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Show AM 5 c. C.Clementa. W. C. dements. ISO Palm Are. 105C 4th St CLEMENTS BROTHERS. Utah Salt Lake City ns. 1289 BdU Phone g &PAINTER8. PAPER HANGERS AND DECORATORS. ;Muresco Tinting, Calcamlnlng, Wall Paper Cleaning. CORRECT CLOTHES FOR . MEN. COMFORTABLE SUMMER WHAR. PAUMIEBUBMAN' Whatever your wants In clothes or furnishings, we offer the newest Ideas at most popular prices. AYBWORKS SALT .AK.B CITY. SUMMER SUITS JI Headquarters for all Gasoline letups and 8upilies. We I)o the Rest 109 E. Second South Street SALT LAKE OUTING SUITS - Say to the Agent T. W. J "WHERE THE CLOTHES Slrtl jU Salts Made to Order $22.50 Si up, Pants $6 Si up. jjjj Altering, Repairing, Cleaning Si Pressing. 44 tu underwear, ROOMS 9U4JC: llsgsailr Paralahad. uMKi la this; A SBORT EOVTE; GOOD ROAD BED; SERVICE; COURTEOUS TREATMENT. That la everythin! in traveling, 9 9 For information and nice tee any Oregon Short Line Agent er addreee The EXCELLENT PLACE YOUR EYES IN OUR HANDS. Step These WHWMimmtatamne;ei We Are Here. Has1-- ; D. E. BURLEY. G. P. A. Those Times a Year SPENCER, A. G. P. A. 137 Paris, 1900; Double Louis, 1904, below, flled out to our nearest dealer or to us and gel our Free Trial and Easy Payment Of fer to responsible parties anywhere In the United States. Don't delay: This is your opportunity to secure ah aoiutely-thbest Talking Machine made, on payments that will not be felt We accept old machines In part payment. A written guarantee from the oldest, largest and most success ful manufacturers of Talking Ms chines In the entire world. Columbia Phonograph Co., Gen'I. Grand Prize, Grand, Send coupon Formerly Alexander Optical Co. Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. Both Phones 4444. jWWtwiMte!rws:wrr WMwrwe rjwsritstsrwiwsuuejMtstititBWlliw eAMSWsWMlMliMMrtnraMhirwMM'aWaMliWaMimweMiMMlililaMitstcj; Rooms Single l t e Rates Reasonable. Centrally Located. Modern in all Appointments. Strictly NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, EUROPEAN. (PANORAMA JlSbrhMmi-- EAGLE RIVER CANYON. of natural beauty the WHEEL GAP. WAGON all GLENWOOD SPRINGS. way. CANYON GARDEN OF THE GODS. (THREE MANITOU through trains. i b5T.,LOUIB AND TO DENVER. For Folders, Booklets, Etc., Address b CHICAGO . A. BENTON, G. A. P. Salt Lake City. 2 t D THE MIDLANDI Strictly First Class. Mrs. Mary Marriott, Prop. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS BY 4 THE DAY. Week ' er Month. 1.00 per Day. ... West First South St, Salt Lake City. 4 Rates 50c, 75c, and 44V4 t-- Bell Phone 6198 Red. Leading Specialists LocKsley Hall, - OWNED BT Mrs. E. DINNEER j Hunnecutt. i g HS "Mimai I 432 South Main Street, Salt Lake City. LAKE MEDICAL 234 Main St., Salt Lake City Ovea LceOu'e low-pric- ed KOMNEY AND 11YAN, 4 LINOTYPEHS. VEST TEMPLE ST. SALT LAKE CITY. The Largest ledepredeet Llnolype Plaet West ef Chicago. All Kinds 141 SOUTH of Type Setting Speelal Kdltluna, A Pall Line ms tea. Address front Agate to Plea Promptly and Skilfully Ksrrafrd Tan Llsta, Hrlrfa and Pronpertaa a Specially. af Machine llordrr Always aa Hand. Write for Kali, P. O. Boa 1141. halt Lake City. Bell Phone SI IT. DR. ZIMMERMAN, Manager Teeth Extracted Positl.rly Without 1alu BRANCH OFFICES i PROVO. LOGAN. OGDEN, PARK CITY trss With Other Work IMS Bet Teeth (beet red rubber hi to Gold Cnvii, k 01.00 W U Bridge Work, betit i onto Gold Plillnve All Other Filling hie. !h -- ifornia f YEARS GUARANTEE. i aL Fox Visible the conveniences. jeweirr store, 2ot Soutn Main Su, SALT LAKE CITY. w l INSTITUTE, UTAH DENTAL CO. 12 Day or Weelt. Painting, Graining, Calcimining, Tinting, Sign Painting. Ordera by Mail Receive Prompt Attention. Phones: Bell 1781K, Ind. 2287. All figured papers trimmed unless otherwise ordered. 217 S. State Street, Salt Lake City. Paper-Hangin- g, lsevie. vatu bt., salt lass city, utah. FREE Examination gad Advira. Sundays !C Opea till S p m. By " Paints, Etc. Wall-Pap- er, We Want Every Man in the Country Who Is Afflicted to Write Us About His Ailment. a. aa to I p. as.; evenings, t to l:S0; Sundays, a. m. to IS noon. SALT t KNAPT0N, CURTIS HANGER CO. Not only In Salt Lake City, but In the whole Pacific West. The rcaulta of our professional work era bringing to our office men from every stats and Territory la the West. Wa use the mlacroaoopa lo take oar diagnosis, if you want a permanent cure, consult ua. Wc cure all forma of Blood and Skin Diseaaaa, Narvous Docline. Piles. Vistula. Kidney, Bladder and all Urinary Dlaeasaa due to Weakness and tha result of spool fie dlaoaooe, and all Privet. D'saaaae of Man. OUR SYSTEM OF TREATING la superior to any In this country, and cur came arc the raoult of those methods. Wa never fall to effect a euro In any oaeo we take. If yea Buffer from neglact, from want of Aoney or from unskilled practice hero la an opportunity to get tha services of a skilled with year at rlpo experience In treating specialist, a graduate physician, eompUoatad and apodal disorders of MEN ONLY. It will ooat nothing to bo to maana talk ua, and stay the of restoring you to health and happiness. Why not call today? Our offices arc very private. You ere only the doctor. Our he being so low. It onablee many who era afflicted to prooure tha highest aetantlflo madias! saalstanca. Terms made to ault If necaaaary, so that anyone need not go without treatment. , illsMMMatnslswrdWMhBWsWMlswnMslswaiaiatiisaiiiHiissiswaisisiiMsliwni A i BOARDING 8CH00L FOR BOYS. SCIENTIFIC AND COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENTS. GYMNASIUM AND DRILL. . . CLASSICAL, WE ARE THE THROUGH AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. . SALT LAKE CITY, VTAH, THE ROYAL GORGE. JA PULLMAN .1. Street, Salt Lake City. COLLEGE. Consultation Free. SPRINGS. f ALL HALLOWS No Pay Unless Cured of the GUNNISON. 138 State L X We Cure Men For . & Mrs. E. Bartlett, Prop. SCENIC LINE CF THE WORLD. of the GRANDE a InSulte, With Private Bath. 8t VI. K. 2 Columbia Phonograph Com& Mala Bt, Balt pany, General m-t- S Lake City, Utah. me Please aend your Free Trial and Eaay Payment Offer with Illustrated CANYON t McGrath, Prop. 1906 MODELS. S Co. Alexander-Dlbbl- e L B. East First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 1 Dlzsy Spells That Eye Strain. taMrtMMrilMniMlWMlN 2 D. S. Salt Lake City KJUUt Strictly Hadera, Mrs. aches. S 230-31-3- 33 Si 35 EAGLE BLOCK. r The Raleigh! HH'IJ. Mam Street Salt Lake City. IK TAILOR. go ae far aa poaeible via the Jjjj poultoiadser()wen FIT, B0CKSTIE, Practical Gents ft Ladies' "I want lo SUMMER shirts, ties, belts, hose, Straw and Panama hats. a WHEN YOU GO EAST $12.50 to$40.G0 Mam and U W. Seeond South. and .llj-M- CITY, UTAH. Send Description of Goods Wanted I. E. 11EDMAN, Manager. and Blickensderfer Typewriter! Special Prices on Used Type writers of All Makes. 1 UTAH TYPtWRITER 62 W. EXCHAK6E Set sad loufh Strssl, Ssll Lsks City x |