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Show furnished by the Grantsville band and a fine time is anticipated. The strike made recently In the Oaand H. ten King by T. J. Gundry out well. The Calvin Is "panning have been taking out ere ever San Pedro, Los Angeles and gentlemen since and will soon make a shipment. Mr. Thomas Blthell, wife and son are Salt Lake Railroad. The visiting with relatives In Ophlr. TOOELE AND TINTIC DISTRICT. son recently lost his left eye, which was Lake Read Up. removed by Dr. Llndsiey in InSalt Read Down. Station. Idaho. M r. Ulthell'a home la City. Dally. Dally. w Ar. F. M. A. M. Lv. Mr. Hammond and Mlaa McIntosh, 8 00 Salt Lake City ............. 8.36 C 8:10.. Buena Vista 6:25 assisted by Mrs. W. N. Gundry, are pre5:15 paring a Xmas entertainment to be f ( 8:20. .Rlter Wednesday evening, December f 8 .40. . Garfield .... ................2 6.00 given all reporta twill be of un23rd. From 4:60 8:58. .Half 1Toy Spur ............2 excellence. usual 8:00. .Erda .... ...................2 4.46 8 8 4 4:20 8:15. .Tooele Blthell la rejoicing In the Dad 8:21..Buehl .... .... .............. 4:22 po session of a fur Klondike cap and 4:20 coat 9:25.. Stockton which hla son Joe sent to him 2 4:07 f 9:40. .St. John from Nome. He also has a fine fur over2 8:62 8:55. t .Ajax coat (a gift, also) so he'll not suffer from 210:10. .Faust .. .... ................2 3:42 2 2:30 cold this winter. 210:25.. Vernon 8 8 8 2 3:15 210:40. .Lofgreen The stork visited our town again this 2 8:00 11:00.. Boulter Summit first at the home of 2:47 week, alighting 11:15. .Tintlc Junction and leaving a fine baby girl, 2:44 Ed Clarey 11:18. .Mammoth Jet. and crossing the road to the home of 11 7 . . Mammoth .... ............. .... John Mills, where the favor was re2:40 11:45. .Eureka All concerned doing well. peated. 2:22 Mammoth W 11 (58. .Silver City 2:05 Miss Maggie Denton met with a quite Lv. P. M. serious accident last Sunday. While A. M. Ar. Trains at Si It Lake make direct confooling with her brother she slipped nection for all points north and east. and fell, striking her right forearm on S. W. GILLETT, of a porch and breaking the the General Passenger Agent. smalledge bone thereof. She is able to atJ. L. moor:s. tend school, but will carry her arm In a Commercial Agent. sling for some time. res Time Table. U. S. Cline of traveling Leave your orders 2or business and salesman for the Grantsville, Consolidated Implebills office to Mrs. W. N. ment company, was In town Thursday. due this pay Gundry at the postolfice. This Is the first trip Mr. Cline has made since sustaining an Injury some time while driving to his home In GrantsA SOLILOQUY ON A VERMIFORM ago ville. His team ran away, overturning APPENDIX. the buggy and Injuring Mr. Cline se- It la stated that feral concretions are abnormal or pathological contents o 2 the vermiform appendix, and It Is 2urther held that In abdominal operations the appendix should be removed 12 It shows any abnormal conditions, even though no symptoms have arisen therefrom. The normal appendix should be allowed to remain. Extract from a recent medical paper. I have got you where I want you, said the doctor with a smile, To a vriiform appendix smooth and hour.J; "And I've half a mind to slice you and to take you gently out. Lest In after years you get to squirm. verely. The American Eagle of Murray ays: "A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pratt Sunday, November 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Pratt are well known In the county, the former being a brother-in-laof E. W. Clark of Ophlr, superintendent of W. A. Clarks Ophlr mines, and the latter Is a daughter of Postmaster Williams of the same place, Mr. and Mrs. Pratt reside now In Murray." SQUIBS CAUGHT IN PASSING. w THE DOCTOR: Yes. we've kept you alive for three weeks on mlll punches and brandy. ing round. "They have said thut If youre normal we COMING AND All the should leave you as you are, world's a stage, and all the numerous .But. 1 will say In truth, I have a doubt doctors merely ushers both ways. If there was a brother of your very THE PATIENT: Just my luck! And wormy kind That wasn't better far to have him out. I was unconscious all that time. "I am (tiled with the Impression that a MERCUR LOCAL BRIEFS. snakv thing like you Would have no more of conscience than a rnr.he, Mrs. Riley, proprletoresa of the Mer-cAnd If 1 now should save you, I have no hotel, is having a very good run of assurance that business. lady haa only a few In after years you wouldn't cause an rooms left The to accommodate the public ache, and her nunjerous customers. A well "I could fust a rood round liver or nice conducted hotel Is what all travelers look for, and Mrs. Riley will have to IntSrkecp himself In shape, crease her accommodations by adding 1 see your figure of a very more rooms. But when wormy kind I'd bank no more upon you than the A RUNAWAY BICYCLE. ur ' Twas the worm that raised the trou- ble with old AdHm years ago. And I taVe it to tie true without a doubt That people would be happy down In Elen to this day If some one there had cast the wormlet out. 'Bo. while you look quite healthy seem well ns you can be, and Terminated with an ugly cut on the (eg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured. Its Just as good for Burns, Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c at Mercur Drug Co, Drug Store. tv The home for the accommodation of I think I will not trust the kind. And In one little jiffy you willsnaky be mean- the brass band has just been completed. It Is located on the site of the old city dering hence. With Just a littl" stumpl-left behind. jail. The Bacons have their own home George Thomas Palmer, M. 1). now, and are not under obligations to any one for a meeting place. This organisation has done much for the adEDITOR AND DOCTOR. vancement of music In our midst. They have our best wishes and shall have all If an editor makes a mistake he has to the support we are capable of. arologize for It. but ir a doctor makes one he buries It. If the editor makes The experience of twenty-si-x years In one there is a law suit, swearing and good clothes making Is Incorporated In the smell ofi sulphur, but if the doctor every suit made-to-ordby Strausa makes one there is a funeral, cut Bros, of Chicago. You'll feel just fine flowers and a smell of varnish. in a suit made by them and yet the The doctor can use a word a yard price Is so reasonable. You won't unlung without knowing what it means, derstand how it can be made so low. but if the editor uses It he has to spell Volume of business and superior faciliIt. ties la the reason. Bee the great line of If the doctor goes to see another man's 500 newest creations now displayed by wife he charges for the visit, but if the A. Swenson Co. editor goes to see another man's wife he o gets a charge of buckshot. A great excitement was created the Any old medical college can make a other evening by a fire In one of the doctor. You can't make an editor, lie Con. Mercur houses. The first to dishas to be born. cover the fire were Mr. Will and When a doctor gets drunk it's a rase Mr. Tom Osman, and bothJaynes mounted of overcome by heat, and if he dies it boldly to the roof and began a search is heart trouble. When an editor gets for the fire with a pitchfork. The first drunk It's a case of too much booxe, and Indication the Inmates of the house (Mr. If he dies it's a case of delirium and Mrs. Werdln) knew of the fire was tremens. Exchange. when Jaynes came tumbling through the roof and onto a red hot stove, and STOCKTON LOCAL BRIEFS. came tumbling after." Osman The only Injury was to the brave firemen Miss Bertha Cook of Warren. Pa., is volunteers, who were tenderly cared for. visiting her sister, Mrs. H. A. Lane at Mr. Con Evers also deserves credit for Gisborn. the way he took to the hills. er A 8 and Mrs. William Holstein, farmer residents of our town but late of Bingham, returned lust week. Mr. Mrs. F. E. Mulvaney, who has been visiting Mrs. J. S. Holow for some time, returned to Salt Lake City Sunday, w Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stolper of Dry canyon, who have been visiting In the metropolis for some time, returned Thursday. The weather has been very unpleasant lately heavy fog hanging over the town most of the time which penetrates to the bone. Mail for Gisborn leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10:00 a. m. and arrives at the Stockton ixistoffice on same days at 3:45 p. m. ltebckah and for next term, lieglnnlng January 4th, at regular lodge meetings held this week. Both auxulinry lodges s D. of II. elected offlce-- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lee have moved into their building on Main street, and Andy Anderson now occupies the house In which they formerly lived. The Odd Fellows have secured the I. hall for Xmas eve, when they will give & grand ball. Music will be O. O. F. BALT LAKE ECLIPSED. Dr. J. E. Talt Is prepared to do all branches of flrst-dadental work at the following prices. Compare them with any dental parlor in the State. First-clawork and best of material. Work all guaranteed: Full set of teeth, 35.00 to 312.50. Gold crowns, 85.00 to $7.00. Bridge work, per tooth, 35.00. Gold fillings, 31.00 upward. Treating and filling teeth, 13.00. All other fillings, 51.00. as ss STEPPED AGAINST A HOT STOVE. A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when getting his usual Saturday night bath, stepped back against a hot stove which burned him severely. The child was In great agony and his mother could do nothing to pacify him. Remembering that she had a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm In the house, she thought she would try It. In less than half an hour after applying It the child was quiet and asleep, and In less than two weeks was well. Mrs. Benson Is a well known resident of Kellar, Va. Pain Balm Is an antiseptic liniment and especially valuable for burns, cuts, bruises and sprains. For sale by. Mercur Meat and Gro. Co. and M. E. Brown. Stockton. UNITED STATES OFFICIALS. President of the United dore Kooeevelt. States, A REMARKABLE CASE. One of the moat remarkable casee of on the lunga, causa cold, deep-seating pneumonia, la that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner, Marlon, Ind who was entirely cured by the uee of One Minute The coughCough Cure. She says: me that ing and straining eo weakened 148 to 92 I ran down In weight from pounda. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this won- Theo- ed CABINET. John Hay, Secretary of State. Root, Secretary of War. Shaw, Secretary of Treasury. Long, Secretary of the Navy. raL Gear, Attorney-Gen- e Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. Hitchcock, Secretary of the Interior. Cortelyou, Secretary of Commerce derful remedy cured me entirely of the and Labor. cough, strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health UTAH STATE OFFICERS. Nobody Wants Money There. and strength. United States Senators, Thos. Kearns, Mercur A visit to Tristan dAcunha is an Meat and Gro. Co. and M. E. Smoot. Reed event that conies within the experiNotice of Application for U. S. Patent Representative to Congress, Joseph ence of few. Not many seafaring men Howells. M. A. No. 2738. have ever seen the Island, for, lying as Chief Justice Supreme Court, Robert 6urvey No. 4990. U. S. Land Office, Salt Lake City, It does midway between Cape Horn N. Baskin. Oct. 3. 1903. Associates, George W. Bartch, Wiland the Cape of Good Hope, In the liam M. McCarty. Notice Is hereby given that In purvery center of the South Atlantic suance of the Act of Congress approved Governor, Heber M. Welle. Consolocean. It Is out of the track of vesSecretary of State, Jas. T. Hammond. May 10, 1872, the Eureka-Oph- lr M. Attorney-Genera- l, A. Breeden. idated Mining company, a corporation sels. Supt. Public Instruction, A. C. Nelson. under the laws of the State of Utah, Moreover, a thick atmosphere usuTreasurer, John D. Dixon. by Allen T. Sanford, attorney In fact, Auditor, C. S. Tlngey, whose poetofflee address Is Salt Lake ally Invests It, and vessels are more City, Ctah, hue made application for a likely than not to pass It unpercelved. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. patent for 557.3 linear feet on the OsIt Is now some years since I visited It, Judges, C. W. Morse, W. C. Hall, S. ceola lode, bearing gold, copper, silver but the Impression It made upon me W. Stewart and other precious metals. The same Is one of the moat vivid recollections Attorney D. C. Elchnor. being 831.1 feet northeasterly and 226.3 feet southwesterly from the discovery of my life. JUST WHAT YOU NEED. shaft thereon: the surface ground 160.9 We had been six weeks at sea with- Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver feet In width, situate In Ophlr mining out a sight of land, and were many Tablets, .district, Tooele county. State of Utah, When you feel dull after eating. and described by the official plat mllea out of our course, when at dayWhen you have no appetite. posted and by field notes on file in some saw we miles break, forty ahead, When you have a bad taste In the the office of the Register of Salt Lake the dark cone of the island resting mouth. City land district, Utah, as follows, When you liver la torpid. like a cloud upon the horizon, with Its magnetic variation 16 degrees, SO mini When your bowels are constipated. utes east. white peak suffused with gold caught When you have a headache. Beginning at corner No. 1 a sawed from the morning aim. When you feel bilious. pine poet, 4 Inches square and 4 feet They will Improve your appetite, long, with mound of earth and stones Drawing nearer, its detail grew and Invigorate your stomach, marked 1 4990. cleanse Whence the U. S. we and observed that the and clearer, your liver and bowels. mineral monument No. 6 beare N. 51 regulate mountain, nearly 8,000 feet in height, Price 21 cents per box. For sale by deg. 18 min. W. 1892 feet. Corner No. stood upon a tableland, itself rising to M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. 2, lot 128, Eureka lode, bears N 72 deg. 57 min. E. 177 feet. Corner No. 3, lot 1,000 feet DISASTROUS WRECKS. 155, Sovereign lode bears N. 13 deg. 28 Some hours elapsed before we hove is responsible for many min. E. 566.8 feet. Thence S. 45 deg. E. to off the shore, and It was a brav a Carelessness railway wreck and the same causes 160.9 feet to corner No. 2. On line 23, elgbt to see the settlers come off In are making human wrecks of sufferers lot No. 109, Weston lode. Discovery their two whaleboats. A tremendous from Throat and Lung troubles. But bears N. 34 deg. 32 min. E. 226.2 feet. N. 49 deg. 30 min. E. 554.4 feet swell wis beating np from the south since the advent of Dr. Kings New Thence to corner No. 3. On line 12, lot No. and for Consumption, Coughs Discovery west, and the small craft seemed lost Colds, even the wont cases can be lil Dwight lode, at N. 45 deg. W. 294.7 in the trough of the sea. The men cured and hopeless resignation is no feet from corner No. 1. Thence N. 45 of deg. W, 160.9 feet to corner No. 4. On had hardly cared to come out In such longer necessary. Mrs. Mass., la one bf many line 12, lot No. 171, Dwight lode, at weather, they told us, but they had Dorchester, whose life wee saved by Dr. King's S. 45 deg. E. 144.4 feet from corner No. seen no ship In six months, and were New Discovery. This great remedy Is 2. Thence S. 49 deg. 30 min. W. 554.4 the place of begreatly in want of stores. guaranteed for all Throat and Lung feet to corner N. 1, 1.266 Mercur Drug Co., drug- ginning, containing acres; excluThey were a body of diseases by the of area In conflict with lot No. gist Price 50c and 51. Trial bottles sive 128, Eureka lode, and lot No. 155, Soverfree. eign-lode. This claim la located In Protects Firemen. the unsurveyed part of T. 6 8., R. 4 W DOESN'T RESPECT OLD AGE. L. B. A M., said location being reIte shameful when youth falla to S. In volume 0," page 281, of the corded but old for show proper respect age, of Dr. records of Tooele county, Utah. Neighjust the contrary n the case cut off boring and adjoining claims are as folKing's New Life Pills. They maladies no matter how severe and Ir- lows: Lot No. lode; lot No. respective of old age. Dyspepsia, 109, Weston155, Sovereign lot No. 171, Dwlgbt Jaunllce, Fever, Constipation all yield lode; lot No. lode; 128, Eureka lode; survey to this perfect Pill. 25c at Mercur No. 4911, Eureka No. 2 lode. Drug Co. Drug Store. I direct that this notice be published in the Weekly Sentinel of Stockton, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Utah, the newspaper published neareet No. 5454. the said claim, for the period of nine weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS, Olfice of Land the Interior, Department Register. at Salt Lake City, Utah, November Harrington A Sanford, Attorneys. 9 1903. First publication, October 10; last pubNotice Is hereby given that the wing-named settler has filed notice of lication, December 6. hie lntentoln to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof Notice of application for U. EL Patent. will be made before the Clerk of the M. A. No. 8787. District court In and county, No. 5000. Survey DecemU. S. Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. Utah, at Tooele City, Utah, on ber 19, 1903, vis.: Egerton Longy, H. ui. October 8, 1903. 13.548, for the Ntf SE&NEtt and SWB4 Notice la hereby given that In purand lot 8, Sec. 7, township 4 south, suance of the act of Congress approved the May 10, 1872, the Eureka-Oph- lr range 4 west, S. L. M. He names conConsolifollowing witnesses to prove hls dated Mining company, a corporation tinuous residence upon and cultivation under the laws of the State of Utah, by of said land, vis.: Francis X. Longy, Allen T. Sanford, attorney in fact, Willard Atkin, John B. Gordon, Alvin whoae poetofflee Is Salt Lake City, This is the suit Berlin fire by of Utah. all Tooele, Utah, haa made application for 909.8 men when entering burning buildings J. McCuistlon, FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. linear feet on the Mona lode, bearing L. L. BAKER, Attorney. copper, silver, lead and other precious metals, the same being 217.4 feet northmen, some twenty In all, and dressed, APPLICATION FOR PATENT. easterly and 692.4 feet southwesterly from the discovery shaft thereon, with the greater number. In blue dungaree M. A. NO. 3758. surface ground 820 feet In width, situate and home made shoes of untanned United a for Notice of Application in Ophlr mining district, Tooele county. skin. Their governor, Joseph Beeth-am- , ates Patent. In the United States State of Utah, and described by the offiUtah. a Yorkshireman, was of the type ind Office, Salt Lake City, cial plat, herewith posted, and by the :tober 30, 1903. field notes on file In the office of the of the grand old man. He had spent Notice la hereby given that F. M. register of Salt Lake City land district, more than half his life on the Island, Stock-ivis, whose Postolfice address Is Utah, as follows, to wit: Magnetic and had no mind to leave it. 16 degrees 30 minutes east. Utah, In behalf of himself and John variation, The boats brought us samples of the ranks. William KeHy. Pat Kelly and cor. No. 1, whence the Beginning at with him, United tester Worthing, States mineral monument No. 6 moBt acceptable things the place proUnited a for made 62 23 is bears N. min. W. 1031.6 feet. deg. duced; a quantity cf blueflsh, some ates patent application for the GLEN lode mining Cor. No. 4. lot No. 155, Sovereign lode, wild pigs and merino sheep very District, in Mining situate 45 Ophlr bears N. slm, deg. 46 min. E. 234.5 feet Consisting of 1500 Cor. No. 6, lot No. 148, Selah lode, bears diminutive, and fed chiefly on grass xjele County. Utah, lode surface and said of N. 57 deg. .01 min. E. 662.8 feet Cor. lear feet and fish wild geese, crayfish and poound ns shown by plat and survey, No. 7, lot No. 119, Shoo Fly East and tatoes. We gave them In exchange in described and 6014, No. Survey ling Westerly lode, bean N. 70 ie field notes and plat of the official Dour, split peas and oatmeal, biscuits, deg. 16 min. E. 254.9 feet. Cor. No. 4, c with mag-tlIn this office, lot No. 128, Eureka lode, bean N. 74 cocoa, coffee and spirits. irvey on file variation at 16 degrees forty min- deg. 19 min. E. 675.5 feet. Thence 8. They had many curiosities with 45 22 min. E. 820 feet to cor. No. 2. es East, as follows: Is On deg. them, too, the skins of birds and aniline lot No. 128, Eureka lode. Beginning at corner No. 1, which mals chiefly, and for these we gave Cor. No. 1, lot No. 157, Sovereign No. 2 entical with location comer, whence 56 min. lode bean N. 21 deg. 12 min. W. 182.7 S. M. M. No. 7 bears S. 41 deg. them old clothes and underwear. 1659.4 ft.; thence N. 22 deg. .05 min. feet. Cor. No. 2. lot No. 171, Dwight lode The one thing they would not take '.r. 600 ft. to corner No. 2, identical with bean N. 42 deg. 18 min. E. 397.8 feet. was money. They had no use for it, ration corner: thence N. 67 deg. 65 On line lot No. 128 Eureka lode, at S. In. E. 1500 ft. to corner No. 3, Identical 45 deg. 22 min. E. 85 feet from cor. No. but a cake of scented soap or a packet Ith location comer; corner No. 2 of 1. Thence N. 44 deg. 38 min. E. 909.8 of tobacco excited the keenest compest No. 134 (Struck It) Lode beare S. 51 meet to cor. No. 8 in gulch draining 8. tition. 2 g. 21 min. W. 280.1 ft.: comer No. of W. The discovery bears S. 63 deg. 11 One of them hoped to find s wife min. W. 229.3 feet. Thence N. 45 deg. t No. 73 (Chrlsopolls Lode) bears S. S. 22 22 min. W. 320 feet to cor. No. 4. Cor. deg. 28 min. W. 852.5 ft.; thence No. among the passengers, and was disap4, No. 6. lot No. 147. Arabella ,g. .05 min. E. 600 ft., to corner lode, bean pointed to learn that no one was willlocation corner; thence S. S. 6 deg. 16 min. W. 853.5 feet. Thence 8. with entical No. corner 1500 ing to share his Isolation. to ft. 44 deg. 38 min. W. 909.8 feet to cor. Now deg. 55 min. W. Since the time of my visit the In1, the place of beginning, and containthe place of beginning. From 67 N. lode line bears habitants have suffered many harding 1.609 acres, exclusive of area In conpoint the1000 flict with lot No. 147, Arabella lode, lot ft., and from fg. 65 min. E. ships. Only a few years ago one ol point S. 67 deg. 55 min. W. 600 No. 171, Dwight lode, No. 128, Eureka their whaleboats was overturned and Expressly excepting and excluding lode, lot No. 155, Sovereign lode, lot No. a number of lives lost. Since then a om this application the following con-- 148 Selah lode, lot No. 119 Shoo Fly East Lot No. 73, Chrisopo-- i and Westerly lode, lot No. areas, British vessel has made periodical visLode, 1288 scree; Lot No. 134. Struck 157, Sovereign No. 2 lode and forming a its, but. at best, life on such a spot Is Lode, .034 acres; Survey No. 4349, portion of the unsurveyed part of T. 5 an exile. aud 8. Lode. 2.635 acres. Said Glen S. R. 4 W., Salt Lake meridian, said The colony has now petitioned for Dde contains a net area of 16.704 acres, location being recorded In book O, page portion 280 of the records of Tooele county, means to remove to South Africa, and ul Is situated In an unsurveyed 5 South. Range 4 West. S. L. M. Utah. Adjoining and neighboring Twp. uncan their prayer scarcely pass and adjoining claims are claims are aa follows: elghborlng heeded. Lot No. 119, Shoo Fly East and Westnt No. 73. Chrlsopolls Lode; Lot No. It Is just a century since the Island lode; lot No. 157. SovStruck It Lode; and Survey No. erly 149, Maud S. Lode. ereign No. 2 lode; lot No. 155, Soverwas first occupied by British troops, The Notice of Location of this claim eign lode, lot No. 128, Eureka lode; lot who remained there only so long as It recorded In the Office of the Recorder No. 171, Dwight lode; lot No. 147, Arawas feared the place might be occu! the Ophlr Mining District, at pages bella lode, and survey No. 4911, Eureka and 294 of Book "J." of the Records No. 2 lode: Lot No. 148, Selah lode; surpied by the Dutch and employed to our disadvantage. Then it was abanOphlr Mining District, Tooele County, vey No. 4990, Osceola lode. I direct that this notice be published tah. doned. direct that this notice be published In the Weekly Sentinel of Stockton, I That It has remained British since i the Weekly Sentinel of Stockton, Utah, the newspaper published nearest said claim, for a period of nine Is due to the few who returned as settah, the newspaper published neareet the FRANK D. HOBBS, for the period of nine weeks. tlers, and it Is these men and their ie said claim, FRANK D. HOBBS. eeks. Register. redescendants who now ask to be Harrington A Sanford, Attorneys. Register. lieved from what, after all, can only October First Claimants pub., 10th; laet pub., L. L. Baker, Attorney. December 5th. be regarded as their lengthened peFirst Publication, November , 1903. riod of service. Pall Mall Gazette. here-wit- Lois-Crag- well-set-u- g p , follo- n n, 1-- 2. . 1-- 2, dls-ive- ry dls-ive- ry . ct to-w- lt: : 14. 13 ! ed |