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Show Th iriii to obtain both, for a limited jiime only. The diivrtlone and recipe for a fauitloee complexion ia the YI OXJ aerrvt long guarded by the maater Secret of j f'YltfDT IX wi j LLAlUll and cf the ORIENTALS mind I REEKS. Tbla wo obtained after yearn of work and at great expenne. It ia the method uaed by the faireat and moat beaiituul women of Europe. Hundreda of American women who d an exquiaite complexion and elegant jewels. An opportunity for every wo-Jan- Thla aecnet ia exaily underatood almple to follow and it will nave d yon the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleaches and forever give you a beautiful complexion and free your akin from pimples, bad color, blackheads, etc. It alone la worth to you many times the price we ask you to send for rhe genuine diamond ring of lab at derlgn. Wo at1 you thla ring aa one small rofit abovj manufacturing coat The what others price la less than one-hal- f charge. The recipe la free with every ring. It la a genuine rose cut diamond ring of sparkling brilliancy absolutely guaranteed, very dainty, shaped Ilka a Belcher with Tiffany setting of 14KL gold ahell, at your local Jew- eler It would cost considerable more than 11.00. commall you this beautiful plexion recipe free when yonr order la received for ring and 12.00 In money order, stamps or bills. Get your In before our supply is oifr-- r In the L. GRAY H. . Land Attorney. RubbsrGoods Attend to all business before United States Lend Office, U. S. SunreyorOeneral, State Lend Board. State Engineer. d, line freah Stock. iThls offer is made for a limited All goods guaianteed. ua your time only as a means of advertising mail orders. amt Introducing our goods. Bend today before this opportunity E'.ITE DRUG CO, fa forgotten. S3S Main It, T. C. MOSELEY, Salt Lake New York 23rd City, Utah. Street, 82 East City. Salt Lake City. Utah. . ) Agricultural College of Vtah WE WILL MOVE ON OR ABOUT SEPTEMBER FIRST EVERYTHING Utahs Great Industrial School from our present location to No. 235 Main Street, Salt Lake City. ' , A A. We do a General Banking Savings a Trust Business. Bank We act as Executor, Administrator. Guardian, Receiver, Etc. We Furnish Surety Bonds for tracts Other Purposes. Con- - PANYofUTAH. See Oar SPLENDID NEW BANKING ROOM. Utah Savings ft Trust New 7 Com-n- ys Story Building. Fire-Pro- of S' We Want Your Business. it bMaffh to th poor, and honor to th rich, an aid to th youn. a tupport and comfort to th aid." Bacon. "LmarninJ COURSES OF STUDY We are the LEADING TRUST COMr Call PREPARES MEN AND WOMEN FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE ,if Send for Booklet "Banking by COMMERCE. Business Administration, AccountHorticulture, Animal ing, Hanking, Transportation, Commercial Law, Indiixtry,' Veterinary Hcience, Dairying, Irrigation, Stenography, etc. Drainage, Farm Mechanics, Road Building, etc. GENERAL SCIENCE DOMESTIC SCIENCE AND ARTS. English, Mathematics, HisCooking, DietModern Languages, Natural and Economics, etics, Sanitation, Hygiene, Sewing, Household Econtory, etc. etc. Home Sciences, Physical omic, Nursing, ENGINEERING. MECHANIC ARTS. Carpentry, Forging, Pattern Irrigation Engineering jointly with University of Utah. Making, Carriage Building, Foundry Work, Machine Work, etc. Courses are also offered in Music, Art, Physical Training and library Work. V AGRICVLTVREA-Agronomy- , CONSIDER if THESE ADVANTAGES A large trained faculty of experts; twenty buildings with splendid equipments; farms, orchards, gardens, livestock and farm buildings, beautiful and healthful surroundings in one of the best towns of the state; a vigorously moral atmosphere; modern courses of study, carefully arranged to enable men and women to secure the comforts of life, and to make every day a happy one. All the graduates of the College occupy first class positions; its students have been uniformly The College has good opportunities for securing employment for its graduates. Expenses are low. No tuition; entrance fee 15.00. The illustrated catalogue and circular will and will be aent free. ' h Savjpgs Trust Conpanxj No. 235 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. The Bank that Pays 2 1- -2 mills l-2- ct. 4 per cent. 1 l-2- . T Address, The Registrar, Agricultural College, Logan, THE COLLEGE OPENS ON SEPTEMBER 17, 1907. Per Share cts. IN F0UK to . SO MONTI RECORD of NEVADA EXPLORATION MINING COMPANY. Or o o o o 0 o e o 8 For the Developement of These Groups a Limited Amount of Stock is Being Offered at the Low Price of 5 cts. mills to 5 cents a Share per Share. This Stock Will Double in Value Within Thirty Days. Remember from 2 1- -2 in 4 Months! For Stock and Information Apply to F. B. SCOTT, Secretary 14 to 16 Eagle Building, Salt Lake City. |