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Show 4 mmmrmmmfrm i2ii g tnnmnmmrmmm OPPORTUNITY . r., GASOLINE LIGHTING SYSTEMS OF ALL KINDS. SPECIAL LAMPS FOR THE HOME. Absolutely safe abfl reliable. -- i ; ; i iower, per hour. Full line of Mantels, Globes, etc. Corresimiuleuce solicited. Send us diagram of your building and we will submit estimate. SUNBEAM LIGHT COMPANY, t - N d rooms, mvtu-ia- i instruction, lb- UiMplng, Penmanship, Shorthand mid English, si, ij T l.iit-n-- j uow. Wrlie for terms, UTAH lilSlNESS FOL I I'Ll'. Jennings lilix-k- . Salt Lake Pity. Mu E. Second South Street, 107 the time for you to secure Training in the Best llusi- School in the West. w quarters, exjierieiu-efacility, NOW is a riirttnenB 3-- le sell-lighte- d individual SALT LAKE CITY, 9 jF'IJJ FACTS ARE NOT MISLEADING. pjj KNOCKS AT YOUR DOOR. JUR SUCCESS IN PRACTICE IS school he did. ALONE DUE TO THE RESULTS Now suppose I come to your city, OBTAINED THROUGH THE. rent an office and place a sign on the WONDERFUL SCIENCE, door, vlx CHIROPRACTIC. DR. L. E. FARNSWORTH. Chiropractic." People who come to us are, as a How much would the people who read rule, without a vestige of hope, and the sign know of our method? It is after taking our drugless treatment quite probable that most of them for a short time, you can see the would think we were corn doctors, bloom of health upon their cheek. and it Is doubtful If one out of one How is this eonditiun brought about? hundred would give it a single of thought. Through the wonderful science Now let us presume that after long chiropractic, which is the only science practiced today that exactly locates weeks (possibly months) of waiting. Mrs. Brown (who Is a chronic sufferer from rheumatism and has tried every known remedy) musters up courage enough to call upon me. She begins treatment and improves from the very first On the third visit she tells one of numerous friends who have various ailments whom she has tried to explain to them what the treatment Is, but they do not seem to grasp the situation from her exShe ends by asking if I planation. cun send them some printed matter which will convince them that 1 am not a corn doctor or a humbug. It Is then up to me to produce the printed matter or take up my original place In the office chair, waiting, waiting, waiting. 1 am doing just what you would do I adunder the same circumstances. vertise that which 1 do, and 1 do that which I advertise. There is not a He In this paper. Remember that consultation and examination 1b as free as the air you breathe. If you are sick, call or write to Dr. Farnsworth, 210 Auerbach Bldg., Salt Lake City, DR. FARN8WORTH. Utah. With the Utah Drugless Institute. O ; The exercises will be of an removes cause and of disease, the opening and enables nature, the grandest of auspicious nature, all Btate officials, all physicians, to perform her func- from Governor Cutler down, having tions normally, thereby restoring you been Invited to take part In the same, to perfect health; which goes to show as well as many prominent men from beyond a shadow of a doubt that all parts of the state. Among the feathere is a cause for every ill that tures of the day will be the fireworks afflicts the human body. Common In the evening, when Governor Cutler, sense tells us that this cause must Mayor Bransford and other state cebe removed before you can get well. lebrities will be Immortalised in set Do drugs remove . the cause of dis- figures by the Pains fireworks exhibease? If they do, why are there so itors, who are engaged for the entire many chronic Invalids today seeking week. relief through drugless methods? The question answers itself drugs never About once In so often Della Fox remove the oause of disease. The becomes so 111 that she will never science of chiropractic will remove again be able to appear on the stage. the cause, allowing nature, the only true physician, to cure. If you have been ailing for years, you no doubt can vouch for the truth of this statement, and ought to be interested enough in your physical welfare to investigate the merits of wonderful the most chiropractic, science of the age in relieving suffering humanity. Consultation and examination as free as the air you breathe. 234 Main St., Salt Lake City UTAH DENTAL CO. DR. ZIMMERMAN, Manager iMlk KltnuMd rMlUtdl Wllhawt Set TmU (best rsd rubber... is as .....SIMio UoM Cnvni, k UrKU Work, brnrt 12 YEARr Fela Tin OtkH Wark WUk GORDON ACADEMY. IhiW oo ,,kk Iiouu . FUllne. All Othar Fillings.,,.., UoUl BRANCH OFFICES I PROVO. LOGAN. OGDEN, PARK CITY SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. FRKE Kitmlnalioa sad AdriM, Sunday 19 lol Open till S p. m. Private Hoarding and Dny School for Department, Fifih. Sixih. Seventh, Kigth School branches, College trained Expenses moderate. loa.-ln-i-s- RRINC THIS AD. WITH YOU AT EITHER OFFICE. Pianos. fI FAKERS BECAUSE WE ADVERTI8E? I am awaro of the fact that many of our very beat people have no confidence in the doctors who advertise, and on this account it was with considerable reluctance that I began to give our business publicity by the use of printers ink. If, however, these snme people will give the matter serious consideration, they will, I believe, see that our position Is not to lie compared with the M. D. who advertises. Let us draw a comparison. Suppose an M. D. comes to your city to locate. He rents an office and places a modest sign on the door, D. NEW and Davenport HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS In SEPARATE STORES. Q Tracy, Us Before With 'igure Buying Elsewhere. Nail Orders SolicitPromptly and Carefully Packed for Shipping. Haddorff," ed. Goods NEW STORE. 254256 South State Street. STORE, 242 South .State Street. Clarendon Also Headquarters for Repairs for Any Old SECOND-HAN- u D Stove. Bishop Western Furniture Company. Have led the way for over eighty years In piano forte construction, and are today the unhesitating choice of the musician. .Chickering Upright Pianos, $550.00, Chickering Quarter Grand, $750.00. A. H. Crow, j Successor to monthly payments. We fine line of other first-clas- s and Player Pianos, inknown makes as the Sold on easy also have a Pianos cluding well the above: W T'x Always Bargains in Grow Brothers, 'J MANUFACTURER Pianos. Second-Han- d ' Utah-Idah- o DEALER IN Harness, Saddles, Robes, Dusters, Horse Sheets. Etc. ; COMPANY, Good material. Good work. 270 S. State Street, Salt Lake City, Telephones 699. Just prices. 35 South West Temple Street, SALT LAKE CITY. KNAPTON, CURTIS HANGER CO. Paints, Etc. Wall-Pap- er, 18 State StreeL 1 14--1- 6 We sell cheaper because we buy cheaper. We go into the markets and our goods for cash from parties who want money. In this way we can sell the buy same goods for 50 cents that the regular store sells for $1.00. This is no humbug but facts which you can see for yourself by Examining Our 'Goods and Prices. NOTION i Calcimining, Tinting, Painting, Graining, Sign Painting. Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention. Phones: Bell 1781K, Ind. 2287. d All figured papers trimmed unless otherwise ordered. 217 S. State Street, Salt Lake City. BARGAINS. (OATS THREAD, PER SPOOL. 5c. per paper, lr. Gold Eyed Needles, per paper, 1c. Coats Darning Cotton, per doxeu, 22c. Best Aluminum Thimbles, lc. Rubber Fine Combs, 3 and 6c. Two doxen Good Hooks and Eyes for lc. Metal Hack Horn Combs, 5, 8 and 10c. Talcum Powder, per box 5 and 10. Turkey lied Marking Cotton, per spool, 1r. ALL OTHER NOTIONS IN PROPORTION. 1 S'-c- PLACE ' . ipps rp.rrpppppjuMismww' YOUR EVFt IN OUR HANDS. ipp.ppprr.rrrvrrrr rr VS5 ft ft Stop Those Hea'L'q1 Those Dizry Spell Yttr 'ddd'4Vld4d4a49d4Jd Tlmee a That Eye 6train. ' A& ft Co. filcxander-Dibbl- e We Can Save You Monev. A aches. Ws Are Here. Shoes! Shoes! Come and See Our Line of Shoes. a jv,KirB!i.rP.PFP.rP-rr?- CLOTHING SPECIALS. Knee Pants Sulla, 98c, f .5, $1 75 snd'$2.00. Men's Dn-'Iants, $1.95, $2.50 and $3. no. Knee Pants, 25, 35 and 50c. Mens Over Coats. $4.00, $5.0(1, $(1.0u and up. Men's Woi-kinShirts, 35 and 45c. good Suits. $1.95. $5.95, $6.95 and $8.95. Men's Nice Dress Shirts, 48, C5 and . Working Pants, 75, 9K and $1.25. g, low-price- Good Pins, Mens Mens Salt Lake City. We Carry a Complete Line of SECOND-HAN- D- Paper-Hangin- Doys Hoys . Visit Our Stores in SALT LAKE CITY. "DR. JOHN JONES, M. D. Everyone who reads this sign knows exactly what his method of treatment is. It is nut necessary for him to advertise. If he does advertise and tell the people how superior his treatment is to that of other M. D.s. It Is fair to presume he is exaggerating. because thousands of other M. l).s have graduated from the same GihiIi-h- . CLARK, Principal Gordon Hall. B. Chickering- - EETS BARGAIN STORfc, vlx and girls. Art and Music together with all High individual help when necessary. Imv For Particulars Address: Cheapest Store in the West! ARE WE East Streets, 3 South & 3 H,...kk, Ike GUARANTEE. Kormeiiy s ft Co. fj-iira- l .V . LADIES COATS AND SKIRTS. -- Ladies' Coats, latest styles. $4.75, $5.75 and $G.7S nnd up. Indies Nice Cloth Skirls, $1.95, $2.50, $3.00 and up .mlies' Silk Ie ticnats, $1.75. Ladies Black Sattcen Underskirts. G5, 75, 98 and $1.50. Children's Bear gkln Coats, $L'.:: and Ladies' Healherbioom Skirts, look and rustle like silk, Children's Jackets and Coats, from ft rrrvrvrr :p Jir.ri- e vm-.ar- 1 $2.75. up. up. HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. Children's snd Misses Ribbed Hose. 10, 12 and 15c. Ladies Fast Black Hose, 10. 15, 18 and 23c. and up. Ladies Fleece Lined llose, 12 Ladles' 2 WE HAVE THE LARGEST LINE OF TIN AND GRANITEWEAR IN THE CITY AND AT PRICES ABOUT HALF WHAT YOU PAY ELSEWHERE; ALSO GLASSWARE, CROCKERY A HARDWARE. CURIOUS D Curious Compound Capsules combine the virtues of Big G, Pabst O. K Santal Pepsin, and sell for $1.25 a box. Mall orders promptly attended to. Doull Drug Co Distributors, 338 Main SL, 8a It Laka City. None genuine without the trade mark the Curious D. Wool Hose. IS. Lti and 23c. Children's Underwear, fnnn 5e and i.p. Sleeve undervests, from 12 up. f a WRITE FOR PRICE-LISThe only difference in Our Goods and other stores is the Sounds Big, but if s True want to talk with every town in Utah. Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have the ,,DELL.M Otherwise you If you CANT! Price. Kememlier the Hare, F. M. Teets, State Lake 114, 116 A 118 St., 8alt City. Pure Gold Rings hsv MlSkM INSIDE. 18 k Telephones have this 0VTS1DE. |