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Show TIMELY ila per traiisisMt McC'iellaii, Oct. 11: BASEBALL leave Manila. November 4; Arrive OLD-TIM- E Authorities agr that the numlier of Vladivostok. Nov. II; leave Vladivosvisitors front America to I Hindoo this tok. traiu de luxe. Nov. 12: arrive year is unprecedented. The amount Irkutsk, Nov. 16: arrive Moscow, stop eREAT GAME PLAYED AT AN of money the invaders left behind two days. Nov. 22; arrive St. 1eieiw-burg- . NAPOLIS IN '68. them also is unprecendeuted. As to two days. Nov. 26; arrive Her-liu- . how much this is. the estimates vary two days, Nov. 2a: sail trout Cherflora $75.000, hot) to $10i).o00.00o. bourg Dec. 4 tier North Geriuau l.loyd When the Jeffersons Mat the Mopitor, steuniei for New York. The International Mercantile Marine and Had to Work to Win- - Doings Mr. and Mrs. John Heuueii Harris, company has anounced a reduction in of Men Who Are Since eastward bound first cabin minimum :uf Albion, Is., take the prize for the Famous. rates on the White Star and Ameri- largest Roosevelt family iu the state. can lines. Rates on the White Star jThey have Just twenty-thre- e children In the early days of baseball it war liner Oceanic have been reduced from All were born to one wife and uoue a wonderful 1 $105 to $82.50. and on. the Majestic of them Is twin or triplet. thing fur our loeftj teams guess from $90 to $67.50. On the four Am- according to the statisticians 1 would to make visits io other towns and erican line ships the rate has been re- jhave had over half a million dollars cities, aud our embryo tourists regardduced from $90 to $67.50. The re- 'now, if 1 hadn't any children ed the trip down to AnnaiolU. where ductions will take effect immediately. Harris, when the twenty-thir- d they met the future rulers of the sea. j was born the other day. "They say it as a top notcher. said old Musty RecIt will cost about $1,000,000 to re- takes $30,000 to educate and bring up habilitate Central park, New York. a child nowadays, and I have brought ord as he scanned the copy at the That the great beauty spot is deterior- all mine up and educated them, too. s)Mirting editor's desk, according to at $30,000 the Washington Star. ating at a rate that will soon make it Lets see, twenty-thre- e It was a pretty long trip in those an eyesore, and that the money has apiece, that would make somewhere got to be spent If the park is to be around $600,000, wouldn't It? But 1 times. You had to get up with the sun if you wanted to reach Annapolis saved, is the opinion of John H. Beat- guess the kids are worth it. o the same day, as the then fast going ty, superintendent of the parks of Manhattan and Richmond, who, with BITS OF INFORMATION. its III more A Ohio only had one train Mr. Miller, chief engineer, and Samout that connected with that 'air line uel Parsons. Jr., landscape architect, Collier's weekly and Lawson show ihat worked iis way from the Juncis now working out plans to get It in signs of a disposition to clinch. tions and stopped at every signal, like proper condition. Mr. Beatty's estiour horse cars. mate of the cost Is yet in the rough, The most remarkable method of de"The first team in visit AnnaiMills a lie thinks, however, that $200,000 livering letters doubtless is that em- from Washington, and, indeed, year for five years will be sufficient. ployed by steamers passing the Isthe first from any place, was lands of the Tonga group In the PaciThe itinery of Secretary of War fic. On account of many reefs land- that lively liiinrh of amateurs called Taft on his trip around the world is ing Is extremely dangerous, aud the the Jelfersous, who were Just coining as follows: few letters to be delivered are attached to the front In 18GS a the leadiug exI .eft Seattle via steamship Minnesota, to large skyrockets, which are fired ponents of their class of ball tOBsers. Sept. 10; arrive Yokohama. Sept. 25: jand reach shore in safety. This visit took place oi Thanksgiving arrive Kobe, Sept. 29; arrive Nagasaday. so you can see here also that oa ki, Oct. 4; arrive Shanghai, Oct. C: havIs warmer weather of late The arrive Hongkong, Ort. 11 ; arrive Man- - ing a most beneficial effect on the lhat national holiday baseball waa the teal thing, though at this progressive crops in Notts, Eng., and at Hovering-haperiod it Is football. In honor of the by the side of the Trent, visit A BEAUTIFuL great preparations were made by there is a field of oats which has attained the great bight of C feet 4 iu. our gallant naval officers to make (he COMPLEXION This is a most unusual length, and affair notable. The naval academy chaps called will prove too much for the Now Revealed. . to reap when harvest day arrives. themselves the Monitors. In honor, perhaps, of the then new craft the A large Baptist church that stands navy had made historic, and their uni.Rosa, Califor- form consisted of white flannel shirts What beauty la more desirable than in the city of Santa an exquisite complexion and elegant nia, enjoys the dlstiction of having and knickerbockers trimmed with constructed entirely from a sinJewels. An opportunity for every wo- lieentree. blue, and blue stockings, quite a surIncludes Of that the course, gle man to obtain both, for a limited Jeffer-sun- s woodwork of the structure. The tree prise for the visitors, as the time only. aa moat of clubs at the that time, from which and the timbers, lumber, The direction! and recipe for obRed the famous elsewhere, a were was Califorexcept cut shingles giant a faultless complexion Is the taining were still A redwood. considerable nia Stockings, wearing long quantity secret long guarded by the master was left over after the trousers as a part of their uniform. minds of the ORIENTALS and of the lumber church building was completed. The The game was exceptionally brilGREEKS. building has a spire 70 feet high; an liant for those days. Some of the This we obtained after years of audience-roocapable of Beating 499, fielding catches of the midshipmen work and at great expense. It Is the method used by the fairest and most a parlor capable14 of seating eighty, a would reflect credit on the best profeet by 20 feet, a fessionals now before pastor's study beautiful women of Europe. the public and Hundreds of American women who vestibule, and a toilet-roowould warrant extra space in now use it have expressed their dewriteups as phenomenal. FISHES FROM OCEAN'S BED. light and satisfaction. Midshipman Calhoun, afterward AdThis secret is easily understood miral Calhoun, played his jiositlon like to and simple follow and It will save Unusual Characteristics sf ItMtabNaMs a Isijoie, as he went after and cap of Om Dasp Sea. you the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleaches and forever give .you a beauWhan a Sah is hrnagkt to tured everything that came his way tiful complexion and free your skin Ike aurfkoa,daepaaa with the ease and elegance of a seahow gradually aud aars-rallfrom pimples, bad color, blackheads, booaa are afire like soned player, while the backstop work its aoovar, etc. It alone is worth to you many of Dillingham was aa good aa Dug Altimes the price we ask you to Bend ao uok touchwood sad Ms maaqiot lison showed with the famous Jled liko whUo are rottaa its oyoa palp, for the genuine diamond ring of lab of Cincinnati. Legs from buret Walnwright, at thotr sockets Its via sad at derign. We st'1 you this ring as one small oere are afire blows oat af the M) left field, waa the admiration of the roflt abbo manufacturing cost The cavity by (ho oxpaaaloa at tho air large crowd, his excellent work bringwhat others blaMur. tt frequently happaaa that ing out applause from the Jrfferaoqs pries Is less ihan one-haThe Jeffersons won the game on charge. The recipe Is free with ev- doopoaa flsbos are foaad floattag help ery ring. loosly oa tho aartaM of tka oeoaa. their merits, but it required the best It is a genuine rose cut diamond with larga prey la thoir atoms otia. individual and collective work of the ring of sparkling brilliancy absolute- Tholr appoaranoa uador those eircaa-otaaoo- o team to surpass that of the middies. ly guaranteed, very dainty, shaped Their clean-cu- t work made them best to aoeountod tor by tho efforts like a Belcher with Tiffany setting of of thair struggling victims to aocapo of friends, even among the young 14Kt. gold shell, at your local Jewpresent, and every one knows eler it i would cost considerable more from tholr Jaws, esuslsg thorn to se- ladies cond beyond tho horizontal soot which how hard it is for civilians to make than $2.00. an impression on the fair sex when Ssh We mail you this beautiful comthey usually inhabit. Deep-ee- e plexion recipe free when your order are oommoaly black or dark brawn. brass buttons are around. Is received for ring and $2.00 in mdn-e- y Bat although it is claimed that light This opening event in athlotics at order, stamp or bills. Get your le aaaantlal to tho flormotioa of eotora the academy was soon followed by erder in before our supply is ex- on deep sea fishes are scarlet is visits from the other organisations of hausted. parts, or uniform rod or rosy. Others Baltimore aud Washington, in which This offer Is made for a limited are ail vary whtta, while, aeoorSiag to nut only baseball played an important time only as a moana of advertising Aleoek. the osoeopelas Is tm dee part, but boat races and other siiorts and Introducing our goods. Send today before thla opportunity sltng sheen of purple nail odour and were Included. These have been mainburnished gotd, said which la a spark-Ua- tained these many years, and it is reIs forgotten. markable that 90 per cent, of the midooasteiUtloa of i ianaa T. C. MOSELEY. 82 East 23rd Street, New York City. shipmen who have figured In the annals of athletics have also filled niches in the history of our country and become famous in war and the develop 1906 MODELS. uient of the service. Grand Prize, Paris, 1900; Double Grand, 8L Louis, 1904. Russias National Anthem. Send coupon below, filled out, to Russia's present national anthem is our nearest dealer or to ua and get our Free Trial and. Easy Payment Of- probably the only one that was ever fer to responsible parties anywhere adopted as the result of an open In the United States. Dont delay The musical committee This Is your opportunity to secure ab to do the first rough work of olutely the best Talking Machine selection, rejected all the anthems made, on payments that will not be' sent in except two, the respective merfelt. We accept, old machines in part of which were left for the emperor its A from written guarantee payment. the oldest, largest and most success himself to determine. One was by of Talking Ms Glinka, the renowned composer of ful manufacturers "Life fur the the other was by chines in the entire world. Lvoff. Glinka's anthem was thoroughColumbia Phonograph Co GenI. ly Russian in character, and in the M. R. t Columbia Phonograph Cum- Name form of a march: Lvoff" g was more 8. Main (Tenernl (Salt 8L, Esny. City, Utah. solemn, but ini;rh less original. He Pleas send me your Free Trial and Street and No knew, however, that a highly military Kasy Payment Offer with illustrated Stats City style of Instrumcntalization would appeal to the imperial ear, and his drums and trumpets decided Nicholas ti favor of it. AND RELEVANT. Xl'Ml'.FR l'd'.I.VG We Cure Men For $ 1 2.50 's ann enormous. Mam- Salt cured In tlii- - Great I - No Pay Unless Cured Fer-Don'- Leading Not In Balt Lake City, but In tha Pacific Want. Tho results of our visit only Brofaaawnal work are b rinsing to our of. floo man from ovory itato and Territory in tho Wsot. Wo uoo tho mlaeroacopo to soaks our diagnosis. If you want a permanent cure, consult ua. DImomo. Ncrvoua Decline Hire. Bk? 5. Kldnsr, Bladder sod all Urinary DInum flu to Waakneaa bba h of opodfio diaaatoa. and all Frlvata Dlaama of Mm. OUR SYSTEM OF TREATING ia superior to any In this country, and our mirao are tbs result of there methods. We saver fall to oure In suffer from noglooC from wont ofoffrcla or from F Tju Is an opportunity to get tho sarvtcremonoy pmotleo-ho- ro of a skilled T", ssyKS.;: ssrsur wsraNSHSE Our fre retng so to procure tho many who arc afflict! highest solan tlflo modlenl awl. tones. Terms made to suit If necessary, so that anyone need not go without treatment. We Want Every Man In tbe Country Who Is Afflicted to Write Us About His Ailment. Homs: p. m.; evenings, I to a JO; Sundays, aa. to SALT IWVt a. m. to U noon. MEDICAL LAKE INSTITUTE, a HATH ST, SAIT UXI CITY, UTAH. self-binde- FREE The Ideal Summer Resort Fer-Do- LOW RATES Two Daily Palatial Trains from all Utah Points. . . Ask Agents for ratqs for next excursion or write to Salt Lake City, Utah. .mu (leo m . Mr .wr j m. toA ml J The argument is this: A SHORT ROVTE; GOOD ROAD BED; That ia EXCELLENT SERVICE; COVRTEOV5 TREATMENT. everythin! in traveling. k 9 For information and rales sea any Oregon Short Lino Agent or addrcee D. E. BVRLEY, G. f. A. Salt Lake City D. S. SPENCER., A. G. P. A. Wrong Time. it seems queer," reiliaiked the thoughtful thinker, that hiiiiiiiin-are used only In the slimmer.'' What's queer shout it?" queried the dense person. The experience of the average h:h m would lead him to believe they wen-buil- t for the fall," explained tin thoughtful thinker ns V ns ? 8 8 V V a 8 A a 8 8 8 8 .8 X X SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. ot the CANYON 8 GRANDE A A A EAGLE RIVER CANYON. PANORAMA of NATURAL beauty ALL Ithe WAY. WAGON WHEEL GAP. GLENWOOO GARDEN THREE SPRINGS. a k a K k of ths GUNNISON. CANYON OF THE GODS. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. TO DENVER. ST. AND LOUIS For I k Mrs. Mary 1 rugger, of 15 Fulmer Ave., whose picture apHars THE ROYAL GORGE. k almve, sail she had lxrn suffering k with stomach trouble for years. Hot canu- over her at and cold ilasln-time aud a nutiilnii s f the liniit.-i- . g felt weak ami At limes k I walk. out llnM hardly Rook lots, Htc., Address - Mrdirnl tiiupor.nl an-a. BENTON, G. A. P. D I 8PRINGS. MANITOU THROUGH TRAINS. com-lietitlo- - ns Fer-Do- J. H. durtner, D. P. A. til n. Fer-Do- g I want to go as far as possible via the ns Gom-x)iti- Fcr-Do- lf WHEN YOU GO EAST prcjAd-ratio- Fer-Do- 's Easily Explained. The city boarder was angry all aver. Look here! he blurted. You told me that you didn't put water In your milk. 1 found live evidence In the last pall. Live evidence," drawled the old farmer, blandly. What was It, neighbor?'' "Why. I found a frog. The old farmer laughed and stroked Ids long yellow whiskers. Ha. ha! Don't let Hint worry you." he answered. 'That thur frog came from the food of tin- old hrindle cow." And whnt has she been eating? Hops!'' o r m Say to the Agent med- Fer-Di- JSS ier-ha- people Fcr-Du- Specialists old-tim- e I .ake Tn view of the Salt Utah enormous sale of now going on in Sah lake and the intense interest which Mr. n has stirred up since his ara rival, representative of the local daily papers of Salt I .ake spent yesterday afternoon at the young mans headquarters, watching the swarm of humanity conic and go. During the afternoon the reporter interviewed many of the callers and obtained statements from all who cared to give them as to their exand his perience with preparations. The folowing are selected from those statements as being typical of the general expressions of the jteople seen ; Mr. J. King, living at (V North Seventh West St., when interviewed I had suffered with stomach trouble for several years. I was so ha the last few months I couldn't eat anything at all. I could not digest my food aud hail severe pains in my klomach most of the time. I did not sleep well and had severe headaches at times. I have tried many remedied1, and have lieen to a tmmlx-of physicians. I bought 3 liottlcs of Medical for $2.50, and before I took one Ixittle my stomach felt much belter since I have taken the three hollies, my stomach trouble is all gone and not a trace of disease is left. T have come here to thank I want to say, also, Mr. that 1 tricrl Catarrh Remedy and found it to tie the best thing 1 ever used for catarrh of throat, head and nose. Mr. Dcmicl Itrisco, living at 936 Euclid, stated he was 85 years old and has lieen troubled with partial deafness and catarrh. I tried out bottle of Magic Rcliet and one box of 'Catarrh Remedy and I can now hear a common conversation. WE ARE THff Mult idt icines. Consultation Free. I of liiunanitv Iaii at San Luke. Silts are now ik - s 1 w-ir- 'i I Fui-lers- , b CHICAGO Fer-Do- , Salt Lake City. ft l tt I'tr iiwr n.rrd. am lk'U h tiow tw-- him trl'ikiy. -- - DOCTORS WHO CURE af the (MTAU8 Ml aB ousMa kiiula Stuarea BU44o KMnaya. Brea Roo Threat. BHm ih. Fit Hoart ZHreaa lias Diaaaaa Dtafaa ami Bamrml Chorea, HMutllaa, Film kaftan, boat Hanhoai.andYait-reaa-alll reUB haotatla Tvoabla OoaatxhM Woaa Ohreiua Ml ntvala Dlaaaaaa a t m $lt ha a aore ft Cared ahlldroa. SI a Istmi tarrhal X. trref M a mot tat ptMrea stBahu Ire tar all J CONSULTATION FREE SJTSaataM red yaare' alaadlng. Adrlaa ObmbIuUm s.1 ssff.-warnsre Men. A Special Department for tao IremtreHt red Breatal Dayartared lira. Shore, hare reofmatrety a tag pH pie d ' linW hi- I .fto ji7 jOrglVh.ared ftp njTrriJtaa.htndlr ybriMan are oaid " ftfSTu Prireta qSH1TK0PB l.reV.aTta.1 ren7 anre,. ta re ta. fre d MI mff PAY WHSJI OUWkD. aragreaia atJM reare" Ire are r odTortiM "air (la ollm.nl' ' and than aharta yre taa titaM Jf tanta aa tha amount odrSrti.od hooaare tha Drt. Shorts Imv that la taa Mtod." Dra. Bhorea auaraotaa that are taa MM I oat! tn tao." ware-re- d that for ALL rare .Llm.nl. If Ih.y treat yaor m ba ahaasre taas ytal are ba tha faa hr a OURI alaa Dra. a'.aawhare. Itom oared for MedMore "hoM ay ' tar lain.. FREB than la aa faa. Quaaks aod fakirs vaaarl altar roa Kara arranfid lha ta au.k trick, ta rak tha nmirmry but LagtUtaola abhor and d.nonne. th.m. t Bavare af any fakir who hidaa boklnd a "taka Kid-reXnaUluta" kre.au h. dare ret adrartlaa udw bU awn nama. Than Mail ba a re.reo tar Ih Koma Treatmrnl Carre. Writ, tar Proa lyaqttaa Uot If too aannol call. Consultation fra a. m. to y. Rrealag V ta S OFFICB HOURS: tha aura a tollman U, SHORES UKH. Drel j 8ya-atall- .i Dra. Shores t ye-- - )' )N" Id: SF.t T'RFD. of Salt living out-iI.ake can secure the remedies ar tlteir drug lure iu their limne tow" i. or by sending in to the Great - dr -- I'er-Diii- i Salt Lake City The price- the Gnat l Mcin:al for the I'.liiod. Stomacli. I'ie'.m'.,-tisSl.f.D er h"tt!-'and or six b ttlf' S5.D c Magic Rtlief for De.itm-s-lain-- . ;:i! Hack, and Aclu and lain, 5l een! p- r !!-tl- . or ix IhiI'K ?2 ::tV Ier Don's I atairli Kenedy rh, ('otigli. Gold.--. I lay Fever 50 ccr.G per lxx. or 'i and Fcr-Dor,- '- (.'.Miijn-imi- , Fir-rVi- . sIiL$ua Rhc.i-mati- f-- tai a. lx. S2.5U. is irt ak yotr home druggi-- t If lie don't have the c them, send all money orders to th- - Gr.v.t I. C. Iiox 17? ?n.'. Lake. Ltali. All druggists mi order from I'cr-; a ovr rxclii-aiv- e m. We want in vonr agent l renu-ilies- . pay-aM- Fer-D-- -- Shores, Expert Specialists, 249 - Frr-Don- '- qare 2re and aid af oiyorlanoad pun-hRM- were called "tt tin re tli.it :ii'l t1iou-:in- i n, D |