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Show F NOT THE TIME TO STOP. IN DIP MAKING nlMTH. LOW COST. USS MClftMT DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? A NEW TRIUMPH DOUMLl Manager Saw the Possibilities In the Situation. Profit by ths Experience of On Has Found Relief. Jim Johnstone, the famous baseball umpire, said recently in New York that bawball crowds wero far kinder to umpires than they used James R. Keeler, retired farmer, of Fenner St., Cazenovia, N. Y., says: "About fifteen years ago I Buffered with my back and kidneys. I doctored and used many remedies without getting relief. Beginning with Doan's Kidney Pills, I found relief from the first box, and two boxes restored me to good, sound condition. My wife and many of my friends have used Doan's Kidney Pills with good results and I can earnestly recommend them." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllbur- o Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Copyright: to lie. "This Is true of theater crowds, too," said Mr. Johnstone. "Why, with provincial touring companies in the past, maltreatment was regularly expected. In fact, the companies profited by it in more ways than one. I know of a company that was playing The Broken Vow in Paint (lock, a one night stand. The audience didn't like The Broken Vow, and eggs, cabltages and potatoes rained upon the stage. "Still the play went on. The hero raved through his endless speeches, dodging an onion or a baseball every other minute, and pretty sore from those missiles that ha hadn't been able to dodge. "But Anally a gallery auditor In a paroxysm of rage and acorn buried a heavy boot, and the actor, thoroughly alarmed, started to retreat " 'Keep on playing, you fool, hissed the manager from the wings, aa he booked In the boot with an umbrella. 'Keep on till we get the other one.' Alitolalrly frre (roc any crude aubalanrt. Coataina ao lar oil. Infallible ia caratirc tfiect. No injaiy lo (heap or wool. Require ao addition bcaidra water. No Mdiaionl. No ilmng. Mine with cold water whether hard, braduah. alkali or eally. m DIE PERMUTED la all OFFICIAL DIPPINM CURE! MRNOEaad IICECR CHILE OR HOPE MUCH CHEAPER THAR TOIACCO AND CRUDE LHJUIO PIPR HO DEARER THAH USE AND IULPHUR I gal. make 130 fair lor ScaJ. official atieaftb or MM aaia. lor licki, lice, etc. I jal Can 171.3 gal Caa A M, 10 (al. brl. ISM WILLM. COOPER REPHEWE ITT llllaolalL, China onatn or rout hettchaht oh wane PRESCRIPTIONS IN LATIN. Dr.S. D.CILLETT, General Agent UTAH. SALT LAXE TfS SIXTH AYE., CITY, 170 'MAIN ST, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. What virtue is there in the secrecy with which the doctor hedges about bia profession? "Professional etiquette occupies a prominent place in thg curriculum o every mecfical scfiooC and when strictly . analysed "professional etiquette" perns to mean "doing what la beat for tha doctor. Individually and collectively." Among the things that "la beat for tha doctor" ia the writing of his prescriptions in Latin, and thus keeping the public in ignorance not only of what It la taking for Its Ills, but for-Ina call upon the doctor each time a prescription la needed. In plain and unmistakable English the writing of prescriptions In Latin makes business for the doctors. Let us say that you have the ague. You had It last year and the year before. Each time you have visited the doctor and he has prescribed for you in Latin. You have never known what he has given you for the disease, and so each time yon are forced to go to him again and give him an opportunity to repeat his prescription In Latin, and his fee in dbllari. If you ask the doctor why he uses Lstln in writing bis prescriptions, why ha writes "aqua" when he means water, be will give you a technical dissertation on the' purity of the Latin language, and the fact that all words are derived from at, etc. It will be a dissertation tharyou may not be able to answer, but It will hardly convince g FOR HAPPY MARRIED LIFE. Good Manners Go Far to Proaervi Peaca and Concord. A great many people seem to thlnl that the marriage ceremony absolvei them from all further courtesies ant attentions to the person whom the have wed. After that they are alwayi la negligee, both to manners ant clothes, when they are at home. Thli la a fatal mistake. Because a womai la married ia po excuse for her golni untidily about the house, and telllni her husband home truths that hurt hi vanity. Because a woman Is his wit gfvH a man no right to say things t her ne would not dare to say to an: dy who possessed a big, abli irother. Good manners are th tfOtt"- - of . pea na, and eoaeunl warranted to keep happineai climate. The problem of bo happy though married is real! po problem at all. No mystery shoult Ter have been made of it It Is mers ly fair dealing in fair partnership-givi- ng the other party the privilege! and perquisites you assume for youi elf. and allowing the person you Ion aa much consideration and civility a you would show a stranger. Net York Weekly. i Bron Williams, em not feeling well Stray I hear It shIi! thee tM-lu-that I love ao true neat Ohrlatmaa will bv wed. I aeon her Sunday walking 'round with that new nuinr While thee Sun wui aetilng In tlo-- e Went, end It wui slniua Nile. 1 seen them atop bvslilit I Hoe lirook - when no one wuan't near, end then i Been liim atiieeif her hand without a nine of liar! I wus a hiding by thee bridge and Been them plain aa I didn't think ao nice a girl wood carry on that way! for next ha klaaed her on thea Mouth and hugged her offul tile f gueea aha miiat have liked It thouyh Ucawa aha didn't tile! 1 told nil mother anil aha laffed and Bah, They have It bad! f wonder what It la they have that niakea I hem feel ao gladl I hate think of Irodnir her! It malka me awl east down. there a! nt a elngl girl I know aa nice aa my Mina Brown. I Ik-aw-s r Iy . I a pose I mite aa well give up. fer what I aeen last Nile glat malbea It plane I slut thee tnsg 1 cut out Doctor White: e q wheat-testin- k A Kentucky Would Maks Rich Crop. estimated that 21,000,000 acres are available for rice growing in Louisiana and Texas, and the value of such crop would be 8400,000,000. This would make the rice crop fifth in point of value among the cereala of this country.. . Reasonable Explanation. "I wonder why a dog chose tall?" The owl must have a Ane time of It. He alts up all night and sleeps all day like some men. Sometimes the man who advises everybody to be happy and lighthearted, is a grumpy old pessimist himself, growls at hla wife and Anda little satisfaction In life except to tell others to have a good time. Ever know a man like that? A Milwaukee dentist has been married Ave times. It seems to be easy for a dentist When he looks down a woman's throat he seea whether her heart la gone or not If It isn't ' he . pitches in and wins. . You can always tell if a woman feels intuitively that a man is near. She nodchalantly Axes her hair and feels of her belt at the back. An Indiana novelist has written a novel without a village nestling among the hills. No wonder Indiana authors are famous! You can trust a woman to All out her clothes In the funniest placet. It'a funny to see a fellow's wife hunting for her hairpins when she has them in her hair. A Michigan woman writes for a collection of my verses. 8he must want to paper her house. The' is one nice thing about this bungalow fad It geta In on the ground floor. Gee. but It's fun to watch a fat man catch frogs for bstt 1 'now. because I am the man. If you didn't get a June or July bride, try an August peach. Months don't matter. In a recent Are In Norfolk, ten thou-an- d bags of peanuts were devoured by the flames. And Just think what a real, delirious enjoyment was thus taken away from the boys of Virginia! Formerly ef Boston? Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Beans and Miss Anna Beans, of Barnhill, visited here over Sunday. Carrollton (O.) his "A sense of economy." "Economy?" . "Yes; can't you see he Is trying to make both ends meet?" when be went In. "In fact, said Mr. Wilson, smiling, ' "Mercy! cried his mother. "I "I believe that eventually our finest thought you took n hath. products will be cheap enough to he "So I did!" answered Jamie scornwithin the reach of alL Then the fully. "A bully one!" story of the boy and the hot house "But your face la black! said bis grapes will be aa dead and antiquated mother. as the theater bat stories of the past. "Oh! Jamie smiled under topp"This boy he was a bootblack-ente- red ingly. "My face la all right a grocer's store one day, and, to wash that in the morning, bath pointing to some superb grapes, said: no bath. Yon don't a'pose I'm golnK "Wota the price o' them there, to waste time bathing my face! I mister? always begin juat below my ears end One dollar a pound, mjr lad, the work down on my arms and legs; but clerjt replied. I always leave my face and hands A look of anguish passed over the those ends I 'tend to In the morning! boy's face, and he said, hastily: "'Then give us n cent's worth o Evil ofdipping System. carrots. I'm dead nuts on fruit.' " Although there la a great effort made to keep secret the thefts In hotels and CHILDREN TORTURED. restaurant In New York, It la quite evident they are on rapid increase. Girl Had Running Sores from Eczema The manager of a restaurant ' large Boy Tortured by Poison Oak Bays the system of having servants Both Cured by Cutlcura. depend almost entirely upon patrons v , for their pay lowers their moral stan"Last year, after having my little dard and causes them to look on those girl treated by n very prominent phy- they are supposed to serve aa their sician for an obstinate case of eczema, legitimate prey. I resorted to the Cutlcura Remedies A Base Insinuation. and was so weft please! wltS the almost Instantaneous relief afforded that "I hear the Neweds hare had n dreadful quarrel and that the bride we discarded the physicians prescription and relied entirely on the Cutl- Is talking of going home to her mothcura Soap, Cutlcura Ointment, and Cu- er. Whats the matter? "I believe one evening she got the tlcura Pills. When we commenced with the Cutlcura Remedies her feet aupper from her cooking school and limbs were covered 'with running recipes, and when the boys In the ores. In about six weeks we had her neighborhood lost their ball in a hole completely well, and there has been under the fence, Mr. Newed gave no recurrence of the trouble. them one of her biscuits to finish the "In July of this year a little boy In game." our family poisoned his hands and A Knock. arms with poison oak, and in twenty-fou- r said the father, "theres' a "Jimmy, hours his hands and arms were a In your bathing suit Go and sew mass of torturing sores. We used rip i It up. only the Cutlcura Remedies, and la But papa," growled the boy, "mothabout three weeks his hands and arms . er will sew It for me. healed up. Mrs. Lissie Vincent Thomas, "Never mind- - I want you to learn Fairmont, Walden's Ridge Tenn Oct to sew yourself. For, said the father, 13, 1905. some day you will get married, and then yon wont have any mother you Not Entire. The aeronaut, after painfully ex- will only have a wife. tricating himself from the wrecked Pointed Conversation. balloon, limped to the nearest farm"Jack, I am going away. house. "Going away, Madge?" "Madam, he said to the woman - "Yes, going away. But before I go who answered hie knock, "can you nocommodate with a night's lodging n I have something to say to you." "Something to say to me, Uttle balloonist who has come to grief? "I'd he glad to, she hesitated, "but wife?" "Yes, something to say to you. Don't you are au entire stranger to "Not an entire one, he interrupted, aend me any poker stories in lieu of with some acerbity. "For I have left the weekly remittance. That'll ho alL" . f my left ear, three teeth, and certain about portions of my nose. hack. there with Girls Destined for Harems. the ruined car." The Circassians, who;live in the . northwestern part of tfe Caucasus, Colleges Undesirable Fire Risks. and who think It is morhonorable to Colleges are now regarded as rather live by plunder than by Industry, make undesirable Insurance riaka, and It Is it a custom to bring their daughters probable that the rate will he genup to be sold as slaves to ths Turks erally increased. In 18 years 784 fires and Persians. Circassian beauties, have occurred In college buildings, en- - ; therefore, Rhine not In their native In a of loss $10,500,000 tailing money land but in the harems of the orient. and a heavy loss of life. This makes A Theory. the average money loss over $13,000. 'Why do men swear? asked one Habits of Sperm Whale. woman. d to the vanity of the sex, r?,.na!bel?w ! P. the surface for about 20 minutes at a answered Miss Cayenne. They want time. Then it come to the surface to be noticed even when they cant and breathes 50 or 60 times, taking think-oanything of real importance about ten minutes to do so. to aay." . u lrf ' ! f MOTHERHOOD Riches Causs Trouble. Crest riches are ever accompanied by great anxieties, and an Increase r possessions Is but an Inlet to new disquietudes. Goldsmith. The first requisite of a mother is good "health, and thegood experience of maternity should not he approached without careful physical preparation, aa a women who is in good physical condition transmits to her children the hleasings of s good constitution. Preparation for healthy maternity is accomplished by Lydia E. of-ou- What n man can do Is his greatest ornament and he always consult! his dignity by doing It Carlyle. FEET OUT. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made from native root and herbs, more successfully then by any other medicine because it gives tone end strength to the entire feminine organism, curing displacements, nl- "MbwAMES ceratlon mud inflammation, and the n,re chiWren at birth. Ihim 8he Had Curious Habits. When a person has to keep the feet out from under cover during the coldest nights In winter because of the heat and prickly sensation, it ia time that coffee, which causes the trouble, be left off. There Is no end to the nervous conditions that coffee will produce. It hows In one way in one person and In another way In another. In this case the lady lived In S. Dak. She says: I have had to He awake half the night with my feet and limbs out of the bed on the coldest nights, and felt afraid to sleep for fear of catching cold. I had been troubled for year with twitching and Jerking of the lower Umbs, end for most of the time I have been unable to go to church or to lecturea because of that awful feeling that I must keep on the move. "When It was brought to my attention that coffee caused so many nervous 'diseases, I concluded to drop coffee and take Postum Food Coffee to see If my trouble was caused by coffee drinking. "I only drank one cup of coffee for breakfast but that was enough to do the business for me. When I quit it my troubles disappeared in an almost miraculous way. Now I have no more of the Jerking and twitching and can sloep with any amount of bedding over me and sleep all night, in sound, peaceful rest "Postum Food Coffee 1 absolutely worth its weight in gold to me." "There's a Reason." Read the little health classic. "The Road to Well-vllleIn pkgs. r ," g lb John Quincy Adams, of Massachusetts, third of that name, who died about ten years ago; was very fond of fishing, and not especially fond of his legal profession. One day, the story runs, a case In which he was counsel was down for trial In a Massachusetts court. Mr. Adams did not make hla appearance, but sent a letter to the Judge. That worthy gentleman read It, and then postponed the case with the announcement: "Mr. Adams Is detained on Im.. portant business." It was afterward learned by a colleague of Adams that the letter read as follows: . Dear Judge: For the sake of old Isaak Walton, please continue my case till Friday. The smelts are biting, and I cant leave. ings. It was Jamies bath night Ha had several each week and he hated them alL On this particular night, once started, he soaked and splashed In the tub for n full half hour, then hla mother haled him forth. He came out of the room In hla pajamas with his face all streaked and dirty ns It was - Judgs Must Also Havs Been Follower of the Gentle Art. Negros Valuable Head. negro earns double wages as a hodcarrier, because he is able to do the work of two nlen. ' He carries from 40 to 50 bricks at a time. He places the bricks upon a board which he balances upon his head as he climbs to the tops of Ugh build- JAMIE WASTED NO TIME. ' Youthful Philosopher Had Carefully Thought Out Situation. Jsmes Wilson, ths secretary of agriculture, was discussing In Washington the aid which his department gives the American farmer. He pointed out the benefit that had been derived from the Introduction of darum wheat, of the machine, and of the method of extracting potash from granite. APPEAL THAT WAS HEEDED. It . Who Grapes Beyond His Purse, Boy Took Humble Substitute. died recently at the advanced age of 105 yeara. That's how old Ann was! Chicago children never play house. They play flat, Instead. An Iowa official carried a horse on the city pay roll. Neither the man who got the money, nor the horse who didnt, kicked! , An Iowa writer got the goods on one of those old literary expressions the other Say. He aald, The man choked for utterance,' and he did. too, but it was on a. piece of beer-steaGreat Discovery Announced. that went the wrong way down Sir William Crookes, as a result of bia neck. Us own researches and the experiWhen a business man goes out in ments of Professors Krowalski and his automobile, do not expect the e Mosclckl, of Freiburg university, has boy to know when he will be back. discovered a process of extracting He may never come back! nitric add from the atmosphere. The The charge of the light brigade was process Is available for commercial. nothing compared to the gas company Industrial and agricultural purposes, out where I live! and Is expected to revolutionise the A Boston thief stole a box of W. C. nitrate Industry and the - worlds food T. U. literature. The ladies are "hop- problem. ing It will have the desired effect Been Laid Away In Stockings. H. H. Rogers was onoe a newsboy. The Framingham (Man.) national Ill bet he was the kind thatlseis uiv bank has received for redemption der your window Sunday morning and n note onJust the old Framingham bank, I yella Uxtrle!" until yon go outt and which was the of the prespredecessor to a him. buy paper Just get rid of ent national bank. The note ia dated June 12, 1854, and Is crisp and clean as the day that It left the engravers hands The note will be kept as n souvenir. you. It would be a good thing for the public to devise a little code of ethics of Its own; ethics that will be "a good thing for the public Individually and collectively." Let us apply one of the rules of this code of ethics to you, the Individual. You call In the physician when you have the ague, the grippe, or any of the other Ills to which human Aesh is heir, and which you may have again All In Judicially Defined. In the case of state vs. Hennessey, some day. The doctor proscribes In 0 Pac. Itep. 221, the Nevada supreme Latin, and you take this, to you, meancourt gives a definition of the slang ingless scribble to the druggist to phrase 810 in. The question came have it compounded. Right here is up in connection with the admission where you come in, If you are wise. In evidence of a dying declaration, the Say to the druggist that you want a declarant's statement that he was all translation of that prescription. It is In" being relied on to show that he your privilege to know what "you are was under a sense of Impending death. taking. While fhe doctors code of The court said: "The expression, 'I ethics may not recognize this right it is yours Just the same. am all In' Is one frequently made us With the translated prescription In of in this western country, and when used under the circumstances in ques- your possession you have two distinct tion njay, we think, be taken to have advantages. You know what you are meant that the speaker considered his taking, and should you wish to call some other doctor at some time you Bfe was practically at an end." will be able to tell him what drugs you ' Mixed the Infants have been putting Into your system, Up. At Southport. England, some years and also if you should have the same ago, births took place in two families disease again you can save yourself living .In the same house. In one case a visit to the doctor, and his fee, by twins arrived, and a single In the othtaking this translated prescription to er. The three children were being the druggist once more and having It washed and dressed, and the father reAlled. of the twins coming in, the three were Jerome on Colored Evidence. placed in one bed with the Idea of District Attorney Jerome, of New him to believe that his wife leading had given birth to triplets. The Joke, York; said one day of a piece of susfor that was all which was Intended, picious evidence: "It Is evidence that has been tamsucceeded to the full for the time at least and then came the question of pered with, colored. It is like he of her physicians preseparating the Infants and restoring lady's report scription. them to their respective mothers. "A lady oce day In July visited her Here a difficulty presented Itself, and The man examined her physician. women were In attendance the hocked to find themselves unable to and said: Madam, you are only a little run ay which was which. A Liverpool You need frequent baths and down. paper says the identification has not plenty of fresh air, and I ad vine you to established, yet been satisfactorily and it is a case In which even a Solo- dress In the coolest, most comfortable clothes nothing stiff or formal.' mon might be pusxled. "When aha got home her husband asked her what the physician had said. Where California Leads. The lady replied: California has the world-widrepu'He said I must go to the seashore, tation of fathering the most daring engineering projects in tbs world in the do plenty of automobillng, and get some new summer gowns.'" way of electrical generation and transmission. 8hs Experimented. A little girl of Ave was taken to A Lucky Pin. A novel collar fastener Is In tha church one Sunday, and listened with form of a large horseshoe measuring unexpected attention to the sermon, 2 Vi Inches In diameter. It Is set with which graphically told the story of baroque fresh water pearls or Japan-es- the stilling of the tempest on the 8ea coral buttons. A similar pin can of Galilee, and how Christ walked on the waves. In the afternoon her mothbe. used to fasten the silk girdle. er missed her and began an anxious Dress. search of the house. As she neared Better Collateral. the bathroom she heard sounds of The diamond reef In Pike county, splashing, and hurried to the door to Ark may be the "real thing, but the behold a small, excited face peering tomato crop in little Delaware looks over the rim of the big white tub, and like better collateraL Three million to hear a small, excited voice ex dollars In tomatoes makes a brave claim: "Say, mamma, this walking show. New York Sub. on the water Is quite a trick." - by Rag Time. A Rhode Island woman named Ann ear When a. 1W7: Lott. ' The Public Should Have Them Translated by the Druggists. yaw I kink of year girl, tkiak of a riag, and when jrao tkiak if a rU, tkiak if We hare Ike Ureit aad Boat camplct anortiMBt ef riai at Ike weal, at price fram a few deltar to tkonaad. HE HAD TO HAVE FRUIT. W th?rtcmCring Lydia E. PinkhamsVegetable Compound has been the standby of American mothers in preparing for childbirth. NotewhatMra JamesChester.of437 York says In this n.ninBi,aew Vv,w Mrs. Pinkhm:-- "I wish every mother knew about Iardia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. expectant A neighbor who bed learned its great vslne at this trying period of a woman's life urged me to try and l did so, and I cannot aa? enough in regard to the good it did me. 1 mnd to the beet of health now. Clck,y Pinkham's Vegetable Compound la certainly a successful remedy for the peculiar weaknesses and ailments of women. unsecured almost every form of Female Complaints, Dragging 1 Back. Falling and Displacements, Inflammation, Clcera- Diivaae of Women and ia invaluable in preparing for Childbirth and during the Change of Life. Sensa-JJ01- write Pinkhams Standing Invitation to Women n from form of female weakneaa invited any Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice le free. are to TO. L.. UUUULAS SHOES T&St&o $3.00 & $3.50 FOR MEMBER (0-SHO- EO THE FAMILY. EVERY AT ALL OF- -T PRI0E8. 9n,oog&ss7SrsranfiU Reward ISZrSTJJS t001 toBB ars wont by mora iwopts off Ufs thsa any othar maks, la becBiws of thalr y'Oj ,nl"herpBiior veurlnf qnalitlw. BiaturlaU foraerli of tha ahda amt awry detail of ths making la looked attarpart by of mp'rtntMnlrnta.fomnriiiTHl ihoomakaiB, who rerelva the falbo-- t warns paid In the rt5f.,nd,Pl1,fTi workaianahlp eaimothe rxeallsd. yoo Into my lares factorial at Rmrktoo.Maw. Mdfhow you how virofully W.u INmikIjm ihom ir muds, yon woo Id then nntlnr.fxud why they holu their rhai. St better. wenr Jyjfewjara of greater value than niiy othar make. to all watke "I - ' "nhMItote. r?,,Rt w AA year denier for W. iTWaflae ahoeeTlf he where by mall. Catalog I tea WAJe duset to factory. Show eaatarary Wltywa r JSd bI23Um2. - -- |