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Show THE At AID Sequel to af At AIDEN UANE The Bow of Orange Ribbon.' A HOVE STORY BY AAtEUIA E. BARR (Copyright, 1900, happiness, new hopes, new fears and new wishes; but they were not an unmlxed delight, for she was also aware of a vague trouble, a want that nothing in her usual duties satisfied in a word, she had crossed the threshold of womanhood and was no longer a girl. GRATEFUL, HAPPY WOMEN FOR THEIR THANK RECOVERY AFTER YEARS OF PE-RU-- SUFFERING. Miss Muriel Armitage, 36 Greenwood Ave , Detroit, Mich., District Organizer' CHAPTER IV. by Amalia E. Bair) Things Into Confusion. Prudence declares that whenever a person is in that disagreeable situation which compels him to ask what shall I do?" that the wisest answer But such answer did is, nothing. not satisfy George Hyde. He was so much in earnest, so honestly in love, that he felt his doubts aud anxieties I could only be relieved by action. will go to my mother!" be thought And this resolution satisfied him so well, that he carried it out at once. But it was after dark when he reached the tall stone portals of Hyde Manor House. The great building loomed up dark and silent; there was but one light visible. It was in his mothers usual sitting room, and as soon as he saw She beard it he began to whistle. him afar off, and was at the door to give him a welcome. Joris, my dear one, we were talking of you!" she cried, as he leaped from the saddle to her arms. So glad are we! Come in quickly! Well, are you? Quite well. Now, then, I am happy. Happy as can be! Look she called, as she now, Richard! flung the door open, and entered with the handsome, smiling youth at her side. In his way the father was Just as much pleased. Kate, my dear heart, he cried, .let us have something to eat. The boy will be hungry as a hunter after bis ride. And George, what brings you home? We were JuBt telling each other your mother and I that you were In the height of the citys follies. Indeed, sir, thero will be few follies for some days. Mr. Franklin is dead, and the city goes into mourning. '"TIs a fate that all must meet, said the General, but death aud Frankllu would look each other in He bad a the face as friends work to do, he did It well, and It Is finished. That is ell. What other news do you bring?" It is said that Mrrabeau is arrested somewhere for something. I did not hear the parth ulars. And the deputies are returning to the Provinces drunk with uielr own importance. Mr. Ilamlitoir rays 'Revolution in France has gone raving mad and twenty-foumillions of converted into savav's. people I hate the Fi out li ! " said the General passionately. It is a natural instinct with me. if I thought I had one drop of French blood in me, I would let it out i th a dagger. George winced s little. He remembered that the Morans were of French extraction, and he answered: After all, father, we must judge people individual!)'. Mere race is not much. George Hyde! What are you saying? Race is everything. It is the strongest and (hipest of all human Nothing conquers its feelings. prejudices. Except love. I have heard, father, that Love never asks of what race art thou? or oven 'whose son, or daughter, art thou? You have heard many foolish things, George; that is one of them. Men and women marry out of their own nationality at their peril. I took my life in my hand for your mothers love." She was worthy of the peril." God knows it." (To be continued.) of the Royal Templars of Temperance,, in a recent lettrr, says : "I think that a woman naturally' shrinks from mating her troubles public, but restored health has meant so muds to me tliat I feel for the sake of other suflering women it my duty to tell what Peruna h-- s dune fer me. I suffered for five years with uterius irregularities, which brought on hysteria aud made me n physical wreck. 1 tried doctors from the different schools of medicine, but without any percept iblo change in my condition, la my despair I called on an old nurse, who advised me to try Reruns, and promised good results if X would I'crsi.t and tn';o it regularly. I thought this w.-- i'.ia least X could do and procured a 1 c.t j. I knew as soon as I beg?n it that it was affecting me differemly from anything X had used lfore, and so I kept on taking it. I kept this up for six mouths: and steadily gained strength and health, and when I had used fifteen bottles X considered myrrlf entirely cured I am a grateful, happy woman Miss Muriel Armitage. I'eruna cures catarrh of the pelvic organs with the same surety as it cures catarrh of the head Ieruna has become renowned as a positive cure for female ailments simply because the ailments are mostly due to catarrh. Catarrh is the cause of tho trouble. Ieruna cures tho catarrh. The symptoms disappear. Throwing A couple of hours later Corneua was sitting at her tambour-frampassing her needle slowly through and through the delicate muslin. She was desiring no companionship, when Arenta entered with her usual little flurry and rustle. Arenta kissed her friend and took off her hat and cloak, saying, as she did so: 1 have been at Aunt Angelicas all mornirg and we talked a great many people over that Is, Aunt Angelica talked. Now, I can tell you something worth hearing about Gen. Hyde. Lis- CHAMPTER 111 (Continued.) A short time after Cornelia came home. Doctor Moran returned from e, his professional visits. Nature had left the Impress of her nobility on his finely formed forehead; nothing but truth and kindness looked from his candid eyes. On entering the room, he drew his wife close to his heart and kissed her affectionately. "I have had a morning full of feeling. There is no familiarity with Death, however often you meet him." And you have met Death this morning, I see that, John?" You are light, Ava. 1 must now ten! When Madame Hyde was Kathertell you that Elder Semple died this and younger Van Heemskirk, ine morning". The dear old man! He has been than you are, she had two lovers; sick and sorrowful ever since his wife one, Capt Dick Hyde, and the other died. Were any of his sons present?" a young man called Nell Semple; None of them. The two eldest and they fought a duel about her, have been long away. Nell was and nearly cut each other to pieces. "Arenta!" obliged to leave New York when the Act forbidding Tory lawyers to pracOh, it Is the very truth, I assure tice was passed. But he was not quite you! And while Hyde still lay bealone, his old friend Jorls Van tween life and death. Miss Van Heemskirk was with him to the last Heemskirk married him; and as soon moment The love of these old men as he was able he carried her off at for each other was a very beautiful midnight to England; and there they lived In a fine old house until the thing. There Is nothing to fear In such war. Then they came back to New a death." York and Hyde went into the ContiNothing at all. Last week when nental army and did great things, I Cornelia and I passed his house, he suppose, for as we all know, he was was leaning on the garden gate, and made a general. And will you please he spoke pleasantly to her and told only try to imagine it of Mrs. General her she was a bonnle lassie.' Where Hyde! A woman so lofty! So calm! Is Cornelia?" Will you Imagine her as Katherine In her room. John, she went to Van Heemskirk in a short, quilted Duyckincks this morning for me, petlcoat, with her hair hanging In and George Hyde met her again, and two braids down her hack, running they took a walk together on the away at midnight with Gen. Hyde!" He was her husband. She comBattery." She told you about it?" mitted no fault Oh, yes, and without inquiry." Cornelia, shall I tell you why you cg to-da- greatest exhaustion. This is a very common sight and is almost always due to pelvic catarrh. It is worse than foolish for so many women to suffer ) ear after year with a disease that can be iiernianenily cured Peruna cures catarih permanently. It cures old chronic cases as well as a slight attack, the only difference luting in the length ef time that it should be taken to effect a cure. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results (tom the use oi ieruna, write at once to I)r. llartman, giving a full state-mer- it of your case, and be. v. ill i e pleased to give you his valuable advice yiutis. Address Dr. llaiiman, 'resident of The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus, Ob id Female Weakness is Pelvic Catarrh. the Women Catarrh. Always Half Sick are Who Have Pelvic Catarrh of any organ. If allowed to progress, will affect the w hole body. Catarrh without nervousness is very rare, but pelvic catarrh aud netvcusnessgohandin hand. What is so distressing a sight as a jioor half-sicnervous woman, suffering from the many almost itntaarable symptoms of pelvic catarrh? She does not consider herself ill enough to go to bed, but she is for from being able to do ljer work without the k, We have llte most Ciimptrie Or Tnlipg riant In the United iilMn tor the Idling of oiei of all f liur.t ten iy any of the modamt mart em mcitied. ot me iiuinicut. We ileirinnnr I rcorninic.1 method of irrjlmg ore. aud u nl ran to dckicn, erect awl turn ever ia complete working order Ore Milling Plants of any rlrwripliou, and guaraulrc cduacncy and capacity. Our Catalogue No, 39 dcacnLea tins department fully. L'- !i- Odea k T7ot. J I rimer Sts. Metallurgical Dept, l.S7 Champa St, THE F. M. DAVIG IRON WORKS CO. U.S.A. DENVER, Bfliffif HALL'S CANKER AHO DIPHTHERIA r Cornelia shall not have anything Very good. 1 must look after that But he said the young fellow." words without much care, and Mrs. Moran was not satisfied. Then you do not disapprove the meeting, John? she asked. Yes, I do. George Hyde has too Ills many objectionable qualities. father is an Englishman of the most pronounced type and this young man is quite like him. I want no Englishman in my family." There have been many Dutch mar- rlages among the Morans." The That is a different thing. Dutch, as a race, have every desir- able quality. The English are nat- - j The young mans oral despots. faults are racial; they are in the blood. Cornelia shall not have any- thing to do with him. Why do you speak of such disagreeable things, Ava? It la well to look forward, John. No. It is time enough to meet An annoyances when they arrive. ' for the Hydes, fatner and son, I would prefer to hear no more about them." Nothing further was said on the subject, but the doctor looked more attentively at his daughter than was usual with him. He was more silent than ordinary; and as ue went out, told Cornelia she would do well not to appear in public. he The city is In mourring, said, "and respectable women who have no real business or duty to take them from their homes will pay the reverence of seclusion In them until after Franklin's Mcenu. j - i j j j j j : j j j j j . to do with him. are working so close to the window this afternoon?" You are going to say something 1 would rather not hear, Arenta." Truth is wholesome, if not agreeable; and the truth is, you expect Lieut. Hyde to pass. But he will not do so. I saw him booted and spurred, on a swift horse, going up the river road. He was bound for Hyde Manor, I am sure. Now, Cornelia, you need not move your frame; for no one will disturb you. He will not be Insinuating himself with violets and compelling you to take walks with him on the Battery. Oh, Cornelia! you see I am not to be put out of your conhdence. Why did you not tell me? You have given me no opportunity, and, as you know all, why should I say any more about it? Cornelia, my dear companion, let us be honest, if we die for it. And you may as well toil me of your little coquetries with George Hyde, for I shall be sure to find them out. Now I am going home; for I must look after the tea table. But you will not be sorry, for it will leave you free to think of Please, Arenta! Very well. I will have considera! tions. Then the door closed and Cornelia was left alone. But the atmosphere was charged with of the room Arentas unrest ar.d a feeling of disappointment was added to It. She suddenly realized that her lover's absence from the city left a great vacancy. She had a new strange Good-bye- C Fill I ZULU " FOR SALS BV ALL DRUGGISTS AND C.A.NEHA1. STORES Drug Co., General Agents. Salt Lake City,. Utah. FOR THE MOUTH, THROAT, STOMACH AND BOWELS.,.. Nsldsn-Judso- n WITH NERVES UNSTRUNG THAT ACHE t fo-av- TRIAL BOTTLE lO CENTS. iB WE TREAT u. I'niii-plulu- e'. 11 .. DR. ia Kreaiwa. Hciatlru ami Illieiiniallkiii. uf the Konni. I'liee. Ki.tula amt Hretal Tiuub e. t.oli re iur h!g ne ki. Mood I Tar. Win in. liny fever. Ity.rcria. Kpllrpsy, Insomnia, mo., and all .Nervous unit 1 buoi.u hk'ii I'lAVAM-S- . Homo Ti -- if men t ( area. Write Tar free list If you cannot lull. aiuiuio,.i CgiAfiUlUllnil I'rrf, 1. J.MIUKK. Weak t lift. i. W. JIIIOItlCA Pay When Cured Fflen Ws ci.r jim f!iv nnd t'in ubk a liKSONABL of lie eoiikiiassei or diseases by ii disi.!p iron nr mntng-to- n KKK ben you aie 111111. Ymi ctii 'Uiund upos .11 Vi .IKK 'Hi K Kill' FKUtUtti WE WASt our ord. ihniiMnid uf aii'iHs bni intl'jrKed ua T TAl.K T. NOW, WK M ANT hi ( I UK YOU wl h ilia rtlft-- 1 We lute Keren o:ir .kill In curing I'iMtiiNIC lift umie rfciandisiic ftmi wv will mil iUinuiid Fr-In puli', Isli'ng the m.iur tnliiutor m. TIiih Man- to unill a fin . rniin lioine H.',p.c. girlng 11. nil's, pIcturuM lio1. organic Varl- I M'liti'cssex. ur i aud tti rpiiit,ii:tf !m.l. niiftiural , iiMfS. quit Hi im WK CAN T , lAXHfA, OI It Cl HKS pirr. S uri ai. IN ril.x A r. MM Ai;e Poimju, mid u!l WKAANhSKS uf w. yirii. Brel'. le It noii.il liv iay c.iii. i!i uil'. sL'1: in M.ls c:v i.f liutiliiea tu have ti ot'KH'K IJ rim: 9 a. hi. to 4 p. 01.; Krpnlngib 7 another war 'I In. is our p! in: Dji; JAiniduyit. lUa. ui. to 12. W. SECOND eCUTH ST. DBS. SHORES & SHORES. 1 1 71111 luOer mm :i n 1 . X . diM-.M-- Oi-f- l- r!-- i ! ni 1 Hi-ii'-1 Specialists. J. tuuuuuuaiiuiuiiuuui'iuuumun Fores I F 5C5. CCX SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH t csTALor.-j- ri ft r ? iv . . 1 1 . i ..j teI r 'mr t; tr t Mm tfc rviA'iinn fisral L. t rP" t r.lj tfu.inr .. .... o ifvlo) Wliii .h M TC I'if :i LilbJ . I ; ei A'kiU. Co., r.0. 1. .. leA 1 I..E. T'l-9- A r Kf , asp phiccs. & 3t S. ri,r tlKlU, Ii:"i) it:! .it Dv A . V v sr. MAIN tics, ! I, I' , , y d.d. Kd. FLORIST PHONE ork a Specialty. I.i! in be.vnn. ALT LAKE CITY. V 49. 1003 -No. Ev.--r- T S' n rl-f- COS-. . . SALT LAKE COarUMUIG HOUSE fHO'B TOO- XT Siarr bT.,SlT LAKE CITY W. N. U., Loit Lai; Trfmrri nt - u rangements ii.?,V..??.A4LD ;HASQ!J:RE?3?;rrAcT; k.ND ho 1 CW. LANS CITY. UTAH. W. CURRIE, P. 0. ss smi-e- t HIT 70 W. Third South St. Oooitor M'JSIC CO. 3 3 SCrO FIAHQS FOft SlIO 3 o ico tsr:c a:j3 for lo.oro eirccs vsic AT VbCE.ro Offices of the Tranaiberian railway will be opened Fhortly In Taris. ArRusso-Euro-pea- GORE Knee end Throat Trouble. Kteand Kur JiImnmo. Hronrhlalaud l.ui.K I rmili..', AM lima, bioaiarb, ljrer and Kidney I'larane. Hiadtler Trunb'ei. Koniulu , Chrmiiu Jdkraee. of WoaioitMBdCbi.il-ren. Chureu, Nervous Ui Heart Ii'm-b-iht V mi1 Itunifi. Kick Spinet Tmuh:r. fATAKlUf-lKtafne- Fast Railway Time Promised. are nearly completed for the running of the new express from Calais, which will enable travelers from England to reach Pekin in fourteen days. HEADS AND WISE WOMEN BROMO - SELTZER TAKE E Entry by Nomination in Navy. The writer of an article in Pages new Magazine on foird Selbornes scheme for the training of British naval officers makes some pointed remarks on the present methods of entry to the navy. He states that the proposed mode of entry by nomination is a relic of admiralty patronage, which the buard is unwilling to relinquish; but, whether the admirals like it or not. it must soon go the way of all such antiquated privileges. Open competition is sure to come wltLin the next few years. The result of this entry by nomination will be to keep the naval service as far as the officers arc concerned in the family circles or the admiralty ami their friends: ro ihi-.- parents without influence insid' eft at charmed circle will have no c:::mce of getting their boys Into th i avv, however desirable tne boys ilu may lie. or however ready the prnta may be to incur the c'ipinse of educating ti'cir boys for the service of their country. fu'ClCQ " II L I Lll . AM.. . J'.-- -- . i ix f f, ... ft.i t i . , i i . i- 1 in r,l Ly f-- |