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Show J I TO GOBI A SOLO U vh j tg Liuttfi femi QUAi Tabtou fAi AM n0Mi rafuod tki Mntr If SQUIRRELS SAVED HIS LIFE. . Mb ft to onrn. W. Omt'i im b Muwfbtlan 4 trt Horn. Ibl whan Jtol Ekclora Mai Ck, btA nad BKMur. Mlf-Uln- ml Mrrtift lw isnloa. Ccte at., Cjuco.fi. Dwten Eugene Field Vtowt cr. lUTuanrnMi lmi n' t tor isImtu' ta Lofton laaapMltoM a and aonallMM exUafabtVM n ambition." Thcwyh T daaptto ku from eon plain I Field Ilea all his Ufa A weak, Urad ateveae: east digest jwr food. Il Too eaa nalr m( It by ita of a preparation Ilka XoM, which r lieves It at work by dlyerilsj your t fiat am restores It to lie awotl t a- l!u nlinl - -- thi5Mll'7 Mary bis ' brown, Stoakten. TSjprtpyT? Stiltfiikbi'iVtf nt v- - '1 Through Service j. '' StTlOLBS ' EAST Sanitarium Baths ssjkc 25c ' fNfwiI al;tjlftlhitinia.i-.iVu 1. MtH tMtUil tA OMlktiM l Xrctir Drug Onnpaar. ft ANB THC i Missouri Pacific RAILWAY I COLORADO KUSMlsisSODBl OBSERVATION OININQ CARS. CtlOTRiG URNTR. (ati riu),aM hi laitMJkMi, MRn, da, ilPip Illinois Central Railway. ant w. H namrMn. m in BATS YOU HtfiARD ON YUM His Honest Way. fha Oil Tsnoitoa Idonli Ksmphls, Tana. Vtshvllls, tiaa Cincinnati, Obla Atlanta, On Jackson rill a. Ik Louisville, Xr. Vaw Orleans, La. TUksbmrf, lltoa Weakly through sarvloe tetvM CM and batwna Clnetanatl MOMXM. Mvtoi Dialaa Oaro Hsndsoaaly Trains Cars gleeptag Cars IYn RacUnlag Chair Cara. Ask ticket rents for tickets vta dtt ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAIIJLOAD. or apply to n W. hd la IL n Malt BO rourr. Lake City ever take stimulants of any kind?" aske.l the doctor, vvl:o was candidate for examining the life insurance. No. sir. When I drink whisky, I do it without trying to make any excuses to myself whatever." YEARS AflmRnd hp ftogtoarive AimtSsM Vmofta poi is Ms ilR 4 iMi in SALT LAKH CITY rcuuno tour tut sait that thb Oregon Short Line RAILROADi s na rnscr oowacrm proof of Glfcma. Kiser tm UNION PACIFIC TBE OVERLAND ROUTE VHQH R TM ronJLAI ctaaeow TO AU rOKTAiaav m --a COMFORT SAFETY 201 TTNION PACIFIC Unexcelled i MAIN ST. SSLT KM1 SPEED enrnemoma LAKE CfTT, VI AN. rocressivb (THB OVERLAND ROUTE) ATCHISON, TOPEKA and SANTA FE RAILWAY. In eoitnaeflta with lh R. O. W. Ity. ths SHORT LINE from Utaluto Kan a as Cltr. Bt. Joatph, Chicago, Oalvss-toEl Paso and ths raining camps of Now Mexloo and Arlaona. Special at toatloa paid to wool aad ship manta. Per particulars about tho REDUCED a. ck Uoioo Pacific Aud 5t. PlqI ly. THROUGH LINE ilWAUKee & Gbichgo, The Union Pndflo end Ohlongo, Milwunkee X St. Paul Bleepers, lourlst Rftllwsyi are now running first-claOars Free and Chair Reclining Cleepers through to Chicago. For tickets, sleeping car reservations and further information, apply to ss Riata dm hsad-oom- a hr Ch.wi of ckU ! oratoraeript Tka UaVt Mott? idbnMt CoHlar's Waakly. Ki Tsrtk The world has little time for trovbtr o. Ur. glad From which It may And men will turn hsIiI- - i gr-- er you. of you hear mny have had. To Joys We coldly turn away from people When they apnmach os. looking sad. vitm CS Li ? ! r'gm' wgjWT-- 3 lr. -- o stampa &0. Scientific American. DENVER Owlm il - i vsrncr . nnauE. y Tintroi-iiR- Ml Ocala a Ai P. D. A. BENTON, r Dtaions wMkia mram VoswJr mt a i inai IwuL lfMkll MNm Cj L lim-s- F. A. MILLER, CLAUDE S. Ctaanl PoMogif Ayaal Chicago E6 V. Csauacrcial Agcol Sac oof South St, loll Luka Cl Was! UU cuar Tab Laxative Bromo Quinine Emma VILUAR13, o To Cure a Cold in One Day ifeinlaiM A Ssyvas OfiOEN Dtaala man Dining Oars, sendee a la Carte on all through trains. Par raira, IMdaia, Im Bmntat bmklMa teqalra at rwt i OabsaasaoL apaniylas hs ftls Otaada tma a iUi - I BETWEEN All Dooly Block. SM has to d Is to rtvtow t&q i of Cslfiar's tor tba snnrsat mouh answer lk tm w Oim m (tons which am printod hi wch In ana, gtriaf sack nptalsB and sack sags asst tons aa will alt la ImpmvInR Uts a tans In this way Sapsr. ColUsv to ssears ths asvtstssos sf rrvry tas nf e Tmdi Mamie ' fxnnDioi.T KQOirrao DAILY Through Pullman and Ordinary Sleeping Oars to Dearer, Omaha, Kansas City, 8L Louis and Ohloago without change. Free reclining chair ears. Personally Conducted Excursions. nlin tost aft Dim Arvwo TRAIfil Vta Tkiw u nwsani a aery Ctaf irsshiy wmspstkm tor lu tetsrlaf each nmiL To enter tks wfr to-tt- OOPYRIOMTS aM ooPrtp 3 rm PASSENGER RATES EAST this su mar. apply to C P. WARREN, Osaerai Agent. Its rsadsrs la maktoy ths napsr awn to thslr llktag. Every reader, la tort, hsosnMs on of ths sdltors and has hli Unlucky Man. rotes la katldlnc ths gzaatast Olastratod Livocean from A man crossed the tournal sf ths sys. erpool to New York recently and was Ths first prias saG math, awarded on the only single man board, while for ths moat bslyfal tayvMttoh Is lit Is eaah. pass sash, with a there were fifty-fivsingle women. sad aiyhtasa sthsr prism sf MU : hooka rsactoy to viloc from tU The Unpopular Dolorous Way. to IS. maklsy la all (US af valas ytvec! Tin woilil hiis liMIr tiiei- fur I;iiit la prises asci month. Tbcrv ara, la adTh Who (iuots bi.-- gloomy dition cumalativa caah prUM, far Han Inj s who via prlaas la nceaaclva aisstha. hM'-us rlnnm are soon fnotfen, Tlnt and a big raah pi's ef IldM tor th ilisn-a- l r i; 1.) s' i:n VV'p Bsost valBabls aayyaitlons dsrir.y 1KL To t,nl Who cliis I'M irl!'i nr Par tfca convaaiaaca af tatoadlry and iiiaixo. our whs can art hi promptly sup all tka capias a' rUt by srwsdcalara, msoth wColust's for ths currant ttr with a its sand paatpsld, s experience Wfl' ipr.llni iMA Coooasflnf ai Oydaa IMm Papal will ail tsrihsra Paslfis ud Orvfoa hsri Ltoa lbs aaly TnutasssfiaaRUI Uaa pasiiaf dlrsatly Ibrasyb Ml Labs dtp Tralsa MMi and red-nose- d tba . A "Do yon Tarrltarr. Oannaatlana at tkooo RM THE 80ENIO LINE TO lira-sto- LZ0S8 pOOT la And tho Paalfla Carnot and Scientific PRESS MEHHC taa ry SakLahaCEp Glsawood Springs, Aipn, Lesdrills, Pnfiblo, Colorado Spriafy, Dinror, Omaha, Kansas City, 8L Louis, Ohloao, and all points sut INDISPENSABLE TO MINING MEN. UPFIC1RWTLT HUTM A TAM TBHRIITORY Me By through a si riao to iat Mwlkl oltleni Omaha, Chisago, XU St Fool, lflaa St LonU. Minneapolis, JOaa Foerla, Xu. Bar City, Xa ftnaarlllL Xkfi. Duffat-Ubra- -- nPVI!R. OnofRInoto Cough Coro MININGpiSo fyCkVl N. e.TOWNOlRB Steam as aw ilSiJ0 Southeastern er COkOMKO. a ad pi IaH Cltyi BsH 4 Ckctrisgki Hc Usen, d 8t. ELECTRIC FANS RECLININC CHAIR OARS Fast j avrowaava av Law - M PULLMAN wm SLEEPING CARS. EAST, SOUTH, WEST AMD PARKS, f THROUGH SCENIC Itk IV. uai arroaai. Tbero's well-drJc- VIA 0. sasvABo W sbJ C;i AihMDm mm t!7 it New Discovery u MptUM lllllln kl, sli WiiiMtliy Iiini fyv oftlewL Nothing has ever equalled Crippled in an Cld Hut, He Nothing con crer snrpass Alive on Store of Nuta If Albert Don slow recovers from a recent experience on Pico mountain, VL. he will owe his life to a family of gray squirrels. j Denslow is a ciiopper, anu a couple of weeks ago went to a woodlot to cut slovewood. lie took provisions teC3gar.a-.nenough to last him a week, and on Saturday noon left camp to spend X Perfect For AH Throat and Sunday In town. Corel Long Troubles. lie had gone about a mile and a kMlITBMa TftalBsMas half when be slipped, fell and wrenched his right hip so badly that he could not bear his weight on his leg. After lying In the snow until UWOUEt dusk, when bis leg becoming more deshe became painful every moment, perate. There was not a human being within miles, and to spend a night in the forest in his condition meant certain death. Finally, remembering an old log hut half a mile north of him, he began to crawl to it. He reached the cabin at 1 o'clock In tho morning and built a fire in an old hearth. Then he bathed his thigh and, propping himself up in frout of the congenial blaze, went to sleep. lie awoke in the morning stiff. sore and ravenously hungry. His. leg was still swelling and every more caused him great pain. It would be. several Ha TK N days before he could hope to leave, ami I H starvaand the chopper was staring tion in the face when he noticed a Um WMl t taMI gray squirrel cn the Hour and anothOra Asp ami er on a rafter over his head. They were observing him curiously and chattering. no Better Senrica A looxe stone lay near his hand and he secured it. Then, carefully getting arm room, he hurled the missile at Than that win Iks the squirrel. The stone hit the floor at the animal's feet, caromed to the wall and struck a loose board. There was a rattling in the partition. and from a hole at the top of butthe basehuard rolled a ternut. The squirrel had disappeared like a shot, leaving the choppers eyes Xnsu City, Saint Lode aid riveted on the nut. to points in Um Sooth. Sonth-ss- t It required but a few moments to Memphis and Sonlh west crawl across the room and procure It. In another moment it had been cracked with the stone intended for Tbe Limited the squirrel and the meat lay in Dens-low- s hand. 0 P. M. Leaving Xaaaaa CHy at Squirrels dont hide single nuts, and, trembling with anficlpation, the Jnfljr, will tabs yon to Springfield, Memchopper tore out a board In the wall phis, Tlrmlsghssn Atlanta, Jackson villa and out tumbled at least a bushel of And all points la the Soothsaid. the nuts. There were more back of another board and Denslow made a 9m dstsltod information apply to hearty meal. Then he melted some snow In an Q. W. MARTIN old tin can, took a long drink and reGENERAL WERTVRM AOENT plenished the fire. was no use trying to move, 1108, ITtm so the man remained quiet, bathing OOLO. his leg in snow-watand keeping as warm as he could. During the day he discovered an old discarded overTop OcNiph Colds and Orsape coat, and that night had a more comfortable sleep. AH the next day he dined on nuts and water, and the swelling began to go down. It was two more days bepOftTMTOP fore be could bear his weight on the t Tssldy I DostmtodL limb to get to the village. When he did reach here he was in a bad condition and was a trifle weak mentally, but it Is believed he will pull through in a few days. Denslow used to be a great squir(3 PEX YEAR, FOSTPAUX rel hunter, but he will never take another shot at the animals, he says. New York World. Dr. Kings i . ttia M.jr ihw' Mat Ml klvcrtot oU .i wealthy busts. kM of mu. Ini lUatof, lilinr SIN bw Wilh kto tons to tr I M9am fcmma aaH Is IE neafiha. Tbit dgRltOti SmaJtT a In Turo Dajk ob every box. 25c. |