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Show A VENERABLE PASTOR CURED BY Yankees Liked in Cairo The American colony in Cairo con- - PE-RU-N- A. It is the popular opinion that Mr. Skcedy ran a square game, and hs himself declares that be never bad the slightest difficulty with the pashas or the beys, or the Greeks, or ths Jews, or the tourist, but that every Biitlbh officer who drooped a shilling squealed. There used to be a large number of Americans here. Upon the recommendation of Gen. Sherman sluty giaduates of West Point, more than cams bilf of them over here In 1870 and 1871 by Invitation from Ismail, the spendthrift kkedlvo, and organized the Egyptian army. Gen. Charles E. Stone was tho chief of staff, sud he Is remembered with great respect by everybody. In fact, our American soldiers left an excellent reputation, aud the British have profited largely by their experience aid example. The British have reaped the crop they sowed. Chicago altta of the consul general and bis staff, three judges of the International courts, a number of missionaries and one barkeeper, who U said to be the most popular man In Cairo, Our eminent fellow citizen, Patrick Shoedy, was engaged In business here for several seasons, and had sumptuous gambling rooms In the rear of Shephearda Hotel, which were highly appreciated and well patronized by a large portion of the natives as well as the foreign population, hut several scandals among the officers of the British garrison haring reached the ears of Lcrd Cromer, the police raided the place, confiscated Mr. Sheedys professional paraphernalia and closed him out. The chief of police took the trouble to address a letter to the United States consul general requesting that Mr. Sheedy be expelled from the conn try, and waa doubtless surprised to learn that such a proceeding was Impossible among Americans. Pe-ru--na la a Catarrhal Especially Adapted to the De- dining Powers of Old Age. In old age the mucous membranes become thickened and partly lose their function. This leads to partial loss of hearing, amell and taste, as well as digestive disturbances. Peruns corrects all this by lla specific operation on all the mucous membranes of (he body. One bottle will couvlnre anyone. Ones used and Pcruua becomes a stand-bwith old and young. life-lon- g y A prominent Southern lady, Mrs. Blanchard, of Nashville, Tenn., tells how she was cured of backache dizziness, pain ful and irregular periods by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound The old man, James Read, whom i Detective Collinz and Watera of the L Division aucceeded on Saturday in i sending to six months' bard labor, was reputed to be one of the most expert and. In his heyday, the moat successful, pickpocket In London. On the "Dear Mrs. Pwkhav: Gratitude compels me to acknowledge the proceeds of his profession he used merit of your Vegetable Compound, leavo Buttered for four years to drive In a brougham. peat with irregular and painful menstruation, also dizziness, pains in the back Read Is in bis seventieth year. Tall, and lower limbs, and fitful sleeps I dreaded the tinm to come which elegantly dressed always, with venerwould only mean Battering to me. able white beard and glosay silk hat, Better health is all 1 wanted, and cure if possible. Lydia E. Pink he waa sometimes mistaken for a peer ham's Vegetable Compound brought me Lealth and happiness in a of the realm. When he epoke the defew short months. I feel like another person now. My aches and pains ception was the greater, tor hla voice have left me. life seems new and sweet to me, and everything seems was clear and cultivated. pleasant and easy. He wee once a master tailor In the Six bottles brought me health, and was worth more than months West End, but for many years he has under the doctors care.whj jh really did not benefit mo at all. 1 am sat netted large sums in consequence of lotted there is no medicine bo good for sick women as your Vegetable Ms mania for collecting other peoples dam pound, and I advocate it to my lady friends in need of mpdinM purse. He was an earnest patron of A. Mrs. & bdfk fashionable bazars, Blanchard, 422 Broad St, Nashville, Tenn. weddings and When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstrua other ceremonies and functions attion, weakness, leusorrhaca, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that tended by crowds of wealthy women. bearing-dow- n feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or Aa the detectives said, another of hla flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset schemes waa to follow bishops at conwith such symptoms as aizziness, faintness, las firmation services. situde, excitability, irritability, nervousness, and sleeplessness, melancholy, " feelings, blues aud hopelessness, they should remember there la one tried and true remedy. Lydia . PinkhamS Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for yon need the beat. To all these affairs it was his custom to drive up in hla brougham. Then, in the rare cases, when suspicion fell upon h'.ra, bo possibly escaped on such strong evidence of respectability as the possession of a private carriage. It is believed that to that end he has always made hie own clothes, and they were perfectly provided fur his needs. His covert coat could be apparently hanging over hla wrist, yet so arranged was It with slits that his hand would be gliding through the center of it all the time In and out of other people's pockets. The departure of the Continental boats In the holiday season also attracted him. lie was a man of considerable education, and so great waa hla gift of assumed dignity that often, even when caught almost he would wcapo the consequences by the aid of his plausible tongue. It was in a large measure due to him that the backs of outside seats on I omnibuses had to be altered, London News. .on-do- all-go- A Severe Case of Womb Trouble Cured in Philadelphia. Dear Mrs. Pixkitau : I have been cured of severe female troubles by the use of Lydia E. PinkhamS Vegetable Compound. I was nearly ready to give up, but seeing your advertisement I purchased one bottle of your medicine, and it did me so much that I purchased another, and the result was so satisfactory that ght six more bottles, and am now feeling like a new woman. I shall never be without it. I nope that my testimonial will convince women that your Vegetable Compound is the greatest medicine in the world for falling of the womb or any other female complaints." Etna. Miy Copr, 2GC0 Birch St, Philadelphia, Pa. Remember, every woman Is cordially invited to write to Sirs, Pinkliam If there is anything about her symptoms she does not understand. Her address Is Lynn, Mass, her advice is free and Cheerfully given to every ailing woman who asks for it. . One of the most Interesting trips afforded by the present transportation facilities of Peru la that ever the Ornyo railroad, which now runs ffom Cullao to tho gold fields of Cerro de Pasco. It la considered one of the wonders of the Peruvian world, and the original contract waa taken by Mr. Melgg8 at 27,COO.OOO In bonds at 79. It la certainly the greatest feat of railroad engineering in either hemisphere, and aa a specimen of American enterprise and workmanship it suffers nothing by comparison. It was begun in 1870 and finished in 187G, and additional work has since been done on it Commencing in Callao, It ascends the narrow valley of the Rimac, rising nearly B,000 feet in miles. the first forty-siThence it goes through the intricate gorges of the Sierras till it tunnels x Looking for a Home? FLOUR Then why not hasp In view ths fsot tost ths farming lands of ara nCewat (a mspoit population of Tba iamiiirauoa fur lla pau UbZ Sn. 000.800 iu Justice RomtsUid Lands Markets, Schools. KaUway aad all othar aoaSIUoaa aaka Western Canada aa onvi ahla spot for Oha aattlar. Write la Sapariataadam Imaiifratios. Ottawa. Canada. far a daacnpnra Atlas, and other information, nr to Ota aa l borifted C anadian Gnaatnmant Atent PAV1KS. ROOM 6. DUNN BLOCK. ?BN1. AVENUE. UKEAT FALLS. MOI TANA. Demand ths Utah Hand Made Horse Cellar from your dealer Superior to the ma- A Cu. t. quibbles of law, and not infrequently he rendered his decisions without re-- : gard to the legal points laid down by eminent Jurists. In a certain case before Mm It waa shown that Justice was on the side of the plnintiff. hut he had slept on his rights until he had legally lost them. The attorney for the defense ... CLAYTON MUSIC CO. SALT LAKH CITY. You will esses. never have trouble with heme hold ALFALFA SEED BAILEY A SONS I. SacwH Inth ati, Balt Uke CHy ere laAre.rtan fur the ben quality Alfalfa Grain Ends; a Sraaa and Uardrs bmlnem 43 yean. Melt tlMrM. I wed attention. 01 aiders rime apnrtal FRESH AND RELIABLE B. SIOOHD vwlsfnons sea. SOUTH ST. BALT LAKE CITY l( eo m to .end Wie wat.hr when we will Kaat ior -- r:i yon ilw ecu trine Klnlnnr Walthun. In Vi: or In .iiriimi-tni.f'it- l M year e1d Rl'nd money wii) be nemM es. for i. InternaonnUln Sretlon iq bay. Krerym rurwirr of men and .hopn-made by eiienem-epure turn wiMin-i- k baebarno UienHinneni. Wife for 1 he Shepard Company, Sett JLeka 1 Uj, Utah. 1 ,7b Prompt 8!lrr....ll. .. I A Stir 7i i l.o'd. r, Vop'r on mall anm pirn L Burton, a,cS,,"i,i, Gold 811-epeclmeu prime, Knld.Hllear.Lead.il: Tic; Go'S.Kto: ZJao nr Copper H.CyuMltiilh Halllae anealopai ad price llat ml oa nppll-eatlo- e.a. Control and Umpire wort Mlleued. M-villCole. Heferaeee. Carbuaaie Xat'l Hut. R. H. OFFICER & CO., ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS hmp-e- r by im tmt.ee prenyl ,( Qjj the nnter H to, When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention Thie Paper, I NEW PENSION LAWS Ayuly to NATHAN HICKFOKU, Wachlngton, IK V, . DIB When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. -- DRuoaiera all TONS esLt av NEVER FAILS- - row AND QkNSRAL It, lake Salt City, Utah, (jjMMStfqO 'COMMISSION .Co- MALLS I IN yrocKS.BoNQS MMKML BOUGHT AND SOLD ON MAR- -' H -i GIN OX FOX CASH. Mdi n Hxk wyeHw fer N kadt at wet work. On ok mnwhert of the rnh bnt Look for the the mm TOWN in the Wttoni. HlfM Mill VIA I d WNN M.Sms trtNI.MM WVM We have a apeelal dnpertmeat fnr bnylnz eed nelllne Sleek end UmidH for Iremodleie delivery. InvreuiniBBd banker wlU save time and money by elvlaa ea tbnir order la that lias. , , OORKSHFORDEMCS called the Justice's attention to tills fact and cited a decision of the supreme court to sustain him. o The attorney brought forth after volume and read the au- j thorities. , ' ; SHOES THtWORUL are worn by more men than any other MnSQUARHROFPICtOHri D.P. WALKER BL'K. 211-21- make. The reason is, they hold tlicir , j ; whizzed by at the rate of forty miles an hour. It was a rinse rail for the i ecu pants of the carriage, who sat urea th less through the moments of lint the horse mainterrible siish-tik- . tained Its altitude or a half circle until the danger was past. It seems that the gatekeeper was asleep at hit and had neglected his duty, but )ol, Mu delicate of the horse had de tec ted the wound of the coming train and had rightly Interpreted It as the signal of a danger to be avoided. Both men were firmly convinced that they owed their lives, under Providence, to the Intelligent use the animal made of Its former experiences with grade crossings, and nothing but a farm down Hast" with a radium mine on it would now tempt its owner to pan with if Boston Transcript. 2 3ALT LAN t OTY UTAH. sliaitlithettcr,wcar and longer, have inlrhLsic greater Viiltto than any RSHCIP otla-- bhues. .... tuld forryn-bere- . awe erlt-- nn Imtiniw. tMik fur wornCnrnnw la wlflcli IoJf.kin, Ironelae rerri.lirniriinmlnl lofiellie llnenr 1 Blent r n-- Zb-b- I e fv.t Vo or I , r her ert iimilured. n Wr,u- for Suuce -- tie. W, L. itOLUl.AS, Itrwekton, (Cnn WU U U ' i V. .lain;-- . Xlmuh qiven Away Writs n si w Alabaatlaa ImI FUtloahin sad fra aampl. ari f j hot-ma- - j COPIES ftliue. Alw, B283 Wnnhlnaion Are. M7 TIMPIZ ZI 111 USE wsn iNinniTtsscrs; ihor-a- ua t! U- - DAI, hlMiw. . . KID par muIb 1. re par mu In M. Halt Uha City, Utah 3KWT OTT. UtAIL IMS. Shores ark Wa tb Itarbar Tied I N Wanks aa (aaruta yuallluDa. Writ fur yantealan MOLER'B BARBER COLLEGE Coco., DiUti, limn SftLTLaiaCiTT. W. N. U . Salt 1M Karnith Oadon, Utah, roz MIMKBINUD DFIM ADDICTIONS fKtfiXY careM CutM, I, urn a, IlrtiitieM. Krown PIECES. tar eta fijRED Mustang Liniment Smla Conib y won- fnan fietoryt PIRR4 direct A bly neliur M yom drrlui bftrxftlm la rinnum f-- r once Write el mraiOKun and price. Mania- -' Una, (ialtara, Mririx and Kit tiny. THE McKANNON BROS. MUSIC OO. MEXICAN aim prim at nur laal poultry JiarrcU 1'iyuionlS hook STANDARD SI.OO. Seal AND The Sanitary Wall Voauul1 etanM wnain.nil a lib ala or acala. Voam anylyll eald nur. muliM RMta in i i Ural tula. NetaBmaa.-b- r r ofUftla gIM repanu IX Alabaatlna la bard patkaaa. war and dru. b.1 1. of paiot, , Ulaia aa Samilu- aad oar Aniau i CZ. boat tpIO, ZkL, t vo. idea It lUiyiill r IN VtarSL,LlT ! IliUOlU IO 5,000 COPIES CURE SWotoasYuia Pu-afl- i A Malilen physician PHOMBtW. Member Salt Like Minin, ExctMa, MSTAMCk OUglllS sllOCS W.Jft. You can stop where you are,' said the old Justice, as he pulled off and rubbed bis spectacles, 'for I am satisfied that such a decision was made by the supreme court, but I want to ray that If that court sees fit to make a fool of itself it is no reason why I should. It Is my opinion that the supreme court Is a nuisance ys. a miserable nuisance and I overrule ita decision on this point and give judgment for the jilalutifT. Just in- - is justice, sir, in this court, and to the devil with the higher tribunal. ' Washington Times. ; - S4.00. 83.60, 83.00, W8S BOUCIVSD. Wa offer apeelal Indaoemsaie and liberal rommlavlona to out f town i V mi pi indent Oar book of luiurmatlon Haw T It peculate,- mailed fra. LOW W. L. DOUCLAS 82.60 vol-um- GRAIN l fROVISIONS.f STOC KS rfjtt&ifr mom Horse Sayed Two Lives had an adventure some time ago which he does not care to repeat, although it gave him a much higher appreciation of the Intelllgnec of hla pet driving horse than he had previously entertained. He was returning home from visiting a patient late at night, in company with a clergyman, whyn the horse stopped short at one of the most dangerous grade crohslnga within the citys limits. Absorbed In lively conversation with his clerical friend, and seeing no gato down, he mechanically touched the horse with the whip and urged It by his voice to go forward, but the spirited animal for once would not respond, and, instead of obeying, stepped briskly aside ami turned his head as far as posaiVle Worn the train, which Just then REMEDY DIPHTHERIA Drug Co., General Agents. n Heldcn-Judso- AND e Gold and return If nt by rwlaieml null pu rest. r we will rd it byrz-.nt.- C (i. I). We bateaH bum ofoairioa. Wiie n r prion. it Awi nn It. k. Waiter lili!a..eaIlLakCiir FON THS MOUTH, THROAT. STOMACH AND DOWtL.... , RELIABLE ASSAYS. Sold.. Howard SCHWARZ A HEINECKE HALLS CANKER Shopping by Mail SHVESTi? tree npnoe nr., Ogden Assay Co. DiNvaa. dm. SEEDSSEEDSSEEDS Andes at an altitude of 15,015 feet, the highest point In the world where a' piston rod Is moved by steam. The wonder Is doubled on remembering that the elevation is reached In zev-- j crty-elgh- t miles. One of the most .remarkable things with this rea l Is that j In connection between the coast and summit, tin-ris nol an iurli of down grade. The difficulties encountered In its construction were extreme landslides, filling bowlders, soroche (or the difficulty of breathing in high altitudes), and verrugas, a disease known only along the line of this road, character ied by a species of warts breaking out all over the body and bleeding. About 8,000 workmen were engaged j si one lime and between 7,000 and ; 8.000 persons died or were killed in the construction of the road. - BARGAIN MIHTIOS THIS Ohio. treat catarrh, Nature renewa her aelf every spring. The system is rejuvenated by 'spring weather. This renders medicines more effective. A short course of Peruna, assisted by the balmy air of spring, will cure old, stubborn cases of catarrh that have resisted treatment for years. Everybody should have a copy of Dr. Herman's latest book on catarrh. Address Tba Peruna AI dlclne Co., Columbus. Ghlr. Was His Motto Representative Bede of Minnesota the beat of story tellers, and hla friends regret that he la not oftener In evidence in the cloakrooms. One of hla latest Is this: Many years ago there lived In Minnesota an eccentric Justice of the peace, but who wan thoroughly bonest and who tried to do justice in ad- judicating differences between hla neighbors. The old gentleman had a decided hatred fnr the quirks and We hsvs lost taken bark a beautiful nihcwany Plano, regular price 1 100 Customer can't pay enr more. Are offerles It for O17H.O0 balance due on contract. Write ns AfO.H'K for A rare opportunity. particulars. chine made Eighty-eigh- t. tfy- la among OaOEN, UTAH. d aaoflr a mBl. wbila othar lands may ba freai Railway mod Land Compaaiaa. Tba ara tba raia aad stasia lands of W attorn Canada boat aa lb coaiiacnt, producing ths bant sms aad cauls gad ea sraaa akma) nady fur Barkat. of Rev. J. N. Parker. Utlea. N. Y.P writes: In June, 1901. I lost my sense of hearirg entirely. My henring Imd been somewhat impaired for several years, but not so much affected but that I could hold converse with my friends; but in June, 1901, my sense of hearing left me so that I could hear no sound whatever. I was also troubled with rheumatic pains in my limbs. 1 commenced taking Pcruna and now my hcurlng is restored as good as it was prior to June, 1901. My rheumatic pains are all gone. I The spring Is the best time to rWMS BY OGDEN HILLING & EliVATOH FREE Strong and vigorous at the Age HIGH PATENT MAPI raws s3?er.dK3lxkcr. 0ILE3 CLOTHING OGDEN'S BEST PHOENIX g I High Railways in Peru cannot apeak too highly of Perms, and now when 88 years old can aay It has Invigorated my whole system. 1 cannot but think, dear Doctor, that you must feel very thankful to the Father that you have been permitted to live, and by yonr skill be such a blessing as you have beea to suffering humanity." Rev. J. N. Parker. A Bishop's Letter. D. D.. nishop 9d Dial. ' T. II. A. M. ft., of Charlotte, N. C., writes I I recommend your Reruns to all who wont a strengthening tonic and a vary effective remedy for all catarrhal com-- . T. II. Lomax. plaints. If you do not receive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of yonr ease,-anho will he pleased to give you hie valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Lake-N- o. rmw IS. IOOA. , |