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Show CREW FROM ALL DONE OUT. Veteran Joshua 8ht Marveled at Unequaled Distribu- Heller of 706 S. Walnut street, tion of Legs. 111., says: A story Illustrative of the severs In the fall of logic of some Juvenile minds M related by a reader of the Sun, who got 1899 after taking It from a friend, a woman of family, Doana Kidney Pills I told tha one member of the latter being a readers of this obthis One day daughter. servant miss saw a lame man on the paper that they street and asked, her mother what had relieved me made him walk so queerly. The of kidney trouble, mother told her It was because one disposed of a lame back with leg was shorter than the other. Is a girl pain across my Well, said she, there loins and beneath around the corner who is that way. the shoulder she After a few minutes' mediation blades. During the Interval which remarked: Mamma, wasnt It funny that Ood has elapsed I have had occasion to didnt give the two long legs to tbs resort to Doan's Kidney Pills when 1 man and the two short ones to the noticed warnings of an attack. On each and every occasion the results girl ?" Baltimore Sun. obtained were Just as satisfactory as when the pills were first brought to Strong Chins. Is my notice. 1 The strong chin of just as emphatically enrather broad and square. and an- dorse the preparation aa I did nounces great constitutional strength over two years ago." The woman and unlimited Co., Buffalo, N. Y., with this chin, unless her other fear proprietors. For sale by all druggists, tares are singularly weak and ineff- price 50 cents per box. icient, will accomplish anything she makes up her mind to do. A SWITCH. Willow Tree In Maine A that Had Inter Prolonged 8itting Needed. You warn me to tell the whole truth?" asked the witness. Certainly," replied the Judge. The whole truth about the plaint-Iff?- " Of course. llow long does Ihe court expect to sit!" What difference docs that make? It makes a lot of difference. I couldn't tell the whole truth about that scoundrel Inside of thirty days, talking all the time." The Secret Out I think," said Had Eaten the Bones. During the siege of Mafeklng one of the officers organized a concert, or singsong, to keep up the spirits of the men. lie discovered, according to the story as It Is told in V. C., that the ipen had cause enough for low spirits Hearing of a sergeant in the Highlanders who was a good performer, he asked the man to contrlb-atte the ooncert. Im sorry, sir, but I eannot "Why?" asked the officer, don't You play some instrument, 1 was sir." What did, your The bones, sir; but I've eaten 'em- .Youth's Companion. e ltr COLOR JUNE TINT BUTTER makes top of the market butter. Toe Little Training for Children. Neglect to train children In some useful employment is essentially an American sin. They order things better In Europe. There every one must know how to do something, men and women, plebeians and those of the blood royal. The present king of England is a bookbinder by trade and served his apprenticeship Just like anyone else. It hr said that he can do no mean Job yet. There are princesses who aro dairymaids, cooks, florists and the like. In this country the idle youth develops Into a manhood of Ineptitude and helplessness, to be tossed about ou the waste waters of desolation. To prevent this It may yet be necessary for the government to supply the deficiencies of parents and guardians and make each young man Memphis Commercial-Appeal- . will-powe- . DULL! Last Yorktown, Ark., Jan. a statement was published from week 18. Le-lan- d , a, BOVGHT AND SOLD ON MARGIN OR. FOR. CASH. n sl We have a department for buying and belling Stouka and Bonds for iumndlst deli-arInvestors and bankere will save time and money by giving lie their orders la that line. . . sp-dl- y. OOHHUPOUDgNCS one-roo- m - Im-- I Deaf-Uaw- I Seafnea (rauted by caiarrh) that eannot b cured by UaU'a Catarrh Cure, hand fur circular, free. F. J. CHENEY C CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Drupt'.t., 75e. Take Hall's Family 1111 tar oonatlpaUoa. Orthography. Uncle George 1 notice yon have spelt th? word sore" wrong In speaking of sore throat"; you have written it soar. Willie I was speaking of a giraffe, Uncle George. Nothing was the matter with his throat, only It soared. Business Instinct Jinks that hat I Wheres Confound Map of the city, sir? Common Phrases. form of ner- Useless worrying (a vousness) Is indirectly the result (through tha nerves) of Improper feeding. A furniture man of Mem-phl- a says: ; About a year ago I was afflicted with nervous spells, would worry so ever trivial things. "I went to consult one of the best physicians In Memphis and he asked among many questions If I drank y HEADQUARTER offices rooms BLK. D.F. WALKER 2 211-21- ' LAN E CITY UTAH. Looking for a Homo? Liniment Mustang cure Than why not kaap In vlaw tha fact that ths farming lands of Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Western R. H. OFFICER & CO., Canada AS8AYERS AND CHEMISTS Sarnpka by mail mire prompt Salt Lake mdcorcfcil City, Cbk attention. Howard E. Burton, A,c d Specimen price. Uold, Silver, Lead, tl: Uold Silver. TSa (.old. ton: Zinc or Copper. (I . cyanide testa. Mailing envelope and full prlue Hat aent on apiill-ratln- n. Control and Umpire work aolloiUNl. Lrad-vlll- e, Colo, lteferenoe. Carbonate CRISMQN & NICHOLS, Vul Bank. ASS AYERS CHEMISTS SEND PON PRICK LIST. 119 S. W art Tam, Is SL P. O. BOX TS. s AND 9 T6 Gold Mid tttlTWF n I (jfril Hllvr. Copr.s Prompt rctnros oa mail tamplaa. 0,den Aw,, Co. easily accessible. while other Unde may b from Kailway and Land Companies. The train end i ratine lend of Wet tern Censda ere the ' beet on the continent producing the beet train, and cattle (fed on trees alone) reedy for market Markets, Schools, Kali ways and. all other conditions make Western Canada aa envied Ui Write to Superintendent Immlf ration. Ottawa, Caar ada. for a descriptive Atlas, and other information or to the authorised Canadian Government Agen- tUENJ. DAVIES. KOOM A DUNN BLOCK. CENTRAL AVENUE, CHEAT FALLS. MONTANA. "igSfiEf UTAH FURS aMd Bl DONG' fire COi, ffLT. COTTON MATTRE5A HIGHEST CASH PRICK PAID PON RAW Komistiad Lands FREE able spot for tha settler. SALT LAKE CITY RELIABLE ASSAYS. Ufld.m.M ere sufficient to support a popnlelioa of 50.0001 60S or over! The ituiuieraiioa tar Ike peel sia jraan baa bean phenomenaL RIAAANIIf GAME HEADS MEHESY, THE FURRIER. WHITE PER PRIOB LIST. SALT LAKE OITV. UTAH i To Brighten s Mirror. To brighten a mirror, rub with a clean cloth dipped In a cream made of whiting and cold water, to which a few drops of ammonia are added. Polish well with old newspaper. Bast mattraaa Ira tha world. Batter than any Eastern malts. Will oast you less money. Aakvmdwlwfarh Look for our trade mark. Utah Bedding gfrWast and ilh North Pirn's Cure Is tba beat medicine we ever uaed tar 11 affection of the throat and lungs. Wn. a Khsslst, Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10, 19001 A mere slip of a girl. Stuck Up. Phamley Gtxulart called on na the other day and I never saw a man so stuck up In all my life. Newitt Nonsense! That Isn't his style at all. Phamley I know, his style was simply ruined. He brought our children candy and held them on his lap while they ate it. Decidedly $58.50 n I DAYNES 1 full-lengt- BALT LAKE CITY. TVs can sell you ICO acres fine land. You can break 100 acres this spring, &nm?WHHRi?TTnTTTnmmiwTnTmmtma Flax and reap bow It to Salzers Pains Master Every nook and corner of this and other countries has seen emblazoned the words flrug-drln- k Classing Him. Sharpe There goes Heeler. lie was a big gun In the election. understand C. A. SMURTHWAITE PRODUCE CO. OGDEN, UTAH. The Buyers and Sellars of GRAIN e mi 9 Cab loti OXLY. All Kin llayara and & m, MZ of Pollen of Any Quantity Sand for our lUuetrsted Fits Sard Caulugus sat Freo Alfalfa Booklet. Manlius till Paper. Established It Teara That Count tar Bern thing fi 5,000 he CM ST. JACOBS OIL COPIES PIECES. STANDARD (pnaipaM) SI.OO, Send today tor sab Alto won- - CjaijflQ direct from factory irasitio A big laving to you In bargain Writs at oure tar catalogue and pries, it anna 10 dei-fu- COPIES l llna, Guitar, String. and Fittings. THE McKANNON BROS. MUSIC CO. S283 Washington Avs, Ogden, Utah. Discouraging Suicide. A favorite method of suicide In Jar j pan lately has been to leap over cerSo frequent have tain waterfalls. such occurrences become that police are now constantly stationed In their neighborhood, and large noting boards are erected bearing inscriptions In large letters, of which the following Do not drown yourIs an example: self here! Intended suicides are warned that heaven disapproves ol the utilization of Kegon waterfall for the purpose. This Is certified to on the best priestly authority, and serious consequences In the hereafter are guaranteed. To drown here Is also forbidden by the perfecturol au- thorities." IHIMII9WHflflfllilHNmitH8l8l$mHHHflMIHIfl9$liaflaflf$l wife." Does she have the money? No, the nerve." I d h Family Diplomacy. turn all my bills over to my Whealton Yes; was a repeater. & ROMNEY PIANO Go Zn Emmons Co., Dakota. Magnetic Iron Sand. to pay for your land, etc., havIn the neighborhood of the town of enough fine farm free the first year. a ing pate. Tjilatjap, on the cJast of Java, ex-- ; Have ten tuch pieces for JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO.. tensive deposits of magnetic Iron sand La Croase, Wla. have been found, (.'ho sand lies on (W. N. U.) the surface, and Is said to contain in Purification of Water. some places as much as 80 per cent At Wiesbaden and Paderborn, In of iron. obGermany, good result! have been tained in the purification of water by, Belief's Dome Builder Corn, So named because 50 acres produced the nse of ozonized air, water of an lo heavily that ita proceeds built a inferior quality having been turned lovely borne. See Sailer's catalog. Into very good drinking water. InYielded In 1903 In Ind., 157 bu.. Ohio 160 bu., Tenn, OS bu., and In Mich. 220 dustrial Age. bu. per acre. You can heat this record In 1904. Stops the Cough and WBAT DO TOO TDIXX OF TUXSS TIELDS Work Off the Cold ACXBt PER Laxative Brunio Quinine Tablets. Price 25& 120 bu. Beardless Barley per acre. 810 bu. Salzers New Nat. Oats per A. Distasteful Job. 80 bu. Salzer Spelt & Macaroni Wheat, was the posthumous fame Peculiar 1.000 bu. Pedigree Potatoes per acre. 14 tons of rich Billion Dol. Grass Hay. sought by an eccentric bachelor In 60.000 lbs. Victoria Rape for sheep acre. New York, Mr. H. P. Ilalliday, who 160,000 lbs. Teoslnte, the fodder wonder. the yearly Interest of left $5,000, 54,000 lbs. Salznrs Superior Fodder which was to be divided equally Corn rich, Juicy fodder, per A. Now such yields you can have. Mr. among all such maiden ladies of an rs Farmer, in 1904, if you will plant admitted minimum age of forty as .. seeds. care to spend half an hour by my JUST SIND THIS HOTICff ATO lto of my death Seed In stamps to John A,. Salzer Co., grave on the anniversary and deplorin mourning, their dressed La Crosse. Wis., and receive deep great catalog and lots of farm seed ing the vanities and follies of their samples. (W. N. U.) ex. Mrs. TVlnalowa Soothing Syrup. Sale of Curios. Tor children teething, aottsn (Us puma, nuluM to A small but unique collection of flammatlon, allaya pals, curs wind collo. taoatwUla. Shakespeare was Bold at Sothebys, Time In Various Countries. London, lately. A silver with L, of James Belgium and Holland use Greenwich opoon of the period a figure of Shakespeare en- time. In Germany, Austria, Denmark, and Switzerland, graved on the back, with the date of Italy, Scandinavia his death, 1616, beneath, brought $375. one hour before Greenwich time rules. seal-toppe- CUi- - FOR -- e. MTg Co. Ik. Salt Laks ORGAWSi 0 full-grow- & - PmmmmumnmuiiiiuuiiiiiAAiiimiiig Cotton Boll Wsevll. The weevil, which Is blasting the cotton bolls In Texas, traveled over two hundred miles across burning sands and desolate wastes from tha nearest cotton fields south of the Rio Grande. One pair of cotton boll weevils will produce in a season 134,000,-00weevils, which must subsist exclusively on cotton. Sal-ae- to-da- y SO LICIT CD. We offer special Indoeementa and liberal to out of town eorreapnndenta. Our book of lnfoi matlun How To Speculate,'1 mailed free, loss DMTAHCg PHOKUOS. Members tall Lake Minin, Etching g. Health. "Hla advice was: 'Go to some provision store and get a box of Postum, drink It In place of coffee and as you aro confined to your desk to a great extent try and get out In the open air as much as possible.' I followed hll Instructions regarding the Postum. "At that time my weight was 141 and I was taking all kinds of drug! and medicines to brace me up, but all I weigh 1G5 and all ol failed; y old troubles are gone, and all tba credit Is due to haring followed this wise physician's advice and cut off tha aoffee and using itastum in its placet "I now consider my health perfect. I am willing to go before a notary public and testify that it was all due to my baring used Postum In place Name given by Postum of eoffee. Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Theres a reason for quitting the coffee, and there's a reason for drinking Postum. Trial II days proves them all. Look In each package for a copy of the famous little book, The Road to Well villa. ORAINfl Provisions, STOCKS MEXICAN Dr. Williamson Swears. lJr!3k jyroats.BoNpjX Foster-MIlbur- n Williamson, M. D., of this place, to the effect that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the best medicine for all Kidney Diseases and that he uses them with uniform success In his dally practice. No one who knows Dr. Williamson will doubt for a moment the complete truth of his fearless declaration, but to completely clinch ihe matter In the minds of those who may not have the pleasure of a perscmal acquaintance with this .celebrated! physician. Dr. Williamson has appeared before Mr. H. E. Greene, J. P. for Montgomery County, and made a sworn statement In this sworn statement the doctor has cited a number of cases which have been completely cured by Dodds Kidney Pills. Here is case No. 1 : Henry Ilall, Sr., age 48, an American, attacked with Malaria Haema-turlor Swamp Fever; temperature ranged from 101 to 105, highly coated tongue, constitpated bowels, hemorrhage or passage of blood from Kidneys; used febrifuge and Dodds Kidney Pills to relieve the Inflammation and congested condition of Kidneys and to render the urine bland and Recovery complete after Stork Say, Monk, what's become of the cuckoo bird that used to live In two months' treatment of the Pills." the third bough back? Have More Breathing Space. Monk Oh, he's moved to the city. tenements In LonWhile He's got a Job as model In a clock don have decreased from 172,502 to factory. and 140,524, or 14 per cent, three-roofour-rootenements have Increased An lithmua. 16 per cent, 18 per cent and 21 per Barnes Howes and I have been cent respectively. arguing about the meaning of the word isthmus. ' He says It means a Deafness Cannot Be Cured cannot reach tba dlaneck of land separating two bodies of y local application, a they Thar- water, and I hold that It is a strip of y I earned lip an inflamed condition of the land connecting two continents. Now, Ihalnm mucoua lining uf tba F.uataehlan Tubs. When tbi tubs I Inflamed yuu bars a rumbling anund or I what do you say? i hearing, and when It la entirely clbued, Shedd I say that neither of you is perfect la tba reult,and unlaaa the Inflammation can be eundlmatured to out and tbl tuba lu normal right. An lpthmus is a thing that con- taken tl n, hearing will ha denroyad forever; ulna ease, nects conspiracies and revolutions cut of ten are canted by atarrh. which la nolhlni hut an Inflamed condition of the mncuua surface. and separates governments. We Will give One Hundred Duller, fur any cw of It going next? Street Vendor WORRY COMMISSION d to-da- d . cof-fo- (jlMMIIfqft self-contro- l the kittenish maid of some thirty-odsummers, i'll go in for portrait painting. Is It difficult to learn? No, Its comparatively easy, reMINDING ONE'S OWN BUSINESS. plied the great artist. AH one has to do Is select the right colors and put One of the Most Excellent Rules a them on In the right place. Person Can Follow. To tell a man to bis tyce to mind His Objection. hla own business would be considered Fred Why Is It 1 never see you about equal to knocking him down, or, as the Frenchman said : "Horizon-tallsln- g with Miss Buddlngton any more? Joe Because of my dislike for her And hla perpendicularity. - He is a father. regular old pirate. yet It Is one of the simplest rules A pirate! Fred Why, howa that? useful most of right conduct and the Joe Well, I know from personal that mankind can adopt In their Intercourse with each other. There is a experience that he's a freebooter. great deal of the Paul Pry spirit In the human heart, or wonderful Working on Time. In regard to the personal and private affairs of friends and neighbors. This spirit makes more mischief than almost any other cause, and creates more malice, envy' and jealousy than can be overcome In a Let every man mind his century. own business, and there will not be half the trouble In the world that there Is at present III WONDER. four-year-ol- e Sure Starter for NATURAL Ur-ban- a. eating History. The old willow tree at Fort Knox, eat down recently by W. F. Satchel It Car, haa an interesting history. stood on the John B. Fierce farm, sold to the government for the site of a fort Seventy-fivyears ago last May, Mr. Pierce went on horseback to Belfast one day. On his way home ho sailed on Squire Sam Shute, who kept an Inn at the place now known as Stockton Springs. The old squire kept good old Medford, forty years old, and sever doctored nor watered. After refreshing himself with a drink of this Inspiring beverage Mr, Pierce bad his horse brought around, and while wait Ing for him walked over to a willow tree and cut a small branch with which to encourage his steed. On arriving home he threw down the branch and one of the children took It It and stuck It In the ground. quickly took root and from It grew this great tree, now just cut down. liewialon Evening Journal. A CHILD'S mm Thousands have been cured of every form of pain and chiefly Rheumatism and Neuralgia Pries 25c. sod 50c. MM |