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Show ii' n.i-- . N(l. I'. V '!l a; i wrtnt i if !i .i li y- WARE THE FOUR EYED JUNK. MADE USE OF HER LEGACY. Only to Be Seen at Night Deafi arc; Pestilence in Her Wve. Aunts Bequest of Use to Ease Nieces If the phsi.-flproa is the South n Tf;vi..ii uf the "riwlruuif r," (he fuliuw ing niui-- might be considered aa tho r-- or vt rslon of I!. Japani-s'"iii.'-- t Dutchman. suv-- j ilwit It lacks iv in.'-for tho course. It comes fro. out of the Yellow sea. where the wa- j t'-- " f 'irly sizzles with romance ar j ii wy4 fh- - ww Tv aid. The slury of the Four-EyeJunk la known in the. Islands of Japan, In the Philippines, down through the Malacca straits to India and even to Mauri Las. Ah Foo, the threeeyed commands her. A Chinese Junk, aha was originally manned by the ghoate of n rebellious mandarin and hla bodyguard, who keep watch and ward over the pesrl fisheries they guarded during their Uvea. Since tha advent of the white man In thoaa waters the crew was changed, and now ahe la freighted with a crew of Malays, "Chinks." Lascam and what not All the offscourings of the seven seas have. In couase of time, been added to bar original complement She Is only to be seen at night when ahe float from d wave to wave, all allently, save for the rattle of primitive block and ackle or the eerie flap of the great cat sail. Death and pestilence are In her path, so if you run serosa her In those seta beware. When people asked Miss Amanda Green what she received from lie: aunt in the city as a legacy, Miss Green always smiled grimly and sic pad toward her fireplace. Aunt always t d rhe should remember me in her will," Miss Green would say, although 1 knew th;ffciutiy units, t did aalvulats on a ten hundred dollars, aha being worth . omovher np la the hundred But what she didn't Have to her son all wont to the college wbers he got hla education. "It waa stated In the win that 1 was to choose any remembrance from among the household furnishings that I wU ed. "I chose this pair o bellows, sad Mias Green would lift a article from the peg where It bung "Some folks wouldn't sense tbs fun Tvs got out 0f those old things. 'Aunt Rebecca wouldn't evar let 'em be used for fear they'd atari the firs up too much. Fvs sat over a dying biaxe In her fore-roowith my eyes on this pair 0 bellows till It seemed If my gaza would fetch 'em right off their hook! "Now I take em down, even when 'tlsnt necessary, and I work em back and forth hard aa 1 can, and It eases my feelings so that by the time I hug 'em up I'm reedy to say: Poor M of well, Instead Aunt Rebecca! something quite different." Youth's Companion. e : 4 - ife's Walk. !. II ''Ii' II - !. Ini' hi'".' rr " ului did iu the Lousu dita.iiveicu ' A I ! f I 0 u, !:'' - ...can . ... tuf iilsU u j that piece of apparatus so poorly adapted under the moat favorable conditions to lte purpose he would not accept IL aha traveled 7.38 miles dally In her per household tasks. If the 31 cent of unnecessary steps, or 3.4G Origin ef Fssullar Name. miles of dally travel, had been added, The curious name of the anesthetic calculate the Delineator, she would stovaine'' Is due to Its dlscovsrer, M. havo walked in one year In doing bet Fourneau. II. Fourneau was anxious housework more than Z, 600 miles. to perpatuata hla own name In connection with it, but aa the anesthetic waa of tba natura of cocaine and no Love Buttons" In Vogue. resembling that could be When you see a man wearing a compound contrived eut of "Fourneau," he transphotograph button In hla coat lapel lated the name Into its English equivyou may be pretty sure that he la alent of "stove" end added the neceseither engaged or married to the sary termination. lady whose portrait adorna him. Instead of wearing an engagement ring Speech and Silence. It has become the fashion among cerI have often regretted my speech, tain classes of men to wear lova never my silence. Publius Syrus. buttons. 1 , , iiiU-i- UI AlH'C Ul UiaihO 1-- 1 Holst by Hie Own Petard. lawyers often furnish their adversaries with weapons. Did you see this tree that has bees mentioned by the roadside 7" an advocate Inquired. "Yes, sir; I saw It very "It was conspicuous, than?" plainly. The witness seemed puzzled by the new word. He repeated hie former assertion. "What U the difference, sneered the lawyer, "between plain and conspicuous?" But ha waa holat by hla own petard. The witness In"I can see you nocently answered: plainly, air, among the other lawyers, though you are not a hit conspicuous." Oevornment and Science. Over-shrew- a nation There does not exist ore hooligan In Its attitude towards deuce then the British. With unequaled opportunltlea for advandsg man's knowledge of nature and therefore combating the stealthy. revenges which nature plots against him for hla disregard of her conditions, tha British government scarcely lifts a lager in any direction to help on the .work of dentlBe research. London to-da- y . Standard. d d moon-splashe- Questions ! n - n A teaspoonful of oil of lavendei In which is added enough alcohol M make a saturated solution, sprayed around the room and on the bedding will effectively keep away flies and osquitoca while the odor of lavender Is perceptible. Maellne Dece't. Man la more easily allured by tbs grace of the gown than the grace of the mind, although he would have you think otherwise, and win hold .forth with considerable empl asla on the text that no man ever knows what enatuma a woman has on. nor Is he at HI concerned with the shape of her fiat, or tha way she does her hair! tendon Madame. Fads In Diet, flo many dietetic schemes have been WTgxxl cm wbat have been claimed to bo scientific reasons, and have proved toemsclvcs In practice to be unsatisfactory, hat not a few practitioners infuse to listen to any discussion on Ha specific values of foodstuffs outride the teachings of practical expert once. London Hospital. Answer Letters Promptly. To disregard loiters which we is a source of keen disappointment to those who think enough of ns to write ns. We should answer there eat of courtesy If for no other reason After wc have made the effort for title mason several times tbo chances are that wo will continue the correspond flnee for (he pleasure it gives us. fm there la no denying that it can become riniost ns much of a pleasure to write them as every one owns it ie to receive a bright, breezy letter. J. LAWRENCE W. thon-aanda- well-wor- DHkltr In GENERAL MERCHANDISE n u Stockton, Utah Had Aaswared All Questions to Man nor. a FIEE 171HES, CIGARS .I- r. r totafib-gentrlookln-g Tta er KCt a e Ym UkB lUmys DmM Y. i ve v a! niuaKsunccsmti Stocktoi, J') M .. I MARY R. BROWN samn Dtottar in tad Moris although you may Job. not know 1L Everybody haa. Of course, reckoned by actual measurements, each hour Is sompoaed of SS TeMe e Slhept. that minutes, yet, notwithstanding In a letter to fhw Lemfisn Thus esn-- ' chronological exactness, the hoars e etotemesd Moentyy anad vary In length. My shortest boar In hat be wae negmngBfie finr flhf Hand from two to three o'clock in the aftritojr ef fhw ftlblte government. Hi ernoon. I find upon Inquiry that that Titter Haggard, the novelA McCarthy Epigram. Juatln Huntty McCarthy ran write la the shortest period for many peo- et, tells the following story: In my so swiftly do those I am reminded of a story of a err-alGive us a Gall epigrams when ha chooses, as well a ple. Everybcdy Welcoms 60 minutes burry by that I try to Daniel Lambert of a Boo1 who, dessrlptkms of love end of fighting crowd Into them as many of the as, for evarap1e, this bit of surcin: iiotng caught napping hy savages, yet inevitable things of life -i- shed his horse ex- 'am ng. O. wisdom, which he ruts into the moutl I If an. I to as Interhave possibly me mount!' h ef Lewis the Eleventh, In Needles an h stnwlant view a boro I roe him then; If I have and vi and Pins: "Never explain; many us wu the heavenly aid I It o do demist then. the visit That ' uatlcn si olls a good case. bad vouchsa that he not only reached hour is bound to slip away quickly, no the eadc. , but flew right over it to therefore the the veldt matter what beyond, and as tbo ?nlis ii d;an Discontent. scenes of seems disagreeable agony came up and speared him was Ivor,! The awakening of Asia, due to -- of shorter duration" to declare reproachfully. O. I " .1. : if great extent to the efforts of the Brit has helped too much! In l;k-- I ti now threatens lah themselves, 'O nv X Q. E. D. may say, government, Each cause them serious trouble. At n dinner given by a high official helped too much!' for I Law In Is India in of case disorder separate not at revolution, buf re! ria.r Itself not of much consequence, but at Washington a distinguished French- aimed, was who this man. as vialtfng country taken together they bear witness to discontent a delegate to a certain Industrial cona d ep and Intoxicated Insects. lft!i Strut Til plRW to git 1 fan, mrti which breaks out, now here, now ference. gave expression 'to Citizen-mad- e ' "f 1 .. . a. - 1!., it SVVitJt Utah li!r nt shall ijMs-dh!s rl beloved of mu is praise 1I i'.ul to ? there, in very significant eruptions. r the f u.L!cs tab!-- , on the lUht. at :'u!d neighbor 8L Petersburg Novoe Vremja. r- bees ud flies, inloxlcarted on , WKMMM smile and bow In polite acquh-'ronr-nwun I a beron.v have .nented orange Juice, the visitor would every time . an instance of Franee'a suj ... Hy l.dsance that should be aholisL-1To Foretell Wet Months. Tin y say that ihe pror:oto:s o', a riai-- 12 onions In a row ou Christmas above every other nation. near the town have n larjo "The French, exclaimed he. "are nursery day. name uat h after a month and put force of Japanese employed extracton which on on earth." Those their r:iit 'he politest people tops. ing seeds front partly decayed ortin! salt is melted Inside of IS (lays The neighbor at table again anges. and In the process of snuerz-In!! he wet uonihs, according to Long and bowed. the seeds from the oranges a Isiand wca'fcor science. A little piqued by the il- small stream of oramr? jtt!cc flows or- the Frenchman askud: from the place, which attracts mil. do the not. cans they vrL admit, lions of flies and bees, which become Village Swallowed Up. of the French In politenc.4 IXTEKEBffl AW KELIttLE BATS ilCOw IS CDf.!;EC7:C!i Ri'porta from Zavldovic, Austria, wity Intemperate. The nursery uses tho "O, yes." came the reply: M's seeds for planting. tale that a village near the River ur politeness.' Lippincott's U-Kiivag, consisting of 3d houses, Stockton, Ufa) to sink quits suddenly one morn :ine. Be Singular. 1 recently. By degrees the whole Are we growing too much alike? I! on which the village stood disap-- "Strong Even In Death." Some one has asked this ii under the ground. At the first There is a characteristic s,.' of question, an.l some or" Om- - eviill-U&i&ft- 4 of the sinking the inhabitants in American woman formerly vt-ScKTttEL'S rGiiUJH 6Q dently iu a panic has l . The catastrophe is no doubt due known In London that will : about "taking stock" of tlie;,p,(-:iranc:o tii':i. CONTEST says a writer In 1. onion of people lit general. They may lie j The lady Is said to !:. re prejudiced Truth. when they record that, we written the following letter to a r vai havo no higher ambition than to be goco vow. Enormous Increase In Value. The value or tho farm lands along personage: mistaken for our neighbors; still. If I rm Iif "Sir My medicinal attendanir 1: ,ve cannot he denied that, few of us are the T'ulon I'aciflc Increased by more I me in. am that informed a lust Wagts 25? per in the five years than content to rest in a condition which Mae dirt? 1900 to 1905. The United States pen-au- hopeless condition. I should dis Lqi. marks us as singular among the tienres an aggregate value for 17 py did 1 know that you would many, even though It may be singustates in 1905 as S.241.7S2.SG. while resented at my funeral. I luck- , a larly jbeautiful. h:l?hy, happy, or 1.000 to cover u'.l In l'Hib It was only $5,693 ":to72. ..hock for wise. ltfuly'a Pictorial. 45 Get. per This Is an advauco of nearly Ch. zeis lungvire!" :a ,d ihe cent. Equipped wi:h Plank Wvj-rUnder Sea. the Churchyard IV i!c::.i l.c tor G'sulTig at Niagara. Searchlights When the coast erosion commisa mu or zat it mare p-al-.igif Kffectire use has been made frn sioners visited Walton on the Naze .ii ( ill litem quiet, rc.l zc i.ian w , Desert's Shifting Sands. STEADY rime to time of searchlights a: Nf ( they wore shown a spot j crescent-shapeyesterday sand dunes u.djy w'.s hewk. .oi:';iv ; for illuminating the gorge, etc. north of tho pier, and about a mile agnia re V move in thousands across the gayay Falls now Citizens of from the shore, which was formerly of Islay, near La Joya, Peru, to make a Niagara installation proi.q for regular (hy a churchyard, says the London Daily Cotrpariion. P. have heen Investigated by Astronomer i'-nurxse. and an illuminating expert News. A quarter of a century ago principal l iijv.iioa to in. il 8. 1. Bailey, who found the points of a Is usi;VO said Ui.cl- - Lten. "is av Wilyt,M giving his attention to the the tombstones could be seen under crescent to be ICO feet apart, while L".3!i At nig'i't Niagara Is nut seen water at ebb tide, but since then the Usl UITJ au' kicks. An' ly nta. a!)ulstlante the convex aide measured 477 feet and tnl-riunder Moonlight, and It is he ir.4::i..i-except i;,i . oven dat's and de sea has further encroached, M the greatest width was more than 100 that some very beautiful effects when the tide Is extraordinarily low prut I;fJ objccriun to urns' Unman feet. The eatlroated weight was 8,000 can he obtained mak the best use of rhy fulka." by throwing artificial and the sea clear the old burying tons, yet it was carried J35 feet a their time have none to spare. Ger ... daylight on the scene, with color ground Is scarcely discernible from man proverb year by tha prevailing south winds. transitions. the aea leveL DRY GOODS SHOES g And GROCERIES well-know- n n - r : i R. K. GUNDRY -- TONSORIAL ARTIST ! ays K' rxir.-Ta-ra- nt .1 , e W. H. HENNEFER e Licensed Barber oth.-icnc- be-ru- n r j lii-- : "1 e iifftfi i m nn-hin- ; to s '. 50 . fun-lgni-- . t . i - d EMFLOY'IliT -.. J. - Cewasda! I; II AND LIQUORS - ft' DEALER IN W-Isfacto-ry sub-jec- t. There etc few fetters uf beautiful Iris who seem to have any nmaymaw Ucf about atriklag a maa from ft- W. A. FRAILEY TEACHER WAS ALL RIGHT. bo wu right ep to toe mart: Tina ' I asked her to cane mg add m Th Shortest Hour. XT aAifid What la your shortest hour In the died dnriag the esnuser mo to sftv fedL tnfil the and ry day?" asked a business man of an ac- be domed find 1st, and I taM dYf Ur to "Don't quaintance. say you have take1 fit dads and her along bring Tou have, none. c Dreaming. I care not how worldly you may be; there ore times when all distinctions seem like dust; and when at the graves of the great, you dream of a coming country where your proudest hopes shall be dimmed forever. Mar ried or unmarried, young or old, poet or worker, you are still a dreamer, and will one time feel and know that your life Is but a dream. Ike Marvel. - I wan staying over night with a farmer, says a writer la the Chicago Dally News, ud after upper we were n talking about educational matters, when I mentioned the fact Chat 1 had passed a acboolbouse ahont two mbs west of hla farm that aftes that the female leader, wto wan tending la tbs door, was am while questions. glrL In this way, as well as by original "Tea, I got her the set he rethought, a minister haa the questions plied. of the day thrust upon him. Not oaly "Thu yon are wkat to caEtai tie that, but there ere many ministers of moderator? Too kad to ask her varigreat success and great Influence who ous questions to eee If she wue fitted have always faced the questions of fer the place? the day, discussed them and fongbt "Well, not no veer nssy. X asked for their Interpretation of them. , her about tbo Rocky So the minister who believes in the Atlutle ecene a preaching gospel and nothing bat pears was, aed toe aaewwefi right gospel la opposing some accepted beta off. Then! arid 1 as well as proposing a worthy theory. Turkey and hew many tfiszse SS west Into 3 aed her Seattle Times. towns . -- of the Day Thrust Upon Him In tha Pulpit The temptation to bo other than a mere preacher comes to a minister, not only from within hla own mind, from reading and observation, but the people of hla rerish and hla neighborhood throat other suggestions upon him. One parishioner wants hla opln-oon tha Sundar closing law, another want! a book reviewed, another ikes to see hie clergyman quoted in he local newspapers, the local papers Mke to get the ministers to discuss g Hint Per Vacationists. It la not generally known, any the pltal Review, that Alee and mo guitoes dislike tha odor of lavender. moon-aplashe- TEMPTATIONS OP A MINISTER. Considerate. "Brethren, said Rev. Mr. Gold- -Tit- -Bits. man, bringing hla sermon to a dose when scarcely half way through it, "It Italy's New Cereal. is too hot this morning for ms to Italy has produced a new cereal fot prearh and for you to listen. We will break-makinpurrosea that la attracting 'From Oreenlandh Icy Mow ing a good deni of popular attention. te'jin omitting ell but the first stanza, t A public test was made tbo other day and be dismissed." at Mesbrlno of baking bread from flour of tha new grain, which la named Olco . Cafro, and has been daveloped by a Origin ef Drinking Healths. of the name of Candeo. The of "drink--, priest The too common cu.t-uWM pr030..3t-0to be palatable, brnd lug healths" had a m- - ? curious or!- and ra ,r .,llfc OI..lhlrd of ght lord-; C.U. In the days when the Danes wbeaten flour, la 1 'ared 10 make d It In England they ha-- l a very com food gt very low price. Be on habit of atabblag Englishmen In ; auataing lldea tblS ft in renter" says that Its drinUB TfL !!!? general nso would do away with tha (Us vfUnlny n man whan drinking , pPuggrn In Italy. London Globa. y would request some of the sltters-b, be his pledge, er surety, while takLife ef French Mechanic. ing hie draughL lienee the cuztoua All mechanics In France are obliged to servo an apprenticeship of horn two Concrete Hi to throe years, daring half of which It In possible to bnlld n hones to- period, at least, they receive no wages day, and each houses have already and most board themselves. In addibeen constructed, which shall bn en- tion to this, each on must give np tirely of reinforced concrete, except two years of hla life for military servCor such minor Item as doom and ice, for which ho receives 1 coat a day window frames. This, says the and hoard and clothes. It will bo aeon Cement Age. makes a bouse which Is that every mechanic la Franco mmi entirely antarnablo from within and expand four or tvs years of hla Ilfs practically untamable from wtthonL without wages, before ho la prepared to earn Cram IT cents to f LIT a day. r d 3StSttS!tseli!SStSSSSS3S Feeling. y ; - ri It1' n. k,pre- |