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Show I I THE TOOELE COUNTY REPUBLICAN WEEKLY. STOCKTON, UTAH, SATU U)AY, JANUARY 25, 1)04. VOL. IV. ck Diamond. n.i elements that make a good American It will drain the soldier or railroad man are precisely nothing can be done jntil tllVIl those that make a Rood mine foreman. PUBLISHED AT A corporation hai lt-- n formed re-- 1 Utah Among these the retsponrive and "InStockton itiative" qualities stand prominent, If ently under the na pe of "The Foun-- 1 Subscriptions; tain Oil and Asph It cimipany, in-- 1 J2.00 not One year orporated lor $500,iJD, of a par value L- SI ptr share Six months . and nicest and pleasantest medicine phe Three months are: T. P. KUffry. president ; j have used for indigestion and con- - directors M. Edmunds S. p.l 777. w n Gundrv Editor stipatlon Is Chamberlains Stomach and It. Uver Tablets." says Melard P. Craig, Hall of Cincinnati, of Middlegrove, N. V. They work like Wilkes and R. J. lta a charm and do not gripe or have any ties ure located Si nit sixteen miles nd contain ifiiKl from Promontory unpleasant effect." For sale by business Tw enty thou ind dollars will he acres. During our absence any Mercur. Utah. Mercur Co., Drug G undry M. E. transacted with Mrs. W. N. spent at once for de elopmcnt of same. Brown, Stockton, Utah. The lady will rewill be O. K. ceipt for money due the office, will take A GRAND SOCIETY FOR STOCX- - The Ophlr Hill mi e, ow ned ly Senaorders for Job printing, etc. tor V. A. Clark a Montana, is the TON. James T. Jakeman, le camp of Ophlr. life of the model The Knights of the Maccabees of the The Manager. is an old ne, but was for a camp World, with home offices at Poit time allowed to fa I Into deeuy. Ini Huron, Mich., Is a popular insurance taking up and thoro ghly equipping the On January 22nd the San PeCO order having a membership of 870, Ophlr s Hill mine an making It a funds will sell tickets to Salt Lake for COO, and cash and Invested la naturally drawing attention until It thel0f to over unite round good $3,200,000. Its for trip, fare one object again to this fie 1. Among those 55th, from all points In Tooele county.- fraternally all white males between the being oiierated now are the Montana, the Sunday51 are who sound accommodate and to RKe 0j jg year, This la lie Burkhorn, and the Queen, school children and their friends,con-so- h,, health and of good moral character, over Ophlr In Dry Cany n section, out of district the from a attend can u member of at death provides that they which several mil Ions were mined ventlon In Salt Lake the 23rd and 24th $oo to $3009 to his beneficiary. The back in the '60s, development wot k is conducted with favorable results is carried on ut business of the order jnst. ' through a supreme tent and subordi- - the Utah Queen, Eureka-Ophmid UP WRITTEN 8T0CKT0N r.ate tents. Members pay equitable, Mono. The Mono lus produced ov r v graded monthly rates. It is third in- $1,000,000 in the pasi Mr. W. D. IlarBy the Daily Press In Very Extensive numerical strength. d Flattering Style. rington, deputy State commander of The experience of :wenty-sl- x years in the order in I'tah. will visit Slot kton good clothes makli is Incorporated In a in of for the good purpose putting suit The Baitu Tribune. by Strauss mong tent, and we predict for him Ina every Bros, of Chicago. 'Ton'll feel Just fine (Continued Next wee .) successful visit. Tents now exist In a suit made by them and yet the While the policy of its owner renders aut Laket oRoen, Park city, Provo, Is so reasonable. You won't untouch to concerning legrn it Impossible ,m(.rPan p0rk, Sprlngville, Spanish price how It cah be made so low. derstand at campaign of 'seasons the Silver results payson. Eureka, the Volume of business and superior facilime p01.k, Robinson Heber, of the enlargement and north and Hill, the Ophlr (joints cHy, la the reason, lee the great line of puiiu oul1 Another popular oiiler In our ties mill, the Installation of an electric 500 newest creation now displayed by as " well as light we are which to will town tlie add power prestige by A. Swenson Co. or an generated, and the possibility' maintalnlng as a live, ana the between we plant bid the railway - gleM1ve camp, and Tourist care to Ch cigo through scenic San Pedro, affords abundant et te welcome to Stockton. Colorado and over tie Burlington every from Income to his and , .dence of .thrift. added not day. Rate per beijlh. Salt Lake City other sources the proposition to Chicago, $4; Denwr to Chicago, 82.50. of the null, a little. The product finds These are Pullm&r tourist cars, wide eager running well up in Iron,furnacesan and afvestibules, rattan u$ lolsterlng, clean linmarket at the smelter en and bedding, com ortable toilet rooms margin. fords, It Is said, a good at each end, brllllan ly lighted, and very period in i tun Dry Canyon, at one source of some of comfortable cars. If you are going greatest Industry the East I can tell you he best and cheapinto a furthe richest ore ever dumped hisest way to make trip. See me or nace, and tor a few lota from the was write me. toric Mono Uncle Matt dishornsettled permitted to pocket a fortune, SPECIAL LAND BUYERS' EXCUR- down to most energetic development the while SIGNS f , tonnage and the year, during Wilt run to .the ' new lands of Greer with which It reported on the market was eounty, Okla an( other sections of the 1 STOCKTON SENTINEL. NO. 28. uuuuiiiiiiiq(iuiuuuuuimiiiimiiiiiini)nnmnuuuuuuuiIUuimilu R. M. EDMUNDS. i Prop.. tEbc flMtcbcncr pre-emine- I Ijousc. t'nt: First-Clas- I NEXT TO Far. 99999 s Best in this Section. POSTOmCE. STOCKTON. : TmmffffmTffR!imHnfiffnnwTTWwmmnfwwwffTmnnmmfTwnwwTTTTwnmm 111 O 990890 809888888089 9999890 8 suc-es- IN THE HEART OF CHICAGO I The Burlington station in Chicngo Is in the heart of the city. You Innd within a few minutes' wulk of the principal business houses and the best holds. You can board street car right the door for any of the city. On arrival in large city these things ' , I lr I made-trord- count. er , I up-to-d- pro-electr- ic Muct-u-th- i- o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l iitgksa AAgi I U r R. F. NESLEN, General 79 West Second Salt Lake City. vwwwWwVkSw Wwtf in High, r.rarlo Uingc unri L 00 I 0 one-tim- . aa- "0 0 Fint-rius- s Billiard Room Iq Connection. Everybody Receives Good Treatment st the Stockton Club. 0 Main Street. 0 -- Stockton. i i I i j . Mm-c.-- i 5 old-tim- II- . ) .C afties a Complete Lltid 6!) ! j old-tim- er - I GROCERIES AND MEATS - d j c ( i'.- ; , - conn-sign- al y.-a- r O t) e) Stoi-kto- : t 00000000000000000000000000 ' -- high-grad- V fnnnrcjftr - Family Trade and" Medicinal' Purposes. O th j i Street, R. M. EDMUNDS. Proprietor s unaer-- i wm more lnterfesting of the year comes rnff neveral times In our town in Are you looking fop rich and fertile Jthe near futule. takings in the locality which farming lands in the Southwest which more of v most within the embrace to ones you can buy for from tentious Stockton, was the determined Mr Mitchener is reported as ffrnth the cost of lands In the East situ p and efforts by Mr. W.N. MacSherry iapl,ly recovering his health, which North? They prodn.ee as much acre for his associates of Pittsburg, P&.,measure we are glad to hear. acre. Here is a As nee to better your store the Mono to Its premier condition and add a liberal amount to upon e towns of productiveness, the year closing J. B. Hickman, our pocketbook. a progress in that direction which was man hut now a resident of Tooele, has your For full particulars and special rail most encouraging. now been ill, but is road rates apply at once to R. S. Improving. The Eureka Ophlr, operated by n Lemon, secretary Frisco System Immicrowd In Warren, Pa., and H. A. Lnne, gration Bureau, St. Louis, Mo. who directed the campaign, was iro- , lllc iuj ou s the of a little year not of ductlve ntl rapidly convalescing. of FOR ONE. put from the camp, and at a depth being additional depth with 200 feet, M SmlQi. a carpenter at tin Mr D n u osi The greatest offer ever made by to h Hont rne mjll hourly gained, the condition Western metropolitan newsaper Is on the bed but the last satisfactory one. is week, during that just announced by The Salt'Lake The Utah Qdeen. the property of a lo ld t0 re.ov(.r. Tribune. The tdg ten or twelve-pag- e wealthy syndicate of New Haven. : Semi Weekly Tribune, containing all A mnsquernde ball was given in I. Conn., Hnd under the management of Morris R. Hunt, was also productive of hall last Thursday evening by the news of the Intermountain region F. ore during e news of the world, considerable the miners, Robert Burns nnd Mutt and the cream of will be sent from now until May 31. year, while the Commodore Mills being the instigators. ser.m.T. Pr 81.50. This is a chance you) Soldier canyon came forward with cannot afford to nlss. Send The Tri eral shipments of rock of good quality AH members of the Knights of Into nnd then suspended for the winter. bees sojourning in Stockton or Ophlr burn: $1.50 and gr the best newsiiaper: the Hershel the tunnel which Is bendedto are requested to send their names and In the. West for arly a year and for a well defined fissure continued nddress nnd W. D. S. ITnrringlon. liiilf. ore to MINE1 RRIEFS. Stockton poptoffice. steadily advance, with pome the undertaking, while several "others did some work. Tlie outlook Our townsman, W. alley, hasi Isn't It great to think that we can. over there is quite assuring at this time, recently invested In a w cutter, choose the pattern for a new suit from and a series of important disclosures in which he has been er' the good over 500 alfferent patterns? Strauss fg should follow present development at sleighing and at the san? lire nfford- - Brew, of Chicago show that many in an early day. their new line now on display at the lug pleasure to others. store of A. Swenson Co. All garments) fO Review. -From Salt Lake Mining e wshitrr. re made by This is n regular tailors. ' sklllcjl Journeymen (a The driving of the Honerine tunnel Not for years has there been ns much snow on the level and to lie on tin1 Is a notnble achievement here and o. A" traveling r round so long. Every day and nlglii marks a new era in the history the l.tah Federation of rar?r Stockton. Too much water has beenA the merry jingle of sleigh bells cun in men Is a clubs nt the Mercur drug fjj the disturbing element of this camp.has hen rri store. The books are for free circula- -' tt) tunnel the 5000 of feet P over little nnd after they have been used been completed, about 25(hi foot having Jerry Hogan, who dit d at Ophlr lion, In thisi for a certain length of time they will been driven last year, and many of the jumuiry Mh. was an for a new set. Call and ago were pints, fie lived and worked in Stiuk-lllle- d In- exchangedIs not workings that a short time something you would ton for years, but of late ophlr lute se if there with water have been drained. MINI 1,( hoine. He died of pneumiinf:i like to read. i,s The tunnel, when coinplPte, will lie on ihe BUh. feet long, and up to. date hus costtheajiind was hurled at Tnm-liIn Send a postal-carfor a sample copy (3 quarter of a million dollars. on on The "ldg ut" Salt T'ke Tribune. c) the L. A.. S. P. At of The Sen meantime preparations me gidug -' S L. niilioad has done much for Then you will lie sure in accept for the building of n great reduction The yiorktnn in the- way of drawing tin reii arkahh; offer to send you Ihe pai tunnel. the of mouth nt the plant he the. wind tin ouch that portion of the twice a week for almost a aiel a completion of the tunnel will so with Bnelil. however, ns half for Jl'.r.U. for the carrying im of develop-- t'y. Not " men't work in the district on a huge 'it r degrees cohh r there than at and an almost continuous! fioalo Fellows' Lodge Alex M ii. X. v) wind passthrough the cut over ihr-- . G.:Odd The Black Diamond. Calumet, East town. Brown. V. G.: W. H. Booili. Jas. Legal llonerine. Galena King. Cyclone. and F. M. Davis, ircasun-r- . secretary, Shamrock Bullion. Tender, Hercules, A fine lunch was served after , PERSONALS. prop-be Ihe Argent and Katherine will and those who felt so inclined erties to receive the direct hcr.el't of Richard Oiindry visited Salt Lnkf: "tripped the light fantastic" until mid?) the llonerine tunnel. d to Ills night. miCity Kiindnv to bid c Many Eastern men. intcrerted in AVllllam. who hiothcr left for California about mining ning affairs, have ideHS for benefit that his the The of Tribune Lake health. Salt day for the fact that would he funny but are elves special attention to the news of so disasthat their applications Their K. M. Mrs. went Edmunds to the 'he Intermountain country, and particintentrous to their interests. Published capital city Monday, suffering with ularly the mining news. tions are good, hut thelrjudgmentls see to We her early twice a week hope ten or twelve a story is going iheuivntlem. faulty. For instance, free return from this dread ailment. pages it is the best substitute for a about a mine the rounds of the i.reHs lally. and will he sent you until May h s comcabled who Mrs. Henry Rippe nnd Martin superintendent 11. 1905, for 81.S0. caved in and had "shaft the that visited our town last week to pany have to be examine that "a new one would the properties of the Juno Mthe company of The president made iring ompsny with a view of buying seconda buy Can't you cabled back: stock in this They were o This Is equal to the will pleased Incorporation. with their insiiection of hand shaft? FRED. WITTICify a of drywellln cutting to no will nnd become doubt same Kansas method settleis for in these promising proirties. sections and selling them no' supern I'In mining mutters does MINES AND MINERS. Tka Bmi of Wsik Obulasblo. intendent show his good qualifications Etlr forebetter than In the selection of his and BMrds TrlnsMd Iks la vary one C. of W. the directors Alexander, men and bosses. Many goodforengineers latast, stylss. lack of of the Black Diamond company, visited make poor superintendents Inweek. this these character. projierties Operations discern to the ability a sat Nr m Pirim .und judgment they are on this property have been temporarily slos Mar. Os. stead of as the Honerlne fancies has tunnel by usptnded, selections their In waved The not yet reached a point 'whereby as silly as those of a schoolboy. one-four- n THE STOCKTON CLUB MM r Tim ltiirllngion No. 0 Is our cruck train vi-to iinialm and ('hlrago; leaves Denver 4.15 i. in. Another good train leaves 1ii:X.i p. m. 1 ain't lorgot our 2:IM p. m. nnd 10:35 p. m. trains fur Kansas City and SI. lands. Oi-- w It mumi-- jj 0 0 0 a at 0 part a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Agent 8outh 0 0 AgkgkgkjvAAAAAASkiikAAfh Din Street, Stockton, - c) God-spee- Semi-Week- ly each-issu- & Jooelo County. 9(? ) Mul-ve- y " share-l.Mde- e Tlio tc&t find Largest Meat MCTlicl rs si. .Fresh Meats. BEEF, llinON, PORK, ! |