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Show f i WOMEN BREAK DOWN. Sometimes worn a drift Into a condition of "half Invalid.'' Continual languor, all tired out, run down, backache, nervea chattered, headache, terrible pain, po appetite, poor digestion. la nine caaea out of ten lt'a the kldneya fall to do their work of Altering the polaonoua system waate from the blood. The kldneya are weak and need the atrengthening help of Doan'a Kidney Pllla. Read how theae pills xepalr a weakened phyalcal condition when thia condition la cauaed by alck kldneya: Mrs. Sadie Mettiea of S94 W. 4th Ave., Golumbua, Ohio, aaya: "Prior te the year 1898 I Buffered conalderabiy from backache, pain In the head, languor and depreaaion and weakneaa of lha notion of the kldneya. The pain waa alwaya worae In the morning, and ( felt miserable. I waa Induced to procure a box of Doan'a Kidney Pllla and I began their uae. They proved prompt nod effective They cured me and there haa been no return of the trouble alnce taking them. I owe all the credit to Doan'a Kidney Pllle" A FREES TRIAL of thla great kidney medicine which cured Mre Met Uaa will be mailed on application to any part of the United Statee Foater-Mllbm- n Co., Buffalo, N. T. For ante by all drugglata, price 50 sente' per box. Written on a ili-a- . the selfsame tongue the lain. apeaka wide sro-- ld ever Keying old and bieessd truth to me. In tenderrst wU this poet I .if when Inver sing his lady's praises, touch, may lie. In iliniiKlit her hand or lips. In all f hear My lovers words and thoughts and fancies dear. Wmilil THE RED MILK WAGON By JKtiSia LI.KWKLLTN. Oyy rlgkt. mt. OETECTIVE WC.RK IN INDIA. Native Police Are Not 8crupuloua In Their Me.hoda. recently publiahed book on India tella of a native detective whoae meth-ed- a A were anything but scrupulous. One Important matter Inveatlgated waa a robbery of about half a lakh of rupee worth of ailver lngota (about 125,000) that waa aent down on cam-al- a with an eacort of fifteen armed an from Indore to Kotah. The ee-e- o rt waa killed by Darolta and the ailver taken. lari Perahad, the oriental Sherlock Holmes, raaaeldar major of a native regiment, made it bla hunt-nea- a to bring theae men to Juatlce and when naked in after yeara how he obtained hla proofa remarked, smilingly atroklng hla heard, that If a man waa ,' Judldoualy atrung up, by hla thumbs, much useful Information might be extracted and tc having no marks of show to the aahibs be generally held hla tongue. Of a certain witness In thla case he wrote that he bad "given 'awfully good evidence at the trial, hut as there waa Just a little discrepancy between this and hla previous depositions before the political agent, when the original files were called for by the higher court, It would be bet ter to omit this one and say It had been eaten hv white Odd Verdicts, , i An English newspaper tella a story ef a i ural coroners Jury, which, upon being told by a medical witness that the case under consideration was one ef felo de se, brought In a verdict of "Pound drowned." But In Virginia aorae yeara ago, when a City, Neb popular citizen shot a Chinaman through the middle of the back with a Henry rifle, and killed him, the coroner's jury brought in a verdict af "eulotde." spread-eagle-wise- at traded every Bummer to tho submarine hotel near Perdln, on tho eoath eoaat of Franco. Tho building la of teal, oa concrete foundations, and has been fitted with large plate glass windows, which enable the gueata to look upon the beautlea of aubmariao life from a depth of six fathoms. ARMY TRIALS. Aji Infantryman's Long Slaga. Thla soldier's tala of food la Interact lug. During hla term of service la 17th Infantry la Cuba and Philippines, aa Ohio soldier boy contracted a dlseaae of the atomach and bowela which all army doctors who treated him pro aounced Incurable, but which Grape-Nut- s food alona cured: "In October, :899, wbeu my anllat-msexpired, 1 was discharged from the army at Calulute, Philippines, and returned to the States on tho first available etenmer that left Manila. When 1 got home I was a total wreck phyateatiy and my doctor put me to bed saying he considered me the worst broken-dowman of my age ho ever months saw. and after treating me ho considered my case beyond medical Sy Mb Kory MIMhf Annie Bradley trudged along the aandy road In the face of a dry wind, winging her school books by a king trap and tossing her pretty head defiantly as though enjoying her battle with the elements. It waa a long walk from high school In the center of Clayville, n booming Kansas town, to her home In Logana Addition, which despite Its citified appellation was in reality but a stretch of farm country. The girl was too much occupied In building Roaring air castles to heed fatigue. Swaying before the wiqd with a song on her lips and with rose colored dreams In her heart. In which shabby gowna and bitter poverty played no part, she at last came In sight of home. 8he stood for a moment gazing abstractedly through the window. The yellow lamplight within seemed to accentuate the coarse food and coarser crockery of the uncleared npper table. Bradley, her father, had finished hla meal and eat tilted back In hia chair absorbed In the columns of a weekly Populist newspaper; for ha was a Kansas Populist of pronounced viewa and boasted being the first man to smoke a cob pips and wear a hickory shirt In tho state senate chamber. Crooning a cheerless tune, Mrs. Bradley, her face lined with little nervous wrinkles, went about her work while n email girl on the floor rear the door waa drawing figures with one chubby finger In the fine sand which the wind had sifted hrough the chinks. Annie draw a long breath and paused her hand over her face with something of the strange of an impersonator aa he makes a Her fingers were rapid change. moist, but there waa no trace of unhappiness on her face as sho quickly opened the door and entered the room. "Thought maybe that smart aleck doctor'd be carryln you out in hla buggy again,' said Bradley presently. "He la coming out later this evening," replied Annie, her lips tightening. Well, ho needn't go to that trouble, 'cause you wont see him; that man don't mean you no good, with hla fine sirs and hla money s pendin'. Annie flushed consciously but made no reply. Doctor Heyward's words aa the two had driven together under the light of a wonderful harvest moon camo back to her with new force. "1 shall alwaya love my little Kansas girl," be had said tenderly, "even though we should be forever operated and after 1 am an old man with grandchildren I shall say aha waa the brightest spot In my life. Of a sudden the Joy which hie words had Inspired was gone. The music in her heart which had made the days seem ao bright and the walks from school ao short, suddenly ceased. She saw for the first time the remoteness of hla meaning. Her father's rough words had shattered her romance Bradley had alwaya de Mich. Had he consulted any one of several thousand physicians we know of they would have prescribed Grape-MetImmediately. Look la each pkg. for the famoua book, "Tho Road to Wellvllle." e "I'll toll her," whispered Mrs. Brad ley to her husband aa Annie rejoined them In the dining-room- . ahe "Annie," began bravely. "Your pa and me have been talkin' things over thS mortgage and all that, you know we've been tryin hard to make the ends meet aud - d Trudged along tha sandy road. mnrred at the attentions of the handsome, well dressed man of the world hut he had never before so openly declared himself. Mrs. Bradley looked up wilh secret sympathy at Annie, who abruptly left the table, her supwas The woman per untasted. and gaunt and unhandsome but she was a mother and ahe understood. "Hiram," sho said, aa Annie left the room to see about the work of the kitchen, hadnt we better wait until morning to tell her about tha milk wagon? She la awful hit with that doctor and what with all her pride. work-traine- J WAS GEN. 8HERMAN HANDSOME? at Least Waa Constrained to Believe 80. Gen. Sherman wouldn't score at a beauty show, but he Is good enough One Man to make up," was Col. George B. Cork-hill'- s remark to a lady, aa the two fightera met her In the drawing room of a mutual friend. Now,- - frankly, Mra. A., whata your opinion? Do you consider the General a handsome man? You are striking me at very close I range. Colonel, was the response. shall have to explain. When the civil war broke out we town In the West lived in a good-size- d One morning a neighbor came In and asked my father what he had been doing to get hla picture In all of tho papers and many of the store windows. Father disclaimed all exploits or leanings toward notoriety, and wondered what It nil meant. The youngsters rushed down town to investigate. The pictures In the papers and the lithographs In the windows were of Gen. Sherman. So you aeo. . Colonel" The Joy waa gone. we've decided that you we think It la beat for yon to drive the new milk wngon and aave the hirin' a new boy?. For a moment the girl stood as one dumb. Then the full import of the words rushed over her with a flood of sickening thoughts. To give up her school; to appear before her smart friends ahe bad made In town in such a plight! Oh. Mammy," she cried, "you cannot Intend for mo to to peddle milk." - The word stung Bradley. Perhaps you think yourself above workln," he sneered ; "you dont belong to the common people, I suppose. You're better than your pa or ma, eh?" "Do I belong to the common people?" Annie repented nlowly, looking straight before her aa one In a trance. "I do not believe I do, for I delight In things uncommon, beautiful things, music and pictures,' and, oh, everything I shall never enjoy." She etifled n sob, but the storm burst despite her efforts. "I tell you 1 hate the common people." It waa the wrong argument to use with Fanner Bradley. Your Ideas will be your downfall," he cried. I've told you there's nothin' but vice an corruption In the class you're dreamln about and wantin' to he like. The men are oppressors of their betters; knaves In business and libertines in secret The women, ugh! Bradley shook hla head like a wild animal pigmy women, happy with littering play-toywith nd response to the plea of motherhood and deaf to the cries of the straggling world. The common people, God bless em they are my people and your people" he paused for lack of breath, then added brupt-ly- , yon be up by five In the morning Jim'H help you load up. Jim waa the hired man. Before fire in the morning Annies slight figure again swayed before the wind along the sandy road. Her face waa pale and determined and one small reddened hand clutched nervously a slim purse In the pocket of her shabby gown. The restless wind crept ami moaned and bitterly laughed at the weary little pedestrian. The world is wide,'' ahe thought There must be a place for vaguely. me. but the wan smile suddenly died ns her hand closed anew over the little purse. It was broad daylight before aha rest-hothe railway station end bought a tlci.ct for Kansas City, train was not due for though sn hour. About this time her absence was discovered at the form. You iiiu;t go to town for her, the frantic quick, quick," urgi-mother. "The little buggys broke." Take tlie wagon." It'a already started out with tha melons." Then, my God. what shall wa do?" The new milk wagons left. 1 guess she'll be glad enough to coma back in that after her little walk." And so It was that as Annie stood t on the pisiform undetermined - eld. s ll looks like coming down on ker pretty hard. Her pride will be her downfall," thundered the man, bringing hla first down with force on the table. "It !a only right that ahe should drive the new milk wagon and save the hirin of a new man." s; nl "During tho fall and winter of 1900 and 01 1 waa admitted to tbo Barnes Hospital In Washington, D. C., for treetmeot tor chronic Inflammation of tho stomach and bowels but after t aionths returned home as bad as ever. "I continued taking medicine until February, 1902, when reading n newspaper one day 1 read about Grape-Nut- s and was ao impressed 1 aent out for a right away. package -The result Is quickly told for 1 continually ever hive used Grape-Nutalnce with the best results, my health k ao I can do a fair days hard work, Itomacb and bowel are In good con40 pounds in dition, have gain weight and X feel like a new man altogether. "I owe my present good health to Crape-Nut- s beyond all doabt for mediName ae! science was exhausted. given by Poatum Co.. Battle Creek, Company. d Panorama One ef the Moat Beautiful In tha World. On every aide of ua, from our feet to the golden distance far away, the mountain a, peak upon peak, as thick aa Junks in a Chinese harbor, and range beyond range Inexhaustible; no eounda of mortal life came up Inside the rock, while the river, gentian blue, wound silent In tranaparect pools below. The panorama In Japan on a splendid summer day la impossible to describe to an English reader who has not been In the East, for such a one will read be-tween the lines the which ho was bred, wholly different heighten! the charm there the brilliant, luminous air which invest our eya with telescopio power and brings the whole landscape to our feet; while soft suspicion of silky haze saems to float a halo round each foliage-hiddehill Switzerland, too. la a mountain world, but . small compared with thia; the entire content from Innsbruck to Geneva only the length of this single island of Japan a thousand mile of continuous romance. Ard the quality of the avufMse is whet separate , by a very wi-J- gulf, u rummer dsy In the" latitudes irom one in more northerly Europe. Corel-il-l Magazine. wurld-atretche- d The words with hla awn words do so ,rt-e- A shouted tho conductor. Annie's eyes seemed riveted on tho approaching wagon, with a expression. The loaf-era standing about regarded her with and which curiosity amusement, broke Into audible laughter, aa ahe half screamed, Its tha wagon." In a frenzy of terror zhe sprang toward tha nearest train coach. Tho train waa Jaggling and puffing and ponder- onsly moving out, but clutching tha platform railing convulsively she swung hfrself free of the ground. A warning cry went up from tho crowd. Tho train lurched forward with InWith a last despaircreasing speed. ing glance the girl looked back. A doctor's buggy passed vaguely before her vision, then A blurred patdh of red. That was nil. An hour later with bowed head and a heart aa crushed and bleeding aa tha burden he bore, Bradley drove home with the body of hie daughter In her strange hearse. In an opposite direction Dr. Heywood drove rapidly to bla office. Poor little spirit, " moaned the father In agony of bitterness and remorse. "Why were you ever born-- why why la anything?" She waa a bright little creature," murmured the doctor; too bad. too bad. Well perhaps It la better so." half-daze- Wisdom of the Barber. "It alwaya makes me tired," said tho old barber, when a man telle me to quit wasting so much time rubbing In the lather acd hurry along with his shave. If he only knew It, he Is laying a aura foundation for a chapped and sore face. The reason for using soap In shaving Is to remove the grease alwaya close to the skin, and on the surface of the beard. This can not be done without rubbing It well In. Many persona who shave themaelvee do not understand thla, and wonder why they have sore faces. They blame the bay rum, end change off to witch hazel or something else. Rubbing the soap in well makes the beard oft and pliable. It also lessens the chances of the razor slipping. Always rub the lather well In with the fingers; never with the brush. What must one think of a man who has not time enough to let the barber shave him properly, but who apende ten minutes chatting with the girl at the cigar counter, or with the manicure girl, on hie way out of the shop? The Teacher. The teacher In the Sunday school class had been telling her young pupils of the omnipotence of God, end Just before the end of the lesson was endeavoring to Illustrate how God was everywhere and knew every little action, no matter how trivial. One little boy appeared unusually Interested, and when the first time came for questions to be asked was the first to secure the "floor. "Teacher, he said, la God la my homo?" Yes." my dear." la God In our parlor?" Yea, dear." "Is God In our kitchen?" Yes. He le everywhere. "And le he In our cellar? ' "He le even there," responded the teacher. answered No, he Isn't arnarty! the child, because we aint got no cellar. Philadelphia Telegraph. For 8unday Observance. d of every derwnilnatinn this notification le to be found, and the consequence Is that there la growing up in Belgium a tendency In the direction of having no letters or newspapers for newspapers are mostly delivered by post--on Sunday. In Our Own Writing. where nnrh must writ Tbara ! In bnnk characters of light. Ills faith And leave on Immemorial pas To that shrewd critic men call ax. the hook of dally lire. strife, The human calendarnf ofmankind. The flKliinz unnala Is Which God will publish, angels bind. No hook shall live so long; no leaf Khali hear eo far lie woe or grief. And every hand must ret therein Ita tala of honor nr of etn. decoding awfully. Hardly no ena talk proper nowadays, and the lend only knows what the next generation will talk like if nothing tint done ebeel It." Woman's Home Companion. j n one-fourt- h Deafness Cannot Be Cared eauaul mrt tha r Mm - ira-be kvwiuK.nad win II m eauraiy mull, and uim ilw luhuuauukiacaa Mi II aumal udb Ufaa out mJ IblM mb racivd mwwr: alaa urn l ba 0uuyfd II . bur's b)f I lUTTh. Mtl l DUIbIM OBI Vt mu IK MUtt-Isdi-.ie- J d lb HUM. aurfaea. Cuudlilu but Vr will 11 On Hnndivd Itullnr fnr w nuM (bat unwi caiairln fuaiued by Pnlw srod furelrMUul. fra. Aby Hail Cauurb Lure, CHUNKY CO, Taisia, y. J. Bold by Drnprnt. We. Taka Mali Hilly MU tor eusattpmbw. crfM-- l u ej r Austrian Marriage Law. laws are They prohibit marvery severe. riages between Christiana and Jews and between Christie ns and infidels. A marriage between n Protestant woman and a man who said he had no particular creed haa Jnat been annulled ty the supreme court The Austrian marriage The Rival Cities. for CeceumyOon Well," said the New Yorker, taneb Tde net believe Plsota CM ua for couyba and cold. Joes V lurly. "you don't zee any grass grav- tii equal Trinity Springs, lad. Fab. if. M ing in our streets." Thafz zo. re- Bovin, the Philadehhlan, plied clever COST OP LIVING IN ASIA. scheme of your." What's that?" To keep tearing your ctreeta up ao Modern Improvements Hava Imposed the grass can't grow. Philadelphia Burden on Natives. Proas. During n recent tour In Asia of nearAn Easy Way To Do It months, from February, ly sixteen to 1902, In whieh I visited 1901, June, D. 11. Mr. Mineral, Idaho, April Korea, China, the Philippines, 8. Colson of thla place haa something j to aay which will be of interest to j Cochin China, Siam and Loot- - the Settlements, Burnish, India, many men. Mr. Colson claims to have found n simple way to get rid of Syr- - nd Palestine, I found everypalna In the back. Sciatica or Rheu- where a deep Interest In the changing matism. He has cured himself and economic conditions The common ao claims personal experience In proof people In Asia care little for politics, but the price of food and raiment of hin method. touches every man, woman and child Mr. Colson says: "I had awful palna in my hip. They at a sensitive point Almost everywhere the old days ol got ao bad at last that I could hardly walk. I tried eeveral things, but got cheap living are passing away. Steamno relief till I began to use Dodd's ers, railways, telegraphs, newspapers, labor-savinmachinery aud the Intro Kidney Pills and I had taken but a few of these pills till the pain left ductlon of Western Ideas are slowly but curely revolutionizing the Orient me entirely. Dodds Kidney Pills certainly did Shantung wheat which formerly had me lets of good and 1 consider them no market beyond a radlna of a few dozen miles from the wheat field, can a greet medicine." The remedy that cured Mr. Colson now be ehlpped by railway and steamla tho same that has been making ship to any part of the world, and in cures of Bright's consequence every Chinese buyer has such sensational manner Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy and Rheu- to pay more for It In like matism all over the country. The new facilities for export have doabled, name of the medicine la Dodd's Kid- trebled, and in some places quadrupled the price of rice in China, Siam ney Pllla. and Japan. Centu-- y Magazine. No Wonder He Waa 8tout Hand Power Hay Fkn IISOA A Scotchman paid a visit to London simplest, best invention ef to inspect the electric apparatus of theGreatest, age. A boy can make regular in. bales like fun. end that city, with n view to Its introduc- elxed 14x18x0 bale three tons per day tion In hla native town. On hla re- two boys can turn hla wife exclaimed: Dear me, easily. mo this xoticb to-siJamlel! That trip has dune ye a power to the John A. Salver Seed Ce La of guid. H oo stout ye haa gotten. I Crosse, Wli., with Gc stamps for mailtheir big catalug, fully hope ye did na I telt ye and pus on ing, an ; get great Hay Press, ao also nne of the dlzzen clean shirts that I hundreds this of tools and thousands of vaOh, aye, Eliza- rieties of Farm and Vegetable Seeds. gied ye every day." ye (W. N. UJ beth, waa the reply. I did Just said put on a dean shirt every day, CAME TO EARTH SUDDENLY. an I has them s' on noo." Pittsburg Press. How Quick-Witte- d Professor Covered Soothing Ryrww. Up Hia Mr. Window ForchlMraa Math in, aofteaa tha mna, radooM te 111 One day a certain professor of r mathematics at O. University prepared to set out on a abort Journey on Ventriloquist Fowls, M. Emile Merwert, secretary gener- horseback. He waa an absent-minde- d al of French Guiana, baa aent to the person, and while eaddllng the animal Jardln dea Plantea la Paris two pain waa thinking out aome Intricate probof ventriloquist fowls. Theae birds lem. Some students stood near and are greatly amusing to visitors to tha watched him abstractedly place tha gardens, who assemble round their saddle on bind part before. Oh, Profeasor," exclaimed one ol cage by their cries, which at one time appear to come from the trees, at the group, "you are putting the wrong others from the sky and sometimes end of your saddle foremost" "Young men," replied the prefoeeot from the midst of tha crowd Itself. with some tartness, you are eetirely too smart. How do you know It li tope the (lough end Works Off the Cold when 1 have not yet told yoo Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. PrieeSfin wrong, In which direction I Intend te go? Lipplncott's. Catching Pigeons in Queenstown The ragged children of Queenstown The Meeting of the National Irrigation catch pigeons In a curious way. SeatCongress. ed In a row on the edge of the paveEl held be et To Paso, Texas, thia fall, ment, they each nave a string stretchbe of great Interest to to promises ing into tha road, at tho end of which dwellers in country, la n noose surrounding some tempting and addresses will lie made by AmerHomeless bread crumbs. pigeons ican and foreign Irrigation authorities. pounce on the meal, and are aa quick- An interesting program, including a ly Jerked to the pavement by tha genuine Mexican bull fight, will be given by the citizens. For further Incheering youths. London Graphic. formation regarding date of above Carpets ran be colored on the floor meeting, railroad fares, ate., address C. F. Warren, room Na 411, Dooly with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. block. Salt City, Utah. " In Yucatan. Waath Yucatan haa a population of SfO.OOO, Getting Things Down Fin. and owing to the fact that It ia the It ia said that a fly makes 400 home of the henequen, the agave, strokes per second with Its wing which furnishes the finest fiber, the and It has been proven that by the Tucatecos have more money per ctp- - i use of the microphone you can hear Its then any other people in the world. I a lly walk! JPn Abeent-MIndednee- a. Inter-Mountai- n The Belgian poaloffice authorities have hit upon a novel Idea. Every postage stamp haa a slip attached to It which may or may not be used, at the option of the person who posts the letter. This slip la worded to the to effect that the communication which it Is attached Is not to be delivered on Sunday. On nil stamps It Decadent lecturer who haa a very fin lecture on The Decadence of Pure English" gave thle address before a woman's club. At the close of the talk a very much overdressed woman of the fuss and feathers" type came up to him, and amid. I did enjoy your talk ever and ever so much, and I agree with you that the English language la IN THE HILL8 OF JAPAN. All aboard,' sen Ad-dra- French Submarine Hotel. Large numbera of visitors are af. When my beloved brlnss to m a book Writ by some poet fur his ladys eyas, I eannot o er tbo senile puaes look Hut (hat I feel my r one did drvlss Each tender sentence fur mine eyes to be-cau- j Fly-Le- at tho last moment whether to boar? tho ineomlng train or return to drudgery and humiliation, ahe caught Might in the distance of the milk wagon, hideously red In tha morning sun. The train rumbled in at her aide. Nearer and nearer came tha wagon. A Bad Fix Whan ma writes no eMnt from head to foot, and with tha Imh tender to t'oa touch, when Soreness and Stiffness St. Jacobs Oil make every motion of tha body palr-hd- , tha auraat aod quickest way out of tha trouble ia to us pranpUr. It wanna, raluea, PHOTO SUPPLY area. Price, 25c. and ftOc. IA SALT LAKE suocasson to wanwtox CO. fnoto suffl eo. EXCLUSIVE' PHOTOGRAPHIC DEALERS waive for cavMoaua tee SOUVM AND MAIN. SSLY LANS OIVV SHEET MUSIC HALF PRICE We have nil thn Intmt nance unit twa Mrp All auld at half prtc. Writ far iatalapt CLAYTON MUSIC CO. Nentioa ibis sorer. Ml Labs Ck M |