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Show COURT8 WILL NOT INTERFERE. THE WEEKLY SENTINEL M9S. W. N. OUNDRY. Editor. UTAH STOCKTON, NEWS SUMMARY. John Alexander Dowle la preparing to establish a colony la Texaa. The assessed valuation of taxable property In New York City for 1901 la over four billion dollars. The mother of Captain Richard P. Hobson died at Haulier, Colo., on the 17th, after a long Illness. the Canadian Sir Wilfrid announced that parliahas premier, ment will be summoned at an early date. The bouse has passed the legislative, executive and Judicial appropriation Mil, carrying an aggregate of $29,717,700. Welcomed by fully 10,000 persons, Archbishop Tlarty landed at Manila Saturday, meeting with a most enthusiastic reception. The flpht between Young Corbett and Jlminy Britt has been definitely settled. They will meet In San Fran Cisco on March 11. It Is reperted that a serious battle has taken place between the Uruguayan government trrops and the Insurgents, the latter losing heavily. Because a Baltimore newspaper had adversely criticised his writings. Professor I yrnan Elliott Smith of Mays Lick, Ky., shot and Instantly killed himself. The Iondon Standards Tien Ts!n correspondent says It Is reported that Russia has asked China to send 15,000 troops to Manchuria to protect Chinese subjects. It Is reperted at Topeka that the headquarters of the superintendent of transportation of tho entire Santa Fe system will be removed from that city to Chicago. William A. Harris, former United States senator from Kansas, has been appointed a member cf the executive committee of the Kansas City, Mexico L Orient railway. The elections committee In the lower branch of the Kentucky leglsla- . .in. dlsfraerbfsfng the negro, on tho ground cf Illiteracy. In a terrible encounter at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Ed Kelly, said to be the desperado who killed Bob Ford, slayer of Jesso James, was shot to death by Policeman Joe Burnett. .. . pie Cuban senate, after a long debate. anurr-vethe Mil authorizing Prosldert Talma to lncrenss duties In his Judpmrt necessary, not to exeeed 10 per rent than the present rates as adopted by tho l ouse. J. H. Fdmlston, v'ee chairman of the natleral committee of the Peoples party, has issued a call for the committee to meet In St I.ouli February 22 to fix the time and place for holding $ natfrya convention. Id. Bias, the murderer poovlctod of complicity In the Bos Herrjos mutiny, was garrMed at Manila Saturday. He made a statement exonerating three others rcnnccted with the affair who are unde sentence of death. The official statement of the postal receipts at fifty of the largest In the Urlted States for December. 1903. rempnred with December. 190, shews n total of $6 398 794. a net Increase of $52G,814. or almost 9 per cent. The national Socialist committee held a irretlne at Its headquarters In Omaha, Saturday. The referendum voto In proncrtlonal representation was canvassed and the proposition was found to have a large majority. Re'atlves o' victims o' th Iroquois theatre fre ami scrvlvors cf the disaster, mor- than D'O In 'umber, have met and lafcn notion lo k!ng to the porpefuitv of an ivi'anlzntl'm to he known rs.the Iroquois Memorial association. OeiT'e I nyten and his wlf were found dead In their apartments in Pas Fra"fi-ro- . Tlmy had hern arhvxl-atehv ras that camped from a leaky tube eonectng with a tove. I ayton was found lennlne against a table while his wife was In bed. The Danish navy department has decided to commission four of the largest battleships which will ' bo used to protect Banish commercial Interests In the event of war In the far oast The officials made every effort to keep the matter secret Governor and Militia of Colorado Are Only Enforcing Law. Judge Moses I allot t. In the United States district court at Denver, on Wednesday, after eonslderatlon of the Sheriff Farker habeas cot pus suit against the military authorities o' Colorado, anonunred that his court Is without jurisdiction In the matter. Parker Is a miner of Cripple Creek who Is held In the military bull pen In hla opinion without warrant. t Judge Ilallet says: ' In times of turbulence and where there Is a probability of violenre, discretion may be exercised on the part of the authorities In holding prisoners without bnil and bolding them in custody until reasonble Investigation has been made. In concluding his opinion Judge The people of the Hallett says: state are to he congratulated in having a governor who will enforce the lew. The court will not. Interfere with him In the execution of his duties WOULD ANNEX PANAMA. Senator Morgan Introduces a Bill Looking to That End. Senator Morgan on Wednesday in-- , traduced a bill providing for the annexation of Panama to the United States, the rights and property of Fan am a resting In the United States without reserve. The bill appropriates $10,000,000 as compensation to Panama for Its cession; places $10,000,000 at the disposal of the president for the compensation of Colombia, and appropriates for the purchase of the property of the new Panama Canal company in Colombia, Including the Panama canal. It Is especially provided that the provisions of the bill shall not have the effect of repealing the Spooner act. $G0,-000.0- BEHEADED HER CHILD. . I. hand-to-han- d - d Deed of an Insane Mother In New Jersey. Mrs. Arthur Oswald was arrested on the charge of murdering her on at her home In Oakland, N, J. She is believed to be Insane. The tragedy was discovered by the woman's husband when he returned home late at I. I. 1 he was horrified to see the headless son lying on body of bis the floor. The head lay near the body. Nearby lay the body of his pet dog, which aho had ben beheaded. Oswald found his wife lying In bed with her young baby In her arms. She was Near singing softly to the Inf&nL the bed her two other children lay sleeping In a crib. The woman did not recognize her husband nor seem to understand what was said to her. THE MAID af MAIDEN UANE Sequei to The Bow of Orange Ribbon." A LOVE STORY BY AMELIA E. BARR (Copyright, 1900, meet In the room roused the doctor CHAPTER VIII. (Continued) lie stood up, stretched an erasure, thoroughly, Without a pause, without this letter had transcribed itself from his anus, walked to the window and lt Is a lovely looking out said: Cornelia's heart to the email note paper, but she found it much night, but the moon looks like storm. and he turned quickly with more difficult tiling to answer the re- Oh! I forgot to tell you was exclamation the She Arieus. Van of Rem quest that Gen. Hyde rehurt and agitated and withal a little that I heard on turned Pell this morna in the was also Mary sorry for Rem, and she a child. him with was Joris ing, bringing for for letter the hurry, A child! said Mrs. Moran. waiting, as she wished to send both A girl, then, a little mite of a by the same messenger. Finally she wrote the follong words, not notic- creature. Mrs. Davy told me the ing at the " time, but remembering Captain carried her in his arms to afterwards whar a singular soul re- the carriage which took them to Hyde luctance she experienced; how some Manor. Then Cornelia said a hasty gooduncertain presentiment, vague and dark and drear, stifled her thoughts night and went to her room. She and tried to male her understand, or was eick at heart; she trembled, something in her life had lost Its at least pause: foothold and a sudden bewildering My Dear and Honored Friend: Your letter has given me very terror she knew not how to explain took possession of her. great sorrow. You must have known She buried her face in her pillow that for many weeks, even months, and was us wept bitterly. Alas! Alas! Lore Impossible. between marriage It has always been so, it always will wounds as cruelly when he falls, as be so. I grieve it ycur going away; 1 when he strikes. pray that your absence may bring you CHAPTER IX. some consolation. Do not, I beg you, Withfather. on to call my attempt Misdirected Letters. out explanations, I tell you very sinThe so unhappy to Cornelia me cause will call great night a such cerely, trouble, for yof. know, well a girl was very much more unhappy to must trust somewhat to others judg- Hyde. He had sent his letter to her ment In her dlsrr:al. Please to con- before eleven in the morning, and if sider your letter? as never written. Fortune were kind to him, he expectWith a sad sense of the pain my words ed an answer soon after leaving must cause you, I remain for all time Madame Jacobus. When noon passed your faithful fric&d and obedient serv- and one o'clock struck, he rang for some refreshments. Cornelia Moran. ant, At 3 there was a knock at his door Then she rang for a lighted candle, and while waiting for Its arrival neatly and he went hastily to answer it. Balfolded her letters. Her white wax and thazar stood tli ere with tae longed-fo- r seal were at haid, and she delayed letter in his hand. He felt that he the servant until she had closed and must be quite alone with 1L So he turned the key and then stood a moaddressed them. You will take Lieut. Hydes letter ment to examine the outside. He flrsL she said. "Mr. Van ArlenB kissed the superscription and kissed note you can dolrer as you return. the white seal, and sank Into bis As soon as thli business was quite chair with a sigh of delight to read it out. of her handi, she sank with a In a few moments a change bej ond happy sigh Into a large comfortable all expression came over his face chair; let her arms drop gently, and perplexity, anger, despair cruelly asclosed her eyes to think over what sailed him. It was evident that some she had done. She was quite satis- irreparable thing had ruined all his fied. She was sure that no length of hopes. He was for some moments reflection could hare made her decide dumb, . This, trance, of. j. eiireraitiy. on Tfaff Wyaes letter in lowed iy passionate and her bosem, and she pressed her hand reproaches, wearing imprecations themselves away' against It, and vowed to her heart to an utter amazement and Incredulthat he was worthy of her love, and ity. He had flurg the letter to. the that he only should have it. Oh, floor, but he lilted It again and went there I nothing 1 4vould alter In him, over the cruel words, forcing himseU even at the cost of a wish! Joris! to read them slowly and aloud. Joris! and she let the dear name Your letter has given me very sweeten her lips, while the light of love brightened and lengthened her great sorrow; let me die If that Is not what she says; very great soreyes, and spread over her lovely face row. You must hare known for a blushing gow. even months, that marriage weeks, The tck tray was brought In at five between us was Impossible; am 1 oclock, but Dr. Moran had not re- perfectly in my senses? It always turned, and there was in both wom- has been and always will tls why, be; en's hearts a little sense of heart treason of the worst kind! Oh, Mrs. Moran was wonderCornelia! Cornelia! And she grieves ing at his unusual delay. Cornelia at my going away, and bids me on feared he would be too weary and no account call on her father and perhaps too much lnterestel in ether takes pains to tell me the No is abmatters to permit jher kver to speak. solute and I am not to blame her. But even so. ue thought, Joris Oh this Is the vileBt It li treachery! t can come again, is not the Rem Van Ariens who is at the bottom only opportunity.! of it. the devil take the fellow! When the doctor came Cornelia was I shall May need some heavenly power to so thoughtful for the weary mans keep my hands off him. I will never wonder again at anything a woman does Was ever a lover so be trayed T" Thus his passionate grief and anger tortured him until midnight. Then he threw himself upon his bed, and his craving, suffering heart at length found rest in sleep from the terriblo egotism of its sorrow. Never for one instant did he Imagine this sorrow to be a mistaken and quite unnecessary one. Not taking Rem Van Ariens seriously into his consideration, and not fearing his rival in any nay, it was beyond all hia suspicions that Rem should write to Cornelia in the same hour, and for the same purpose as himself. Anu that she should he forced by circumstances to answer both Rem and himself in the same hour, and in the very stress and hurry of her great love and anxiety should misdirect the were likelihoods outside his consciousness. It was tar otherwise with Rem. The moment he opened the letter brought him by Cornelias messenger, in that Began to listen for Hyde's itep. comfort, so at tor live and so amusing, very moment he knew that it was not that he fuui:d it easy to respond to his letter, lie understood at once the the happy atmosphere surrounding position, and perceived that lie held him. Su an hour j: issed and Cornelia In his hand an instrument, which it began to listen (or the sound of affairs went as he desired, was likely Hydes step upon the flagged walk. to make trouble he could perchance With her work In her hand making turn to his own advantage. These laborious stitches by a drawn thread thoughts sprang at once into his reshe sat listening with all her being. flections, hut were barely enterHalf-pas- t eight! She looked up and tained before nobler ones displaced caught her mothers eyes, and the them. As a Christian gentleman he trouble and question in them, and knew what he ought to do without the needle going through the fine cavil and without delay, and he rose muslin, seemed to go through her to follow the benignant justice of his hearL At nine the watching became conscience. Into this obedience, howunbearable. She said softly, 1 must ever, there entered an hesitation of a go to bed. I am tired. Her movw- - second of time, and that infinitesimal gilt-edge- d to-da- y - grlet-wsaJ- disap-polntmen- ANOTHER UTAH ROAD. Electric Railroad From 8alt Lake to Ogden to be Completed. Ogden and Salt Lake are to be linked as soon as possible by an electric railroad. An agreement was signed In Salt Lake City Wednesday whereby J. J. Burns of Chicago,' builder of the Missouri Pacific Into' Fuebio and Constructor of one other steam railroad and two electric roads, joins hands with Simon Bambeger of Sait I ake In the construction cf a railroad bet een the two cites. Mr. Burns, whose fortune is rated close to the million mark, has decided to close out his extensive eastern interests and cast his lot in Utah, making his home in Salt Lake. Work on the extension of the rpad is to begin within forty days. Pure Food Bill Passes the House. Tho house passed the Hepburn pure food hill on Vedrcsday on a rising vote, 201 to G8, its opponents being unable to secure a roll call on the bill. The amendment of inserting the word wilful." with reference to persons who sell adulterated or goods, and which would have compelled the government to prove Inte:t to violate the law by tho venders, was stricken out on a yea. and nay vot1 la 111'' house. No material change cf tho original hill wai made. A Three Million Dollar Fire. The United States Stool corporation sustained a $3,000,000 less by fire Wednesday at the plant 1 1 the Shelby (O.) Steel Tubs company. Tho fire started In one of tho smaller rooms from a defeotivo clortrle wire and spread to the larger stock rooms, completely destroying them. The product of tho entire plant for the past six months was destroyed within an hour, consisting of 800.000 tons, making in all 25.000,000 feet of finished product, valued at $3,000,000. mis-hrande- d by Amelia E, Barr) Cot L to-nigh- let-tei- s, period was sufficient for his evil genius. Why will you meddle?" It asked. It will be far wiser to let Hyde take the first step. If the letter he has received is so worded that he knows It Is your letter. It Is bis place to make the transfer and he will lie sure to do It. And he hesitated and then sat down, and as there Is wickedness even In hesitating about a wicked act, Rem easily drifted from tae negative to the positive of the crime content plated. I had better keep It, he mused, and see what will come of the keeping." He suffered In this decision, suf fered in his own way quite as much as Hyde did. He saw clearly that Cornelia had never loved him, that his hopes Lad always been vain, and he experienced all the bitterness of being slighted and bumbled for an enemy. He felt a sudden haste to escape himself, and seizing his hat walked rapidly to his fathers office. Peter looked up as he entered, and the question in his eyes hardly needed the simple Interrogatory Well, It Is early In then? No. I shall go to Boston the morning. 1 have just heard that Gen. Hyde came back this mornirg. He is now the Right Honorable tne Earl of Hyde, and his Bon is, as you know. Lord George Hyde. Has this made a diflerence? It Linn not Loi- so$nt lip What Is owing to us. After all Ihere 1 a certain good In gold. "That is the truth. In any adversity gold can find friends." -- Then the two men spent several hours In going over their accounts, and during this time no one called on Rem and he received no message. When he returned home he found affairs just as he had left them. Sc far so good," ho thought, I will let sleeping dogs lie. Why should I set them baying about my affairs? I will not do it and with this detennlnar tion in his heart he fell asleep. But Rems Bleep was the sleep of tired flesh and blood and heavy as lead. And the waking from such sleep if there is trouble to meet Is like being awakened with a blow. He leaped to bis feet, and the thought of his loss and the shame of it, and. the horror of the dishonorable thing he had done, assailed him with a brutal force and swiftness. He was stunned by the suddenness and the Inexorable character of bis trouble. And he told himself It was "best to run away from what he could not As soon as he was well on fight. the road to Boston, he even began to assume that Hyde, full of the glory of his new position, would doubtless be well disposed to let all old affairs drop quietly and if so, he mused, Cornelia will not be so dainty, and I may get Yes where I got No. Hyde spent a miserable night, and a sense of almost Intolerable desertion and Injury awoke with him. "I must get into the fresh air, be said. I am faint and weak. I must see my mother." lie rode rapidly through the city and when he reached his Grandfather Van Ileemskirks house, he saw him smoking leaning over the ais pipe. He drew rein then, and the uld gentleman came to his side: Why art thou here? he asked. "Is thy father, or Lady Annie sick? My father at home! That Is the truth. Where wert thou, not to know this? 1 ranie to own yesterday morning. I had a great trouble. 1 was sick and kept my room. And sick thou art now, I ran see that, said Madame Van Ilecmskirk What is the matcoming forward. ter with thee, my .loris? Cornelia has refused me. I know now how It it, that no woman will love me. Am 1 so very disagreeable? Thou art as handsome and as charming as can be; and It Is sot Cornelia that has said no to thee, it is her father. Now he will be sorry, for thy uncle Is dead and thy father is Esrl Hyde, and thou thyself art a lord. (To be continued.) half-doo- r |