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Show V 4 The ay VoL VII. STOCKTON. UTAH, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2. 1907. STOCKTON SENTINEL. Published Every Wednesday. The Sentinel Printing and Publishing Company. v publication. Main Street, Stockton, Utah. Oue year, f 1 .50; six months, 11.00; three months, 76 cents. matter at Entered as second-clas- s the postoffice at Stockton, Utah. .Office of W. L. Elswick . FRANK CONNOR TOOELE Local Manager ASST. MGR. COUNTY OFFICERS. County Seat, Tooele City. Clerk Ivan Ajax. Treasurer E. 61. Orme. Recorder F. W. Fralley. Sheriff A. O. Evans. Assessor J. A. MUlward. Attorney J. B. Gordon. Surveyor Haines Grlndley. Commissioners C. Le Roy Anderson, J. G. Brown and W. J. Ilam' form of Piles; it soothes and heals, relieves the pain. Itching and burning. Man Zan Pile Remedy. Price 50 eeata. Guaranteed. Sold by Stockton Drag A News Co. Jl Jl " r. ! Alex Frasier .was visiting friends o and relatives in Stockton during ' the MERCUR ITEMS. first part of the week. Alex Is always r a welcome visitor. Miner. Plsety of work in Mercur for goodg Jl ji men at the regular scale of wages Len Sfott of Salt Lake was a Stock-tovisitor Saturday. He went over throughout Utah. .4 Jl to St. Johns, to visit friends there Alma Swensou A Co. have sold before returning to town. out their mercantile business, store . . Mrs. William Utley, Miss Francis buildings, bakery, residence, and about Williams and Mm. Alex Maze, Jr. twenty (20) dwelling houses to the went to Salt ljtke Friday, to meet Union hlercantlle Co. Jt Jt William Utley and Harry McKendrick. drlck. Evan Jones Is back to Mercur again J and has a small force of men at the ji Elmer Klklngton has gone with Dr. Sacramento getting property and Davis of Tooele to San Francisco. He things in shape for a resumption off has decided to lake a 000186 in phar- operations at that property. Undoubtmacy, and hence his departure for edly the Sacramento will install the the roast. slimes process at an early date. w The threshing machines were hum' ming during the week, and Stockton farmers are now ready for the Harvest Home.1 Mt-rru- .l Stockton's livery stable keeper, Jas. Harris, is talking about putting in rubber-tirebuggies and an automobile. Go it, .Jimmy, we can stand a whole lot oPMhat kind of talk, Just so mon. ( Local & Nows Itens I .4 n 'J Professor Sweeten had business that took him to the city last week. Jl jl . Jt that Pinesalve Carbol Do you know lzed acts like DEALER IN General Merchandise, Drugs Notions. Ilmslbly Senator Tillman merely predicts a tace war In orde to give his hearers a run for their money. An Illinois woman hid $2.0(10 In her stotklng and then forgot to darn the stocking. a poultice lrf drawing out Inflammation and poison? It is For cuts, burns, eczema, Superintendent Tom G&lligher went antiseptic. to the briny burg Saturday on busi- cracked hands it is Immediate relief. ness. Sold by Stockton Dnig A News Co. The Most Sensational Happening in the History of Piano Sell ing in the West. Clayton Music Co. Decide to Close Out Entire Stock on Amount of Extensive Jl Jl Jl Jl The masquerade ball by the brass Dewey Sweet has taken the agency Store Repairs Son to Begin. for the Chicago ledger and Saturday band was a great success and recupBlade. erated their treasury to s considerable extent. Everybody seemed well satiJ ' jt John Beaman was down from Ophlr sfied, and voted the boys a big time to the masquerade ball last Wednes- at tbelr next grand ball Friday night. The prizes were won by Miss Gerday night. trude McFariane, who represented a Jt jlProfessor Sweeten's squaw, and Mr., Ed Shields, as Uncle Friday night orchestra went to Tooele City to play Sam. J.B. HICKMAN, 1 great success, the results of August showing the bullion for amount of values carried In ore, according to the assays. This Is, Indeed, most eiicuur-zglng- , and Indications iioint at this time to a flourishing condition for Mercur and the surrounding camps. The present business conditions are much better than at sny time during the past year and Mercur is taking mi new life. Greatest Piano Event in History Keith-OBrie- n Lake. of Salt f it dont materialize. Rings Dyspepsia Tablets do the work. Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, indigestion, bloating, etc., yield quickly. LOCALETTES. Two days treatment free. Ask your for a tee trial. Sold by Stock' Janies Davis had his fool rnished druggist ton Drug & News Co. at the mines last Friday. jt jt Mrs. Halliday, the wife of our estfc ji J Mis. Beaman's sister was a Stock-to- mable school teacher, Is sick at visitor during the week. GrantsvIUe. Mr. Halliday went twice ' I J during the week to visit her. The After a few weeks' vacation, hire. Sentinel hopes soon to lie able to reH. Sweet returned home'Thursday. port her convalescence. Jl Jl pertinents on nearly all the ore In Camp Floyd district by this process show excellent results. M . The slimes process In operation at the Golden Gate mill seems to bo a Stockton, Utah. d .( No. 10. FEAST f OR PUNO BUYERS A 1 Salt Lake City. (so-calle- On occasions of the State Fair and Conference OF CONTESTANTS POPULAR IN 6IRL THE SENTI-NE- Company has always offered inducements out of the ordinary to visitors. These special bargains include the most desirable goods in every department Notwithstanding the atore's position as a leader, it Is the most one in Balt Lake, by reason of its uniformly reasonable prices, its broad CONTEST Following is the result of the vote in the Sentinel's Popula Girl Contest for the week ending Wednesday, Aug. Mth. 1907. t venture the assertion that never before has there been attempted a sale of the proportions this sale will assume. Think of it. an entire stuck of over 200 instruments to be ?IohnI out In ten days. It seems a linnet lmpMlbl - to such a result, but nevertheless we fully expert every Instrument to be taken long before the time limit of the sale expires. Of course, we realise that prices on everything must be rut an deep that the Instruments would really sell themselves. We knew that the great value must le so apparent to all that every buyer could see at s glance wliat a Pimm opportunity this really is. So we simply shut our eyes to cost nr former prices and cut and nlasln-prices almost to the vanishing point. Judging by the results of the first day's selling, we predict a quick sale Ht of the eniirc stork. Really, the marked nil these Instruments it prlu-ought to be a grab gain-- . The buyers wen here from far and iicir yesterday and many pianos were s let The stoie presented n busy seine 'all day, crowded with earnesl seekers for the wonderful bargains ami none were disappointed, for all found everything Just as advertised. You see we are a Is ill I to remodel mil The contracts have been wiircnwiins. Oct. 14tb. We and work must are compelled to get this wlmle stock out of the way of possible damage, and ratine than take any risk or cart the pin mm to a storage house we decided to close out everything, sacrificing all there were selected also four handsome high-grauprights, two in mahogany, one In English oak, the oilier In Freneh walnut. The regular prices of these Instruments were $375, $4n0 to $426. They went at $1S. $21 and $24.2. on payments of $7 monthly. Three High Grads Uprights. Beautiful mahogany eases, pianos that never sell for less than $450, $475 to $500, wen selected yesterday by shrewd buyers. They went at $25(1, $27 and $312, on icrius of $10 monthly. These are but wimples of the wonderful bargains that may Is had at tills sale. Is it not Indeed a real "piano opportunity?" Entire Stock Goes. Including every make ( piano bandied by this bouse, Slejnway, Snhtuer. Vose. Kimball. Melville- - Clark. Hlmy it Clark, Estey. Winter, Hnluuf M. Cable, Rudolph. Irving. Viiilm . Ilall-- i ft Davis, Sniff I) & Rimes. Will.ul. Schlrmer, (iilhcrt ami mln-rs- . The piano of your clmi. e Is In i - ' ! It While you CIIII save a rnniter of $1'." f It. to $250 ill Ibc purcha.-- c pmllt. We would sale. d 6-- Mabel 7074 Hollow Bessie 6IcKendriok Alice Bracken Maggie Simers 76158 this The Sentinel has arranged to present to the winner test an elegant ladies gold watch. Any young lady may enter the contest by filling in the blank certificate published elsewhere, and filing it vrith the manager of the Sentinel. Da it nowof con- - ( - Ask Your Dealer For SPRINGS, The Pure Whiskey. n de A MILLING COATS, SUITS, SKIRTS, AND WAISTS. During Confer- ence we have Arranged Big Spe-nj- y cial Suit Sale at a few uf lln- - K'"1 I - im-v- monthly. You Kluiuld nut (May ymir visit In ilu Tlu-sb.irg.iins will nm rather take cost or less fur hern very lung wiirii I pi" . the stock now and open our newr store about with an entirely new stock than have Made up in the Season. New Fabricks and Weaves. All the New Leading Colors of Autumn are Represented. c thi-tn- v New Fall Styles e il'ing-hav- in used uprights. Kurv nn- 'if ni iiinlilnii' these pliiiins is in $ One $350 uprigln. imw $ One $4u0 liilhcr! upright- - imu $?.'7 One $275 Klinliiill upright, now One S30 Irving upriulii. imw $ll,i . ,.$22S One $500 l 'bickering lipiiglil. $' Ternm on used uprights $5 $ $ EVERY SUIT IN THE COLLECTION ONE OF THE By Attending The Sale You Will be Well Repaid. Buyers. the Instruments damaged while reiwlia - to unubliattend lie- sale urn If you are going on and then be compelled to Write us iilid stuli Imw iiiucli ymi wish sell theifl at a sacrifice. to pay fur nn Instrument mid mi wluil This Is the simple story. terms. This explains why we are making We will select an iiistriiiuiiit fit the such great reductions in the prices of It to ymi. and If tint entin- - best pianos ever lirnuglil In Salt price slid ship you enn return It Hitfisfiicinry tirely laike. at iiur expense W guarantee entire Suits, skirts. Jackets, bats, gloves, TV HOW THEY WENT YESTERDAY. satisfaction In every way. portieres, piano covers, ostrich plumeaty or anytbing tbat has become soiled Among the pianos selected yesterday orj Square Pianos Used Organs. faded, to us and we will were three of those fine durable up$12. $25. $3U. $10. $15, At $15. ole. to $1. $265 rights that usually sell at $260. It so that It will be almost as good as $275. Two. went at $97 each, the oilier Why lint buy the rhildreh one nf these? PAIR new. at $112. The terms were $10 cash and You can puy fur It at $2 to $5 inmu lily. We pay particular slteaUon to work $5 and $4 monthly. Get Here Early. SJzfrom out of the city and on Jobs of 1 -You wunt H good selection, of cnuisc, ftl$5.00 or over we prepay the express Four Beautiful Mahogany Uprights. kucharges. so come to the sale at nnee. Store LOey Went at $1$7, $134. $16 and $174. the Main office, 112 h znd Boi 8L (iM-Main street. evenings. prices varying according to style and (Opp. Grand Theatre. J CLAYTON MUSIC CO., finish of case. The former prices w ere Works, 36640 W 1st So. St, Salt Lake City. . IVhIi-is$2ii0 to $350. Two went fur cash and landing Music two on paymenta of $6 monthly. Joseph J. Li.iyms. Jr.. Manager n - tj LINDLKY, Distributors. RJ Everything' for Women and Children. Used Uprights. Here arc IHR-1- RIEGER JAMIES A.s. The Paris, Then k Send Your MARBLE .tv - J s Special attention to mall' orders. finest ami mail and store In Balt Lake. order department largest Everything Is Mafred for the Slaughter. Many Pianos at Less Than Half Price; Others Going at a Positive Loss on Cost. Dont Miss This Sale If You Need a Piano. Open Even- Main. ings, 109-11- 1 . L'S Keith-OBri- en J s STANDING any, The Savings Will Naturally Lesson the Expense of the Trip. Jt Mothers with little children need no George Denton was hopping around longer fear croup, colds or whooping on one foot during the week. Cause cough. Bees Laxative Cough 8yrup a gammy foot. tastes good. It works off the cold Jl J the bowels, clears the head. through A goodly number of local sports Guaranteed. Sold by 8tockton Drug were hunting in Soldiers canyon dur- A News Co., o ing the week. Jl Jt ITEM. NEW8 MUSICAL After being absent some four weeks, and McKendrick Billy Utley Henry Nymphs o' the Mist, Is the title returned home Friday. of a new Instrumental piano piece Just Jl Jl issued from the preds of the Tolbert Mr. Dan Trenam and wife went to R. Ingram Music company of Denver, Reason the metropolis Saturday. Colorado. It is an ocean characterisconference nad state fair. tic and gives promise of becoming one J jt of the big musical hits of the season, Mike Deeney was in Salt Lake last all of that wierd charm, on was the sick list possessing Wednesday. He in and melody, that the both rhythm and went to see a doctor. ocean induces. Those who have heard Jl Jl It say that it is one of the most origMr. William Mills is visiting his inal numbers published in s long time. He has in Stockton. many parents Hiawatha, Anona anil other friends here also, to visit. Indian Musical numbers have Jl Jt had the public attention for several Mr. Scheu was out to Stockton on years, but the ocean, which offers so business last week. He was looking much for musical and poetic Imaginaover the Honerine Extension. tion, has, for some unaccountable reaJi Jt son lieen slighted. Nymphs o the James Spalding and Ed. Mackinson Mist" is the forerunner of the best of have started the Stockton Opera the iwptilar in this class and its popuHouse out for a boom run this winter. larity is already assured. It is said to lie an excellent number, both fur ji . The band will give another of their liarlnr and teaching purposes. o excellent balls in the I. O. O. F. hall next Friday night. Everybody and the It conics put up In a collapsible tube cook will be there, or at least should with a nozzle easy to apply to the soreness and inflammation, for any be. 8 TnrInfn "mulclUn LlCanillg I |