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Show They give a coupon with each box, mention Is made that the prospective and for ao many coupons they give groom was ever missing. the children a set of brown-pape- r At the present time it is quite the toys. I live In a $400 a year house,-anproper thing for couples In the peasI have bought enough sancepana ant class, and sometimes those of a what la the attraction about saucethe to drive through higher grade, soap to stock the pans? and S town and country after the wedding. House. White often and 'one la a frequent sight,, It It might be going a little too far to meets these processions; the happy women are absolutely dishonest with MAN A say clasped pair in the first carriage, By about money; but It la not going a hands and looks of simpering bit too far to say that they have no upon their beaming (SHaI Correspondence.) Idea how hard It Is to earn, that they faces, followed by other hired car WOMENS IGNORANCE OF THE have no Idea of its value, that they she was piodiuod. First, a little girl riages, containing relatives and guests, lias Present day VALUE OF MONEY. cannot save it, that they have not the tlio in just ire and lark ut tol- wax offered him In lien of the loved driving about so that all may see that N THE last chap- remotest notion bow to Bpcnd it properance of former years with ri'Kiird to one. lull, needless to relate, the child Fritz and his be'oved Flise are one. ter I spoke of the erly, and that, therefore, they should marriage, by the promulgation In Us was refused; thou came an old tnald SLANG PUT TO THE TEST. absolute incapac- not be entrusted with either lta saving constitution of an article providing from our of the houre, and simpering, , ity of women to or Its spending. that no liniitaliun ujton marriages attempted to late Ids arm. he. how- Biblical Texts Winter her Brings j off, over, marketdo Chicago only :.cornlully their be lonkiig grounds based uikmi shall The real fact Is, girls are not Up to Cate. nor upon the financial condition of to be obliged to resist the loving on ing on anything brought up either to have or to do A very discriminating and critical hluughta of a number of other highly like commercial without money. They cacnot estithe contracting parties. The curious observances of early unattractive females. Then the bride professor at Harvard has decided that economical mate thevalu of anythlrg not even and preheating a charm- slang la pernicious only when it Is I think 1 their own 'Jethex. They cannot keep lines. days are passing into desuetude, and was furthcoming,tont-rist, examFor to is used with white a vulgarity. custom pose :incal of by picture a ing conclusiveaccounts o roomy, and are really as peculiarity many proved for veils were ple. wo may asvir.s. when an Erglish now no longer witnessed. One of wreeth n;,on her ly, to the minds much afraid of it aa they are of a sister that she these Is the Spannen, which as yet not in use, and after cakes and girl assures a Canadian of all men at loaded pistol. ' means to span, or to place across. least, that any Women are divided into two classes When a bridegroom who is a rillr.cn business run on the same lines as a - the woman who never pays for necbis of another community leads away home la conducted, would result not essaries, and the woman who never In bankruptcy, but In the manlady love from her native village, her only buys anything unless she can pay friends, who would prefer In have seen censured by the courts for cash. From tho financier's point ol ager belrg her wedded to one of their own numhazardous speculation anfl reckless ex view, one system is as bad as the ber, stand in the mad where the cartravagancc. other. Women not only dissipate a it across riage is to pass, and stretch I intend row to review the financial mens money, but they destroy their chain of flowers, or silver rosaries, capabilities of the feminine gender credit I am talking,' of course, of forcing the bridegroom to ransom his I have shown that women have no bride by the presentation of gilts as idea how to spend money. I shall are long as the different Spot non now show they have no capabilities placed before him within the Imiinda-riefor savlrg money. This la the root of of the district. the whole evil, but it has many deIn one of the villages in the French velopments, as I shall show. The portion of Switzerland there si ill exwoman who asks her husband for ists another odd ceremony. While (he money" simply obtains celebration of the marriage is taking false under money pretenses, for there place In the church as old and deIs such a thing as criminal negliis crepit a woman as can he found gence. paid to arrange the required service, Is it in the experience of any man and receives her instructions accordthat, wedhavirg given five dollars to his the of arrival ingly, Upon the wife, he has ever seen an equivalent tlie from church the ding procession value for It? In the first place. Is it door of the bridegrooms house is ever possible to get a proper estl found closed, the shutters are securely mate for the things which are to be no and sign of life, fastened, there is woman says she wants middle-clas- s bought? the plane appears to be deserted. The women, wno marry middlesome You ask her, how -class money. best man steps forward and knocks men, who earn their living much? She says, Bhe cant tell ex from week to week, month to The Castle of Chillon. at the door. There is no answer. He month, actly. Supposing you ask her to make or year to year. Every man of busiknocks again, and louder. Again sito has bats In her belfry, she Is using out a list, and distributed been sweetmeats had supposing you get it. ness Is a man of credit. Tho, perhaps, lence. A third time he raps, pounding made ita way to language at onco strong and poetic. ; Ask her how much It will all cost. now heavily with both his flsta upon the children, the party led by the ubiquitous vio- Certainly it Is not vulgar to have bats She has not the least idea. Ask her ocly having $500 in his bank, hla bills the portal of the seemingly unfriendly the church, of the vil- In ones belfry, though we should think how much each Item costa She can- for $5,000 running over three, alx, domicile. At last .the door Is opened linist and clarionet player and twelve months, are readily Ai riving at that edifice, the mu- It would be very unpleasant The not tell you. Anxious to get to your nine, and handed on as cash. In slowly and cautiously. The bent, hag- - lage. stood accepted aside, and the ceremony professor warmly commends such ex- business, you say, How much about sicians this gard and wasted form of the old wom- took France, system prevails even in blesspresslons as tho glad hand and the' will they be? place under the portal, the She says, about the home. Owing to the fantastic an shows Itself, and she asks In a inside the marble acd asserts If that such heart, ing only being given IS.75" and adds, It may be a little finance of women, no such exsqueaky voice, What do you want? church. phrases bad been used In the story of under, and It may be a little over." ists here, and the result Is, a thing When she is told that the husband Is man has son the central the literature of the In despair, you give her ten dollars. prodigal In the smaller cantons of to keep money for "weekly books, bringing home hla bride, and that he la Incensed that nothing Is In readiness Switzerland, and to a lesser extent In Bible would have been even more! Intent on getting her Into business which would be much better employed commended. Let are us see how the highly for the blooming, youthful wife she the others, the village dances the conclusion of the parable would habits, when you return, yon ask her In his business. The result Is long appears not to comprehend, but shakes means of causing the commencement have for the change, or perhaps you wait credit and ruinous prices with shopbeen touched up In ner head and rushes away to the kit- of courtship by the peasants, the till she wants some more money. In keepers, or a constant drain of ready chen, where she ensconces herself and young man Inviting the maiden of his English, according to the latest ap- he first instance, aha aaya ah re- money- to the detriment of credit with him a number proved Harvard' methods. Mtniwm- - eaiswniiy - to npin, as 'It choice to dance membered when she was out that ahe Women will not understand this. I But the father said to hla ser- owed a little bill, and that were her only aim In life. But of times, and afterward accompanying thought she will explain. she has left the door ajar, and the her to her home. In tne near future vants: Bring forth the glad rags, and had better or that the saucepay it, When I was a bachelor, I seldom or as the to the light, guests stream In, open the shntters he must come put them on him; and put a sparkler pans wanted renewing oh, those never paid cash. If I wanted clothes,, the call and parents, to upon allow sun In runs, stream on the and and phrase his hand and shoes on his feet some saw or she very saucepans! even or wine or cigars. I sent out and brilliantly Illuminate the hitherto when an engagement la the result, proAnd hustle up that fatted calf and cheap window-blinor stock- ordered them. When the bill came In, muslin, no objecare vided strong there old woman is liftthat gloomy house; the kill it, and let us feed our faces and ings for the children oh, those chil- I on always paid something ed bodily and cast out, thus symbolis- tions. The young man then gives the hare a Jamboree. dren! The result credit was, my valuable a comparatively ing the extermination of misfortune young lady As for the elder Bon, he might have But did you ever see those sauce- was excellent; that is to say, my and evil, the happy pair enters amid present, which la shown as positive been pithily disposed of. We may picor those stockings? I never did. tradesmen always trusted me, and rejoicing, and in their now cheerful proof that the pair is- engaged. In re- ture him standing moodily in the pans, In the second Instance, she says, said of me, He always pays; and, the sort as of a and security, festivities the turn, begin. cottage background ejaculating Rats! the things came to a little more besides this, I was never without monHere, too the Spannen is sometimes girl or her parents makes a gift to the Field in Chicago Post she anticipated. If you have ey in my pocket, and if I were a bit than are purand a in this case it is made use of, but wedding rings young man, kept, or can recall, the list; and try short, nobody was frightened.' Since ribbon that bars the way, and the chased. Announcement cards are sent "Forlorn Hope Tactics. then I have married. My wife has groom dismountirg, receives a pair of out, if the family has sufficient means. Some time ago, at the Hongkong always Insisted on paying her weekly scissors from the boys of the village, The effect of a mutual breaking of an some seamen were going bills regularly on Saturday. She said cuts the slight barrier, then, giving engagement Is that all presents are ranges, through musketry drill. One of tbelr It was her way. She considered occui-on If break the returned. the handful of a the youngsters change, number had been very unsuccessful it disreputable to run bills, and said he remounts, and the carriage pro- side of the man, his gifts are retained, with the made thirty that If she sent a check on account, ceeds amid the firing of guns. If there and In certain instances, based upon out of a rie. having only 200 and 300 at possible eighty depeople would think we could not pay, Is a plate at the side of the road, and ethical grounds, damages may be ' yards. and would cot trust us, and, worse citizens' as j the a sum of money in it. the groom has manded, provided by back to 500 and But when they than ail, would talk. So far, It has 000 yards bis shfiotlng was even not mattered. But, supposing I sudworse, for he fired seven rounds withdenly wanted all the money I could out hitting the target hands on for a business speculalay The range officer, exasperated betion. Do you suppose for one moment to get the price of each article out of that yond control, said: my wifes twenty years of payJones, try another round, and If her, she will get as far as accounting ing the bills weekly would give us a you miss the target this time, fix your for $8.25 or $8.75, but farther than fortnights credit for a box of matches, bayonet and charge it Spare Mo- that she cacnot remember. If you or that our tradesmen would accept ments. really want to get to the bottom of such a new departure as a small check the whole business, you should say, on account? I say emphatically, No. Australian Sheep Industry. You must have lost tb change. An been paid weekly, they would It Is estimated that 30,0()0,UUU sheep accusation of losing m..y a woman Having suspect that I was immediately will be shorn during, the present shearalways resents, with The Idea of broke, and, as sure as my name Is She next recollects what It is, I should receive a dozen ing in New South Wales. Last year's such a thing! total shorn numbered 26,000,000. Thus that she bought herself a pair of or so District Court summonses. In twelve mouths the flocks of the gloves. If you suggest she bought It must be clear, therefore, that, state have naturally- increased by gloves a week ago, or that she has 4 vOO.OOO. A prosperous lambing if her dress allowance, she says, Of since this absurd system of paying ready money," and getting no dispredicted, with a large proportion oi course, if you want me to walk about count, pervades the entire ranks of double lambing. It Is evident tfiat without gloves, you should say so. with the return of good seasona the As your saying so would mean a tho middle class, women are not only the state is mak- row, you suggest that one dollar could conniving at the robbery of their huspastoral industry ing a quick recovery, and that d few not he better spent than on gloves, bands, but are ruining their credit years will see the effects of the recent and you mark off your dollar like the I have already shown that no woman ever gets a discount for ready money. drouth totally remedied. Iron cable In the English Admiralty It may be said that they do not know report, Eaten by rats." that they could. It would require Russia's the Oldest Stamp. Blit supposing your wife asks for very little common sense for them to Russia is. or will be very shortly, five dollars, and, it not beirg conve- find It out. They must know they do old of the the possessor unchanged nient to give her more than $2.50, you know! that their rooks get it on issue of postage stamps in the world. ask her for a list of the things again now everything that goes Into the kitchen, Until Kong held that posi- which nre required for the house. and that their nurses ct it for the Tho fr.st Ilong-Kontion. stamps If you get It, you will find that more Swiss Girl With Churn. very milk that goes into their nurwere Isiiucd in 185t and are Identical than half the items are not pressing, series. If toin use in those they only looked at tiieir with of canton. benefit luw book amount Ip the for the every respect to double the particular and so you give her $2.50, and tell the eae of diatli previous m the weddirg day. The head of Klrg Edward is, her she must make it go as far as she dressmaker's bills, they would see A of the young people who "'u-nhowever, soon to replace that of Vic- can. The next day she asks you for discount of 5 per cent allowed for more? thus olitip.cil in merrymaking. the survivor. has the rifjt to cash," stated in red letters. Yet it is toria, and thenceforth the Russian the other $2.50. To make a long More tlan onto has it t purred that nT the estate of tho do. ?asod. story In Sornfthal the brio,; left her par In after years n swain has stated that issue, with the double eagle and shiM short, you will find that she has to people who cannot put two and two who rannot keep money, he would rather have quadrupled the onts home the night reviews to the of Ft. George, which first appeared In all the things which were together, who keep no record of what they re and is still running, will hold bought amount had it then served to prevent wedding, and. together vlth her trousnot pressing, and that she has left ceive, and have no knowledge of what record. the lady from areompanying him, In- seau. which had to inesude a bed and the unpurchased all the things that were. anything should, or has, cost, to whom stead of simply paying do'ihlc for the a cupboard, went to th house of her Among the former are half a doxen we entrust the finances of our homes. future husband, where site remained Surplus In Spanish Treasury. privilege of taking her. Of 8 soap, and when you Are we not It Is said that a surplus of $60,000,-00- 0 boxes In another loralitv the groom for- until the next morning, when the bigger fools, and more to a half dozen, she aaya, emphasize In to came to to bird's went call the house fetch friends and the the relatives Spanish treasury this year We cannot have the house without blame, than they are? merly , her, waiting the while outside, until couple to start for ths ceremony. No la the largest It has ever known. a bit of soap. Oh! that soap! (Copyright by Funk ft Wagnalls Oo.) Domestic Blunders of Women MERE Swi(zf.-riun- d Io-m- s house-keepin- g ' -' . ; te 1 - d - Ito-wel- l s nt - Ho-v-- r g one-thir- 1SG4-C- long-tim- e ! ! |