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Show NEs - f JOCAI. Ready to Rectify Error, TRUE'TO Hit PROMISE. JuUp, aiming ulber pe There Is wuudtiing pocullar lu pr.-ciillaritii-a- , bad a habit of begging par-diHusband Bravely Went Through Ch J..U .N lUl.l.I-V- ' tnollsui, or real love of country. One bn on every possible occasion, can liaooroe MO year old and, without f 'r deal to Keep Plighted Word. ' R his s'er I UCIl-E-lhis fsvuj iio expression WM knowing It, have loved hie ftHhcrlaud lus circuit to afiticinn uitci.d T At Uke today - ilurlng all tlut time; that le, If nuo employed lu a. singular inacner. Hgaioou gazing down at the water. the close of the assizes, as be was It must he cold. he thought, "very set ool lias remained at home. The true tore of spring la not appreciated uniil about to leave ills bench, the officer cold." He ehrank back ami shuddered him that he winter le ujon ua, and the best Slay of the court "My courage Is failing. 1 The UONKRINS VIME on one involuntarily. sentence had not passe yet he soliloquized. "I can never do It-snugs are written hy the fireside. of intended. had as he Ihe criminals, in ni m a; prese-- i Kor a moment he reflected. Then, Isive of freedom la a prison fiuur. "1 really Dear said bis me," lordship. of for cried vhIiiu wildly: full Sm and we do not learn the inn Si put an I clinching his teeth he bg his pardon bring him In llut I must. Bhe laughed at me' and ihe new stcccton is s teady keep Iffvsrty , until we are Imprisoned. said 1 would not dare. 1 must prove to llviuricli Heine. mill sup Awcct while S her I am no poltroon." Again he gaz- njf there Bo nine connues to m skt rsju'ir Had No Assistant. ed steadfastly Into the water. Coat of English Paupers. In answer to a complaint made by peaceful, so placid, It lay before him h:pir.ect cf fr:-- t class ore i Some startling figures of coin purl i be town council of Canibonne, Eng- that had he been on some other misw.n have been made to show-thgreat land, that Ihe caretaker of the recrea-lioi- i sion he would have felt a aenso of SEVERAL LEASES cost of English paupers. The English ground had allowed the grass to calm serenity at sight of it Instead more also woik pg a rirnbcof iui ire pior law foot a up an expense of tergrew to an Inconvenient height, that of being Inspired with dread and than $75, 000,000 a year, which Is as Ulcer replied that the donkey which ror. After awhile he continued: She and miking regular shipm'n's great as the entire annual expenditure lad formerly eaten the grass had will only be sorry If 1 do. .... , And ving Ihe old camp a brighter of the kingdom of Holland, sluiost as died of unbeen bad he and he lockjaw added yet." fiercely, it I don't she u Icok anp bring it to the front much as that of Australia and New able tu buy another one to take its will taunt me with my cowardice. Zealand combined and equal to Hie place. This thought thrilled him with a sav. g.iing. whole piiblio expenditure of Denmark, age determination and with a mighty ' Greece and Norway. GUS' PAIN 1ER and Lis n- -v effort he gathered himself for the leap. . Dresden China. A cn moment instood the, he ide A correspondent b on 'from NEV House arived poised only says that Moral Rectitude at Golf. at Berkshire village the brink, then plunged into the cold, cold iere mooday and wili make b is n quiring It One feels iastlnctlvely (hat the oppostage on a letter to Dresden, the waters. He uttered a sharp cry. hut sere home Mr PAINTER will be was Then ponent who haa both the honesty and postmistress drowned the splash. consulted the postal jp V,, the grace to confess his little gulling guide, kiuf tt lart handed It to him struggled with the wav.es, striking out icept aOiiiion with tie mi been have could when It 1 peccadillo with the 'remark that ahe could not wildly with his arms, and a moment Honzriue M oeing Co. easily hidden has shown not only that flud Dresden, though shq had looked later leaped out and seised a towel. the metal out of which he has been at all the places under the head of "There!" he exclaimed, triumphantl9 ? y- TSea't time I tell my wife I'm go- Erie sweeten arriveb in stoccton forged rings true And sound in point China. breakof Individual character but that the wil! anb here to a . take cold bath before ing nonday night siy game Itself has., acquired a sweeter fast she'll know it's no bluff. ' I witehistolk True Phlloeophy. and nobler dignity. London Kidd. Let ua see that whenever we have DR CLARK hd hii father and HAT IMPROVE WITH A&E. failed to be loving, we have also failWill Nurse Animals. to be wise; that whenever we have ed mother from DETROIT micb Women are going right ahead and been blind to our Economy In the Purchace of First Interests, iieigliliors' visiting with him last wetk liiveatlng occupations for themselves, we have also lawn blind to our own; Class Silk Headgear. B I one of the newest being that of puppy whenever we have hurt others, we : the ihsre aeg had leasers dug nurse. In Pimlico, England, a have hurt ourselves pilican "A silk hat, like wine. Improves much more. established been school has i! training with age," said a clubman, "The oft jay day sept 2h Ruskln. DEALER IN where nurses will be trained to take er.er you have it Ironed the sleekei i " B B rare of pet dogs and cats. 1 be course I! more brilliant it becomes. an.i Indecision. of Curts i! B War and Peace. requires tlx months of hard study, and ccsts a gond dyal at the cutset, bat Ir. The man who Is always asking adIn my opinion there never was a AKOT GiBARS K ought to be an interesting one. FINE la LIQUORS he end It the chearest hat tq wear vice from everybody never takes It WINES, vSHTwur or a bud peace. What vast . ) it lurta, you see, so long, and to Iro:. from anybody. He Is much too weak idilltloiis to the conveniences and t o:ta so little a dime or St. Silver Dollars In New York. ri even to make up his mind as mfndej f living might mankind Inthink the topper very perish to which advice suits his mind the Circulation of silver dollars la If the money spent on have acquired I: creasing In New York city. By calcu- wars had lieen ah.', ir It gets soaked with rain, 11 employed In works of some one sits on It and crur..ei It In bgnt, and he lives in a perpetual state I! lation It is estimated that where the Like You exThe Reel of indecision which the earnestly' public utility. Benjamin Franklin. to an accordion, they think it'must be 'ordinary citizen received one In a !' pressed opinions cf his friends and acthrown away, the same as If It were s month a year ago, he now receives only' serve to aggravate quaintances on Dragght i) Advice. Kept Worthy three. Restaurants and small shops Derby. But n at at all. A silk hat car The end of such ccn:i::l j" If' thriu art rich, then show the be taken aimrt-AnJ! put together again and dlaaster, kblch are really all th ' particularly have an Increased number greatness rof thy fortune, or what la like a watch'; and If It gets crushed he deserves. London of them. - D. ! Weekly SiOEiltl, IIM better; the greatness of thy soul, In nothing is .easier than to melt off the giUlUD HILL III COMNECTOS patch. the meekucss of thy conversation, silk, straighten out the frame and then Prosperous Vlanna Beggars. condescend to met of low estate, supi! put ua the silk ngiln. In England, .thr fewer no It has been proved, that ' e w port the distressed, and patronize the heme of (his bat, I have known ffidr re' i'e W '-iWreP Much Morey in Fish. llisn 32,000 beggars are at prase it . he great. Sterne. to wsar li-- same topper for io or 1? According to the figures given In tlx ''r., making a better llvlug In Vienna then neglected; hat tears. And the oftener tlpe-estatistical abstract for the latest re ordinary workmen. One notorious -ithe brighter gad fleer. It shlpes ported years the annual prod.ict. or The First Acrostic. family of professional beggars recent Its luster Inci'eases.'wlth time and frlr American watery fresh and salt. Las An asroa'lc poem In which the firs) ly gave a grand ball and a concert si tiun like the, luster of good, antlqar a value cf about 159,010,010, exclusive " or last letters of each line read down hotel. ' of the salmon, seal aad other product wards form a word, la said to have furniture. of Alaska. This Includes fish of all been Invented by Porphyrius Optalla-nu- s Uncle Allen. Double In Hie fourth kind, oysters and rlams. fros century. Witness Tricked. Neatly "Mankind," moralized Uncle Allen The chief witness against John Con- sponges, terrapin, whalebone, and alii ' Sparks, "Is made up of good men, fair acrostics tiecame popular in 16G7. nor for the murder of a man in Cork gator hides. V medium men, plain sinners, despec-- e was the accused's hat, which was The East Part of the City. sinners abandoned criminals, and Decide fer Yourrelt. After all. the best part of any city found beside the corpse. The police man who sits opposite you at a No greater evidence of weakness cf who' found waa La part-aqathe hat t a t in It the Coaa:. pian stas rent TaUte'emr coughs thus 'by Daniel t O'Connel: character can be shown than a ccs try roundabout where they think In i tlnual appeal to frlenda for advice. You swear the hnt now in my ha-iacres, not in square feet, and where Formation of Clouds. At times we all need the counsel of a la trees. found beside Is the the hat Identical you grass green under the The ploud formations known as friend; but constantly to ask fm good the body of the murdered man? he Is "mare's tails" and mackerel sky are like It constantly borrowing. Leave asked the policeman. "1 do." "You Goal of the 8oul. decide to amall matters for youre Invariably thrice miles high. The highto be the prisoner's hat know it bent er - clouds arc ten mlb-- high and i The soul bus lis nstii-to decide quickly. Ee.P and learn I do," You knew It froiii the name i lie ! rue-r; the are riimpotd of mluiiti- - par:!ly. li.it make a mistake once in a while . into said inside," i if i .iv O'Connell, looking Is ihttiuwunls, dust t l.!8 of lew. tco hasty a decl&lcn than to form ti the hat and proceeding to spell slow) n:l: '.lust, the lie ut nf (lie soul is upward "1 did," replied habit of Indecision. It'lr the first .spirit to spirit. T. Sanderson. on road stone the failure. to An Observation. the ' policeman. Now, my lord and Give es a Call Eietybody Welcome The boy who always' had tronbla B B gentlemen 'of, the Jury; Jljat see fm A .Indeed! Novelty. with Ids arithmetic lesson while going Unlucky, yourseiveq how; much this mans cath A novel contrivance lor the traveler to school finds It the easiest matter j Young Wife I aifinnhioky! Yes Is worth," bald O'Connell handing n; for everyday one, to be carin the ' world to keep track of Ihe ter.day tliv bfcCf was roasting lieanli the hat-1the Judge. There's nr or even iMtilng averages of Ills baseball he- .fully in the oven, and while I ran to name at all inside the hat Tho prls ried In a woman's shopping bag. Is a tell my husband about it, it burned small leather case containing a drink roes. oner won. Meggoadorfer Blatter. ing glass which exactly fits the Ira l.cr case, and inside of (hlg la stored a The One Beet' Thing. in Rain. . small Gambling , folding knife aad fork, also r A Soulful Jest. , , A Philadelphia man asks the best Like the Chinese, the - natives of spoon, and these are wrapped la A forw.ir. comes savant 3e:;son wo find to silly kill weeds. Personally, way to gambling tiny linen naikin about the size cf r a long'wfioden handle with an lion with the theory llint the human smn India are greatly addicted have. Indeed, .one form of wage' woman's Ijindkorchief. attachment at the end. commonly locks like an oyster. That ought ti They ft w hy so many people ge -- which Is' pecuUgy.lo the cotftlry,- am show known as a hoe, very useful. f which "consists oiflh in betting "sfbwed." All Done by Electricity. weather. This Is called "sutta, an Is being applied m r . Electricity . Check. Bit's in Paying by haa one advantage over most forms ' The --man who more to and used in Brills: machinery Character 1 his bills Writing. jiays In no is that there gambling possibil The fleet !o get a deal, snooib coal mines. Seme mines are now s t,!3R S'rej! rtmek ulwftya' haa a receipt Besides Every right action and true th.iurh: ty of cheating, since there Is m fully equipped that oikrsb:. .. man- - gffoiild not carry large, sums t ills the-- seal of Its beauty on person nothing e shave hair uMo-tlatenjl at SGIrCl, U!!l chance of controlling the results. Th of money on hla" person, as U, te- and face; every wroug action and foul sportsmen make wagers whether it by electric energy la otherwise opei llable te be stolen. thought lis seal of distortion. John will rain or not, and also bow muct ated. llugkin. rain will fall, the latter question beta; ' And Not Much Doing. As Amended. settled by rain gauges. There Is gaea A Philadelphia preacher says it Is The Truly Great Ae a proverb "Laugh and grow fat excitement on cloudy days. Th . may or may not be In accordance with 'Nearly all the really great people gamblers rush to the offices or "dens' possible for a man to be a consia:?n'. the facte of huinaa experience, but of the world have always been cour and record, their bets with, the book Christian and a politician at one an:! the same tlma Ierhaps; but It mus Grow fat and laugh would be all loons, simple and kind in manner to maker,. Then, If the expected down their fellow men In 'all stations of life pout.coniefc, anxious groups . assetiibb bo a very trying job In Philadelphia right. round the rain gauges. Even horse racing. It Is snld. has not more fascl Still Encroaching on Man. Wo Arq What We Eat Comparison the Secret cf Know! I for sonic of the gamblers. nation women Now are there When we praise the progress of the burglars Unless a variety ( f opinions aic it! Pacific islanders, we. should remem- Isn't there any avocation In which the BATH ROOM IN CGNKECTH' EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE before us. we late no opportuui.y i ber that they were nourished on the women won't tako the bread out nf Use of Lions Mane. but are bound r.f nccczi! the men's mouths? best of New England missionaries. The I Inn's mane; like th8 human selection, to adopt tho particular view whkl The lion, use. Life. serves a distinct hand, Stockton, UtaU have been brought Th without It, would soon die out. The may Beware of Moldy Bread. purity of gold cannot be ascertain: vW When bread has not been well jungle is the linn's hunting ground. Stop and Then Rush. a single specimen; but when wi by .1 and other buffalo Here te stalks the Where will woman atop?" asks tlie liakcd It la likely to ferment. Moldy have carefully ccniiared It with othMaxim of Napoieon. backs on j their such creatures, la leaping well bread Roanoke World. Wherever (here poisonous. Buy crusty, ers, we are shin to fix upon the finej'. To live Is to suffer, and 'a brave I io slay them. They tear madly awtv. ore. H eroilot us. an ad reading, Was $7;. now baked loaves. rrn nlwaye struggles to be master I anil In tlielr flight strive to scrape, off 16.99. Washington Herald. ! if lilniscir. Naixileun the Great tree trunks lion the ap! against No. ' Mrv'rsri v Supcrctitlei'B T him. mane But his protects i b Women's Due Qualities. Fools, like children, may always houghs. . Mexicans enjoy the w:l ; J Without It the bumps and knocks h Beware of your friend who has no tell the truth, as the proverb says, but of btinx ou? f the ho:-- , would inMercenary wild Femininity, In ride that receives i&c?.: of ti y wcri l. C.i scrsii-tio- n respect for woman. The average that Is not the reason they are fools k is perhaps a primeval instinct of fallibly make him fall unconscious to Wages 25c per hour woman has many angelic qualities If exists wherever '.'. eifc Is a hii.ue.-- i womanhood to worship the success also mane In hla the fighting ground. look for them. K you bo lbs whlrh can be materialized; and cnly Exception to Rule, I mi eel s the lion,' safeguarding his being, hot Mexico i The patience that causes a man to throat the longest, sharpest place where oil hunan s.ipa s;t itir.ni a few cf us nre cat able of supreciatlag against are cenleivd. To such aa sit on a dock all day waiting for a bid j the. worth of a.povlus which has no Midget Oak Trees. claws. this true that siiiicisiltton hat equivalent re.uilt t: show In pounds, IJttle oak trees, an Inch and a half Is certainly not a virtue. nir.o.t a kin! of reiigion. shillings and i cnee. Black and White. In height, are grown by Chinese Future Banishment of Disease, a.--t of the Equipped with Plank Wgon every iuple. gardeners. They take root In thimdf Price The Happiness. It Is safe to prophesy certain lam for Grading Work, bles. 'Only things to eat and drink and that the time will come when hoswear are high in iprice. Happiness Is The Useful Smile. pitals for Infer! ions diseases will he EMPLOYMEN T STEADY at Ihe same old figure. Few women realise tlxi alue cf ,i THE SENTINEL'S They Say." POPULAR 6IRL empty and nut wanted. I also look forsmile. The A good many smile think it Isn't a U the is that useful ward to the time when it will be as CONTEST lie If they preface It with they say. to xiaa. I'1: Tact. anomalous fur persons lo died of sear-le- t smile that la -- a H even smile that rareiuict-i i MORAN wouicii. comes aa much from Tact fever, typhoid, cholera, and diphGOOD FOR ON.E VOTE that will r. ax most sciile the nr c.v re as from of to fineness die It a of for man heart will as taste. theria Happy Thought. s If dreams came true there would be Kndymlon. a wolf's bite in England. Very little, that will soften trn: ers, tlut Sa! like City l!a!i I wit tor cure favors hjre and r e t t I great reform In diet. Life. however, can he done by the legislative. but everyihlng by the progress of and go twice as U as a tip They Cant Escape It. Sirir . V:. ie. Haiti M voter . and ia a much larger mand. .icdii.nl m ladles Blonde susunder Thn'- as I'tallii . is ri d. r r. always Unholy. of the pen- -' : .! 'egree hy !!: luteMIa-'iirr Irltl an.l 1,3 irniii tj the JikVv: Every holy war shows that thare Ic picion until they have proved their !e. Sir Fie.leiKk T ivies, in Leslie's . jin oct-ncPot much In a name. . luiq de 1 i:v: sake. 7. ..i.jir Thou-Da!' magazine. lisa jjuf a uuuj p.tiu pii,t.euii).w v! tit tuy i. call ; ! " i iv 1. ir. : ISl!g'u to J iq jo auou luiji A'nj.t ubiii a ,,r Itutlcn. lauX Jjd.l.ioho;) NLholz. uiespaa jo pua eg pnoM Patriotism. j An Irish i a- aiL t.; C & fe " i-- sj.tiI LAWRENCE W. Deader in e I! GENERAL MERCHANDISE in id Stockton; Utah M, ; " . W. A.TRAILEY . I.- . Son-fuih- s ' H&ji re re ' J c Ul, 1 MARY E. BROWN. Dealer in General orosa-ex-aniln- DRY GOODS. SHOES ! e MercMian: -s . And GROCERIES f:-.- X 1 . H. R-- GUNDRY TONSORIAL ns ARTIST - v VV. 41. H EN NEPER Licensed Barber . - I WANTED .i:-r.i 200 LABORERS r re;m-tatlo- 50 le-co- TEAMS gov-ertln- g P. J. a 1 1 1 srh-r-.re- 1 . 't M. giti-.'.ii- 1 e Jr-'.-- 'r |