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Show THE FALL OF ZION. THE WEEKLY SENTINEL .... MRS. W. N. SUNDRY, STOCKTON, Editor.. UTAH self-style- UTAH STATE NEWS. MINERS MUST VACATE Receivers Appointed for Property of John Alexander Dowle. Financial difficulties which began during the crusade of John Alexander Dowle, the Elijah III," and his restoration host to New York, month ago, and which have been rapidly Increasing since Dowle's return, culminated Tuesday In the federal court's taking possession of all the property controlled by Dowle In Zion City, Ills. This town, which was founded two years ago by Dowle, has a population of over 10,000, Is the general headquarters for Dowles church and is said to represent an expend! ture of $20,000,000. Fred M. Blount, cashier of the Chicago National hank, and Albert D. Currier, a law partner of Congressman Boutell, were appointed receivers of the property. The bankruptcy proceedings against Dowle were based on the allegation that he Is Insolvent and that while In this financial condition he committed an act of bankruptcy by making preferential payment on Nov. 4 to the E. Streeter Lumber company of $3,770. Dowle has been hard pressed by his creditors, and especially since It was announced that his recent mission to New York had proved unsuccessful financially. 8TRIKER8 NOT PERMITTED TO LIVE IN COMPANY HOUSES. d Those Who Have Their Homee on Company Lande Have Been Given Notice to Vacate by Dec. 31. STRIKERS ORGANIZER MAY WIN INDIAN BOYS ROASTED PftfCE ON CONDITION OF 8TRIKE. Believes Strike Can Be Settled In a Short Time In a Satisfactory Manner to Both Sides. William Price, the union representative at Scofield, stated that the strike would be declared off and the men return to work If the company would guarantee that no discriminations would be made against union men In employing miners. Mr. Price says: "I believe I can state authoritatively that the officers of the union will call the strike off If the company will give us a satisfactory guarantee that no discriminations will he made. Mr. Kramer declares that he is willing to concede to us eleven out of our twelve demands. We made him the proposition at Castle Gate that If he would recognize the union we would concede the other points. He refused. Now he makes us a proposition which we refused to accept A recognition of the union does not mean, as most people believe, that the mine will be unionized and that we will run things. We simply want recognition as a legal organization, JuBt as the Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and other organizations are recognized. Recognition means that we are merely permitted to maintain a union and are not discriminated against when men are needed. The Salvation Army fed over 300 of the poor of Salt Lake City on The first steps toward evicting the Thanksgiving day. striking miners were begun at Clear Two distinct shocks of earthquake Creek, Winter Quarters and Scofield were felt In Salt Lake City early on Monday morning. Families that have the morning of the 24th. their own homes on land owned by The merit system has been Installed the operators were formally served In the state reform school, making It with notice to vacate the property by possible for an Inmate to work out December 31. Others were given a bis own freedom. shorter shift There were some The people of Richfield are very and some tears, but there much Incensed over the action of the was no violence. During the entire railroad company Is discontinuing Its day at the three mining towns not a Sunday service south of Mantl. single case of attack on an officer was The Utah Sugar company on reported. Thanksgiving banqueted all its Lehl HORRIBLE DEATH OF GIRL. empyoles In recognition of the runs the hoys have been makWas Burned to Death In Full View of ing lately. a Church Congregation. Richfield The Jensen brothers of 140 tons season of Slroux, a German servant Augusta raised this sugar girl employed by a retired merchant beets off of nine acres of land. They realized the neat little sum of 3560 living In New York City, has been for their crop. burned to death within sight and almost within the reach of a Methodist The University of Utah football GORED TO DEATH BY BULL. church congregation attending serteam was beaten by the Agricultural Woman Meets Death vice. Windows barred with wire netcollege of Colorado eleven in Salt Wyoming Most Horrlbls Manner. Lake City on Thanksgiving ddy by a CANAL TREATY SIGNED. ting prevented rescue by the worshipcore of 16 to 5. Mrs. F. E. Harnlsh, a resident of the ers, who were thrown Into a panic by Members of the Junta 8lgn Historic Work has begun on the construction Snake river section, was gored to the horrifying sight Document The girla ctything had been Ignited of the telegraph line over the lake death by a bull Saturday evening, acIn a to the grand salon of the governA row of poles Is cording message received at Raw- while she was making a fire to prepare along the dinner for the family upon Its return ment palace, at Panama, the treaty bebeing driven parallel to the trestle 800 lins, Wyo. The family lived on feet from the track. tween the United States and the govleased ranch belonging to A. T. from church. ernment of Panama was signed by thd Mrs. a went cattleman. She rolled on the carpet and started Miss Eva Cook, champion woman Harnlsh members of the junta and by all tho a Into in a was corral which a bull blaze there. She ran to the alley, bowler of Utah, has vanquished the kept ministers of the republic. Senator Arconand animal had the been always where best women players of San Francisco she rolled on the grass, her range, president of the senate, was the sidered gentle, but he ran for the woduring her visit there and has made a man and knocked her down. The an- struggles lasted only a few moments, first to sign. A number of prominent wide reputation for herself. imal then broke her lek by trampling but means of rescue from the church persons were present, including Senor Bridl, president of the municipality of Nellie Pitt, aged 13, of Salt Lake upon her, toreer abdomen, tore one was cut off. and General Huertas, arm out of and fractured the armpit While runawas In the perple the church were Panama, City, seriously Injured In a of , the forces of the her skull. She lived only a few hours, down locked doors, the wo- republic. way, her collar bone being fractured The family has lived In the breaking The gold pen with which the treaty and her Jaw broken In two places. A south part of the county and are quite man sexton of the church Jumped from well known. It is supposed the bull a second-storheavy wagon passed over the girl. window and wrapped was signed was presented by the memof the junta to Consul General The Butte golf players were defeat became angered by tho wind blowing tire girl In a shawl. The flames were bers Gudger, with a letter expressing, the skirt. her ed by the Salt Lake golfers last week, extinguished hut the victim died soon pleasure the Junta felt In making the and the Utah team will retain the cup PILLSBURY A CHESS MARVEL. afterward. gift. for this season. The next contest be HOPE TO HELP THE IRISH. GIVEN TIME TO PRAY. tween the two teams is to be held In Recently Played, Blindfold, Twenty two Simultaneous Games. Butte In July. League Plans to Better Condition of Henry N. Pillsbury, the champion Louisiana Mob Advancing In the "Art At the general election of officers of chess Farmers In the Island. of Lynching. player of America, and the Three delegates from the Irish the Salt Lake, Los Angeles ft San JnJthe "biindfoMVjlaYexm,.reftfc. orawd TurK-a- C cenroaa.vnManasr-weCT- r at vne ord, recently society eclipsed all previous 1,200 persons, composed of whites and the invitation of the recently formed general offices of the company In Los reeords by playing "blindfolded'' Phil Davis, Walter Carter and Irish Industrial League of America to negroes, o twenty-twreW. Senator A. Clark was games simultaneously, Angeles, elected president during which time he did not see any Clint Thomas, all negroes, were lynched within a short distance of The news comes from the Uncom of the boards. In every Instance the moves of his Belcher, La. The men were executed paghre reservation the Indians are di- opponents were repeated to him and for participating in the fatal shooting vided In sentiment over the opening of Robert Adger, a popular business of the reservation, some being In man. The negroes confessed their favor of the proposition, while others crime. They stated that they were .violently oppose It new guns and when Adger aptrying Burt Manheart of Salt Lake City, peared on the street that It was quite 19 years of age, was stabbed in the to turn the guns on him. No natural Abdomen by a highwayman one evenshots were fired at the lynching, the ing last week while on his way home, negroes all being hanged to a single and relieved of $10. Manheart's Inlimb of a tree. The negroes were juries are not serious. an opportunity to pray before given ' Vice President Kramer of the Utah being hanged. Fuel company declared In an Inter view Sunday night that so far as the War on Wyoming Range. company was concerned the union C. D. M Inter, a cattleman, has been matter was settled by his refusal to arrested at Newcastle, Wyo., charged meet its representatives. with attempting to kill Tom Goze and The annual report of the surveyor three other men near Upton, where general of Utah shows that during the flock masters and cattlemen engaged discuss ways and means of stopping year there has been deposited for tho In a battle Saturday with rifles and the immigration of the Irish by maIt to live In survey of mining claims the sum of pistols over a division of the range. king ownpossible for them their country. $15,290, and official orders were Issued Goze was slightly wounded and three Rev. Father T. A. Finlay, for the survey of 605 mining claims. herders received bullets through their of the Irish Agricultural society; hs directed those of own his men, After falling five stories and alighthis memory for the clothing, but escaped Injury. Mlnter Rev. J. Donovan of the presbytery of upon solely ing on a pile of brick and timbers, positions of the pieces. says ho Is the victim of a conspiracy Loughrea and R. A. Anderson, secreJohn Egan, a laborer, employed on This wss the young champions to secure his range. He admits fight- tary of the association, are the men who have crossed the eea to ask a the new Atlas block In Salt Lake City, third match of the kind In a week ing with Goze and party, hut says they helping hand from the sister union In escaped with a broken leg, some and the second In less than twenty-fou- r opened fire first the United States to cope with the hours. bruises about the body and a scalp wound. task ahead of them. Cigars played an Important part in Killed Man For Five Cents. Plllsburys performance. Puffing A sentry who was on duty at Because he was short five cents In Tramps Hold Up Train. away with a nervous eagerness that was overcome Sunday night in a few minutes reduced the weed to settling for his breakfast, Marcus A gang of about fifteen tramps at by the fumes from the coke ovens and an Inch butt he would draw a fresh Sheehan, a guard on the Chicago eleto take possession of a Southhe was removed to the hospital and one from his pocket, light it at the vated road, was shot and killed by tempted ern Pacific freight train near Ontario, Is gradually recovering. No serious old one, and go on smoking and an- James Berganus, of a Canal Cal. The trainmen drove them off, will The nouncing moves. In this way he con- street restaurant. proprietor result consequences Sheehan said he after a fight In which revolvers were trooper was a member of company E. sumed at least a score of cigars be- would pay the nickel later. Berganus, fired on both 'sides. The train came It Is said that C. L. Maxwell, the fore the end of the contest. with the declaration, "You'll pay now to This of the ancient expert where officers Colton, gams bank hurriedly robber, recently parEpringvllle or never leave this house, drew a rehoarded a special train for Ontario. doned from the state penitentiary, 4as won the championship of his own secured financial backing and will country not long ago, and that of ths volver and without a word of warning They searched the country and roundsoon go into the San Rafael river dis- world Is now his goal, which he is In shot Sheehan in the head, killing him ed up nine tramps, arrested them and trict and relocate sojj valuable ozok- fair way to achieve, as a match Is Instantly. Throwing Sheehans body sent them to the rock pile. The officers could not connect them with the erite mines which he discovered sev- now being arranged with Dr. Lasker, on the sidewalk. Berganus locked up hold-up- . the present worlds champion. eral years ago. the place and fled. Mrs. Hilaries Turpin of Mi.bnrn on of Life Ito. Chinamen Are Treating Attempt Marquis Russians Committed Sixteen Murders. fainted and fell to tho floor while carA Japanese medical student was arRoughly. exrying a lighted lamp, the lamp Ed Kruger, In Jail at" Greensburg, rested at Yokohama on suspicion of Eight regiments of infantry and a ploding and her clothing Immediately has confessed to the murder of Ta., of artillery are reported, accatching fire. Dcsphc the assllanr an attempt to assassinate the Mar- brigade Policemen Pennell and Devine, In Chiof some chlMren who wore present. quia Ito. He carried a digger to a dispatch from St. Peterscording Turpin was so badly burned that coaled under his kimono when arrest- cago. Kruger lias also confessed to burg to the Cologne Garotte, to he she died the next morning. ed at llio marquis villa at Mlzo. It Is the murder of sixteen other persons in about to leave Russia for the Liang this attempt on the states- Tung peninsula. The dlRpatch adds James E. Sliaw, who Is the receiv- believed and Kentucky the cast The prisoner that mans life was the outcome of recent the Chinese la Manchuria are was BrookMonroe. for Austin. on arrested agent ing the charge of bur- displaying the utmost suggestions In the sensational newstosugar 1ut districts, papers of Japan that a ministerial as- glary originally and has been sen- ward the Russians. lyn and In the They spit districts shipped to says tenced to bo sassination would be' a patriotic achanged in January. In faces of tlie Russian officers and sol249 cars of sugar beets, or nearly tion, to produce a more war- his confession Kruger states that he diers, bar the roads to troops and tending ban been like 7,001 tons. About $S.O-'came to Chicago in order to escape the throw policy on the part of tho explosives at the feet of their received and distributed among the consequences of crimes committed In horses. farmers. the east mag-nlfice- cut-of- mur-murln- f. Cor-let- t, y Jiu -- nre-m'Nc- vice-preside- re-lyl- Sun-nysld- e DRUNKEN LADS DEATH IN BURNED TO JAIL Youths Were Imprisoned and Set Fire to tho Building With the Intention of Regaining Their Freedom. Bonanza, a small town twenty-fiv- e miles east of Klamath Falls, Ore., wss the scene of a tragedy Sunday. Two Indian boys aged 13 years were arrested Saturday night for drunkenness and plaoed in the jaiL Unguarded, the youths managed to set fire to the. building with the evident Intention of thus gaining their freedom. The flames spread so rapidly that all avenues of escape was cut off and they were burned to death. News of the tragedy spread rapidly among the Indians In the surrounding country and soon a large number of the redskins found their way into tho settlement and, trouble being feared, the town council ordered all places of business closed. Unless the persons who supplied the youths with liquor are found and punished, trouble may result The boys were from the Yal nax Indian school. ANOTHER MURDER MYSTERY. Man Found in Box Car at Green River,. Wyo, With Hie Head Crushed. Another mysterious murder has been committed, the purpose evidently being robbery. A well dressed medium sized man about 24 years old was discovered In an empty box ear at Green River, Wyo, Sunday morning with a deep gash in the forehead, caused by a blow from a piece of scantling, and there were no marks Indicating that a struggle took place in the car, but the man must have been thrown in after being murdered. He was in his stocking feet his shoes having been carried away, and there were bloody linger marks on his shirt and Inside vest lining. Indicating that his Inner vest pocket was rifled. east-boun- d THOUSANDS ARE DROWNED. Typhoon Off Swa Tow, China, Causes Terrible Loss of Life. Advices have been received at Victoria, B. C, from South China by the Atkmin of tb lues of lives as a result of the destruction of several hundred fishing junks In a typhoon off Swa Tow. The havoc was awful when the gale swept down on the Chinese vessels; masts were broken, rudders carried away. Balls ripped and general destruction rife. For days numbers of disabled Junks drifted helplessly altouL their occupants suffering greatly from extreme thirst and hunger. The Hongkong government tender Stanley rescued S number, picked up eight Junks and took 122 men off vessels that were abandoned. There were 400 junks fishing off Swa Tow when the typhoon came on November 8th. At least 300 of these were disabled or sunk and thousands of lives were lost Assaulted Aged Officer. While Chief of Police Kllboum was searching James Welch, whom he had arrested at Baker City, Ore, the prisoner turned upon him and before assistance could arrive inflicted Injuries from which the aged chief may die. The chief suffered the fracture of three ribs and before being overpowered Welch kicked all of teeth out. Feeling runs very high and should Kilbourn succumb to his Injuries the police may have some difficulty in restraining the people, as already there Is talk of lynching the Kil-bour- ns man. COUNTESS AIDS PEACANTRY. con-Mr- s. Ei-jur- ve tbr-y- e Lady Mayo is working hard In the interests of the erlsh peasantry. Her husband, the earl and privy counselor, U also interested In the work. |