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Show Aa. i. y ? ' ve,tvw The entinel Vol. VII. STOCKTON. UTAH, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER Published Every Wednesday. entinel Printing and Publishing Company. Ofllce of publication, Main Street, Stockton, Utah. One year, 91.S0; six months, 91.00; three months, 79 cento. matter at Entered aa aecond-claa- a the poatofflce at Stockton, Utah. - Local Mauser ASST. MQR COUNTY OFFICERS. County Seat, Tooele City. Clerk Iran Ajax. Treasurer EL M. Orme. Recorder r. W. Frailey. ' Sheriff A. O. Evans. : Aaeeaeer J. A. MUlward. , B. Gordon. . Attomey-- J, Surveys rwHalnes Qrimdley. Commlealenere C. La Roy Aader-- . i. eon, 1. Ob Brown and W. J. Ham-monf- -- v . vomlt-msSsls- coal and money in other guises. Thu sagebrush gradually made way for waving fields of grain and the smoke of sugar factories and industries began to dim the lustre of the bright noonday sun. Expansion was slow, but the people were patient. Carefully as ever they weeded their ground; ceaselessly they watched the watering and the plowing, and soon, when old backs became too weak to guide the plow, younger arms, atralghter backa were there to lift the burden. Then came prosperity, the prosperthat will ity of today, a prosperity endure while people will endure, a fields prosperity that came with the and of grain, the riches of the hills ' the smoke of the factories. WHERE THERES J 1-- 1-- 4, 1-- A 1-- ' the selections thereof, being otherwise be recommended for approval, E. I). R. THOMPSON. Register. First publication, Aug. 1, 1907. Last publication, OcL 16, 1907. 1-- 4, 4. 1-- 4, 4, Where there's a will there's a way" and where there are hills of hidden wealth there's an eventual weigh. The deforegoing was not written with any sire to perpetrate a foolish pun, but to convey an undoubted truth. In this Instance there Is a weight of precious metal when It has been extracted and while waiting for the metals there is a precious weight of hope and faith. No region la more rich than that one It is an unwhich can progress. doubted law of nature that calls for either progression or retrogression. As nature abhors a vacuum, it also abhors anything at a standstill. Therefore it Is that a camp that progresses all the time la fortunate, and Alta and this district are both fori unate for they are progressing all the time. It requires stamina and considerable faith to pursue the quest of wealth all the time. In season and out. There are times when it seems aa though a hope 'must give way to dispalr. toll imp when, after months of weary and labor there Is nothing in sight to reward the labor of that time, and It la not to be wondered that some grow d and are ready to give up the Struggle. But keeping perpetually at It wins, and dispalr gives way to hope and to the enjoyment of Justly earned reward. There Is no mine or camp that can expect to progress and ultimately win unless it or them is backed with determination, grit and faith. It la a ceaseless fight with nature to compel It to give up her hoarded secrets of hidden treasure.- It Is a battle with the elements, with' all or natures forces and If puny man gets discouraged It is not to be wondered at. But where theree s will there's s way, and It simply means that keeping at it with the determination to succeed, the way will be found. A NEW FAD. faint-hearte- . .r 7y. 8sttaftetloa (ssnatssd or mossy refunded. . FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER 1-- 1-- 4, TROUBLE, :A , RHEUMATISM AND LUMBAGO 1- -4 1-- 4 n A does at bed time sIIy relieves the meet severs esse before msmlng. , 'li-VjESf- i -- BACKACHE non-miner- Local News Items Jl Jl Jake Beamond came Ophlr Wednesday. down from Mrs. George Brand went to Salt Lake Thursday to visit her sister. j H. H. Bates shipped one car of high grade ore last week from his leaks. j Jl js Jl & Mrs. William Booth went to Silver City Saturday morning and returned on Sunday. . Jl W. A. Frailey and Ed Machason left for their property In Nevada on Wednesday. jl Jl Dr. George W. Booth Lake, Jt Clark has his mother visiting with him now. She arrived here Monday morning from Detroit Jl jr B. Paxton CHICAGO. U. 9. Sold by Stockton Drag and News Ca i Ji Jl surprise party was given on Elmer Radits, Thursday. There was a large crowd there and all had a fine time. ' States Land City, Utah, July 29th, 1907. May Concern: A good remedy for thle time of T&Whom ' (Notice Is hereby given that thea Stgte of Utah vas filed In this office ysar for summer complaint and all list-olands, Iptefnd by the said Irregularities of the bowels, A guar- Stints, under Congress, ap anteed remedy. follows, vis.: W J. SW. JBE. K 8. , E. Stockton Drug News Co., 4 an! Lota 1, 2. fir 4,' 5, 6 and 7 Sec. L. M BUte No. R 9W HTgjUk unity ebojip- - Betel Ik ns: 1 Stockton, A copy of said lislT so far aa It relates to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions by any person Inteivsted and by the public generally. NOTICE. During the period of publication of United States Land Office, Salt this notice, under departmental Instructions of April 25, 1907, protests Lake City, Utah, August 27, 1907. or contests against the claim of the To Whom It May Concern: Notice la hereby given that the fol- State to any of the tracts or subdilowing township plata (full and frac- visions hereinbefore described, on the tional ) have been received at this gnmnd that the same Is more valuoffice from the United States Surveyor-Genera- l able for mineral thgn for agricultural for Utah, viz: purposes; will be received and noted Township 1 south, Rcuge 7 West, 8. for report to the General Land office L. M. at Washington, D. C. Failure so to Township 1 South, Range 8 West, protest or contest, within the time L. M. specified will be considered sufflcent character Township 2 South, Range 8 West, evidence of the of the tracts, and the selections thereS. L. M. Ssld plats will be filed In this office of, being otherwise free from objecSeptember 28, 1907, and the state hav- tion, will be recommended for aping acquired a preference right of se- proval. E. D. R. THOMPSON, lection, under the Act of August 18. 1894, to said township, except under Register. rights initiated prior to November . First publication, Aug. 7, 1907. Last publication, Oct. 2, 1907. 1905, will be allowed until November Jl Jl . dgara. Baltimore" union For sale every whs re. mad ,' v Parker Lumber Co. $ Wholesale Retail. Mining Timbers, Genasco Roofing, Blue Plaster Board. All Kinds of Building Material. Write or Call at Oar Office, SALT LAEE CITY. UTAH. Corner 2 South & West Temple. jl jl the state of Utah vs. The case of Levi Betchtel was decided in favor of the defendant on the 3rd Inst, In the Justices court at Tooele STANDING OF CONTESTANTS NELS POPULAR 8IRL IN THE i Piles Removed o o o SENTI- CONTEST f Following is the result of the vote in the Sentinels Popular Girl Contest for the week ending Wednesday, Aug. ith, 1907. o-- It Is a well known fact that persons living In the Pine fortsts do not suffer from kidney diseases. One dose of ' Plneulea at night usually relieves backAlta Independent "J.' ache. Thirty days treatment Our young people who indulge satisfied. the dizzy waits, says the Sheridan En- Tour money refunded if not Sold by Stockton Drag A News Co. that terprise. will hear with Interest have o the heads of New York society BEN HARRISON TID BITS. declared that sitting out a waits will be more fashionable from now on Dan Trenham went to Salt Lake on than dancing. The sitting out business Thursday. the same position as dancing Jl Ji the only difference Is that you sit, Alfred Evllslzer was down to Stock-toInstead of dance. The man's right arm a few days last week. la around the girl's waist while his 91-0- em-bodi- n Salt Lake City. ft l U3St&g2Stg5Sk&Si5Sk!S2$kgtS5gkSS( --- --- I)o you know that Pluesalve Carbol-lze- d acts like a poultice In drawing out Inflammation and poison? It Is For cuts, burns, eczema, antiseptic. cracked hands It is Immediate relief. Sold by Stockton Drag A News Co. o Neaf Williams arrived here Thursday morning, after a few days visit with parents at Park City. Miss Birdie Conway and Neafs brother accompanied him home. o Doctor Johnson, 0 Specialist for Rectal Diesases $ 261 S. Main Street, Jt Jt and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Connor daughter Pearl were in Eureka a few daya last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William Embelton. o Rings Dyspepsia Tablets do the work. Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, indigestion, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Two days treatment free. Ask your druggist for a fee trial. Sold by Stock-to- n Drug A News Co. --o and IV. A. Frailey, Ed Machason Clarence Coffman shipped a car of ore to the Salt Lake smelters last week from their property In Nevada. WITHOUT KNIFE. O U ) CLEAN. DYE OR RE- - 11 10 tbat Wl1 ilmoBt as good as We pay particular attention to work rrom out of the city and on Jobs of i.00 or over we prepay the express Micharges. Main office, 112 T znd Sa St. jgs (Opp. Grand Theatre ) W 1st So. Bt, Salt Lake City. Works, 338-4- 0 J. B. HICKMAN, DEALER IN High Grade Saddles and Riding Equipment General Merchandise, Drugs Notions. Stockton, Utah. PAIR I Ore Bags Feed Bagr Mail Bags HERSCHEL B. LYMAN, Manufacturer and Dealer REAL LEATHER GOODS A NOVELTIES. LEATHER, NOT RUBBER. Hand Carved Leather Gooda. Ladles Hand Bags, Purses, Belts, Etc, Sportsmens Leather and Canvas Supplies. Dog Collars, Buggy Whips. & Real Leather Is made of akins of animals. Imitation Leather akins tho public. THE UTAH 21 East Third South Street Independent Tel.ohone No. 2401. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ROOSEVELT SADDLE t t v w- - c-- ' vw- J ; V--HBmoke ft Jl Jl Josie, Dallie and Hattie Scribner left here Monday for Salt Lake, where they will stay for the winter to attend school. f. r,T.' .I- . Genie Forsyth left for Park City Sunday to play ball with the Park team on Labor, day. He came back here Thursday. 9 Ji NOTICE. non-miner- left Saturday morning with three Salt Lake capitalists to examine hie property on the desert J. w 1 - Henry Thomas went , to Bingham Tuesday last and' returned Some the Edna Hickman and Nellie left here Tuesday for Salt where they will attend school. ti. Eae "I, V- A. ' f Wm. Stolper, of Dry Canyon, was In stockton Saturday and went back Sunday. 4 Pordial, ' - FINBUU MEDICINE CO jttlackberry Jt J A A WILL. v v 99 DATS IftEATMEin FOft $1.19 1-- 1-- 2 t PINEULES 1-- 1-- c .i. 4 3 1-- 4, ''ll free from objection, will 1-- 1-- '4. non-miner- al 1-- 1-- know - the state of thy flocks, and look well to ' thy herds; for riches are not forever. . Utah Is progressing so rapidly and so permanently that it now enjoys a new condition. '. The people are happy and prosperous, the. children well brsve and true. It Is a condition brought about by the rapid advance of civilisation. With advance-menUha- a come Increased wealth. Many ' cl tisens In all parts of the state often seem to wake out of their long dreams, and, rubbing their eyes and looking about them can hardly realise the changes time has wrought When the first settlers came sagebrush was the most tangible asset. There were homes, but they were little better than shelters. Some of them were dugouts, some were made of adobe, some of logs. But they all sheltered true hearts and brave people.. Soon the pioneers saw other conditions. They saw new people with new ways come and mingle with them. At first they viewed what they termof the outed the encroachments siders" with alarm, but when they found the new neighbors were anxious tof3p make a community greater, they expanded and bade the stranger welcome. Soon the dark gray hills that ' overshadowed them and to ..weigh thepn down In r rial majesty, began . d. ft' g Ing this period protests or contests against the claim iff the Slats to any of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore described, on the ground that the same la more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received and noted for reports to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure so to protest or contest within the time specified, will be considered sufficient evidence of the character of said tracts, and I ' 1-- E THOU DILIGENT. ; Be thou- diligent - to r f No. 7 left holds her right Hei left hand la! Dick Marshall and Bob 27, UV7, Inclusive, wltMn which to In India the people consume anually ) exercise Its rights, placed on hia shoulder, while her head down to Stockton, Saturday. only one ounce of soap per head. I rests lovingly on his bosom, and all I A r From and after November 29. 1907. thex have to do le to alt and listen to Superintendent Tom Gallager, of the the remaining lands, ahonld there be . NOTICE. the music. Now, that la something j Ben Harrison mine, went to Salt La Iff any. will be subject to entry under the United States laws. like It. We have always regarded It on business Friday, Land Office, Salt land public Lake City, Utah, August 7th, 1907. M. M. KAIQHN, sa quite a nuisance to gal lap a mile or A A To Mhom It May Concern: two to get a hug or two. A room full Receiver. Harry Biooks, Wm. Harvey and To Notice Is hereby given that the 8tate of people sitting around on sofas hug- Spalding were down town Sunday aa I of Utah haa filed In this office lists ging to music Is morj to our notion. returned the same day. NOTjCE. of selected by the said State, unThis will give the old rhumatlcky O'" United States Land Office, Salt derlands, Section 6 of the Act of Congress, brethren a good chance to waits. Most Mothers with little children need af Lake 1907. 26, Utah, August City, men waits, not for the dance but few longer fear croup, colds or whoopi a To approved July 16, 1894, ae Indemnity Whom It May Concern: School Lands, as follows, vis: the position, and while many a mn cough. Bees Laxative Cough Byre Notice is given that the E. E. 3 NW. E. 3 SW. 4 may lose hie apetite for dancing, he tastes good. It works off the com State of Utahhereby has filed In this office Sec. has to get powerful old before he loos- through the bowels, clears the head E. 2 NW. 30, E. 3 8W. es his appetite for hugging a pretty Guaranteed. Sold by Stockton Drug lists of lands, selected by the said 4 Sec. 31 (State 431, U. I. R.); Lots the Cth section of the Act 1. 2. 3. 4. Sec. under State, A Neva Co. 30, Lot 1. 2, 3, 4, Sec. girl. of Congress, approved July 16. 1894. 31 E 2 8ec. SI. N. 1 1045); (State folsa School as Lands, Indemnity EDITORIAL BRIEFS. 4 NW NW. DRY CANYQN NEWS. NE. 8W. lows: Lota 1, 2. Sec. S3 (8tate 43S, NW. BE. NE. S. NW. U. I. 14, 8W. 14. R.). all In T. 4 8., R. 5 W.( Lot It is now being pointed out that if John Murry of Dry Canyon waa la 4 Sec. 25. T. 4 S.. R. 6 W (State 4 Sec. 6 (8late 429, U. I. R.) ; SW. the prosecution of tie trusts continues, town and went back Thursday, .447. U. I. R.). 8. 2 NW. S. 2 8E. NE. 4 J ji the poor will suffer with the rich. Copies of said lists, so far as they SB. 5 Lots Mrs. Dellhn of Dry Canyon, went to relate 2, See. 3, 430, (State sub-idStill, thats a heap better than the l to said tracts by descriptive U. I. R ); all In T. 6 S.. R. 5 W Salt Lake last Friday afternoon, v , poor suffering alone. visions, have been conspicuously SB. 4 8ec. 24 (State 430, U. L R.); jl Ji posted In this office for inspection by 8E. 4 S. 3 8W. Harrimana willingness to own all of Joseph Ericaon was down to Stock-to- n any the pub- 4 Sec. SW.E. 2 NE. mil interested, person by 35 (Slate 448, 26, from Dry Cnnyon for n few days lic Sea the railways seems unsejfish sod generally. courageous at this moment of eager on business. This notice will be published for U.3 I. R.). all In T.2 4 8., R. 6 W.; 8 NE. N. SE. SE. 14 endeavor to make an example of some Ive successive weeks, under depart-nent4 Sec. 34 monopolist by putltng him in Jail. It comes put up in a collapsible tube instructions of April 25, 1907, NW. 14. NE. 1.14 SW. R ), T. 5 8.. R. 6 W with a nozzle easy to apply to the anil during thia perK.., protests or (State 442, U. NW. It Is reported that Gov. Odell recent soreness and Inflammation, for any fontesta NE 4 Sec. 11. 8. 2 8B 14 against the cl Urn of the State NW. Sec. 15, T. 6 ly had an operation performed on hla form of aoothea and heals, to any of the tracts or subdivisions Sec. 10, N. It Piles; R. 6 W. (State 442. U. I. R.) ; SW. Jaw. With a national campaign ap- relieves the 8., hereinbefore on and the groupd burning. pain, itching described, proaching other politicians will soon Man Zan Pile Remedy. Price B0 cents. (hat the same Is more valuable for 14 NW. 14. W. 2 8W. 14 Sec. 16, T. 6 S R. 8 W. (State 443, U. 1. R.). be getting thelrs in good working or- Guaranteed. Sold by Stockton Drug mineral than for agricultural purposes, der. Copies of said lists, so far aa they A News Co. till be received and noted for report relate to said tracts by descriptive subGeneral WashOffice Land the at o V 'p Women, because they est so much divisions. have been , conspicuously n C. D. Failure or to ington, protest Subscribe for your local paper. less, only pay half rates In the more In this office for Inspection by uontest, within the time specified, will posted of Swedens hotels. be considered sufficient evidence of any person interested and by the pubgenerally. the character of said licThis notice will be published for 5 iyvts, and the selections thereof, be- successive weeks, under departmental otherwise free fiom objection, ing & Instructions of April 25, 1907, and dur- will be recommended for approval, E. D. R. THOMPSON. i I' Register. Genie Forsythe went to Garfield, First publication Sept. 4, 1907. Last publication Oct. 30, 1907. Saturday. - The TOOELE 1907. "tZ STOCKTON SENTINEL. W. L. Elawlck FRANK CONNOR 11, f IT 'A J1 |