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Show JUST ONE MINUTE. One Minute Cough Cure gives relief In one minute, because It kills the which tickles the mucous membrane. causing the cough. and at the same time clears the phlegm. draws out the Inflammation and heals and soothes the affected purls. One Mlnule Cough Cure strengthens the lungs, wards off pneumonia and Is a harmless and never falling cure In all curable cases of Coughs. Colds and Croup. One Minute Cough Cure Is pleasant to take, harmless nnd good alike for young ana mi-uro- he RANTED. Ve guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to any one who is not of the satisfied after using contents. This Is the best remedy hi the world for la grippe, coughs, colds, cm ip and whooping cough and is pleas-uand safe to take. U prevents any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. Merru- Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. M. E. Brown, Stockton. Utah. twh-thlr- ds ut NOTES AROUND TOWN. old. Sold by Mercur Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. Mrs. Lottie Elhlers is improving slowMercur Meat and Gro. Co. and M. E. ly from her reent illness. Hmwn, Stockton. John L. Edwards was a visitor to Salt ENTER, THE NEW EDITOR. Luke this week, for a couple of days. o of the West dip was tsulles and Gentlemen: In making this, Murphy Manager caa passenger on Tuesday's train for Salt my first bow to you In my editorial somewhat Lake. pacity, i frankly admit I feel and basho shaky, and being of a retiring G. W. Dern returned to Salt ful disposition (?) this Is as it should be. Manager However, I feel confident that as time Ixike Thursday. A report of the will be found elsewhere. goes on the conditions will become familiar. and I will feel at home. Allow me to say that it will lie my earnest Mrs. M. N. Spratly went to Salt Lake endeavor to make the Mercur Miner as this week. She will go to Bingham as jiosslble. to look after her Interests there. interesting and of I ask the assistance and the people of Mercur to this end. The Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis took a trip to Eucaimans of this paper will ever be open reka Thursday. While there Mr, Jarfor the discussion of r.ny question so- vis, we are told, waa Initiated In the cial, political, religious, etc. In short, a Elks. paper the jieople of Mercur will take an interest in and be proud of. Wishing A new service has been established our city and the iople thereof every between Mercur and the West Dip, I uccesii, remain. leuviug Steinman's every day at 1:30 p. ltesjiectfuliy yojurs, m.; fare, CO cents. ABRAHAM CKAWFOKD. o The people on the Golden Gate Hill DISLOCATED HER SHOULDER. appreciate very much the action of the Mrs. Johanna Poderholm of Fergus Con. Mercur In lighting up the sidewalk Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her from the Methodist church. Con-Merc- ur up-to-d- shoulder. She had a surgeon get It buck in place as anon as iwsslble, but It was quite sore and pained her very much. Her son mentioned that he had seen Chamberlain's lain linlm advertised for sprains und soreness, nnd she ssked him to buy her a bottle of It, which he did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep, which she hud not done for several days. The son was s much pleased with the relief it gave his mother that he has since recommended It to many others. For sale - future. Joe went to the city Sunday to see about fixtures and supplies. o Joseph Die wit t has established bachelor's hall, he having bought the house of Knute Johnson, gave it a thorough cleaning and moved his furniture in. o Mr. J. W. Lee during his trip down south took some fine views of the country. He ought to get them fixed for a lantern and give an address on them. by Mercur Drug Co.. Mercur, Utah. M. E. Rrown, Stockton, Utah. CON. rv-- . A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. K1 Carman Friday morning, and the way SI went around town, head high up and tickled all over at his nine-poubaby girl, wasn't slow. The Editor had a cigar on the new arrival. MERCURS NEW ORE BODY During the past ninety days the IV Doc" Evans and Joe Blewltt Intend opening a saloon in Ophlr in the near Con- nd solidated Mercur company has opened a body of oxidized ore in the old Golden Gate workings that bids fair to make a new mine of that property. During the Lyman Baker waa initiated and intime mentioned an incline has been sunk structed In The mysteries of Eagledom, a distance of 280 feet in the vein, fine after which an adjournment was taken values being maintained for the entire to social session. Refreshments were distance values ranging from $5 to J18 served and a good time had, everyone, or more. Sinking is stll In progress and visitors and invited guests, enjoying the grade of the ore keeps up welL The themselves to the utmost. o work was commenced In what has been known as the bottom of the Golden Gate C. Joy of this city has Photographer mine, where previous managements of opened a studio In American Fork. Mr. the property had reached the conclusion Joy Intends to keep his studio open in pay values ceased, so that every foot of Mercur, coming here and staying pay the work now being done Is in virgin week or longer If necessary. He left ground. The ledge dips to the east, un- Monday for bis new field of work. Sucder the big mountain on which the mill cess to your efforts, Mr. Joy. - o was built, and Is being followed down' In what ia designated as winse No. 7. a visitor on our was L. C. Preble Two levels have been run out in the streets Mr. Preble Is very enFriday. vein to the north and three to the south. over the prospects on the The first and second levels in the latter thusiastic Dip, everything Is going satisdirection have been advanced fifty feet West over forty men working and through good ore to a point where a factorily, report given In the Herald of last fault" occurs, and where no attempt the certainly justifies Mr. Prebles hag yet been made to determine its rela- Saturday tion to the vein. The No. 8 level has not assertions. yet reached the fault, but the ores It appears from the Salt Lake papers coming from It average well up with that our old college chum, Jack Man-guthose In the levels above. Is treated somewhat differently in On the north side, No. 1 level has been In Mercur. Jack went sent out over 200 feet end, with the ex- Salt Lake than to the city to see about his pension, streak an "lean of unimportant ception loitered too long around the saloon, or two of a few feet thick, the values, and was iulled before Judge Diehl as a vag to dally sampling, shows av- and according dismissed. erages in excess of $10 per ton. The o same conditions are found in the second Mr. and Mrs. Charles Connors left level, which is now out a distance of feet. The third level Friday for Salem, they having been about seventy-fiv- e on this side has not yet been eturled, i summoned thither by the death of Mrs. and at no place a pouni of ore yet lx on Connors' mother, who had died Thurs-- ! mined, other Ilian that which is taken day, aged dose to 90 years. out in running the wince and levels. No cross-cuttin- g of the vein has been athave rented Mr. and Mrs. tempted eillu-r- , and Its average width is and moved lrto Carpenter Mr. C. W. therefore undetermined. Hut, Judging house on Met cur street. We Corfitld's are Infrom the work done in 'establishing the formed that the house next door will different levels. Manager Dern is confi- scon have new tenants, but more of dent that it will he foqnd to vary from this anon. fifteen or eighteen to forty feet. The possibilities in that portion of the 10 SUFFERING mine seem to be practically limitless and CURED AFTER YEARS. in elated Dern is pardonably Manager R. F. Hare. Supt. Miami Cycle & Mfg. consequence, particularly so because of in the face of Co.. Middletown, O.. suffered for ten obtained results the being the decision of those who preceded him years with dyspepsia, lie spent hunin the management that bottom" had dreds of dollars for medicine nnd with doctors without receiving any permabeen reached. Manngir Dern is expectnight while ing big things from the new discovery nent benefit. He says,badOne 1 was about to and declares that he Is not going to be feeling exceptionally throw down the evening paier when I fholed either. saw an item in the paper regarding the merits of Kodcl Dyspepsia Cure. 1 conGOLD FROM THE DAISY. cluded to try it and while I had no faith Arthur Murphy, who is operating the in It I lt better after the second dose. old Daisy mine and ndll at Mercur un- After using two bottles I am stronger than I have been in years, der lease, wav in the elty yesterday, and better I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia nt ami consign-mefirst for the settlement making of gold cyanires shipped since the Cure to my fri nds and acquaintances late last suffering front stomach trouble." Sold mill went into commission month. He has eiient a great deal of by Mercur Meat & Gro. Co., Stockton, money in reopening the mine and placUtah. work to do in mill the gmd shape ing Mercur Drug Co., Mercur. Utah. since he took possession. late in the fall, M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. but he makes the pleasant announcement that he is now operating at a nice UTAH'S GREAT GOLD CAMP. profit, and he has no doubt of his ability to continue for an indefinite time. With a force of nbnut fifty men he Is What Others Have to Say of Mercur, mining and milling ail average of ilghty Utah's Johannesburg. tons of ore per dayT and it will not le long, he says, until he has the tt.ill every twenty-fou- r grinding out over 10 tons (Continued From Our Last) hours. The ore Is not very high-grad- e, all 82.00 to J. but is milling from oxidised and works very easily. With From the Deseret News. the present tennase Mr. Murphy ex(Continued From Our Last.) pects to clean up from 810,000 to 812,000 surplus sufficient to meet any ordinary per month. contingencies. In addition to the leaching of Its metal from the INSTALLATION OF EAGLE OFFI- ores of the company during the year inCERS. stalled a battery of retorts nnd began On Thursday evening D. D. G. P. the reduction of Its mercurial ores, the Crawford, assisted by G. A. Whitaker undertaking having thus far proved and Abe Bernstein of Salt Lake, in- quite profitable, although the plant Is stalled the following ollieers: an unpretentious one nnd was conP. W. P. J. L. Craft. structed at very little expense. HowW. P. Joseph Garland. ever, the channel In which the quicksilW. V. P. Richard Kemp. ver occurs betrays no signs whatever of W. G. Dr. J. E. Talt. impoverishment, snd retorts of greater W. S. Richard Daniels. capacity may be resorted to the present V. T. A. C. Thompson. season. W. C. Abe Crawford. ORE IN THE IIERSCIIEL. W. I. G. Chris Thompson. shareholders of the Herschel comThe Mifflin. W. O. G E. M. W. Trustees H. W. Mohr. Joseph pany, whose territory adjolnts that of the Sacramento, are Indebted to the latlirindley and William Goodman. ter for the ray of hope that flashed the Sacramento in EVERY DOTTLE OF CHAMRER-T.AIN- the management ofore bodies having COUGH REMEDY WAR following up its . . m, . f-- gold-beari- H thence N. 15 deg. 30 min. E. 340. 1 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. containing a net area of 8.335 acres, expressly excepting and excluding the following cnnfllcta: Lot No. 45, Silver King No. 2 Wert Extension lode of 1.691 acres; lot No. 51, Silver King No. 2 West Extension B. lode of .230 acrFs; lot No. 66, Theresa lode of 1.339 acres; lot No. 71, Silver King No. 2 lode of 2.524 acres; lot No. 84, Cygnet lode of .915 acres; lot No. 68. Leonoie lode of .106 acres; lot No. 117, Julia lode of .211 acres. The presumed course und length of the vein or lode is shown Said Galena upon the official plat. King lode is located In the N. E. of sec. and the S. E. 19. T. 4 8.. R. 4 W.. Salt Lake meridian. Said claim is of record in the office of the County Recorder of Tooele county, Utah, in Book G. nt page 250. The adjoining and conflicting claims, as shown by the plat of survey, are as follows: Lot No. 121, Blanche; lot No. 111. Tip Top; lot No. 45, Silver King No. 2 West Extension; lot No. 42, First Extension West of Silver King No. 2; lot No. S4, Cygnet; lot No. 122, St. Louis No. 2; lot No. 126. Silver Prince; lot No. 68. Leonore; lot No. 71, Silver King No. 2; lot No. 51, Silver King No. 2 West Extension B.; lot No. 123, Prize; lot No. 117, Julia; lot No. 12S, Stockton; lot No. 118. Blue Bell No. 2; lot No. 66, Theresa. I direct that this notice be published li The Sentinel, at Stockton. Tooele county, Utah, the newspaper published nearest the snid claim, for a period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. L. R. Rogers and Willard Hanson. WHAT'S IN A NAME? for Applicant. Everything is in the name when it Attorneys First pub., Jan. 16; last pub., Mar. 12. comes to Witch Hasel Salve. E. C. & Co. of Chicago discovered some NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. years ago how to make a salve from No. 5454. Is Piles. for a Witch Hazel that specific of the Interior, Land Office Department and proFor blind, bleeding, Itching ' at Salt Lake City, Utah, December. truding Piles, ectema, burns, bruises 23. 1903. and all skin diseases DeWltfs Salve Notice Is hereby given that the follohas no equal. This has given rise to settler has filed notice of numerous worthless counterfeits. Ask wing-named for DeWltts thei genuine. Sold by his lntentoln to make final proof in supMercur Meat andIGro. Co. and M. E. port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Brown, Stockton. I District court In and for Tooele county, Mercur Drug Co. I Mercur, Utah. Utah, at Tooele City, Utah, on Febru13, 1904, vis.: Egerton Lougy, H. E. UTAH'S NATIONAL REPRESENTA- ary 13,548, for the NVi SE, NE14 of 8WV4 TIVES. and lot 3, Sec. 7, township 4 south, W. G. Van Horne. Judge of First In- range 4 west, S. L. M. He names the stance at Cairo, Egypt, International. following witnesses to prove hla continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: Francis X. Lougy, CROUP. Willard Atkin, John B. Gordon, Alvin which Indicates The peculiar cough J. McCulstlon, all of Tooele, Utah. croup Is usually well known to the FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. No time children. mothers of L. BAKER, Attorney. Ll In should be lost the treatment of H, First publication Jan. 9; last publicaand for this purpose no medicine has tion February 6. received more universal approval than Chamberlains Cough Remedy. Do not NOTICE. waste valuable time In experimenting with untried remedies, no matter how List No. 51, Insane Asylum. highly they may be recommended, but give this medicine as directed and all United States Land Office, Salt Lake symptoms of croup will quickly disapCity, Utah, Dec. 21, 1903. pear. For sale by To Whom It May Concern Notice is M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. hereby given that the State of Utah has filed In this office a list. No. 51, of lands APPLICATION FOR PATENT. selected by the said State for the esM. A. No. 8779. tablishment and maintenance of an InUnited States Land Office, Salt Lake sane asylum, under section 12 of the act of Cbngress approved July 16, 1894. City, Utah, January 16, 1904. Notice la hereby given that George The following tracts embraced in said B. Rogers of Boise City, Idaho, by his list are In a township containing minclaims of record, viz.: agent and attorney in fact, E. J. Dalr ingSoutheast quarter of the northeast of Salt Lake City, Utah, has made apof Section 29, township 5 south, plication for a United States patent for quarter6 west. Salt Lake meridian. the Gray Hound Amended lode mining range A copy of said list, so far as It relates claim, situate in the Rush Valley Mitracts, by descriptive subdivining District, Tooele County. Utah, to saidhas been conspicuously posted consisting of 1347 linear feet of the lode sions, and surface ground 474.8 feet wide, be- In this office for Inspection by any pering mineral survey No. 5016, and de- son interested and by the public generscribed in the Held notes anil plat of ally. Within sixty days following the date the official survey on file In this office, with magnetic variation at 16 deg. 30 of this notice, under departmental Instructions of November 27, 1896, (23 L. min. east, ns follows, to wit: contests against the Commencing at post No. 1, a corner D., 459), protests or to claim of the State any of the tracts corof the claim from which the e. subdivisions hereinbefore described, ner, section 24. township 4 south, range or on the ground that the same is more 5 west, Salt Lake base and meridian, bears n. 44 deg. 54 min. w. 318.5 feet valuable for mineral than for agriculpurposes, will be received and distant; thence running from said cor- tural ner No. 1, n. 41 deg. 08 min. e. 474.8 feet noted for report to the General Land to corner No. 2; thence n. 59 deg. 16 min. office at Washington, D. C. Failure so w. 1347 feet to corner No. 3; thence to protest or contest within the time south 41 deg. 08 min. w. 474.8 feet to specified will be considered sufficient character corner No. 4; theijce south 59 deg. 16 evidence of the min. e. 1347 feet to corner No. 1, being of the tracts, and the selection thereof, being otherwise free from objection, the place of beglnf ng. will be recommended for approval. Said claim beini located In the nw. FRANK D. HOBBS. Register. and sw. M of section 19, township 4 George A. Smith, Receiver. south, range 4 west, and ne. Vi and se. First publication December 26, 1903. V4 of section 24, township 4 south, range Last publication February 20, 1904. 5 west. Salt Lake base and meridian, and containing a total area of 14.438 APPLICATION FOR PATENT. acres, excluding, however, therefrom Notice M. A. No. 3705. the area In conflict with the Bullion No. 3, lot 44. Sandwich and Parrot, nir. United States Land Office, Salt Lake 4748: Gulch West Extension, sur. 4982, City, Utah. Dec. 7. 1903. nnd Black Diamond, lot 135. Such exNotice is hereby given that the Black cluded area containing 3.178 acres. Diamond Mining and Milling company, Net area claimed and applied for be- a corporation duly organized under the ing 11.260 acres. of the State of Utah, whose prinlaws Said Gray Hound Amended lode loca- cipal place of business is Salt Lake tion mining claim being of record in the City. Utah, by its agent and attorney office of the County Recorder at Tooele in fact, Joseph Dederichs of Salt Lake City, Tooele County, Utah. The nearhas made application for a City, est known locations or mining claims UnitedUtah, States patent for the Gulch being the afon said conflicting claims. West Extension lode miffing claim, sitI direct lhat this notice lie published uate in the Rush Valley mining disin the Sentinel at Stockton, county of trict. Tooele county, Utah, consisting Tooele, Utah, for the period of nine of 1481.3 linear feet of the lode and consecutive weeks. surface ground (as located) 000 feet FRANK D. HOBBS. Register. wide, being mineral survey No. 4982, G. W. Park. Attorney for Applicant. and described In the field notes and 23. Last plat of the official survey on file in this Firm publication dated Jan. publication, Mash 19. office with magnetic variation at 17 to wit: leg. 00 min. cast ns follows, No. 1 a corner of at post Commencing APPLICATION FOR PATENT. traced them into Herschel ground. Immediately the ores were sampled by representatives of the company, and while no definite action looking to future development has been taken it is Bald that work will be resumed the present year. ON THE WEST DIP. While the West Dip, since the series of failures that were exploited during a boom that was thrust upon Mercur, has presented nothing but a spectacle of gloom, it is not to be denied another trial. To that end Arthur Murphy, who at one period served the Daisy as its superintendent. Is now prosecuting a thorough examination of the channels to which the rock of better quality appears to have been confined, a recent exhibit, In which was contained the results of assays, emboldening the belief that there is a possibility of putting the proposition on a commercial basis. At all events, his movements are being followed with eager Interest by the anny of Investors who invaded the region, and, as even lower grade ores have responded to the magic of modern metallurgy, the efforts of Mr. Murphy are not without promise. At Sunshine, home of the Sunshine mines and mill, four miles south of Mercur, an attempt was made during the unyear to rehabilitate that dertaking, but Is resulted unsatisfactorily and the owners decided to hang It up until such time as more efficient methods are provided for the reduction of material which with the presence of talc has proven most defiant. (Continued Next Week.) one-four- one-four- the claim from which the section corner on east lioundary of section 24. township 4 south, range 5 west. Salt Lake meridian, bears S. 59 deg. 24 min. W 442.1 feet distant; thence running from said corner No. 1 N. 59 deg. 16 min W 945.2 feet to corner No. 2; thence N. 24 deg. 23 min. E. 124.3 feet to corner No. 8; thence S. 70 deg. 54 min. E. 488.1 feet to corner No. 4; thence S. 64 deg. 14 min. E. 205.4 feet to corner No. 5; thence S. 49 deg. 10 min. E. 6S9.1 feet to corner No. 6; thence S. 24 deg: 23 min. W. 332.7 feet to corner No. 7; thence N. 58 deg. 48 min. W. 242.5 feet to corner Na 8; thence N. 12 deg. 24 min. W. 287.4 feet to corner No. 1, being the place of beginning. Said claim being located in the N. W. and S. W. of section 19, town4 west, and N. E. ship 4 south range of section 24, township 4 south, range 5 west. Salt Lake meridian, and containing a total area of 7.361 acres, excluding, however, therefrom the area in conflict with the North Star No. 2, and Black Diamond, lot lot lot 116 and Gulch, survey one-four- th th th 135-A- 114-Ad- da a, 3759. Net area claimed and applied for being 5.434 acres. Said Gulch West Extension lode location mining claim being of record In the office of the County Recorder at Tooele City, Tooele county, Utah. The nearest known locations or mining claims being the aforesaid conflicting claims and Oregon No. 2, survey No. 4901. 1 direct that this notice be published in The Stockton Sentinel, at Stockton, county of Tooele, State of Utah, for the period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. itt . non-mine- M. A. NO. 3777. IN THE UNITED STATES office. Salt Lake City, Utah, th one-four- th ed De-W- th one-four- one-four- G. W. Parks, Attorney for Applicant. First pub., Dec. 12, 1903. Last pub., Feb. 6, 1904. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Notice M. A. No. 3766. United States Lind Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 7. 1903. Notice Is hereby given that the Black Diamond Mining and Milling company, a corporation duly organised under the laws of the State of Utah, and whose principal place of business la Salt Lake City, Utah, by Its agent and attorney In fact, Joseph Dederichs of Salt Lake, Utah, has made application for a United Stales patent for the Union Consolidated lode mining claim, situate in the Rush Valley mining district. Tooele county, Utah, consisting of 1497.4 linear feet of the lode and surface ground (as located) 600 feet wide, being mineral survey No. 4983, and described In the field notes and plat of the official survey on file In this office with magnetic variation at 17 deg. 00 min. east, as follows, to wit: Commencing at post No. 1 a corner of the claim from which section corner on east the boundary of section 24, township 4 south, range 5 west, Salt Lake meridian, bears S. 46 deg. 37 min. W. 843.3 feet distant; thence running from said corner No. 1 N. 61 deg. 41 min. W. 585.5 feet to corner No. 2; thence N. 70 deg. 23 min. W. 490.7 feet to corner No. 3; thence N. 79 deg. 49 min. W. 483.1 feet to corner No. 4; thence N. 3 deg. 30 min. R. 247.1 feet to corner No. 8; thence N. 89 deg. 49 min. E. 819.4 feet to corner No. 6; thence S. 58 deg. 13 min. E. 755.1 feet to corner No. 7; thence 8. 3 deg. 30 min. W. 380.3 feet to corner No. 1, being the place of beginning. Said claim being located in the N. W. of section 19. township 4 south, range 4 west, and N. E. of section 24, township 4 south, range 5 west. Salt Lake meridian, and containing a total area of 12.445 acres, excluding, however, therefrom the area in conflict with the Black Diamond and North Star, lot 135, of 0.049 acres. Net area claimed and applied for being 13.396 acres'. Said lode location mining claim being of record in the office of the County Recorder at Tooele City, Tooele county, Utah. The nearest known locations or mining claims being the aforesaid conflicting claims and Cyclone, lot 125; Outcast, lot 135, and Hope, survey 4946. I direct that this notice be published in The Stockton Sentinel, at Stockton, county of Tooele, State of Utah, for the period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HORBS, Register. G. W. Parks. Attorney for Applicant. First pub., Dec. 12, 1903. Last pub.. Feb. 6, 1904. one-four- one-four- th th one-four- UNI) 12. Jan. 1901. Notice is hereby given that the Galena King Mining compnny. by Duncan McVlehie, its manager and authorized agent, whose postofflee address is Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application for a United States patent for the Galena King lode mining claim, situate In Rush Valley mining district, Tooele county, Utah, consisting of 1457.3 linear feet of said lode and surface ground as shown by the plat of survey, being survey No. 4947, and described In the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in this office. with magnetic variation at 17 deg. east, as follows: Commencing at corner No. 1, whence the section corner on the east boundary of sec. 19, T. 4 8.. R. 4 W., bears S. 87 deg. 35 min. E. 146.6 feet; thence N. 67 deg. 51 min. W. 555.9 feet to corner No. 2; thence 8. 87 deg. 5 min. W. 970.2 feet to corner No. 3; thence S. 15 deg. 30 min. W. 275.8 feet to corner No. 4; thence S. 73 deg. 12 min. E. 954.6 feet to corner No. 5; thence N. 84 deg. 28 min. E. 555.8 feet to corner No. 6; one-four- PhoBnix Indemnity Company, OF AMERICA. Insure yourself against sickness and ... Also Life Insurance. Installment Flan. ... Yon pay a accidents. little each month. XXXXXX pom FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE TO th H. A. 209, 211, NELSON, General Agent, 232 Deseret News Bldg. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. th |