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Show follows himself, a poor dispensing clerk la a doctor's office, work-in- s for that dream of achievement in which his mother believed; for which she hoped. And following further the boy that was himself, he w a friendless r man at first-yea- clfully look npon the infirmities of men, and to stetcb forth Ills hand to keep and defend them in all .dangers Late Carscallen. and necessities. after a long pause, said Amen, and Jell Hyde said in a whisper to Gaspe Toujours. "That's to the point. Infirmities and dangers and necessities Is what troubles us. Immediately after, at a sign from Sure to Have One. Lincoln Steffens, In an address on municipal politics, said la Chicago of n certain city: That city ia as notorious for its rottenness as the town of Pebbles Is notorious for another characteristic. Hero is an incident that will give you an idea of the reputation of Peb- GIFT NOT ALL GIFT. Bom, Not Worm, Margaret's grandmother had Generosity That Was Puroly tha Re- written for n photograph of her name For material res sult of Accident. sake, the baby. sons It was advisable that the littlo A missionary bishop told this story girl should apiiear as well dress1 1 as about F. Marlon Crawford, the famous possible, and cousin's new open-wornovelist: dress was borrowed for the occasion. Mr. Crawford went to school," he On being arrayed for the picture Mae said, in Concord, and one day he was garet rushed to her father, crying: taken to call at n Concord clergyOh. father, Just look! These ain't worn holes; they Is born holes. man's. Hue The clergyman had a missionary pets box on hix drawing room table, and, time hanging heavily on the boy'x hands, he amused himself with trying whether n silver dollar it was all the money he had in the world, and he had converted it into that gigantic coin for safety-wo- uld go into the silt in the box's top. it was a close fit, but unfortunateL ly it did go, and the coin slipped out of the embryo author's fingers. There was a terrible crash of silver falling and then the hoy, among the copper as the novelists say, knew no more.' When he came to himself he found the clergyman and his family In raptures over his generosity." A k college, soon, however, to make a friend of Varre Lepage, and to see always the best of that friend, being bles. himself so true. And the day come the beOn n train on day n man rushed when they both graduated together gan to transfer the burning ood into a car, held up his band for attenin science, a bright and happy day, from one fire to the other until only tion, and shouted excitedly: succeeded by one still brighter, when hot ashes were left where a great Anybody here who belong! to THE they both entered a great firm as blase had been. Over these nahes Pebbles T Junior partner. Then came the pine twigs and branches were spread, 'Aye; 1 do, said n small, dry old meeting with Rose Yarcue; and he and over them again blankets. The fellow calmly. thought of how he praised his friend word was then given to turn in. and 'Then, said the other, lend us yer Varre Lepage to her. and brought Jell Hyde, Gaie Toujours, and Late corkscrew. that friend to be Introduced to her. Carscallen lay down in this comfortHe recalled all those visions that able bed. Each wished to give way Why He Was Jolly. Bidder met Kidder, and Kidder was came to him when, his professional to their captain, but he would not conBy Just bubbling with good humor. triumphs achieved, he should have a sent. and he and What are you feeling so uncomhappy home, and a happy face, and wrapied themselves In their blankets SIR GILBERT PARKER faces by his fireside. And the face like mummies, covering their heads mon Jolly over?" said Bidder. was to be that of Rose Varcoe, and completely, and under the arctic sky Why, my best girl went and got the others, faces of those who should they slept alone in an austere and ten- married yesterday said Kidder, slapbe like her and like himself. He ant less world. They never know how ping Bidder on the back. (Copyright, 1M, kj IL T. Fwtnu Oa.) saw. or rather felt, that face clouded loftily sardonic Nature can he who Seems to me thats about the last CHAPTER III. Continued. and anxious when he went away ill have uot seen that land where the thing for n chap to feel Jolly over, The cups were passed round. The and blind for health's sake. He did mercury freexe in the tubes, and said Bidder. r pleasured out a very small not write. The doctors forbade him there is light but no warmth in the What! said Kidder, it was me Tima to Fly. Guar They weie not lhat. He did not ask her to write, smile of the sun. Not Sturt in the she went and got married to! portion to each. trust The magnate leaped np from men of uncommon sentiment; their ; for hlg Was so strong and steadfast a heart of Australia with the so were And on Bidder. the cigars mercury the banquet table and made a dive lives were rigid . and isolated and I nature that he dJJ not ntHid lettera bursting the fevered tubes, with the Brownings Magazine. automobile. for his aevero. Fireside comforts under j to keep hlm trw: and he thought l finger-nail- s like brittle glass, on! breaking the Hold cried astonished fortunate conditions they saw but he cared for him she must be the with the ink drying instantly on the Beware of Ointments for Catarrh toastmaster. Wont you wait for us seldom, and they were not given to same. He did not understand a pen, with the hair falling off and fadPositively cured by that Contain Mercury, to servo the dessert? expressing their feelings demonstrawoman's heart how it needs remem- ing, would, If he could, have ex- M Sterrary will aurely doUny lli trnta of wntll these Little Pills. nervous the No, Ui replied magnate; j vlmla itcta bca nnupMcly dvraiun tively. Hut each man then, save brances. and needs to give remem- changed his lot for that of the White and II tb roach il: ninn Mirfuc. Burh They also relic Hktlni saw I face loom a Just up suspicious I had some memory brances. k mi iuri oa from Dyupepals, Guard. They are in a froxen endless- artk'la ahosld natar pliialciaua. Uu-next window. The served at tba the damaa ai rrpatabi thing a and Too Hearty worth resurrection, and hearts are da-Looking at Jasper Hume's face in ness that stretches sway to a' world will date tan laid to th uud fmi can a be will process." tram (ban. llull'o t'aurrli ur. manufarian-Kaiiug. A perfect real, hearts even under all uncoutbness. the light of this fire it seems calm where never voice of man or clip of , U., etwialiia ao edy fur Dlulamw, Naif bf F. J. 1'liciu-- A Cu., And telling bis chauffeur to put on and la taken Internally, actinic dlrartly npun Jasper Hume raised his cup; the and cold, yet behind It is an agony wing or tread of animal Is heard. It aea, Hrowalneaa, bad kloud aunacea full headed and tho uf In antenna tha tba fugitive wealthy speed ayalrui. To of memory, the memory of the rest followed his example. Taate la the Uoutb, CoatCur ba ear yue rt tha is the threshold to the undiscovered buyliiS Uall'a CatarrhInterne!! day state. next for the ed Tongue, Pala la tbs absent friends and the day when we when he discovered that Varre Le- country, to that untouched north Kialnn. F.It la taka a l' J Cheney Side, TORPID LIVES. see them again! he said; and they page was married to Rose Varcoe. whose fields of white are only furHollar IirapKli Location. bowels. The tbs Tbey regulate Appropriate Purely Vegetable. Taka fleil'e amity Pill far cuuMlpeUon. all drank. Gaspe Toujours solemnly, and that the trusted friend had rowed by the giant forces of the eleCaustic Critlo Why did you put SHALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. and as if no one was near, made grown famous and on the ments; on whose frigid hearthstone The Carthagenlan mercenaries, he that Joker at the very end of the num-her- e the sign of the cross; for his memin your entertainment program? Genuine Must Bear encased their prisoners in n cesaid, , d ory was with a of Committee Wasn't that Member ment as contracted. it hardened, that, of of the parish peasant girl You can't imagine how uncomfortable nil right? I thought n wag ought Saint Gabrielle, whom .he had left naturally to come at the tail end. this was. behind five years before, and had I Oh, yes, I can, she answered. never seen since. ' Word had come Ladies Can Wear 8hoes REFUSE SUBSf ITUTES. once had on a tight bathing suit when One sixe amallrr from the parish priest that she was after urine Allcna Foot-Kaashrink. to It began A certain cure fur dying, and though he wrote back in PARKER'! hot, aching feet. At all OruKgiiita, 2lfe. Achis homely patois of his grief, and Not What She Wanted. HAIR BALSAM cent no nulintitnte. Trial imrknge FREE ' CkansM begged that the good father would ud. buRilfisB th Wk Lawyer Yes, my dear young lady, Audreaa A. 8. Uliuated, la Roy, N. Y. rmtuUs t Iftiftmai gvuwtfc write again, no word had ever come, case. If a have wish, you you perfect and he thought of her now as one of Can Not Escape Thoughts. I can secure you a divorce without whom the candles had been lighted Man is a thinking being, whether he months. six in publicity and masses had been said. will or no; all he ran do is to turn Young I.ady But, my dear sir, you H0WMD E. BURT0i,V-YJM."-0 But Jeff Hyde's eyes were bright, all. I am an bis thoughts the best way. Sir Wilat understand don't Bpreimcn priest. tioM, Stiver. Lmd.lt; Uul4, and suffering as he was, the heart in liam Temple. actress. Ttoj jsMljL SUfj WMf II . vynaiuvissn iBgnieakipM and fnll Hrlwllatamunnappllo-Cnnirhim was brave and hopeful. He and tlmiur work utip. anUrlted. Laart Winslow's ter. Soothing Ryrap. Where Russia Is Behind. was thinking of a glorious Christmas Villas Colo, bill Manual Itmwm Ueate auflana tha Sana, radar Fa chi Urea 144 has churches KeabstUa. for England Madawaska river every day upon the 100,000 people. In Russia there are UunayMua t Thonjuoui Eye Watir three year agone; of Adam Henry, FasIMading women frequently step only 65 churches for a similar the blind fiddler; of bright, warman their own Thorns. W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. 36, 1907. hearted Pattie Chown, the belle of ' the ball, and the long drive home in the frosty night. Late Carscallen was thinking of a brother whom he had heard preach his first sermon in ' Edinburgh ten Sea-.years before.. And Late Carscallen, .,.,1slow of speech and thought, had ASTORIA lias met with, pronounced favor on tho part of physicians, ph been full of pride and love of tliat But they, in the brilliant brother. ceutical societies and medical authorities. .. used by physicians , natural course of things, drifted results most gratifying. The extended use of Castoria is unquestionably th apart; the sldjw and uncouth one to make his at last not far from The indisputable evidence result of three facts: is harmless: the arctic circle, and to be this night on hie. way to the Barren not only allays stomach pains and quiets tho nerves, but assimiSteogj That Ground But- as he stood with the to his Mpft he recalled the words cup lates food : is an agreeable and perfect snbstitnte for Castor Oil. of a newspaper paragraph of a few is absolutely safe. months before. does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other norcotio It made reference to the fact that the Rev. James and does not stupefy unlike Soothing Syrups, Batemans Drops, Godfreys Carscallen, D. D., preached before her majesty on Whitsunday, and Thisis good deal for Medical Journal to say. Our duty, howCordial, etc. had the honor of lunching with her CarLate And afterward." majesty ever, is to expose danger and record the means of advancing health. Tho day scallen rubbed his left band Joyfully for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance Psalm. of the Thirty-FirHe Read the First Four V against his blanketed leg and drank. ought to end. To were thoughts our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by with the present, and his Ugh! of offspring of his brain. His first no fire is ever lit; a place where the senses was eledric fierce of one one a of of been the had anger land purephantoms approval nightless thought and our readers axe entitled to regulating the system not by stupefying Instead of drinking to absent and determination to expose this pass and repass, and are never still; ly. friends he looked at the man who had falsified all trust. But where the magic needle points not .the information. HaZla Health, He drank to the then came the thought of the girl, toward the north but darkly down How! and said: words came the ward, downward! where the sun and. most of all there of his dying mother, Be good, my never stretches warm hands to him And Jasper Hume, the what were his thoughts? boy, and God will make you great," who dares confront the terrors oi . His was a memory of childhood; and for his mother's sake he had com- eternal snow. reno and on The the White sought g B. Halstead Scott, of Chicago, Ilia., anya: I have preacrlbed youf girl, Guard a Sr. of a house besides passion sleeps! a gentle widowed venge upon her husband. Rare type Cnatorln often for Infanta during my practice, and find it very aatlafsctory.-D- r. river, ' where mother braced her heart against of man, in a sordid, unchivalrlc world! William Belmont, of Cleveland, Ohio, aaya: Your Cnatorln atand CHAPTFR IV. misfortune and denied herself and And now, ten years later, he did not In lta claaa. In my thirty yenra of practice I can say I never have first Nb, Captain; leave me here an slaved that her son might he edu- regret that he had stayed his hand. found that ao filled the place. anything on to the Manitou push Mountain cated. He had said to her that some The world had ceased to call. Varre Yon Dr. J. IL Taft, of Brooklyn, N. Y., aaya: I have used your Cnatorln nml to make in it two ought not fulfilled He had a days genius. day he would be a great man, and Lepage found it an excellent remedy In my houaehold and private practice for I'm Just ns safe here as on the ledt she would be paid back a hundred- the hope that was held of him. This less n trouble: blind mans nc many years. The formula la excellent hard at school, Jaspar Hume knew from occasional apd fold. And I'll n have good. Dr. R. J. Il&mlen, of Detroit, Mich., cays: 1 prescribe your Castoria rest good while In scientific journals. But one cold day of references very hard. you're gone, and then perhaps my to this was ns I have never found anything to equal it for childrens he And journey making to came extensively, the a school, message spring will come out right My foot It troubles. I am aware that there are imitations In the field, hut I always and he sped homeward to the hose save, if be could, Varre Lepage's life. eyes regret. Though Just nearly well now. ee that my patients get Fletcher's. beside the dark river down which And he has-nYes, Jeff Hyde was snow-blinThis the ice was floating he would re- on the verge of a new eia in his caDr.Wm. J McCrann, of Omaha, Neb., anya: As the father of thirteen member that floating ice to his dying reer to give to the world the fruit of the giant of the party, had suffered children I certainly know something about your great medicine, and aside most he had and labor, day and entered a quiet took1 where ten years' thought from my own family experience I have in my years of practice found Can-torl-a But Jaspar Hume said, I wont woman was breathing set all .behind him that he might be a white-facen popular and efficient remedy in almost every home. his of youth, leave you alone, my man. The doge away her life.' And he fell at her true to the friendship Dr. J. IL Clausen, of Philadelphia, Pa., aaya: "The name that your CannessaudHesLConialniuftor side and kissed her hand and called that he might he loyal to his manhood, can carry you, ns they've done for the made for itself in the tens of thousands of homes blessed by the toris has narMtaenL .Morphine of strokes clear the Opium be ten he last a might days. to her; and she waked for moment that hour of his Kot Narcotic, presence of children, scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorseBut Jeff replied, Im as safe here only 'and smiled on him, and said: of conscience to the last ment of the medical profession, but I, for one, most heartily endorse It and Be good, my boy, and God will life. as marching, and safer. When the AkrtSMfcflWZEflRBr believe It an excellent remedy." And then she Looking around him now, the debat- dogs are not carrying me, nor make you great. any one Dr. XL M. Ward, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Physicians generally do not AglaW said she was cold. And some one ing look comes again into his eyes. leading me, yon can get on faster; JbcJmm JUMkUtt-Airntfelt her feet a kind old soul who He places his hand in his breast and and that meant everything to us prescribe proprietary preparations, hut in the case of Castoria my axperV-enc, shook her head sadly at .the mother lets it rest there for a moment The now don't it?" like that of many other physicians, has taught me to make an exand looked pityingly at him; and a look becomes certain and steady, the Mrir Hume met the I Jaspar of ception. eyes prescribe your Castoria In my practice because I have found it Gas; voice rising out of a strange smiling hand is drawn out, and in it is a Book Toujours. He read them. Then he he to a reliable remedy for children's complaints. Any physithoroughly the flyleaf said, to Jeff PL away, I'll of Common Prayer. Upon wukfmwTfenp. languor murmured: Hyde. It shall be as you cian who has raised n family, ns I have, will Join me la heartiest recomto her dear Jane Hume, ls written. to Land the Promised away to the wish. ,Late Carscallen, Cloud-In-th- e mendation of Castoria." Aperfed Remedy for It is cold so cold son Jaspar, on his twelfth birthday. Promised Land! Sky, and myself will push on to Man are White Guard These men of the And the God keep my boy! Itou Mountain. You and Gaspe Tou Worms jConvuIsknu .ftverisk ALWAYS voice ceased, and the kind old soul not used to religious practices, what- Jours will remain here." rein been that has ami Loss of Sleep. ness who bad looked at him pityingly ever their past Bears the Jeff Hyde's blind eyes turned toSign&tnre of folded her arms about him, and drew gard. and at any other time they ward Gaspe cf Touand hcSanfc Toujours, Signing at Gaspe this been have surprised his brown head to her breast and might Under some jour said, "Yea. We have plenty of czfctfszsr kissed him with flowing eyes and action of Jaspar Hum have lessened tnbac. it might circumstances come "Come YORK. away, dear, NEW whispered: BE (TO CONTINUED.) their opinion of him, hut his influence away. months Aib was now complete. They But he came back in the night and over them were getting nearer to him ' The Superior American Workman. 'sat beside her, and would not go knew they had ever .done; even Notwithstanding that he has to pay away, but remained there till the than they Guaranteed under appreciated that. He spoke more for his clothes than the English sun grew bright, and then through at loosed them the but American workmen, to dresses them, him word no another day and night until they Exact Copy of Wrappex, bore' her out of the little house by and stood up. They all did the same, self and his family fat better and more ' VMS SWVfMM SMBMIMVe If MRIMI STMCTa Rl VMS Sift the river to the froxen hillside. And Jeff Hyde leaning on the shoulders tastefully than his English cousin. He The read first . American also more Toujours. spends the world was empty and the Icy river of Gaspe Psalm, money on luxuries and legitimate four verses of the Thirty-firs- t teemed warmer than his heart St. of the followed Chry- pleasure, and the food he cits is more desthen winter piayer And sluing here in this olation, Jasper Hume beholds these sostom. and the beautiful colled- varied and of better quality. W- 1's scenes of 20 years before and which appeals to the Almighty to mer- Work. rSM. OiiIOeacliaeaeelwt all Xkar. Thai Sr is eM ante katta thaa krigMar MS ktear eaten ttaa an atkar ft. T.eaufct ltlal-an Mia Catero is Dm ! MOM ROE 0118 CO., Qulmey, llllmtM a) naiitMMl nseiaa apart. Witts lar Iras MARCH or Sub-facto- Cloud-in-the-Sk- y M WHITE GUARD I raoGxastfj) I imnnfl Cloud-in-the-Sk- y i A .5 . Sub-facto- SICK HEADACHE DIs-trea- a Cloud-in-the-Sk- prMt-rlp- - ' oi rl T'Ha-lo- well-to-d- aiar-cai- o dark-eyed- e. tfU-g- tf 1 ul - Physicians Recommend Castoria . It is' hon' rnt .wi that it it nh4, It the It It It u a a st Cloud-ln-the-Sky-'a it Journal of Sub-fact- Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher. Sub-facto- r. Sub-facto- swift-flowin- d d mi e, W-(iiik- ba tut GENUINE JjDoSESCtMS Cloud-In-the-S- CASTORIA ie Kind You Have Always in Use For Over 30 Bought Years. OEHHRRB -' PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Ma. |