, and Monday was Iho day to be celebrated as tlie anniversary of tlie date of the establishment of the National FTag. In Milford no sscial observance was had but i his by no means indicates that our citizens are unpatriotic or disloyal to the Stan and (Stripes, the emblem of our country. We noticed with pleasure t hut a number of our jteoplo hoisted Old Glory on this occasion and let Iho breezes unfurl tlie grand emblem of our freedom and the iicrsonal independence (under the law) of everyone in tlie great family of mankind who wells within our lioiindaricH. Milford is composed of a patriotic citizenship and the Flag of our nation is revered by every one. Tins origin of tho flag wan in tlie following resolution, adopted by the Congress in session at- Philadelphia on June It, 1777: Resolved, That tlie flag of the thirteen United States lie thirteen striH's, alternate nil and white; that tlie union be thirteen stars wlme in a blue Held, representing a new constellation. Jt lias sometimes been suggested that Hie Mars ami IS tripes as a National 11 of the flam ilton FJ3ro tun jfmerican Sentleman and American Fadij famous a star or constellation. In pursuance to the resolution adopted by Congress as above, Congress appointed General George Washington, Colonel George Ross, and Robert Morris a committee authorized to design a suitable flag for the Nation. pursuant to the resolution already adopted. The committee called upon ra itoss, who was conducting an upholstering business on Arch street, Phiiade'pliia. Washington had frequently called upon Mrs. Ross on his own account, says a standard history of the flag, before his appointment as of the army, and knew her skill with the needle, having employed her to embroider his Bliirt ruffles and do needle work of other kinds, lie showed her a rough draft of the flag and explained it to her. stars shown in the design, and suggested Sue objected to the stars would lie better. Washington redrew the design, and that ot her minor changes were made. Washington said that he preferred a star that would not be an exact copy of that on his coat of arms, and he But Mrs. star would be easier made. also thought that a star Itoss demonstrated the contrary, and the ease of making a by folding a piece of paper and producing one by a single clip of her scissors. That the flag was not meant by Washington to be a copy of his coat of arms is evident from liis sentiment and explanation, vis: 'Wo take the star from Heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing liberty. Tlius adopted, the flag lias always been the flag of the Nation, the only change lieing in the number and arrangement of the stars. For the most-parthe stars have lieen in parallel rows, but the Betsy Ross flag, reported in pursuance of the resolution quoted, arranged the stars in a circle in the ojien Hold. On the fourth day of July every year, when a new state has been admitted into the Union since Independence Day of the year before, a new star is added to the flag. The latest addition at this time is the star for Utah. But on tlie coming Fourth of July a new star will be put in to. represent Oklahoma. The constellation will then contain forty-si- x stars, and they will be arranged in tour rows of eight each and two rows of seven each. . Here's to the Mars and Stripes, may she forever wave oer the land oi tlie free and tlie home of tli4 brave, and may Flag Day become one of the most prominent holidays of the country. HO E and a choice line of yjtens (Bio thing at prices io suit all. .Vflso five-point- ed six-xinte- in- Jj (Barrtj a complete line more than three years prior to the resolution of Congress Milford is situated in tlio richest mining district in the gnat Common- establishing the Stars and Strips. The song was written for a celebration in wealth of Utah and is the metroiudis of Soul hern Utah. She is surrounded commemoration of the Costou Massacre of March 5, 1770, the authors verses ly valuable farm lands and is adapted to stock raising, fruit growing, etc. on this siint 1 icing as follows: A day of bright glory now beams from afar, Milforb is the gateway to the great Dixie fruit district and the famous The American eusign now sparkles a star Virgin oil fields. Which shall shortly flame out through the skies. This, however, was prophetic. None of the flags in use at that time had RATES: C arton Bros... Hags were many in nmnt)er and various in design. The Continental flag was composed of thirteen alternate ml and white stripes, representing the United Colonies, and the subjoined crosses of Bt. George and St. Andrew in a blue canton; this was llrst raised on Prospect Hill, Cambridge, January 1, 1770. Its origin has never been traced. But the suggestion for a star or a constellation for the ensign is traced to a song in the Massachusetts Spy of Published every Friday afternoon by seed. Milford , Utah standard were copied from the coat of arms of Washingtons family; but, though both devices are in each, there is no evidence that there was any connection between the two. The fact, probably, is that the devices natur-ail- y grew out of the emblems that had become familiar. The old colonial THE PEOPLES PAPER Coe Year Six Months Lawn hose; also Roses and Carnations a specialty. Telephone No. 20 County IRcws SUBSCRIPTION You need garden implements to care for your garden We are agents for a Los Angeles firm for FRESH CUT that will grow and leaver "are Hoes Rakes and Shovels Lawn Seed TLhc We Also Hardware, Tinware, Crockery, China and Glassware the leaders in general merchandise in Southern Utah. d live-point- ed Boys Suits, in ages from three to sixteen years 00 7C(ntf( vu. I J pH Alen s and ladies fnrnisftinqa drugs, notions, etc. A New and Fresh Stock of Groceries EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK IS SALE DAY WITH US Get Our Prices before Buying If you want a meal that will suit your The Beaver County News has the taste, you can find it at Hotel Atkin best equipjied office in Southern Utah and Restaurant. tf and is prepared to handle all 1- -4 classes of printing. We have power presses which will soon lie operated with electricity and are therefore Advertising iu the Beaver County to handle work with rapidity News brings rcsul is. because it reach- prepared as well as in a workmanlike manner. es the consumers. Call up plume 28--3 Our prices are as low as is consistent and let us tell you about our rates. with lirstrclass work. Your business is respectfully solicited and we guarantee satisfaction and courteous and our plant Jeftvrson m, tytonc Jo, jguil stationery. Barton Bros. j jfcg Jtj JJ for StlbSCffpf lOfl. |