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Show .. ' . X A. 2 The VOL. IV. PUBLISHED A Subscriptions: Ons year .... V nonths TCn nionthl Mrs. W. N. Gundry Iumi T. Jakeman A NEW PUBLICATION. ..UUh ... .12.00 .... -- 1.2S . a . .75 Editor Manager NOTICE: During our absence any bualncw transacted with Mra. W. N. Gundry will be O. K. The lady will receipt for money due the olllce, will take ardent for Job printing, etc. James T. Jakeman, Manager. If those having friends or relatives in the missionary in any part of the United States will give us tlu-i- r address we will be pleased to send a ropy of this papei to them duiing their absence, complimentary. if the missionary is in foreign lands, the tome proposition will hold good, with exception of extra foreign postage. THAT FOREST RESERVE. It will be seen by the following dispatch that Tooele county will yet get their coveted foreat reserve: Washington, D. C., April 9. Home citizens of Tooele are under a delusion regarding the forest reserve which they desire created from that section of Utah, but which the department declined to set apart und hold. The Utah delegation and the Interior dcparlrntTnl are held responsible for un action of which they are not guilty. The people alone are to blame.' Senator Smoot had correspondence with .Governor Wells upon the subject and notified the executive that if the people who had filed upon lands within the limits of the proposed reserve would relinquish their right to the lands held by them to the State, the United Stales Government would permit the State to take uher lands In lieu hereof and creat the reserve. The mHtter was taken up by the Utah Land Hoard anil It waa found that neither the Stute nor the United States could buy up those lands, unless relinquished by the owners within (he time proposed for the reserve. This done, the Government will be only too glad to comply with the desire of the people. DONT ASX THE TOOELE COUNTY REPUBLICAN WEEKLY. STOCKTON. UTAH, SAHJItUAY, APRIL 10. STOCKTON SENTINEL. HocktoB entitle! TOO MVCH. There are chunres that the Republicans of Tooele county will overreach themselves by putting too many names In the field for outside support at the ' next State convention. First, they ask for a State office, and place the name of Mr. It. W. Watt, u postmaster at Mercur, before the fle-p- oilcans of this Stute and ask them to give the position to the county. Noxt, the name of County Attorney oimril.l.ita Iw IfrVT .brought mil Pint i let AUurury, and luj. support of Salt Lake and Summit counties ia asked to nominate him. Finally, here Is the candidacy of the lion. William Spry for State Senator, and Itox Elder county is asked to give her consent to his nomination. We respectfully ask our politicians of the Republican faith if tills Is not asking Just a little too much, or do they think the rest of the State ia going to give up everything to our county in order to reward us for being pretty good to the party. It la conceded that we should have some recognition, but that concession does not go so far as to give to the party "plums" by the handful. If we get one of the score or so of State and District offices we shall have alt we can consiatently ask for. When Hon. William Spry was mentioned for the State Senate from this Senatorial district it waa accepted as an assured fact that he would get the nomination. Next came the name of Mr. Watt for State Auditor, and it seemed quite easy for him to carry off thnt plum, as the State ia really under some obligations to this county and owes us recognition. Itut, to top ofT the height of our ambition, Mr. Hiker comes forward for District Attorney of this Judicial district and gives very good reasons why he should be nominated. In our opinion, gentlemen, we are liable to aim too high and will suffer defeat. Mr. Watt might get the nomination without Mr. Baker In the field and. vice versa, Baker is all right with Watt out of the field. It will probably be looked upon as unfair by the fripnds of Mr. Watt for Attorney Baker to rome Into the race Just at this time, and thHt with considerable Justness. as It really weakens the former's chances for success. To an onlooker one must retire or both will he defeated In the convention. It will be argued that the conventions do r.ot mine tois very true, but comgether. whk-binations are made that will control both in the interests of each, which is equally true, and nominations in one will be made to create rewards for the other, and If Mr. Baker la nominated in the first convention It will be by premises affecting Mr. Watt in the second convention. THE IRRIGATION PROBLEM. recent writer In one of the Salt Lake papers, declaring he was a stockholder in two of the county canal companies and a farm-lan- d owner, said that he had sufficient faith In the firms he owns and enough regard for other residents of Salt Lake valley as well as thoBC who yet may come, to labor and pledge his support In order to secure to sll the bene Ills to be derived from the Utah Lake proposition ns set forth by the National Government, even though It should involve a sacrifice on A his pari. d That Is enterprising and sur enough, and greatly commend-sblbut there are few among mankind who are not Imbued with selfishness in more or lei degree, and that Is why this Irrlgitinn niitter has not been setpublic-spirite- ", tled long ago. We do not ihtnk It (hut the canal stockholders neeji relinquish any rlghta they now possess to secure th benefits of Governmental a bi. but there is such a thing as cutting off one's nose to spite one's face, and undue selfishness may result In much loss nt present unforeseen. It Is believed, however, thnt the great benefits ultimately to be obtained by with th Governpresent ment will far more than repay any little sacrifice we may now be required to make, and hence it Is no sacrifice at all, but a shrewd and profitable ness called his attention here. He waa predate this and get further part leu-orsuperintendent of the old Honorlae from Mr. Sherman. Mining company in the '80'ci when that r. mine uai a great .He 'The bad their Easter celeis at present personally interested IB bration Greek! last here Sunday and they several promising propertk--s here. ertalnty celebrated In 'a good olJ 'tyle. The good drinks of life flowed Warrant Every Bottle. If troubled with rheumatism give reely and the noise may' bare reof Chamberlain's Pain Balm a trial. It minded some people of n No caaualtlea have will not cost you a cent If It does no uly celebration. ia One good. application will relieve the yet been reported. pain. It also cures sprains and bruises in one-thithe time required by any Anions many things suggested to other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, quinsy, pains In the side and jiils paper U a matrimonial bureau. cheat, glandular and other swellings are )ne gentleman In our list would like quickly cured by applying It. Every c secure a wife from among the a bottle warranted. Price 26 and M of this vicinity. She must be cents For sale by Leixur Drug Store, blonde or orunette preM. and E. Mercur, Brown, Stockton. wired. between the ages of eighteen nd forty, and must be well accomMINING NOTES. plished. ..(elision no object. Tbe business Manager Joseph Ddlrleks spent a oting man la a and a genuine couple of days at the Black Diamond nan, mine this week. eador. Object Matrimony and lay. and the quarry management a There have been many attempts to publish a literary Journal, of one kind or another. In Utah, the latest being the 'Tnlermountaiii Maiaaine," by 1. E. Diehl. This magazine made its appearance last month, and a very nice apNinety-thre- e pearance It made, too. pages, well printed, on good paper, and chuck full of Interesting literature, and forty-tw- o Illustrations. The magazine is well worth the subscription price, fl.50 a year. Diehl la a Journalist and printer of long experience and hence Is better prepared to Issue such a work than perhaps any other person in the State. We wish the work success and predict a long and profitable life for It. Through the oourtesy of the Magaxlne we have been privileged to give our readers a number of illustrations of the Worlds Fair at St. Inter-mounta- in Louis. la which the people are received by this quantity estimable lady. Mrs. Lambert baa reuf lime rock which tbe Htngham cently employed a night clerk and smelter may require. The runner and will thus be able to still new tramway carries Its loads a dis- better please the people than ever tant e of 4000 feet, or which 2000 Is fore. Mrs. Lambert Is standing upon horse tram and the remaining distance her own merits and In so doing la now prepared to furnish any d weulih-produce- ia operated by gravity. Superintend- bound to succeed. ent Nutting of the Uingbaiu Consolt-l-Mesmelter has been notified that he can now call for any amount of lime rock up to 5ik) tons a day, and there ia no longer a dnnger of a lime famine amung the valley smelters. d rd Through Servloo SMELTER INGOTS. la-le- well-to-d- EDITORIAL NOTEA NO. 40. HUM. o good-lcokin- re-ult- Hobson wants ua to build a navy that can lick all Europe combined. Can It C. J. Garber, superintendent of Dry be that the hero of the Merrlmac wants Canyon Con. Mining company, went to MERCUR LOCAL ITEMS. to be the metropolis Wednesday. The article, A Journey to St. Louis," There are now 700,000,000 acres of proGulend Bullion & Black Diaductive forest land In the United mond are King, all working three shifts and y I. E. Diehl, that has been running in tveral Issues of this paper. Is from States. The annual cutting of lumber la booming here now. "The Intermountain Magazine. amounts to 35.000.000,000 feet a year: of everything for 3,000.000,000 timber. railroad A party of delegates to the Repubfeet; It is stated that work la soon to begin ties, 22.000,000, and for fence poets, lican State convention came out to Ina the reclamation of the old Sunshine spect the Honorine tunnel last Saturto Salt Lake City the fine under the personnl supervision of day, lat What is in the way of Mercur getting same returning miner und experienced mlllinan, day. W. Clark, manager of the Ophlr a Sheriff this year? Hurry Mohr would MIL make an excellent candidate. Ovome The Western Exploration Shaffer la also another excellent selec- has decided to have the tailingscompany of the Oanllness is next to Godliness. tion for that office, and even our City old Honorine mill hauled by teams to Abe Marshal. Mr. Crawford, Is good the new mill nt Huehl instead of build- Whai an ideal world this would be If stuff. There ia not the equal of either ing an electric tramway to convey same Jeanllneas were the rule everywhere and In every! Id ng clean bouses, clean of the three for thnt position In this between the two mills. streets, clean bodies, clean hearts, clean county. "The Stockton Gold A Silver Mining accounts and clean characters. A disordered stomach may cause no company la having plana and hpsclfl-cntlo'In the damage suit of Mary Freeman end of trouble. When the stomach falls for a new hoist, galprepared A al against the Consolidated to perform Its functions the bowels be- lows frame and Mercur plant. A Gild Mines come deranged, the liver and ktdneya pipe line will alsocompressor company a Judgment for be run about three eungested, causing numerous diseases, miles in order to secure a better supply laiiniiffa by consent has been filtered 10 the District court for 3518. The the most fatal of which are painless of water." The Mining World. ' suit Wiis brought to recover for and therefore the more to be dreaded. the death of Frank The Important thing ia to restore the GALENA-KIN- G Freeman, husband and father of OPERATIONS. stomach and liver to a healthy condilauintlffs, who was killed In defendant's on tion. and for this purpose no better preitine February 9, 1904. The of air drills has been paration can be used than Chamber- shippedequipment Stock-to- n to Galena the of King lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For work on the shaft and drifts t Rumor has It that Alf Evans, ensale Mercur Drug Store, Mercur, and will and bo carried on with renewed speed. gineer for the Sacramento, will leave M. K. Brown, Stockton. heti the mine was closed down some hsrtly to accept a position with the time hack the water waa interfering Oregon Short Line at Pocatello. HowSTOCKTON TOWN OFFICIALS. mnu-- i lally. so it was decided to wait ever, Mr. Evans says (hat though hf ai had a very good offer with the railuntil the Honerlne drain tunnel should road boys, he has not decided to anTRUSTEES George Brands, presi- fre the mine of water. This has now come to pass and an te lit yet, and may not at all. dent; W. H. Booth, Charles Denton, active campaign is In progress. The i Sir. Henry Thomas, James Kelley. Ben Stetnman 1s authority for the Gulena King is supplied with comCLERK A. G. Frazer. statement that the Stetnman Dry Goods n nir line from the pressed by pipe G. TREASURER James Brown. nelh,orlnK . nillLiIn0Vei t0.2Ur near compressor, and they are now JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND llonerine future, Jn using this air for power to run the.iiW1 o many of Mercur' NOTARY Richard Gundry. dilxene JUire hooting engine. Whwver The mine is piped for the air drills. fhVJTL5' 00,18 hou How to Ward Oil an Attack of Rheu- nnd ns a full equipment 8ne.D.ry has been ship-Stolnm?" matism. m'tnnger. the ped the drills will he started at once. '11 he successful. Mr. I'T SLelnmin "For years when spring time came on business mwn An Aggravating A.ywctlcal and I went Into gardening, I waa sure c h L" 1,1 'J and wllh Vfs i" 'jP i1 anil every attack waa more severe than the gesilallly and affability hi .7nirhJgI!lA.V,,M0Ughs ChBn' of Josie McDonald I W'Js preceding one," saya and patrons are so numerous Man, Logan county, West Va. "I tried berlaliiB Cough Remedy from us and hi bu.v Whii.," Mr "cVnch everything with no relief whatever, un- ass entirely cured ly one and a half tlqnmnn hai not IP m til f procured a bottle of Chamberwith the company thp Mrcur' mir with lain's Pain Balm, and the first appli- fVn 1 h"1 M,ck 1on of he ,h n 'a!.6' cation gave me case, and liefnre the fur nJSi ftnii buciness In the dry goods line than onv tiHS M p first hntllc was used I felt like a new ' UMi ,n ,h dF- - May prosperity fol- Stockton' Brown am feel I I Now that person. cured, lew neighbor Htclnmm wherever he but I always keep a bottle of ChamberBINGHAM JUNCTION LOCALS... gees. lain's Pain Halm in the house, and when I feel any symptoms of a return NEW TRAM FCR SMELTERS. A firm class bakery hero would be I soon drive it away with one or two applications of this liniment." For rale a good investment. The new $10,000 tramway from the by Mercur Drug Store, Mercur, and M. E. Brown, Stockton. Pay day here passed off very quiet- finlbaugh quarry to the Rio Grande nil way went into commission yesterly. No disturbance reported. STOCKTON LOCALS. ns ST. LOUIS EAST General Manager R. H. Channlng went to the Highland Boy smelter last Tuesday to size up the progress being made In the construction of the new additions. Structural alec) and equipment are now pouring in at a bewildering rate and within the next few days everything needed to complete the new works will he on the ground. 8inee the arrival cf the first batch of slruetural steel last week the skeleton work of the new buildings baa been going up rapidly and It will be no time till the covering is un nnd the management independent of the elements. It has been promised that the additions would be ready to go Into commission In Juno. There Is nothing to Indicate other than that the promise will tie made good, with possible time to spare. Salt Like Herald. AND VIA Missouri Pacific RAILWAY THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO FERTILE KANSAS am MISSOURI a PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS, OBSERVATION DINING CARS. AMERICAN FORK LOCALS. Electric Lights, Elcctrio Fan. Mr. Steele la having a new soda fountain plnred in his store, where he can better serve the cool, refreshing summer drinks. ChainV Cans Reclining tSZSTS Nr UrtN,TkMi, Fdfcn, R. M. EDMUNDS. Prop. tEbe fIMtcbener Ibouse. Fare. First-Clas- s ))))) Bast ia Ibis Section. ' NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. 3 STOCKTON. ' RinTTf ihiiw RwwrrnrrnnfnrwnnnHHnnNrfHnnnnnT nnnnminn tmffmromr er ved. hn therefore. L of the is quarantined at his A. Copeland if the heat continues to Increase as sampler the hist few days 'twill be un- home. it has Just m m m.m THE STOCKTON CLUB : Isn't the weather beautiful? School closed last Friday and most of the attendants of same are rejoicing like the Good old summer time. ttt, iMraa UllUluuuuuuuaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiuuuuau. I uip Co AON U. DAV Amongst the best business people of this city la Mra. Lambert, proprietress of the New Grant hotel. All who have had occasion to stop at the hotul unite In praising the clean table, neat ly furnished moms and perhaps above all other things, the politeness with " 1 TNI L P P P P M. EDMUNDS, Proprietor - Dealer in High Grade Wines and Liquors for Family Trade and Medicinal Purposes. XCX t Main Pirst-oUBilliard Room la Ooanoctloe. Everybody Receives Good TnsImbI et Ue hlockioe Utah. is Street. P P P P tP P Stockton. Taylor-Brun-to- n bearable ere long. And still the subscriptions are comJ. O. Reynolds is at present in Salt In. Why not yours? Lake City, where he went a short time ing ago to obtain medical aid. Wanted. Some one to build more houses in Mrs. Frank Pritchett underwent an "esidences and business operation at Holy Cross hospital last Bingham Junction. week, from which she Is rapidly recov-erinThe excursion from Bingham to American Fork last night was largely I. E. Raddatx was greeting old attended from this town. friends here last Saturday. Mr. R. has been employed at American Fork durReports from Taylorsville say tbe ing the winter. licet ground Is being prepared and I). V. Henstnn. who is at present con- spring grain Is being rapidly sown. fined at Holy Cross hospital, had the The bazaar at Goff's hall, under the little finger on his right hand removed to the second Joint and 'twill not be suspires of the Ilelcf society of the long ere he will be able to return home. ward has all the earmarks of sucreas. The many friends of J. K. Mitchener A camping wagon burned down on will be sorry to learn of his continued TIh thought an operation the streets two or three days a to and will lie necessary before Mr. M. will re- caused no little surprise and consternation. gain his health. TIME TABLE. ie m p. Leave Salt Lake City, Ar. 5:.".r. Tnnp e i:25 Stockton 11:15 Tintlc Jun t. " Mammoth Junrt. 11:19 " 11:25 Kim ka 11 11:43 Mammoth 11 :55 Ar. Rllvcr City. L:j; Trains at Pi it Lskv mkv direct con lection for all points north unit T. W. fllM TIT. G nrral Agent. C. J. L. MOOR OnmrrerrlM Aren' 15 g. The rlince given Friday, April 8th, Among the many improvements In under the auspices of several of our this city is the painting of the Me-- , men was a most Spam hotel. The work was dene by inst popular young enjoyable affair, nnd a success both Hirrcl and Sherman, the Painters. anil fliic.iiclally socially. Representatives of the different veA mass meeting of the citizens of Stockton Is called for Wednesday even hicle concerns cf Salt 1 ake City arc ing. April tilth. to provide funds for to he seen on the streets every day. fitting :ii ul maintaining the pipe line This is a good town and linind to and water system and for the incor- grow. Kverybody hustling. poration of the same. Bingham Junction is growing very Miss Rosa Brown of Sail Lake City came out Thursday to attend the post-otfi- rapidly. Mr. Paul Bllnn a now erecta store and rooming house which during the absence of her sister, ing Mrs. W. N. Snyder, who hns gnn to will be ccmpleted in a tew days. Mr. the nirlrnolls to visit relatives there John Wasamer has the contract. and attend the assembly, Gall at the Leader for the I test barwhirh meets April lsth. gains in town. Mr. Baron will treat The Stockton News and Drug mu-Pon- y you right. Once a customer, always a will commence business May 1st customer, ia Mr. Baron is trying what in the Imilding intently purrha-from L. H. Ilrocklmiik by It. F. M. Imvls to accomplish. And he will succeed. end G. II. Hammond nnd will under J. Stokes, general solicitor for tlic the efficient marag-tne- nl of these gentlemen. A complete supply of drugs, Booth Mercantile company, says the stationery, magazines, books, etc., will world Is looking much brighter since be kept mi hand. ast Wednesday evening. Weather conditions not considered, thank you. l.:s-- t Tuesday night Sutixhlne lodge. No. 18. initiated Into th A small fire here last Wednesday Itcgree the following ladies fiom Opliir: Mrs. John Frank. Mrs. caused some excitement. Oil cloth on ai'ked the roiling loosened and fell John Williams. Mrs. John McFarland Mrs. Hendrickson and Miss Maud St. onto a hot stove, thna causing a blaze. I'lulr. These Indies will apply for a No lcsB. eyrept for a little vitality charter to Institute h Reheloih lodge at lost by hustling around. Cphlr in the near future. Did you ever hear or good heroes? MaJ. C. E. Mitchener came out from Mr. John Sherman has a home that Salt Lake City last Monday and re- ran Jump a sixty-foo- t fence and miss mained until Wednesday. Mining liusl- - hitting any bars. Horsemen will ap- - M. A. Lf-av- et. Jair:t APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. No. S79:.. Inlted Ptalis ' : Land Office. Sill Lak-Oil- y. March 14. 1M4. Notice l hereby given that A. K T'ecnnn. whne nlnce of lniH:nifts and -'-'P' n'nit lake City Utah, has made application for a Unit in State : neni inr the lied Mi ls bide m'rine ilairc. iltu-t- e in the Tmee Omniy Mining t'tah. consisting of IJCs Umar feet or he nd and surface ground as show" n the e,fl notes and plat of the o'fi rial survey filed herein, he'ng mlne- -t' No. BnB. and In sal-rted nots and plat on fie in thl variation nt 18 fi, K .: min. east as fnlow. to wit: 'r Cnimrenclnir at No 1 or aim. from which the of t 111 3 town-hliand 12 south range nv wet. Salt 'dian. hra,-- south 47 deg r, nil M.7 fc"t distnnt: thence -- irinlpT fr aid corner No. 1 rooth 88 .f'd tj4 f (t to inner No. 2; IVii'-''i"nno i "lid rivri r No. 2 nil-'l- l 4 iteg. 58 m'n. Wi-1'CI 0 feet to cn- -. -er No S; thenro north St .an m n st 414 9 fi t to inner No 41 .M M niith min. mat i: f". a f , t iVg. io corner No. 1. the idrue of leorim.iii.-Sol- d clil-In uoxil- v. v ' help? . t 9 rani? 12 'irt of to- wpshl'i 'nil I.aki- m-- ri li'in. and mni'iin'i ll.w - on-ei i'1 hr Ing pa'ii nf ''ook "N." pa"- 548, nr Tno-di County, I'tih. Adlolnln-- r n ihi loi'e are mvy ' t'S survey No. 4:58. "Cloud v." n the rooth wept, md suivrynndNo."Gon'IVnnant " on the 4"r.s. dola." survey I direct that this noih-- lie pul'lched i Pe'iiic a m wannp.-i the Ptorkto-at gtoiktnn. Ft.'ih, for the weeks. :urlo1 of nine lons'-rutivFRANK 1) 1IMHHK. Alexander McMaster. Attorney for Applicant. First pub., March 19; last. May It CSJfltB a Caaptet -e -.'- ct GROCERIES AND MEATS -rrr-t riMeMwaui ed nf-wi- rn-n- ott Vc-tn- m 3. CSh Street, Stocktcnn. n 1 s "-i- d-- vt f-- -- ond Largest Meat JTooelo County. (a (? . n 9 - 'n-ilh- ; - Meats, -- h. nhl--he- 1304. d BEEF, fflUTTON, '5S2oS'S'32'3' PORK, HL! 3'2'2'3'2o'vSoNf3 3 ( I ) o) j |