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Show I Suffered Two Yean Relieved AIoaths. Tells a Story of Awful Suffering and Alabama Judge Did Not Think Wonderful Relief. ceased Would Miss Much. THE ART OF DINING OUT A Few By Suggestions T. W. MKail From what 1 hear 1 infer that nowadays there are thousands of young men in New York sbaulutely aching for Ups on how to behave themselves when dining out. To Judge from this kind of talk the average New Yorker, when invited out to dine, doesn't know whether it is good form to turn up in his automobile togs, or whether it is de rigger to Introduce the subject of aluminum corsets into the small talk. Upon your arrival at the' house where you have been invited to dine you hand your hut and coat to the servant. If you have brought an umbrella, you hand that also. In any New York house these articles will bo returned to you in a tolerable state of preservation on leaving; or, failing them, you will probably have a chance to help yourself to a selection of what you fancy in the cloakroom. You can often pick up quite a new hat in thia way for nothing. When dinner ia announced it is not considered good form to rush for the dining room to secure a front seat. No matter how hungry you may be, even if you have shortened up your lunch in anticipation of the free blowout, it Is considered bong tong to go The march to the dining slowly. room is always made to resemble a funeral procession In order to give the humorous guests a chance to remark that they are about to assist at the funeral of the menu. Menu is a French word, hut Is now quite freely used In this city. It means a list of eatables set out In detail, and also Implies that you are to have several minute snacks of things in general, instead of one unrestrained go at anything in particular. When asked to take a lady down io dinner it is usual to put the .lady on the wall side of the staircase, so that if she slips you can grip on the baluster and save the procession from being bum ted about a good deal. There is no obligation on you to work steadily through the menu if you prefer to rest here and there. Still, if you are feeling exceptionally fit, or have a bet on about it, no physical tor' will be used to prevent you from grappling with the entire lly-ouIf during tbe repast you should drop anything under the table, it is not regarded as good form to dive and down at once on your hands knees in order to recover it. At a dinner party a section of the menu ia commoner handed round to the guests by t'je servants, and you will be expected to dig out what you need for your own personal use, and let the balance go. However tempting tbe dish may be, do not allow yourself, in an excess of uncontrolled emotion, to pinch the lot. Of course, it may happen that, quite inadvertently you may lift rather more of the course than you designed. In that case, let the sitoil lie where it fell, and put the blame on tbe servant.' It would not be at all correct to return the surplus; neither should you even If your ueighlmr is a very pretty girl, Insist on dumping ujxin her plate the balance for which you have no use. If she wants it she will ask for d TiUt March I commenced lifting Periina and continued tor three months. 1 have nut used it aince, nor have I felt a pain. T bclieve-tha- t I am well and X therefore give my highest commendation to the curative qualities of Feruna. For Kidney Trouble. Mrs. Ocol Can., writes II. Simaer, Grant, Ontario, : I had not been well for about fonr years. I had kidney trouble, and. In net, felt badly nearly all tbe time. This summer I got so very bad I thought 1 would try Feruna, so I wrote to you anl began at once to take Feruna ana hlanalin. I took only two bottles of Feruna and one of Manulin, and now 1 feel better than I libve for some time. I feel that l'eruna and Manalin cured me and made a different woman of me altogether. 1 bless the day 1 picked up the little book and read of your Feruna. ' It It the butlneta of the kldneya to remove from the blood all polaonoua materials. They must be active all the time.eixe the system suffers. They are times when they need a little assistance. Peruna is exactly the sort of a remedy. It has saved many people from disaster by rendering the lcidneys her. vice at a t fine when they were not able to bear their own burdens. SICK HEADACHE t. They also relieve trtM from DyHprpMl. iliKrallonandToo liesrty gating. A perfect edj fur Dlulnees, MS Drowalneea, Bad Taete lu the Month, Coated Tongue, Palo la the UiMrewi'in LIVES. They regulate the Bowel. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. S1L it When the soup 1b served you will be expected to eat it with the tableThe use of the knife when spoon. THE MENTOO KNOW THE SUPERIOR QUALITIES OF'jP'-- " I11 W sunsmm fe suckers, T-- l AWv AND HATS ore the men who hav put them to the hard- est tests in the toughest weather. Get the original Towtrs Pish Brand made since 1636 tmuoe me roa me Auotta 6 J TOWM rCO fwo-t- wpwra i 10106 - V 6 eonviaee woman To that any Fax. tine Antiseptic will Improve her health and do all we claim send her for It. We will absolutely free a large trial Psxtlne with of instructions and genuine testimonial. Bend on address name s aiul postal card. your box of bonk cleanses and heals mucous m e m -brairn afas nasal fections, such catarrh, pel vie eaurrh and Inflammation caused hr feminine Uls; sore eyes, wire throat and mouth, hy direct leal treatment Its curs alirf power over these troubles Is extra- relief. ordinary and gives Imunsllute TIhhuuiuIi of women are Using and leo to cents at oimne ruling It every day. dnirelsts or hy mall. Keniemher, however, iTnisTMvnr mitiiinctotkyit. TUB 1L PAXTON CO., Uoatuu, 31 eft. imCELLANEOUS ELECTROTYPES In VTwat waHrv for Ml Cht tl.IUiAMJ liWWAlkllC0h,HW.A4 DEFIANCE STARCH unite pfW hf 6l.,iM6W eluUies alt For Saving Life at Sea. apiaiatu lor life saving at tea This Product Littlo Known in the has been Invented by Mr. R. Lavach-- J United States. iy. a Belgian engineer residing at rimpultcpec, Mex. It consists of a from which a projectile Tea. not from leaves, but from the rifled flowers alone of the plant, is rarely eu- - is fired; to the projectile are In commerce. The petals. tached a cable, an anchor and a stamens, etc., are sun dried, and iho rocket. The mechanism is said to be resulting tea is of a rich, deep brown very simple. hikI for biimaniuriau reals lie of peculiarly delicate odor, and sons the inventor has not patented It. gives a pale amber colored infusion Sufficient Happiness, rather more astringent in taste than The only happiness a brave maa that from the average fHlr grade leaf. The taste for it Is an acquired one. ever troubled himself about esjieciany and even if this tea could be made was happiness enough to get his work commercially possible, it is doubtful if done. Carlyle, J i it would ever become popular. The American tea trade could ad- - j vaiitngcoiisiy take a suggestion from the brick tea of the far east. In our country, the tea dust, some of which la good quality. Is not properly utilised. In Rurope it is a regular j article of tiade, and it is advertised and sold as tea dust. In America it ia sold to thousands of cheap restau- lants, who make from it the mixture j of tanlc acid, sugar and boiled milk which they aell as tea. If, as in tho Into orient, this dust was compi-esacbricks, good tea could be made from An In Thru I have Buffered with kidney and ether trouble for ten yean poet. NO PLACE FOR HIM HERE. A MISSOURI WOMAN KIDNEY TROUBLE eating soup is not recommended, as you can only get up such a mere scrap at each scoop, and when the courses are served one at a time you will be apt to keep the other guests waiting. The knife is only uacd for cutting things with, and the picturesque habit of chasing the peas or the last drop of gravy round the plate with the blade of the knife is no longer considered a la mode in good society. No matter how hungry yon may be, you must leave yourself with breath enough to talk occasionally to the lady you have brought down to dinner, even if yon don't care for the shade her hair is dyed. If you are telling her a funny story, you must not nudge her with your elbow when you reach the art where the laugh comes in, neither Is it usual to slap ladies on the back when endeavoring to add to their gayety. When the guests begin to go home, it is' as well for you to make a move also.1 if only to get a bulge on the cloakroom. At the same time, if you have sufficient confidence in your hostess, yon may postpone your departure a little, though it is not at all good form to wait till you are thrown out. It is a good rule to take your leave while you are still- sober, as yon ran always round off the corners of your exhilaration at the club or nearest saloon. - Usury Starts Emigration. The practice of usury in Mitylene has started a wholesale emigration to the United Status. I have been reliably Informed that out of 18.000 male taxpayers, 6.000 between the ages or and 25 have left tor America. From the village of Hagiasas, in the h center of Jhe island, of the whole population has left. The movement is assuming such an alarming aspect that the Turkish government is now using Us utmost endeavors to prevent this exodus. With few exceptions. only men emigrate, which proves conclusively that it is the intention of these people to eventually return to the island after they have earned sufficient money In the United States to enable them to do so. one-tent- Mrs. J. IX Johnson, of 603 West Hickman St., Columbia, Mo., says: Following an operation two years ago, dropsy set In. and my left aide was so swollen the doctor aid he would have to tap out tbe water. There was constant pain and a gurgllug sensation around my heart, and I could not raise my arm above my head. The kidney action waa disordered and passages of the secretions too frequent On tbe advice of my husband I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. Since using two boxes my trouble has not reappeared. This la wonderful, after suffering two years." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foater-Milbur- a Co., Buffalo, N. Y. KNEW VALUE OF AN OATH. Colored Witness at Least Was Awara of Its Pecuniary Worth. De- Your honor," said a prosecuting at torney In an Alabama backwoods court, the prisoner at the bar is charged with killing one of the most exemplary citizens of this county. Thomas Jones, your honor, was In every respect a model man. He was a member of the church; he was never known tb bet on horses, play imker, drink whisky or use tobacco. He " Hold on a minute,' said the Judge. You say he never bet on a horse?" ''That's what 1 said, your houor." Never was known to play a game?" Never your honor." "And ha never drank liquor?' Never drank is drop, your honor." And hO'dldn't chew tobacco?" Never took a chew in his life. Weil, then," said the Judge, 1 don't see what ho wanted to live for. There wasn't anything In life for him, and 1 don't see why he ain't about as well off dead as alive. Release the prisoner, Mr. Sheriff, and call the next case." FIFTEEN YEARS OF ECZEMA. ' ; : ; ' i IL Terrible Itching Prevented fleep Hands, Arma and Lega Affected Cuticura Cured In 6 Days. Clarence S. Harrow, the well known lawyer and essayist discussing the Haywood trial, in which he played so prominent a part, said the other day: Some of the evidence in that trial was so transparently false that it reminds me of a case that came off in Alabama a few years back. One of the witnesses In this case waa an extremely ignorant man. As his testimony progressed, his Ignorance became so shockingly evident that the Judge, looking .sternly down at him said: Look here, sir, are you acquainted with the value of an oath? The witness answered anxiously 'Jedge, I hope I am. That thar lawyer on yer left hand gimme six dollars to sw'ar agin the other side. Thet's the correck value of an oath, ain't It, ledge?" ; The impression given at the latest in Berlin of invention is that liquid air will soon enter the field as a very serious roni)iet!tor of steam and electric power. W. N. U., Salt Laka City, No. exjKisitlon T had ecsenia nearly fifteen years. irts IMS 39, 1907. were my hands, arms and kgs. They were the worst in the winter time, and were always itchy, and I could not keep from scratching them. 1 had to keep both hands bandaged all tbe time, and at Lydia E. Overwhelming Proof night 1 would have to scratch through the bandages as the itching was so Vegetable Compound Succeeds. severe, and at times I would have to One of the greatest triumphs of Dear Mrs. Iinkhsm : tear everything off my bands to scratch 1 was told the skin. 1 could not rest or sleep. I L.vdia G. Pinkliuin's Vegetable Comby. my physician that I had a fibroid tumor ami that I would had several physicians treat me but pound ia the conquering of woman's dread enemy Tumor, hare to be operated upon, I wrote to they could not give me a liermanent Tbe growth of a tumor la so in you for ol Tire, which 1 followed carecure nor even could they stop the itchsidious that frequently itH prebenee fully and took Lydia K. I'iulchaia'a ing. After using the Cuticura Soap, ia wholly unsuspected until It is well Vegetable Compound. 1 am not only one box of Cuticura Ointment and two 'advanced. cured of the tumor but other female So called wandering pains" may troubles and can do all my own work bottles of Cuticura Resolvent for about six days the itching had ceased, and come from its early stages or the after eigh years of suffering." Wear Pajamas on Cars. now the sores have disappeared, and I presence of danger may lie made Mrs. 8. J. Barber, of Scott, N. Y. I learned something from the por- never felt better in my life than 1 do manifest by excessive monthly periods from writes : unusual bv accompanied pain, ter on our train this morning," said a now. Kdward Worell, Hand 30th U. S. the abdomen through the groin and Dear Mrs. linkham: 1 I noticed him pick up Infantry, Fort Crook, Nebraska. hotel guest. "Souictimft ago wrote you for thigh. the coat to a pair of pajamas while he If you have mystcrioim pains, if advice about a tumor which the doctors was making up one of tbe berths Horrible Method of Suicide. there are indications of inflammation thought would huve to bn removed. Moat Whoever had occupied the berth had have at some time wit- or displaoemciitN, Kccure a liottle of Instead I took Lydia K. l'inkham's am a Vegetable Compound and Vegetable Comgot off the train, evidently, and left nessed revolting sights, lint the fall- Lydia K. liukham'snative roots and well woman." the garment behind. Forgot part of ing of a suicide from tho cathedral pound, made from and begin its use. hrrlui, right Way his nightie, eh? says I to the porter. tower onto the pavement, 210 feet Mrs. M. M. Funk, Vandergrift, To., The following letters should conThe porter grinned broadly. 'Wasn't into the midst of the hurrying vince every buffering wornun of its writes: It noonday crowd, upon whose faces ami virtue, and that It actually does Dear Mrs. Finkham: any his about it, boss, he says. war a lady that was in that berth las ylothcs his exploding debris scattered conquer tumors. I bud a tumor and Lydia EL Pink-ham- 's night. Yes, sab. Lots of em seems itself, which was seen in Antwerp reVegetable Compound removed 830 W. Colfax of Mrs. May Fry, A merto like them to weah on the cabs, it for me after two doctors had given cently, beggars description. Ave , South Bend, Ind., writes I me up. 1 was sick four years before I guess they thinks theys better In case chant known as Jacques Simons quiet- Dear Mrs. Pinkliam ' of a wreck or sump'n like that'" began to take the Compound. 1 now at ly left his wife and two children writ- recommend Lydia E l'inkham's Vegetin take I pleasuregreat home, aa if to go on some business ing to thank you fur what Lydia K. able Compouud far and near." A 8trenuous Hint errand, made straight tor the cathe- linlc ham's Vegetable Compound baa It was growing very late, but the dral tower, climbed Such testimony as above ia conit. and without an done for me. 1 also took the Blood young man In the parlor scene showed iasiant'a hesitation, burled himself In- lurifl-- r in alternate doses with the vincing evidence thnt Lydia K. Pink-hsni- 's A no signs of making home run. Vegetable CouiMiund stands to space. History relates that no one Compound. Your medicine removed a You evidently have a very vivid has tumor of four years' growth, without a peer as a remedy for Tamar jumped from this tower since the cyst Imagination, Mr. Borem" said the suicide of its architect to whom a pop- which three of the best physicians Growths as well as other distressing dear girl, as she made an unsuccessful ular legend of the sixteenth century declared I had. They had said that ills of women, and such symptoms as an operation conld help uie. I am Bearing-dowSensations, Displaceattempt to strangle a yawn. attributes the same fate, small bits only thankful that I followed a friend's ments, Irregularities and Backache, very Why do you think so?' queried the of brass marking the spot on tho advice and took Women etc. should remember that it your medicine. It haa unsuspecting Horem. made me a strong and well woman and is Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Comwhere he fell. I thought jierhaps you imagined pavement 1 1 bhall recommend it as long as live." mit d that is curing so many women nt forget to insist upon it when yourself in the Arctic regions, where Origin of Scotland's Motto. Mrs. E. F. Hayes, of 20 RugglcsSL, some the nights are six months long," she druggist asks you to accept It was thought hy the Danes to be Boston, Mohs., writes : else which he colls Just something explained. to an attack cowardly enemy after Dear frs. IMnkham aa good." i And 30 seconds later he had faded nightfall, but on one occasion when 1 have been undrr different doctors' Into the glunipsome gloom. they were waging war in Scotland, treatment for a long time without Mrs. Plokhsas lavltstlos to Wonts. they deviated from their ubusI rule. relief. They told me 1 hod a fibroid Transmission of Warts. On they creit, noiselessly and unobWomen suffering from any form tumor, my abdomen was swollen and Recent experiments show that the in their bare feet, upon the 1 suffered with great min. I wrote of female weakness are Invited to served, belief warts are that popular Scotchman. When near to von for odviee, you replied and I write Mrs. Finkham, Lynn, Moae., is warranted, says a unsuspecting the camp one of the Danes trod ujKin followed your dircciions carefully and for advice. She is the Mm. linkham inoculation of healthy tissue s writer, I am a well women. Lydia K. who boa been advising sick women thistle and in his pain cried out. today with blood obtained from a wart will free of charge for more than twenty l'inkham's Vegetable Compound exThis aroused the Bleeping Scotchmen, the tumor and strengthened my years, and before that she assisted cause the growth of a similar expelled and they gave the alarm. Tbe Danes whole her mother-in-lacrescence. It is thought that these Lydia E. Finksystem." were defeated with terrible loss of ham in ml vising. Thus she is especially growths contain an ultramicroscoplc life, and ever since Mrs. Ferry Byers, of ML Ileasant, well qualified to guide sick women that tlmo the germ to which is due the transmission thistle bock to health. Iowa, writes : Scothas been of the insignia from one person to another. At all with me "Nemo the motto; land, events, persons who hare warts should take measures to have them removed with lacestdt." "No one provokes me impunity. at once." The affected CONQUERED that Pinkhams to-da- y lie-lo- n - 1m-pn- PUTS THE Tbeit I man Catarrh Id tlila amlmi of Ibr sonnrry (nan alt otter dlwam inl tiyiotter. and DatlUbc last ytan waa auppoaed Ui In lurnrabl. Fur a grrat urnd it a kiral and B17 raan pma.ru . aud lip omisuiiily faring Enacnbed kiral rsiuteli-alocal tmuinaat. ppiwuauerd II lururabia. dla-raMann baa proves Catarrh tu ha a and therefore require treatment. Hail'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured Chruey ly P. J. cure Of. Toledo, Ohio, la 1 1re only C.uialUutlieial un tin market. It la Ukua Internally la duar from Pi draoa to a Waap.-mfu- l. It aria dlrrctljr na the l.loud aad mueuua urf.-- e of the They offer on Bundled dollara for any caea It lain to cate. " t"f circular aad teallinoniala Addle: P. J. IIIKSKY OO.. Toledo, Ohio, old be lUUKKlala. Pie. Taka fiall'a Family ITlia fur fxeuUpeUua. GINGER" IN. lv The Kind of Food Used by Athletes. A former college athlete, one of the long distance runners, began to lose his power of endurance. His experience with a change In food is interesting. While I was in training on the track athletic team, my daily jogs became a task, nntil after I waa put on Graiie-Nutfood for two meals a day. After using the Food tor two weeks 1 felt Hke a new man. My digestion was perfect, nerves steady and I was full of energy. I trained for the mile and the half mile runs (those events which require so much endurance) and then the long daily 'Jogs,' which before had been nch a task, were clipped off with earn. 1 won both events. The Grape-Nut- s food pnt me in perfect condition and gave me my 'ginger.' Not only was my physical condition made jierfeet. and my weight Increased, but my mind was made clear and vigorous so that 1 could get out my studies in about half the. time formerly required. Now most all of the for University men use Grape-Nut-s they have learned Its value, hut I think my testimony will not be amiss and may perhaps help some one to learn how the best results can be obtained." There's a reason for the effect of Grape-Nutfood on the human body and brain. The certain elements In wheat and barley are selected with special reference to their power for rebuilding the brain and nerve centre?. The product is then carefully and scientifically prepared so as to make it easy of digestion. The physical ami mental are so apparent aftei two or three week's use ax to produce a profound Impression. Head The Road to WellTllle." In pkgs. There's a reason." a BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT a Quick and Permanent Cure for Is Quits a Difference. Alice Kate is awfully disappointed. That young Englishman asked her if thought a married couple could get along on 30 a week and she hastened to bhv yes. Mildred Well? Alice Now she has discovered that he meant 20 shillings. Somerville Journal. Rheumatism) Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Bums, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Important to Mothers. carefully awry bon of (.'ASTORIA, aafe and pure remedy for lufanta and children, ad mu that It TCrjmfaa Bean the sfcnatore of ! ! j I ' ' Usa Tor Over SO Year. Sits Kind You liavu AJftajra fluugU. Nobody Wanted Church. When North (bistort 1: church, near Newcastle, Eng, width bad never been hut in which services had was put up m ben held Miction, nut u bid was made fur the : roperty. i Guns, Traps, Decoys, Etc. Lowest pi ice.. Wl i!e fur freer-illlie;: Vo.l lisle & Fur C(... M.nm Aiuilir, Nl.iw. N. W. Niagara Falls aw a power kptu-- siting is worth fio.ooo.ouo per year. i Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1 W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES tK IN FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. AT ALL PRICE 8. Winslow' Konlhlne Syrup, termini, Niftfoii die jripin, reduce cunw wind wile ttcetwuie Rut few men are uhle t, retain their after inarriiigo E54l W.l. a.trne whoeanprovn SH25.QQO Jtiouoia s domm net make A malt ttmire Mma 13 A BS.BO mhoma lar- -i J7n '(fca any oihmr manufacturer, abnaini T11K liKASuV V. I. -- In till wi.ka i.f Ilf arew'irn lv iiift - nmir-i--i'i.- . lit ,it any f lt- -r ninkr. is tln-i.1,1,1 qr aty. trp iru if q till. -- a. r- lin'i ( III,- i Tw ,,flu-- r li iiiiit :iu,l ,( i!.- - -- li.s. in 1 ..vi-ra.f ilio inakin s,k-- .l i .iII.t !, I Is-l i,.,m ('iiii-i,-.,- r.iiriiiii.ii, 1 i4...nnit-i,iiTi,ImM .1iM.in,.k.r-- . is, r,,-...- . - ti,.. In i!e 1 1 , ii. 11. Sn. rorrhlidmi Sold by all Druggists. If ...,l. I -- -f r . in. all .k,. l,..ft y.u i 1 i mi-- Im.w .JiIm-i- Mini IP- CALTION ituf Xi d.nrt lu a I ) - . it x , ,1 111.11,-lj- , i lup.t s -. 11 liri- l - ktn..i., :s, vu ,i;v IV.!,. l..ilit- - sli..,w:,r.. :,f iimv I,.,1 llmlr fti-x.lU 1 .li.iP 1 1,1,1 11, y . ( L..T 1 urr, Inifts. m.OO Gilt Cdnm Shame omnnot Ui'llHIIIfl I'Htf' W .1., IfiMI'J.ita It, IIIH .iliil whi ilc lr I'T W . L Mim cMjint Ur by UuiL Catalog bm euuallmd at riiV NLmIIIIm'iI 1H ImlMlf Tulls t tin hii-1you jkmi w niin( f frt. wrif V |