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Show ... with foree of money in no way altera the jirons.s nor does it permit the result to vary. On the surface ail is corBediality and peaceful negotiation. iai strife, lie imtr.emoi KUtne neath is i the struggle pi'.ih'. -VOTES COUITED his lielnveil father unlimited piipiet You know absolutely whon you his club, to say nothing of regenerata Diamond or Watch of uothat buy ing the family bateau. Yet these are TAFT It ia tha bast and absolutely guarhardly mailers to lie gnisiped of. It anteed, and that tho prlco Is low. is enough t.i know ih.t the liaron il.itl.lliit ii.txorai I. l.ll.iilc w he li discovers elf at liii.ie What v util I have been a hostile Miss llines Three of the 213 Votes Contested n,. hi oiac wl'.l.in the city's gates, hut,l(lil .ii.le .Ml s liigiee. Iwiomes Only Get is l Away From the Secretary, and for the niattir of a lew eeuluries. sul'.irniiie limn has for some time re which au They Go to Foraksr. his to r.'isrt example wont, lie dues tint forget i.iiv, , structure noble a us. loneerus diMip;oi:i:menis. hut desperately 170 on Riverside drive, facing the lordly snaps his swarthy jaws in commend-Hudso- n pronounce, the and the majestic Talisades j.,;,. ST Kate IAIN afternoon adverse fate. y io Friday Chicago. any slmplj cal.ej l.er "lirar" that form Its farther wall. And. lor Iht in her utii'ti, luimium OhluktT, was Republican national cummin ee com"What's the latest ? Bile to lubhle 1: : naire. but UTAH SALT LAKE CITY, ir.ij luuiii! ti ,,lou awfull) queer." "Pajia was on the verge of collapse the horde of Goths anJ Visigoths. pi't'MMii under terms of honorable truce, pleted the hearing of all contests sub'bis morning, and yet he was striving Huns and Vandals, drtinkenly reeling willingly and without ulterior motive mitted. and turned its attention to Now every enc kr.ow il.at by Korean law, w lildi em.iioi so liravely and nobly to bear up. No in the fitful light of camp fires, chant- uawng as he coiifi-SM-other matters, lt has been in session Le gauisaiii. to himself for la consuming desire to see how the for sevn days of actual work, and The hubby take bis iru.- wifes name the one knows what that man suffers; it ing weird battle runes, fighting un-- : iiiunu ni tt.ai they me wed; ,,.r jlaIf uV(1 him gloomy all the time about captive vestals, and bickering In ll(, wag nw ionBer has decided contests Involving 319 Bo pity the lut uf this wretched Hess whn intakes over spoils, the couth I golden hunted on the temimrary roll call. These was before he uud tongues Just jibe left, everything. BROKERS dismayed being Per-wh- at cbuidn't irunuum-Us r.one. have we now to make the paral-- , i al had met in that far-of- f Nor envy ii.c run- of i h.- - Korean maid to saying that, when one considers the and 1 in contests have been decided as folSOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE whom l.e uscrli.i-- the bhime. number of American homes In which let convince? Wny, the same Barbar- pimsilile Montana; but was now un- lows: rudesame 1 the must one never hairy 22; Taft salad For Is e ians, actually; Arkarsas, Alabama, troubled, remembering, it served, true, that To them III tie courM ..r time we-Een born this "Klutnnilng expedition. as lie 2; Florida, 8; Georgia. 1C; Kentucky, twin oiTsirir:g a glr: and a bu ; the appalled. Are you appalled, auntie? ness. the same unrefined, Our faeilltlas for handling big-- j And then a ti ri ltle strife arose that cloud,,.rme, lt llad ,aken hlni 1)eyond the 8; Louisiana, 18; But that isn't it." ing. animal force; a Mississippi, 16; your account unaxccllad. ed the piiiirilH' Jd. handed lot. imbued with hearty good bounds of his bciuved New Missouri, 6; North Carolina, 18; Ohio, "Nothing has happened?" mako llboral advaneoa Wo As to whether it.e "kV or the "q" or "Well, there'll be no sensation about nature and an easy tolerance for the York, but serene in the consciousness 7; Oklahoma, 10; Pennsylvania, 1; Hie "u'a" in the names should preall Utah Stocks. on whom those of upon they bave;l!ial haf an ll)lir-- ,irive would land South Carolina, 8; Tennessee, 18; it In the papers but a very ways dominate. him safely back at his club. Qr whether .tlie "vlieh's" or "ski's or dreadful thing has happened. Texas, 3ti; Virginia, is; Alaska, 2; Papa descended. 100 Atlas Black. Salt-Lak-e City. ofTs sliuuid the children's has suffered one of the crueiest blows renown from the i oldaker observed Miss Psyche Bines Arizona, 2. Total. 21C. of chiefs are Here fate. of bis life. I fancy he didn't sleep .at farthest fastnesses; they and their approvingly. For Forakor Virginia, 2; Ohio, 1. There might be two ends to this horrid all last night, and he looked thorough- curious households: 3. "We are so glad to he in New York! the Ironmonger Total, tHle. us yjju have prohiilily gut m.-J- ; over this morning." As Taft had 387 Instructed delegates from Pittsburg, the gold miner from she had confided to him, Mining at her UTAH'S FAMOUS I've irlciT tin ir. 'noth, and Im Jiggered quite ly bowled before the national committee began "But what la it? Dawson, the copper chief from Butte. right. WATERING PLACE. If I know which is the besl, -now have will he hearing the coutvsis, (Which is :m unirrumnmitcal way to say. If My dear young woman." he warned "Well oh. Its awful! flrst of all the silver chief from Denver, the cattle CU3 delegates on the temyou stick to the very letter. chief from Oklahoma, lord of 300,000 her. "you haven't reached New York a total of were six dozen of Coney lalaad 1 tha Wat. there without taking into roll call That "I've tried linn boili. Mini I'm Jig- 1875 porary 1 lum-Sat king In tha World. Flnaat the and acres So.ooo The and L&lUte cattle, talk was Chateau yet." that the good loud, being general gered quite if 1 know which is llir bi louslderation any that have cither InDmm Raw aai Wl Sane ia tW Sut LmvmI wJ founder the be fruin ventured further, Michigan, but he had to see the rest go. ber prince ter.") dorsed him or declared for him In any HiMi ha lial Bioda lua take wmUf. he naw. il Texas. from in This is ot a later oil, '80 Kansas of too Chateau some dynasty Chicago, Margeaux Pittsburg, other manner. aa plmwi k hhir. TnaunqSiih nantin And tins Is the fl rut : They so. veil the puxzic effective unaestlielic but for the Denver almost anything but - City, terribly ancient port and Madeira the And. and Sue," by cutting them SAVED FROM NOOSE. iw York." And ilvi-- their lives in runnubiui bliss in dryest kind of sherry a lot of fine. Aitila, an able fashioner of jtork prodMONEY. WITH CHILDREN SCHOOL the town of Tirngwuim-pu- . full clarets of '77 and '78 oh, you cant ucts from Chicago. "Of course I know these are not the And this is the other: The wur broke out know how Convicted of Five Murder Man Here they make festival, carelessly. gW(.j 0id familit." agonizing It was to him iind tlie ltuss fe', fighting his foe. Ons Pupil In New York Acted ae the the in unmolested. Granted I For, know them unafraid, Stay of Execution. oidaker sipped his glass of old And H e widow end oiphuns annexed a Jap I've heard them so often Family Bank. of time, the older peoples have ,JW, sherry and discoursed, all myself. nnd reside In PltHUWO. Chicago. Herman Uillek, the IUihe N. Y. Times. of not the learned on resisting But what folly only earth about them?" Au,i our ,,mn,inent families, the itiian fortune teller, condemned to Where do school children get all "Nothing, only the Cosmopolitan inevitables, but that the huge and .ones whose names you read, are not death fur the murder of five member the money they take to school? was club's wine cellar auctioned off. you hairy invaders may be treated and bar- - x'ew York any more, either. They are of the Yzral family, was on Friday asked a New York teacher who was Doubtknow. For over a year papa has tqred with not unprofltaoly. rather Uuulun and Paris Their fiirnl-les- s granted a stay of execution until he worrying over the frequent thefts lt often results from this amity uire, clothing, plale, pictures and serv-th- at has been afforded an opportunity to from the looked forward to it. He knew every THE pupils In her room. the patrician strain is corrupted aIlts come from one or the other. Y'es, He could Lottie of wine In it. his cast' to the supreme court I don't know," she said. The situappeal recite the list without looking at by the alien admixture but business an(j ii,Pjr manners, loo. their interests Herman ltllh k, a Bohemian fortune ation Is puzzling. It Is a fact that as as since many amj sympathies and concerns, their teller, was tried and convicted of pois;it. Sometimes he sounded like a has been business almost every child brings money to French lesson and he's been un- two persons met on the face of the fashions and sometimes, their er school. Many of them have only a oning to death Mary Viral, 22 yean A Tale of theTbird Generation der a fearful strain ever since new earth. murals. They are assuredly not New uf age, and was uccused uf directly rent to buy a doughnut or a stick of For exumjile. this particular shelter Y'ork any more than Gobelin tapestries the announcement was made. Well, the death of five members of candy, hut others carry surprisingly causing the great day came yesterday, and poor Is liiiilded upon laud whklt one of the and KVirl uny pictures and Loula Seize the Viral family. Mrs. Rose Viral, tha large sums. Not long ago the charges By HARRY LEON WILSON pater simp)y couldn't bid in a single patrician families had held for a cen- - chairs are New Y'ork." mother of Mary Vzral, committed sub of theft were so frequent In my room discould not be because now queerly you talk. Where Is cidi when she was arrested as un ao it drop. It needed ready money, you tttry solely that I tried to stop this universal And he had hoped so cheerfully posed of. Yet the tribesmen came. Ixew Y'ork. then? j know. of Rillek. The deaths In tha carrying of money. I asked tho moth complice Copyright, by Lothrop Publishing Company. all the time to do something. It broke clamoring for palaces, and now this ohluker sighed thoughtfully hetween Vzral family all occurred within a era not to give their children money his heart. I'm sure, to see that Cha- - ante land, with some adjoining areas two spoonfuls of tortue verte, elaire. CHAPTER VIIL CoNTtsi'Rii. period uf two years. during school hours, except In cases -The testimony at the trial, which where it was really needed to buy A servant passed the open Well. I suppose the truth is that doorjieau Lafltte go and only imagine, it of trifling extent, produces au Income A. G. Barnes, bearing an immense pasteboard box was bid in by the butler of that odious that will suffice to maintain that fam- there Isn't much of New Y'ork left In was held before Judge Many of them promised ts Dilek went to the Vzral luncheon. allowed that Its in ancient and almost You heard should have befitting xew York. As a matter of fact I think with one end cut out to accommodate ' Higbee. off papa ily the cut allowance, but tho small residence with Ills alleged charms and rail about the vulgar nouveaux riches estate. the long stems of many ruses. coins continued to circulate just th jt died with the old volunteer lire de- - the remarkable series uf deaths fol In this mammoth pile, for the potty pariment. when he came home he talked quite Jarvis!" the surviving lowed. The same. A few mothers declared that Anyway motive was tha like an anarchist. But by he'll rental of JIU.tliH) or $15,000 a year, remnant is coy. Real old New Yorkers life Insurance alleged "Yes. sir!" money In each case, tha they gave the children money for saft be blaming me for his misfortunes. many tribes of the invaders have found jjke myself neither jioor nor rich are amounts varying from $100 to $025, "What is It?" keeping. I learned that one girl 11 That's why I chose to stay here with shelter and entertainment In apart-- , swamped In these days like those p reFlowers, sir, for Miss Avlce. my class crne to school day after day men ts of many rooms. Outwardly, in historic animals whose boncB we find, PLEDGE UTAH TO BRYAN. Let me see and the card?" with from $20 to $30 ptnned In hei you. "Poor Horace. Whatever are you details of ornamentation, the building There comes a time when we cant clothes. The father spent everythin! He took the card from the florists is said to duplicate the Chateau Biota, 'ijyp, and deposits form over us and Democratic Delegates to Denver In he could lay his hands on, and as ths going to do?" envelope and glanced at the name. structed to Vote for Nebraskan. "Take them away. little girl's garments were the only Well, dearie, as for me. It doesn't those splendid palaces of Francis I. lost to memory." The stricken man was once more look aa if I could do anything but one Inside are all the line and color and plare where he could never find thS nut this talk was even harder for Salt City. The Democrutlt money she was converted into th4 alone; yet now It was aa if the tender hlng. And here la my ardent young device of elegant opulence, modern t7Misa Bines to understand than the In held of tate this city convention, i note. hank. last out west. Croesus of the his of the flowers had balmed Baron the of family the Ronault coming beauty English speech Friday, elected delegates and alter The plan seemed to work, so far at You called him your athletic BayTo this palace of an October evening de Palllac, and she turned to that noble hurt taught him to hope anew. Let nates to the national convention a1 Ota spendthrift father was concerned us in all sympathy and hope retire. ard' once." comes the tribe of Blues, and many gentleman aa the turbot with sauce Denver, chose Frank K. Nebeker at The other's more to the point at another such, for a triumphal feast In Corail was served. put lt worried the teacher. For cheerfuller sights we might obnational committeeman, and Instructed serve La unton Oldaker in a musty present And what else can I do? the abode of Barbarian Silas Higbee. Its wall wainscotThe dining-room- . the delegates to cost their votes foi New Law Offices. curlo-shoThe admirable host If one be broad- ed from floor to celling in Spanish delighted over a pair of Oh, If some one would just be brave William J. Bryan for president Thi new law offices of State Repre The liver candlesticks with square bases enough to live the raw, quivering life minded is now In the drawing-rooalternates selecte oak, was flooded with soft light from delegates and entatlve Harry J. Iloblnson are is and fluted columns, fabricated In the with me. I could do it, I give you my seconding his worthy wife and pretty the red ellk dome that depended from were: trams 102103 Mercantile Block, Salt reign of that fortuitous monarch, word. I could let everything go by the daughter who welcome the dinner ita crown of gold above the table. The Delegates Samuel Xewhouse, O. W Lake City, Utah, to whom all whi Charles II. ; or we might glance in board but I am so alone and so help- guests. rowers, W. II. King and Mrs. II. J laughter and talk were as little subre in need of legal advice are re upon the Higbee in their section of less and no man is equal to It. nowFor a man who has a fad for ham dued as the scheme of the rooms. It Hayward of Salt Lake City; A. J a French chateau, reproduced up on adays. All of us here seem to be con and doesn't care who knows It, his was an atmosphere of prodigal and Evans of Utah county and S. S. Smith ferred. uf Weber. the stately Riverside drive, where they tent to order a half portion' of life. bearing is all we have a right to ex- confident opulence. From the music-rooWorries of Modern Life. Alternates J. D. Call of Box Elden Child, those dreams are beautiful, pect that lt should be. Among the near by came the soft strains of complete the details of a dinner to be Nowadays we must not drink spirit S. T. and Ventress Mrs. II. Fltzgeral but theyre like those flying machines group of arrivals, men of hie own a Haydn quartette, exquisitely pergiven on the morrow. nor eat meat; we must not smoke; of Salt Lake, W. F. Olson of Carbon g Or perhaps it were better to be con-- 1 that are constantly being tested by the Bort, he le speaking; of the formed by finished and nxitcnslve artists. the air of cities Is poisonous, the air of L. C. Weber F and J. A wheel o'r a cerned with a matter more weighty j credulous inventors. fashion in beards, to the evangel lt was the oil chief NelsonHumphries of the country too strong; the light Say, Iligbee! of Sanpete. than dinners and antique candlesticks, pinion goes wrong and down the silly of a Texas oil field who flaunts to the from Texas, see If them fiddlers of ruins our eyes and the noise racks our world one of those heavy mustaches yours cant play Ma Honolulu Lulu! things come tumbling. Jumped From Building. nerves; shaking hands Is a means of Very well; then I shall be wise I spuriously extended below the corners collecting microbes and kissing is pure Watertown, N. Y. Janies B. MO (TO BE CONTINUED. suppose I shall be and I'll do it of the mouth by means of the chin eulcide. Life Is Indeed growing dull Cormlck, aged 38, an attorney, anc quickly. This fortune of good gold growth of hair. Another, a worthy brother of H. J. McCormick, the for and difficult. Madrid Diario. to Take Hie Place. None shall propose marriage to me at once, tribesman from Snohomish, Washingmer New York Central agent, now un A traveller was once passing on and be accepted so that I shall be ton. wears a beard which, for a score French Illiteracy. der arrest on charges cf forgery, in rebackwoods a able to look my dear old father In the of years, has been let to be its own horseback through France has had compulfunda of railroad Although thelt alleged volvlng were noeducation for about 25 years, the face again and then, after I'm marrie- true self; to express, fearlessly, its own gion where the inhabitants committed froa suicide sory by Jumping at a did-well, office buildlnl the top of a five-stor-y don't blame me for any- unique capacity for variation from toriously shiftless. Arriving percentage of Illiterates reaches the noon hour, he at the He was picked up 1( shanty lapidated to the pavement. high figure of 40 per 1,000 men, and These two have rallied their thing that happens." type. a dying condition. McCormick was ar 60 per 1,000 women. In this regard Inquired what were the prosiiecte for Im sure you'll be happy with him host upon his modishly trimmed 1 rested, charged with grand larceny, getting dinner. it's only your silly notions. He's In Germany appears to greet advantage, being alleged he had participated with of the family, who had head The Ss she has only four Illiterates per love with you. You're right, says Mr. Higbee, In an fraudulen brother alleged 1,000 of population. That makes me hesitate. He really amiably, I aint stuck any myself on been absorbed in resting' on a log his settlement. In front of his dwelling, replied that is a man I like him see this letter this way of trimming up a man's face, Old Gloves. a long review from the Arcady Lyre but the madam will have it this say he guessed ma'd her suthin onto SENT TO DEVILS ISLAND. soon. have about 60 or 60 kid gloves table the They putty of the poem he wrote, a poem consistsays It looks more refined and New at the ticket office down at Union BraFrench 8py Publicly Disgraced Befort Thus encouraged, the traveller disThe reviewer Y'orky. And now, do you know, ever ing of Avlce Milbrey. tton, gray suedes, undressed kids has been quite enthusiastic over it. too since I've worn 'em this way ever mounted. But to his chagrin, he found Being Deported. lie every old kind, nut the trouble is could such to not lie food that written from some awful place In since 1 had 'em scrajied from around the Toulon, France. A pitiable spent that among them all there Is not one Makof to it. force himself Montana. partake under my neck here I hare to go to cle, the degradation of the truitoi They are all odd gloves, mostly pair. excuses could lack as he for such more could you ask? He'll be Florida every winter. Come "What ing Charles II. Ullnto, formerly a naval ol January of lefts." You see most men carry their himhe kind. bethought happily appetite, on Frl or February, I get bronchitis every fleer, occurred at Roche square pockets, and money in their You don't understand. Mutterchen. blamed self of a kind of nourishment that he day In the presence of an enormout year! when they're buying railroad tickets, and one venture He seems too decent to marry that to take there, might crowd. Two of the guests only are alien to they take off the left glove. Then sure to be found on a farm. He asked way and yet it's the only way I could the barbaric Ullmo, wearing his uniform ani when they go away and leave the throng. for some milk. marry him. And after he found, me sword, was led Into the rectangle There is the noble Baron Ronault the boys In the ticket office are glove out oh. think of what marriage le milk We don't her any more, where the commandant read the ordet tie Palllac. decorated, reserved, observoff than If they had left nothno better he'd have to find it out I couldn't act drawled the bead of the house. The that Ullmo had betrayed his country moment almost but an air of mystery. ant wistful. behind For the AWAY." THEM ing "TAKE and was not worthy to wear Us uni long doubtless he wouldn't even be he Is dogs dead died week afore last." a the It's luxuries too," they say at the picturing dutifully surprising, ofl ' took then Two form. subalterns to me the' The dog! cried the traveller. how ... . ticket certain marriage would enable him to office, The search need never be vain, even many men have hit hla sword and stripped him of fB one or two fingers missing. Out of for his noble father and his But what has that got to do with in this world of persistent frivolity. of sub procure One buttons. the and chevrons 111 1 1 But do lt; wI1 Bha11: lt?" A. for example: await the aged mother, who alterns broke the sword across hit the lot of old gloves now there, a credlt t0 training and I shall news of his quest foreagerly Well, explained the host, meditaand then threw the broken hlads dozen or more have et least one finger Tell Mrs. Van Gelst if she can't fearn fleece. knee the golden t0 hate hlm and he w111 hav t For the baron Ullmo's feet. In this plight Ullnto tively, the critterM don't seem ter at come down. I'll run up to her." the gone. The ticket sellers watch for after contemplates, wel1' a deal that he ' !earn was compelled to march at the head oi Vos Miss Milbrey " men who have fingers missing and-trfashion of many conscientious explor- know 'nough ter c m up ter be milked a squad of soldiers around the rectantheirselveB. The dog, he used ter go about. women- Mrs.' Van Gelst entered a moment lc!fn't to match them up with gloves that' a with a native woman; ers, marriage She stared into the lire and added, gle, amid the hoots and Jeers of the With that exception, correspond. later. though he permits himself to cherish 'n' fetch em up. head a bare moments his He after walked silence: with crowd. most of the gloves go to wasta. condithe that he not lt Why. Avlce, child, you're glowing, may hope sunk upon his breast and his eyes Cleveland Plain Dealer. Oh, If a man only could live up to tioned upon his adopting the manners aren't you?" Fortunes" That Are Not Made. the verses he cuts out of magazines! staring straight In front of him. Tears I I've Just suppose "I must he, and customs of the particular tribe More money has lieen lost in minwere streaming down his face. Some People. street, walked down from Fifty-nint- h that he means to honor. Monsieur the ing operations than was ever taken Ullmo will be dejwrted to Devil's IX. CHAPTER hunt for work In abn,it Rome I people in walked the off that roast of French Guina, park. liaron has long since been obliged to out of the ground, says Mr. H. II numthe and before Island, WITH THE KARItAKIC 1IOKTS an optimist hu.iiS titf same that way where Major Dreyfus was confined Feel how cold u:y cheeks are MutterHistory repeats itself so cleverly, confess that a suitable mesalliance is ber, an experienced California mining trouble. for 1899. 1894 to from chen." s with a variance of and none too easy of achievement, and. In man. "Ye always hear of the great It's good for you. Now we shall accessories so running, that the repe- testimony of his vicissitudes, he has fortunes that have lieen made, hut the Murdered by Peruvians. Mountains of Iron Ore. have some tea and talk." During tition seldom bores, and Is. Indeed, fre- written for a Paris comic paper a failures are not advertised. The world contains at least fiur Lake Salt City. Letters received Y'es I'm hungry for both, and quently undetected. Thus, the descent series of grimly satiric essays upon the boom days of the Klondike I had from the Oerro de Pasco mines, near mountains composed of almost some of those funny little cakes." of the Barbarians upon a decadent New York society. Recently, moreover, a third interest in a mine which I one In the Are the is. dear; Ia Fundlclon, Peru, brings the news In-of Iren ore. One is In Mexico, Come back where people Is a little tour de force that he has been iijkiii the verge of arrep' thought pretty mhI of, and out of United States, another In India and a another uprising of natives In the the tea has Just been brought. Thrv. lias been performed again and again Ing employment in the candy factory j' which we cleared up, after a winter's terior of Peru and of the killing of O. fourth In Africa Just below the Po litake the big chair." Thin seemed tolerably But hiTju work, $l.',idi since the oldest day. But because the of a bourgeois compatriot. of lt an, and there have been report! H. Clmleen of Ralt Lake, who was emq It always feels like you like your i1ssau( nowadays Is made not with has a little revived In the noble brea-- 1 good remuneration, but when all tn Sllwiia. mountain a 1 such of existing In work ans construction and tired. ployed thej chance brought him mid his ti' arms, Mutterchen 0f arms we are jmine to believe j, penscs were footed up, th net profit new railroad bring built by A. W. Me. And throw off that rout. Tin res I merely )s no junger made at all; as If hu- - under the MTUtiny of the biwi:i iti'ii; remaining was only IV"1". Adding to His Offensiveness. Cane of Salt Lake. Mr. Chaleen was1, the lemon, if jou re afraid of cream.' inan wajra had changed a hit since Miss Millieenl Higbee and her appro- - mention this tu show that even 1ien man who told us so Is always The tho 1 in t employ weren afraid of anything jiose ugly, I wish formerly line foreman a mine is fairly prodm-ilve- , there's a i hairy tribes from tt, dative mother. doubly offensive If he comes anm-nuf the Oregon Short Line in Salt Lake, And but cream. northern forests descended upon the there Is not only the big chance that the expense Is well nn.l troubles our after the arrival of nd went, from here to lrnt to take Y'ott told me you weren t afraid of Unman empire. And yet the mere difpretty Miss Higher, but the winning up to tlie revenue that it returns lu tries to look as If he had forgotten all Mr. crew for construction uf a I rlinrge more.'' cad fi reace that the assault ia now made Miss Blues, whose dot, Ue baron has owner. any Ihat that Washington 1'ust. about 1L McCune. I'm not I Just told liim eo. But I'm afraid of it all; 1 ni tired trying not to drift tired trying mil in try. Oh. dear and tired trying to try aouuds lil.e a nonsense verse. iIocaiiT No? it? Kate you anyone I think I must sny v. itii you till morning. Send some one home to say 1 it A LINGUISTIC TRAGIDY. l.e hen. 1 eun always think so inti' h bet ter here and you, dear old thing. r vl.t. A Knre.i'i maiden ro to mother me! i ; g r'.'-nils were A Hukshu: el iil.Ii.i- - li.uutl whs hr, with a "Llo. cl.ild; I'll send Sandou direct!:', a Milne ll.ut eii'.c.l in xid-t..' "lie will go to the house of uiouru-lug.- " :i:Uul In i su Her mair .li t? m L . i SECMK 11 . . e.-- l .m--t- "'dTESlfO pre-moie- ly i y j CHILD, COLE CO. - ef-at-a : - i j ! red-face- d, ) deti-riulu- e wnssEssar i gALTAIR early-bottle- t- st j j Olo-lap- . 9 3C j SPENDERS IX I ; ht ' ke p, - m ever-shiftin- Five-Stor- y rs. left-han- j d S1 stage-setting- d ex-sin- |