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Show MORE THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. and permanent enre tor drunkenneaa and the opium d" eases. There ia no publicity, ou sickness. Ladles treated as privately as at their own homes. The Keeley Institute, 334 W- 8a TemA positive - ple, Balt Lake City. Utah. J. E. Crow, Formerly of Sooth Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Where he will be pleased to See Old Friends Customers. kinds of All Harness Work Done on Shortest Notice and Lowest Prices. Horse Goods and Sea Call Me. the Great Blood varOO Nerve Tonic. A Purely Vegetable Compound. Tested by Years of Experience. Positive Cure for Constipation, Kidney and Stomach Troubles. A Sura Relief for Rheumatism. Testimonials furnished on request. Carbo Medical Company, 56 W. a Clly has Slt art leather and leather novelty with $ aB NUMBER BEING INTERVIEWED. requirements o I the National Pure Food Law. Ciarantee No. 2041, GUI at VUmAingtag. new busi- ness. visit tcr-Do- n Swanns of humanity Lyman, who for aa foreman of nine years had charge at Salt Lake. Sales are now the Saddle Mfe. department of the enormous. Many Salt Lake people Salt Suddlery Co., and who for medtwo years past has been in the emcured by the Great Fer-DoHardware Co., Lake the of Salt ploy icines. in a like capacity, has decided to avail hi in self of one of the opport unities, Salt Lake, Utah. Tn view of the to engage In business for himself. prepaenormous sale of Fer-Do- n And has recently purchased the enrations now going on in Sak Lake tire stuck and equipment of Fred Hcrdlisky A ('ll.. No. 121 W. South and the intense interest .which Mr. removed the Temple St., and has comand centralised has stirred up since his armore to a plant modious location. No. 21 E. 3rd So. a representative of the local rival, street, where, at his opening, July luth, he presented to the Salt Lake daily papers of Salt Lake spent yesmost and the complete largest public terday afternoon at the young e art leather goods lino of Advice dealers man's headquarters, watching the coffee the of largest ever exhibited In this city. Mr. Lyman's ability aa an- expeit swarm of humanity come and go. in die world is always to buy the old la al workman and leather carver During the afternoon the reporter ready well known, hut he points with fashioned Aibuddes ARIOSA Coffee in of to the Just pride public recognition interviewed many of the callers and hla superior skill and artistic talent, the Kded paduget. Don't ask for a pound of Mocha and Java, or buy the j obtained statements from all who aa shown by being galled upon by the for Coffee flurtuatci and you cannot pt the same coffee far die seme priced the time cared to give them as to their expeople of Utah to design and construct Mom of the Mocha and Java Coffee is simply the famous Roosevelt aaddle, present- JJjJjjymSLEHSSLESSiSLi and his perience with Fer-Do- n ed to our president on hla visit to masquerading, and is not nearly as good coffee for as Aibuddes ARIOSA, the blend you camvice hla The Utah during presidential folowing are sepreparations. cf the Brazilian Coffees most suitable to die taste and health of American people. By the paign of IkOO. This was the climax eded from those statements as beof perfection and waa probably the looks there is no difference between masted Java and Brazilian Coffees ; maneogJnnBrazfebiiQgrfaavto ing typical of the general expreshandsomest saddle ever made in the -. sions of the west and certainly reflected the high- The principal difference is that Afbuckles costs you less, his a mLt.U to befieve that a high price gapeople seen : est credit upon It a designer and quality. When you buy Aibuddes1 AklOSA Coff)""ywIget a full one of of die die Cofee pound parkag lap"g maker. Mr. J. King, living at 666 North In connection with the saddle, Mr. wodd. Its sales for 37 yean an grester than die combined sales of all die other packaged coffees. By giving belter SevAth West St., when interviewLyman received two personal letters Coffee for the money, we have buik up a business exceeding die combmed businesses of die firms coffee next largest from Mr. Roosevelt, as follows: ed I had suffered with stomach ' in die whole worid. If your dealer will not supply the genuine, write to Oyster Iisy, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1900. arbuckle Bros Nw Yfc Cfen trouble for several years. I was so H. I). Lyman, Kkq., pad the last few months I couldnt Salt Lake City, Utah. BETTER THAN PRESENTED. That beautiMy Dear Mr. Lyman: eat anything at all. I could not diful saddle has never turned up, and To Whom It May Concern. I desire for fear there haa been some accident. gest my food and had severe pains bsving read a great deal I ventura to write to you to ask you I in my stomach most of the time. I about It. If you sent' It, will you about Grid ley, California, including the did not sleep well and had severe Gridley Herald, published there, give me some of the details? I was impressed very favorably with Sincerely yours, leadaches at times. I have tried the opportunities set forth for the THEODORE ROOSEVELT. After shipping the saddle the fol- homeseeker, hue doubted If the counmany remedies, and have been to a try was as good aa represented (a WHAT I bought 3 lowing letter waa reeel ved: OR DRUGS niece, cousin, friend or neighbor who number of physicians. CURES, NATURE State of New York, Executive the literature sent out by the CaliforFer-DoMedical Comhave been cured, permai.ently relieved pottles of nia Irrigated Land Company, adverChamber. Albany, Nov., 10th, 1900. more is true suffer from It of or hla into people by section. I suffering taking drags visited tising that Recently Mr. B. H. Lyman, before I took How many people do pound for $2.50, and Gridley, and spent several days in the ill effects of drugs than suffer her stomach? Salt lAke City, Utah. Is disease. habit The felt 'much from know stomach a as who drug have taken drugs one bottle my equal you the conditions investigating The aaddle fuHy My Dear Mr. Lyman: u the liquor habit; yes, even worse, posible cure for some chronic 1 was ,.i there. very agreeably handsomsurprised has come and it looks even throw lip your hands at the ment? How many are s' ill looking for potter since I have taken the three er than It did In Utah. Believe ine, to find an extremely fertile section of of a drunkard; ?ou cannot say relief? Do drugs and patent medicine pottles, my stomach trouble is all thought with water irriabundant for country, with great regard. about him, and how hla family aeem to be the proper treatment for gation, where land could he had at a enough few one and not a trace of disease is Faithfully youra, food, clothing and a .roor them? I could ask you questions by price within the reach of those of suffer THEODORE ROOSEVELT. because he lo one could left. under, I have come here to thank never simply ahe hundred that sleep In addition to the stork of art leath- moderate means. In fact, tie half he- - gwer, and yet for liquor whfit rightly who have taken not people haa been told Fer-Dothe n. many I want to say, also, er goods, Mr. Lyman will manufacture regarding medicine to give an elephant Mr. longs to his family. Just for the satis- high class riding saddles and stock natural advantage! to be found In that faction of an abnormal appetite, which enough Fer-Don- 's Catarrh I tried that even a drown him, bath, yes I where persist purchased land and craves alcohol saddles, brldlqa and all riding equip- locality, when the Individual Is taking it. Stop! Think! Dont you Remedy and found it to be the best ment, alao gun cases, Ashing rod cases, hope to be able in the near future to awake. The habit of taking drugs and in believe It is time to give up the hope pistol holsters, cartridge belts, money establish my home. The statements medicines Is fully as bad. Some 0f ever regarding that lost health in thing I ever used for catarrh of 'patent In contained Herald the and Gridley and ladles hand belts purses, bags families spend the earnings or two or 8Uch an absurd way? Did it ever throat, head and nose. e ladles and gents dress belts, leather the literature sent out b the three of to members the Mr. Dciniel Frisco, living at 936 to rtom&ch cur family treats that the you to section are Inthat very conserand canvass cases for surveyors medicine In the same manner as it Euclid, stated he was 85 years old struments, all other kinds of canvass vative, and In my opinion can be does any article that enters It, unless and has been troubled with Irrigated Land Company In rutor leather cases, bill books, pass partial the drug la too strong for the stomiled npon. cameras aheet bugbooks, hooka, trip to master? In such an event the deafness and catarrh.' I tried ont ach PETER leathALLEN, feed canvass and gy whips, hags, same thing happens as would had you bottle of Fer-DonMagic' flelict La Grande, Oregon. er mall hags, coin raaea, war bags, Fer-Dotoo Indifood. much taken Improper Catarrh box of and one FriuFor particulars write to H. W. carry-al- l bags amunltlon bags, game gestion follows. The sufferer has added a comI now hear can and bags and money bags. Also a line li ng, general agent, 809 Ecclee Buildanother condition to the first; another Remedy large stock for dog collars, dog har- ing, Ogden, Utah. conversation. mon , It same kind of fails the drug is tried; ness, dog leads andsl! dog furnish as the first; he gradually grows worse; UNIVERSITY iF.UTAJL ..both .for., eaih change M medicine la like drivd ing another nail In the coffin. OccaInstruction begins Monday, Sep:. (Utah Kennel club He sionally an Individual recovers. 16th. Registration of students, Septake notice.) ' thinks he has found :i cure at last, Honest goods, sold strictly on their tember 13th and 14th. Entrance but this is not tree. He later meets September 11th, 12th and merits, without misrepresentation, some one who is suffering the same as and with a fair profit, will be the 13th. he did. This party, wh-- i 1b anxious to normal and College, engineering, policy from the start with thla house, shake off the misery, tries the same courses are offered. and the public will find In dealing with preparatory medicine; it falls. Why? Because Tho catalogue which outlines all the Mr. Lyman, a man thoroughly posted drag do not cure, and here la the very on everything pertaining to hla bust College work, the Preparatory Catalog proof that any individual with a thimness. A manufacturer of long, prac- which describes the preparatory aad ble full of brains can comprehend. You work, tical experience, an affable gentleman, two years of ask me what cured? I will tell you an enthusiastic supporter of home en- or an Illustrated booklet of the School wliat it was, and you tan draw your terprise, a member of the M. A M. of Mines, will be sent free on applicaxown concltisjons as 'to whether 1 am association and all around booster for tion to right or wrong. It was Nature, and UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, Salt Lake, the city of opportunities. Nature cured him In spite of the obSalt Lake City, Utah, See hla display ad. in another colstacles placed in her way. Nature o umn. had the power to cope with the drug SEPTEMBER EXCURSIONS EAST. o and the disease aa well, but In the It Is a custom in the Belgian ParliaVia the Colorado Midland, greatly get the supposed relict drugs and (n"lJo,'lty ment, when a member la making a long .caaef th(e P?ent. P,aM! Way speech, to be supplied with brandy as reduced rates, September 4th and 6th, patent medicines hold in store for the ,B15 aunae to viand the com-an- d a beverage, at the expense of the Ticket office 77 W. 2nd South, Tel. sufferer. Thla la the moat deceiving e L. H.HARDING, 678. government. m,ir"!r, sradually yet the moat widely practiced im- - b,"ed n o General Agent. position known. Every hamlet on The French Comedia Francxlso is earth. It seems, has at least one who best doctor is one who makes Nature the only theatre which pensions Its acpreaches thla system. After so many the .eaa,eft; Mrs. Mary B rugger, of 15 Fultors and actresses. After twenty years .n;ovea years and people still ruffering. dont "ork naturally, whose picture appears mer service they are entitled to $1,000 a la resto It or realise think time you ,a J"?1, CYRUS a. GATRELL tbl8 trat above,Ave., son a little lor yourself? Are people year. said she had been suffering o-really cured by drugs and patent med- with stomach trouble for years. Hot Attorney A Counsel en 1 icine? Here are a few questions for Of the 51.000 breweries estimated 91 n cold flashes came over her at bu and 8alt Lake 'ing to be in the worid, 26,000 are in Geryou to answer; Do you suffer? Do you L1Tjr l'lan Walker BoWM times and a numbness of the limbs. a have father, husband, wife, mother, many. Consultation and examination free. At times I felt so weak .and worn Salt Laks City. sister, uncle, sunt, nephew. SEPTEMBER EXCURSIONS EAST. out I could walk. I took Mr. llersehel 11. ns er-D- CROW BROTHERS, Has opened up at 13 W. GOODS. UTAH-MAD- i 1st South Street, high-grad- - d hr What Cures, Nature or Drugs? ns all-Yo- Salt Lake City. AGENTS WANTED. t Leror'i Dr. F r e a e h Tansy Taaleta. An acwltn quaintance tbeae tablets will result In s pleasant surprise to suffering women. Tile ladles' safein eases guard. ef painful er suppressed Hen THE! BUCCKKU io per Prlcll .At all drug stores or J .SV11- - Do till Dreg Co.mall, o,urlr lit Mein. Belt Lake City, utmh. - n y oo-eve-n Cali-erenc- ia s ns REMEMBER. local merchant does not Temple Brand Oar If frjjetock Underwear, send your ord-oI fflanufteturers, Balt mttlng Works. w To women for collecting names and selling our novelties, we give big premium! send your name today foi our new plan of big profits with little work. Write today. Address C. T. MOSELEY, Premium Department, 33 K. 83rd Street, New York City. VlfPP . UNION ASSAY OFFICE. Chamlata and Aaaayara. Ai. 8. Hanauer. J. v. Sadler West Temple. O. Box 1446. Salt Lake City, Utmh 151 P- Analytical Work a Specialty. ,L examinations, normal-preparator- y -- Oiar, Via the Colorado Midland, greatly reduced rates, September 4th and 6th. Ticket office, 77 W. 2nd South. Tel, 678. L. II. HARDING, L. H. aoea-brothe- SlltNRRaiStlWRRPAWRJWltatltlWItRPW CEO. W. PARK Land Attorney, Ausrbaeh Building, Salt Lake Clty. GRAY, raemwiMmMaWM Land Attorney, THE. Attend to all business before United 8tates Lend Office, U. 8. Surveyor-Genera-l, State Land Board, State Engineer. . CURIOUS -D- Curious Compound Capsules Salt Lake City, Utah. box. Mall orders promptly attended to. Doull Drug Co, Distributors, 338 Main 8L, Salt Lake City. None genuine without tho trade mark the Curious D. CHAS S. COWAN. A88AYERS. Analytical Chemists. 160 South West Temple, Salt Lake City. Utah. Office I A NICHOLS. A slayer; and 3 Chemist.. and Laboratory, 229 S. W. Temple 8tree t, SALT LAKE CITY. R. A. HABBROUCK, 60 Onamerdal Block, Balt Lake City, Utah. Phones 14I2-- and 1419-Z HMMlMto 3 Graduate! earn $15 to $25 per week Cat free. Write us. Mohler System of Colleges, 62 E. First South St. Salt --tW City. Utah. ARmtumtwARmtswmtRitstsutmwm MAXFfELD VINEGAR CO, Manufacturers of Factory: VINEGAR. 720 South Second Telephone Subscribe for your local paper. Fifteen assays or analyses for 3. Gold, Silver, Lead, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Silica, Calcium and Mangan- - SETTLES, MATHEZ A CO Chemical and Metallurgical LaHoratory. 158 South West Temple Street Salt Lake City, Utah. W. J. KING. MANAGER. Assay, Lead Castilla eork. touch. and uremic poisoning cured. Hot Springs Water doea the Rheumatism vanishes at lta For rates apply to C. H Sou 222 Room Manager, Commercial Club building. Salt Lake John C. Cutler, Jr., INVESTMENT Eitabllihod BANKER. Aad Other- - Hifk Grade Investments Bon gat a sold. 979-- x 7. HOW FER-DON- REMEDIES S CAN BE SECURED. People living outside of Salt can secure the remedies at their drug store in their home town or by sending in to the Great Fer-Do- n. Iikc Ike Salt the Great The prices of Remedies: Medical Compound for the Flood, Stomach, Rheumatism and Kidneys, $1.00 per buttle, or six bottles $5.00. 8 Magic Relief for Deafness, Rheumatic Pains, Lame Back, and all Aches and Pains, 50 cents per bottle. or six ottlcs for $2.50. Catarrh Remedy for Catarrh, Coughs, Colds, Hay Fever and Asthma, 50 cents per box, or 6 boxes for $2.50. First ask your home druggist for the. remedies. If he dont have them, send all money orders payable to th Great P. O. Fox 175 Sa.t Lake, Utah. All druggists .An order from We want you as our exclusive agent ia your town City Fer-Don- 's ns 1 gRWWRRRimRIUtRIUtlWItatRIMRsti Correspondence solicited, P. O. Box 1181. Balt Lake City. Ind Phone 8808-- Fer-Do- Fer-Don- 1803, BONDS. SUGAI STOCKS. BANK STOCKS, West dependent 's Fcr-Do- City. THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT STONE CO. CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MANUFACTURERS. SOLE AGENT8 FOR Concrete Block Machines. Want to tatabliab a plant In every city, tows and village In Utah. Block machinea from 8100 upward Start a small plant and become la hardly Medical Compound and now I am entirely cured. n said ' that there were over two thousand people called on him to purchase his remedies- yesterday. Fcr-Don- Write for particulars. THE HENRY HAN80N CHEMICAL RESEARCH COh. Analytical and Consulting Chemists, 54. Railroad Building, Denver, Colo, U. S. A. Ftiyatolae and WASH IT AWAY. "PURE FOOD CRISMON Men and women to learn barber tradi in 8 weeks. Wages paid every night RSWIMWRRRilimanwmimwn corn-bin- s tho vlrtueo of Big G, Psbot O. K, Santal Pepsin, and sell for $1.25 a FRANK A. BIRD. Wlfle tri a hard time now telegraphing home for money. Fer-Do- Prcnntlr nhtaJnnl nr bo ft. Write fbronr CONFIDENTIAL LETTER bates itU worth money. We t at'inyiogror that pay. B iud belp patenYb la Teuton to taoeeee. t ninilrl, photo nr (ketch, andweemd IMMCDIATK rRKE S SPORT ON d lie si 10 Teen practice. Basis-tcrePatent Lawyers Writs or soma to 7ih It., WASHINGTON. S. C. 606-60- Madam Snyder. Mrs. H. Fontijn, The gifted Palmist, Psychic and Card Reader, gives advice on all affairs of life. Diagnoses all Diseases. TRANCE MEDIUM. Telia how to draw unto yourself all READING DAILY things for good through Thought Force. Consultation free. Call and TEST MEETINGS Sunday and Thurs see her. Upstairs, Room 16, Sanitarium Hodays at 8 O'clock. tel. Salt Lake City. Admission 10 Gents. Independent Phone 8402. 267 8. W. Temple St, 4 ns Fer-Do- n, Fer-Do- n. |