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Show foiptu wkh J requirement of the National Pure Food Law, Guarantee No. 204l( filed at Waihmaa CONTEST WILL CLOSE OCT. 15TH.I "Should wives set MlarleaT" asks I The Democrat must nominate a a woman writer in one of the maga-- man on whom all fraction can unite," The Winner Will be Presented With a lines. Men who are in the habit of says a Southern contemporary. Just Handsome Gold Watch She May banding their pay envelopes over ev- now It looks as If no matter who Is be Proud of. ery week will think this a rather late nominated all factions will unite in day lu spring a question like that. jumping on him. Tl.'.- Sentluels contest popular girl o ha proven a most successful affair r l Mr. Brian announces that he will The Pittsburg man who had a and the young ladle who have old child arrested on the rhaige .have worked faithfully to win answer Secretary Taft through hi the e'egaut prize offered. It U weekly paper. This serial will enliven of tearing up his lawn has given tba he la tiii i which of the young ladles will th campaign while Mr. Bryan proceeds country the impression that l be tit'' candidate, and this with hla whirlwind oratory throughout blessed with a disposition like a crosscut saw. will nut lie kuown until the close of the the third battle." 1 - two-yea- parti-ciiwt'i- un-c- c Hiio'-earfu- cunt.t. However, the winner will be pref.'Mod with an elegant gold watch, o known fact that persons IIvIlr in the Pine fortats do not suffer One dose of from kidney diseases. Pineuiea at night usually relieve backache. Thirty day' treatment, $1.00. You:' money refunded if not satisfied. Sold by Stockton Drug ft News Co. It the finest hotels and restaurants, but did not find any coffee to excel in quality Aibuckles ARIOSA." We dined in That is what some of package, one pound full weight, rearing the name ARBUCKLES ARIOSA COFFEE and the one Jody writes and 37 vears, ought to induce millions of others prove they believe, by using more Arb tickles' ARIOSA every- body to at least sample it. Coffee than all the oilier packaged coffees in tlte United States put a signature of Arbucklc Brothers, which entitles you to presents. That wc 11 $ LocKsley Hall. OWNED BY Mrs. E. Hunnecutt. FOR BUSINESS MEN TnUXIiTlTD 1IINNLLK at i Oclock. WANTED is the genuine article, no mattes has suited the health and taste of packaged coffee. See that you get the sealed most American pcojJe for over 200 LABORERS 25c per hour Wages 50 ARBUCKLE BROSL. NCW YORK CITY- - SJATE luiaftt Fhor- - Equipped with Plank Wagons for Grading Work. FAIR PROGRAMME. AND ' r. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS TEAMS GUARDIANSHIP The (lays of the week have heeu WAGE8 $4.50 POR EIGHT HOURS. NOTICES. Chemists and Assaysrs. Consult County Clerk or reepeetive dfulKuated for observance by the committee to date aa follow: J. V. Badlei '.M. S. Hanauer. signers for further information. EMPLOYMENT STEADY Monday Owning day, Cache and 162 West Temple. 8UMMONS. Klder uounty day, .ieelal tlre-, Box .P. O. Bos 1446. Salt Lake City, Utah . .. . .. , works In the evening, balloon race In MORAN THu 11,0 horse racing and all I' P. e'iUrta Judicial Dlslrict of I tah, other utl ructions, Analytical Work a Specialty. the including Adgle, ( ounty or Suit laike. j woman lion tamer. Utah Suit Lake City Katie Esther 1 nation, plaintiff vs. Tuesday Iiml.v SETTLES, MATHEZ A CO., Charles W. Bishop, defemlnnt.-8.in- i-1 like county day, Wednesday-S- alt NOTICE. five concert by Salt Lake tabernacle Aaaay, Chemical and Metallurgies: Tho Stale of Utah. In Ihu said 1 United States Lnnd Office, Salt balloon ascenalon. choir, Laboratory. 1907. rendunt: Thursday Weber county day, with Lake City, Utah. Sept. lGth, You are hereby eiiiniuoiied to appear 168 South West Temple Street. Ogdon tabernacle choir iu attendance. To Whom It May Concern: within twenty days after the service Notice is hereby given that the Friday Utah county day; chlldren'a Balt Lake City, Utah. IhlH summon uixm you, If served of of Utah has filed In this office 8iate W. G. KING, MANAGER. Ch,,dren' ch- lists of within the County In which this action iX-SiJ- ? lauds, selected by the said Is brought, otherwise, within thirty the Gth section of the under State, BHtFifteen assays or analyses for 3. days arter service, and defend thi-- ! Act of Congress, approved July 10, eIron, ba Lead, Copper, Cold, Silver, above entilliKl action; and In case of j , 1S94, as Indemnity School Lands, as Zinc, Silica, Calcium and ManganorJ J1 n failure so to do, judgment will your follows: ese. n'anaBrm(nt ha . he rendered against you according to !j SW. V MV. 14: NW. 14 SW. 14 ,- - nnn Write for particulars. ano tho demand of the complaint, which Sec. 35, T. 5 8. R. 6 W., (State 472 a THE HENRY HANSON CHEMIPm' U. I. R.): Lot 3, SE. 14 NW. within ten days after service of this fM1- V Jy. 'xcl,tlk evi!!lt Sec, CAL RESEARCH CO An. jnn,,va,,,,, will be the two-thsuininons upon you, will be filed with; 4. NE. 14: NW. 14 SE.4 Sec. 9. SW Chemiuin race, which will be Analytical and Consulting clerk of said Court. This action 14 cl08e of 1,10 horse race, 14 SW. 4:N. 14 NWM.. Sec. 10. T. U ists, 54 Railroad Building, Is brought to recover a judgment dls-- 1 l (l 6 8. W.. U 8.. R. (State 471, r own' ln 8alt Lake I. 8,v,r,,1 mo,or Denver, Colo., U. 8. A. solving tbe bonds of matrimony here- - claim R.). to have ma toforc existing between .you and the Copied of said lists, so far ns they chines, and the race will be bound to relate plaintiff. to said tracts by descriptive attract a deal of interest and great CYRUS G. GATRELL, subdivisions, have been conspicuously crowd. will The Satclose fair large Plaintiff's . Attorney. In this office for Inspection by urday night with a grand confetti posted I. O. addivss 311 D. F. Walker Bldg., j bam, any person interested, and by tlie pubSalt Lake City, Utah. lic generally. . Formerly of First publication. Sept, 22, 1907. The products of Utah Industrie are This notice will be published for CROW BROTHERS, to lie given preference at the fair over five successive weeks, under departmental Instructions of April 25, 1907 NOTICE. foreign exhibits, according to a de- and Haa opened up at during thla period, protest or cision ditbe arrived board of at by contests agajust the claim of the 13 W: South Temple Street, Estate of Lena Wannebo, Deceased: of rectors the fair association. Thu aubdl-AialoThe undersigned will sell at private Utah exhibit! la already very State to any of the tracts or on Salt Lake. City;, sale the .real os tats situate in,Siilt list of and the hereinbefore described, by the time the day Tor Iaike county, Utah described aa . fo- large.' Where he will be pleated to that the same la more valuable llow: Lots one and two ln block six opening rolls around, it Is confidently ground for mineral than for agricultural purSee Old Friends 31 Customers. ln the First Burlington Addition to expected that every home Industry of poses, will be received and noted for note the state be AN kinds pf will any Glendale Park in Salt Lake City, ac-- ! throughout to ther General Land Office at report In the booths and stalls cording to the recorded plat, together represented D. C. Failure so to proWaahlngton. iwlth the apurtenances on or after Sep- at the Utah State fair. or test within the time sped contest, o tember 30, and written blda will fled, will be considered sufficient eviDone on 8horteet Notice and Loweet be received 1907, n McGur-rloffice' of at the Although there are only eighteen dence of the character of Prices. ft Guatln, 309 Auerbach Building, flags used In the International Code of said tracts, and the selections thereof, Salt Lake City, Utah. Terms of gale, Signals, which Is used by warships being otherwise free from objection or credit aa provided by law. and merchant ships all over the world, will lie recommended for approval. oh cash Dated, September 4, 1907. they can be made to represent no .fewE. D. R. THOMPSON, Can and See Mo. Edward Wannebo, Administrator of er thin 20,000 signals, and by lta use Register. he estate of Lena Wannebo, deceased. something like 50,000 ships van be desFirst publication Sept. 25, 1907. McGurrin ft GuBtln, Attorneys. ignated. I A at pjublicatlon Oct. 23, 1907. First publication Sept 8, 1907. o For a while the country will have 7 .In the NOTICE. ASSESSMENT NO. 1. to witness the squabble between a United States Land Office, Salt number of actors who think they Lake City, Utah, Augut 26, 1907. , can All Vtah Newsimiter and kilning Richaixl Mansfield's shoes. To Whom It May Concern: a cororation. m lxicatlon Notice la hereby given that the flne-- All principal place of business. Salt Ijtke State of Utah haa filed in this office Utah. the Great Blood list of lands, selected by the said geode geee inteed. Bend ua your City, Notice la hereby given that at a Nerve Tonic. State, undeg the Gth section of tbe Act mail Mm, of Congress, approved July 16. 1894, meeting or the Board of Director held on the 30th day of August, 1907, s Indemnity School Lands, as folDRUG CO, A Purely Vegetable Compound. cent per share ail assessment of lows: 338 Main SL, j was levied on the capital stock of the SW. 14. S. NE. NW, SE. Salt Lake City, Utah. cnriiorntinn. imvable October 1. 1907 Sec. 25. T. 4 S., R. G W.. (State Tested by Y ears of Experience. Posto I.. II. Gray, treasurer, at. 14 Eagle 417. U. I. R.. llldg.. Salt T.ake City. Utah. Any itive Cure for Constipation, Kidney Copies of aald lists, so far aa they 3 'Suinuoo jaded llAV relate to aald tracts by descriptive sub-d- i slock iiNin which this assessment 2) 'FnUuivaS3 anpuix oaaaiunS may romsln unpaid on the 1st day o, and Stomach Troubles. visions, have been conspicuously pouted in this office fur Inspection by October, 1907. will be delinquent and suoivaooaa ony A Sure Relief for Rheumatism. SU30NVH H3dVd SM31NIYd j advertised for sale at public auction any person interested, xnd by the public generally. is zu unless made before and, 6SCI liaa auoqd J! iwyinent Testimonials furnished on reques'. This notice will be published for will lx sold on the 22nd day of Octoduo lias ! ber. 1907. at the hour of 12 o'clock five successive weeks, under depart ni., '6U3H10UB 61N3N3T0 Oar bo Medical Company, mental Instructions of April 25. 1907,! at II Eagle Bldg. Sail Ijtke City. and during this pen. ., protests ir MV uqed --0CS 9S01 IS 1'tah. to pay llu delinquent assess5G W. lat South Street, - sjueuw,3 contests against the cl tiin of the State a 'siuatuaio 'o ; ment together with the cost of adverto any of the tracts or subdivisions Salt Lake City, tising and expense of sale. hereinbefore described, on the ground L. II. GRAY. Secretary. AGENTS WANTED. ;liat the Banie is mure valuable for 1 Office. Salt Lake Eagle Building. nr. Lirogrt mineral than for agricultural purposes, Utah. City, Tan Fr.nch will be received anil noted for report TJv V iL Jlk An 1. 1907. Tselet. First publication Sept. to the General Land Office at Washqualntanc wilt, tablet will I g. F ington, D. C. Failure n to protest or In a pleua-a- n 'Ey ffttuHa I rvuB "ontest. within the time specified, will We do n General Commission t to aurprU isconsidered sufficicrt evidence of women uttering TUe lailiei ,af-- 8 character die of said mini. beig eaaea ; selections the and nets, thereof, of painful or ing otherwise free Bern objection, menwruaJ1,,reh"p'1 Mon w 11 be recommended sl for approval. tt.00 per box. At all drug storeaI'riras or by mail, E. D. R. THOMPSON. Houll rrug Co. aeurely sealed. I ; growing in value, and now is the, Main, Salt Laka City, Utah. Register. First publication Sept. 4. 19o7. Uu Sept. ICth will of-- 1 jtliuf to Invet-t-. In all 2. Oct. 1907. Last publication for Tor ale: r.tm lots In JORDAN PUVCK. L. H. GRAY, A subdivision of Salt Lake City, at West Tenih street between Third i Land Attorney. Smith and Sixth South streets. 4 Attend to all business before On dollar cash and fifty cents a j 30 DAYS TREATMENT FOR $1.00 United States Land Office, Orders Promptly Executed withwill one of lots these week buy l, Surveyor-GeneraU. S. 4 Satisfaction guaranteed References, nny Bank in Utah. out inten-K- t or tax. State Land Board, or money refunded. State Engineer. if Price from $100 to $200. Size, 25 FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER by 157 feet to alley. Streets graded Salt Lake City, Utah. 100 Atlas Black, Salt and clone to rlty school and street TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM Lake City, Utah. 4 4 earn. Send for riat to E. B. Wicks, 4 4 4 4 4 AND LUMBAGO No. f9 State Street. Salt lake City, A dose at bed time ceu-al- ly Utah. THE KEELEY CURE. relieves the most severe case before morning. John C. Cutler, Jr., Drunkenness Cured. To women for collecting INVESTMENT BANKER. A positive and permanent cur namee and selling our EfteMlihad 1893. for drunkenness and the opium dt novelties, we give big BONDS. SUGAR STOCKS. SANK STOCKS, eases. There Is no publicity, no A .4 Othri premium send your name today foi sickness. Ladles treated as priour new plan of big proflte with litBiA Grade Investments Bouiht a sold. tle work. Write today. Address C. vately as at tbelr own borne. Tbe PINEULE MEDICINE CO. T. MOSELEY, Premium Department, St Mala SL. Sail UK City, Keeley Institute. 334 W. 8a Temlath Ph.an 127. 32 E. 23rd Street, New York City. CHICAGO. U. 8. A. pi. Balt Lake City, Utah. Stld by Stockton Drug and News Ca PROBATE i By the Day or WeeK. convenances. Ov a Lcyioa'a jewelry Store, 24 5oum Main Su, SALT LAKE CITY. J. THE MONARCH J , MALLEABLE RANGE THE STAY 8ATI8FACTORY RANGE." THE RANGE THAT 8AVES." Ixt us place one in your home, use it thirty days, if it Is not satisfactory we will call for it all money paid refunded. $45.00 to $70.00. MONARCH HARDWARE CO., fr P"8 : I S 432 South Main Street, Salt Lake City. cities bide many country girls where you buy it cr what price you pay and boys who secretly sigh for a far it cup of good coffee like mother" made. Same old Coffee, same old firm. "Mother" probably used the old If your grocer won't supply, write to ArtucMes' " die fint roasted original The fact that Arhuckles ARIOSA Coffee costs less and OFFICE. , The together, UNION ASSAY i J. o 27-2- J. E. Crow, Harness Work W. 3 S. SL, 9 G. CAMPBELL, Manager Salt Lake City. Parker Lumber Co. Wholesale Retail. Mining Timbers, Genasco Roofing, Blue Plaster Board. All Kinds of Building Material. Write or Call at Our Office, SALT LAEE CITY, UTAH. Corner 2 South & 3 West Sts. non-miner- Horse Goods EVERYTHING Rubber Goods 1 - farkn LaiDO ft-IT- 4 WITHOUT KNIFE. o o o Doctor Johnson, Specialist for Rectal Diseases Com-pany- aa. Piles Removed 261 S. Main Street, jjj H Salt Lake City. 2 4 T. W. I - iwa I i j j TAILOR, j f Salts Made to Order $22.50 & up. Pants $6 Q up. m Altering, Repairing, Cleaning Q Pressing. 1 m Hvfl BOCKSTIE, Practical Gent's 21 Ladies ROOMS 33 ac-Ix- w fL Jft 35 EAGLE BLOCK, SALT LAKE CITY.S 0J Salt Lake City Real Estate aup-TH- ! B roKerage usiness UTAH and NEVADA STOCKS. Child, Cole non-miner- Elafsnlljr f srsiihcd. watajt The Raleigh! PINEULES Mrs. L B. McGrath, Prop. 137 East First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Room Single H EnSulte, With Private Bath. F I F F F Co.,; Rates Reasonable. iJ Centrally Located. Strictly Modern in all Appointments. NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, BACKACHE $ J Strictly Mo4ra, yil EUROPEAN. Mrs. E. Bartlett, Prop. State Street, Salt Lake City. & & & |