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Show 1 Shoes for Men Bradley chiffon, lacs and printed Brussels as well as the new soft taffeta with messaline finish, are the materiib most used for the blouses which an now being worn. A little later on ths lingerie blouse will outrival all otL ere. it will be a mass of fine lacs an hand embroidery, and for its founds tlon the finest India lawn, organdie and batiste will be used. Very many Spring rist Trimming. Lestbt--r strapping is s popular trimof the blouses button up the back auj made wlthcut a tongue thia rpring. It la of kid or patent leather, with a ming for spring hats. The simplest of are mado with a deep yoke and cuffi sensible, prettily shaped Cuban heel, saijors have no other decoration than and ribbons are used Instead of shoe a bam! of leather and a buckle, while lacings. Some of these ties have but the more pretentious affairs are strapfour big eyelets two on either aide ped around the crowns, brims are of the shoe and the ribbon used la or and down, wings caught up quHls wide and ties in a big bow, Woman's are held in place, and even bow. are Home Companion. made ecure, all with the, aid of dainty of leather brasa buckles. and trap, Tassels bang from every point. Gown of Mixed Colors. The same form of decoration may be Gold and silver appear in laces far Gown of rough mixed stuff red. seen on the newest spring suits. Cuffs green and blue. The skirt is trimmed prijg. collars and belt of bright colored exon either aids of the plain tabller with of used all kinds la Braiding leather make an elegant as well as travagantly. a and beautiful trimming, simple very Stockings positively must match effect may be obtained by having the the gown, aaya fashion. leather stamped with a conventional The newest raincoats are. vary In and buttons. gold pattern using gold smartly made of men's suitings. Strawberries appear on a few frock Childs Double-Breaste- d Coat. and they are generally hand-maddouble-breasteThe closing circular Russian embroidery is here for back are characcapes and long stay, possibly the entire summer. teristic features of this nobby llttlo The trimming on the full skirt is coat, which may be used for either nearly always put on in running-abou- t boys or girls. It Is a style that la par- lines. ticularly becoming and one that will lace la going to be not go out in one season. The coat la worn by those who can afford perishable things. A new trimming is a braid which Is made of punched velvet with satin ribbon run through the openings. Metcalf & Company - Wtt. MILWAUKEE, FOR BALI BY Wnilta Otlln OiU Out BflUaga Phfsnix Indemnity Company, OP AMERICA. Insure yourself against sickness and accidents. ... Also Life Insurance. Installment Flan. ... Yon pay a little each month. XXXXXX FOR FURTNSR INFORMATION H. A. NELSON, 6eneral Agent, rot, til, tar Deseret Mews BMg. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. e. d box-plaite- d Hand-painte- OFFERS THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE TO ST. LOUIS. The Frisco System traverses Earrings Worn Again. The wearing of earrings is a custom that should be adopted with caution and the form of the earrings left very mueh to the Individual taste of the wearer. They have never quite gone out of fashion, and they certainly have not quite come In. A tall woman can wear longer styles than a short ore, and perhaps the lr creased height of the English women ' 111 give an Impetus to the wearing of longer earrings. Americans have a great predilection for them. Parisians ere fitful In their appreciation. At present It la pearls and diamonds that are most worn, and some women are wearing odd ores, a white pearl In one ear and a pink one in the other, or a white and a black or.e. pearls are well suitunder-arshaped by shoulder and ed to earrings. Studs of colored stones, seams and one of the capea may be ouite minute, are a favorite style of omitted if desired. The strapping fashionable earrings. down the front gives a pretty finish, and may be covered by braid like that on capea, if one chooses. These little military coats ore among the newest designs and are deservedly popular. The coat la particularly full and has a he style abtmt H that nm noHw modoa. Red ladys cloth every-daor corduroy with white or black stl tellWood alcohol rubbed on a polished buttons would ings and make an attractive design. Other de- table stalred or marred by a hot dial) sirable selections which will find favor will restore the finish If followed by are velvet, melton, kersey cloth or a polishing with linseed oil. The odor peau de sole, if a heavy coat la not de- of wood alcohol Is not pleasing, but It Is cheaper than medicinal alcohol. sired. As starch la very apt to rot clothe they should be washed, rough dried without starch and pressed out smoothly when they are laid away for the winter. To remove panes of glass lay soft soap over the putty which holds them and after a few hours the putty, however hard, will become soft and easy Don't alloMr urease to burn on the to scrape away. outside of your frying pan. Kettles may be thoroughly cleaned The Spring Fashions. In the spring fashions It la interestby boiling potato peelings In them, ays the Chicago News. ing to see the two varying types of Never put a tablo linen that has skirts which will be woril. There is fruit stains into the hot soapsuds. It the trotteur skirt, one Inch from the sets the stain. 0 Don't throw of drain vegetables in the sink. It will necessitate your calling the plumber, as pieces will get Into the pipes. To have a custard rl of an even, lco brown when baked', sprinkle a little sugar over the top jut before putting Into the oven. When cooking green vegetables a small particle of soda added to the boiling water Just before putting in the vegetables will keep them In fresh color. Indisna Kansas Tennsssss AS&bsma Missouri Oklaharai Indian Ttr. Texas. THE SOUTHEASTERN LIMITED Kansas flly at 6.30 a. n Iwfla. will tal.a run to Snrincnsltl riallj, Memphis, Hirminirhain. Jarksonsllla ami all pointsAtlanta la tin Soatlwast. Kaeellent runts to all points Worth, Fast, Mouth, aouilieust aad South Far detailed larsnaailoa, awlyta Q. W. MARTIN, atN.aSLAa.MT, Dcnvcn, Cat. E. DRAKE, OiST. Psss-- Auint, Salt lake City, Utah. T. A. Ann, QtNCRAb AdtaT, Butt., Montana. Pear-shape- a - bad-tn-t- VAW UmCIRNTLT SERVES TERR11T0RT to and service from the By through following cltin: Omaha, Nth. Chicago, X1L SL Paul, Minn. St. Louis, Mo. Minnoapoll., Minn Jrorla, Z1L Kansas City, Mo. Evansville, Xnd. Nashville, Tana. Memphis, Tana. Cincinnati, Ohio, Atlanta, Os. (LonlaviUs, Xy. Jacksonville, Pit Vow Orleans, La. Vicksburg, Miss Weakly through Mrrtro between Chi Nft and bttwctn Cincinnati Coast aad Meitaaa Territory. OsmusbUhs at thoso terminals flse the Pacific WIST AVI) MOXTH. Post and Handsomely Equipped Heated Trains Dining Care Cars Bleeping Core Pree Reclining Chair Cara. Steam Buffet-Libra- ry Ask ticket agents for tickets via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, at eply te n W. tnd So. J. A. FOLBT, St. Salt Lake CUR 1 unique! en?oyablei 1 1 HEALTHFUL! WUAIMINNNN - U glAl SALT - CAW 2 LAKE HOT SPRINGS 1 ilJ IDA 'TTJC O V. 3i South SaM Lsks Chy fWwl BuMey RmH Is me d "f Orsrtsv everHiU "liA lav mh Em ml wMmr rmmmmm temk tee peels I Tats, mm aeck day. BmA, M FwwUIn md Km Lsie PW-s- W Ptw- W- .rltil Feeh Mse-H-e QC fcWV OessMae health end fdaawamto U Patt VMtlBf these bathe whea Opes tap i I bke lMl alh. New Style for Trimming. One material laid on another by way of trimming Is a marked feature of the fashion of tb day. Cluth bands of applique designs of cloth on velvet gowns, or the precise reverse, velvet cut out In points or patterns laid upon cloth, or silk used for edging cloth, or bands of cloth, looking a little out of place In themselves, but Indubitably up to date, on silk skirts here Is a fancy of the moment which Is likely to maintain its popularity. Such ilero ration is seen on the capes or collars or pelerines of the bodies, ns well as in the shape of bands round or down the skirts. In the Inst mentioned situation, ton, scallops of the material of the gown, bound round with the trim-- i mlng fabric, as, for instance, cloth j edged with silk, are adopted. Ribbon makes good strappings or bands, and can be bad In such variety that there is no difliciili.y in meeting the requirement.s in the way of eolnr or relief of the dress material. Panda of embroidery are often npplied to smarten a blue serge dress. i I Sanitarium T" a 0dea Unite Dips! with all leulhsra PaeHls and Ortjss Shari Line Tbs taly TrastOMHsmlal Lise pattlsf tfirecMy through Sail Lak Clip Casaesllst al Yralas. SPLENDIDLY BQDirPKD IETUEEN OGOEN AND DENVER Via Three Baparala Ulatlael Beetle Keelee. .at J - Tempting Outlock for Spring. Is much used ns Ribbon a trimming fv the fancy separate waist. Rome dainty design often decorates the front of the blouse nr outlines the deep yoke. Shirred ribbon If formed in artistic designs and pretty effects, are obtained by having the ribbon the same color as the blouse, only a tint lighter nr darker. Silk voile, Swiss embroidered mull, ombra eml-roidor- Prey Through Pullman and Ordinary Sleeping Can to Denver, Omaha, Kansu City, St. Louis and Chicago without change. Free reclining chair can. Personally Conducted Excursions, Dining Oars, service a la Carte on all through trains. Per re lee, leldeia. ties Illustrated hook Isle, ate leqalre ml yeas Bearcat t take asset epeMfyief ihe add teat 0 leads resist lit L A. BENTON, G. Ai P. D itltched tabs of white cloth. The bodice Is draped and crossed at the bob tom, forming all the girdle there Is. The gulnipe Is of guipure, and over this la a deep cape like shoulder collar. opening widely In front and finished around the neck with a band of the white cloth, forming straps in front. The sleeves, very full at the bottom, are drawn into wrlatbanda of the white cloth. d gun-met- RABT, SOUTH, and all points oast FAST TRAINS DAILY , irccomi ny"OKTrra. ; Skirts are no longer decorated with patches of trimming In the way of applications of lace or of passementerie, or with streamers of any sort. The correct style Is to place all the decoration around the hem. Two stitched folds of taffeta silk the exact hade of the gown sewed on half an Inch apart make a pretty finish on even the thinnest fabrics. For heavier cloths an unstitched band of velvet seven or eight Inches wide beaded by tucks of the cloth Is a new French idea for the bottom of aklrta. Styles that Demand Taste. Some beautiful effects have been arrived at with shot taffetas, decorated with floral patterns In silk and chenille. Such trimmings, however, are apt to look old fashioned unless they Still be very cleverly manipulated. they play a part In the fashion! of toand therefore kava day and to be considered. Chocolate Wafers. One cup brown sugar, one cup granulated sugar, one cup butter, one egg, one cup grated chocolate, one teaapoonful vanilla; sifted flour to make stiff. Roll thin. One may use s cup good cocoa and a pinch of aoda instead of chocolate, but dont use soda or baking powder with the chocolate. SALT LAKE CITY REMEMBER. IN FIGURING YOUR TRIP EAST THAT T1IB Oregon Short Line rs a:.s RAILROAD r- - . b ths ooBcr corracroN D. E. BVP LET. i y Asl the Olenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadrille, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis, Chicago, - THE FOLLOWING STATES! Illifisls Kississlppl Arkansas d THE 6CENIC LINE TO D. UNION PACIFIC' S. SrENCER. A. G. itth ths f.ST.L I TUB OVERLAND ROUTE WHICH B THS POPULAR ROUTS TO ALL FOOTS XSSV m OUMAMNC SPEED GIT COMFORT SAFETY HCXET OfflCl 201 TTNION PACIFIC LyNEXCELLED X ROCRESSIVB NAIM IT. ALT LAIR CUT. STAB. ( THE OVERLAND ROUTE ) STATIONERY CONFECTIONERY NOTIONS. AfkUUsesf Stettoo-er- The Msseat ltd keel aleak ef CuhleeUoeery te Mar (tears. All the perledlsala,.--..- Agency Triy .. Mil y A tsH Sea ml Notteaa Totwraoe and Bawhste' Qaeda NfllM MM NW HM SMt (SMIlBt Stiaa Unndiy. MERCUR. two-third- Salt Lake and Mercur Kar Railroad Three Trains to Chicago. Three Trair.r, San Franrloo to Chlrairn, every day. This la thu new owrianil aurviue via the Violet crepe de chine, with I we dyed to match. Bow and girdle rf deeper violet velvet. Hat of violet spangles, with purple tips. ground and shorter, which is the fashionable skirt for genknock-nbou- t eral every-da- y wear. And then there Is the soft, full, trailing skirt for dress occasions, with its Introduction of piaits and shim end gathers. With the short skirt It Is Imperative that the foot haa an appearance, and every girl who wears the walking skirt knows this Royal blue pean de sole revers and and Is actiig accordingly. That's why enffs of emerald green panne velvet shoes are Interesting her more than and white lace. Blue panne velvet ever before. The new Oxford tie Is hat, with green parrot. i e I.UJHC UNION AND CIIK'.UiO. MILWAUKEE & ST. lAIJL UXE Nn Change of Curs. It Is worth your while t U-a- about It- - 106 W. Second South Lake City. CLAUD S. WILLIAMS, Coml Agent. t ft St-Sal- t ? ft $ |