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Show T tha naan 'Dolores, why did yoa I wish to see my father ? It anal ' ha something special or you would Could not I do as not havo coma well? 80ms wsy his kindly heart a K.ATE LWLVM. By aching for her with the remembrance Sic. Atkr 4 At m OiH't Jir-of that swift, wistful glance of tha brown ayes Into his own, and hs By W. CLARK RUSSELL. lured Aeeordisc to An of Curere ia the Yaar 1M0 br Imal Sailh. comfort would if her could. he la tha Olwa at Ua librariaa al Coasrau, al Wukiiwioa, D, C. She did not look at him; her gtxe Cvrrlfht. ltVJ. by T. F. ColHar. Conrrixht. 1M7. hr Dodd. tired A Cat waa fixed on the pines sway on tbs mountain behind which the sun was CHAPTER VL Continued. in hunting, going around to the CHAPTER ill. But hs knew aha heard sad "Up you get, said Maddlson, hoistsettlcg. ahe glanced down . Ite mountain and returning acroaa the would answer Instinctively The Burglary. her on to her legs. "You must, presently. ing were The doora town. toward the shop. Twelve days had passed since the and if you don't and at once, I know came to see about the mare," she "I Sometlmea when the atmosphere open, but no one waa there. The bena " said, slowly, her eyee still fastened on foregoing. Approaching Margate roads where that knife's kept which pecking around the doora were the was heavy and the wind In the right the pines upon the height. Then sud- was a small aloop with a great mainOn this, with a flinging carriage a anx-louonly visible signs of life to her direction, the smoke from the tall fac- denly, with a swiftness that startled sail swelling at her mast, which was and awful air of distress, the unhapeyea. UnconaclouBly ahe began tory cblmneya drifted around to the him, she added: stayed in the most unsightly manner py woman moved down the staircase with atrawberrlea the settlement and tangled In the plrea hulling You know who did it? You have aft in ghastly silence. Pope and the sealike gray specters waving their shad- known from but steady Ungers. the first? and stood Everybody Crystal Pops together men following closely. She opened Times la dull 'no ugh, pears to owy banners above the scattered knows who did It. It will be near over the tiller which Bobbin the door of a room that might have proved long woman "First houses the a," down toward the valley. Many proceeded. a doubt was beyond scene been the parlor, and pointing to a the at hanging, n gaxlng hem there want o rain with ther gyar-di- a time Dolores had watrhed these He looked at her, amaxed at her around them. great cupboard that stood out from up spite o the care we smoke wreaths, and her mind had vehemence. wall like that article or furniture the have "I been matter the turning glv et; then as though thet warnt gore to the place from whence they "We hope to prove it call a wardrobe, she aald in a over. said they I'm "and Crystal." Pope, nough, hyar hems ther acc'dnt ter came, and she wove from them fancertain our best chance lies In bring- whisper, "You'll find It there, and Inther mare o ther Jedge'a son, an any tastic shadows born of dreams, and ing up off Margate and sending the stantly sank speechless upon the floor o as likely to be kelched ef TwarnT she clothed them In garments of the boat round to Durapton Gap to welt In a kind of fit thet aplclon rc'ta In one direction living, and they brought her many ns after weve landed. If this for Pepe rushed to the' cupboard. It many fancies cf the life pulsing Just special.' sloop comes within sight of the was locked, of course; they pried the It was coming. Dolores waited with beyond the piny peaks. Ramillles shell be sending a boat, door ope:i In a nictate, and there on Now her mind waa filled with I tin bated breath. A heavy sense of guilt You're in out of three she. tees was arranged a (.uai right keeping sight not meet one fell upon her; she could the subject so much discussed ; she of that there Ramillles, gents," ex- tlty ut handsome, ms.'she plate, gase of the eyea bent upon her, and turned It over and over, viewing It on claimed Bobbin. "I don't know a moitly et old pattern. They fernd ahe went on hulling the berries all aides; now reasoning wlih herself where a brighter lookout's tablwloihea and quilts and very irp-ldlwaiting la silence for what she knew an to this or that possibility, this or kept." they made up the plato into Hi. e meat come. that derision, hut eventually returnko Presently the aloop waa within an weighty loads, none, however, An thorn aa knows says thyar's ing to the first conclusion which was easy pull of Margate town. Here Cap- heavy for a stout fellow to carry wl'h u great feelln' ower in ther town yan-do- r to her so convincing that it sent her tain Pope brought her to a stand, and ease, and Pope took ears not to leav IkhiL ther marc, the woman'a over the mountain to the town to disthe boat vu launched. Pope and Crys- a mustard-spoo- n behind him. In on cover If voice atruck the girl's thoughts, possible the truth, and at the tal had talked long and earnestly. All an 'says et 'pears she were worth court was the place lo learn wlial she was settled and nothing remained but CHAPTER IV. a deal o money, an now nnhody'd gev wished to know if there were any to go the Thesail ashore, March to tbs Sea. and get plate, a copper for her, an they'a workln place to learu it ere the whole world When they left the cottage they away for Hamburg. teddy to tin out who done ther deed, should know. There were three men and Captain shut the house door, securing It by an gettln every one theya ken tor As ahe passed over the mountain these were to go In the boat, a wedge. Not a living shape moved Pope; prove thar a'plriona c'rect o a certain and down on the other side the town Crystal to aee to the sloop, In any direction. "Come now," says leaving out a person. her; lay thriving town; canvas whoso they had snugged for Pope, and lets step out lads. comwaa black Dolores wm waiting. It smoke arose from the towering him. The three were to plunder poor They got into the road, every man ing now. she felt certain. She crush- chimneys, the whir of machinery, the Miss Hornby, and Captain Pope, her with a heavy bundle of plate over his ed a nine of the berrlea In her hand rattle of wagons and din on every-danephew, was one.of them. shoulder, and started at a walk that lifo were borne up to her aa sounds la a audden frenxy. When the boat reached the shore came near to a trot they "Thoys boldin court u'most every of a strange land. The knowledge behe stepped out, and the hired men, came to a narrow turning which they ns though 'Iwere gan to grow In her mind that the life day, an workln one of them named Steve merely, the took, and skirting the little town of some great thing thet n critter's In the alow little settlement beyond other called Maddlson, followed. Broad st airs, they entered some undugone lame. But theya won't do noth- the mountain waa too narrow, too Dolorea watched the woman, was on It to when drawing midnight lating fields, sinking and rising over tell In too hut into itself, in' with ther e'plclorcd feller energy lacking a path. But thla waa a new he aald, "We have had our auspic-Ion- Pope and his men came to a gate In a which went a tape-likthat's mo ground, ua theya calls et, and growth. from the first and now we think tall hedge. Pope pushed' open the Look, says Steve, coming to a though young Green do feci pretty world to her and she shrank from It. them well founded. We are depend- gate, and the three walked swiftly to stand, "ain't those two men ahead But not from any foolish feeling of Inferl-.orltartlu who la ther guilty one. such a thought could hold no ing a good deal on your father; we the house, using one side of an emer- yonder lookouts? theya got cunald'rahle proof, an Captain Pope, after a prolonged room In her mind, but aa a wild ani- have considerable evidence, but hla ald sward that was divided by a nai there's ter be a great time aa they wants yer feyther ter go ter mal Instinctively shrinks hack to Its will be conclusive. She knew nothing of law or Its natural world. Then the feeling left prov thar a'plriona crect. the words held a terrible terms; seemed old waa Dolores out at last It her; the thought drove every fear, turned to atone; ahe neither moved every other feeling away; ahe had meaning for her. "It was a dastardly deed, he went nor spoke; the dared not lift her eyea come for a purpose and as yet It waa hla face darkening. "The felloe on, not from the red bcrrloa with which her accomplished. hall suffer the full penalty of the lav fingers were dyed. Her heed waa whirlShe passed steadily down the road It. My beautiful mare that waa ing; there was a din in her earn us looking neither to right nor left. The for human In Intelligence." though u legion of spirits repeated court house waa at the farther end of almost hands were clasped fiercely, Her and shouted In wild horror: the town; she had heard them any so. her eyes burning when she turned Theya wants yer feyther ter go ter A long, low, white building with wide toward him to make reply, and for prove theya wants yer feyther ter atepa and a bell In the tower. moment he forgot all site but her the fey-thwants go they At length ahe came to It; ahe knew yer feyther yer face. " be waa right; a long, low, white1 "And It Is right! she cried; "It It Her eyea were like thou of a hunt- building with wide atepa and a bell in right! What If hla people do suffer ed animal, half hlddep beneath their tha tower. for ft? That the name will cling to dong lashes; her mind was tilled with She walked the atepe and turned them forever? It ia only right that 'a great longing to go to got away the handle of up the door, but could not It Is Just It waa from the tiny room out on the moun- open It. This ending of her Journey he should suffer. deed. a Only only dont dastardly tain under the quiet heavens where hud not entered her head. For n mo the winds were free from the watch- ment ahe stood In doubt what to do come with me any farther. I bad rather go alone. t ing eyes People passing on the street looked He obeyed; but followed at a disThe women ut the other aide of curiously at her. A hoy who waa tance. The road waa lonely; ther an with arose air. table the Injured of the fence called to were no houses till she reached the astride ittlng She had received scarcely a word of her that the door waa but If settlement below. The sun bad set; thanks for her berrlea, scarcely even ahe wanted the lockup locked; It waa down in the east above the opposite mounin her a show of interest story. around the corner. tain, the full moon rode. A soft haxe Tbyara them aa takes an Intreat She did not krow he was laughing arose from the valley far beneath, Jn thyar feller critters, an'thyara them as dont," ahe aald, tartly; "an at her; the walked down the atepa floated and wavered noiselessly up and to him. She asked him toward the moonlight thpors them aa has thyar s'plclon o whereapoke ahe could find the judge. She Up on the heights the young man things. waa motionless watching the girl him at stood with her looking They left tha straight, lying dead. . Dolorea watched the woman's tall, level and he was disconcerted. passing from him in the moonlight gnnnt figure go down the worn path, The glance,he aald, lived In the house The light was full In his face. It waa row path of gravtl; so that their stare at the shapes which ware grow her purple print dress brushing the on Judge, Ing In tha gloom and therefore apIf ahe came down the an earnest face and good; out to be footfalls were as a cats. the hiu; cant grass with an Indignant sweep, waa into the thruct A bar keyhole, proaching, cried out with one of those to never main street ahe must have treacherous. prove passed It trusted; the cape of her sunbonnet limp and all three stormed and sweated, and oaths he was so tree with, 1 believe n until watched of He Not the bit her waa dl resolution girl, dimly shoulders. over When her lapping amid a great noise of the I see their muskets. Are they armed? from view behind gone aa ahe retraced her atepa, but cerned down among the shadows, Immediately, ho disappeared and the splintering If so they are blockade! bolts of and we on moment a rending the he walked waa threshold of swiftly, for it grow- paused Dolores the shrubuery of the road-aid- e the door flew open. Thera must cut them down or be taken. of wood, little and bare found She It the late. troubouse, then without entered. ing put away the diah of berrlea and put flow in "Not by two," says Maddlson, and ble; ahe mounted the atepa and knock- And to him aa he turned away, hla waa no light in the night to no bar gray sunbonnet to go out and the ho struck the pistol In his breast. passage the In doorway, a door. at through ed She tha the did tumult, not thoughts know big mysterious The afternoon. was It rocky early The line of path roae and fell ahe should ring the belL .No one mist and the moonlight aeemed to waa In pitch darkness. Pope, though wad, Ike a yellow thread, wound In not a professional burglar, had pro- There waa not a bush behind which came. She knocked again and louder, have swallowed her up. vided for this. He pulled out of hla the three could conceal themselves. then again ahe waited. No one came. (To be continued.) If the Judge were gone where should pocket a little engine whose invention But since the approaching men ware GIRLS MAKE THEIR CHOICE. belonged to that age. It consisted of plain la view, the three also must be find him? a trigger and a Hint, and when tha have been seen by them. It was useA step sounded on the gravel at the aide of the house; ahe turned and Countries Whore the Gentle Sex Does trigger leaped a clear flame sprang. less to turn aside. "Shove right on, says Pope, and At thla flame the Captain lighted a Its 8hare of Wooing. faced the leave me to do the talking. They may In England, leap year Is supposed to piece of randle. "Dolores! exclaimed young Green, confer upon the fair eex the privilege In nstonlshmert He then sprang up a narrow stair-cag- not be what I think. He set his teeth and they trudged of choosing life partners for better A red flush crept in her fare. Pope could not err In deciding "I want to see the Judge, she or for worse, but the custom Is more which of the two doora that stood be- on, grotesque In bulk with their bunsaid, gravely, and there was a wist- honored In the breach than In tha fore him belonged to his aunt's room; dles. The approaching men were The gypsies, especially ho entered, and by his candlelight saw walking leisurely. Not until they were fulness In the large, darn eyes raised observance. to his for an Instant thgt caused his in Hungary, enjoy and make a very the figure of the poor old lady within pistol shot, so unsatisfying heart to throb strangely while a flush extensive use of the right at all stretched In a fit upon her back on was the light, could Pope make sure times. In accordance with an ancient he floor. Alas, poor old Miss Horn- that eaeh carried a musket on his also arose In his own face. years could not shoulder, that they were sailors, a My father? He Is rot at home. custom. Thus a marriageable young by! her seventy-on- e When the court adjourned at three he gypsy girl In the land of tho Magyars, support the ahock of a burglary, and couple of blockadcra. in short, from in the Downs. They took the train to N . If you wish aa soon as her heart Is smitten, takes he lay a deAd In a swoon In her the topped and one challenged Pope's to see him I am sorry. Will not I do good care that the amlter shall hear nightgown and nightcap. window-blin- d party. Instead? Conte In. Miss Johnson; my of the havoc he haa wrought and Pope dragga-- l down tha You're out late, bos. Where 'o mother would be pleased to meet have a chance of consoling her. With and lighted a candle in a stick, this praiseworthy object In view, she then, casting a glance at the lean bound to. Are them your kits on your you." She was unused to being called haa a love letter Indited, places a cola high perched nose that ahot out be- backs? We're bound for Ramsgate." Pope "Miss Johnson." and scarcely heard In a piece of dough, bakes It, and twixt the closed eyea and the disorthrows the cake and the billet doux dered frills of the nightcap, he seised answered. I'm master of a chip lying the tirfamlllar rame. He opened the door, waiting for her during the night Into- the bedchamber the candlestick and ran to the door. In the Downs, and these are two of Let's ioms of her brldcgroom-elecmy men. In Goodnight. Then ahe to Silence, Voices were to be heard upstairs. para In. Waiting her soul In patience and I won't stay, ahe aald. The Judge possesses "Now come you down quietly and you." and out among the scrubby bushee And he made aa if he would adend tall pines that murmured In the la not at home. I came to see the awaits developments. The Burmese we wont hurt you. Put on a puttt-coa-t vance. maiden begius her marriage camand bear a hand. breece. To the ears of the girl they Judge. What's In them bundles?'' asked She turned down the steps, and hs paign at a much earlier stage. In "Bring her down, roared Pope. kept up their monotonous sobbing one of the and candlestick hla to a her. order held gruffly aud closed the get He ns together high were door, followlrg goodly gathabont her father though they "If you will not, go Inaido. may I ering of young men from whom to there descended a narrow, wooden un- determinedly. "Come, we must And living things. choose, she places a lamp In her win- carpeted staircase the shape of a fe- that out She was listless no longer; she walk with you. Miss Johnson? "These bundles contain property of and bowed her She head, walked as one who had a purpose, as they pass- dow at night It is known as the male In a flannel petticoat, the rest of entices all those her apparel being that of the bed. my own, said Pope, speaking coolly. one who bad far to go. Her eyes look- ed up the street together In silence. lamp of love"-a- nd See here we are three to two. and female, and ed straight before her, her lips were That the people they passed. and youths who are candidates for the She was a middle-agewhom her companion greeted, turned order of benedict. In sunny Andalu- waa Indeed the only servant Mias shall we ask you to give us or year-selve-s pet In a straight, stern line. a chance? Why. my hearts, Bhe met no one on her wey; there and looked curiously after them ahe sia. the peasant girl, whose heart has Hornby kept, or perhaps could afford we serve under different whitewaa dreadful a a of stolen She known had she b'ton stalwart would though it by hus; did to rot know; young keep. tma little travel on the mountain the fire. flags, we are sailorn all. Here's ten thriving town over on the other aide have affected her little. She came on bandman, prepare a tasty pumpkin ness and her eyea shone like "We don't want your life, rattled guineas to divide between you. an errand, and could not accomplish cake and sends It to hla home. If hs connection with the world in He dropped his bundle to get the direction. It; that thought waa uppermost In eats It and the Andalusian girls taka out Captain Pope, speaking behind Where does your mis- money, and the plate claiiked aa It In all the twenty years of her life her mind, blended aa It always waa In good rare to make It highly edlbl-t- he hla mask. mote the hard path. rothed. - tress keep her plate? Take us to It. pair are forthwith Doleree had never been over the thinking of It, with the face and "Take this." said he. pulling out a London Telegraph. The wretched woman fell upon her sewn lain; what lay beyond It ahe did eyea of the young man beside her. "Dolores he said at last, when long leather purse, and let us be kneea. ot know except from the rumors that One factory has marketed 10.001 "Oh, dont ask me! she shrieked. gone as peaceably disposed men la the drifted Into them from the men who they were climbing the rough road nam of the King." "Must IT she yelped hysterically. been there men who had strayed beyond the town, unconsciously using electrical flatirons this season. The Two Captains THAT GIRL of JOHNSON S JEAf - ship-of-w- y y e r, or rew-come- r. man-of-w- d an-th- er M The seamen answered with a stag movement of their muskata. One of them then drove his bay-ninto the bundle Pope had dropptuX and aald: "It's metal, Tom. "Down with them bundles, aald the eman to Steve and other Maddlson. and ho stepped cloaa to them, holding hla musket dangeronsly. "If it must be, shouted Pope, "Steve, Madulson, this is for your lives; have at them. He waa a man of great strength and commanding figure. He drew hla knife, springing with nervous murderous violence upon the who had pricked hla bundle. Ho caught the leveled bayonet In one hand, and went twisting with the musket on to the unfortunate sear man, who, shrieking, "Tom, he's dene for ms!" fell at his whole length across the path. Steve and Maddlson and grappled with the other and Steve had whipped out his iron jemmy meaning to brain the man; but when the seaman fell to Captain Popes blow end cried out, hla mate, leaving hla muaket In the hands of hla assailants, brace from them like smoke, and fled across the fields in the direction of the sea. lying They left the dead, stretched across the narrow pathway. The figure of the running seaman had disappeared In the gloom upon the fields. They shouldered their heavy load and went away at a rapid trot for Dumpton Gap, which, in about ten minutes time they turned into and descended. Aa they neared the bottom, whore they might see the faint yellow had' ow of the aanda stretching into the white line of surf. It was a quarter to to nr. shouted Pope, "and "Daybreak! ns I live, theres the boat Captain Pope had no need to hall the boat; Bobbin Instantly saw them and stood np, simply lifting hla arm, then, with Incredible activity, hs drew In his fishing line and, springing over the thwarts Into the bows, dragged the anchor Into tho boat, and all la a minute, tha little fabric cams calling toward that part of the sand where the three men were standing. Pope directed hli eyea to the right and to the left of tho range of cliffs;-no- t a human soul looked down. But must have the flying already gained Broadstalm, and by thla time the alarm would be raised. "Has tha blockade a station at Broadstalrs? said Pope, hoarse with fatigue and the passions which were plowing up his soul. Tho others, not knowing, made no answer. It was blowing a small air of wind out of the W .L Three vessels, lying abreast about a mile and a half distant, were getting under way. There was no life of shipping visible to the men, save those three vessels. "Got It all right? said Bobbin, as he acullcd the stem of the boat through the racings of thin surf on to the sand. "Ay, waa the answer. In with you swiftly. A man's been killed! The three heavy bundles wore thrown Into the beat and the captain and hla men tumbled in after them. "Where's the aloop? asked Pope. "Round the corner," answered Bobbin, poling off. "They'll be running from Broad-talr-a to trap ua here," aald Captain Pope. "Lie low la the bottom of tha beat, that only tha man whoa been fishing may be seen." Bobbin kept a lookout and reported as he sculled. The boat went slowly. "Have you opened Broadstalrs yet? aid Pope at tho bottom of the boat. Yes, air." "What do you aee? "Some fishing craft and a bunch of wherries Just off the pier. "Nothing In motion?" (To be continued.) man-of-wa- A "CHIMNEY OF BABEL. Antwerp Village Possesses the Tallest Factory Shaft. Hoboken, a village- on the Schellt, a few miles above Antwerp, and connected with It by river, rail and tram, of poaeeaslrg the tall rat' beasts factory shaft In the world. It was completed last year and can readily be distinguished from Antwerp, rislrg above the distant trees. Its height la 410 feet (6 feet higher than SL real's cathedral), its Inside base diameter 36 feet, ard that at its summit 13 feeL The walla begin with a thickness of 64 feet, bnt at the top have dwindled to a single Flemish br.ck, and measure only 74 inches. Eight great underground lines connert the monster with the smelting furraces It is bnllt to serve; they are high er.ouvh for a man to walk in. One hurdrrd feet above the grourd the shaft Is circled with an immense reservnlr. rarried on atone corbels, which feed the works with water at a constant pressure. Thla chimney has been built for a company that carries on the unusual bv.siress of meitlrg down pig lead to extract the small amount of silver it contains. Interest and consideration fer otters dictated the unusual proportions of tbe shaft: for not only were the furrsre fnmea found p.oxlnus to neigh brrlrg veccta-liobut alo It waa discovered Pat to condense the heavy smoke and wash tbe soot for escaping silver was a profitable (purse to adont. to-da- y n, Brief, but Pithy. characteristic story of the late Sir Hector Macdonald Is just told. Always a man of few words, wnea sending his only son to a public school for the first time he addressed the following brief note to the headmaster! Herewith boy Hector, to be made A man of." |