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Show STORYS fnoip regular, anl the tortured mind away and meet Mrs. Lepage, m said. fouml a Khiirt h are. With the old He was furnished with a fresh bora ill Inning look in hla eyes. Jatipar and he left, bearing a message to the I limit- - ttut until tbe Factor relieved loyal wife from Varre Lepage. him. Jaspar Hume decided to leave Fort Edmonton at once, und to take all tha White Guard back with him; and cav CHAPTER VIII. February and March and April were orders to that effect. He entered a on I unit and May waa coma. Varre loom where Varre Lepage ca: Varre Lepags, tt- - j time Itage bad had a hard struggle for life, and said: blit he bad survived. For weeks every lias come for ua to say got I amut night there was a repetition of that starling at once for Fort ft. idenee.-Hwill first nlglit arter the return; delirious the other replied: entreaty, and love wait until my wife conies. ia. of his wife, and Jaspar Hume's name There was pain in his voice. "I must not. mentioned now and again In shudderVarre Lepage braced himself for a ing remorse. With the help of the Indian who had shared the alck man's heavy task and said: Jaspar Humag sufferings In the Harren Grounds, the if the time has come to say good-by- . Factor and Jaspar Hume nursed him It has also come when we should liark to life, the two watch- Hiieuk together for once openly; to ers. no word had passed after the first settle, in so far as can be done, a long nlglit regarding the aubstunce of account. You have not let my wife Varre Ijppag'e's delirium. Mut one know who saved me. That appears evening the' Fuctor was watching from her letters. She asks the name alone, and the repentant man from his of my rescuer. I have not yet told feverish sleep cried out, Hush, hush; her. Mut she will know that don't let them know 1 stole them when I tell her alb both from him and the baby died beWhen you toll her all?'! cause or that; God took it and Rose When 1 tell her all. Milt you shall not do that." 'did not know! She did nut know! I will. . The Factor rose and walked away. It will lie the beginning of The dog was watching him. He said iliu confession which I shall afterward to Jacques: You have a good master, make to the world." My Heaven you shall not do it Jacques too good and great for the II. H. C. Coward! Would you wreck her life? Jaspar Hume's fare was wrathful, and remained so till the other sank back CHAPTER IX. It is the lOth of May. in an arm- In the chair with his forehead In his chair made of hickory and hirrhbark hands; hut it softened as he saw this remorse and shame. He began to see sits Varre by resiling a letter from his wife. She Is that Varre Lepage had not clearly at Winnipeg, and Is coming west as grasH-- the whole situation. He said far as Regina to meet hlin on Ills way In quieter, hut still firm tones: "No, down. He looks a wreck; but a hand- la'ltage, that mailer Is between us some wreck! His refined features, two, ami us alone. She must never his soft black beard and blue eyes, know t ho world therefore must never his graceful band and gentle manners, know. You did an unmanly thing; one would scarcely think Imioiiged to you are suffering a manly remorse. an nuin. He sits in the Now let It end here but I swear it sunlight at the door, wrapped alaiiil In shall. he said In fierce tones as the moose and beaver skins. This world other shook hls head negatively; I f lv MARCH OF '"U T1IC WHITE GUARD By SIP. GILBERT PARKER to-da- y wtit, IK. t.jr a. r. rnuw Cs.) CHAPTER VI Continued. The White Guard had come buck! They were met with cries of praise, broken by an occasional choking sound from men like Sergeant Gohho. Jaipur Hume hus simply acknowledged his welcome as he hail done the Godsiecd two innntha and more ago. He with the Factor bore the sick man in, and laid him on hla own lied. Then he came outside, and when they cheered him again, ho said, We have come safely through and 1 am thankful. Out remember that my comrades In this march doaerve your cheers in this as much as I. Without them I could have done nothing in the perils that Isy between here and the Marten Grounds. In our inflriiiilles and in all our dangers and necessities." added Jeff Hyde, the luck of tbe world was in the book!" In another half hour the White Guard was at euae, and four of them were gathered about the great stove in the store, smoking placidly, and full of guttural emphasis; Iate Carscallon moving his animal-lik- e Jaws with a sense of satisfaction; Uaspe Tonjotirs talking In Chinook to the Indians, in pat (da to the French clerk, and in broken Eng-listo them all; and Jeff Hyde exclaiming on the wonders of the march, at Manl-to- n the finding of Varre and and of himself Mountain, Gasim Tou Jours burled in the snow. Madam Snyder. We Will Move On or About October First fronrTOur Pre sent Location to No. 235 Main Street, Salt Lake City. We do a General Banking, Savings Bank Trust Business. We act as Executor, Administrator Guardian, Receiver, Etc. Cioiid-in-the-Sk- - We Furnish Surety Bonds for Con-tracts $ Other Purposes. We Make Abstracts Insure Titles. We are the LEADING TRUST Cloud-ln-the-Sk- c Call vs. $ See Our SPLENDID NEW BANKING ROOM. Utah Savings A Trust Company's New 7 Story Fire-ProBuilding. of CHAPTER VII. In Jaspar Hume's house at midlay asleep with night Varre bis wife's letters received through the Factor clasiied to hla breast. The firelight played upon a face old a dark, diaapKinted face a doomed face, as It seemed to the Factor. We Want Your Business. Send for Booklet Banking by Mail. Trust Company, Utah Savings tnmrtitwn on Vmim f said, after long silence. Tea; I knew him well, years ago, replied Jaspar Hume. Just then the sick man stirred In I'll hia sleep, and said disjointed!, make It all right to you, Jaspar. Then came a pause and a quicker utterance, Rose1 I love you Forgive forgive!" T The Factor rose and turned to go, And Jaspar Mume, with a despairing, over to the sorrowful gesture,-wen- t bed. ' Again the voice said, Ten years I have repented ten years My wife Don't, don't! I dare not apeak Jaspar forgives me. oh, Rose! The Factor touched Jaspar Humes This is delirium. ho said, "lie has fever. You and I must nurse him, Hume. You can trust me you understand. "Yes, I can trust you. was the Ilut I can tell you nothing." reply. I do not .want to know anything. If you can watrh till two o'clock I will relieve you. I'll send the medicine cheat over. You know how to treat him. The Factor passed out and the other was left alone with the man who had s ranged him. The feeling moat active in hla mind waa pity, and as he prepared a draught from hla own stock o medicines, he thought the IMist and the present all over. He knew that however much be had suffered, this man had Buffered mote. And in this silent night there was broken down any slight barrier that may have stood between Varre Iepage and hla complete compassion. Having effaced himself from the calculation, JtiHtU lxeame forgiveness. He moistened the sick man's lips and bathed his forehead, and roused him once to take a quieting powder. Then he sat down and wrote to Ruse lepage. Hut he lore the letter up No, again and said to the dog: Jacques. 1 cannot; the Factor must do it. She needn't know yet that it wua I with the White Guard who saved him. It doesn't make any burden of gratitude for her. if my name is kept out of It. And the Factor mustn't mention me, Jacques not yet And when he Is well we will go to London with It, Jacques, and we needn't meet her; and ft will be all right. Jacques; all right!" And the dog seemed to understand; fur he went over to the box thut held And It; and looked at his master. Jaspar Hume rose and broke the seul and unlocked the box and oiiened it: hut. lie heard the sick man monii und he closed it again and went over to the bed. Tbe feeble voice said. 1 must apeak I cannot die so not so Jasimr. God And Jaspar Hume murmured. help him." A I he moistened the Ups once again, ai J put a cold cloth on the fevered htt.1, and Jlien sat down by th: ve again. And Varre Lepage slept. As if some chaiui had been in that Gold help him, tbe restless hands grew uulet. tha breath became COM- PANY of UTAH. h "tbtt'kBsta Mrs. H. Fontijn, The gifted Palmist, Psychic and CRISMON A NICHOLS. S Card Reader, gives advice on all affairs of life. Diagnose all Diseases. TRANCE MEDIUM. j Aisayefw and ChemiaU. Telia how to draw unto yourself all READING DAILY Office and Laboratory, 229 8. W.l things for good through Thought TEST MEETINGS Sunday and Thurs Force. Consultation tree. Call and Temple Street, days at 8 Oclock. see her. Admission 10 Lents. SALT LAKE CITY. Upstairs, Room 18, Sanitarium Hotel. Salt Lake City. 267 8. W. Tempt 6L, , Independent Phone 3402. No. 235 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. The Bank that Pays 4 per cent. Turn Dimes V He Moistened would have let you die at Manltot Mountain. If I had thought yon would dare to take away your wife's peace your children's respect. I have no children; our baby died.' Jaspar Hume again softened. "Can you not see, Ijppage? The thing cannot be mended. Just then hla hand touched the book that be atill carried In hla bosom, and aa If hla mother had whispered to him, he continued: "I bury It all. and so must you. Yon will begin the world again old friend and so shall I. Keep your wife's love and resiiect. Henceforth you of plain and wood la glad. Not so Varre Lepage. He sat and thought of what waa to come. lie had hoped at times that he would die, but twice Jaaiar Hume had said, I demumt your life; you owe It to your wife to me to God!" And hr had pulled his up to this demand and had lived. Mut what lay him? He aaw a atony trark, and he shuddered. The Mar of Juatlre and Restitution rained ita eold barriers before him; and hr wan not ntrong! An lie nat there faring hla future Janiiar Hume rame to him and said, we will "If you feel up to it, atari for Edmonton and Shovanne on Monday. 1 think it will lie quite safe, and your wife In nnxloun. 1 shall you an fur an Edmonton; you can then proreed to Shovanne by easy stages, and so on cant In the pleasant weather. Are you ready to go? Yea! 1 am ready." hi-a- rt e CHAPTER Into Dollars the 8ick Mans Lips. will X. COMPANY OF UTAH (Incorporated). Our company is capitalized at 250,000 shares, Over 15,000 already bought by eager Investors and we now offer ths 35,000 of which 100,000 shares are set aside for working shares remaining of its first dlocK capital, and the remaining 150,000 shares of stock It. of treasury stock placed upon the market at the low price of ten cents per share. The proceeds of the sale will be judiciously expended to the further development of the property, which is loctaed in Big Cottonwood Mining District, Salt Iakc County, Utah, and consists of six promising mining claims. Over fifteen hundred dollars have already been expended in development work since date of incorporation, February, 1006, consisting of over 500 feet of tunnels and inclines. Minerals already found carry values in Copper, Gold, Silver, Lead and Iron. We are now driving the tunnel ahead to cut the mineral vein which is believed to be an extension of the well known Maxfield mine, that has already produced hundred of thousands of dollars. The property is equipped with hoisting and pumping engines, ore cars and steel rails in tunnel. TO HC CONTINUED.) Barnea Explained Why. Many people In tills section remem- y Ton-Jour- The St Patrick Mining & Milling Varre Lepage raised moist eye to the other and said: Ilut you will take back the money I got for that!" There waa a pause, then Jaapar Hume replied: Ye, upon such terms, times and conditions aa I shall hereafter fix. And you have no child, Lepage? he gently added. We have no child; It died with my fame. On a beautiful May evening Varre Lepage, Junpar Hume, and the White Guard are welcomed at Fort Edmonton by the officer In command of the Mounted Iollre. They are to enjoy the hospitality of the Fort for a couple of days, before they pnnn on. Jaspar Hume la to go hark with Cloudln-tho-Skand lile (arsralh-n- . and a number of Indian carriers, for this Is a journey of business too. Gaspe and Jeff Hyde are to press on with Varre Ijcpage, who la now much stronger und better. One day jniKses. and on the following morning Jaspar Hume givs Instructions to Gasio Toujours and Jeff Hyde, and makes preparations for his going buck. He is standing in the Marrarks Square, when a horseman rides in and Inquires of a sergeant standing near, if Varre I,epagi- - has arrived ut the Fort. A few words bring out the faet that Rose Icpugi' is nearing the Fort from tlio south, being determined to come on from Shovanne to meet her husband. The trooper thinks she is now about eight or ten miles away; but la not sure. He had been sent on ahead the day before, but hls liorse having met with a slight accident, he had been delayed. He had seen the party, however, a long distance hack In the early morning. He must now ride deserve Phenominal Success of s ) j ; i ber Augustus Marne, who for years drove the itage between Tilton and Franklin, before the railroad was built. Dr. Tucker, president of Dartmouth college, tell of riding serosa from Tilton one day. Just out of Tilton, on tho sandy bank of Wlnnlpixeogce river, Is formed the Tilton cemetery, Dr. Tuncker was occupying a seat beside the venerable driver, and a they passed the city of the dead, he said: "That is a queer place for a cemetery. I wonder why such a spot was selected?" Karnes' explanation was short and to the point, hls answer being: Easy Herald. digging." is pooled until at least one-hay or more of its stock is sold. Hear in mind that this stock is unassessablc , and that private property of stockholders is not liable for corporation indebtedness. lf treas-nur- The Board of Directors are A. J. Smith, PresB. A. M. ident; Hans H. Peterson, and Froiseth, Secretary Treasurer; Mrs. Leona F. Smith and David A. Buck. The latter is also superVice-Preside- intendent. THIS REALLY is $1 SECURITY for Remember 10 cts. Good mines from good prospects grow, Thus we harvest as we sow." Dont delay, buy now, and get in on the ground floor. . CUT THIS OUT AND MAIL NOW. 5.00 down and $5.00 monthly for four months II. A. M. Froiseth, Sccty., buys 250 shares. St. Patrick Mining & Milling Co., $ 10.00 down and $10.00 monthly for four months Salt Lake City, Utah. shares. 500 buys I subscribe hereby for shares $ 20.00 down and $20.00 monthly for four months and stock, fully paid of the St. 1000 shares. buys Patrick Mining & Milling Co." at the price of Ten $ 30.00 drr.-- and $30.00 monthly for four months Cents a share, for which I enclose $. I tys 1500 shares. as first payment,, balance to be paid in four equal $ 40.00 down and $40.00 monthly for four months monthly installments. bin s 2000 shares. Name $ f Had the Sam Result. In a Georgia town where prohibition prevails a man waa arreated thr times In one day. charged with being drunk on the streets. "Where did you get the whisky?" asked the mayor. 1 didn't drink no whisky, waa the reply. "Nuthn' In the worl', yer honor, 'rept cane Juice, liver regulator, hair tonic, au red Ink!" 1lttsburg Freaa n .'. N $100.00 down and $100.00 monthly for four months buys 5000 shares. I I Address Date. |