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Show T 1 THE ROOTING SWINE. hand npon the others knee, "let mo drive Old Gray home through the EaMito U ground from their hour of Urth, lane." Kr them dig to they go their wy; The Ilneo bung listlessly from his giving the iiiph godt mirth: MjtU UoU more roano thau the htiludt ciy, binds ao the old mare slowly walked Fit a. one for the frravewunu a prey. Drunk with the fume o i a brutish wine. along tbe familiar place toward the The- - but the will of seif obev, house, where Mainly stood In tbe doorMiiileaa hordra of the rooting swim. way with a glad smile of welcome overspreading her kindly face. Then, Saeh ia the average of earth. 'ben tbe horse halted at the block, be Out from their muddy atira they stray. Seek in d'lllneaa and was in girth, salJ, handing over the lines: Day and barter, and cheat and jwy. "I think I bars been driving right Ever among the muckliriqi stay. into Heaven, 81. And atill on bunk and rarriun dine, Why, Cousin Jim, I am so glad to Nuvs.ing down to the dirt for aye 8eu!!es hordei of the rooting awius. see yon again. It seems so like old times to see yon and Silas driving Three, indeed, are of littTe worth. homo through the lane." And the Foot it and flaunt it though they may; good woman came forward, with both Kangkt atonea for the spirit's dearth K.rhea, vaqity, nor display. hands ontstretehed. Her ryes grew Three eliall paaa in a alow decay, moist when she saw how feeble the A rotting mackerel atink anil thine, old bachelor coualn waa. She and FoVotten, even on judgment day, bon' lata bardca of the rooting awina. Silas had to almost lift him from the and her strong arms supported buggy, ENVOY. form as be walked with tbe frail Frinee! Twaaa minatrel e'd and grey, np the gravel walk and steps dragging Hi atruck hit harp and hit eyea met Into the cool, flower scented parlor. His mine; He looked at the erowda and I heard him eyes roved about the quiet place and aay: he sighed: Koullesa hordra of the rooting twine." "Heaven, Heaven at last!" Unseat kLiCaf ey,ia the St. Louis Minor. You lie right down on the conch. Conaln Jim, and take a nap while 1 get supper. Ill call you In time to wash and freshen up. Im going to have some raised biscuits and honey yon always liked that. The tired man laid bis bead back and mnrmured: Dear Mandy! I am ao glad to get back home again. I will rest for a few momenta. I am ao tired and so ao happy to get home home!" Mandy he'a coming again IOK ANDY, went out ami closed tbe parlor door. be-this year the name at be Heaven at last. It is lYl O fore. About hour many aoTills most so nice. ao sweet, still, X baa Coualn Jim been )( yean 'MOW' coming here to alay the I will go down to the mill dam; I will go to the old swimming bole under the Summer?" willows once more, where dear old 81 "Twenty, counting the last stop and I used to swim. I will sit on tbe which was from May until November; toon In tbe cool of the evening, and makes a half really, thaf twenty and times your Cousin Jim han visited us. I will be at home once more with tbe He began early and stayed late the last good and true and unselfish ones " And tbus be mnrmnred as be drifted time, you know. What baa Jim F Into the land of sweet dreams. At got to say this time, Silas?" flower-scente- d "Same old thing, Mandy; same old rest, finally, there In tbe cool, of little the farmhouse, parlor never thing. Jim changes his time; works ea my feelings and tells about afar from the noise and bustle of tbe Sow he longs to rialt the old nooks city. The heps bnzzed among the lllnes, and corners of the farm once more. where the humming birds whirred; the Speaks fn a fetching sort of way about the old swimming hole down under the an pie blossoms bunted against tbe blinds and tbe fragrant petals fell willows; also grips me tighter than bnrr about the fishing place hrlnw the npon the sleepers face but he did not mill dam, where he once yanked out a stir. He wns dreaming of. tbe dear old days of boybond, days filled with pike with a minnow honk. Jim's get the same old gift of drawing Joy and delight and sweetness. Then the good angel of the old mans folks to him that be always had. I'oor Id boy! lie has not changed a hit drpams came In a chariot of silver, nnd since he went to the city to build tip his eyelids were touched with a magic In green pastures, a fortune. He's cut out for a bachelor wand. He roved dond-fleeee- d skies bent; and will always go It alone to the end. where bine wandered-bstreams in and be crystal to waa was and he married If going cool birds where woodlands the shady bring along a haughty wife and a lot f fresh and saury children Id think made glad the fragrant hreesea of the different about his coming here year sninmer day of unending bliss. er loi-after year. The poor, lonesome old And then then It was no dream. Oil. th dory of it all! It to lie has If the got boy clings place barrels of money; I can't any as he was s Messed reality. throws his wealth aroend when he "Jim!" - There me no response from the old flora come" ' nn man the pouch. Only pays ordinary price for board, nuick! All Is not well that's all and no more. I will ray this "Piles, never finds any with ror Jim." bont Conaln Jim-- he ronoh and Tliev nnnrone!i"d tb fanlt with things; lie never cour'Inies; warm meals or cold, I'.my'D all Hie looked Iovi nnon the face. The tired pp"r red. There waa a game to Jim. He really semns to en- ho!; hd nr, lie I -- stolid. Oo'iIn Jim wr rn joy plain fare the beat, and always tells r 111 !i was at rest, at me sot to fuss with fancy dishes. lie nil was well rest. him. with And crawls up the narrow stairs to the walled wlin ha Th el'y little chamber without n inr.riiinr. rich old bachelors who lire most of the will w"s read. The real and ton d hotels and fashion- ovs who had loved him to th end. year In llv'-In th able bearding houses would funl lots the kindle ones wl'O lie Isne J'm had end the of hone I ke fault. of He don't: he's coimuon nd easy to please: just llb-- s to take given all to them. New York Times. off his coat and Ion around: hangs Timly Hints an (living. oa the fence as though lie was watch-biTYe should not give people things the grass grow: loves to sit on tli tlj-- y do not want. Stoop hi the eveu'ng like any jvoor We should avoid giving anybody the to-and man listening to the If we can inns or the chicken-po- x m' frogs. 811s. your Cousin .Tim has help It.' ever risen a peg above you !f he has Do not give a frmd tbe cold shoulgot barrels of money. Ioor Jim. I saw der without baked Leans and hot cofbe was ailing when he was hure Ike fee to go with It. last time. Terhaps that wns the reaA man slmnM not give a Indy a kss son why he came so early and stayed j miles l.o thinks sh would enjoy it, ao late." except in the ease of his wife and his T don't like to write ami toll him mother-in-lathat crops look poor. and that we are a Do not give red suspenders to a tolittle pinched, and don't really care for tal stranger; he might prefer those of company this a pale blue shade instead. "Don't yon do It, Filas: dont yon do Do not present n bucking broncho to It Why, that wonhl ha cviel and a tall, pale man of sedentary halms, wrong; and It would break the poor as he would not likely live long to enId bachelor's heart. Von nr- - the only it. no bo has got left of the old stock In joy When yon give castor oil to a howlthese parts: the rest are ail gone to ing Infant give it for Its intrinsic (too city. Wins. Conshi Jim pines worth and not merely as nn evidence old for the sight of yonr fa.ee. and the of your regard. IJpplneoUs. place where yon and he were boys him vrilli Is a heaven like lUtdiain in ITIs Month. together. It 1 Ms itonr to get btrfc here with you TVll'aui MolTirian, of Ncv.ark, Is Ip old familiar things he r. New Y'ok iiiulf-- i going ircnlinciit for Now yon sit right down im-- toil ifm eanrer by ra !mui. Jh. Hoffman has we will he tickled to ? him agaht. n growth in his upper Jaw Tstl him the apple trees s;i Inini'ring nnd was operated on lust summer in H wa promiiiiiei-i- l hieni'a-hle- . p against the window rf lit" Pllle I'll- - ireumi uf wiih radium Is said (Stainher; tell him Ihal Hie ."ass Is greener Than ever, that 'is" snowball to have alreauy improved liis I N rrroverv Is cxoc-ded- . hmdi hangs henry, siul r an-th rears snare never so sweet. V:m nlrlit tell The radium need In his treatment him that my last was the best cost K'lOH. It is In a vial a quarI ever turned out sine? we the new ter of an iiicb in diameter by one and rows Mention a vrnrd ?!utt my Inches long, and the rasomeraised biscuits and say a II dium divt i lint Is visible to ilir eye Is ' i thing ahont the lic-euvni in six- - to about half a pin bead, a come I'Ve from If will ivppti held in n dark room the vnl hooey. when pur Cou:i gives nut u lustrous while light. I he the old sweet Jim reads all that. lie ii ih- mouth and against li. is hnnlij he able to waif, poor lmy!" li distril part of the Jaw every ,.;!wr day for twclvo minutes. Tile eon eg rndimn Is supposed to destroy the It waa the same old li a ijtlle cancer germs. New York World. only Consin Jim lni'n-h'-more In thp lmagy s S'las drove :h from the slation tlir.vr-iOn Indian raplln. sli iy Estelle Kiel, superintendent of Inlllllc hues of maples le.-farmhouse eiisivmred sme-- r the appl" dian schools, reports that the enroll-- , meiit of pupils last year was ncai y tree at the further end. During the short drive b vi Y. hnt Jil.i.OO. and the employes In Indian work have increased from Jdl Mm a Utile. and when Kilim 30i at, The Indians In 1ST7 to i.i .i'-'( and he ..csltato.l. question When hare under cultivation twenty-liv- e per ruiihed hi chin Iwfore mriyi-ig- . where rent, inure land than In 1 Still. Those Old Cray turned down the the robins were singing s" Mu suuir-rel- s wearing citizens dress have Increased M ,cl;it in the same lime from 118L100 to chipperinr. a trace cf ' the nu r.br that can apeak Engcame back to the old eyes a lish from I'T.S'J'J to 62,016, and the sad the tailed, sunken ehok gio-.v- ! number of dwelling bouse from 10,104 Rltle. "PI.- - he mnrmnrert. laying Ms Ih'n to 20,629. , -- ft W BacSlor (. Cousin. os-dy- four-poun- d y eo-u- '! ily Inn-re- re'-HIr- high-tone- d ltlr g ds c C3'i.-n;-',- n 15u-het- pt s liiree-fp.jcr-'- e:--- h-.- - h-- M V: st f.--: 1 143.-H7- I"-.-- i 4; Crying Down Ones Victuals r AN INDIAN tECENP. TWENTY-SEVE- SHARKS' N On Hmmi tvhil Osa (m rialilag Waa Uool, "Did you ever hear of catching "I have been favored with an Indian By Kate Thorn sharks with one hook?" asked E suppose you have all vlaltedat some place where the lady of tbe tradition concerning tbe origin of to- ven house was la tbe habit t every meal, of crying down her bacco, ludian corn and wheat, which, lio'sn L. W. Kacolt of the British bark although you may have seen It before, Antigua, recently. The bark Captnln victuals? Brady lies at tbe foot of Richards tyie nerer wants company unless she knows they are coming, I shall relate," said the poet laureate Grnne-walof all the at the street, Brooklyn. lasesgoula which wants as or two in a she because, everybody knows, day "I never heard tell of such s thing recently. "At some distant period to prepare for them. 8be rites not supiwse anybody thinks this Is the reason she wants to luow; she tldnk that They Imagine two Indian youths, pursuing the pirn, until fair anil full winds left ns ta the urea of tbe chase, were led to a remote homeward way from Buenos Ayrea, it is because she shall be svay from boiue. And the mistaken soul, alter fretting, and sweating, and stew- and unfrequented ;mrt of the foreat, Just above the equator. The ship In tbe tropics ing over the cooking stove ftr a day or two, and ransacking her where, being fatigued and hungry, they hadnt been becalmed brains and her larder to provide something new under the sun in the eatable sat down to reiMme themselves and to moren fifteen irlnutes when slung Hue, is ready when her guests come 4 seat themselves at her groaning dress their vicinal. While they were caine an ordinary sized shark aoaing bencutli the weight of good things she Is ready to cry down thus employed the spirit of the woods, around. let "Word was passed np forrad, and a her victuals, and wish, lu a melancholy toie, and with a lugubrious expression attracted, as It Is upMiacd, by the unusual and savory smell of the venison, chunk of jiork ns liig as my head waa of countenance, that she had something fit to eat! lieau-tlfbaited on a honk and oust astern. Tbs 8be had such bad lurk with her eookwy. The mixing milk waa too sour, approached them in the form of a e herself and seated took right hold aud we hauled It vliark female, and the yeast wasnt good, and tbe grocer must have cheated her when he sold them. The ;outha, awed by tbe alongside and aboard. her tbe eggs for newly-laiShsll wager anything they have been laid for a so superior a being, and "It was a peculiar kind of shsrk that month, for sbe never knew her recipe for qionge cake to fall. If tbe eggs were presence of struck with gratitude for the conde- didnt have no teeth whatever, and Its only good. Of course, her gnests hasten to assuri her tbat there never rould lie any scension which she bad shown them In tail, which had two flukes to it wai smiles sadly, and tells them they becoming their guest, presented to her uliout half ns long ns its body. sponge cake any better than hers; and In the most reiqiectful manner a share Well, we cut open the shark to see ought to eat tbe sponge cake she can mate when the eggs are fresh. She Is sorry the cream pie is burned bit her stove Is getting so thin at the of their repast, which she was pleased If we could find any curios Inside. bark of the oven that no dependence can be put In It She must have a new to accept, and npon which she regaled There were no curios, nor nothing of store. If there Is anything that aggravates her beyond It Is to have with accmiug satisfaction. The reimst that sort. AH there was In that shark little that we could find was twenty-sia pie burned.' And a cream pie above all others! It ia so much work and ex being finished, the female rpirlt. hat atfor thanked them so their twenty-sevemade that cordially lug sharks, uiak'e cream plea. penne to tention and lufin'med them that If they sharks nil tit'll caught with one hook. Nobody baa noticed that the pie was burned, and everybody hastens to tell would return to the same "The little ones were ulwut six Inches place after was add delicious. to her so, and that they thought it perfectly moons they long, all allv'., and all were toothless of twelve revolution the Then the poor woman begins on tbe doughnut. She until to be a good would rec- and haring while stoin.ielis. band at making doughnuts, she aaya; bnt lomebow or other she seems to have would find something which their I wauled the rook to make a shark kindness, disappeared ompense Sometbe lost ber luck, lately. Or else It la in yeast She cant tell which. The youths, having stew, for young shark Is tender and from their thing la at fault It la so provoking to have bad luck with doughnuts. It la watched thesight. revolving moons and hav- good eat lu, but tbe other bands snch a hot, uncomfortable Job to fry dongtnuts in a warm kitchen. She would at the appointed time, wouldnt ;lsten to It, so we threw em returned ing tom as lief take a licking any time. And It (cents the home np so, Smell fonnd that upon the place where the all overboard and the cook pnt another like a establishment for a week. arm of the goddess had reclined tilt of beef In soak. New York World. And then all the guests feel mean and uncomfortable, somehow; at If they right an ear of Indian corn hud sprang up; were to blamo about something, and aa If the sin of making their hastens tinder tier left, a stalk of wheat; and WISE WORDS. house smell like a establishment rested on their Individual shoulders. from the spot on which she had been on ber victuals knows tbat everything Now, this woman who cries down The process of repentance bitter, seated was growing a flourishing plant her table Is Just as good as it can be made, and she has formed this habit of of but its fruits are sweet. New Orleans tobacco! her have becanse likes to It she cookery praised. decrying A changed life and a changed mind rnilse Is sweet to ns all, and almost every woman perhaps every womanare both essential parts of true repentlike to hear ber victuals well spoken of. A Qneer Reltc!a ('rrrmnny, ance. But tbe proof of tbe pudding lies In the eating, and when guests "feed" A remurkn'ilo religions ceremony has You cnnnot start the fire sf feud well, then the lady of the house may be sure tbat her cooking la perfect. Jnst been performed In the heart of the without getllug tbe smoke lu your ows And we dont want to go to tea very often at the bouse where the mistress Milton Abbey Woods, III the County of tells ns, on sitting down at tbe table, that she does wish she had something Dorset, England. A little elmreh was eyes. An Instantaneous perfection woald fit to eat, and adds, when we arise therefrom, I fear you didnt make much erected there In the year !KiK by King edof a supper. Well, I dont blame yonl I (pose you didnt like my victuals?" Atbrlatan, and dedicated to Kt. Cath- be as valueless as an instuntoneous New York Weekly. ucation, wns Reformation until and the erine, A man Is diligent to cnltlvate hit regularly used hv the monks of Milton. Thereafter it fell Into disuse, and in corn, hnt expects his character to grow process of time Into desecration. In without. turn It was utilized as a pigeon house, No girl can he provident of her time as a laborer's cottage, aa a carjienter's who Is not prudent In the choice of brr shop anil as a lumber store, aud waa company. By Charles Petty, of South Carolina rapidly falling Into decay, when Mr. Don't keep any company la your ITH great patience and the sloie silence of an Indian I have list- Everanl Hamhro, tbe lord of the heart that you have to apologise to restore It. The yourself for. ened to the foolish utterances of tbe people who have made manor, resolved to restoration wan completed a short time suggestion as to health foods, and who tell us what we should One thorn of experience le worth a eat and what we should not eat. I have meekly submitted to ago, but has been so reverently done whole wilderness of warning. James all their vagaries, and have gone so far as to experiment with that moat of the old Saxon, Norman Russell Isiwell. some of the health giving aid youth restoring preparation. 1 and Perpendicular work it contained There Is more danger In tbe under have been told time and again that there were dyspepsia and ultimate remain Intact, and an Incised Indulcurrent of desire than la the ground nn door south Its gence inscription death In hot biscuits, crisp and melting. Then It waa declared that the winds of temptation, been baa preserved. perfectly use of salt was most Injurious, and that rater for drinking purposes should When we look on the world as onr be distilled or liolled. Coffee, tea, pure siring or well water, hot food of all Mnitrra Mrtliod of Tool Repairing. own plain we are almost sure to find aorta, white Hour, hog meat, lard, the dear, delicious pica, wattles, butter Every engineer Is now fuiniliar with that we have eaten It too green. cakes, hot mulflns, puddings, chicken pie, pigs bead and cabbage were all the fact that In all modern works of Civility la a elnirm that attracts tbs said to cause dire diseases and to work liavoc in the human stomach. With any size the making and repairing of Is belter patience I have endured all tbit and continued to thrive on the for- tools Is managed by a spedul depart- love of all men, and too much bidden foods. But a point has been rouckpd wiien the line has to be drawn. ment of the works. The good old thau to show too little. Answers Submission is no longer a virtue, bnt a (ign of weakness nnd cowardice. days when a gang of incu would XVIirrs Skull Ara la Usmand, Kci'idly Senator Pcttus, of Alabama, who. Is old enough to know better, stand in line wuitiug for their torn Hie northern Khan Ktaies, aa the In has placed gravy on the list of Interdicted foods. He lias eertninly been at the grindstone have gone by. lu Into trying some of the gravy found In Washington restau- a nir;leni simp, when a tool needs holder of lluruia, le a tribe called ibt rants. The memory of his boyhood dnrs has been shadowed. Can he not grinding it is sent to the toul depart Wild Was. These people propitiate with human skulls the demons whom call to mind when in the dim and niiity past he mingled red hain gravy inent, mid another one, all ready fur they worship. Outside every village wiih his rice or hominy? Did he never spread cream ham gravy on his hot use, is obtained lit once. lu their country there are muny posts biscuits, when taste and delicious odor united to delight Ills palate? When to see how much more eco- all lu one It Is line, decked with human wc siy liai.i gravy, we mean gravy front a luim not a luill of grense sent nomicaleasy such a iiicllmd is, fur the skulls. A niche Is cut in the back out from Chicago under the name of him bnt a bam proper from the hog preparation of tools is kept in the of each post, with a ledge on which that grew up In the woods In a half wild condition. In the fall of the yrnr hands of people who are doing noth- the fcku)! can rest and grin through a he is penned and fed on corn a few weeks. When tbe limn are properly else and who arc necessarily more hole In front of It. ing village has a Every sa!!?d nd smoked with a combination of corncobs and hickory wood the expert than the general workman dozen mid some as many aa a hundred la a bam. product would lie, while the Litter does not Ilns the Senator forgotten all that? Did the Senator ever taste the Juices waste time in waiting for a turn at of these head posts. Fresh skulla are lu epeelsl request at harvest time and of a tender broiled steak with which there was a liberal allowance of fresh the grindstone. Cassier'a Magazine. are purchased for large sums, those of yellow butter? Or while waiting for his seniors when roinimuy came to Ills distinguished visitors being particularhome, did he ever go to the kitchen and sop out" tbe skillet in which the An lavsnllva chicken was fried? Or, perchance, did be ever from the bottom of the pot A dispatch from ludiniiapolis, Ind., ly desired. 8o, as Mr. 8cott, the British In which a chicken pie was cooked scoop out that delicious mixture of crust, says: From a poor Methodist circuit superintendent of the Slates, remarked gravy and butter which had been commingled In tbe cooking until it waa a rider, preaching Sunday afier Kundny some years ago: "The Was States are, morsel snch as tbe Olympian gods nerer tasted? to small country congregations in Pike therefore, no plnce for missionaries ev In hla youthful days tbe Senator most have enjoyed at divers times a and other Soul hern Indiana comities, to globe trotters," bowl of tnrkey gravy. For bnnrs tbe turkey, perhaps a wild one with a pe- a mail whose wealth is roughly estiTha Ileaaarcli AMlstsats. culiar gamy taste, was roasting and tbe Juices were distilling from it; and mated at griUO.lKNi, with the prospect There is one feature In the work e! mingling with the aroma of sage, pepper and other condiments until its like- of quadrupling this amount within two At ness was not to be tasted on earth or In the heavens above or in the waters years, is th? record the Rev. James M the Caniegie Institution, which ia la tbe and tbat Importance, widespread under the earth. Stafford, of Petersburg, has made , research Have all these delights vanished from tbe venerable Senators memory. through inventions wrought ont while selection of twenty-fiva la to each of whom given He may fly off on ary political tangent be pleases, nr be may rnah out on traveling. Mr. Stafford is only twenty-seve- Kistauts, sum of tlOilO or $12UU. These rea hyperbolic curve and never return to ble original path, and we will bear years of age, but he owns seven search assistants are for tbe most part with him. He may even place egguogg under ban and declare positively Inventions, nnd nearly all of them are e Southern now a source of profit. He hns made young persons who have already keen against possum and yam potatoes, and be may set well trained and are prepared to as unsavory and a number of investments sausage, big bomlny and hog jowl and turnip aalad aside with Hie definite lines of Investigation naSouthern cooks money which has come to him. mid is nnpalatable, bnt when he rales gravy, snch as the the iler guidance of older, higher qnaB-I-I foods he files of in of the how to ont the doing muc-- charity work with the know category delightful make, nl leaders. These men are not alface of our traditions and does violence to our fondest rccollectJoiui profits of his inventions. Philadelphia lowed to lie assistants" In tbe ordinary Record. use of that word, nor to engngo In MUral Tradition ( Tvbaoaa, CMNnlat tha Origin frilbt H Con and Wbaat. twenty-se- d tablo-gruan- lng lie-sid- x a g g 1 In Defense of Gravy over-hea- .Toll-lik- d e lrp-!-1irr- . a-- e n home-mad- pre-eeut- old-tim- & THe Sultans Iron Hand By Henry Thompson s like the H1NGS get done in the Sultans realm-tbl- nga of ISff.l In Asiatic Turkey and llHU in Macedonia-whi- ch come home to tbe conacionanoss of every thinking Turk. 'i'nke tbe case of the Koordlsh Sheikh Obeldulluh, who waa a guest of the Sultan for a time lu 1KS3 and waa afterwards sent to Meees in order that pious occupations might lie died veiy soon after his keep him out of mischief. arrival, of cholera, it was officially an non need, althongb he was the. only sufferer from cholera In Mecca that year. Tuke the ease of Mitbad Dasha, the liberal Prime Minister and the rlinrn-pioHe was tried for treason in aiding to of Parliamentary government dethrone Sultan Abdul Aslx, and was sent to Taif, near Mecca. After a time lie died rather suddenly. By ami by a man who Imd been a soldier in Arabia appeared In Constantinople bubbling a tale that ended with, I did not know that It waa Mithad Pasha or I would not hure pnt the aonix-- cord almut hla neck. Of course the pollc saw that tbs man was crazy and pnt him where he was safe from harm. Vcxir, who fled to tbe British Em Take tbe case of 8a!d Pasha, bassy lu Constantinople aeven or eight years ago, declaring that he would lie killed nr.lcss allowed aiylum, and who could not be Induced to leave the building until the Ambassador brought him a formal promise of safety scaled with tbe Sultan's own seal. Meditation npon this class of mysteries makes people shake In their shoes every time that they see one of the great army of paid Informers who know sliout everything. Men do not say that tbe Kalian does the things which eauss this trepidation, bnt that "tbe palace does them. They speak of the "palace" as though It were a sentient but Invisible organism; nnd when they speak of It they look behind them and take ont their handkerchiefs anil wipe a clammv sweat from their faces. Worlds Work. mns-snere- Instruction. OH Kfigllth FnlliftniiK. of old English folksong has recently struck a gold mine In Konietsliire. In one village alone, of 500 Inhabitants, he found forty folk songs, none of which had ever been written down, while several go back at least three or four centuries: aud he by no means iHtiisiderh l he slock luit menus to retm-to the same village, and save some more from possible oblivion. For, of course, the of one old pensmit in any village may mean the loss of a whole re.'ier-tord uiMir.tilished songs, ami the idea l of appealing to the authorities to try amt save old songs, as they wive old buildings, is fast gaining ground among folksong enthusiasts. A Incidents That Show How the Turkish Ruler Mysteriously Disposes of His Enemies d e e mllcr-.ii;- - I x Shaffer brothers, sons of John Khaffer, of Highland County, Ohio, were photographed In n group at Ohio, a short time ago. The oldest Is eighly-siyears of ego, and 81 HillS-borougl- i, x the youngest Their nnlted to 4 SO years. Their father's children numbered thirteen, and llie children of these six brothers l"T. respectively, eleven, eight, nin thirteen, twelve and live, giving tbs lit in the orilei of the fathers sges. ages y seventy-fou- r. n mount loi-u- The (Smwth f Ixiidon. During the nineteenth century London grew from a city of 800,000 poop Is to one of is,."iisi.O(io that Is, Incrasstd eight fold. New York increased from tio.oiNi to 2,51X1,000 -- nearly sixty fold, lindon is now Increasing seventeen lu a decade, nnd New York per thirty-fivper cent., or twice as fast If tills rale should hold good for thirty years more New York would hive over 15.iNXi.ixxi population and be 1,000.000 ahead of Iindon. Knsslan and ilapiuiMia Trailr. The trade between Russia nnd Japan bus largely increased within the last Ii.i.-inthe last year ,'tli; Russian vessels, aggregating Piii.lNio inns, arrived in Japanese ports, which tonnage wns exceeded only hy llrrlisli and shipping. The vnlne of Russian petroleum exported to Jspsn hist year amounted to jl.3ni.4ist. g dix-ad- A A e A long little Jiipuiirse village, thirty utiles from th towu of Jtiiiitnii.uio. is Mi- litated In the centre of a volcano, which may Mime day become active, i'he the ;op village, lying :xm feet of the volcano, the walls of which arc very steep, Ik quite hidden. Its .HX) Inhabit ts seldom leave this plucei Lna Weather Cycle, wvnthcr cycle of about thirty, five years seems to appear in the British Isles. From records of ninety year, Mr. Dougins Archibald concludes that dry period lias Just passed, and that the years RXKi to about 1020 will show more than an average rainfall and low barometer, and two bushels par net deficiency in wheat yield. A Village In a Ynlraim. j ( ! 4 |