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Show PKTER TtKAliDICATE bbsCOL KING OF ' POSITION SERVIA'S yag (jiven (Jp Peruna Saved Her Life. ' , uwjmuuu. Successor Must Pledge Himself to Punish Assassins of King Alex ander and Queen Drags. - It was catarrh ef thi lungs common In King Fetor of Servla, according to a report from Cottlnje, Montenegro, published by a Vienna paper, is pro- the pared to voluntarily tbrone and allow the powers to noxnl- nate his successor. The prince of Montenegro Is said to j have received a mandate from RussU to dear up the precarious situation in Servla. and King Feter is alleged to have recognized the untenability of his position and to. be willing to abdicate. His successor. It Is added, will only be permitted to ascend the throne conditionally on his agreeing to punish the leaders of the conspiracy which resulted in the assassination of King Alexander and Queen Draga, removing all those who were directly or indirectly concerned in the regicide. The statement Is not confirmed, but all reports Indicate that affairs In Servla are steadily growing worse and that they are causing the greatest anxiety in Russia and Austita. The Servian conspirators aro said to be openly threatening to take revenge on Europo by Joining In the exported Macedonian outbreak' In the sprlug. The Internal condition of Sen-lIs alarming. Outsldl the towns life and property are inspire. The roads are Infested with brijtnds. thi winter months.) ; i J lcno-.nc- o ) 1 wy W; . - -- . :V . f?rCtWv; Miss Rose Hennessy, well known as a poetess and elocutionist, of Lexington, Ky., tells how she was cured of uterine inflammation and ovaritis by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound GW fflS.JMWmC0LL Miss Jrnnia Driscoll, 670 Putnam Are., Brooklyn, N. Y., Writes people knew how efficient Psruna was In the cure of catarrh, they would not hesitate t try it. I have all the faith In the It as It cured me, and world I have never known of a cate when the person was nnt c red In a short time." Jennie Drts a 1 STIRRING UP TROUBLE. h Representatives of Latin Republics Holding Meetings In Parie. M use : so Mm. the hare hern Piwkham I Dear Almost all the republics of Latin blessedly helped through of Lydia E. lMnkliams Vegetable Compound that 1 feel it but just to America were represented at a meetacknowledge it, hoping that it may help some other woman suffering as I did. ing held In Paris Tuesday night, which For years I enjoyed the best of health and thought that I would always do so. I attended parties and receptions thinly clad, and would be suddenly was attended by about COO men and chilled, but 1 did not think of the results. I caught a had cold eighteen women, and which was addressed by months ago while menstruating, and this caused inflammation of the womb George Thlebaud on "The Loss of the Panama Canal. and wonderful to the was called My attention your Vegetable Compound cures it had performed, and I made up my mind to try it for two months and It was M. Tbiebaud's purpose to Insee what it would do fer me. Within one month I felt much better, and fluence public opinion through the at the close of the second I was entirely well. to use it, and all express most Influential of his hearers. The "I hareasadvised a number of my lady friends Miss Hoax Kona meeting was called themselves well satisfied with the results as 1 was." especially for the Hehvesst, 410 S. Broadway, Lexington. Ey. bondholders of the Panama Canal The experience and testimony of some of the most noted company, members of the chamber women of America go to prove beyond a question that Lydia 13. and senate and of the municipal counPinkhams Compound will correct all snch trouble and at once; byVegetable removing the cause, and restoring the organs to a cil; the press, financial companion and normal and healthy condition. engineer societies, and commercial : Mrs. Pixkham About two years ago I consulted a phy- and industrial unions. Aside from "Dear sician about my health which had become so wretched that I was no the presence of several diplomats, the longer able to he about 1 had severe backache, bearing-dow- n pains, meeting was without importance, as pains across the abdomen, was very nervous and irritable, ana this those present represented but a small trouble grew worse each month. The physician prescribed for me, but amount in their holdings cf the canal I soon discovered that he was unable to help me, and I then decided to companys bonds. try Lydia 13. Pinkhains Vegetable Compound, and soon found that At a recent meet'ng cf the canal it was doing mo good. My appetite was returning, the pains disapjiear-incompany M. Thicbaud alleged that the and the general benefits were well marked. M You cannot realize how pleased I was, and after taking the medi- United States and the Panama Canal cine for only three months. I found that 1 was completely cured of iny company had fomented the revolution trouble, and have been well and hearty ever since, and no more fear the in Panama, and he attempted to show monthly period, as it now passes without pain to ine. Yours very truly, that an understandMiss PkamTAckeks, 327 Xorth Summer St, Nashville, Tenn. ing with respect to the Isthmus had an sentiWhen a medicine has been successful In restoring to health encouraged ment among the remore than a million women, you cannot well sav without trying it publics. I do not believe it will help me. If you are ill, do not hesitate coIL Gresham, Treasurer Daughters of tlie Confederacy and President Herndon Village Improvement Society, writes tbs following luUer from Hcmden, Fairfax Co., Ya.t IIermoxx, Va. The Fcruna Medicine Co., Columbns, Ohio 1 Mrs. CoL K. I cannot speak too highly of the value of Peruna. I believe that I owe my Hie to its wonderful merits. I suffered with catarth of the head and lungs In Its worst form, until the doctors fairly gave me up, and I despaired of ever getting well Gentlemen again. noticed your advertisement and the splendid testimonials given by the people who had been cured by Peruna, and determined to try a bottle. I felt but little better, but used a second and third bottle and kept on Improving slowly. tt took six bottles to cure me, but they were worth a King's ransom to me. I talk Peruna to all my friends and am a true believer In its worth." Airs. Col. E. J. Gresham. tho unfortnnate ones. Little or no risk need be run if 1eriina Is kept in the house and at the first appenraucs of any On a Plain Subject in Plain symptom of catarrh token as directed m the bottle. Language. Peruna Is a safeguard. Is a preventative, a specifics. la a cure fur all cases of The coming winter will cause at least catarrh, acute and chronic, coughs, oolda of tue women to have catarrh, consumption, etc. colds, coughs, pneumonia or consumpIf you do not receive prompt and satistion. ThomancW of women will lose from the use of l'eruna factory their lives ami tens of thousands will write stresults to onre giving a lr. Hartman, ailsome chmuio acquire he will and of statement case, full your from which ment they will be pleased to give you bis valuable adnever recover. Unless you take the nec- vice gratia Addre-- s Dr. Hartman, President id essary precautionsAthe chances are that you (who Tlie Hartman banitarium. Columbna read this) will be one of Ohio. A PLAIN TALK g, Anrlo-Amorlca- n Latin-Amerlca- vice Is free and helpful. Write FORFEIT to-da- y. its vegetable Compound and special advice. Her &d Delay may be fatal. cannot forthwith produce the original letter end .IguAtnreK of If their eheolnto gennlneneM. $5000 shore MttuiiauiaU, which will proveIgrdic Jt. Ptnktiaiu HwL Co., Lynn, Bfaaa, Practical Farmer Laborer or Mechanic A APPRECIATES THE SAVINO IN MAR ANO TEAR GAINED ST USINO 'ountaineeri ITPI0 1(11 mb (non mi INIIITI on iwvim Turn ns il LOCAL BCAL.U THe AAI HONK OTHKHS MT A 6000 - amo me evAOAnrct or in lamui babtob m SUP TNI OUT BACA OtmkLL B JUN-S- B THIN Z. G. M. 1. 8414 , HALL'S GAIiKEii AND DIPHTHERIA n mington, Del., on jrharges in connection with the preaching of a sermon by him last June, entitled Should the of Murderer Illen Bishop bo will take place The trial Lynched? In the Presbyterian church at Newcastle on February 2. The complaint against Mr. Elwood is that tho sermon so workc-- up the people that the next night a mob gathered, stormed the workhouse, fork out George White, a negro, who confessed to assaulting end hilling Helen Bishop, and burned him to death at the stake. Ccs ss&r Nsldsn-Jjdss- n MCVrn lit I til ? IHlLO FAM Drug Co., General Agents. Whitaker & Dallas, Makers, SALT LSKW OITV. UTSN ANO BY ALL QfcNnHAL DNUSQISTS STORES seed is S3lt Lake City, Utah. MADE BY OGDEK UILLIN&& Pow to 1,200 Or., 20c. New tue John A. Sslzcr Seed LA Co., CO. pew fcashels DRUNKENNESS Onito per acre with each osneo order. lOo. ELEVATOR UTAH. OGDEN, earth. CUBED. Uf-i CROSSE, WIS. The Keeley InstitJie, S34W.S TaepWSV ba.t Lana Cit. UUk CAPSICUM VASELINE rp (rt-- 1 I A eobMilutc f r 1 olli'-- I v OH t.PIHl ui.l I k nr.isi.-ilcf- mr'-iinr- tii .!l n-- t Ui-n- -r ifeliralenMn. 'J !i pa.ii fci.'.ivi-f giihlu;'1. of llii kiisi ie Mrt wui.i.i-.lie ni .i r, nd r Hup liie r WereroimiH-nirmiii-r-- i: i c ss an citi-M.i- il 1 ! 'L t -- li:i Jc l.-- v- lls i i !i ny tli Mill iila-i-- r, a:ii j j 1 li. 't ch-- -t l'n'.: al - ar-- l arnl --.Mn;n'li anil all l h'"i m A lii.itv.-i- l Wove viliiit iimi cm:.; '.). ('Hit? f to !ip ii yalu-ati- le claim I il. an-.- l i( will r.a ii is in ill hnusrlioM. Many Pi ire th: Ukt of all TMir lepalatins.,, . -r ollidra'in-or cents, at all cirnssists or lending th a amoi-n- t to us In posurruaninswe will tend you a tul a Lyrmil. No aiticl - ihonld ba ar.eep'ed bv the public unl-- k Ilia name carries our labil. ai othrm ite 1 1 ii not genume. CHESrBROlTiH MFO. CO., 17 btata Street. Ksw Yoaa Citt. I he Itarh-- 1 1'ruua We In 8 tiH-k- e uil iwulltnna. Wrttaf. r HOLER'S BARa:R CCUECt, Uk.nvkk Cni., HaLLi t - rr.i-.cu- PHQEKIX HIGH PATE8T found on '. tnclinoa to n Europe opinion n peaceful is'p.e in 11 far cast. Tlie Toklo cotTcapondcr.- - of tLa I ontlmi Demand the Utah Hand Made Hors Daily Mali enyi he bon learned thni Collar from Mr. Kurina, Jspates rolnlder at St. . your dealer Petersburg. Lhs sent In a eorddential 8 u perlor report In which he rave that nt a te-TJ FBI?1 mato the eret iccertly of tlie Husalnn chine made grandmeeting dukes and the ministers. War Y ou will Minister Kuicpntkta end some of hla never have trouble with hame hold colleagues declared in favor of peace. i'P Rot hew cheap, bet bow food. PON SALE AND $1.5 0 per pound, and no better Life Lcccto W pr. to Tl.p Crtr'n mw; pipers lm paving lU v av ta esp'an 11m eian It the negntljtinnA wi.h Japan, nnl H all tLc capita's f w Ntbriy fron 60 cents to npp-ir-entl- REMEDY OGDEHS BEST Prices mss ar-pa- PON THR MOUTH. THROAT. STOMACH ANO BOWSLM.... lf Yegetabti Stills Is tbs menL A special from La Junta, Colo., says: John Devise was convicted in the distri'-- t court of wrecking the Santa Fe passenger train near Fowler last summer, at which .time Engineer was ft tolly Injured. John Walk Judge Vocrhees sentenced Devine to life imprisonment. Devine was n within 150 yards tramp and was of whpre ilih wic; ocouired, u:,l.?r,p, nnl that be ha-been hliicrlng t!iTc for K(,nt Lours, not Veins' at all disturbed by the noise of the wreck. Overalls Boor one-ha- Preacher Blamed for Lynching. The Newcastle 'presbytery has decided to try Rev. l A. Elwood of Wil- Train Wrecker J. j ; ! AND THRATRICAL MASQUERADE TUMES FOR COS- RENT.... IBB FOB OfcfSLOeUIS SMB FRICSS. SALT LAKE COSTUMING HOU8B -- FNBNB TBS. ST STSTS ST.. SALT LSRS OITV ha lt l.a a a Un , V . nt, When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Papers W. N. U., Salt Lake-N- o. fsnassoE m 4, 1004, nst f AtL. Uaa vniie Cough Syrup. Taata Oooi Sold he Is tlaie. draryl.t--. |