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Show ealmly. Ha represented that a rela. According to a press estimate there tire, who bad recently died, had left re today 5,000.000 laborers in this him a considerable sum of money, 7o live bnt in the present millions One aud with which be bad purchased the farp country. Tie future ia unknown; antrade National to unions, is a mystery. belong and stock. is all our own. not unions yet On searching him, however, a roll of other million to trade se chance that fortune leads to ua Mils amounting to $10,000 waa fonud National In their scope, and the remainMay vanish while we wait, Eo in an Inner porket, many of them being your life's rich pleasure der comprise the army of unorganized Before it is too late. entirely new. and ou tbe City Bank- - labor. some of the very notes which had beea - v The tender word unsimkea. The letters never sent. paid out on the fraudulent chock tome Tbe 1783 national banks throughout The loiig'fimjotlrn lneiwave. months before. After tlila discovery The wealth of love unspent. the country which have been organised more and was he willingly quiet, For these some hearts are breaking; since to March, 1000, bare a combined New York. hla raptors For these some loved ones wait; Bo show them that you rare for them Tbe cash found on his person, the capital of $UH,0UU.00U, It must be reBefore it is too Iste. farm and stock were taken possession membered that this capital la ca shXew World. of by the victimised bank, and manThis la aloot a drop of moisture. aged so Judiciously that more tbai $i3.uoo was realised, leaving the bank most tbe only class of corporations of which that can be eald. a sufferer for less than $10,000. Livingston was soon after brought to trial, rouvleted and escaped with a The English language, according to a sentence of four years and a half. At German statistician who has made a the expiration of bis sentence, a few of the comparative wealth of years sgo, he sgsln went West, an study when last heard from was running i languages, heads the list with the euor- ; I inoui vocabulary small stock farm In Iowa. of 2GO.OOO words. The rase lu all Ita phases ranks neriusu comes next with 83,000, then among the most curious and Interesting wlth ,000 French ",th lu criminal annals. The alight dew It11n with 32,500, and Spanish Turkish UU0, so If so. to run them down aud see wia pweverlngly followed, tbe little so Incidents with which 20,000. pointed unerringly were. they For weeks the search was without toward the cnlprlt, and tbe sagarliy reward, but at last the ease bright- with which ell these little hints were- it is a surprising fact that more than followed to the end, places the detee- oue.afUl of tbo entire ened. A man was found of whom population tf I horses bus i purchased by a live art among the most notable and ! the Lnlted oU,tc wa eurollc1 ln 1UftJ man much resembling Livingston, hut useful of the sciences. New York pupils In the common schools. The here giving the mime of leek. The Weckly. number Is 15,1125.887; nor does exact liorsrt were shipped to Buffalo, whither Trea Planting by Railroad rompanloa. "Mr. lei-stilted that be was going. this Include all who attended, school, Here was the clew, and The renewed interest manifested by for when the number of pupils in the oilleer lost no time In visiting Buf- railway managements in tree culture schools Is added, the grand tofalo, to Irani fur; her Mr. reek's pres- for producing railway tics, beginning private some reaches or 18,080,840. Is It any wonseems two to tal three ago, years ent abode. Auotlii'r dlsapiiointment met lilm here. The freight hooka be bearing fruit. We have previously der that tbe public school system of showed that thn horses had been re- published the details of work which this country is the admiration of nearceived two or three months previous- has been undertaken by s number of ly all the rest of the world? inquires ly, and taken away, but notbing fur- roads, including, among others, tbe Illther was known concerning them or inois Central, the Boston and Maine, a writer ln the New York Tgibuue. the Michigan Central, the Pennsyl- The amount of schooling that each InMr. Peck. Nothing daunted, however, the In- vania Itailroad, tbe Big Fonr, the Kio dividual of the population la receiving quiry was pursued, and finally the Grande Western and the West Vir- on an average la a matter of general horses were traced to a stable, hut ginia Central and Pittsburg. The Bos. were now owned by a Mr. Welch. Sev- ton and Maine Kallroad Is growing Interest In 1850, in the days of Horeral other animals were purchased, chestnut trees, the Pennsylvania yel- ace Mann and hla disciples In New and the whole then shipped to Chica- low locust and the other roads named England and elsewhere, each person All of received a go. From tbe description the officer have planted catnips trees. schooling, all told, of 420 was convinced that Livingston, Peek these roads bad groves of trees grow1932 each persons education ln days; Pennand Welch were one and the same per. ing last year. At that time the 1032 had Itailroad a occupied Ingrove planted sylvania to wax days, or 012 more days and tho son, pursuit began of 150i) locust trees, near Kewton-Ilsmllto- than the average person received In teresting. Ta., aud this year It hat 18501 Thla means, of course, that the Arriving at Chicago, he found that the horses had been taken away, but added to ita forestry plantations of Intelligence la for the most careful Inquiry revealed noth, grove of 43,000 locust trees at Cone general average In than former years. It is the Intention ts higher wage, ra. lng more. As they had not been tbe offierr concluded that they plant 200,000 trees during the coinSays tbe Chicago Tribune: Some had been drlrrn Into the country. ing year. The plan for the following There were seme breeding mares years la to plant about 300,000 trees Idea of the magnitude of the lighting Hallway and Engineering branch of electrical development may among the stock, and he concluded that annually. the party, whoever he was. designed Ueview. be gained from a recent bulletin Isto open a stock farm. Finding all othIIollow a Gama la sued by the Bureau of the Census, ls(, er efforts to trace the horses vain, he Irvin Williams, of 2410 Venable which suitato learn If farm any gives the statistics of central attempted ble for such a purpose had been pur- street, Richmond, while hunting for electric light and power stations in Fetchased recently, and If so, by whom. birds a few days ago noticed hla the United States from 18S1 to the end At one of the real estate agencies he ter, Dick, standing firm and backed of James Wright of June, 1902. At tbe time of enu- setters the np by man found that a from the East, nnd Unity, The dogs had trni'S tlirfrS went 3030 alaotrla lU-tiohcin. Pat named Wiliam I Ivlnnlan ran nirrts to h hoiitw'log. rut.tjfc DMIstlns looking for such a place, aud had finIn operation, representing a total beautiful Beltou setter, went liflli ally purchased, but where was not the hollowbine .cost of $504,740152 for construction tod log. Young Williams known, certainly not in Conk County, off bis root his Into band and and These stations furpushed equipment. as an examination of the records the cavity of the log, when to bis sur- nished employment to 23,330 s, proved: hut the officer reasoned tbnt found a dead bint Thinking it could not be far from Chicago, as prise, he who received $14,983,112 durthe stock was apparently driven (here were more he tried a second ing the year. While tne details of time, when he cried out as If suffering instead of being shipped. reasoned the officer, Livingston, from some great pain. Ilia friends power plant equipment are of InterIf, who was without donbt the criminal, soon got to him only to find his arm est to electricians and engineers, pub-had purchased a farm of this charac- apparently caught far up into the holinterest will attach chiefly to the ter. he must buy a large quantity of low. , It was found that a cooil had been significant fact that 22.5 per cert of tools, harness, saddles, wagons and stations were oplike goods for its use. A careful caught ln a steel trap and had broken the total number of the was The double a chain. control of municipalunder erated the trap In search among dealers these articles revealed the faet that a liberal quanti- trap, and had caught young Williams ities. Of the 3020 stations, 815 were the finger, which was badly rut. , ty of sneh goods bad recently been byWith much trouble he was released, owned and operated by muniripsll-tleebought by a Mr. William Livingston arc and 50,759 lamps supplying and to of a all tbe twenty surprise and sent to Dn Page County, about coon anil twelre partridges were Incandescent lamps. The muforty miles from Chicago, where he pound found. Bicbmond Times conDispatch. bad bought four small farms and nicipal plants represented a total coat solidated them Into one handsome of $22,020,472, and gave employment Cml IjmIbs Thalr IItm, stock farm. Believing detection imto 2407 who were paid man J a said when he finds It that possible after the lapse of so long The ln has has a liver he Instant cause for $1,42241 wages. private statime, he had boldly taken hla own But the cod arc unhappiness. tions 334,903 Norwegian lamps, operated nsme, and. thongh almost within the clutch of the officer of Justice, was yet fish are losing their liven, and there Incandescent lamps. Tbe gross la likely to be unhappiness in the Income from entirely unconscious of hla danger. private plants was, for The game was fonnd; now for tts world unless they take some means of ended the June, 1902, $78,735,500. year The the of cod organ. scarcity capture. Taking four or five police of- finding ficers from Chicago, all In dtisena liver oil, a great tonic for persona with If the women of England are smartclothes, tho party went out to tbe weak lungs, la owing not to the fact farm, and Inquired for William Liv- that fewer cod fish are caught, but ing under the refusal of the lord chanThe elderly, short stont that the fish have little or no livers cellor to admit them to tbe practice of ingston. This la thought to be gentleman," who bad figured an con- any more. caused lack of sufficient nourish- law they must wring balm from the by In apofficers the search, spicuously as sea creatures on compliments and hopes quite genertbe ment, tiny correctness of the pen peared, and the and Ink sketch Impressed the officer which the cod feed are disappearing ally tendered them from the opposite from the Norwegian waters. The livers ns remarkable. ex, declares the Boston Transcript Tbe party represented themselves as of the fish when caught are found to Almost every one of these consolers from Chicago, who, having hcrnl of be shriveled badly and ln some cases his fine farm, had come down to see totally lacking; Where formerly it calls to mind the fact that fifty years for themselves, and perhaps purchase took only about 15,000 cod to make a ago It would have been extremely barrel of cod liver oil, It now requires difficult If not Impossible for a woman some of his choice stock. at least 40.0001 hoswere They cordially received, to ha admitted to the practice of medpitably entertained, shown over the For Xnkilwip, Angling icine ln England and thla alone; alplace, and finally dined and wined In Opposite Brockville, In the St. Law-renr- though It may not he strongly enfrom On mansion. the spacious rising a party of Montreal anglers bad to the present fair petithe table the New York officer re- the good fortune to kill two muska-io- n couraging marked: sc. both exceeding thirty pounds In tioners, mould buoy them up consid"Well, Mr. Idvlngston, do yon like weight, a few days ago. Of course erably since It seems to prove that in thla place nnd this qniet life aa well much ones are occasionally larger at the outside, member as life In New York?" taken in the St Lawrence, and I have fifty years, sex will be aa plentiful In the of their was looked man The sharp- before me a letter telling of a mutka-long- e startled, now in medicine. aa are ly at the officer, and anawered: law they taken ln Lake RemldJI. a "What do you mean? I was never few weeks ago, whlrh la said Minn., to have And Incidental to citing the conaiiV-erablIn New York In nil my life. measured four feet seven inches In struggle that women had to i "Well, then, retorted tbe officer. length, and to have tipped the scales at cure coveted 1L D. these purveythe an excellent will have opportunyou fifty-fou- r pounds. Bnt two In one day ity to go there. William Livingston, weighing over thirty ponnds each ia a or of consolation relate any number 1 arrest you. catch not to be despised. Forest and of facts and circnmatancea a light LlTingston turned as pale aa a ghost Stream. way of women' progress long t and gasped ont: that may convince them the time la "What for? The JipiMM Minister. "For the forgery of a check on the Viscount Hayashl, the new Japanese coming when It will be theirs to grant City Bank of Xew York, for $73,000," Minister to London, It a man of broad or refuse to men the privileges for replied the officer, drawing a pair of culture and fine ability. He has trans- which they sue, and sometimes ln vain. from his pocket and sdvanc. lated into bis own language many forrerbaps these chiveign works on political, economical and In these days, lng toward him. soother alrous exclaimed sir! the of wounded ambition and all have had "Stop, culprit religious subjects, "Stop. sU' Till la an outrage, and wide circulation. He speaks English have gone to unwarranted extreme lie gin used around the room for some with Just a trace of accent Vlsconnt In allowing that thla may com to weapon with which he eould defend Hayashl belongs to one of tbe feudal bnt it should be said of them pan, was He himself. qulrkly surrounded, families, which, before the revolution They are enhowever, and the irons fastened upon ef 150(8, were the military and govern' that they mean weiL him. log cl a sacs, bnt he himself was born thused, carried away It may be said, For a time he raged furiously, mak- with liberal, progressive views, ai d la by their subject, or subjects, to ing fearful threats against his raptors; In complete sympathy with the demo- bounds which they didnt sight when but tbe storm soon spent Itself, and cratic opinions now to the for in ' their miaclou cf sympathy. they began he was able to talk ever the matter Japan. BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. I If von Uti motto gray-haire- d one-fourt- h In thn uiii Iiumik iur .way, Bit down .rid write lb letter You put off ilny by dy. Dont wait until Ltr tiit-steps To-da- y d heaveua irijr sale. Bat abow her that you tbmk of her lielure it is tuu laic. Kew-- If m'n a tender rnvnat Or a loving word 10 nay, Dont wait till yuu it, liut whinprr it Who knows what hitter memories May haunt you if you wait? Bo make your loved one happy Before it is too late. to-da- I jNK of the cleverest feala In the detection, pursuit, and caiiiire uf criiuiiiuis Hint luis i developed for years, was performed by . of the New York detective j j police force noute yeura since. About that time the o Ulcers of the City Bonk of New York illnmwcl that they bad been swindled out of 175,000 by meant of a forged check for that amount, purportliiic to bare been drawn by (oinuioilnre Vanderbilt. Nearly month iuied hrfore tbe frond woo discovered, trail In tbe mean, time several other checks for large mounts, drawn by the same party, bod been honored; so It was almost Impossible for anjr of the employes to remember with satisfactory distinctness any of the circumstances connected with tbe payment of the fraud-nlodocument. However, It was placed In the bands of a shrewd detective, and be went to work to find a dew, and trace out the mystery, Tbe ofilcer'a urst suspicion waa that oine of the clerks of the banks bad been In collusion with tbe forger, and donbtleaa shared the profits of bla crime. After two weeks scrutiny of tbe character, habits aud associations of tbe various clerks, that theory waa abandoned, and It only remained for him to gather from them, If possible, seme dew, however slight, of the bold operation. Hie first Inquiry was If any one, not in tbe babit of presenting checks, had been seen doing so within tbe past month. Only two of the clerks bad any memory on the subject, and theirs was of tbe most shadowy and unsatisfactory character. One remem-- i bered seeing a stout, elderly man drive a strikingly beautiful bla;k horse and fine carriage np to tbe bank, enter the office, and transact some business, he knew . not irti9t...nd-.w(lcDr- t singe srhich he nad not seen him. The ether clerk, after a thorough examination and nnmerona questions put to assist or qnlcken his memory, at last concluded that be did recollect a trange man, who entered the bank one day about the time the forged check was presented, and had a cheek cashed for a large amount A peculiarity In the man's necktie attracted hla attention, and be looked him full In the face and retained a vivid recollection of lie waa an amateur every feature. artist and ' especially expert In pen drawing. Taking a sheet of paper and a old pen which was lying upon the desk, he quickly prodneed a portrait which be declared to be an accurate flkeuea of the man he suspected. The officer did not look upon these dews. If such they might be railed, as promising much hope of success. He Brat exhibited the drawing to the dark who had seen the suspected rogue drive up with the line blaek horse, and ha confidently Identified It Hera at last was some encouragement Tbe first attempt was to trace tbe horse and carriage, and discover wbe owned or who had hired such a fig. The effort was unsuccessful; the fleer, however, wee convinced that a man, whoever he might be. wee an of faat and stylish horses, and therefore commenced a search the establishments devoted to Me stabling and sale of such animals, hoping that be would find some one firbe eould Identify tbe party. After going to nearly all such establishments, exhibiting the portrait, he came upon a man who recognised In the drawing as William Livingston, whom he bad known a year or two, but who had disappeared within the past mouth, after paying np some old debts and Imylng oe or two fancy horses. Farther Inlu-ei- ' nt quiry brought out the fact that Liv- ingston wee In very straitened circumstance but a few months previously, and hew he conld honestly obtain the means to pay hla old debts and gratify Ids love for horseflesh was not so clear and gave fresh encouragement to the persevering detective. To follow Liv Ingston was necessary, but how could be be traced? He had disappeared, and na one knew when or whither. .Whet, then, was to be done? Should flie trail be abandoned and tbe rase given up aa one of the mysteries that bailed solution? Never, slid the Indefatigable officer, and ha went to work with. desperate energy to nnrsvel tbe tangled skein. lie finally reached the following con elusions: The perpetrator of the forgery waa Livingston; he was a good goal of a horse fancier, and would doubtless spend a considerable portion of Ms dishonest gains In the purchase of fine stock; and, further, that the stock would be purchased In Xew Tort, as that market promised a totter selection, aud the criminal himself entirely safe from detection. The first step, therefore, was to leant If any one had recently made any purchases of such stock, anil d long-soug- n, way again shone the soft fight. II grew brighter, till In the middle of It be saw the little brown lady the Fairy or the Woods. Bnt abe waa not smiling now. Her face waa stern nnd and as she said: I fear I set you averhlgh. I thought you better than tb rest Keep thla In mind: " Who reverence not the lamp of Ufa When donkeys learn to aing and dance, When pin talk politic ; can never see Its light." When London ia a town in France, Then she faded from bla view. Er-neWhen two and two make sii; VT'-Thompson Seton, In tbe Century. drop of rain aie rial When coal i clear and while, Thn little hoy and little girl HOW AN ANT GOES TO BED. May ait up late at night. Of course ants go to bed. and If yoa G. Clifton Bingham. watch them you insy see them do It . THE FAI11Y LAMBS. An silt hill Is made of tiny pebbles, brown-limbe- d which are piled about an entrance There was once a bare-Icgcboy who spent all Ills time In hole. At night the ants take these pebthe wends. He loved tlie woods and bles In their mouths and, carrying all that was ln them. He used to look, them to the hole, pile them one upon not at the flowers, liut down deep Into the other, as men build a wait After the hole is tilled up, except one them, and not at the alughig bird, hut Into ita eyes, to its little heart; ami so tiny place at the top. the last ant he got an insight better than moat oth- crawls In, ami with her head pushes Iners, aim ne quite gave up collecting sand up against the hole from the Then it entirely. thus side. up birds eggs. stopping Itnt the woods were full of mysteries, nil night not an ant e 111 be seen, bnt ne used to hear little bursts of song, about 8 o'clock the next morning. If one aud when he came to the place he could looks very closely, one may see a pair find no bird there. Noises and move- of tiny feelers thrust ont through the ments would Just escape him. In the clinks between the stouei. Then an woods be saw strange tracks, and one ant pushea ita way out and begins to day, at length, he aaw a wonderful carry the pebbles away. Just behind bird making these tracks. He had the first comes another, and another never seen the bird before, and would until the whole family comes Jourhave thought It a great rarity, had he neying out. not seen Its tracks everywhere. Bo he Bnt an ant does not sleep through learned that the woods were full of the whole night; she takes a nap two beautiful creature that were quick or three hours long. She does not have to nndresa, bnt whenever abe get and akillfnl to avoid him. One day aa he passed by a spot that tired she lie down on the ground, he had been to a hundred times he curl her six legs close up to her body WHEN. When cherries grow ou apple trees; And kitten wear lace capa. And boya their siatera never leaae. And bear wear woolen wraix; When all the minery dolla ami toy uegin to dance and plar. Then little girl ami little boy May lie in bed all day. ' st d. ns wage-earner- & wage-earner- e, s T1IE DOVE AND THE ANT. A dove went to a cool and shady brook to drink, and seeing an eat struggling in tbe water vainly striving to reach the bank, she threw down a blade of grass upon which the ant acrambled, and, dinging to It, drifted ashore. Just then two scampish hunters slyly creeping by came upon the one of them was about to shoot, the ant bit Mm on the hneL dove, and Tbe angry rascal turned hla bead nnd the dove flew away. Where I the other hunter? From Brooklyn Eagle. found a birds neat It must have been there nil the time, and yet be bad not seen It; and so be learned how blind he was and exclaimed: "Oh. If only I could see, then I might understand these things! If only I knew! If I could see but for once how many there are and how near! If only every bird would wear over Us nest this evening a little lamp to Show me! The aun was down now; bnt all at once there was a soft light on the path, and ln tbe middle of it the brown boy aaw a little brown lady In a long robe and in ber hand a roil. She smiled pleasantly and said: Little boy, I am tbe Fairy of thn Woods. I have been watching you for long. I like you. Yon seem to be different from other boys. Your request shall be granted. Then she faded away. But at once tha whole landscape twinkled over with wonderful little lamps long lamps, short lamps, red. blue and green, high and low, doubles, singles and groups: wherever he looked were lamps twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, here and everywhere, until the forest shone Ilka a starry night He ran to the nearest, and there, sure enongb, was a bird's nest He ran to tbe next; yes, another nest And here and there each kind of lamp stood for another kind of nest A beautiful purple blase in a low tangle caught hla eye. He ran there and found a nest be had never seen before. It was full of purple egga, and there was the rare bird he had seen but once. It was cbsnUng the weird song be had ofteu heard, but never traced. But the eggs were the marvelous things. Hie old Instinct broke out He ruehed forth to clutch the wonderful prize, and in an instant all tbe lights went out There was mulling but tbe black weed about him. Then on the path- - and goes to sleep ao soundly that you could brush her with a feather without waking her. When she ha bad her sleep out she get up, stretches he leg and yawns. Then she washes herself carefully nil over. After that she Is ready for her days work again, and a busy day she has, too tending the babies, making new room ar getting food for the big family. SCHOOLBOY ANSWERS. Here are some of the schoolboy answers to examination paper collated by University Correspondence la England: John Wesley wa a great set captain. He beat the Dntch at Waterloo, and by degrees rose to be tbe Duke of Wellington. He was burled near Nelson In the poets corner at Westminster Abbey. Asked to nsme six animals peculiar to tbe Arctic region, a boy replied: Three bears ami three seals. "Tbe Bnbllme Forte 1 a very fine old wine." "The possessive case 1 the case when somebody has got yonrs and wont give It to you. The plural of penny Is twopence. "In the sentence, T saw the goat butt the man, butt 1 conjunction, because It shows tbe connection between the goat and the man. "Mushrooms always grow In damp umplaces, and ao they look Ilk brellas." The difference between water and sir is that the air can be made wetter, bnt water cannot In Indian Territory there era 13,804 Indian scholars enrolled in the public schools. Of these 5383 are in the Cherokee Nation, 2754 In the Creek, 478$ In the Choctaw and 939 in the Chick saw. |